How robiti wrote on the photo online. How to write on the photograph or on the picture

So how do we live in the hour of rozkvitu social measures, Often we have to stick with food - Yak zrobiti wrote on the photo. And it’s not surprising, even today, millions of koristuvachivs post dozens of photographs with all the trade unions and on their side.

This article will look at the most popular ways to create writing on a photo.

Robimo wrote on the photo in Paint.

The Danish way of writing on the photo is the widest and most simple, since the program "Paint" is already installed on all computers / laptops operating system Windows, that's out there with a package of standard programs.

It's easy to master and allows coristuvachas to create "standard" pictures with images.

1. To create on your photo, be it written, you need to open the program first. Finding it is even simpler: go to the "Start" menu, click on "Use programs", then open the "Standard" folder. You will know the “palette with penzlik” icon and instruct you to write paint. Press on her.

2. Before you see the end of the program. You can drag in a new image, or open it through the editor itself. For this, press on the blue rectangle, spread the zest in the upper fold of the vein, and select the “Vdkriti” parameter.

If so, you are left with less to choose an image.

3. After that, as you have posted a photo, and made other changes, for example, you can proceed to the writing. For whom, press on the letter “A” and choose the color you need.

4. Having pressed the mouse button to the right, you see that part of the image, on which you want to write. Select font and yoga rozmіr. Then click on the inscription “Prozory” (this parameter is to allow you to create an inscription on the photo itself, without twisting it).

You don’t have to go out the first time, otherwise you just don’t like the font, you can easily see the writing (leaving it in the writing mode) or change it.

5. Save edited images.

Write on the photo in FastStone Image Viewer.

This way of conveying difficult things, especially if you are a novice. However given program The flooring is “richly functional” and simple with an interface that, having sorted it out, you will win only її.

1. To start, download the program (from the official website of the product) and install it on your device.

2. Open. Select the "File" tab, and in the "File" parameter, enter the image you need.

3. Now, if your photo is displayed in the program, click on the "Edit" tab and select the "Painting" parameter.

4. You have a great view. For someone else, you need to press on the letter "A". If you please, the parameters appeared at the bottom of the side. Uncheck the box for the "Background" parameter.

5. See the area on the image, on which the writing will be created. At the top you will see an additional menu that allows you to choose the font, change your size and color.

Set the parameters you need and proceed before writing.

6. Without leaving the regime, you can set the “clearness” of your text, with a lace-up bandage, a ruffled order with the inscription “Clearness”. In addition, you can move your writing on the photo and change the “rozmіr”.

7. After seeing all the "procedures" do not forget to save your image. For this, click on the “OK” button, and then, in the main window of the program, click on the blue icon.

Now you know how robiti wrote on the photo.

Zupinisya memorize, you need to fix me in memory!

Good day, my dear readers!

Sometimes you need to put a note on a picture or a photograph. For whom you have a lot of programs - graphic editors, which will help you in your nutrition. For example, the standard graphic program Paint. Tsya program for zamovchuvannyam є on all computers koristuvachiv. View the image in my program and write timidly.

Ale, buvaє so, what do you want to write on the photograph, but you don’t want to get into graphic programs, So there is no time. For example, Photoshop is a foldable program, while people get better at it, take an hour. And I wrote the need for quickness, and a smut at once. І with whom you are a novice. What is work?

At the same time, the power supply with the availability of the available Internet is easily and quickly violated. There are plenty of free online editors, so it's easy to set a task. With this, your dії will be minimal, and the robot on the service will be intuitively intelligent.

For example, take the axis of the whole service:

The advantage of this service is that it can speed up the speed of the Internet, which has not really mastered the computer yet, that is a beginner. The clues are written in a skrіz, so there is nothing coherent. In my opinion, it’s already a good service. I'm glad that this service is available for koristuvachs who go online mobile phones, Smartphones and tablets.

If you are a blogger and need to work quickly, write on the image, then this is the way to save the hour. Adzhe є speeches are richly important, like varto control, for example, analyze the camp.

We spend on the service, on which you can carry out a lot of operations online, as we need. In this case, we need to put the text on the picture or the photograph, and we will go to that point.

Take it to the side, where you have two options: get it from your computer or put a message on the image of any site.

The image can be entangled and you can carry out manipulations with it. If you are interested in the image, you can apply it, be it written, as we need it. For help, there is a simple and handy interface.

For example, we capture the axis of the image. Little use of aliens in the Russian Anti-Science Laboratory

Slid to dorimuvatisya everything else Pokrokov instructions, Schob otrimati swidky result.

It is necessary to write the text you need. You can choose the required font. The eyes are added in font. You can choose any color I will write, the panel is right-handed.

It is also possible to ask for the necessary nahil and rozmіr write. For the help of arrows, you can expand the text where necessary. You can earn a shadow for an addendum.

The axis of what happened as a result of not cunning manipulations:

From i all. Really, it's not so complicated write on the photograph or on the picture.

Did you get the information? Support the Internet Cabbage, press:

Sometimes you need to sign the photograph. Often quarrel, to steal the image from the copy in the merezh. Yak robiti wrote on the photo - food s to ask for forgiveness. It is proponable to speed up the trioma in easy ways. There are three programs on your computer. At least - Paint. I wrote a prozor opuklu try it in Photoshop. The second option is the ending of the task, as you will be the winner of Picasa.

first way

paint- the simplest program, Yaka does not require the installation of such and whether any additional modules. This software is included in the standard system dial. Let's get to work. Launch the program. In the "file" menu, select the row "open". At the vіknі, tell the way to the image, on which one is chosen to write. After the photo is placed on the working table of the program, select the color of letters in the "palette" menu. It appears not only in top panel programs, ale i to the bottom. Stepping on the crock, you need to clean up the “opaque background” in the “little ones” menu. In the toolbar, the icon with the letter "A" indicates the robot with the text. Having pressed tsiu letter, you can choose yoga nahil and comrade lines without practice. After having written the drawings, the prepared file must be saved for future reference.

another way

pushing Adobe Photoshop you can speed up, as by setting її on hard drive computer, so is the online version. Such a simple operation, as you wrote on the photo, can be folded by selecting the function of the raised text. Vіn looking richly cіkavіshe of the great classical font. The first steps of the work with the program are identical to the first steps of the forward method. You need to open the image file in Adobe Photoshop and put the text on the photo, in front of it in the left part of the window, divided the menu under the icon with the letter “T”. The font and size can be remembered at once, and the color axis in this case is not principled for us, because we wrote in Photoshop and made it clear and full. For whom to see in the menu "Ball", then "squeeze". One way: the mode of the text is guilty of pratsyuvati, until you finish the work of writing. And so far. In the "Embossing" menu, enter the necessary customizations for you. It was only left to put transparency into the text. For which, in the leftmost menu, select the fill icon and set the second parameter to "zero". All. The file can be saved.

third way

The option, as written on the photo in the Picasa program, will help you in that case, as there is no need to bother with folding, reasonable, smart and richly functional Photoshop. Software like Google on robots with images is expanded without cost. Picasa is easy to understand, understood by me on an intuitive level. Repeat the first steps of the previous two methods: open the file and apply the text to the new one. Use the “ABC” icon in the menu for help for help. By clicking on it, you will turn on the mode of applying the text. Save the photo with the writing.

Yak bachite, write on the photo in Photoshop, paint or in Picasso it’s easy to do it. Ale, do not marvel at the ease of application, but one of the tricks, how to secure your image against evil on the Internet. After applying the logo, slogan or site name, you can boldly place a photo on your web resource.

Do you want to caption your photo beautifully, but don't know how? I will call two simple ways yak zrobiti wrote on the photo:

1. Write to Paint.

2. Write to Photoshop.

Zrobiti wrote on the photo in Paint .

krok №1. We know the need for an image and up toLika in a new way right button mice. We choose the graph - Vіdkriti for help Paint . I choose the required color I will write in retail "Palette" (fig.1) .

krok №2. At the top menu " little ones", Remove the check mark" opaque background. Choose the tool " wrote»(Fig.2).

krok №3. We choose the area, de wi want to write. The table will appear in fonts, rozmіrom. I didn't show up, let's go and check the box view» à « paneltext attributes ». We select the required parameters for our writing and robably click the left button of the bear in the picture area (Fig. 3).

krok №3. After writing on the photo, it’s pressing “ file » -> « Save the yak", AT choose the format in which we want to save our image, write it to the file and choose the place where to save it. (Fig.4).

Video. How did you write on the photo? Paint program.

Zrobiti wrote on the photo in Photoshop.

krok №1. Before the cob it is necessary to install photoshop . Let's work on a visionary bulging text. Click on the image with the right mouse button, select " vodkriti with help» -> « photoshop »(If you don’t have a VIN, you won’t be on the yoga list). Choose the tool " text»Abo«HorizontaltypeTool"(what do you haveinserted English version). We type the text, select the size, color and the desired font (Fig. 1).

krok №2. From the menu select " shari» -> « embossing". at therefore, we are guilty of standing on the ball, with which we need to work. On the right, in the lower fold, there are lights, in blue color (Fig. 2).

krok №3. After pressing “Embossing”, you will see the result of the next, pressing “So” and taking our image (« file» -> « Save the yak"") Or you canexperiment with the options and settings. Give a robably clear text (right-handed two values ​​of 100% each, take a different value and adjust the transparency). After all, do not forget to save your image.

Video. How did you write on the photo? Photoshop program.

Adding writing to the image is one of the clumsy operations, as you can graphic editor. Depending on what result you need to take into account, you can put the text on the image itself, on a wide monochromatic frame, folded next to the picture, or on the dialogue mіkhur for a moment of quiet, like a twist in comics to insert a character, like a replica.

you need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - image.


To create a text in the dialog box, use the Custom Shape Tool. In the Adjust panel, click on the Fill Pixels mode icon. Open the Shape list and select Talk or Thought.

Having pressed on the color square in the palette of instruments, choose the color, as if you would fill in the dialogic mikhur. The Layer option from the New group of the Layer menu create a new ball and paint on the new shape of the shape. To do this, pull the cursor down and to the right while pressing the left button of the mouse.

Use the Character option from the Window menu to open the font palette and select the font, christening, size, and color. If necessary, you can change these parameters. Click on text field and rob wrote. If the text does not fit inside the frame, change the font size, adjust it in the Adjust panel under the main menu or in the Character palette.