Where is it better to spin the group? How to advertise a group on VK: from costless to paid. unsafe way, how to promote public VK without cost


How to promote a group in VK independently and without cost - 8 main ways

If you read the rows, it means that you need to promote the VKontakte group, and in this article there is a mention of those: how to promote the VKontakte group, we can analyze all the most popular zvichano more beautifully do not koristuvatisya).

Bezkoshtovna promotion of the VKONTAKTI group

The VKontakte group can be insanely promoted using cost-free methods, but in most cases the loan is more than an hour (albeit cost-free), in order to promote the group without cost, it is necessary to report chimalo zusil, and not all methods of promotion are safe.

And now, in order:

Competition in the middle of the VKontakte group

Another one of cost-free methods rozkruchuvannya spіlnoti VK, ¾ holding competitions.

Dear yoga, mentally bezkoshtovnym, oskіlki we happen to win the prize for the competition, if you want to take the chance from among friends, ahead of yoga, so that no one can win the prize. You can simply scam the people with a zagal, not giving anyone a prize and collecting prepayers.

Here everything seems to be in such a way. For example, your VK group sells any product, let it be style telephones. Make a post, in the description of which there is a description of those who overcome the competition new iphone. The helper is most often selected vipadkovo by the generator. Use different minds to participate in the competition, most often repost the record and be the payer of the group.

Obviously, someone who wants to take a fresh iPhone for free, send reposts and subscribe to the group. In this rank, our group is growing for the rahunok of this, and the reposts are being promoted in a viral way, what is known further behind the text, more people will be able to sing the fist, and repost it further.

It is absolutely necessary to understand that in order to more or less successfully hold repost contests, it is necessary that our VK group has a small amount of pre-payers (for this, there was more viral cooling)

Passing behind the rahunok of the viral cooling

You can promote the group for the help of viral cooling. Tsey view rozkruchuvannya VK group to appear for us tezh bezkoshtovnym.

Viralne ohohlennya - look at the records of our sleep, people, like they do not interrupt our sleep.

Viralne okhoplennya can be taken away for the rahunok of rіpostіv. For example, you can create the same contest, about which we were talking more, the pre-payers of our group work to repost, the friends of our pre-payers bachachi their repost on their news page, you can post a post, come to our group and, maybe, you can subscribe.

It dawned on me that I didn’t see the group for the fairs of the post-contests. In order for our posts to be taken away in a viral way, we need to drink... brown content, which our prepayers would like to repost.

In such a way, as your group in contact already has a few thousand pre-payers, then you can put the group behind the rahunok of the viral cooling, your group step by step become more and more, but the content is like you post, you are guilty record.

Hello everyone, I will describe the correct one Swedish way How to promote a VKontakte profile from scratch. Razpovidat about low-efficiency, dovgі and bezkoshtovnі ways to promote the promotion of promotional publics - I don’t care about sensation.

We focus on a single method, which is how the millionaires grow.
There are a lot of underwater stones and thin ones, stock up on popcorn.


What kind of method of public promotion is this?

Without a budget for promotion in contact, there will be no success, as you choose to earn money on a promotional public. Tse dot.

Publics grew on their own in 2011-12, if only a few appeared, now it’s necessary to zatsikavlyuvati and utrimuvat. Pratsyuvati over the content, zaluchennyam that ... advertising.

We choose a market platform for the fact that it is a smart way to promote the popularity of VK.

I'll give you an analogy. A person wants to beat the flowers, but after reading here that it is possible to grow without an insert at the hammer, only with the strength of the hands. You come up to something new and say: “Buy a hammer, are you suffering now?” It is acceptable that hammering flowers without a hammer is real. Ale navіscho robiti, if є hammers? Now all the suffering, spend an hour, if it’s enough to hit once, take the result, and spend the hour more where?

The very same story with the promotion of promotional publics and the spielnot of VK.

All we need is to go into the topic once for a penny.
However, make sure everything is correct. This hammer is more expensive, lower, more importantly, read further carefully, and you will understand how to spin the spinning of VK cheaper, lower the twist more.

How many pennies are needed for the promotion of social media on Vkontakte?

I will bring up the actual figures for the cost of the prepayment in various topics, including the items in the roses.

All the results that go beyond the scope - may be analyzed and improved.
And good news, you will have all the tools for that, but practice on the right.

Butt: I want a public for 100k souls in everyday life. I know: for 100,000 people I need close to 250,000 - 300,000 rubles in the net budget.

Important supplement

A public for 200,000 people is added to a public for 1,000,000 more than the amount of money invested and the income from the new.
Maidanchiki can be grown on the parts of money turned into them, taken away by income from that public.
Be realistic about the situation. A live public for 200,000 souls carries pennies on a daily basis, the number is less, lower by 500,000
From the front point, you can see that the great Maidanchik will grow up active on the resources of the government.
Think about your investment ahead of time. For 20, 30, 40 thousand rubles - rather, go to Turechchini for a day.

Get ready to launch a rocket on VKontakte to the zloty

2-3 days of preparation for the orbit.

We choose a niche

Naigirshі for the start - do not think of a specific audience. Tі, de audience, however, is a woman of that cholovіcha. It's easier to monetize. If you want to earn money, unique such topics, stink folded.
In choosing a niche, we can help you with an analytical site - allsocial.ru

We filter publics for the growth for the whole month and, intermittently, grow to a million, you can work on trends, promising directions, fresh, and swell up to 200,000 and more.

I will give you two ways to choose a niche

Catch the trend

Shukaєmo nezvychayny nishi, in yakі pumping pennies, robimo the same (for example, "yazhematery" was a trend of fate before)

Minus: the trend will end, the audience is cold, the risk is on long-term lines.

Choose a topic

From the list, the right-handed person chooses the topic to the soul, and then we specify the choice of topics further. For example, the main category is "Sport", it includes public MMA fans, and "Phytonies".

Choose a niche more precisely, so that you can be seen on a number of other niches and win over your audience.

Dead themes, developing them smoothly and not necessary

- "quotes"
- "Garni pictures"
- "positive".

Unsafe niches

- shock content
- immoral of all stripes
- porn, sex, erotica

We create and formalize spivtovaristvo

How to create - information for the steel. You can’t do it yourself, all the material is up to no good.

To important speeches

If you are planning to sell the property in the future, create it with a fake account. Seller at once іz "vlasnik".
You can buy the group yourself black exchange, so that you are ready to invest. This option is only for the sensible, protective and cunning, they will become worse, do not swear at once, you will be thrown at 90% of the vipadkiv.

For clearance

Replace the avatar and cover with the designer, if you don’t have a flair for the FS, it’s the public face that is the first, so that the person can be swindled, drinking VK from the rotation.
Vikoristovyte widgets issued from the "Additional" distribution - the stink of respect.

Reminiscent of public content

A dozen of the most unique posts until the moment of launching the drafting of the profile.
What to post and yak, I’m not a cheerleader, we’re talking about those, how to untwist svіvtovaristvo VK, ale ...

Content VPLIVAYE on varіst prepayer. Bigger content - fewer people subscribe from ads.

At any time, do not forget to work on publications. Now your work won't bring a penny. Just to state that you would be so confused with the content on an empty group, without taking away a penny of natomist? 99% is quiet, who is fooling around for cost-free ways to promote publicity, reach for the day.

A wild schedule of activity will give a rozuminnya in the same year, you can change the pace.

Due to the uniqueness of the content in the partnership - Nemesis do not sleep

Vkontakte recently vykotiv algorithm punish for non-unique content - Nemesis.

The essence of this

Algorithm itself, otherwise, for scary, it will reveal the stolen content from the public and the fault of the perederzhennya to the destroyer. If there are a number of such damages, there will be sanctions:

Vidluchennya in the form of monetization
impossibility to publish

We are on the basis of what I earn, so fight for the uniqueness of your content.

Recipe for swedish rozkruchuvannya spіlnoti (public) Vkontakte up to 100 000

In addition, as pracyuvatimete here, everything is stale.

At the moment you have:
Selected niche
Spivtovaristvo is issued
Interested in first posts
The budget for the development of Maidanchik was seen

There is a legend that it’s even more reluctant to join small communities, and it’s necessary to collect 1000 pre-payers in some ways (what?) Before the normal promotion of VK.
Tse truth is more often than not. Dozens of friends call varto, so that it didn’t seem to be empty, prote the first exits of the advertisement quickly fill the first asset, which is rejected.

The result, if you donate a thousand rubles, is not a big problem, if you raise a hundred thousand rubles.
The main enemy of the Vkontakte media buyer is language.

The main friend of the promotion of spіlnot Vkontakte – Adspoiler

Normal buyers take all the information to pass through the service.
Vіn koshtuє pennies, more than that, we need a premium rate that doesn't see anything.

What is the price on the Adspoiler premium rate

Algorithm of work in Adspoiler

Detailed instructions to lie in a special room
Take it, squirm, korisno.

Basic activities:
- Chip up to a dozen of the best public competitors, marvel at the rest of the month of their advertising releases and the results of the new one.
- We know the Maidans, where the price of the pre-payer is cheap from indirect competitors
- Marvel at how creative you are to enter right at once in the audience
— based on the data, you plan your holidays
- Analyze how it went for you

Appreciate the quality of the overgrown payer from my purchaser. Tse merit Adspoiler.

Do you know how purchases were made before? The iksel table with a planning meeting for the exit of the skin post and for the time being changed was fixed as an addendum for the subbags of the skin advertising exit.
That went away, I don’t know how we survived.

Nini for 1500 rubles for a month you can take away the flooring and the valuable information that I will call you. You either do it right, koristuyuchis Adspoiler, or piss off the budget and sit in a dead sleep.

Do you take creative recordings?

Either work independently, or you are corrupted by the services of designers. You can buy a troch of advertising content from less intelligent competitors, but I don’t recommend getting a lot of work done.

We protect creations of creativity, steal them

Put undermarks on all graphics, gifs and videos, or for a few days, you will find competitors for your successful creative. You can also sit at the Adspoiler and play everything. But other times your budget is different, yours is lower.

Once I made a pardon, spread ads for a month, after a week all my top creatives were burned by competitors, as if they were simply taken for granted. The audience, loudly, loudly called up to them and dropped down.
For more creative fiery zaishes with shorter showings, more angry at a new budget.

We buy advertising on the market platform

Global rules

Do not blame the wheel for the creation of advertising records. Victory those who work with competitors at the same time. You can booty, whatever!
Victory Adspoiler for analysis. Without a new blind mow.
the relevance of these data falls with the skin day, the day has passed, don’t go in at once, add creatives

Purchase rules

Choose publics of 5,000 coins for a record of 50,000 coins
The more you buy with 5,000 dollars for the minimum quantity - the better.
Keep track of performance indicators, do not be surprised at the number of prepayers
The market platform collects the most effective maidans for the budget, but it’s not necessary, virtual Adspoiler
The choice of dates will be wider, the popular advertisers of the public will be selected for the day ahead.
Make a first purchase for 10% of the budget, analyze the result
If you know an effective creative - buy it for free.

We launch official monetization

Hello everyone, friends! In this article, I want to tell you about the creation and promotion of the Vkontakte group.

Prosuvannya grupi - tse dosit great topic. In order to re-explore її, I will be able to stretch the material into three okremі statti:

  • In the first, as you read at a time, there will be basic principles for the sake of it, I will tell you that these articles will be one great introduction.
  • For another, specific method, apply twisting.
  • At the third, I will override the programs and services that make it easier for the robot or automate it.

So I announced the plan. Now let's get down to the article itself.

Pushing the group at Vkontakte independently and pokrokovo

As I have already declared, I will give you the basics. Let's talk about those for whom we should start new ones, for whom there are no more created groups.

Otzhe, what is necessary to grow:

  1. Create sleep. Choose the type according to your goals;
  2. Name the group. The name itself is guilty of vodobrazati that bazhano vengeance keywords if you want, you can come up with something cool and then work on the brand;
  3. Add a description - a text that tells about the spelling and revenge of the key words, it may contain 500 symbols;
  4. Put a picture on the avatar that entices or intrigues, as it is the fault of your group's theme;
  5. If someone enters the “Keruvannya with sleep” and choose the need for lashing.

You, perhaps, remembered what was in the name, and in the description, having pleased the key words to be used. And all that SEO promotion group "Vkontakte" will help your ability to break through to the TOP of poke systems. As it turns out, you will take more richly than the payers, reporting with less richly zusil.

Well designed, then here are some recommendations:

  • Find out exactly how the image is on your own, or put it on one of the distributions especially for you. Koshtuvatime is not so expensive, but I will add to the group in the line. Don't you remember that people used to call out "for good reason"?
  • You can also create a manual menu for short navigation. Tse will be necessary for great groups. Group store, I can finish a great assortment. Wait a minute, buttons like: information about products, about the store, about delivery, about the return, in any case, they will be more convenient for coristuvachas.
  • Do not forget to add to the list of contacts people, so that you are ready to send a support letter to your contacts. A proper response to the participant’s supply is all the more important.

And now I will tell you some simple principles of successful promotion of information on Vkontakte. Vіn so himself, like on YouTube, about putting on what I wrote at.

If you want a great, consistent audience, then give people some kind of content:

  • Really relevant material for the audience;
  • In a right way, there are notes;
  • Chadni mimchiki too thin.

If the group will have a lot of good posts, then there will be a lot of reposts. And the more reposts, the more pre-payers, it's so simple.

Ale nutrition: Where can you take such material, so that you become like people, and the stench robs more reposts? There are two options here:

  • The first - tse buti fakhіvtsem, schіlno pracsyuvati at his temі i nobility, scho to love the audience;
  • The other is the purchase of material on special exchanges, about which we will talk in the upcoming articles;

Know that bringing people to sleep is not as important as taking them there. Therefore, the same content is the very same, which is even more necessary and those that are most valued today. And, obviously, and other ways, for example, competitions at VK for the promotion of a group of publics.

However, there are problems here. For example, on the back of the head, you need to figure out what to play, so that people want to take it off. We will need to bring prizes, but we will also require financial injections. Plus, you need to pay for the redemption of prizes from monies and other money.

Before the speech, You don’t hold competitions for money, for that one simply can’t get the money (which is obviously not the name of a millionaire). And if you don’t keep up the interest of the audience, you’ll get out. The variant of deceit cannot be passed on, so that you can easily be victorious.

About mozhlivі competitions, yakі positively inject into the dynamics of the growth of knowledge, the report can be found out from the article: [nezabara bude].

Ways to show a group on Vkontakte - the simplest way

At once you know about those that you can and need to grow literally immediately after the creation of a public group:

  • It is necessary to tell friends about spivtovaristvo. Zrobiti tse can be for help special buttons, but for additional special assistance. Just don’t write us alone about the same text, otherwise you will be banned. Be creative.
  • Also, add the address of the group to special party maybe, navit u status.
  • If you have a website, a blog, or another resource, put a message there for help, so that the skin can be saved instantly and marvel.

Yak bachite , vedennya group at "Vkontaktі" - on the right is simple and watery vozhka. If you didn’t understand that I’m on the verge, then I’ll explain.

  • Simple - means that everything that needs work is clear and understandable, there are no secret secrets from my right hand.
  • And important means that it is necessary to spend a lot of time and strength. For example, regularly release fresh posts, which are the most heady, fast.

However, it is also important to note those who are engaged in successful promotion of groups in contact without cost - it is more possible, for the obviousness of the task, the hour, self-discipline and, in the meantime, the work of the material. If you have everything, then pushing the group into VK with your own hands will be a feasible practice for you, so that you can pay off later.

Another stage of pushing

Let's be honest, at such a pace in the shortest time we can recruit 1-2 thousand people for a few years. Aja, friends alone and those who know them will not be enough.


How to promote a VKontakte group?

I'll tell you - it's easy Swedish instructions don't know. It’s just a little more planned work. Abo solicit from professionals, as if it's pennies. The result is not guaranteed in any way.

With this material you know how independently from scratch that without any contributions to promote the group, do not allow typical pardons and at the end of the day, take the public out of the real and active audience.

About everything in order. Let's do it on the cob, tobto. from the fold.

Idea and audience

First, change your mind, that the idea of ​​​​your project is enough cicavaі unique. Shvidka is more likely to grow up in a different way. It’s completely understandable that a group with an identical concept has already been known for a long time, and you should either expand (you can sound or expand) your idea or add it like a rodzinka, which is not available from competitors. So, below, your product can be reviewed. For whom it is important to clearly identify your audience. Who are these people? What to squeal? What problems do they have? What to bring him satisfaction?


There are two options: positioning by brand or positioning for merit. First of all, for example, "M video", and the other, in this vipadka, tse "shops of post-button equipment and electronics". The first option is good for that one, because you already have a brand name, or remember the name, for example, "Lifehack", "Fuck normality" or you can come up with yoga. Such names are more suitable for a mature character that can be used for advertising sales.

If you are selling any goods for service, then in the same way you are in the same position as a service. For example, "Repair Samsung phones near Moscow" or "Inexpensive installation of interroom doors". VKontakte is well indexed by poke systems, and with the right naming, you can invest in a good increase in traffic for poke. In order to name the group as efficient as possible, use the Yandex tool wordstat. With yoga help you find the most popular search requests from your topic.


After that, as you have sufficiently chosen the main idea, you can proceed to the next stage of the promotion of the group - the creation of content. Content can be unique, relevant and the most viral. Tse means what to do repost. If the coristuvachas deserve a fist, the stench will be shared on their side, and the wines will become visible not only to your overpayers, but also to your friends, friends of friends, etc. The public begins to recruit forward payers. As long as your content is not reposted, change the topic, or directly, it is not necessary to continue publishing inappropriate content. Remember content is the main tool for promoting groups .

Planning and posting publications

Updates can be taken regularly, but overdoing it is not varto. I recommend 1-3 posts a day. Stack with urakhuvannyam dobi, tk. pik perebuvannya koristuvachіv at the merezhі sit in the evening.

Structure the content (tags, categories). If you want your tag not to overlap with the tags of other publics, use this template:


Guess for your posts. The text can be similar to real beasts, yakbees were moving people for profit. Vykoristovyte emoticons, ale pomіrno. Carry out the experiment, take the return call.

Try to get good manners, don't get married for likes. Indicate the message on the author of that dzherela, so it is.

Contests and promotions

If you are trying to sell the goods, then for the promotion you can use such a popular method as a competition. Play it privately for your target audience. Minds of participation є:
1. Share in a public group
2. Repost the post with information about the draw

Like a prize, you can be the same as those who you see and push. As a result, you will remove the pre-payers and advertising.

Dynamic lining

One of the remaining trends is dynamic headers for VKontakte groups. With their help, you can enter in the header such information as the most active commentators, national days of koristuvachiv, etc. You can create such a thing, for example, for help service lets cover.


A simple, ale siry method. Nini is already of little relevance. Create a group profile like a person. Fill out, remind and send applications to friends before target audience. You can find її in public-competitors. It is important to add to unpopular people, with a small number of prepayers, tk. popular shvidshe for everything will not give credit in return. For whom, go down the list, or ask for a request to change the sorting order.

If you have a group, then you can immediately ask to add friends to it.

The administration of VKontakte from recent feasts has begun to block the parties for similar actions, so please chime in this way peacefully.

Earlier it was possible to collect 40 requests from a friend earlier today. At once, finishing in this mode, I removed the blocking of the side on the fourth day. Bazhano nadsilati applications through the same hourly interval. Victory not the entire daily limit of the request. Give me a day.


Another simple way to turn the respect of the audience. Like the central koristuvach, having placed an advertising post on your wall in advance.

Cheat Services

A filthy method, but we can make it worse at the first stages, so that you can get as many prepayers as you want. Ale zagalom is not very effective, oskolki zbіlshuє dead audience. There are paid and cost-free services:

Promotion of the VKontakte group - we look at all the possibilities. the site helps you know the right effective solutions for your clients! It’s easy to push a group on VKontakte - it’s better to know how to work, and also to trust less to the misunderstood helpers. So, like our service.

Vlasnik of the Vkontakte group can secure a regular income with a competent group promotion. To monetize public side otherwise, vicorate the following ways:

  • spread the message right side panels on other beds.
  • publish paid plantings to eliminate advertising.

Act as an intermediary for an hour of organizing quiet chi іnshih visits. Vykoristovyvay Vkontakte tools to turn the respect of koristuvachiv to real podіy for additional advertising in groups.

Place publications as the logo of the group as a brand.

Take part in the sale of products. For a skin coristuvach, a kind of transfer for advertising messages and having made a purchase, you will take a couple of hundred dollars from the main vartost.

In view of the number of koristuvachs who entered, lay the effectiveness of guessing earlier ways. Koristuvachiv to the group you can get different ways, stinks can be cost-free and paid. Do not varto nehtuvaty relelnym design groups, propraciuyte menu spilnoti in VK, navigation can be simple and sensible, storіnka can turn respect for the vodvіduvachiv. "Koso" created a group of less potential ventilators.

How can you independently promote the partnership with VK without depositing only with timchasovy vitrats?

Spivtovaristvo in VK may be similar to a standard web resource, so that you can put your need for financial support and special skills, knowledge. If you are starting to practice in the field of SocialMediaMarketing (SMM), you will need to master it in a cost-free way. Self-studying of the VK spilnoti vimagatime is not less knowledge, but patience, timchasov vitrates.

Now let's talk about the target audience. Sob zatsіkaviti koristuvachіv and reach maximum efficiency, selling goods and services, pushing can be oriented to a specific category of koristuvаchіv. Tse can be, for example, collectors zbroi, dog owners, people who are already over 40.

Otherwise, the number of participants pretend to be ballast, which does not squawk advertisers.

The first and simplest option - tse asking for knowledge, forcing special assistance. It is necessary to send a message in such a rank, so that the leaves go to all potentially intoxicated people. Button "Tell friends" immediately speed up the process. On the wall of your payers and friends, there will be an advertisement of a group with your comments.

How to choose groups to advertise?

Get in touch with the administrators of other communities, domicile about those who can publish without cost or indicate your request to the right hand advertising panel. It’s not good to go to rozkruchenih groups with numerical pre-payers, the administrators of such strata can’t wait to work without a cost, their services will cost a tidy bag. Contacts with small, but also active contacts can become effective, as they can be between 1000 and 5000 payers. The administrator can show a broader interest in the subject of your group and help you free of charge with the promotion.

You will need a creative approach, but it is problematic to get the bill from VK independently and without cost. Tsіkavyy competition for koristuvachіv can be a butt of such creativity, and to take on a new fate, it will be necessary for those who need to enter before your sleep. For an additional profile with a great number of friends, you can advertise a promotion.

Successful holding of the competition, as practice shows, building hundreds, or even thousands of new students.

Pushing automation

Third party software products, such as VKinventer, VKBot, FvCheat, it is better to speed up the process described above. The stench will help automate the numerical options of the VC spilnot.

The choice of such scripts adds a small amount of risk, so that the administrators respectfully inform the similar activity and, without any hesitation, impose a permanent ban.

Message from the forums

Seek out interest from other third-party resources. Can your information be narrowly directed to the topic? Update yoga regularly, so that posting on any forum is not intrusive, it is possible to expand the number of payers.

Group SEO optimization

The VKontakte group is similar to a standard site, and SEO optimization is up to it. For now, optimize the text content of your group for the search for a social media manager. To lay down not only to the name, but to the description, but to the music, naming the song for the sake of the impersonal koristuvachiv.

Spilnoti VKontakte by search systems are indexed as such sites, you can get them for help from Yandex and Google. As you know, as you practice poke service, then you can independently, without capital investment, promote the VK capital just that efficiently. With the help of a vidpovіdalnistyu, you will be delivered to the position of work.

How to prepare a semantic core

The semantically core of your group is formed at the first stage. Speed ​​up low with mid-frequency power, it's easier to compete with it. Do not varto deprive without respect the geographic pretense key drinks. Tick ​​the keywords only in the description or in the name, but also in the posts that are regularly published. Keywords are analogues of description and title tags.

For example, you sell goods for children at Penza. The head frequency request for passing through Google and Yandex speakers, as well as for cross-talk, chirp at the name of the group. Another for the frequency, ask for a quote in the description, add yoga to the status. Tim yourself, at the same time, take it to the TOP vidach as a site, as well as a group.

VKontakte May high level trust the bases poke systems, what is the meaning of SEO-progression of information. Posilannya pratsyuє for analogієyu. Publish relevant posts on third-party resources, promote the position of your group in the search engine, that VK can be more productive.

Paid methods of SEO promotion of VKontakte groups

If you are a happy keeper of the budget, then you can put a bill in Contact in a richer and simpler way. Cost-free options, the middle of some organization of competitions and publicity announcements in public, as if spending a lot of money on them, bring tangible results.

Purchase of property

The simplest option to take a group with a large number of pre-payers is to buy it ready-made. It takes a thousand rubles to pay for the middle group of 10,000 front payers. Do not forget about those who, if you change the theme of the party, the group will become ugly and stink to leave the group.

Passing a group for a targeted advertising campaign

Joke easy ways? VK Nada special opportunity- For pennies, you can slip the bill automatically. All VK views from the bottom behind the left navigation panel will play advertisements, the stench will change after the skin update. The group is rotated during the skin transition in the control menu for the messages "Advertise the group".

Precise orientation is the impeccable advantage of this method of twisting. The installation of advertising allows you to stop the exchange, it will be shown to the audience singing.

To adjust the filter, the following factors are used:

  • vіk;
  • place of residence;
  • interests;
  • illumination;
  • family camp;
  • additional options.

How to prepare an advertising campaign for the promotion of information on VKontakte?

Open the window, start advertising, enter information about the target group of recruits (age, become, place of residence) and payment method. You can pay for the same frequency of impressions or for skin clicks on ads. This method may be serious short - high varity, how to install the administration of VKontakte. Thousands of clients have orders, and they want to pay for a single service.

Pridbannya koristuvachіv on other resources

Let's talk about third-party services, which are engaged in the sale of prepayers. Specialized resources, such as VKtarget, are especially needed, for a few clicks of the stench, they will ensure a serious influx of payers. Do not forget about those that this sphere of activity is overrun by shahrais. Group stink zapovnyuyut bots, through scho your partnership for cheating can be banned.

Exchanges for copywriting and freelancing are a miracle alternative. Here you can share micro tasks, for example, repost, like, join a group, add to friends. This way of advertising allows you not only to buy pre-payers from the intermediary, but to pay to the skin koristuvach. The best way.

Victory in practice, take away knowledge and subscribe to the updates of my blog. Optimize the group competently, and you will be in the TOP of the search engine systems, without compromising the site.

Promotion of a group on VKontakte to the site

Published report aid with screenshots related to the process on our website:

  1. Let's go to the main side
  2. passable swedish registration yak advertiser
  3. Dodaemo new task in the special office
  4. We choose the tab "VKontakte" - we can send it to the side of the page
  5. It is possible dodatkovі nalashtuvannya- so as not to suffer a ban and/or other social security measures
  6. All is ready!

It’s surprising that the promotion of the VKontakte group on the site is being built exclusively for the account of real koristuvachiv. Happy "dogs" and mass subscriptions! And also a guarantee of the natural behavior of the koristuvach in the community or in the group.