What is Microsoft Access? Microsoft Access for dummies - what is the program and how to use it. Nuances of import and connection of data with other devices

The main features of this program are the creation of work with databases that can be linked to both other projects and large businesses. I will help you to carefully manage the data, edit and save information.

Add-on to the package Microsoft Office- Access - serve for working with databases

Naturally, before starting the work you will need to create or open the existing database.

Open the program and go to the main menu by clicking on the “File” command, and then select the “Create” item. When creating a new database, you will be presented with an empty page to choose from, which consists of one table or a web database that allows you to use the required program tools for, for example, your publications on the Internet.

In addition, to make the creation of a new database as easy as possible, you can select templates that allow you to create a database oriented to a specific task. This, among other things, will help you quickly create the necessary table form without setting everything up manually.

Updating the database with information

Having created the database, it is necessary to fill it with relevant information, the structure of which must be thought out later, and the functionality of the programs allows you to format data in several forms:

  1. The simplest and most extensive type of information structuring is a table. By all appearances, tables in Access are not very different from those in Excel, which, in turn, makes it easier to transfer data from one program to another.
  2. Another way of entering information in a form, similar to the table, will ensure a clearer display of the data.
  3. To support and display information from your database, we need to provide information that allows you to analyze and review, for example, your income or the number of counterparties with whom you deal. The stinks are very strong and allow you to work in any way, depending on the input of data.
  4. The program can sort and sort new data using additional queries. With this help, you can find song data in several tables, as well as create or update data.

All of the above functions can be found in the toolbar, under the “Creation” tab. There you can select which element you want to create, and then, from the “Constructor”, after opening, customize it for yourself.

Database creation and information importation

Having created a new database, we will unite it, so you will see that the table is empty. You can complete this manually or fill out copies of necessary information from the Internet. Please note that any piece of information you entered may be placed in a separate column, and each entry is in a special row. Before speech, the columns can be renamed to better align with each other.

If all the information you need is in another program or device, the program allows you to configure the import of data.

All import parameters are located in the adjacent panel of the import tab, called “External Data”. Here, in the “Import and Links” area, available formats are reviewed, including Excel, Access documents, text and XML files, Internet pages, Outlook folders, etc. show the way to the file. If it is hosted on any server, the program will prompt you to enter the server address. In the world of import you will connect with with different adjustments, which is necessary for the correct transfer of data to Access. Follow the program instructions.

Main keys and relationships table

When a table is created, the program automatically assigns each entry a unique key. Behind it there is a column of names, which expands as new data is entered. This column itself is the primary key. In addition to such primary keys, the database can also place fields associated with information that fit into another table.

For example, you have two tables that hold related information. For example, they are called “Day” and “Plan”. By selecting the “Monday” field in the first table, you can link it to any field in the “Plan” table, and when you hover the cursor over one of these fields, you will get more information and links between them.

Interconnections like these will make your database easier to read and, of course, increase its ease and efficiency.

To create links, go to the “Working with Databases” tab and in the “Downloads” area, select the “Data Schema” button. In the window you will see all the data collected in the database. Please note that there are special fields in the databases designated for external keys. In our case, if in another table you want to display the day of the year or a date, fill the field with an empty one, calling it “Day”. Also adjust the format of the fields, so it will be the same for both tables.

Then, having opened the two tables, drag and drop the field that you want to link, a specially prepared field for the foreign key. Appear at the “Change of Links” window, where you will see the field. To ensure that data is changed in both linked fields and tables, check the box next to the “Data integrity” checkbox.

Creation and types of drinks

If you ask the program, you can always edit or enter information into the database. In fact, requests are divided into 2 types:

  1. Please note that the program provides you with all the information and takes care of it.
  2. Wash it down, add basic information and see it.

By selecting “Master of Queries” from the “Creation” tab, the program will carry out the process of creating a song type of query. Follow the instructions.

Taking notes can greatly help you organize your data and then get down to specific information.

For example, you can make a request to select the song parameters. If you want to obtain information for a specific date or day in the “Day” table for the entire period of time, you can customize a similar query. Select the item “Query Designer”, and in the new table you need. When you are done getting ready, you will be asked to choose, which will become reasonable if you look at the toolbar with the “Select” button. So that the program searches for the very date or day you need, find the row “Selection of minds” and enter the phrase [what day?] there. Remember, it is necessary to place the premises at the square arm and end at the food sign or double arm.

This is just one of the options: vikoristanya. In fact, they can be used to create new tables, select data based on criteria, etc.

Setting up and vikorizing forms

Once you have completed the application forms, you can easily view the results of the skin field and jump between other entries. If you have trouble entering information, the form will prompt you to work with the data.

Open the “Creation” tab and find the “Form” item by clicking on which will display a standard form based on the data in your table. The fields with information that appear are subject to any changes, including height, width, etc. Please note that there are relationships in the hover table, you can view them and you can transfer them hang out in what's wrong. At the bottom of the program you will see arrows that will allow you to sequentially open each section of your table or move to the first and last. Now we will label them with a record, the fields of which you can customize by clicking the “Add fields” button. Changes made in this manner will appear in the table and in all tables added to it. After customizing the form, you must save it by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+S”.

Creation of the world

The main purpose of the results is the presentation of the historical data in the table. This can be created absolutely regardless of the data.

The program allows you to select the type of sound by clicking on the selection:

  1. Call - an auto call will be created, which will display all the information given in the table, but the data will not be grouped.
  2. Empty sound - an undefined form, for which you can select the data from the required fields.
  3. Master of Data - will help you go through the process of creating data and will group and format the data.

In the empty form, you can add, delete or edit fields, as well as necessary information, create special groups that will help you consolidate your data and much more.

All the information that will help you navigate and customize the Access program for yourself is highlighted, but its functionality is broad and conveys more finely tuned Take a look at the functions discussed here.



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On the topic of: MicrosoftAccess

Robotu Vikonav

Evening student

3rd year specialty 080105

Group EF4-0515v

Zhabina I.A.

Having verified the work:

Shevereva E.A.

Moscow 2008 r.

Entry 3

1. Description of the Microsoft Access 4 database

2. Working with tables 10

3. Analysis instead of a table for the creation of bonds 13

4. Creation and other sounds 14

5. Select and sort records using additional queries 17

6. Macros 20

Visnovok 22

List of Wikorista Dzherel 23


The ACCESS program is included in the most advanced package of Microsoft office programs. This program is universal in its own way. Moreover, the program is easy to use and accessible to the average consumer. And everything is consistent with the interface. In the process of refining this program, unique capabilities have been introduced. The data can be presented in a table or diagram. And if we take into account that this program can be used by any professional (from a beginner to a professional developer), then, without a doubt, we can confirm that ACCESS from Microsoft is the best way to achieve the best results what kind of complexity.

The Microsoft Access database management system is one of the popular add-ons in the family of desktop DBMSs. All versions of Access have features that make it easier to enter and process data, search for data, and display information in tables, graphs, and answers. Starting with the version of Access 2000, Web pages have also appeared for access to data, where users can look at other programs Internet Explorer. In addition, Access allows you to use spreadsheets and tables from other desktop and server databases to save information you need to add. Having received external tables, the Access user will work with the databases of these tables in the same way as all Access tables. In this case, other traders can continue to deal with these data in the medium in which the stench was created.

  1. Description of the Microsoft Access database

Base data Access This is a file that contains the mdb extension. This file can contain not only all tables, but also other Access objects - queries, forms, views, data access pages, macros and modules.

One of the main tasks of creating and collaborating databases is to provide the necessary information to clients based on basic data. Access has the following forms for these purposes.

When Access starts, the Microsoft Access main window appears.

To open your original database, you can quickly do so in one of three ways. Select the required file from the File menu from the list of files that were previously opened.

Yaksho Taki List of the File (File), Treasurely for the pre -person of the servis, parameter (Tools, Options) Vidkriti Vіkno Parametry, vidkriti General (General) Take up the Pam'yatati Pam'yatati List of the file Ently Used File List ). Select a file from the list in the Data area, which is located on the right side of the program window. Select the Open command from the File menu, and then select required file in the dialog box Open the database file (Open).

In the rest of the dialog box, click will appear instead of the My Documents or Personal folders (depending on the operating system installed on the computer). Once you know the database you need in the list, you need to view the file and click the Open button or double-click the list item. A window for the selected database will appear in the main Microsoft Access window.

IN new versions Access can open database files created in Access 2000 and work with them the same way as before.

Files can be selected not only from the list that appears in the Open database file dialog box at the time of opening. You can vibrate I need a folder Either from the list Folder (Look in), or select the shortcuts that appear on the so-called panel Address Zliv. When you select the History shortcut, a list of shortcuts appears to the remaining files and folders that can be opened. When you select the Desktop shortcut, the dialog box displays a list of folder shortcuts and files that are in Danish moment on the Windows desktop. The file type is selected from the File of type list at the bottom of the window. At Father Vibran (Favorites) you can look through the shortcuts to those folders and files that are most frequently used. Many programs allow you to add shortcuts to the Favorites folder, which can also be done directly from the Open window. To do this, you need to see the required file in the list, click on the Tools button on the toolbar at the top of the window and select the Add to Favorites command from the list.

You can open the database file located on the storage disk. To connect a mapped drive, you need to select the Map Network Drive command from the list of commands in the Tools button.

Since it is impossible to find the required database file, it can be searched by specifying search criteria in a special dialog box, which appears by clicking the Tools button and selecting the Search command from the list.

A special Access window is the database window, which allows you to deny access to all database objects and select the mode of working with the object. On the left side of the window there is an object panel where you can place shortcuts for each Access object: Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Pages, Macros , Modules).

By clicking on the shortcut with the mouse, on the right side of the window you will see a list of related objects. The list of objects can be presented in a variety of ways (most notably for operating folders). Windows systems): - other icons appear;

like great icons;

like the list;

like a table.

The alternation of these modes is displayed behind the four right buttons on the toolbar, located along the top edge of the window.

When placing objects in the icons view, the icons can be dragged behind the mouse and placed in the middle of the data base window in a manual manner. If you want to rearrange the icons so that the smell is visible, you need to right-click on the database window. Z context menu Vibrati command Vibuduvati icons (Line Up Icons).

Submitting objects to the list view does not allow the icons to be arranged in a large order in the database window, but they can be dragged between the database windows (not one of the ways to activate an object, for example by opening and table). Submission to the table allows you to see not only its name for a skin object, but also its description (Description column), the date and time of last change (Modified Date), the date and hour of creation (Date). Created), and specify the object type. When selecting any type of object representation in the database window, you can order them by name, type, creation date, and modification date. For whom it is necessary to press right button target on any free market of the database window. From the context menu, select the Arrange Icons command. From the menu that opens, select the ordering method: By Name, By Type, By Created, By Modified.

In order for the objects in the database window to be sorted automatically, it is necessary

right-click on any relevant item in the database window. From the context menu, select the Arrange Icons command. From the menu that opens, select the command automatically (Auto Arrange). An icon will appear before the command to indicate that the automatic ordering mode is turned on.

To set up automatic ordering, you must again select the Auto Arrange command from the Arrange Icons menu. The command label will be removed and the automatic ordering mode will be selected.

Based on the skin, these data can be analyzed in two modes. The first mode is called the video mode (smartly, because it varies widely for different types of objects):

    For tables, queries, forms, and pages, access to this mode means the opening of a specific object and is called Table mode (for tables and queries), Forms mode, and Sides mode;

    for light – this is the mode of forward looking;

    for macros – the viconnanny mode is effective;

    For the module this mode is disabled.

Another mode is the Constructor mode. This mode is applied to all types of objects and purposes for creating and changing objects.

You can select the required mode using additional buttons located on the left side of the toolbar of the database window, using the View menu commands, or using additional buttons on the Access toolbar.

On the toolbar of the Database window, there are three main buttons to the left: the first button selects the name that is changed, depending on the object of the search. When a table, row, form, page or Favorites group is selected, the button appears as Open. If the sound is selected - Preview, if the macro or module is selected - Run. When this happens, the icon and name will change accordingly. The names of these buttons for each option clearly display the meaning. Another button, Design, has become available for all objects and is used for editing a previously created object. The third button, New, has a permanent name, but the icons on it change depending on the type of object.

To create new objects, you can also add special shortcuts to the list of skin type objects.

To copy or move an object, you can quickly use standard copy/paste programs. For example, to copy a table to the Clipboard, you need to do one of two things: see the desired table in the list and click the Copy button on the standard Database toolbar. This panel is displayed on the screen when the database window is active.

To marvel at the power of an object, you need to select one of the following operations: right-click on the object's name and select the command Power (Properties) from the context menu; See the object in the list in the database window and select the View, Properties command from the main Access menu.

It displays the following information:

    Type (Tours) - type of object (in the case of Table);

    Description (Description) - description of the table, which is indicated by the correspondent;

    Creations (Created) – date of creation of the table;

    Modified – date of last table modification;

    Vlasnik (Owner) – lord (creator) of the table;

Attributes: Hidden - allows you to import a table from a database window, Replicated - allows you to replicate an object (section "Database Replication" Chapter 15).

Koristuvach can be changed from the government's office beyond the description of the table and its attributes.

You can also place folders in the Objects panel to create shortcuts to different database objects. In this manner, you can unite different types objects from the group. Behind this part of the objects panel there is one folder - Favorites. By clicking on the folder, you can view the list of objects included in this group.

Please add more new folder to the object panel, you need to: right-click on the object panel and select the command from the context menu Noviy edge(New Group). In the New Group dialog box, enter the name of the folder to be created and click OK.

The simplest way to add an object label to the next group. It is necessary to open the list of objects this type, find a new object and drag it with the mouse to the main folder in the object panel. Another way to add an object to a group: open the list of objects of the required type in the database window. Right-click on the required object and select the Add to Group command from the context menu. Select the required folder from the pop-up menu or create a new folder using the New Group command.

As well as being part of a database object, groups can be deleted and renamed. Labels in a group can also be deleted, renamed, or copied. This is done in addition to additional commands in the context menu, which include right-clicking on the object you want to delete, rename, or copy.

When working with any additional processing of data in advance, it is necessary to store data that was previously accumulated by other software and, therefore, in a different format. Access 2002 allows you to solve this problem in a standard way- the way to import a basic database table, a spreadsheet worksheet or a text file created by MS-DOS or Windows programs in the internal Access database format (MDB). Naturally, Access 2002 can export data from a database table in MDB format to any format from which you can import data. However, Access is a unique system in that it offers another way to recover data that is stored in other formats. The system allows you to add tables from databases of other formats to an Access database and process them in the output format. After you have created a database link from an external table, you can view the resulting table, change it instead, and work with it as if it were an internal table in the Access database. Other users can use the table file in their applications.

In addition to database files, Access can work directly with spreadsheet files, text files, HTML documents, address books, or import data from these files and XML documents.

Types of files whose data can be imported to an Access database or which can be linked to an Access database. You can access them by selecting the command External Data, Import from the File menu, and then clicking on the expanded Files of type field in the Import dialog box. Formats that can export data from an Access database. They can be accessed by selecting the Export command from the File menu and clicking on the expanded Files of type field.

2. Working with tables

Tables are the main object of Access. The list of tables to create a database appears in the database window when you first open the program. In addition, Access creates system tables that store information about all program objects, and these tables can also be displayed in the database window if necessary.

The new version of Microsoft Access has four modes for working with tables: Datasheet View, Design View, PivotTable View and PivotChart View.

The Table mode allows you to work with the data that is in the table: viewing, editing, adding, sorting, etc. In the Designer mode, the structure of the table is created and modified, i.e., the names of the table fields of this type are specified, the fields are described, and their powers are specified. In the Table and Diagram modes, you can manually analyze the data and dynamically change the way it is presented. There is also an additional mode - the Forward Look mode, which allows you to expand the data flow in front of other tables. For a quick transition from one mode to another, use the View button on the toolbars Table in Table Datasheet mode, Table Design, The table has been created(PivotTable) and created a diagram (PivotChart). To switch from mode to mode, press this button.

You can open a table in Table mode in the following ways:

· Double-click on the table name in the list of tables in the database window;

· View the table in the list of tables in the database window and click the Open button at the top of the database window;

· right-click on the table name and select the Open command from the context menu.

At the top of the table the names of the fields (middles in one column of the table) are displayed, below there are records (rows of the table) in which data is entered. One record is now streamed, and the stream record indicator is assigned from it to grow (the arrow next to the field visible on the left side of the window). At the bottom of the window there are expanded navigation buttons that allow you to move the stream record indicator across the table (to the first record, to the previous record, the next record, the remaining record). There is also a field for the flow record number, a button to create a new record and a list of the number of records in the table. To create a new record, also use the remaining row of the table, marking the field with a star.

Horizontal scrolling of table fields allows you to view those table fields that fit in the table window. Similarly, vertical scrolling of table records allows you to expand the records that are located outside the window.

Rice. 1.1. Creating a table as a constructor

Fig.1.2. Telephone table

3. Analysis instead of a table for the creation of bonds

The analyzer detects duplicate data and helps to copy them to a new linked table. There is no need for modification in every table, but there is no problem in carrying out the analysis. In addition, users who have not yet mastered their knowledge and capabilities can trust the analyzer to create an ordering table. To analyze the table, track the entries for such actions.

1. Select the command Service>Analysis>Table.

2. In the first edition of the Master, a description of the problems associated with possible duplication of data was provided. Look at the presentations there and click on the Next button.

3. At the next window, a table is placed under the analyzer. Get familiar with the butt and press the Next button.

4. Select the table for analysis and click the Next button.

5. Of course, I would like the master of the left sector to work independently. You can then select the fields that will be transferred to the new table by activating the remixer. Thus, the subfields are selected by the master. Click the Next button.

6. In the next window, the master’s diagram will be displayed in the table subsection. At the moment, the tables are not related to each other.

7. You can complete the task so you can continue to become familiar with the analyzer. The database has a normal structure - it only removes the connection between two tables.

8. You need to open the Table window and click on the Rename table button. Enter a name and click OK.

9. Change the Table window, and then click the Next button.

10. Now it is possible to install the original key again. The master will add a unique code field to the table, which will be automatically assigned, and set it as the primary key. However, the primary key for the table is not specified; it will have to be created independently. Select the Name field from the list and click the Key field button. In order from the field, an icon will appear from the key images. Click the Next button.

11. In the rest of the week, the master will create a new order. It is necessary to select a remitter No, there is no need to disable it. In addition, you can remove the ensign Enter the conclusion to work with a new table or a capitalization, otherwise you will have to close another window. Click on the Finish button.

Rice. 1.3. Shape (head and weight)

4. Creation and other sounds

One of the main tasks of creating and collaborating databases is to provide the necessary information to clients based on basic data. Access 2002 has a form and a call for these purposes. The answers allow you to select the necessary information from the database and arrange it in the form of documents that can be viewed and signed. Dzherelom data for zvitu can but the table will be written down. In addition to the data extracted from the table, you can display calculations behind the output data values, for example, bag amounts.

The answers and forms of Access may be quite comprehensive. However, in the form mode, the call is not suitable for entering and correcting data in tables. The stench allows no more attention and attention. It is not possible to change the output data for additional controls, but you can create it using additional forms. If you want, you can use the same elements of ceramics to insert peremikach, proportions and lists.

The sound, like the form, can be created with the help of a master. The sections are similar to the form sections and include the title and note, data area, and header and footer. Here, fields with sub-bag values ​​are often placed. Controls can be added to a separate toolbar, the Toolbox, which is identical to the one found in Form Builder mode. The formatting and grouping of elements in the form is similar to the formatting and grouping of elements in the form. Forms can be placed under forms, and sounds can be placed under sounds.

Access offers a number of ways to create sounds. The simplest of them is the use of automatic sound creation features. Automatically creating a call based on a table or entering a sound is called an auto call. Access allows you to automatically create two formats: printed and lined.

To create an auto call:

· On the object panel of the Database window, click on the Reports shortcut and click the New button. Open the New Report dialog box.

· In the list of dialog box New Report you will see one of the elements: AutoReport: Columnar or AutoReport: Tabular.

· The list box, located at the bottom of the New Report dialog box, contains the names of all tables and queries in the database that can be used as a source of data for the call. Click with the left mouse button on the button with the arrow to open the list, and then see the required item in the list.

· Press the OK button.

As a result, Access will automatically create a sound based on the selected data source, vikoryst and line format or whatever. The line format displays the fields for displaying records in a row. The format in Stovets includes the fields of the entries entered into the Stovets. Autocall, creation of any of these two formats, will include all fields and records available in the selected data field.

So that the creations of this world can be destroyed from afar, it is necessary to preserve them. To do this, select the command File, Save (File, Save) or click the Save button on the toolbar. Then enter the name of the new call (for example: My call) in the text field of the Save As dialog box and click the OK button.

Another option for saving information is to use the File, Save As menu command. This command displays the Save As dialog box. Enter the name of the call and first press the OK button, then go to the list of the selection window and select the item Report. The selected element indicates how the new message will be saved, more precisely in the form of a particular Access database object. On the right, in the new version of Access 2002 it became possible to save data as another database object - access pages to data. This allows another element of the Yak list - the Side element to access the data (Data Access Page).

Rice. 1.4. Butt wake up call

5. Select and sort records using additional queries

One of the seven standard Microsoft Access objects is a request. Please use the website to review, analyze and change data in one or more tables. For example, you can select a query to display data from one or several tables and sort them in your own order, select calculations over a group of records, and make selections from the table at your own discretion. This can be done as a data source for Microsoft Access forms and answers. It asks you not to delete data, but allows you to select data from the table and add it to them using a low operation. Microsoft Access has a number of types of queries: - queries to the server, which are used to retrieve data from the server; sign up for autofill, which will automatically fill in the fields for a new entry; write to the selection to save the selection of data from the table; ask for changes that allow you to modify data in tables (including delete, update and add records); Query the created table, create a new table from the data of one or more existing tables, and enter other types of queries.

Asks the selection to place the mind on the data selection and rotates the selection that corresponds to the designated minds, without changing the data that is being rotated. Microsoft Access also has the concept of a filter, which, in its own way, is a set of minds that allows you to select a subset of records or sort them. The similarity between selection queries and filters lies in the fact that both select a subset of records from the base table or query. However, there are differences between them that need to be understood in order to correctly select which type of selection will be applied to, and which will have a filter.

The most simple thing to do is ask for help from the Master of Asks. To make a simple drink for the help of the Master of drinks, you need to:

· In the database window, on the objects panel, select the Queries shortcut.

· In the list of queries, left-click on the Create query by using wizard label, or click on the New button in the database window and select Pro in the New Query dialog box style is asked ( Simple Query Wizard) and click on the OK button.

· In the Simple Query Wizard window, in the Tables/Queries list box, select the table or query that will be the source of data for the created query.

· Using the right and left arrows, move from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, those fields that are required in the query that is being constructed. In this case, the order of the fields in the entry is consistent with the order of the fields in the Selected Fields list. If you need to include all fields in the query, you can quickly press the button with two right arrows.

· In the future, the dialogue window will remain the same. You need to enter the title of the query that is created in the field Specify the name of the query (What title do you want to your query?) and select further activities: Open the query to view information or Modify the query design.

· If necessary, you can install the ensign. (Display Help on working with the query) to display advanced information with queries.

· Click the Finish button.

After completing the Master of Simple Queries, you must select a method for further work with the query, either the query will open in the review mode, or the Query Constructor window, where you can modify the query.

Fig.1.5. Pobudova will ask

6 . Macros

With the help of these additional macros, you can completely expand the functional capabilities of the add-on you created and adjust it to the needs of specific users.

With the help of macros, you can view almost all actions on Access objects that were described in the previous sections.

A macro in Access is a structure that consists of one or several macro commands that are arranged either sequentially or in the order specified by the minds. The set of macro commands in Access is very wide; with the help of macros, you can implement a lot of things that allow you to create procedures in VBA. The skin macrocommand may I'm singing And, perhaps, one or a number of arguments that are asked by the kristuvach. For example, when using the OpenForm macro command, you must specify the name of the form that is opened and the display mode as arguments.

The advantage of macros is that they are easy to create and do not require you to learn any programming syntax. To create a macro, you need to know the basic techniques of working in Microsoft Access and Windows, such as dragging objects from the Database window in a special window - Macro Design, selecting items from the list and entering viruses yak argumenti macrocommand. If you don’t even want to learn the syntax of the VBA language, or even more importantly, safely stop the macros, and you will lose a lot of functional addition.

The main purpose of macros is to create a manual program interface: so that forms and responses are opened when you press buttons on the form either on the toolbar or by first selecting a menu command; So that when the program is open, the Database is not visible on the screen, a table of queries, forms, and responses, and a comprehensive form that can be used to immediately perform operations etc.

Rice. 1.6. Adjusting startup parameters


Essentially, Access is nothing more than a tool. It’s a good idea, obviously, to give up our labor, and therefore, our life will be a little easier. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that the database must serve to clearly define tasks - and at the same time, it will help to improve the efficiency of the work, regardless of what type of activity we are talking about.

However, the capabilities of the database are not limited by saving information. A professionally organized database allows you to preserve the reliability of the data and ensure effective, quick and easy access to them. Such a base will not have room for disorder and confusion.

The basic principle on which systems are based relational databases data - the creation of connections between tables. Links help you find data from one table after another, and the data integrity function allows you to avoid frequent changes or deleted data.

Expanding the structure of the data base can lead to serious testing, which can be used by many wealthy people, who will inevitably be harmed throughout the year. Only the most talented and gifted professionals skip this step and manage to create effective database programs. Although the information presented in this section of the report is not helpful to you, do not forget that understanding the structure of the database is an even more important task.

List of Wikorista Gerels

    Oleksandr Starshinin Microsoft Office at a glance., St. Petersburg, 2007.

    Ed Bott Microsoft XP., Bіnom, Moscow, 2006 r.

    Microsoft Access 2003 is one of the first versions of the popular database management system. For additional purposes, programs can collect information from electronic tables, process text documents, and specify the most advanced database formats. The program is designed to analyze data, as well as create web pages and various programs. Of course, to work with Access 2003 you will need some basic knowledge, as well as basic management skills. professional programs- The stench will be minimal. This product, when replaced by other analogues, is expanding without cost.

    Access 2003 can be used for use both at home and for corporate purposes, but ultimately, the software will be inferior. You can use this DBMS for standalone storage or file servers. Interaction with other devices is possible using additional “linked tables” and “queries to the server”.

    Microsoft Access 2007

    Microsoft Access 2007 is a program for working with databases that allows you to make changes, organize publications, and give access to documents. It’s true that those experts, who do not have any special knowledge, can develop programs that are ready for use with no-cost templates.

    Access 2007 allows you to adapt individual projects to suit your business needs.

    Microsoft Access 2010

    Microsoft Access 2010 is a program that allows you to combine information from different devices in one database. This version was released under the motto “Simplicity in everything” - you don’t need to be a fak to work with it. The addition of the web database has been completely improved in terms of interaction with information, the process of data collection, creation of information and research has been simplified.

    Stitching, fully implemented in Access 2010, provides only the most necessary tools, preventing users from getting lost in the rich commands and settings.

    Microsoft Access 2013

    Microsoft Access 2013 is one of the new versions of the database management system (DBMS). In the program you will find the necessary functions and tools that will help you organize data management, increase visibility and provide public access to information for a large number of clients.

    You can use the program to create web programs. In the Access 2013 version, you only need to select the type of data to be included (projects, jobs, contacts), after which the program will independently create a structure in which you can add records. The project will be equipped with basic commands and navigation features, so after creation you can immediately go to the next page.

    Microsoft Access 2016

    Microsoft Access 2016 – much more, less simple program to sort out the data base. The whole system is designed to maintain records, generate feedback and collect information. It helps to work with the most important concepts and select the optimal solutions for certain tasks. Access 2016 can be acquired and developed without much knowledge by experts, and even without great knowledge in this area, you can quickly develop necessary supplement, transformation of cost-free ready-made templates for your needs.

    This version of the program uses a new type of base: the web program is created in the middle of MS Access 2016, and is accessed through a browser, like a SharePoint service. For the program, it is necessary to decide on the type of data that will be required, after which the program will independently generate the necessary structure. It will have basic commands and navigation features stored in it, so the robot can be sent immediately.

    Microsoft Office is an editor that allows you to create and edit office documents. It also has a program that allows foreigners to work with databases. Databases provide us with a handy tool for saving, systematizing and extracting required information. This material will be reviewed in detail by the Microsoft Access editor and published Pokrov's instructions robots with supplement.

    What is Microsoft Access

    Microsoft Office Access is a powerful editor that is a database management system based on a relational model. It is also necessary to note that this is a dynamic model of exchange between marginal resources and additives. With this editor vikoristu tools are inserted to process any type of information and present it in a clear sequential structure.

    Access also supports dynamic ActiveX libraries. This technology helps not only to present information in the form of text, but also in the form of multimedia objects. The relational model allows you to establish connections between databases and control any changes, making adjustments at any time.

    Business owners appreciate that one of the Microsoft Office Excel editors is similar to the Access program, but not at all. Excel is a tool for working with electronic tables, and the rest, in its own way, is used to create a database as a table.

    Principle Robotic Excel Focused on organizing data around a table, Access allows you to wrap up complex tasks that work with a larger array of information. And in addition, it is necessary to take into account the important feature, Excel of insurance for one customer, since the change of information is local in nature, and Access transfers the insurance to a large number of customers to work with databases.

    It's time to get vikoryst

    The editor is stuck for new automation Database robots in various areas of activity, business, personnel management, etc. Varto respect that nerds that security software It has a universal structure, it helps to get rid of excess data if you need to change a required parameter, not by introducing a new one, but by changing the old one. Moreover, the change appears at the main base, and at the other side of it.

    Program structure

    The handiness of the robot with the program is achieved due to the visibility of the elements that allow automate the process base door Next, the main components of the software will be transferred.


    • table. Application program component for recording and saving data;
    • washed down. The assignment element extracts information from one or more tables. Є especially for the purpose of linking the database and third-party software;
    • form. The object is modified to present the entered information in a user-friendly way;
    • sound. Allows you to select the final result as a finished document;
    • macro. It is an element that contains the final description for this and other activities. For this help, you can issue a command such as changing the data in one table, for example;
    • module. A component that is used by a security program written by my program Visual Basic. With this help, the editor significantly expands the functionality. This is always possible through various functions and procedures that can be clicked to respond to other changes;
    • access side. With this help, you can deny access to remote databases that are saved on other personal computers.

    Interconnections with other DBMSs

    Access allows you to access the entered information and establish connections with other DBMS. It is also possible to import from other add-ons, for example, dBase, MySQL, Paradox, FoxPro, Excel. For the convenience of the customer, the ability to not only import imports has been implemented, but also tie tributes with other programs and limited resources.

    A look at the customer interface

    Important! A look at the interface will be carried out on Microsoft applications Access 2013. Prote Microsoft Access 2007 and 2010 are practically identical

    The interface in this version of the software is developed to increase the user-friendliness of the robot with numerical elements, which is based on a line that will provide quick access to the main functions and commands.

    Koristuvalnytsky interface:

    • « Backstage"(Create). The interface element appears after starting the program and allows you to select a template for creating a database. In the process, to go to this tab you need to go through the “File” and “Create” routes.
    • « File" Allows you to save, open, unzip the finished document, as well as set Access parameters and set a suitable theme.

    • « Strichka" The main element of the hour of work with the editor. You should have modules with tools for creating and editing the database. There is also a panel before it Swedish access, where the most frequently abused components are placed.
    • « Navigation area" Allows you to edit the results of your actions and display the structure of the database.
    • « Dialogue window" An interface element from which users can clarify the parameters of an object.
    • " To display a component, you need to right-click on the object element. Until then, commands must be placed in front of the treasure that is ending.
    • " Vikorist is used to switch the document presentation mode and display will become a threaded operation.

    A look at the interface was created using Microsoft Access 2013. Younger editors may have problems.

    Working with databases in Access

    Base creation

    You can create a database in a number of ways: from scratch or from a ready-made template. In the first version, you need to independently create elements and objects of the database; in the other version, everything is much simpler. We launch the ready-made template and enter our information. Next, let's take a look at the options of robots with databases.

    Clean base

    Pochnemo the door new basis with the latest information:

    Creation from a template

    The work with the template looks like this:

    Surface of the base

    The new database relies on the creation of a table and the entry of necessary information into it.

    To get started, you can use MS Access to start importing. To do this, select the “External” tab and click on the “Import” icon. Then a new window will open where you need to enter the path to the file and click “Ok”. Then the import window will appear again by clicking “ Dali» and provide information about the skin object. We set a key that will help quickly process information, and press “ Dali" After completing this object, show up at the main window and you can start creating.

    Creation process:

    It is necessary to indicate that the “Price” field is a numeric parameter. This is due to the fact that the penny equivalent is expressed in rubles (as the official localized version of the office package is determined). As we are talking about the price of computer peripherals, then, let us say, the equal value of the price is determined by the intellectual units. For such a situation, the numeric parameter will be frozen, which will allow the entire database to be reconfigured.

    Project No. 1 "Products":

    Project No. 2 “Postachannya”:

    Tribute schemes

    The connection between the tables is established using an additional structure defined in the project. In this case, the structure is displayed graphically, which makes data processing much easier.

    We establish interconnections between projects:

    Now we need insert a call between two objects, probably like this:

    Let's make a drink

    Classic selection

    The selection request allows you to select data from the database after previously created minds. In our project, a selection will be created that allows you to find a product by its name. The work is carried out at the “Products” database.

    Creation of essence

    Query on the current basis in Microsoft Access to select from interconnected tables and other previously created queries. If you change from the first option, the result will be saved in a new permanent table.

    The process looks like this:

    To add, see, edit

    This type of query is subject to the creation and modification of any action, as a result of which the parameters in the table change.

    The creation is followed by the upcoming rite:

    Zapit for additional information:

    To edit:

    Creation and design of forms

    Forms are one of the elements used for proper organization of data storage.

    Why are the forms needed:

    • The significance of the forms lies in tribute video you can see it on the screen manually;
    • launch control. And the main purposes of the forms here are launching macros;
    • show dialogue windows. Using additional forms, you can enter advance notices about possible settlements.

    Vikoristic "" for the created object:

    Why should I appear before the koristuvach? New tab Where the table will be presented in a visual form. As you can see, processing information has become much easier.

    Let's take a look at the option of creating forms using the Constructor:

    We create a form from scratch with help. With this option, you can customize the design, change the fill of the field, add multimedia files, etc.

    For the baby, you can also customize the required parameters: “Background color”, “Background type”, “Cordoni”, etc.

    Formal call

    For robots with names, vikoristovuvatimeme "":

    Call for help from the Designer:

    Application program Microsoft Access 2007 intended for the door base data. Access 2007 is based on logically linked tables. DBMS Microsoft Access 2007 will ensure manual and reliable management of the data stored in tables.

    The essence of creating a database in Microsoft Access 2007 is that you first need to create a database structure (create a table structure and insert links between them), and then you need to populate the tables of the new database.

    In addition, it’s best to create shapely to enter data in the table, ask to search for information in the database call to display the necessary information from the database manually on the screen or in a file.

    The database can be created manually (a new empty database) and the basis of templates. Templates do not always indicate the necessary databases, but with their help you can quickly create a database close to the one you need, and then you can change and fill them with your own data.

    When you launch the Access 2007 application, a new page “Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2007” appears on the screen, pointing to Small. 1.

    Rice. 1. New cob side

    While creating a database based on templates, you can select the required template on the page "Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2007" from "Template Categories" or templates "from Microsoft Office Online". When you select, for example, the Faculty template in the Local templates category, a database description will appear in the program window. Below in the text field the file name is indicated: Faculty.accdb and a folder icon, which you can use to save the file in the required directory (the My Documents folder is indicated).

    The file name and directory for saving the file can be changed. Then click on the Create button. As a result, the Faculty database window will appear: Database (Access 2007) – Microsoft Access. In the editing area, you will see a list of faculty that need to be filled in. If the transition area is closed, it must be opened by pressing the F11 key or clicking on the "Open/close between transition areas" button.