How to remember the voice on Windows 7. How to change the Windows default. Improvement due to stagnation of teams

Hello, dear readers! Chantly after the sore vikoristannya of the operating room Windows systems 7, you're getting antsy not standard image, How does privacy determine when logging into the OS? One and the same screensaver is constantly visible on the eyes, which can evoke inappropriate emotions in many people.

If it’s so, why don’t you change it? start screen for the little ones, what photograph do I have for you? Making money is not as difficult as you might think at first glance - the replacement operation will take away from you the maximum amount of money. Now, the time has come to let us know how to change the background of Windows 7, so that the background, if desired, can make you happy in the future!

Security software wiki for reaching the world

This method of assignment is not only for those who do not want to do a lot of work, but also for those who are afraid to carry out operations with system registry. To change the screen saver when logging into the OS, you need to install it first security software, as it is called “ Logon Background Changer" Your data is a little more than 700 kilobytes, so downloading and further installation will not cause any problems. Instructions for changing the background:

  1. Launch the application software and prepare the image you want to put on the input window.
  2. IN running app Select "Choose a folder" and in the bottom bar you can select your needs.
  3. After you have made your choice, click Apply and confirm the changes before setting up the OS.

After confirmation, the image will be saved and installed on the original screen. Now you can go to the next page (CTRL+ALT+DEL) and look at the results of your work. For the whole day, a maximum of 3-5 hours.

How can I get to the system registry?

Pasted users can turn on or remember the picture by turning to Windows registry 7. If you already want to try everything with your own hands, quickly follow the instructions below:

In the search menu, type regedit and press Enter. After completing your selection, the editor window will open.

In the left list of folders, find the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, then go to the Authentication folder, then LogonUI and open the Background option.

Here in the right window you will find the file OEMBackground. If there is nothing, we create it. right button bears: create /DWORD parameter 32 and the file is called OEMBackground. After clicking on this file 2 times, the window is merged into a new value 1.

When you finish working with the registry, create a folder in the system folder System32\oobe and name it Info, and in it create a backgrounds folder. Here you need to add a picture for the background. Marvel at the picture, which is circled in red, the same path should come from you.

If you drag a picture in JGP format and no larger than 256 KB in size to the specified path on the disk, it will automatically be installed on your favorite screen. To save changes, you need to reset your PC.

Share this article with your friends so that they can make their OS more fashionable, attractive and beautiful. Don’t forget to subscribe to new articles and instructions so that you can be the first to know about the most valuable and required information from competent and efficient computer work. See you again!

Today we have a sound button! Therefore, I found a lot of information and information about how to create a computer shutdown button. So, please, we can’t just say it, but you can work in such a way that your computer is compatible with everyone.

What is needed for what? First of all, find out and import common sounds for Windows in WAV format. If you google it, you can find out a lot. For the butt, I’ll show you something very simple, for training, the axle can be downloaded here very simply: Hello and Goodbye. And why not, a welcoming female voice, normal phrases - Hello - start, Bye - completion of work, to say hello, say goodbye, and the axis is already the first step until your computer has already mastered the language!

Infatuated? And now save these sounds in Windows folder>Media

Have you saved it?

Now go to the Control Panel and find Change system sounds

Bachite Complete Windows robots? It’s just that our button is clicked and will be, so click on Look and select the same Leave Now, and then Stop

And that's it! It couldn't be simpler! I just want to get ahead, there are a few sounds mixed up there, well, you can see and feel for yourself.

And I’ll give you one more message, there are many sounds there, almost invisible -! If you want, download catchphrases from the Diamond Hand, or you can download masterpieces of TV advertising from Vacations in Prostokvashino... So dig around, try it on and choose!

You can still find a lot of things on the Internet, just look for sounds for Windows WAV format

For the most part, you can easily install Vitannaya on Windows 7 to have a voice in the audio mode or comment any actions.

Installing privacy on Windows 7 does not require any software, just open the Notepad utility. The text that is received is accepted by the Todi utility, as long as it is written on English. For example, you get almost a voice notification when the computer is turned off.

Open Notepad and type in the following English words:

Dim speaks, speech

Speaks=”in these paws you type the words you want almost in plain English, for example: Goodafternoon, Alexander! I wish you luck."

Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

speech. Speak speaks

This file can be saved if it is expanded in such a way as is best for you. If you have done everything correctly, when you open the file you will feel the text being written. Open the button and move the file there. Vikonaite. After whom you are to blame, feel your text.

Adjusting voice parameters

For the bananas, you can adjust the thickness, smoothness, and timbre of the bananas voice notification. There are two ways to do this: through the on-screen announcer and with the help of special commands.

Adjustment via screen speaker

Set the window Viconati(Windows R) then enter the command narrator. Find out in the leaking window of the screen speaker voice adjustment. Please read the setup settings carefully and select the settings that suit your needs. After this, confirm this.

Improvement due to stagnation of teams

You can viconate the installation, vicorist and VBS commands

For example:

Set .voice = .getvoices.item(0)

Meanings of several other commands:

.Volume= Hunchness

.Rate= fluidity of creation

One of the ways to customize your operating system Change the privacy screen. With simple steps they can put a picture like theirs on the screensaver, and somehow turn everything back.

Those who like to update their operating system will not waste the opportunity to replace the standard vital system with a larger one tsikave images. This can be done in any day-to-day or any day Windows versions, turning on the SIM card. You can do this either with the help of special utilities or manually. The first option is the most convenient and simplest, and the other is more suitable for experienced traders who are not afraid to use third-party software.

Method 1: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer

As the name suggests, this program is designed specifically for homeowners who want to change their vitals. This software has a very simple, user-friendly and straightforward interface and a small gallery of cool backgrounds.

  1. Go to the official website of the program and click on the button "Download".
  2. On new page press on the post "Please click here to start the download".
  3. Infatuation ZIP file You will be unable to run the EXE file. The program does not require installation and functions as a portable version.
  4. Below there is a set of trellises that can be used to replace the standard images. When you click, you can look through this list by scrolling the wheel down (forward) or up (back).
  5. Having pressed what you like onto the picture, you will get a preview - how the background will look after changing.
  6. If necessary, press the button "Full Screen"- Allow me to look at the image on the entire screen.
  7. You can press the button to select "Apply".
  8. If you want to install an image instead of one registered by the program, press the button "Choose a folder".

    An explorer will appear where you need to enter the path to the file.

    The vibration file is installed behind the same button "Apply".

Revert Thank you, you can always rotate the standard image back. For whom to press "Windows 7 Default wallpaper" and save the result for "Apply".

With customized programs, you can remove folders from settings, turn on changing the screen saver for other public records, and add shade to the text on the display screen.

Zhodnykh additional possibilities There is no customization in the program, so if you want to change something else in the system, check out richly functional twekers for Windows 7, which include the ability to change the background image.

Method 2: Windows

Through the “Personalization” tool and other editors, it is not possible to change the background of the image, but you can replace the image by editing the registry and replacing the image in the system folder. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to improve the result until the computer is restarted.

For this method there is a couple of restrictions: the file is in JPG format and can be up to 256 KB. In addition, try to select the picture according to the size and resolution of your screen, so that it looks clear and accurate.

  1. Open the registry editor using additional keys Win+R that with the regedit command.
  2. Follow the path indicated below:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Authentication\LogonUI\Background

  3. Two click on the parameter "OEMBackground", enter the value 1 and press "OK".

    If you are already standing there, just go to the offensive point.

    If necessary, create this parameter manually. In the most important way, right-click on the empty space on the right side of the screen and select "Creation" > "DWORD value (32 bits)".

    Set your name OEMBackground, enter the value 1 and save the result for "OK".

  4. Open Explorer and go to the folder backgrounds, what to know here:


    In these crazy situations backgrounds may be daily, like the folder info. In this situation, you will need to create and rename the two folders manually in the original way.

    Spatula in the middle oobe create a folder and name it info, in the middle of which you can create a folder backgrounds.

  5. Select a suitable picture that pleases you better, rename it to backgroundDefault then copy it to a folder backgrounds. You may need permission from regional registration administrator - press "Long Live".
  6. The successfully copied images may appear to your dad.

To see the changed background, restart your PC.

Now you know two awkward methods for changing the home screen of Windows 7. Vickory the first one if you are not able to do it and do not want to edit the registry system folder. Another handy option for those who don’t want to be victorious or don’t trust third-party software is to have enough skills to set the background manually.

Windows XP is a masterpiece of Microsoft (in my opinion, I’m a great fan of this OS). However, just like that, it already works on a lot of computers that have become familiar with its own interface. In one of the articles I have already revealed, . Now, let's take a look at the process of creating and changing the Windows XP home screen.

When I wrote about the boot screen on XP or pro, I was mostly confused in standard ways OS, don’t bother asking for any further help third party programs. Before you can change the Windows XP screen, you need to install one small utility called Resource Hacker. It takes up little space, and can be acquired without costs and with direct mail.

Changing the text of Windows XP privacy

To change the Windows XP screen, you need to edit the logonui.exe file. We will edit this for the help of our beloved installed program.

First, make changes to the logonui.exe file, I recommend using it backup copy, The fragments of the change may turn out to be non-negotiable and cause unacceptable inheritances. To make a copy from it, simply copy the file to a different folder.

Now, launch Resource Hacker and open the logonui.exe file through the “File” and “Open” menus. This file is for changing the Windows XP home screen from C/WINDOWS/System32. When the file appears in the program, open “String Table” in the left menu, then “1”, and then “1049”.

In the right window of this program you will see the standard OS inscriptions that appear in the privacy window. They can be edited. If we need to change the picture of Windows XP, then go to row 7 (or there may be a different row number), and change that entry to the icon. You can change other phrases as well.

For example, I said “We kindly ask”, I corrected it to “Hello =)”. When editing, do not remove the paws, it is your responsibility to open and close the writing.

After changing the text, click Complete Script and save the changes via the File and Save menu.

Now that you have done everything correctly, after re-login you will enter your entry in the Windows XP privacy window.

Changing the image of Windows XP

Changing the home screen of Windows XP is carried out in the same way as before changing the text of the entry. For whom also through Resource Hacker we open the same system file logonui.exe.

Now we need to select the Bitmap folder in the left menu, then 100, and then 1049. On “1049” we need to right-click the bear and select “Replace Resource”. A window will open in which you need to click on Open file with new bitmap. After this, you need to select an image to replace the Windows XP privacy screen. Once an image is selected, it will appear in the thumbnail window. We are pressing on “Replase”, having deprived others of the adjustment after the process.

Afterwards, save the changes via “File” and “Save”. I love you again, my dear.

To change the Windows XP privacy screen, you must select an image with the *.bmp extension. Create either an image in, or in any OS, or through other image editors. Allowed the pictures to be created exactly the same as on the monitor. To edit in pixels and crop the pictures, I will tell you how to do it. There are no other boundaries.

That's all. Now we know how easy it is to change text and images on Windows XP.