Security software for the main types of activity of archival installations. Features of the process of informatization of archives The role of the classifier in information-secure archival knowledge

Slide 1

So, on the 9th of March, the meeting for the sake of archival information at the Federal Archive Agency, we decided to discuss one of the current topics related to the conclusion of the Presidential Decree of May 7, 201 2 r. No. 597 “About the implementation of the state social policy”, which conveys a step-by-step increase in payment in state (municipal) institutions, including archival ones, to the average value of wages in Subregion ( slide 1).

The increase in payment as a result of the reduction in the social security of archivists is, of course, even more important. We've been checking for a long time. But it’s not wrong to get excited by yourself, mechanically. This may be due to increased obligations and reduced costs of government (municipal) services provided by archives based on the ongoing effectiveness of their activities and increased productivity of their workers iv. This is an important moment. We are aware of our reflection on the development of the federal level and on the local “road maps” of changes in the social sphere, aimed at improving the efficiency of archival records, which have identified the warehouse of priority structural and institutional changes, as well as similar target indicators.

Approved by regulations dated November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r The program for the phased improvement of the payment system for state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018 provides preliminary instructions for the implementation of changes in the sphere of social and labor new benefits for everyone without guilt in the social sphere. At the same time, it is time to develop optimal approaches to enhance the effectiveness of specific groups of social sector institutions - on the right of the subordinate ministries and departments. Well, today we are faced with the task of defining one hundred archives.

In our opinion, based on the increased efficiency of the work of the archives of all countries, regardless of their organizational and legal form (budgetary, state or private archives), the following At a minimum:

    increasing the productivity of workers;

    advancement of robotic capacity;

    reduction of resource costs;

    And, they will decide, there will be a greater need for activities that will generate income for an expanded range of activities.

Obviously, it is difficult to assess the productivity of archivists through the specifics of archival research, which is characterized by a large number of different types of work, most often creative and, therefore, important normative ones. All the same, we do not have industrial production. Protean analysis can be done in the future. For example, indicate the number of documents that are saved, and the number of archives in each archive. Connected with this is the alignment of current Russian archives, including federal ones, with the archives of such guilty countries as the USA, Germany, England and Australia. on slides No. 2 based on data for 2012.

Naturally, the display of archives of foreign countries for the purpose of preserving and saving a large number of correspondents is indicated not hundred hundred times more precisely through the uniqueness of the volume in each region. The table shows that, intellectually, the importance of one worker in the federal archives, when re-arranged to the actual (not regular) number of workers, is still noticeably lower than in foreign archives. It is important to note that increasing the productivity of our work is losing one of the most important tasks for us. Before speaking, for those who can say that the table does not contain rows of data from the salaries of workers and the hidden budget of the archives. Thus, the axis between the growth of productivity and wages, automatic connection and interdependence is absent, which shows a different order. If we first lay the foundation for innovative development, then we must be careful about the nature of government regulation of the market, the presence of competition in the market, and the ability of practitioners to stand up for their professions and central interests.

Data on financing obligations, the number of archivists and their average salary by subject Russian Federation And behind the federal archives you wave in your hands.

I would like to ask you, the staff of the regional archival services, for the detailed data, as well as information from our statistical form No. 1, to independently assess the level of productivity of the government in their subordinate archives and create subordinate records.

For the federal level, the need to improve the efficiency of the archives is obvious. It seems that she must rely on us first and foremost in all directions of work, as well as advanced technological and organizational innovations.

In the middle of this period, Rosarchiv carried out an analysis of the feasibility of introducing innovation into archival law ( slide 3) showing that out of 18 basic technologies in the sphere of safety and security, such technologies can be implemented in 10, in the field of acquisition - in 2 out of 3, in the scientific and scientific apparatus - in 5 out of 6, in the field of technology - in 6 out of 7. It is clear that What is important is the large number of innovations and those otherwise associated with information technologies. Therefore, the implementation of specific target information programs for Rosarkhiv, as well as regional information programs, will continue to be at the center of our respect. I won’t go into detail about this topic - it’s big and will require careful consideration.

In addition to the stagnation of IT technologies, the constant stagnation in the innovative development of archival knowledge may also lead to the obligatory stagnation - with the modernization of the material and technical base - progressive engineering and technological less spending for resource security decisions. Among them are equipped with archevils with compactuses and cartmats, current systems fire extinguishing, automatic adjustment of parameters of the air medium and etc. The possibility of establishing such an advanced facility must depend on the development of technical requirements for the design of buildings or the reconstruction of archival buildings. On the other hand, it is unacceptable to add to the influx of various “Manila” ideas of expensive equipment, which for various reasons (lack of trained personnel for operation or insufficient front work) is deadening, the capital itself.

The folder on the right is in the process of organizational changes, the fragments of the archive on the right will continue to be conservative. Tim is no less concerned with the old order about those that everything is new - it’s good to forget the old, it’s bad to remember today’s fortunes and take the best possible view of the organization of archival activities in order to normalize, plan and Here are the results of the work. Together with the development of current software and management tools, this fusion of old and new can produce an endless positive effect.

Zokrema, a very effective practice of a thorough analysis of the staff security and obligations of the work of subordinate archival installations by redistributing the staff whenever a disproportion is revealed between the number of workers and the whole data from the archives of the sovereign's services. Rosarkhiv already has many chances to carry out such work on a regular basis. It is not anyone's responsibility to ensure that the current staffing levels and payroll funds in the various institutions will remain unchanged. They need to be truly effective in their work.

Turning our attention to the productivity of archivists, we are at the same time not to blame for forgetting about the advancement of the scientific level of work. In this case, the nutritional value should be considered in two aspects - the quality of internal archival work and the power of servicing the staff.

The quality of the first of them is determined, first of all, by the qualifications and acknowledgment of archivists, as well as by the proper control on the part of the archivists of all ranks. Judging from the part of the pension age practitioners, how to follow the data on 1 sichnya ts.r. There are perhaps a quarter of the number of Russian archivists, so they won’t know for sure. As far as qualification is concerned, it is possible to establish a trend that is continuing to reduce the number of archivists who are subject to professional coverage. Unfortunately, besides there is still a lack of competitive salary for archivists, which is largely due to the hidden downfalls of the Eastern region of the population of the region and the humanitarian illumination of the world.

The increase in the salary of archivists, which began with the final decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, I suspect, will allow for more selective approach to the selection of personnel, which is very promising and talented young b. In this case, at all times, one cannot forget about the need for permanent and purposeful work to improve the qualifications of archive workers.

The physician, Rosarkhiv, is entrusted with the ongoing development of a number of interactive initial courses for the most requested areas of archival activity, as well as to increase the number of distance forms of initiation that There is VTsVK VNDIDAD, which can increase the number of students, directly from the distant corners of our great land.

Enhancement of the servicing capacity of external correspondents of Rosarchiv is linked to the creation of the RGANTD Dovidkovo-Information Center of Federal Archives, which will ensure the promotion of a systematic approach to Given the state service from the crown of the population, starting from the special acceptance of the applicant, the important place for preserving documents to collect him , and the direction of requests to the profile archives, ending with the applicant’s sub-video ( slide 4), and news about the introduction of the new “Rules for the work of scholars in the reading rooms of state and municipal archives of the Russian Federation.”

In general, approaches aimed at increasing productivity work, that is, in a different way, they have found their reflection and concretization in the plans for increasing the efficiency of federal archives. Their activities for 2013-2018.

Analogue, come in an analogue to one of the two of the PIDVIDICHIC ROSARKHIVA of the state -owned installation, and the Sama on the Vyіdad, the puppy -like project “road picture”, hidden on the pirodvischens of the ethnic science of the science of archery abstract. The following are the clear results of the successful implementation of this “road map”:

    improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of theoretical and applied scientific research required by the estate and other priority areas for the development of veterinary archival records;

    ensuring the introduction of innovative technologies into archival law in line with global trends;

    development of human resources potential of Galuzian science;

    increase in the salary of scientists.

It is important to improve the efficiency of any organization, whether a state institution or a private campaign - a reduction in costs for their replacement. Here, for us, the most relevant are two areas - the implementation of energy saving programs and the organization of procurement for state needs that are clear and effective in terms of the effectiveness of the expenditure of budgetary funds of competitions.

Launched in 2011 At the federal archives, the program for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency includes the installation of new plastic windows and doors, the replacement of ineffective light fixtures with energy-saving light bulbs, and the modernization of outdated heat supply systems. air conditioning, transition to vikoristan in boiler rooms. heat transfer temperature in the system during non-working hours. This implementation allowed already in 2012. save about 10 million rubles. budget costs seen from the method. This, in our opinion, is a disgraceful result, moreover, what has been achieved through the dramatic increase in tariffs for public services and the Ministry of Finance's policies through the freezing of additional funds for this purpose.

As a result of the past 200 competitive biddings carried out by Rosarchiv and its subordinate institutions, cost savings to the federal budget amounted to approximately 41 million rubles, which was directly allocated to the implementation of low-cost robots and applications. . Already after the competition for the digitization of documents and descriptions for the state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for a total amount of 14 million rubles, 10-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred thousand savings from budgetary funds were taken away, which allowed or carry out an additionally similar operation in another region of the country.

In whom I respect the wrong people, in these archives, taking advantage of the right established by the legislator for the non-competitive arrangement of government contracts in the amount of up to 400 thousand. rubles, they began to forget about the large amount of money spent. Don’t forget about the competitive procedures.

We are aware that Federal Law No. 44 “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs,” which has been gaining ground since 2014, contains provisions aimed at ensuring maximum visibility procurement processes and strengthening of huge control behind them, to allow more results to be achieved during the course of purchasing activities.

Speaking about budgetary expenditures on the maintenance of archives, one cannot help but mention one of the possibilities of this daily shortcut, and even on a national scale. I respect the optimization of the warehouse and the obligations of documents that are stored in state and municipal archives, in a special warehouse. on slides 5 It is clear that starting from 2001, the reception of documents in a special warehouse to the state and municipal archives moved the reception of certificates to the permanent term of saving, after which time without ever falling below the “permanent”, becoming in the middle close to 3, 0 million units saved on the river .

As a result, according to certification data, as of June 1, 2013. The Russian archives, without custodial records, already have over 65 million such certificates. Of these, approximately 17 million were created after the registration of citizens as insured persons was completed. It is clear that the budgets of all regions are incurring billions of dollars in expenditures - savings, organization, staffing and procurement.

To what extent is there justification for the transition to a personalized approach, which, after the reform of pension legislation, is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation? Obviously, if today's pension regulations go through the Pension Fund itself for the official electronic databases and documents of its private archives, it will be necessary to save duplicate paper documents about the earnings of citizens in other archives every day. It is clear that in that hour, if the personified form has not yet been created, we will still have to save special items.

For Virishnnya, Patannya Rosarchiv, Pidogotuvuvu, the Binding bill on the introduction of Zmin to the Federal Law “About Arkhivna Sign to the Federal Air Force”, Yaki, not without difficult, Ale all the same, the PFR of the Rosya was in the same place. What is the essence of this? Remnants of the implementation of the Federal Law dated 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ “On the individual personification of the compulsory pension insurance system” in the Russian Pension Fund have been created and maintained This base of every working citizen is gradually updated with information about his work activity, then. All necessary arrangements have been made for acknowledging the old age pension in the future, the rest, in our opinion, can be saved at a very short time in a special warehouse, created after the registration of communities Yanina is an insured person. After a special procedure for such documents in organizations, regardless of the form of government, it is proposed to establish a 15-digit saving term, for documents from the special warehouse of the officials who worked on important robots, with unhelpful, careless and other special minds of their work (the term for saving these documents) will lose 75 rubles). For organizations that are responsible for compiling state and municipal archives, 15 river conservation terms are also established for documents from a special warehouse, subject to the ongoing examination of the value of these documents. Obviously, during the time of such an examination, great care is required so that, as it seems, the child is not immediately squelched out of the water. However, the benefits are more obvious, and besides the direct savings of financial costs for our investments, in state and municipal archives can amount to approximately 2 thousand. m2. area of ​​the joints, which allows you to save up to 900 thousand. reference to the term of conservation. So the candle is lit.

Since we are talking about legal issues, allow me to focus on two more important points.

At the time of registration, everyone was given a draft of the new Rules for the work of archives of organizations (also known as private archives). Of course, the project is not ideal. Working on it, we arose from the need to simplify the low-level work of household archives, and to promote the introduction of standards with the emergence of electronic documents. Therefore, we would really like to show you respect for our proposals in order to ensure that, in accordance with the law, we can quickly post the draft of this normative legal act on the Internet for widespread examination.

Another is the share of our bill on empowering the subjects of the Russian Federation with important functions for preserving archival documents of territorial bodies of federal bodies of the British Empire and federal organizations in a similar manner subsidies from the federal budget. We are sorry, but it is fair to say that if such a law could be, as it were, “stretched”, it has been spent - there was a need to work on the beginning of the 2000s, the so-called “regional” rocks. Today, when the devilish world financial crisis comes to a head, and the domestic economy is stalling, it is unrealistic to invest in their praise. In addition, the Ministry of Finance cannot cope with the administration of a large number of various subsidies and subventions from the federal budget to the budgets of other countries, praising the decision to consolidate all types of transfers in a single unit for the skin Ion is a “cauldron” whose archived pennies are irrevocably lost in a very small amount. In this situation, the struggle for the passage of the bill is losing sense. This is a bitter thing, but it’s true, which I hope you will understand and accept. We are looking for other options for the growing problem of documents from terrorist organizations.

Based on the above, the problem of earning money from extra-budgetary resources becomes especially urgent. With the reorganization of most of the state's archives in the treasury, the incentive for such activities has clearly diminished for those involved in such activities. However, it is not worth forgetting that on the federal level, as well as among lower-income subjects, the attitude towards compensation for funds accumulated by archives is positive. So what are the reasons for shortening, and therefore more emphasis on practice given paid services DO NOT toil. In addition, due to objective reasons, we are faced with the urgent problem of preserving the leading positions in the market of archival services for the state archives.

In an environment of increased economic growth, more and more different organizations are often more likely to reach distant sources of archival news and try to take a piece of the “market pie.” With this we have already discussed the fate of the purchase of services from insurance copying of especially valuable film documents and the publication of scientific research works. The current situation may be related to the fact that the Budget Address of the President for 2014-2016 is set to remove barriers that prevent the access of non-state organizations from the access of the state (municipal) servants, including their earnings for competitive basis until the crowning of the sovereign commands. This means that the market for archival services, which has traditionally been dominated by state archives, may have strong competitors, which can only be overcome by introducing modern complexities and servants.

In the minds that have been formed in the continuation of traditional archival work and services, as well as in the collection of thematic items, copies and arrangements (moreover, with your special respect, for the prices that are regularly indexed in dependence on the rate of inflation), is still necessary and their diversification for the development of innovative solutions.

In our opinion, one of these could be the project of creating a foreign-Russian Internet site of a genealogical nature, access to information resources of any kind may be provided on a paid basis. What are you talking about? Recently, within the framework of the federal target program of the Russian Archives, they began scanning the Reviz Cossacks of the first 3 censuses of the population and Landrat books that are preserved by the RDADA. The official duty costs 5 thousand. right there are close to 5 million sheets ( slide 6). As you can judge from the slide, the work is progressing at a rapid pace, which gives hope that the digitization process will be completed by mid-2014. After this, it is planned to post digitized images on the Internet, but, as I have already said, not with public access, but for a fee, the amount of which is still to be determined. So, on the one hand, due to the generally low payroll capacity of our population, this would not be a burden for anyone, but on the other hand, it would be a significant boost to the archives and budget.

If, before the digitization of RDADA documents, digitized materials of recent audits and metric books are received from regional state archives (and such work, as we know, is already being intensively carried out locally), then salt may be lost daily electronic resource of genealogical nature, demands on the information market. Electronic payments, which will be reinsuranced by the beneficiaries in the event of their failure, will be distributed proportionally to the number of reviewed images of documents in one or another archive. The implementation of such a project, placed in the global information space, will allow, in our opinion, to activate the influx of communities, including the Russian diaspora spread throughout the world.

The other side of the problem of increasing income is the organization of strict and precise administration of financial assets that are separated from partners, so that they are immediately spent on archive storage, and not on looted in banking streams.

Such factors are the main direct indicators of the effectiveness of the archives, which, obviously, cannot be exhausted by them and can be supplemented and specified in the skin of the Russian Federation no local specifics.

In conclusion, I would like to say this. Although not all archivists have yet seen the improvement in their material status, this in no way gives us the right to miss the real chance to raise the history of the archival right to a higher level. The President and the Government are focusing on this price. This is the naked need of marriage. This is the strategic meta that we declared in the Concept of the development of archival records for the period until 2020. At our last meeting, for the sake of this achievement, it is right of honor for us, as archivists of archival records.

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  • 1. History of informatization of archival records in Russia
  • 2. Organization of informatization of archival records in modern Russia
  • 2.1 Goals and principles of informatization of archival records in the Russian Federation
  • 2.2 Electronic document management and peculiarities of its storage
  • 2.3 Storage of databases in the archives
  • 3. Archival technologies at stage
  • 3.1 Information security of archives and archival funds
  • 3.2 Security software for the main types of activities of archival installations
  • Visnovok
  • List of Wikipedia and Literature


The achievements of the remaining rocks in computing technology, the great market has been destroyed inexpensive computers allowed us to successfully use a personal computer for archival document management. Today, with all the developments in the country, you can’t do without a computer.

Previously, working with documents required a lot of time and effort due to the need to manually re-edit the entire document when minor changes were made. The majestic stacks of paper archives and “ten thousand chickens” were the “exposure” of a solid organization.

The computer made fundamental changes to the archived document management. Computer programs help you process text, tables, graphs, drawings, allow you to create electronic archives of documents, ensure the storage of documents and their organization, their registration and control.

Relevance The point is that it is immediately necessary to develop this concept in a way to optimize the organization of work with information in the archival settings of all levels and intensify the work.

By method course workє development of storage of information technologies in the archives.

To reach the target you need to hang low zavdan:

read the stages of development of archival records;

Read the history of informatization of archival records of the Russian Federation

Consider the goals and principles of informatization of archival records;

Analyze the significance and essence of electronic databases of documents;

Explain the significance of electronic document management and its features in the archive;

Analyze the information security of archival documents;

Viklasti is the essence and knowledge of the main state computer programs in the sphere of archival science.

Object course tracking - creation of information and search databases, electronic copies of archival documents with the possibility of remote access to them through telecommunications networks and systems

Subject coursework to serve Formation of automated regional and scientific documents of the inter-archival and foreign-galuz region

1. History of informatization of archival records in Russia

information technology archive on the right

In the history of mechanization and automation of archival records, you can see a number of stages:

1) the period from the end of the 19th century to the 1950s;

2) the period from the 1950s to the first half of the 1970s;

3) the period of the other half of the 1970s – the first half of the 1980s;

4) the period of the other half of the 1980s - 1990s.

The history of mechanization and automation is closely connected with the history of evolution computing technology and media information. At the same time, the skin stage is characterized by its own interpretation of the role of automated technologies in the development of archival records in the region.

At the first stage, mechanization was important for household archives. The use of “small mechanization” was sporadic and was interspersed with the use of matrix information carriers (manual punched cards, punched stitches, codes) and treatment-perforation devices for more specific They are assigned to the Galusian population (census), planning, information on the population, etc.

Another stage of automation of archival records is not so much related to the development of technical and software security that is present in archives, but rather to the rapid development of computer science in our country and inflow into history. well, science and arch-science. About archival law in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: / Federal law dated 22.10.04 r. No. 125-FZ (as amended on 02/11/13) // - 2014.

The main idea of ​​this stage was the formulation of the theoretical foundations of created information systems, the classification of document information in archives, although in practical terms automation has not yet made a significant contribution to the development of archival records. However, on the basis of interdisciplinary research of the 1960s, which brought arch-science closer to information theory, rejecting the development of the “information approach in arch-science”, ideas of R.M. Efimenko, K.I. Rudelson et al. This has a lot to do with the current statements about the theory of classification and foundation, the scientific and scientific apparatus.

The third stage was the time of accumulation of empirical evidence in Galusia and the creation of local and international automated information and sound systems - AIPS. The growth of areas of automation systems in archival literature is connected, first of all, with the evolution of media information (micro-films, cards, disks, forms, etc.) and technical security (electronic punching machines , EU EOM), as well as with the appearance of special packages of application programs for AIPS. A significant influx into the automation of archival records during this period was also created by the process of creating automated control systems (ACS) in all departments of the state. The result of this process was the fact that until the beginning of the 1980s, the archives first became concerned with the collection in the state of saving machine-readable documents that were carried out by the activities of the Galuzian State Computing Centers (MCC) Archives of Russia ii" [Electronic resource]: - URL: http : // – 03/01/2014. . The fourth stage is associated with the beginning of spontaneous computerization of the majority of Moscow and former local government archives. The leaders of this process were NDC TD SRSR (RNDC KD), VNDIDAD, TsKhIDK and other archives.

In the 1990s in the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory acts introduced over 20 Galuzian automated business and documentation systems that create large amounts of machine-readable (electronic) documents. The creation of arrays of electronic documents is achieved through the process of digitizing documents on traditional media in state archives (through the creation of an insurance fund and a charity fund).

2. Organization of informatization of archival records in modern Russia

2.1 Goals and principles of informatization of archival records in the Russian Federation

The archive on the right is the picture of the activity of the partnership (power), which cares about the political, legal and practical aspects of preserving and organizing the recovery of archival documents.

The method of informatization of archived information is:

Extensive work of the archivist in routine operations;

Improving the accuracy and efficiency of the storage of documents in the archives;

Extraction of statistical data and creation of statistical analysis of document management, establishment of document management in the archive, analysis of the effectiveness and intensity of document collection.

Advancement of the Vikonian discipline, speed and accuracy of searching for documentary information when searching from the archives of the Archives of Russia" [Electronic resource]: - URL: – 03/01/2014. .

The objects of informatization of the work of the state and municipal archives and the archive of the organization (household) shall:

Completing, saving and searching documents on electronic media, which are created in the installation (for the archive manager) or in the collection installations (for the state archive);

Storage of documents in the archive and control over the security of documents;

Creation of the insurance fund and the collection of documents to the fund;

Control over business management and participation in the implemented automated business management system (for the archive manager);

Control over the implementation of automated business systems and electronic document management in installations

In the minds of advanced computerization, the formation of a sovereign and light information space in the informatization of archival records assumes special significance.

Informatization of archival records of the Russian Federation is based on the following main ambushes:

Competence in relation to the traditionally formed system of sovereignty and the NSA to documents of the AF of the Russian Federation, control over the security of security and the quality of documents;

internal unification of methods for describing, filing, transmitting and processing data in electronic form within the main areas of activity of archival installations;

The implementation of these principles may be implemented in a consistent manner, which will ensure minimization of resource wastage while eliminating the greatest effect Vadatsky A.O. The order is discussed by food safety and archive archives / O.A. Vadatsky // Vitchinian archives. – 2010. – No. 1. – p. 45-46.

The image of fund creators, Information support assigned to a warehouse of documents that is intended to be preserved by the authorities;

2.2 Electronic document management and peculiarities of its storage

For state archives, back in 1995, Rosarchiv developed the concept of informatization of archival records in Russia, on the basis of which the “Program for informatization of archival records in Russia” was created ій Federation". In line with the concept, the creation of an automated research and development apparatus, databases, which store electronic copies of documents, was transferred.

In line with the concept of informatization of archival records in the sovereign archive, a completely built-in integrated archive system, implemented on a unified software safe Aleksieva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Edited by V.P. Kozlova. Arch knowledge. M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2002.-272 p. .

The successful functioning of the information and sound system has a lot to do with proper organization in the archives.

This development takes place in a number of stages:

Improvement of business management and document management by the organization of the department or directly the work of the archive, which supports computerization;

Development of the technical department. At this stage, the priority is for the designers to have a thorough knowledge of the rules and regulations of veterinary business and archival records, as well as knowledge of the basics of database technology;

The production of the task and technical data may be carried out by the accountants of the DOP and archive service, as well as by the information security services. Technical Department for the implementation of an automated system for the archive, the data submission format is used by Rosarchiv;

Search for a reliable assignment of a software product and a company - a system integrator. What matters here is how much you spend on the software and technology, and the reliability of the report you receive, the solidity of the company;

The creation, installation and adaptation of programs is carried out by a programmer or a company - a system integrator - on the basis of technical specifications;

Certification and registration of a software product;

Support and maintenance of the system.

An archivist can act as a software developer and expert on a software product, and is responsible for assessing the benefits and shortcomings of programs from the perspective of archival technologies, making proposals in a thorough and thorough manner.

In the minds of the rapid development of computer technologies, there is a transition from the analogue technology of the past to the electronic digital technology of the future. At the same time, regardless of the majority of digital documents in Sweden, there are a significant number of archives that do not yet accept today’s electronic documents for permanent storage.

Currently, in economically developed countries and in Russia, there are a lot of services, banking and financial institutions that receive primary information only on magnetic media Afanasyeva L.P. Informatization of archival records: organization and management // Secretary on the Right.-2004.-No. 3.-S: 89-98. Electronic documents have become operational. They are becoming increasingly important in information security and will soon become the main sources of information in a wide range of practical and scientific tasks. - With numerical data files. 1987 Rock in the report of the US National Archives about the influx computer systems In business practice, it was assumed that “through a number of factors, a large number of records can be saved in electronic form.”

The inclusion of archivists to groups of distributors of new information systems is one of the characteristic features of the third, current stage of development of electronic documentation archives in Zakhad. At the end of the day, the current level of computerization of traditional archives makes it possible to save documents on optical disks. In our minds, the role of real archives of machine-readable data can be determined by the transference between organizations and archives.

Improving the methodology for examining the value of electronic documents is the most obvious result of the follow-up and discussion of archivists from different countries. Proteus is more or less connected with the development of information technologies Berezina N.M., [Text] Pidruchnik: “Current business” Berezina N.M., Lisenko L.M., Vorontsova E.P. 3rd edition - St. Petersburg. 2007., 122 pages. . It is impossible to do without the participation of archivists in established electronic business systems, as new computer equipment and software products have stopped appearing.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the concept of divided electronic archives has gained popularity. The point is that the documents are kept by the organizations that created them.

In order to organize the reliable and permanent preservation of electronic documents, the archive must either turn into a museum of outdated technology and software, or transfer documents to new computer systems.

The creation of museums of outdated hardware and software is periodically discussed by archivists, as it is an expensive project, which also requires the addition and support of various types of technology to the work force both computer programs and a staff of unique specialist technicians.

Regardless of the model of organizing electronic archives, the realities of the daily computer world will change the phenomena of their additional significance in administrative and management practice. Archives are no longer just a physical place for storing information. They will accumulate the knowledge of administrative, financial and legal minds in saving and retrieving information, and are involved in the development of computer systems and electronic data standards.

2.3 Storage of databases in the archives

In archival research, it is important to consider database technology, as well as other information technologies (digitization of documents, edge technologies, etc.).

All databases created in the archives are intelligently divided into clouds and information-search sites. These two categories of databases are differentiated by their structure, creation methods, and software applications.

Databases serve for processing statistical arrays - the storage of documents and references in the archive, the storage of wikis, control over security, etc. Alekseyeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Archivism [Text]: a handbook for honor. prof. illuminate: navch. handbook for environments. prof. illuminate/I.V. Alekseva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burova; Per ed. V.P. Kozlova. - 3 types, add. – M.: Vidavnichy Center “Academy”, 2010 –272 p. . It recognizes the importance of the number of documents in volume units (saving unit) and ensuring the preservation of documents during the time of their appearance in the time-sensitive structure of the structural unit. Cloud databases can be created according to functional and integration (richly functional) principles.

Information-search databases - this category of databases serves for the creation and maintenance of such archival data as archival inventories, lists of references, catalogues, card indexes, as well as for the development of information processes Shuku in the archive Alekseyeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P. . ., Burova E.M. Archivism [Text]:/E.V. Alekseva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burova. – M., 2010. - Z 111. . Creation of an automated information and search system for archiving and complex tasks.

There are three types of stench:

A searchable database of information created in business (based on an electronic control and registration file);

creation of a single integrated information and search database for all business documentation systems and archive installations;

Creation of a related information base (systems) for business and archival organizations.

When the adjacent information system is created at the parent archive, all work from the data entry is finalized by the archivists. Therefore, Rosarchiv recommends that the automated development apparatus of the archive be formatted on the basis of an information-search system, which is created in the organization’s in-line work and in advance of such elements as electronic Document files, nomenclatures of certificates, classifiers, etc. However, there is one source of change that affects the work of the electronic business file archive.

On the right is that the main classifier of business data is the nomenclature of the organization, which is being re-established. It is important for archivists to save the data corpus quickly.

For the effective management and storage of databases, the organization of divisions of databases, the exchange of files and the collective preparation of documents, etc. A local computing network (LAN) is installed in the archive. To ensure the effectiveness of the LAN software, the usefulness of its add-ons and databases, maintaining password access, the network administrator, usually a worker in the structural unit responsible for storing information of these technologies in the archives.

Archive workers' access to the database is organized consistently until their obligations are renewed. Access is regulated by a password protection system for computers and information assets.

The password protection of databases ensures access, as a rule, on three levels in the modes of “master”, “editor” and “administrator”. The lower level access password (“koristuvach”) allows you to search and view information, and remove other links (output forms).

In this mode, the functions of entering and editing data, adding and deleting records are not available Alekseva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Edited by V.P. Kozlova. Arch knowledge. M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2002.-272 p. . The “editor” level access password allows you to work with databases for an hour, enter and edit information, as well as search, review and display comments. Working as an “administrator” allows you to change access passwords for all three levels, delete information from the database, download database fragments created autonomously, maintain service information files (categories and shih.).

Access for clients to the database behind the warehouse and to the storage of documents in the archive is provided from terminals secured by wireless password guard, are distributed, as a rule, in the reading room of the archive. Databases created by the archive support the state registration of speech in the established order.

The Center for Information Technologies of the Federal Archive Service is working on the development of a standard software project “Install - to complete the completion of all archives.”

At the bottom of the archives, databases are distributed, it is possible to easily maintain documents in organizations - acquisition departments, and to create a passport for the archive of the organization in an automated mode.

The database “Passport of the Archive” is located at the Golovarkhiv metro station in Moscow; at the State Archives of the Amur and Tula regions.

Thus, on the basis of the deposited information, it is possible to develop information about the fact that the informatization of archival records is a major step in the development of a rational system for the formation, security, and universal collection of the Archival Fund of Russia and ist of your information resources.

The middle of the Basics of the Zavdan Rosiyskoja federals of the navigable of the rights of Gromyan in the format, nadannna of the wide access to the іnformasyni resource, and the centers of the Zbereganny documentary (TsKHD) are overwhelmed by the sovereign Arkhivs.

At this time, their search is made difficult both due to the remoteness of the rich archives, and also because of the insufficiency high level scientific description of archival materials and their thematic development Golikov O.G. Archival history of ancient history. [Text]: a basic textbook for students of secondary special education/O.G. Golikov. - 3 views, erased. – K.: Academy, 2012. –203 p. . Creation of information-search databases (DBs), electronic copies of archival documents with the possibility of remote access through telecommunications measures and systems to allow expanded access to archival information.

Internal archival databases of a comprehensive nature promote the accuracy of reports and the efficiency of information about the affairs of archival documents, serve as the basis for the creation of automated stock catalogs, various indicators, lists of installations and equipment the bath is just that, in the middle of the inter-archive and out-of-the-way areas.

Creation of an automated research and development apparatus, databases to store electronic copies of documents, development of telecommunication systems to improve the security of the archived information, to allow for more efficient provision of food formal exchange between archival institutions, accepting the value of interaction between archival institutions and federal and regional authorities.

The development of Russian and international standards in automation opens the way for Russian archives to integrate into the Russian archives, which is taking shape. Information space to intensify international spivorism.

3. Archival technologies at stage

3.1 Information security of archives and archival funds

At this time, archival information is becoming an independent factor in the social and economic development of marriage. Their role in decision-making in politics and the social sphere is growing, due to the fact that Volodya necessary information will ensure the creation of political and economic benefits Vadatsky A.O. The order is discussed by food safety and archive archives / O.A. Vadatsky // Vitchinian archives. – 2010. – No. 1. – p. 45-46. A large part of the information that arises from an immediate marriage is stored in archives, creating social information potential.

Due to such colossal information potential of retrospective information, traditional methods of information enrichment lose their effectiveness.

The most serious problem lies with the current state of information technology.

Modern computer science means a lot of things information activity archives, which is part of the huge collection, is associated with the preparation of information products and services directed to the public's satisfaction with retrospective information.

New information technologies bring to the archives and new problems. First of all, these problems are related to the protection of archived information from unauthorized access and unauthorized expansion.

Information about documents stored in archives is entered into databases and, as a result, digital copies of archival documents are formed into electronic archives.

We will look at various aspects related to unauthorized access and unauthorized expansion of archival information and copies of archival documents.

At the beginning of the 1980s, simultaneously with theoretical and methodical understanding of the problem, the thorough development of the NSA began to actively promote automated methods for searching documentary information in the practice of working archives. At the VTs RNGANTD (NICTD) on the basis of the ES EOM, AIPS from three databases is being introduced into industrial operation. Nowadays, almost all archives are equipped with personal computers, and a database is available. Descriptions of documents in the database can be selected and sorted according to various criteria (for example, chronology), which can give new results to the results.

Current computing technology allows you to quickly and easily create copies of databases Telcharov A.D. Arch knowledge. Lecture notes.-M., 2005. For example, an external Iomega ZIP device is connected to the printer slot and a ZIP floppy disk with a capacity of 300 MB measuring 10 cm by 10 cm can store a database of up to one million records.

Current information technologies make it possible to move from records of documents to their digital copies and creation of electronic archives. One CD-R disc can record 200 to 1000 photographs, depending on the color and size. To make a digital copy of a document for a “pirate”, it is necessary to remove the document from its archevil for a short period of time. In this way, the “pirate” will have a collection of digital copies of archival documents.

Thus, the problem of unauthorized access to computer archives is gaining relevance and it is now necessary to immediately identify ways and ways to improve them.

Ways to protect against unauthorized access and copying of archival documents and archival information:

Organizational logins - to limit personnel access to computers from databases of archived information in archives. For example, the archived databases of the US Treasury Department with data on the income of citizens are stored next to the US gold reserves in Fort Knox.

Do not allow devices such as hand-held scanners, ZIP devices, etc. to be brought into the archive. Seal the PC system units and install special locking devices to prevent hard drives from being removed from information.

Establish a password system for logging into a PC, database or electronic archive.

Use special software and technical features to protect against unauthorized access.

One of the best ways to combat illegal copying is the recovery of electronic keys. An electronic key is a compact device that is installed on the computer bus port and is transparent to the computer’s peripheral devices. do not respect your robots Artem'eva S.I., Ivantsova N.F. Archivism [Text]: / Artem’eva S.I., Ivantsova N.F. – Biysk, 2011. – 400 p. . Many electronic keys allow you to cascade them (by adding a number of such devices one by one, adjusting the key lanyard).

One of the most promising data protection systems is the SecretDisk95 system. The stolen data is stored on a secret logical drive of the computer in an encrypted form. Once the correct (authorized access) “appears” new disk, When writing to something, the data is encoded, and when reading from it, it is decoded. Special software features allow you to change the size of secret logical drives, change passwords and configure the security system. Users can set the mode for encoding information and floppy disks.

At the moment, a system for protecting data and preventing unauthorized access based on the use of microprocessor smart cards is rapidly developing. Born in 1997 A special standard has been developed, the specification of which allows the integration of smart card technologies into personal computers. Devices for reading smart cards will become standard devices for providing access to a computer. SiemensNixdorf, for example, installs these devices on servers, workstations, desktop computers and laptops. The authenticity of the smart card is constantly checked by a special program and the system is blocked. The smart card can be used as an electronic transfer before the computer is installed.

As the analysis shows, the main problem of chemical systems lies not in absolute inaccessibility, but in the impossibility, in a reasonable term, for attackers to open stolen files. It is clear that with a good setup, undisclosed financial information can be accessed remotely from the display of the monitor, or the shaking of the window glass, or vikory vulgar bribery, or vikory protection Through unauthorized access, it is possible to generate lower profitability for the evil one.

Security problems associated with access to the Internet are not currently relevant for archives, as long as computer connections are allowed or local measures from archival data directly to the Internet Berezina N.M., [Text] Pidruchnik: “Current business” Berezina N.M., Lisenko L.M., Vorontsova E.P. 3rd edition - St. Petersburg. 2007., 122 pages. . However, please note that this type has hardware and software features to protect against unauthorized access and unauthorized copying of information.

Increasing the information potential of archival information in electronic view There is a problem with the protection of archival information that accumulates in databases and electronic archives. For this purpose it is necessary to create working for a group To develop reliable solutions and recommendations for protecting against unauthorized access and copying archived information from databases and electronic archives.

3.2 Security software for the main types of activities of archival installations

In the minds of the widespread use of automated technologies and systems and the practice of robotic archival installations, the typification of methods and design solutions in the development of technical, algorithmic, software, information and organizational security GOST R 5 is of primary importance. 1141-98 Business and archive on the right. Terms and significance [Electronic resource]: / State standard, approval of the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 02/27/1998 No. 28 // UPS "Garant", URL:, 2014. . When developing such systems using a number of standard modules, the costs of development and installation will change, the reliability of software for gas testing will increase, and the advancement of qualification will become easier. ї koristuvachiv.

The use of standard archival technologies ensures the consistency of databases (hereinafter referred to as DBs) created by various archival installations, the possibility of combining them into a single archival information network with horizontal links between archival Existing installations of one level and vertical connections between archival installations of different levels.

Creation of regional automated stock catalogues, centralized archival databases, such as the Central Stock Catalog, the State Register of Cultural Decline of Russia (in terms of unique documents of the RF AF), databases from foreign archival databases of Russia, them from archival bibliography and others. impossible without the advancement of standard archival technologies. Typical technologies allow you to easily process data from different archives, without wasting hours on restarting.

The use of standard technologies will ensure the prompt and reliable exchange of information between powers and archival authorities, which is important for the adoption of current and informed management decisions. Typical technological solutions, combined with regional and federal information systems that are developing, can easily and clearly satisfy the needs of legislative and imperial authorities.

Common technological principles that adhere to international standards will provide the opportunity for active and equal participation of Russian archives in international archival and library systems and networks.

Information support of the main types of activities of state archives and documentation centers is achieved through the creation of standard software, its implementation, practical support for a complex of interconnected databases. Optimally, these databases function on the local computing network (LAN) of the archive installation as a complex of local or distributed databases. ru., 2014. . The core of this complex is a database that contains information (as well as a fund and description) of a regional nature, to save archival materials, store and replace documents.

Before the standard PP for archives and documentation storage centers, there must be a security program for the database for work with acquisition units, for the storage of archival documents and control over their savings, for the storage of documents in the archive; for archival records management bodies – PP for the databases “Stock Catalog”, “Passport to the Archive”. All data base listings are related to the key database either directly in the process of their functioning, or by the nature and formats of the underlying database information.

The optimal option for ensuring a unified policy in the field of informatization on a global scale is the development and replication across all archives of the same software for the skin for certain types of databases. To implement this approach, there are no important changes. An analysis of materials from a questionnaire of archival installations, analysis of the structures of existing databases showed that a database of similar directness has at its core similar sets of indicators for their interpretation of GOST R. 51141-98 “Dilovod” the archive is on the right. Terms and significance "[Electronic resource]: / State standard, approval of the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 02.27.1998 No. 28 // UPS "Garant", URL:, 2014. . Translating accumulated information to new databases is technically difficult.

The near-term prospects of informatization dictate the need for the creation of a standard PP for derarchives, and interconnected complexes of a standard PP for archival installations of different levels in the lanyards of the holder - archival management body on the right is the subject of the Federation - Rosarkhiv", "federal archive - Rosarkhiv".


The history of mechanization and automation is closely connected with the history of the evolution of computing technology and information media. At the first stage, mechanization was important for household archives. The use of “small mechanization” was sporadic and was interspersed with the use of matrix information carriers (manual punched cards, punched stitches, codes) and treatment-perforation devices for more specific They are assigned to the Galusian population (census), planning, information on the population, etc.

Another stage of automation of archival records is not so much related to the development of technical and software security that is present in archives, but rather to the rapid development of computer science in our country and inflow into history. well, science and arch-science. The main idea of ​​this stage was the formulation of theoretical ambushes for the creation of information systems, classification of document information in archives.

Informatization of archival records is a process of improving the technology of processing archival documents through the introduction of theoretical and applied information development from the archives, as well as the development of computer archives nicks of software security.

In line with the concept of informatization of archival records in the sovereign archive, a completely built-in integrated archive system, implemented on a unified galuz software liver

Analyzing the topic of investigation, it can be said that archival information is becoming an independent official in the social and development of marriage in the archives, the area of ​​​​recovery, and control over the security of documents.

List of Wikipedia and Literature

1. About archival law in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: / federal law dated 10/22/04. No. 125-FZ (as amended on February 11, 2013) // UPS “Garant”, URL: http://, 2014.

2. About the approval and implementation of the “Basic Rules for the Operation of State Archives of the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource]: / Order of the Federal Archive Service of Russia (Rosarchiv) dated December 29, 2001 No. 101 (ed. Issued 13.02. 2002) // SPS “Garant”, URL:, 2014.

3. GOST R. 51141-98 Business and archive on the right. Terms and significance [Electronic resource]: / State standard, approval of the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 02.27.1998 No. 28 // UPS "Garant", URL:, 2014.

4. Rules for the organization of saving, compiling, storing and retrieving documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Federation Iysk Academy of Sciences [Electronic resource]: approved by the order of the Minister of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated 18 today 2007 No. 19 // UPS "Garant", URL:, 2014.

5. Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations [Electronic resource]: // UPS "Garant", URL:, 2014.

6. Alekseva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Archivism [Text]:/E.V. Alekseva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burova. – M., 2010. – 270 s.

7. Artem'eva S.I., Ivantsova N.F. Archivism [Text]: / Artem’eva S.I., Ivantsova N.F. – Biysk, 2011. – 400 p.

8. Gofeyn G.M., Shepelev L.Ye. Archivism [Text]: / Gofeyn G.M., Shepelev L.Ye. – M., 2009. – 345 p.

9. Kraiska Z.V., Chellini E.V. Archivism [Text]: / Krayska Z.V., Chellini E.V. – M., 2006. – 280 p.

10. Ivanova A.L. Legislation and standards for the security of documents [Text]: / Ivanova A.L. – M., 2013. – 220 p.

11. Telcharov A.D. Arch knowledge. Lecture notes.-M., 2005

12. Alekseva E.V. Handbook for basic and professional education.-M., 2006.

13. Alekseva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Edited by V.P. Kozlova. Arch knowledge. M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2002.-272 p.

14. Afanasyeva L.P. Information technologies in archives: compilation and examination of the value of documents // Archives on the right.- 2012.-No. 2.-S:89-90

15. Afanasyeva L.P. Informatization of archival records: organization and management//Secretary on the right.-2004.-No. 3.-S:89-98

16. Aleksieva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M. Archivism [Text]: a handbook for honor. prof. illuminate: navch. handbook for environments. prof. illuminate/I.V. Alekseva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burova; Per ed. V.P. Kozlova. - 3 types, add. – M.: Vidavnichy Center “Academy”, 2010 –272 p.

17. Berezina N.M., [Text] Pidruchnik: “Current business” Berezina N.M., Lisenko L.M., Vorontsova E.P. 3rd edition - St. Petersburg. 2007., 122 pages.

18. Golikov A.G. Archival history of ancient history. [Text]: a basic textbook for students of secondary special education/O.G. Golikov. - 3 views, erased. – K.: Academy, 2012. –203 p.

19. Vadatsky A.O. The order is discussed by food safety and archive archives / O.A. Vadatsky // Vitchinian archives. – 2010. – No. 1. – p. 45-46

20. Archives of Russia" [Electronic resource]: - URL: – 03/01/2014.

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Informatization of archival records will lead to the development of a rational system for the formation, provision of security, universal access to the Archive Fund of Russia and the protection of its information resources.

The middle of the Basics of the Zavdan Rosiyskoja federals of the navigable of the rights of Gromyan in the format, nadannna of the wide access to the іnformasyni resource, and the centers of the Zbereganny documentary (TsKHD) are overwhelmed by the sovereign Arkhivs. At the present time, their research is difficult both due to the remoteness of the rich archives, and also because of the lack of a high level of scientific description of archival materials and their thematic development. Creation of information-search databases (DBs), electronic copies of archival documents with the possibility of remote access through telecommunications measures and systems to allow expanded access to archival information.

Internal archival databases of a cloud nature promote the accuracy of reports and the efficiency of information about the affairs of archival documents, serve as the basis for the creation of automated stock catalogs, various indicators, lists of installations and equipment. Well, that includes the inter-archive and underground-galuz region.

The creation of a database complex from the material, technical, personnel and financial structure of the federal archives and the use of expert systems makes it possible to promote the implementation and effectiveness of management and planning, control over the implementation of adopted plans Yeshen.

The creation of an automated research and development apparatus, databases to store electronic copies of documents, the development of telecommunication systems to enrich the security of the country with archival information, allows for more efficient provision of food The exchange of information between archival installations coincides with the significant interaction of archival installations with federal and regional government authorities.

p align="justify"> Works with the automation of searching for archival information began in the archival installations of the USSR in the late 70s. The concept was dissected, which included the following provisions: grounded or computerized search of archival documents, which contain selected thematic complexes, which may be especially important in the political and popular sense enna, and the list of documents that are most often asked by investigators; entering information about all archival documents into the system is too expensive and requires a lot of labor; The greatest benefit is the creation of cross-archive databases. A decision was made about the step-by-step introduction into the automated system of records of documents stored in the state archives of the USSR, on an equal basis with the fund.

In line with this concept, a richly functional automated information search system was developed for low-thematic complexes of archival documents, which was intended for operational development and information services and archival information, as well as for preparing archived documents in an automated way.

Almost 70 thousand have passed to the Automated System of Scientific and Technical Information (ASNTI for documents DAF SRSR), implemented on the EU EOM. descriptions of documents in archives equal to the fund; database of several thematic complexes on the cob 1990 r. included 176 thousand. descriptions of archival documents.

Maintaining database records made it possible to accumulate valuable information arrays in electronic format, most of which were later transferred to PEOM; Until now, the stench includes about 250 thousand. records

The main directions of informatization of archival records come from the main tasks and functions of the State Automated System of Russia installations:

  • · Security and sovereign appearance of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation (AF RF);
  • · Completion of the AF of the Russian Federation and examination of the value of documents;
  • · Scientific and information activity of archives, discovery and publication of documents of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • · Organizational and methodological care and control over the work of state and official archives and the organization of documents in business installations.

The regulation and typification of the activities of archives that save paper-based documents is significant, creating changes in the development of a wide range of typification principles and the introduction of automated information technology processes. The special features of archives containing documents on floating carriers can benefit from the creation of specialized software and hardware systems. In this regard, there is now a growing need to develop conceptual approaches to the organization and technological aspects of working with documents on machine-readable media. The most important direct contribution of current information technologies to the activities of archival installations is the organization of the collection of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. The implementation of this first step is closely related to the creation of an automated proof-reading apparatus, in which the information accumulated during the document processing process is collected.

Another direction of informatization is directly on the automated recording of robots associated with the acquisition of the AF of the Russian Federation. Prior to this, there is a need to complete the installation of equipment, information support and a warehouse of documents that encourages storage in the state archives.

The third focus is on the search for and publication of documents: organizing the search for archival information, streamlining search processes, selecting, providing and copying documents, providing certificates To the sources, the composition and the appearance of archival evidence, the appearance of historical documents. One of the results of the growing public health situation is the establishment of an insurance fund in the warehouse and the collection of the fund, which must be carried out to the task, which lies within the framework of the direct security of documents.

The fourth direction is the establishment of automation methods for carrying out scientific research and methodical work in state archives. It uses highly efficient behind-the-scenes and application programs, including text and spreadsheet processors, data processing systems, database management systems, hypertext and multimedia technologies, which allow you to create databases to store copies ї documents, collections of archival documents, preliminary information publications .

The fifth direct method of informatization is the automation of organizational and management functions of archival installations. Automated technology will become a tool for information security of archives by powers, analysis of their activities, and will become archival information in the regions. The combination of EBT features and specialized software ensures reduced complexity and increased efficiency of work related to archive management. Some tasks may be of a local nature (personnel management, accounting, etc.), others ("Passport to the archive", etc.) - are implemented in connection with tasks that are coordinated within other directions.

Informatization of archival records of the Russian Federation is based on the following main ambushes:

  • · Competence in relation to the traditionally formed system of sovereignty and the NSA to documents of the AF of the Russian Federation, control over the security of security and the quality of documents;
  • · Reduced capacity in the development of automated archival technologies: the available version of the new type of technology allows the use of information resources accumulated within latest version;
  • · Systematicity in the implementation of technological and information solutions, both one archive installation and a group of archive installations: AAT is a software and hardware complex that will ensure rational functioning linking databases;
  • · Internal unification of methods for describing, filing, transmitting and processing data in electronic form within the main areas of activity of archival installations;
  • · Access to information systems of installations and installations, which are permanent stores of archival information, with off-site data transmission systems.

Characterizing the activity of the archival service for 2013, it is necessary to note some of the features of the modern period of formation of the current information infrastructure, which allows the work of archives to be completed on a broad basis vprovadzhennya new technologies and fundamentally new approaches to the latest trends.

To expand access to archival documents within the framework of the creation of an electronic archive, approximately 8 thousand were transferred to electronic form. units saved, digitized inventory for almost 500 thousand. units were saved, over 232 thousand were entered into the electronic inventory. reference The “Archival Fund” database contains information about all funds in state and municipal archives.

This work is of greater importance in the minds of the growing importance of archival sites and the sharp increase in the number of sources that need to be connected through daily channels: since 2012, there is a large number of increased 4 times. At the same time, the tendency has become to save a large number of records to the archive.

The special social role and significance of archives can be confirmed by those who write about 90% of the archives’ requests for the provision of records to confirm the pension and housing rights of citizens. What is even more important is the shortening of the period of review of requests to 17 days and the increase in the number of positive responses to social and legal questions to 92.7%. Following the monitoring of the public thought, the satisfaction of the public becomes 100%, which is indicative of the objectives set by the Strategy for the development of archival records.

Significant resonance is small exhibition activity, which made it possible to recognize the enormity of previously unknown archival documents.

The population's satisfaction with archival information, which is expected to be a significant component of the compilation and safekeeping of documentary funds. In connection with this method of wasting documents in organizations, work has been activated from their preparation before transferring for saving to archives. During this period, the expert review commission approved the inventory of more than 21.7 thousand. reference of management documentation. At the same time, the analysis shows the continuing trend of transferring obligations for receiving documents to a special warehouse over management documentation.

The complex nature of the project was not implemented in 2013. The main focus was on improving and developing the material and technical base of archives, improving the minds of preserving documentary funds.

The requirements for improved document preservation were coordinated with the modernization of technological installations.

Regardless of the shortcomings, the activity of the archival service is indicative of the high professional, informational, personnel potential of the archives and the effective execution of the task, according to the Strategy development of archival records.

In connection with this, the effectiveness of the work on the archive for pouches in 2013 was determined by the improvement of rating estimates for the identification of such conductive indicators as:

provision of archival information to correspondents;

organizing and receiving documents for saving to archives;

data base "Archive Fund";

Vikonny's efforts work with the digitization of archival documents;

obvious violation of normative rules;

the complexity of preparing documents and feeding them for review by collegial bodies.

One of the main results of the following is the establishment of the “Domestic archive of the organization” system.

The typical application solution “Organization Archive Manager” is intended for automating the business processes of the archive service and various business managers of various departments of the organization. to the rules of business and archival records.

The overall functional structure of the “Archive Manager of the Organization” is shown in Fig. 1 is described in table. 1.

Table 1. Functional description of the system “Domestic archive of the organization”



Maintained in electronic form the ND of children with a distributed system of access rights. Updating of the electronic ND of children from updating the archive with the possibility of changing the nomenclature of the certificate for further examination and indicating the reason for the change. Supervise the process of weatherization of the postal service by informing the police officers. Making changes to the ND of in-line production units, automatically updating the created ND. Controls the process of preparing ND for children on the side of the up-to-date health care providers of the archive. Search ND.

Work according to the established ND of the enterprise

Automatic formation of the established ND of the enterprise after completion of the procedures for the approval of the electronic nomenclature of sub-products. Search for the triggered ND.

Work with written descriptions

Formation of documents (formation of documents in the system after inserting a template, editing of documents, sending of documents for verification in archives, forming of document covers, including mass). Checks the submission of new security officers to the archive with the possibility of reversing for additional examination and indicating the reason for the reversal. Supervise the process of weatherization of the postal service by informing the police officers. Search for descriptions.

Working with internal descriptions

To form an internal description for the system, please ask for the template. Please refer to the internal description for editing.

Acceptance and placement of documents in the archive

Automatic creation of registration cards (hereinafter referred to as RK) on a note in the archive. Formation of donors. Automatic or manual filling of topographic indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Work from applications to archive

Formation of an electronic application (formation in the system of an electronic application by inserting a symbol, editing of an electronic application, sending an electronic application to the archive), uploading of an electronic application (automatic search for certificates/documents for information included in the application , managing the signs “viconuetsya”, “viconano”, entering information about the job, returning the application once, if there is insufficient information for searching). Supervise the process of submitting an application to the postal forces to notify the dispatchers. Maintains a log of applications and controls their execution.

Formation of analytical data

Formation of statistical information on all aspects of the activity of the archive under specified parameters in the form of regulatory and operational statistical reports, for example: the number of items received/savings, the number of applications received , forming statistical tables for the archived records/savings, compilation of the published archives robots, statistics on the number of contributors, the name “Bedroom Adviser”, the name “Rukh Sprav in the Archives” etc.

Formation of paper copies of documents

Provides the ability to extract paper copies of the following documents: nomenclature of certificates, detailed description of certificates, internal description of certificates, act of release to depletion, application for release of certificates or searching for documents in the archive, registration card of certificates/storage units Iganya.

Securing the process of impoverishment of documents

Formation of an act regarding the reduction of documents/certificates that do not contribute to saving. Use of the act of vision to the point of poverty. Extension of the term saving reference.

Search for one save

The ability to search for units saved in the archive based on a given list of criteria with a distributed system of access rights has been implemented.

Audit log of the activities of koristuvachs

Provides the ability to automatically generate and maintain an audit trail for the actions of clients in the system.

Keruvannya koristuvachami and access rights

The possibility of actions on the cloud records of private owners is ensured: creating a cloud record, deleting a cloud record, editing a cloud record.

Working with electronic documents

Automatically formulate electronic certificates. Search for electronic certificates from the nomenclature. The universal search for electronic documents A review of electronic documents in the hour of seizing documents from the archives.

Agent management

All documents that enter the system's warehouse provide basic functionality: permanently saving the data of these documents, adding new elements, editing elements, selecting (remote elements are only possible in this case about other main objects of the system do not apply to the element that is visible ), viewing elements, viewing the list of elements, filtering and sorting the list of elements, searching for elements.

Typical transfer of documents (possibly extensions): document category adviser – list of document categories accepted by the system, request initiators – list of request initiators accepted by the system, data Place for saving documents - list Place for saving documents, directory of archevils - list of records, directory of children's documents healthcare workers.

Integration of agents from external systems

Integration functionality will be ensured with external systems-resources of standard development data (the indicator of the organizational structure of the enterprise and the indicator of the enterprise's foreign workers).


Based on the components of a typical application solution, adaptation is carried out (through functional and technological adjustment of components) to support the specifics of a particular enterprise. Insure the specifics of the work of the archive, employees responsible for business, etc. Based on the adapted solution, the system is designed. This includes installation and testing of software, issuance of operational documentation, training of personnel (administrators and production workers), carrying out final testing of changes made until the decision is finalized imogami, why blame.

Russian visual indicators allow a more objective and immediate assessment of the work of archives. Therefore, the committee will continue to analyze the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal archives based on the specified criteria. We accept the timely identification of “university places”, problems and the implementation of approaches to their elimination.

On the final decision of the Rosarkhiv Board, it is important to continue the implementation of the goal of increasing the information content of the “Archive Fund” and “Fund Catalog” databases, a remnant of the Federal Archive Agency plans to ensure access for Internet users to databases created by state and municipal archives. In this way, Rosarchiv transfers to the creation of an automated information resource that allows one of the main archival services to be implemented electronically - the provision of information about the warehouse and storage of documents to the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and the place to save them.

To enhance the prestige of the archival service, it is important to advance the preparation of materials, ensure thoughtfulness and consistency of their placement on the Internet. In this case, random selection of documents for publication is unacceptable.

The main long-term priority is the creation of comfortable minds to accept the responsibility and reliability of these services. Therefore, the Strategy Implementation Plan has also been supplemented with provisions that orient the activity of archives to the priority of communities. Without which it is impossible to achieve the goal of ensuring the transition to the standards of sovereign services of the new generation, which is based not on the position of the Viconavian, but on the position of the fellow servants - the giant who is killed for the capture of the archives information.

The section on the resource provision of the Strategy Implementation Plan has also been clarified, which aims to directly implement approaches aimed at increasing the personnel potential of the archival service: the creation of minds for the professional and social growth of the archive news, the development of new applied technologies, the widespread advancement of the younger generation, the creation of new approaches to increase the number of problems and present extraordinary options. It is recommended to develop plans for advancing the qualifications of the skin archive organ and installation. They ensure continuous improvement of the qualifications of facists and their adoption of new technologies. At the same time, it is important to provide a higher level of compensation for the qualifications and professional achievements of specialists. The assessment of the work must be carried out with the approval of the specific contribution of the skin fagivtsa to the development of archival law, the assignment to the general public of specific services, as well as the openness to changes and contributions to the top strategic departments.

Approved by Rosarkhiv in 1995.


The real concept is dissected by the method of thorough work in the field of informatization of state archival institutions in the minds of continuing the reform of archival records in Russia, intensive promotion of progressive information technologies in all galusi of the people's dominion.

The concept is based on legal acts that regulate archival law in Russia - “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives”, “Regulations on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation ї", on the provisions of legislative acts and normative documents that regulate information processes, up to which, for the time being, must be confirmed by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On information, informatization and protection of information”, “Concept of legal informatization of Russia” ї", "Fundamentals of government policy in the sphere of information", as well as a number of other documents.

During the development of the Concept, Galuzev’s scientific and methodological developments, practical evidence of scientific archival installations using computer technologies, and the activity of foreign archives in the field of information technology were emphasized.

The concept defines the main goals, principles and priorities of the work of archives and archives management bodies in the field of information technology, as well as the main directions of their activities in this area. This development necessitates the need to optimize the organization of work with information in the archive settings of all levels and intensify the work.

Researchers from Rosarkhiv, VNDIDAD, RNITsKD, IPU AN RF took part in the development of the Concept.


Informatization of archival records will lead to the development of a rational system for the formation, provision of security, universal access to the Archive Fund of Russia and the protection of its information resources.

The middle of the Basics of the Zavdan Rosiyskoja federals of the navigable of the rights of Gromyan in the format, nadannna of the wide access to the іnformasyni resource, and the centers of the Zbereganny documentary (TsKHD) are overwhelmed by the sovereign Arkhivs. At the present time, their research is difficult both due to the remoteness of the rich archives, and also because of the lack of a high level of scientific description of archival materials and their thematic development. Creation of information-search databases (DBs), electronic copies of archival documents with the possibility of remote access through telecommunications measures and systems to allow expanded access to archival information.

Internal archival databases of a cloud nature promote the accuracy of reports and the efficiency of information about the affairs of archival documents, serve as the basis for the creation of automated stock catalogs, various indicators, lists of installation equipment Well, that includes the inter-archive and extragalulous level.

The creation of a database complex from the material, technical, personnel and financial structure of the federal archives and the use of expert systems will make it possible to promote the implementation and effectiveness of management and planning, control over the implementation of adopted plans Yeshen.

Creation of an automated research and development apparatus, databases to store electronic copies of documents, development of telecommunication systems to improve the security of the archived information, to allow for more efficient provision of food formal exchange between archival institutions, accepting the value of interaction between archival institutions and federal and regional authorities.

The promotion and active development of automated archival technologies will make the archivist's work more productive and efficient, saving a lot of routine operations. The use of current information technologies will allow for an increase in the flow of paid services and increase their efficiency.

The development of Russian and international standards during automation opens the way for Russian archives to integrate into the Russian information space, which is emerging, to intensify International spivrobіtnitstva.


p align="justify"> Works with the automation of searching for archival information began in the archival installations of the USSR in the late 70s. The concept was dissected, which included the following provisions: grounded or computerized search of archival documents, which contain selected thematic complexes, which may be especially important in the political and popular sense enna, and the list of documents that are most often asked by investigators; entering information about all archival documents into the system is too expensive and requires a lot of labor; The greatest benefit is the creation of cross-archive databases. A decision was made about the step-by-step introduction into the automated system of records of documents stored in the state archives of the USSR, on an equal basis with the fund.

In line with this concept, a richly functional automated information search system was developed for low-thematic complexes of archival documents, which was intended for operational development and information services and archival information, as well as for preparing archived documents in an automated way.

Almost 70 thousand have passed to the Automated System of Scientific and Technical Information (ASNTI for documents DAF SRSR), implemented on the EU EOM. descriptions of documents in archives equal to the fund; database of several thematic complexes on the cob 1990 r. included 176 thousand. descriptions of archival documents.

Maintaining database records made it possible to accumulate valuable information arrays in electronic format, most of which were later transferred to PEOM; Until now, the stench includes about 250 thousand. records Of great importance for further work from this database is the achievement of the creation of thesauri, composed of lexical units of document descriptions. It was also important to consider the classification of thesauri elements, the establishment of hierarchy, association and synonymy between them.

The advent of personal computers marked a revolution in the history of EOM and computer technologies, which fundamentally changed approaches to informatization in archival records. Lighter, more compact and remarkably cheap computers, guaranteed by daily programmatically, have made it possible to use automated technologies in many types of work that are carried out in archival settings, to operate them more efficiently and at a lower cost.

The equipment of the state archival installations of computer technology is uneven and cannot be considered satisfactory. In the state archives, more than half of the machine park is old models (Robotron, PC XT, PC AT/286).

Recently, all the archives that have their own computers have begun to create databases that are thematic in order to ensure the collection of documents and other areas of the archives’ activities. In the archives of Russia, two categories are presented in different parts, both for the number of databases and for their total liabilities. For the number of records entered, the leading position is occupied by thematic databases - 88.7%, databases of a regional nature become 10%, and 1.3% of administrative and management information. These figures reveal a very different picture of the state archives and centers of the federal level and archival institutions of the subjects of the Federation.

The main mass of the database is collected in the archives of the federal region – 77.6%. For this group of archives, the area database is 1.4%, and most of the information entered is included in thematic databases - 98.5%. The situation was different in the regions: the coverage of regional and thematic databases was approximately the same – 40.0% and 54.3% similar. In automated information resources (AIP) archival galuzia thematic databases of federal archives and centers become 76.5%.

Statistics have been compiled to show that the early beginnings of informatization in the federal archives, their contractual relationships with foreign partners made it possible to purchase (and dispose of) equipment and secure private financing for the work zі creation of the database. In the near future, the situation will become more intense, fragments of regional archives are actively acquiring new equipment, under the support of local administrations, and are accepting personnel management And solutions for intensive automation of archival robots, which installed contracted accounts from foreign partners.

It can be stated that over many years there has been a lot of spontaneous development of informatization of state archival institutions, which was understood by us before the need for a methodological and program base for coordinated purposes new regulation of information processes: standard software for the main directions of the activities of archival installations, methodological developments For the effective use of computer technologies in archival records, standards for descriptions of archival documents in electronic format, a unified linguistic security (LO) database and data banks. Therefore, the creation of a list of information components and its implementation in practice is in the interests of the archival institutions of the Russian Federation. This Concept and Information Program, which is being developed on the basis of this provision, allows us to move to a planned and methodically organized work with the information of the archival records of Russia.


The main directions of informatization of archival records come from the main tasks and functions of the State Automated System of Russia installations:

    ensuring the security and sovereign appearance of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation (AF RF);

    completion of the AF of the Russian Federation and examination of the value of documents;

    scientific and information activity of archives, discovery and publication of documents of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

    organizational and methodological care and control over the work of state and official archives and the organization of documents in business installations.

The regulation and typification of the activities of archives that save paper-based documents is significant, creating changes in the development of a wide range of typification principles and the introduction of automated information technology processes. The special features of archives containing documents on floating carriers can benefit from the creation of specialized software and hardware systems. In this regard, there is now a growing need to develop conceptual approaches to the organization and technological aspects of working with documents on machine-readable media. The most important direct contribution of current information technologies to the activities of archival installations is the organization of the collection of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. The implementation of this first step is closely related to the creation of an automated proof-reading apparatus, in which the information accumulated during the document processing process is collected.

Another direction of informatization is directly on the automated recording of robots associated with the acquisition of the AF of the Russian Federation. Prior to this, there is a need to complete the installation of equipment, information support and a warehouse of documents that encourages storage in the state archives.

The third focus is on the search for and publication of documents: organizing the search for archival information, streamlining search processes, selecting, providing and copying documents, providing certificates To the sources, the composition and the appearance of archival evidence, the appearance of historical documents. One of the results of the growing public health situation is the establishment of an insurance fund in the warehouse and the collection of the fund, which must be carried out to the task, which lies within the framework of the direct security of documents.

The fourth direction is the establishment of automation methods for carrying out scientific research and methodical work in state archives. It uses highly efficient behind-the-scenes and application programs, including text and spreadsheet processors, data processing systems, database management systems, hypertext and multimedia technologies, which allow you to create databases to store copies ї documents, collections of archival documents, preliminary information publications .

The fifth direct method of informatization is the automation of organizational and management functions of archival installations. Automated technology will become a tool for information security of archives by powers, analysis of their activities, and will become archival information in the regions. The combination of EBT features and specialized software ensures reduced complexity and increased efficiency of work related to archive management. Some tasks may be of a local nature (personnel management, accounting, etc.), others ("Passport to the archive", etc.) - are implemented in connection with tasks that are coordinated within other directions.

The list of direct informatizations is closely related to the warehouse of output information and related tasks. Therefore, their implementation may be carried out in a consistent manner, which will ensure minimization of resource wastage while obtaining the greatest effect.

Informatization of archival records of the Russian Federation is based on the following main ambushes:

    reduction in relation to the traditionally formed system of sovereignty and the NSA to documents of the AF of the Russian Federation, control over security and the appearance of vicarious documents;

    slowness in the development of automated archival technologies: the available version of the latest type of technology makes it possible to exploit information resources accumulated within the framework of the latest version;

    systemicity in the implementation of technological and information solutions, both one archival installation and a group of archive installations: AAT with a software and hardware complex that will ensure rational functioning of in other databases;

    internal unification of methods for describing, filing, transmitting and processing data in electronic form within the main areas of activity of archival installations;

    connection with information systems of installations, equipment and installations, which are permanent sources of archival information, from behind-the-loop data transmission systems.


In the minds of the widespread use of automated technologies and systems and the practice of robotic archival installations, the typification of methods and design solutions in the development of their technical, algorithmic, software, information and organizational security is of primary importance. When developing such systems using a number of standard modules, the costs of development and installation will change, the reliability of software for gas testing will increase, and the advancement of qualification will become easier. ї koristuvachiv. The use of standard archival technologies ensures the consistency of databases created by different archival installations, the possibility of combining them into a single archival information network with horizontal connections between archival installations There are vertical connections between archival installations of different levels.

Creation of regional automated stock catalogues, centralized archival databases, such as the Central Stock Catalog, the State Register of Cultural Decline of Russia (for some of the unique documents of the RF AF), database from foreign archival database of Russia, from archival bibliography and so on. impossible without the advancement of standard archival technologies. Typical technologies allow you to easily process data from different archives, without wasting hours on restarting.

The use of standard technologies will ensure the prompt and reliable exchange of information between powers and archival authorities, which is important for the adoption of current and informed management decisions. Typical technological solutions, combined with regional and federal information systems that are developing, can easily and clearly satisfy the needs of legislative and imperial authorities.

Common technological principles that adhere to international standards will provide the opportunity for active and equal participation of Russian archives in international archival and library systems and networks.

Information support of the main types of activities of state archives and documentation centers is achieved through the creation of standard software, its implementation, and practical support for the complex of interconnections of databases. Optimally, this database operates on a local computing network (LAN) of an archive installation as a complex of local or distributed databases. The core of this complex is a database that contains information (on the same level as the fund and description) of a regional nature, in order to save archival materials, store and replace documents. This key database can be practically implemented in the form of a local or distributed database (with horizontal or vertical distribution of arrays) depending on the archive of documents, types of technical equipment, and storage storage.

Before the standard PP for archives and documentation storage centers, there must be a security program for the database for work with acquisition units, for the storage of archival documents and control over their savings, for the storage of documents in the archive; for archival records management bodies – PP for the databases “Stock Catalog”, “Passport to the Archive”. All database listings are related to the key database, either directly in the process of their functioning, or in the nature and formats of the underlying database information.

The optimal option for ensuring a unified policy in the field of information on a global scale is the development and replication across all archives of the same software for certain types of database. To implement this approach, there are no important changes. An analysis of the materials, a questionnaire of archival installations, and analysis of the structures of existing databases showed that databases of similar directness have at their basis similar sets of indicators for their interpretation. Translating accumulated information to new databases is technically difficult.

Archives that begin informatization using the standard software adopted for galusa automatically develop standardized sets of indicators and data formats.

The warehouse of a standard software is determined by the existing normative and methodological documents that regulate the activities of archival installations, the nature of the internal information flows that have been formed. At the same time, these issues can be expanded upon regarding the practice of working with archival documents.

The archival system, which decided to create a high-quality software instead of a standard one, includes the transfer of fields in the structure of information files for standardization and transfers the procedures for converting them into an accepted Galuzzu format for security Their transfer to other databases. However, this route is less rational in terms of material and intellectual costs.

The near-term prospects of informatization dictate the need for the creation of a standard software for derarchives, as well as interconnected complexes of standard software for archival installations of different levels in the lanyards of the holders - archival management body on the right is the subject of the Federation - Rosarkhiv", "federal archive - Rosarkhiv".


Linguistic databases include various means of data representation (classifiers, dictionaries, thesauri) and linguistic processors that ensure text processing. p align="justify"> Classifiers are currently the most important for informatization of archival records.

For an adequate and standardized description of the effective automated search of archival information, it is necessary to establish classifiers that are uniform in the archival field. Efficiently vikoristannya Documents on machine media (DMN) can only be used to ensure linguistic security of archival and back-of-the-envelope databases. The archival thread appears to be connected with the ongoing process of standardization of linguistic methods in the region.

At this time, as evidenced by the materials of the National Report "Automated Information Resources of Russia. Development Trends" (1995), the intensive creation of databases in various countries has generated a large number of localities They have different features, which are weakly consistent with each other and do not comply with international standards among similar types areas. There is little activity in the creation and maintenance of foreign-Russian classifiers, coding systems, and normative dictionaries. The branches of thesauruses, special dictionaries and classifications are loosely connected with each other. There is significant diversity among classifiers, it is important to complicate the description of the vicor of DMN after their transfer to the state of conservation.

The problem of creating linguistic security for archival knowledge arises from the modification of uniform classification schemes for document information, various thesauri and normative dictionaries, especially 'language about the creation of large databases of state archives and document storage centers.

The creation and implementation of foreign-Russian classification schemes is a problem on a national scale and will require solutions within the framework of special government programs. Fakhivtsi galuzi can conduct research in the galuzi of the personalities that are being researched in the archival galuzi, take part in the work of the created classifiers, thesauruses, normative dictionaries of documentary information .

It is necessary to centralize (preparation, gradual updating, clarification and periodic distribution to archival installations to replace outdated options) of behind-the-scenes automated classification schemes, normative dictionaries of the organization's installation names th, geographical names etc. In the end, the optimal option is the creation of a database of administrative-territorial changes in Russia and the USSR, which, with great independent significance for scientific and practical archival work, could also serve as a linguistic resource yum for an automated pre-production machine.


At this time, institutions and organizations have accumulated a significant amount of documents on magnetic carriers, which facilitate the capture of the state. These arrays include numerical and text banks and databases, design documentation, texts of computer programs, etc. It must be stated that the archive is not ready to work with DMN due to the great complexity of problems, including those of a financial nature, which are most necessary to ensure the acceptance, conservation and recovery of such materials.

The main factor that determines the specificity of the purpose of documents and creates difficulties in their use is that DMN, when replaced with documents on traditional media, is inextricably linked with software security (with more another approach - with information technology), within the framework of which the stinks were created and transformed. Information technologies are rapid and sometimes revolutionary. The largest PP manufacturers are trying to ensure that their new products are always up to date. earlier versions The ability to convert data from one format to another does not pose any problems with materials that are very old, databases with linked files, organizing re-indexing procedures, etc. It is also necessary to ensure that the significant obligations of the technical documentation on magnetic strips are created using unique computer-aided design (CAD) systems, like older operating systems.

The dynamic development and generational changes in computer technology have led to the fact that today it is practically impossible to read certain materials, due to the fact that they were not quickly translated into modern media in a format independent look. The specificity of the DMN, the interdependence and complexity of the underlying problems necessitate the development of a special program that conveys scientific research, the creation of a normative and methodological basis for the work with DMN, the organization of special implemented archival installations and storage facilities, staffed by qualified personnel, and the creation of an adequate technical and software base.

It is necessary to unify the creation of DMNs, which produce copies and analogues on traditional noses, meaning the use of security programs, formats for data presentation, and linguistic security. The next step is to determine the nomenclature of the DMN, which is accepted by the state for conservation, criteria and the procedure for conducting an examination of the value of documents. Following the principles of the approach to the development of this power, the decision, by analogy with documents on traditional media, will lead to the compilation of a number of different materials with the unknown prospect of their replacement. A preliminary analysis shows that in this case it is important to work with the creation of a specific pre-production apparatus for the extraction of materials, which includes a description, an information array, linguistic security, and additional documents. new character. Security in this case is mainly limited to periodic copying of all information recorded on a single device; the problem of reading information is the responsibility of the user to resolve independently.

Another approach conveys a more active role of archivists in the organization of the state's preservation and collection of documents. It is a matter of saving large amounts of machine-readable information of simple structure that may have obvious socio-economic significance - the primary data from demographic censuses, sociological ones, etc. Accepted materials created within the framework of any PP are translated by the archivists themselves into a single format that is common for all such DMN. Upon request, the correspondent is sent a copy of the materials on a magnetic tape in the format accepted for archiving these materials, and the archivists first convert the information (by agreement) into a format suitable for the correspondent vaca. Accumulations of external evidence show that another approach, replacing the first one, will ensure active access to DMN, easier access to archival materials, and will open up a wider range of possibilities for their transmission by telecommunications them by means of borders or displaying everything on optical disks. The availability of materials of this type may be expanded to include the exclusion of data that is transmitted to the court in order to identify the respondent - whose type of record does not fall under the legislation on the concealment of a special life. It will be determined that the third approach can be implemented in the longer term through the additional creation and widespread introduction of unified information technologies at the DNZ, as if they were installed in installations-devices bathroom, as well as in the reading rooms of the archives.

The designated approaches carefully consider the criteria for the selection of documents for storage, the order of completion, the organization and procedures for ensuring security and support, and, obviously, the necessary financial expenses of the security services, with technology and software, assistance to specialization and qualifications of personnel. A very promising area of ​​the information industry, which is actively developing, is currently the creation of hypertext systems. With the emerging technology of multimedia and the inclusion of audio and video materials to hypertext systems, we can talk about systems that host hypermedia (or hyperrecording), then. How to integrate documents in one system that contain text, graphics, audio and visual information. The mastery of the principles and technologies of the creation of hypertext systems by archival workers is significant in two aspects. First of all, it is necessary to develop, with the participation of archivists, methodological recommendations (which are approaching the standard) for the creation of navigation systems (more precisely, those parts of systems, such as the metabase) in order to transfer hypertext systems to the state These metabases could also be included in the pre-production warehouse archive device.

The creation and circulation of hypertext systems is known to be stagnant in the activities of OCST, in the field of archival scientific research, and in the work of bodies managing archival records with normative and methodological documents.

The main difference between the relevant rules of creation, the accumulation and submission of information inevitably appears on the problems of compiling DMN archives, methods of their description, saving and recovery. In fact, the national archives are the nodal point to which all the different types and diverse types of DMNs can arrive, and where the problems of complexity and standardization may arise in the most concentrated view.

An analysis of scientific and experimental research beyond the border shows that in the field of information technologies the prospect of a transition to digital methods created for the fund and insurance fund, with one-hour expanded access to archival materials via telecommunication systems. As the carriers of digitized information are optical disks (OD), at the current stage there is the most efficient and cheapest way to save information, durable and manual.

Digitization of archival documents makes it possible to clearly change the system of work of correspondents, so as to practically integrate their work with the NSA and archival documents. Automation of a richly-faceted thematic search, which is becoming more and more comprehensive, allows you to identify the required document, which you can view on the screen or print a copy of your fax image on a paper or in a file. The option of taking an electronic copy of the document is also reliable when accessing from a remote terminal using additional telecommunications networks.

The development of OD and multimedia technology opens up new prospects for the publishing activities of archives: it becomes possible to combine text, graphic, photo, background and video documents in one type.

The focus on the use of different methods of digitization in archival records is supported by a number of objective factors that are relevant to the current level of technological development and specific to the situation in the region i: improvement and immediate decrease in the productivity of computer technology and noses, development of software, development of the computer 'Eastern measures are created immediately due to the increased availability of materials for creating UV and foundation using traditional methods.

It is necessary to carry out a complex of experimental work due to the advancement of digitization technologies and storage of archival documents on optical disks, incl. The analysis made it possible to select a nomenclature of archival documents of various types that would facilitate digitization, selecting and developing an optimal automated search system, depicted on optical disk, development of technological instructions from experimental digitization of archival documents of various types, selection and adaptation of text recognition programs. One of the results of this work may be an addition to the Rules of Scientific Publication There is a section on historical matters that regulates the preparation for the release of archival materials in electronic (digitized) form.


International research in the field of archival information informatization is focused on the adoption of progressive information technologies in archival practice, the development of connections with foreign archivists and archivists In other words, the value of material information resources.

Comparison with countries near and far abroad includes:

    improving business connections, organizing the exchange of materials on the problems of informatization of archival records, exchange of documents with the method of awareness of the work with information;

    Close cooperation with archival and scientific organizations, which conduct research in the field of new information technologies, technological aspects of access to archival materials, participation in international scientific seminars and symposiums;

    Establishing business contacts with the largest organizations that contribute to the accumulation, conservation and widespread use of DMN;

    cooperation with neighboring countries in the development of foreign standards for the description of archival information;

    implementation of new projects from the storage of current information technologies in Russian archives.

In the informatization of archival records, it is particularly important to carry out large-scale experiments that provide material for the detailed development of technologies, as well as lay the foundation for the adoption of principled solutions to new directions of informatization.

Experimental research involves large financial investments and labor costs without a guarantee of high returns. This is completely suitable for all international projects that use automated technologies, as testing grounds for testing new technological solutions within the Russian archival system and on the Russian material. ily. This approach transfers the most active participation of the Russian side to the planned and technological aspects of the project: choosing a solution to ensure the consistency of the creation of automated information resources and yogo inventories (metabases) of previously created and dissolved AAT; analysis of information, technical, program, economic results; preparation for historical archivists of a comprehensive analytical review of the progress and progress of the work carried out; making recommendations for the project; in several cases, since this is not entirely protected by the agreement under the project - the advancement of technological solutions in the practice of working with archival installations.

Nowadays, a critical and important approach is necessary before the development of foreign information on the informatization of archival records. First of all, in the areas of informatization methods in every region, there is the infusion of the traditional national system of acquisition, security, description and retrieval of archival materials. In other words, most of the databases and data banks were designed for software and technical features that were outdated by the end of the day. The development of previously significant expenditures on software and possession, the accumulation of information in old formats creates inertia in the development of information technologies, and overshadows the timely introduction of new technologies. ultrasound It is important to remember that the choice of software, information technologies, and the adoption of these and other standards is not dependent on their effectiveness, but on the accumulated AIP and marketing activities of companies m-viruses of software and computer technology, self-sufficient efforts to national priorities.

An important part of international research in the field of information technology is interaction with the archival institutions of various Russian republics. The idea of ​​effective scientific research includes the basic principles of organizing archival records and working with archival documents. The rise in Russia and neighboring countries of the same or the most advanced AAT, advanced standards is suitable for intensive information exchange and mutual renewal of AIP, greater satisfaction with the needs of the authorities, communities in archival information, development and thorough connections between archival services. Cooperation with neighboring countries can be carried out within the framework of bilateral or multilateral agreements, which include food supply and AAT supply; organizing mutual exchange of archived information in electronic form; standardization of information delivery, communication formats and data transfer protocols; maintaining a rich linguistic database security; Operation and access in the mode of remote access to centralized databases and data banks.


Effective informatization of the archival field requires the implementation of a complex of approaches aimed directly at the organization, scientific, methodological, personnel, and material support of the work that is being carried out. The specific application of skin directives and the stages of their implementation become Galuzev’s informatization program.

To optimize the work with information, it is important that the authorities and the documentation center, the archive management authorities develop a well-organized and realistic information program, so that everything The initial plan of approaches, which means the order and main types of work that carry out archival installations obtained by third-party organizations and accountants . The program must work with behind-the-scenes projects, as well as with federal and regional programs in the field of information technology to ensure the ability to enter the behind-the-scenes information space. The program must transfer a rational use of material and human resources: the use of standard software, the implementation of special projects in conjunction with other archival and back-of-house installations, etc. It is important to continue the development of scientific research in the field of information technology with the federal program “Informatization of Russia”.

The practice of informatization of archival installations shows the importance of planning and regular holding of seminars at the regional and regional levels of the governmental authorities with the development of skills in working with current software for security, for the design of the database, for the benefit of the healthcare workers, for the nutrition of the organization, work with informationization. There is a need to organize an initial methodological center, on the basis of which advanced training courses would be conducted, which would include practical training, consultation on the promotion and operation of automated archival technologies.

It is extremely necessary to approach the standards for the description and organization of information arrays throughout the entire document flow from the moment of its creation: business establishment - archives installation - custodial archives - state archives. As part of the automation of work with installations-dzherels, the acquisition of traces requires the development of unified technologies to ensure the comprehensiveness of information technology solutions that are obtained from the authorities and government archives. Materials created in installations of a comprehensive nature become an organic part of databases in the form of state archives without repeated manual entry of records and automatic processing of data in an automated mode. The meaning of the approach must be secured in special sections of agreements with equipment installations.

Next, promote the role and activity of the basic centers with information, coordinate their activities, transform them into conductors of progressive information technologies in the subjects of the Federation. It is important to introduce into the practice of targeted publication in the archival period of articles and reviews of identified issues, analytical materials that highlight the evidence of automation in domestic and foreign archives in their settings. Corresponding organization of telecommunications and teleconferences due to the problems of informatization of archives.

In the world of accumulation of archival automated information resources of any kind, an expanded number of corporate databases, the problems of protecting AIP from authorized access, theft, and unauthorized and involuntary compromise are becoming more pressing. At this time, it is very important to organize the maintenance of centralized databases, especially the Central Stock Catalog (CSF). Transfers to the automation mode of the digital financial center can be combined with both cloud-based functions and the archive editor. This information may be used in the analysis of the warehouse of the Russian Federation, the implementation of plans for the recovery, in the work of foreign archival Russia, with the creation of archives, the materials of which were spent, for active archiving There are clear differences with neighboring countries.

The most important approach, aimed at increasing the efficiency and intensity of informatization, is the development of the regulatory and methodological basis for the establishment of computer technologies and their inclusion in the Basic Rules for the work of state archives.


At the initial stage of information technology, the information technology system inevitably copies the traditional “paper” document processing technology that has been developed, duplicating the tired scheme of internal and inter-node formation flows. The world has an increase in automated information resources, their use in active use, the “increase” in the archival practice of information technologies, and the inevitable transformation of the structure and intensity of information flows, forms, in this display of archival activities, such as the work of correspondents. These officials, and the progress in the development of computer equipment and technology, indicate the need for stable and highly effective work with the informatization of Russian archival records.