Office mode with limited functionality as a switch. Visible to the mode of limited functionality of Word. Emphasis on the mode of limited functionality in Word

I like yoga tidy up - the main theme of the articles, so that it will be more appropriate for the first time, so, for that matter, and the confirmed texts of Word 2007 \ 2010 and other versions.

On the back, let's figure out what we took care of the mode and what method of wine was behind the creations of the Microsoft Office retailers. All on the right in the fact that during the transition from Word 2003 to Word 2007\2010 It was implemented a number of different novelties, zocrema, added more functional expansion, images, multimedia and other data, which clearly help the robot. Vіm, with whom the problem has been lost, that, on the one hand, the koristuvachs have lost their impersonal documents with the good old extensions .doc On the other hand, a lot of people were excited to see the novelty of the revised office 2003. Also, there was a dilemma, a solution that happened in synchronizing the capabilities of Word documents with different versions of a text editor. Let's say that the new graphics are slightly displayed in Word 2003, but only for images, or images without the ability to edit, as well as the ability to follow the warnings that the document is saved from the .doc format.
Otzhe, tse buv entered, now let's move on to the uninterrupted solution of the problem. In order to turn off mode limited functionality near Vordi, enough save the document, as we practise, with a new distribution building.docx. Todi absolutely all new functions vіdmіnno pracsyuvatimutі the mode of intermingled functionality in Word is known.
For whom go to the tab File - Save Yak (Word 2007 has a File option with an "Office" button at the top left corner):

Now before you there is a warning about those who dani file DO NOT display in Office Word 2003, here it is necessary press OK:

І rest: now interleaved functionality disabled and does not appear next to the document name:

I succumb given information on to the mode of intermingled functionality Word bula coris for you, and now there will be no problems with the robot in the text editor. Success!

In the case of old versions of Word, at the hour of the document's release, there is a note about the exchanged functionality mode. Blame the food, which means the mode of obgezhennoї functionality in Word, how to clean up yoga. And then it changes the ability to edit texts, does not give access to new extensions, and creates a mess in robots. Calling a programmer for such a clumsy job, like changing the format, is not necessary in any way, you, having followed our recommendations, completely fit into the tasks without wasting a lot of time.

What does the exchange of functionality mean?

The Word text editor, which is included before the Microsoft Office package, is constantly being updated by retailers: increasing capacity, changing the interface. Tse appeared on the extension: Word 2003 may doc, and 2007/2010 - docx. Koristuvachі hour, zviknuvshi up to one program, reluctant to change it to a new one. However, you may have to transfer or transfer the files to another computer, from the programs installed there, to blame problems. So it was trapilos and Word. Files, which are preserved in the 2003 format, are displayed in other read-only spaces, without the possibility of editing data. Coristuvachas are reminded that the mode of obzhezhennoy functionality is set. The creations of 2007 did not start at the same time with those who had the primary Word 2003, otherwise they did not work on the additions. The retailers have broken up a utility that allowed opening documents created by Word 2007 through 2003. And yet, the mode of exchanged functionality for an hour does not give full pratsyuvati:

  • No access to the creation of new documents.
  • The text can be reviewed, but not edited.
  • It is not possible to tweak the expansion options, such as exporting to PDF, new templates.

The mode of limited functionality of Word 2010, how to pick it up - read below. Really turn on the mode - the procedure is clumsy, as it does not require a lot of time for that kind of special knowledge. Read our instructions and you can easily work with your texts.

Vidalennya obmezhenie

We prepared the text for the booth on the old one, but on such a sound word for you Word 2003. They brought the file on a flash drive or another wearer to the robot, to friends, and Word 2007/2010 was installed there. You will need to make changes or additions in front of the manager, but it is not available. Henceforth, there is a choice in front of you: vibache and pronounce everything later, if you turn back home, or remake the document so that you can be rich with all the possibilities that are inspired by retailers.

If you chose another option, you need to know how to work so that everything works out. There are two ways to do this: save the file or save it without saving it.

  1. You have changed the document of 2003 to a new format, but left out the rest. You just need to oversave with other extensions. For whom go to "File" - "Save Yak". In the "File type" row, select "Word Document", enter a different name. In the end, if there is a warning that the new version will not be displayed in Office Press OK, you can first check the box “Don’t put this food again” so that there is no warning. The system saves options with different extensions.
  2. If you don't need to choose the exit option, then it's like this: at the File tab, go to View, then click on Change. If you accept the file with the docx extension, all new functions will work without problems.

Note: In the Word 2007 interface, the “File” tab has the “Office” button at the top left corner.

In Word 2013, the problem occurs in a similar way, the principle of work has not changed.

Like you have an old version of Word, the mode of limited functionality, how do you turn off yoga? Clean up yoga does not require special reduction. You will not be brought to fahіvtsіv, pay for their services. Kozhen koristuvach can easily get into it, following our recommendations.

A lot of koristuvachіv, working with documents in the Word text editor, sticks to the reminders that the regime of the Word shortened functionality is used in the opened document. Text editor Microsoft Word enter the warehouse of the popular office suite Microsoft Office, Various versions of which are victorious on a great number of computers.

At the upper part of the window open document The message is: "Document name [Mode of restricted functionality] - Word". Notification may be made that the Word file is open to the Microsoft Word program;

In some cases, with simple editing, the mode of limited functionality (modality mode) is practically not affected by the work on the document. In other situations, you need more intelligence to set the necessary parameters in the editing programs available in the current version of Microsoft Word.

How do I change the mode of limited functionality in Word? Yakshcho blame the need, given problem easily untied.

There are two ways to turn on the mode of substitution of Word functionality:

  • converting a document into a streaming format new version Word, installations on the computer
  • change file extension to current format

The mode of exchanged functionality is displayed in the current program, if the file is opened, the creations are in the front version of Word. Versions Word programs 2016 and Word 2013 may be confused between themselves.

In this article, you can remove the instructions on how to turn off the interleaved functionality mode in Word in different versions of the programs: Microsoft Word 2016, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2007.

Reasons for opening Word documents in the mode of limited functionality

What does it mean that the functionality is limited, why is the functionality of Word limited? On the right in what the skin has a new edition word processor, Microsoft software maker, adding new functionality for editing, changing zastosuvannya and interdependence of other program components. In the new version of the program, new fonts, formats, elements are added, and new effects are supported.

As a result, after opening a Word document created in more early versions Programs, є risik appeared pardons of formatting, incorrect display of the original document.

In order to clean up possible problems, word document, creations old version MS Word programs, which are used in the new version of the program in a smaller functional, urized mode, in which it becomes a file for a larger edition of the program. This document matches the parameters of the older version of Word, new features for editing are enabled, which are not supported by the older version of the program.

The mode of consciousness is used up pardons are possible, what is blamed for the hour of wrestling in the work on the document different versions Word.

Turn on the mode of interleaved functionality of the Word by changing the extension of the file

In different versions of files created in old versions of the text editor, the mode of limited functionality in Word can be tidied up for an additional change in the file extension.

For Microsoft Word programs starting with Word 2007, files are saved with the ".DOCX" extension. For older versions of the program, the files were saved with the ".DOC" extension. After changing the extension, the Word 97-2003 document will be converted to a “.docx” file with minor changes in the structure.

You can change the extension of a Word file in two ways: manually or outside Microsoft software word. In the first fall, original file change your extension. For another person, a copy of the document in the new format (docx) will be created, and the old version of the file (doc) will be saved on the computer.

To change the file extension manually, first you need to disable the deacons (enable file extension option) for different versions operating system Windows.

Let's watch this:

  1. Click on a Word file right button mice.
  2. At context menu select "Rename".
  3. Change file extension after point from doc to docx.
  4. Please wait a moment to change the file extension.

You can change the extension of a Word file directly from the program:

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. See at the "File" menu, select "Save as" (for Word 2007, select "Word Document").
  3. After selecting the saving area in the window “Document saving” in the field “File type” possible options select "Word Document".
  • If necessary, check the box next to the item earlier versions Word" to save the layout of the document.
  1. Wait for the change of the document.

Word document, created in the old format, removes all possibilities for editing, available in the new format.

How to clean up the hacked functionality mode of Word 2016

In order to turn off the mode of limited functionality in Word 2016, use the following steps:

  1. When you open a Word document, see the File menu.
  2. At the “Vidomosti” branch, having set the “Mode of the exchanged functionality”, press the “Reset” button.

  1. At the beginning, click on the "OK" button.

  1. Close the document, press the "Save" button at the front of the window.

The next day to appear on the computer Word file for a new file format without the mode of exchanged functionality, for the document all technical capabilities become available the rest of the version programs installed on your computer.

How to clean up the hacked functionality mode of Word 2013

In order to turn off the mode of limited functionality of Word 2013, go through the following steps:

  1. Click the "File" menu.
  2. At the “Vidomosti” branch, press the “Rework” button.

  1. In advance of those that the document will be converted to a new format, press the "OK" button.
  2. After closing the Word document, wait for the changes to be made to the file.

How to tidy up the mode of fuzzy summality Word 2010

The mode of interleaved functionality of Word 2010 can be tidied up in the following way:

  1. From the “File” menu, go to “Advances”.
  2. Click on the "Redo" button.

  1. Dali press the button "OK" at the window of the warning about the conversion of the file format.
  2. Give a year to save money on MS Word files.

How to tidy up the mode of fuzzy summality Word 2007

If you need to switch to the restricted functionality mode of Word 2007, see the following:

  1. Press the "Microsoft Office" button.
  2. At the context menu, select “Save this”, and then “Word Document”.

  1. At the end, click on the "OK" button to save the document in a new file format.
  2. Wait for the change to change the closing hour Microsoft document Word 2007


As soon as a Word document is opened by the program in the mode of intermingled functionality (summancy mode), it can turn off the mode by converting the Word file to the file format of the remaining version of the program. For the next Word document, the remaining technical possibilities for editing the file should be kept.

With the release of Word 2007, Microsoft introduced a new format for text documents. This format has been removed from the expansion and has become the new standard for text editors in Word. For example, Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 save all text documents and themselves from the DOCX format for locking.

But the old version of the Word text editor, Word 2003, which has become very popular, has been lost. Older versions of Word continue to save documents from the DOC format, which creates some problems with consistency when opening these documents in newer versions of Word.

For example, while Word 2010 is converting an old document in DOC format, Word 2010 can't edit all the features of this editor. Itself about such a problem and signaling the message "The mode of exchanged functionality", as it appears at the title of the program window.

In this article, we can tell you about how you can solve this problem and clean up the mode of limited functionality in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Method number 1. Document revision.

If you want to tidy up the mode of limited functionality in Word, then the simplest way to speed up the function is "Change". For this, open the “File” menu, as it is located at the top left corner of the program, select the “Advices” menu item and press the “Redo” button.

The next one should appear merging into the future about the reworking of the document. To tidy up the mode of intermingled functionality, you need to confirm the conversion by clicking on the “Ok” button.

As a result, your text document will be converted to a new format, and its extension will be changed from DOC to DOCX. After the procedure for informing about the mode of exchanged functionality, it will no longer be announced.

Method number 2. Document saving in DOCX format.

Another way to get the hacked functionality mode off of Word is to simply save the file in DOCX format. For which you need to open the "File" menu and select the "Save as" menu item.

The next time the document is saved. Here you need to open the "File Type" menu, which you can see, and select "Word Document *.docx" in the list. The next document should be saved in the selected format.

As a result, you will see one more file with the same name, but in DOCX format. The Word editor will automatically switch to the work with the new file and inform you about the mode of intermingled functionality.

Of course, there is one more way to clean up the mode of limited functionality. You can simply copy the file in DOC format, paste it into a new empty file in DOCX format and continue editing the text in the new file.

If the document is created in the old version of Microsoft Word, and you are trying to open it in the new version, the program will be launched in the reduced functionality mode. This mode does not allow copying all the functionality of MS Word for an hour of work with an old document.

This was done in order to get rid of problems from confusion, as if you need to re-open the document with the old version of Word. If you correct it, if you add it to the document for an hour of editing, you can simply not apply it to older versions.

Older versions of MS Word have documents DOC extension, but the new DOCX .

You can clean up the mode of intermingled functionality in Word, just save the file in a new format, or you can remake it. See the details below.

Vimknennya mode of limited functionality in Word


To open the File tab, press the Convert to Vidomosti button. Then you need to confirm the change and press OK. Why save the document.

Respect! Do not change the current document without saving the old version. If you need offensive versions, beat the way below.

Savings in a new format

Here it is simply necessary to save the document in the new format. For whom go to File > Save as , select the required directory, enter a new format Word Document (*.docx) and press OK.

The result will be a new Word document with the DOCX extensions and the switched off functionality mode.