Galaxy s7 battery leaks. Samsung smartphones will be vibrated. Now Galaxy S7 edge. What will happen to Samsung

Without a doubt, today Samsung is one of shortest virobniks There are smartphones all over the world. And although the devices of the Korean giant are gaining great popularity, a number of the company’s products have their own “pros” and “cons”. Unfortunately, the flagships Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge announced at MWC 2016 have some shortcomings. Now, after the start of sales, I think a lot of people have already thought about adding one (or two?) of the top devices. To ensure that the purchase does not become too hot for the potential buyer, it is necessary to immediately inform him about various problems that new products have. Vlasna, until now let’s get started.

According to Pershe, The Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge use the “old” Micro USB connector instead of USB Type-C. In addition, the Vikonian wine for USB standard 2.0. Of course, as of 2016, most accessories and cables (from the first warehouse) are still assigned to the old port. However, many manufacturers have already begun to equip their devices with a symmetrical socket, and the day is not far off when charging for Micro USB will become easier. First of all, the USB Type-C adapter makes it easier to connect wires and flash drives to your smartphone: DO NOT turn it which way, you can’t go wrong. But the connection to the USB 3.0 interface is a mystery, even though the speed on this bus is much higher than that of USB 2.0. This, in turn, means that transferring anonymous files from a PC to a smartphone will take a very long time.

In a different way, You may need an unknown battery when purchasing the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. Because the price of the device often increases, it is better to take an additional battery with you in order to prolong the life of your device. A traveler will never be able to plug a gadget into a power outlet or carry a portable one. charger (Power Bank). Moreover, instead of the “standard” battery, you can easily install a larger battery into your smartphone.

offensive, third, There is a small part of the strap that moves with the front and back of the Quick Charge 3.0 support. Instead of a new development from Qualcomm, QC 2.0 is outdated. Testing has shown that the technology of the third version is more effective than the previous one at 38 watts and allows you to charge the device twice as fast. Basically, the charging process from 0% to 80% takes approximately 35 minutes.

quarter A possible reason for this is an old finger scanner, exactly the same one installed in the previous Galaxy S6. This means that the sensor in the new smartphone has not become smarter and “reasonable”: the reading speed and the number of views have lost much less.

It is possible to use an external memory card as an extension of the internal one - fifths There's a small Galaxy S7 behind the door. This function first appeared in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which is what it is based on Denmark smartphone. It allows, as already said, to insert a microSD card as additional memory space, and not otherwise. Tim himself would not have had to worry about placing his favorite films, photographs and music on the device.

Curse body - sixty It makes you think about any other smartphone. In due course, Samsung decided to move away from plastic and this time was positively accepted by the public. This has already shown that wicker fabric is not a practical choice: it frays easily and also breaks easily. It’s much better to look at devices made of metal or, because everything is made of moisture, plastic casings are likely to last much longer.

Warranty is guaranteed at the start of sales - concluded, Syoma, Reason not to buy the Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge. Zvichaino, for premium smartphone with top characteristics i removable camera you need to pay, but it’s not that much money. For example, the Chinese company Xiaomi has already begun to establish itself well in the market, asking for the flagship Mi5 from 300 to 400 dollars, including modifications. Samsung is currently selling its new products for 700 dollars. In this case, the only thing to turn the foreign Korean apparatus on its head is the camera. also unique especially Galaxy The S7 Edge can be designed with curves around the edges of the display. For this, of course, you may have to pay extra, but not as much.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of the overinflated shortcomings, as you can easily close your eyes, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are premium smartphones that are close to ideal. No one here, of course, will encourage you to buy new products, but I respect that the metadata of the Wikonan statistics is to inform you about the problems that you could find in these devices. So, as soon as the pennies are lost in your savings and the “minuses” do not play a role, go ahead to the store to buy. Good luck!

The media and TV channels are filled with news about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - why is the smartphone swaying in front of this company and the rest, is it true?

Indeed, the troubling super-noise of the Korean Samsung and the American iPhone this time ended in a practical defeat for the Koreans. The new flagship Galaxy Note 7 was a bomb in the literal sense of the word. I have a lot of shanuvalniks respected brand Now the nobility are wondering: why is Samsung booming and what to do?

Why is there a problem with Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Well, the beginning of 2016 was marked by the release of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung directly into the hands of the locals. And even before the end of the month, the main part of the front orders, from Russia, was pinned. And just a day later, information appeared about the growing number of defective models. Such a difficult situation arose among Korean friends. And what will happen now...

And then - more. The first days of spring were marked by increased sales of Samsung galaxy note 7 in ten major resident countries and the beginning of a large-scale campaign to demand prepayments for repayment and replacement of sold devices. There may be thousands of people in Russia who have been trying to obtain a deal for the new wireless flagship Note 7.

Why are Samsung smartphones so popular? Perhaps this is the action of terrorists or the approach of competitors? Not in any way - everything is much more trivial. The problem lies in over-capacity batteries with a defect.

The company, of course, having slowed down the sale, immediately began a thorough investigation of the failures of self-loaning and repairing battery leaks in the Galaxy Note 7. Security is all around! Yeah... It’s good to believe in the family of a Korean who died in 2007 due to a knock on the LG phone. Yoma's legs were torn and his spine was broken. Of course, Samsung is not up to this point, but is completely falling away from any smartphone.

Garazd, as if a similar incident took place in the place of the third world, at the “left” distillery. The Samsung company is the leader in the smartphone market. According to the statistics, a quarter of the people in the world own a smartphone of this brand. And even less - and I have the same level of security. Bye...

Well, if we don’t go along with those, why is Samsung Galaxy being bullied? Initially, the company tried to put all the charge on a non-original charging device. Mayachnya! The first time people charged their phones, it happened. And the plant growers know this very well. And about some originals, we can talk about the fact that Samsung does not release charging blocks on its own, purchasing them from other manufacturers. More often than not, rich companies have an agreement on the production of smartphones with a new charging socket.

And all charging devices, in principle, do not have such serious problems - only the standard 5V and 2A. So, of course, there are devices for quickly refilling the battery. However, there is only tension moving in them, but not tension.

Moreover, all modern smartphones are equipped with a special controller. If the model does not support fast charging, it will not work. Additionally, the stench does not allow recharging - which is extremely critical in this situation.

It is clear that the correct device will not allow harm when charging, until any connection is made. And here the first defects were revealed - the controller himself was about to go wrong. And in the Samsung Note models from the first batch they were not present!

As a result of recharging the electrolyte in the battery, there was a high volume of gas. Naturally, the pressure in the smartphone’s body has grown to a critical point - and the axis is in serious microvibration, with fragments of the body that scatter in different directions. The real “bomb” of enhanced action. Once you get ready to exercise, sit down and wait until it “arrives.” This is sabotage! You can find out that the axis is like this by buying a 12-point smartphone, and it swells, dousing it with a hail of fragments...

The iPhone, for example, often has a different problem.

It seems like it only vibrated during charging. So, it doesn’t matter - for an hour they scatter right in your hands. How can I explain this? Why do Samsung phones vibrate even after charging? This is a completely true version. On the right is that the battery in this Samsung is absolutely not affected by overheating and when the temperature of the processor in the smartphone increases, it swells! As usual, a series of vibrations fell during the summer month. Completely believe in it.

Or maybe the situation is just heating up here and it’s not possible to take it seriously? Kozhen himself thinks how to react. Just know that flying with a smartphone battery when heated reaches a temperature of 1339 ° C, and baking breezes fly on all sides, burning the entire hard surface, not even seeming like human skin. Before that, the risk of fire has now increased significantly. And fragments of the body can damage the ear drum or damage the carotid artery. It is difficult to detect the inheritance of such habits.

How to avoid getting knocked out of your Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Why is the Samsung Note vibrating, and what should I do now? The best thing to do is not to use smartphones and never leave your home. It's so safe. And for those who don’t dare go to such radical methods, get a wireless headset and to display a notification. Alas, you have to live in constant fear that your electronic lover might go crazy at any moment, somehow it’s not reasonable.

Tim, who flies often, should think about a special thermal container that will hold a potential “saboteur” for an hour during the flight. also Russian companies It is not recommended to turn it on for an hour and then avoid charging again. And now, sing-songly, I will have the opportunity to walk around in head armor...

Trouble came to sound, but the signs did not ring. I will give you not Alkaidi or Egil, but a powerful smartphone! I'm glad that the Samsung Note 7 model is being expanded ahead of schedule until next month, and then outside Russia. There were no official sales of this batch in the Russian Federation. That's great!

And so, Rosaviatsiya simply does not instill fear - it lies to the knowledge of its American colleagues. There, one light-duty Yankee Samsung smoked right on board the liner at the Louisville airport. Why is it unimportant - That’s why this huge man was informed about the whore and simply exchanged the extra model for a new one. It was not possible to disembark from the plane together with other passengers right in front of the plane. Why did you miss it? Do you want some Korean exotica?

P.S. Samsung has been around for a long time Note smartphones 7. І food, why drink washing machines Samsung, it has become relevant. True, it is important to get information about the vibrations of Asian washing machines from the States - now, shoals of Korean “bombers” will be humming through them. So in this way the company’s products became “unsafe”. Wanting, for example, having established myself as Private machine!

I would like to believe that the brand will improve its reputation. Even so, our products have always been enhanced by their brilliance and reliability.

Video from youtube - “Note 7 at the fire: Samsung calls out” Galaxy flagship»:

Please share, as it is fitting:

Would it be helpful for you to know:


@just_tf, You don’t... You just don’t remember how to be timid correctly. If, for example, the batteries of laptops from all wired companies were found to be draining.
And Samsung realized that even after two dozen incidents it managed to seize everything under its wings (their compensation to the middle-aged rulers burned down the devices included a fence against protests, something that has not happened in America for a long time to work), without deciding on the first replacement, having been stuck with this for a long time, to find out the problem in it. And the truth is that it ends with surprises, both in terms of form and in terms of payments. I still remember that story about the woman with two laptops, whose pennies were turned around a little over a month after she brought the skid and decided to change them to S7.
In short, the Koreans are powerless here.

@vugi, it's not like that.
There are a lot of bullshit people here. The batteries are damaged by 30%, and I don’t care.
I’m no longer talking about those that swelled or caught fire in more than 100 iPhones :)

Did Epl know everything?? And didn’t you try to grab anything?
They closed the food for the most part.
besides note 7 and guess anything?)

And then Apple immediately recognized or didn’t recognize at all:
Defective screens in iPhones 4, 5, 6
Defective batteries 5, 6
Defective power button 5
Climb the body at 5 and 7
Crawling displays on expensive Macs
I won’t say anything about accessories that will break after a couple of months.
The axis is active and clear vyrobnitstvo!!))
I guessed right away, otherwise what happened

>> And didn’t you try to grab anything?

Apple has an American mentality. The beautiful smells have awakened the brain, so try to detect the problem (especially in the heat of the moment - bad ones lead, rather, to the last result). I won’t say that Samsung performed completely poorly in the history of the battery... But I could have told myself a much better story.
>> cream note 7 and guess anything?)
If the booth is lit, it really matters how much your furniture matches the color of the walls. Samsung has lousy service and lousy support, in my opinion. Anyone who wants to go through the process of replacing or repairing devices from them and Apple knows this. It’s the same “cultural” problem as in the story with the battery.

I can’t help but agree about periodic problems with brightness. There are only two companies that produce phones in such formats. And only one of them actually sells millions of pieces on the first day. Naturally, the whole focus of respect is on her. Who cares about the problems in the Chinese or cheap Samsung / LG?))) And there are plenty more of them.

@vugi, you don’t need to change your date))

What's bad? The support is subtle, more low-key. Everything sounds very common)

Periodically?? Ahah
God, here the whole story is asking nothing about what, you typical bastard, be ready to eat the sign of an apple)

"Cheap" facepalm
Well, yes, did Apple decide to publish sales figures at the launch of 7K?)

>> no need to change the date))

I haven't changed anything..)

>> Support vidminna, more low.

Figova. Before you understand it, you need to revise it. You, as I know, have a lot of such ability. Please go into detail, but it’s simple - Apple’s list of indications for warranty repair/replacement of the device is much larger than Samsung’s. So, there is a lot of situation if you are crazy (as if the batteries were overheated), and Apple changes without a word.

>> Periodic ?? Ahah

Yes, periodically. Because the other phone is not tested in millions of units on the first weekend. Note7 was close, but failed the test miserably.
And you especially don’t hear about the problems of the Chinese shit - that’s why no one cares. You can just feel the problem with top-end Samsungs - that’s why I knew about the cheap ones.

>> Well, yes, did Apple decide to publish a sales report at the launch of 7K?)

It's bullshit. Open the quarterly report and see sales for the quarter. I don’t know why you’re so worried about sales on the first weekend, but if the quarter was a record-breaking one, then the first weekend was the fastest of all time.

What happened to the Samsung flagship?

The fire starter of a Korean cafe tries to extinguish a smartphone that lights up

Samsung Note 7 is guilty of becoming the main competitor of the iPhone 7. People have been talking a lot about the design, cameras and robots with the stylus. This new product was introduced a month before the new iPhone and released a few years before Apple presentation- Samsung respected that it would help to take part of the market into a competitor. But in the first week after going out, reports of batteries catching fire began to appear. At the beginning of spring, the company planned to launch the device, and at the end of the month it will release Note 7 with a “safe” battery.
However, the information about the sleeping camps still continued to arrive. On June 11, Samsung asked stores around the world to sell Note 7, and Vlasniks to sell the devices and not to sell them anymore. Now they can exchange Note 7 for another Galaxy model (with payment of the trade-in) or turn back the money. Russia is inclined to check the hotline on the phone.

How often have telephones really swayed?

Up to the cob Clicking Samsung resulted in sales of approximately 2.5 million devices (including China) due to a battery defect, according to the company, only 0.1%. So the battery could burn out in about 2.5 thousand Note 7. The exact number of fire episodes is unknown, but there are definitely more than a hundred: in the middle of this spring it was reported in the USA, Australia, Korea and one in Taiwan. Ale novi povidomlenya merge dosi.

It is impossible to understand from the description of the incidents, in which cases the smartphone starts to burn. Florida has Note 7 having set fire to a jeep, when charged from a cigarette lighter, in Australia the device is not in a hotel room - just under an hour of charging, in Pivdennya Carolina, through a completely burned-out garage, the Note 7 smoked in the chest casing in the letak, flying to Baltimore, Connecticut, the smartphone is practical hands podlitka (in the absence of weak protection), and in Kentucky there are no connections until the Note 7 at night in the bedroom.

Why does the phone light up?

On the right is that the smartphone battery is compressed from the faceless balls electrical conductors. On the skin sphere there is a cathode with positively charged ions and an anode with negatively charged ions. On the cathode side there are ions: when the battery is charging, they move from the cathode to the anode, and when the battery is being charged, they go back. Between the cathode and the anode there is a thin dielectric plate, so you don’t need to conduct electric strum and prevents the cathode from reacting with the anode.

If the partition between them collapses, then they will walk along a short path - they will be short rant. Then the Lantzug reaction begins: the battery heats up even more strongly, and the electrolyte sees flammable gas. If the reaction denies access to the acid, it will burn or vomit. this zagalny principle process, a report about this is possible.

Why do batteries leak so much?

In current batteries, the dielectric strength is only 20-25 micrometers, which is approximately three times thinner than the average sheet of office paper. First of all, this thin ball can be squeezed through an external vice. For example, if you sit on a smartphone, press it or hit it hard. After the dielectric breaks down, the cathode and anode react. The dielectric can also be cut through a metal saw if it is missing in the middle after folding.

Another reason for short flashing is temperature. Lithium-ion batteries are not approved for use in cold or special conditions. Due to overheating, metal particles in the battery grow in the lower part of the structure (dendrites), which can destroy the dielectric and create a short circuit.

There are no other reasons for the heating: the smartphone is charged in the sun, the charging device of a third-party generator does not know when to turn off the power supply, does not operate the chip that turns on charging after 100%, the battery has a bad heat transfer. Lithium-ion batteries have operating temperatures: they are normally charged at temperatures from zero to 45 degrees, and operate at temperatures from -20 to 60 degrees. As the temperature gets higher or lower, problems begin, and at around 100 degrees, even more serious problems arise.

What happened to the Note 7 itself?

GTA V has finally got an additional look for the new Note 7, designed to fight enemies

In Samsung, the batteries burned due to a short circuit. What it was through - the internal investigation explains. The company's specialists prepared the smartphone in a hurry to arrive before the Apple presentation: the initial sales date was canceled 10 days earlier, engineers gradually changed the specifications and procured new components, and The Europeans had a chance to sleep on the robot.

Lithium-ion batteries are considered the most efficient for current smartphones. The shortcomings of the devices appear to be greater hard processors, More brightness of the screen, no fundamental changes in the batteries. Virus makers have to pack the conductor balls more tightly to get more capacity in a thinner body. The Note 7 battery lasted for 3500 milliampere-year. To put things into perspective, the Note 6 has a 3,000-milliamp-year battery, while the iPhone 7 has a 2,900-milliamp-year battery. Possibly, during the active process, the batteries were subjected to an uneven pressure, through which they were charged unevenly.

What will happen to Samsung?

On the day of sales, the company's shares increased by 8%, and capitalization decreased by 17 billion dollars. For comparison, in the fourth quarter of 2015 the company had an operating income of 5.4 billion dollars. It is unknown how many pennies Samsung will spend on updating devices.

Do smartphones of other manufacturers burn?

A battery defect is considered rare and not safe. If defective batteries waste sales, only a few episodes of fire are enough for the company to cancel the entire batch. As of 2006, Dell and Apple have nearly 6 million laptops with Sony batteries, which could cause them to burn out. Although the accuracy of the defect was much lower, the lower value with Note 7: 1 to 200,000 instead of 1 to 1000.

The phones were on fire before. I have a 2002-year-old device of an unknown brand of pants when I use it on my iPhone 5c. And a student from New Jersey's iPhone 6s caught fire in his shirt, wanting to get rid of it. A month ago, a young man from Ohio experienced serious pain in his legs when his Galaxy S7 Edge started to burn in the cauldron, and a few days ago, a young man from Zhengzhou was in trouble when his iPhone 7 flew apart in his hands during the hour of recording a video.

What do you need to do to keep your smartphone from sagging?

Do not charge your smartphone in special conditions or at sub-zero temperatures. Do not use charging cables for other smartphones or third party producers- especially for fast charging, in which case the battery heats up even more. Stop charging if the smartphone is already very hot (in this case, replace the battery or cable). Do not leave charging for too long, as the battery gets hot after 100%. Stop tinkering with the device if its body is bent, and the battery is noticeably swollen or deformed. If the battery fails to comply with the recommendations, it may not be damaged, or else it may fail.

What can you do to make your wine sing?

You can puncture the battery just like that: the dielectric breaks down - the cathode and anode react, resulting in a short circuit. You can leave the phone on charge under an important stress test and under a table lamp. If neither of these works, it’s impossible to guess what the consequences will be: in one case, the battery will simply smoke and melt the phone, in another case, it will hit half of the flame.