Installing windows xp shows a blue screen. Blue screen when installing Windows XP: causes of problems and solutions. Faults related to hard drive drivers

As a rule, whether or not the problem in the computer is to blame is easy to fix. Whom can help us with systemic advice. Having analyzed the typing of letters and symbols, you can, with high accuracy, find out who has a problem.

Possible reasons

The blue screen appeared at the beginning of the installation of windows xp, which means that there are serious problems.

There may be the following options:

their solutions

Why work in such deplorable vipadkah? Fortunately, you can solve such a problem on the skin. Regardless of the great variety of systemic conflicts, all the stench is about the same.

Zrobiti can be advanced:

When installing windows xp blue screen 0x000000a5

Why is there such a pardon during OS installation? Vaughn indicates problems with operational memory.

Let's figure out what we can rob:

  • How many modules are installed on your computer operational memory, Try it out according to your own whim and repeat the process Windows installation. Most often, this method helps, more than once, the planks go out of tune at once;
  • even though it did not help, change the RAM sticks;
  • if there is less than one plank, you can try to turn it to life. For this next, clean the contacts in the mother's memory, and the RAM board itself, and also see the saws. Be careful not to damage microcircuits.

When starting the installation program, pay attention to all writings. If there is an ACPI BIOS ERROR message on the screen, it means there is a problem with the system drivers.

Virishiti її can be even simpler:

  • we repair the installation of the back;
  • check while the screen appears Press F6 if you need to install third-party SCSI or RAID driver;
  • then press the F7 key;
  • as a result, the problem will be exhausted.

Video: blue screen

other pardons

Insha not less widened pardon - 0x00000050. Most often, it will show up when you try to install the OS on top of the already existing one.

Won can appear for such reasons:

  • malfunctions or other hardware problems;
  • defects and video cards, or operational memory;
  • ushkodzhennya NTFS;
  • problems with antivirus program(Mostly Kaspersky).

How can you grow up in such a vipadka:

  • override everything. As soon as it was inserted into the motherboard, it was necessary to protest in the first place;
  • by means of including all system services;
  • rewrite the hard drive for the help of the Chkdsk utility.

Some vipadkas may have pardon 0x0000007B. It's up to you to ring out the hour when the copy of the files is completed, so I'll share it before choosing. Vaughn is involved in conflicts with the Sata interface. To repair and replace AHCI with IDE.

Robe in this way:

  • go to the BIOS;
  • we know the item SATA MODE;
  • select the Main tab. Click on Enter;
  • Photo: change to SATA mode
  • installable IDE mode;
  • we select the option to save and exit.

Axis and that's all, as you bachite rose to the so-called "blue screen of death" it's awkward. Z tsim pіd force vporatisya navіt peresіchnomu koristuvachevі. In order not to blame such inaccuracies in the future, try regularly to test all possessions. With whom you will be assisted by special diagnostic programs.


I live! If you went to this side, then it’s better for you to have a pardon with a blue screen and code 0x0000007B when you install Windows XP. I am writing this article with the knowledge, though not of my own, but of my friend, who put a screenshot before speech, for which I thank you very much! Solution of the problem pardon x0000007B when installing Windows XP, Like I’m at once, I’ll describe in detail here, revised in practice and practice, so you went for the address.

Mean, why pardon is supposed to be. During the installation process of Windows XP, if the copy of the driver files is already finished (Do not mess with the files operating system), and before that, the screen is to be blamed for the choice of the distribution, for installing Windows XP, it is for pardon 0x0000007B (picture is higher). And everyone, come. If you want to restart the computer, and run the installation again, then at the same moment, the screen will reappear with mercy. You can try not to try, it's wrong :).

If you try to read the text on a different blue screen, then you can understand what is going on about the problem with a hard drive. It is necessary to check the setting of the hard disk controller, or turn on the recently connected hard disks. So just tell us to run CHKDSK command, In order to convert the disk. I wrote this so that you could understand a little about what I was going to my parish.

How to clean up pardon 0x0000007B when installing Windows XP?

Everything is violating the regime robotic zhorstkogo disk h AHCI on IDE. After all, pardon 0x0000007B to hell. Well, take one, it helped. Now let's take a closer look at how SATA mode enable IDE, change AHCI.

So the computer is reset, and we go into the BIOS. Click on the key Del, F2, or Esc, if it didn't help, then read the article. In the BIOS, we need to know the SATA Mode item, otherwise it’s in the same way.

Go to the "Main" tab, then hover over the "SATA Mode" item and press "Enter". Choose IDE Mode, change AHCI Mode. Press F10 to save changes.

We'll try to start it up again, wondering if you've got everything.

When installing Windows 7, please turn on AHCI Mode back

If you like, then the blue screen with pardon 0x0000007B during the installation of Windows XP is due to the fact that the AHCI robot mode has already appeared after the exit of Windows XP. І in distributions with Windows XP there are no drivers for working in AHCI mode. The simplest way to solve the problem, I have described more. It's just a replacement of a hard drive from AHCI to IDE.

Can you help me special programs Integrate the driver for AHCI robots into the Windows XP distribution kit. Ale, already folded. Possibly I will write an instruction as soon as possible.

If you have any problems, then feed in the comments, we'll sort it out. Maybe you know better how you can get a pardon 0x0000007B, share. I will be vdyachny. Success!

Have you bought yourself a brand new laptop or a system unit and when you try to install the good old Windows XP for BSOD, or in Russian, the blue screen of death? The widest reason is the robotic hard disk controller mode.

AHCI what?

Modern SATA hard drives (starting with SATA II) support the expansion of the AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) controller control mode. In this mode, the "hot" connection of disks works, moreover, the firmware of the disk subsystem is significantly faster. To install Windows XP you need to custom BIOS turn on AHCI mode. For this, know the SATA Mode menu and switch it to Native IDE mode or Disabled.

Windows XP does not boot hard drive during installation.

This problem can be fixed if the distribution kit has a driver for SATA hard drive, which works in AHCI mode. Some BIOS models do not allow switching the HDD operation mode. In such a situation, it is necessary to install the SATA driver in Windows distribution xp.
How to integrate SATA drivers into a Windows XP distribution, read

operational Windows systems XP і 7, not surprised by the official support from the side of Microsoft, and satisfied with the hard advertising campaign of dozens, continue to occupy the leading positions in the market of operating systems. Їx arrogance has been twisted by fates and brought by millions of satisfied koristuvachs. Prote, in the presence of their victorious ones, they can win a pardon, which is worthy of full-time work.

One of them is pardon 0x0000007b, as a result of which ranks are called blue screen of death, The computer does not respond to your words like "zovsim". A single break is a re-advancement, but it doesn’t help in such situations. The problem is most often blamed when reinstalling Windows XP or 7, and it manifests itself when the system is taken over, although it can also happen in other situations. Note those that the situation can be repeated on a new computer or laptop.

In this article, we can see, for some reason, pardon 0x0000007b is blamed when installing Windows XP or Windows 7, as well as all methods of resolution. If you read everything and follow the instructions carefully, you will be able to correct everything without any problems.

For real reasons, for some blame the blue screen with a pardon stop 0x0000007b, dosit a lot. Moreover, all the stench is right to lie in the fact that you are victorious about the operation at the moment. The only thing between them is the installation of Windows XP, as well as the launch of the other version or more new Windows 7. So, what could be the cause of the problem?

On system startup:

  • Poshkodzhennya important system files that are given for starting the system.
  • Viruses, yakі can penetrate into the system even more deeply and spit on the robot of the system.
  • Physical defect of the hard disk computer or pardon in yoga robot.
  • Inserted into a USB flash drive.

This is how the pardon 0x0000007B looks like

When installing the system:

  • incorrect BIOS settings, Through scho zbіy.
  • Incorrect work of drivers, which are victorious in the controller of the interest. Like stink poshkodzhenі, the controller simply can not vikonat the Windows installation procedure to the end.
  • daily pidtrimka hard drive Or the SCSI controller is installed by the operating system. Maybe on modern models of computers or laptops, since XP is already old-fashioned.

Ways of cherry

Time to start the system

Run the rest of the working configuration

Shards can be temporal and reversible, in Windows 7 and XP you can just turn to the rest of the working configuration. What does it mean? At the beginning of the work, the system in a special partition on a hard disk copies of the work files that are charged for the launch of the system and the work itself. So, hour after hour, the image of a working system will be created, with everything working in a proper order. A copy of such images is saved on a hard disk. When the computer is started on the skin, the system automatically selects the last one and in an hour more old ones are removed. Because when you start the pardon 0x0000007b, try to enter the rest of the working setting.

For the next hour to start the operating system, press the F8 button to enter the entry menu. In order to start this mode singly, and do not miss the moment, press the button once. You can see the list of investment options: careless mode; You need to select "Remain away configuration (additional)". If everything went well, it will be normal Windows takeover. If something didn’t happen, no way can help you, then try one of the offensive ones.

Select "Stay away configuration (additional)"

Rechecking the disk for pardon

A hard drive is not the most important component of your computer, especially as it is not a hard drive. Vіn maє ruhomі mekhanіzmi, folded from the magnetic surface and head, which is read. As if you are using a laptop and often work on a new one right on the go, you can use it in transport, you can skip some sectors of the hard drive. How will there be a weak sector, on which it is written system files, necessary for Roboti Windows 7 or XP, launch will be impossible. Schob perekonatisya in what you practice hard drive with pardons, or else there may be a reason, it is necessary to speed up the company's utility for re-verifying the hard disk. Also, how do you know if Windows won't start?

Sound such reverification as much as is sufficient for the renewal of practice. Well, the disk of the floor coverings is strong, which is standard zasib Windows If you can't deal with the problem, try to speed up the special software for resuscitation of hard disks. Even though the problems were not detected, but the pardon 0x0000007b is repeated, try the next method.

Translation for viruses

Some of the files on the floor are accessible and unsafe, which penetrate deeply into the Windows system partition and damage systemically important components, resulting in the pardon 0x0000007b. As the previous two methods did not help you in any way, try to check for the presence of viruses by turning the computer into safe mode. Axis of Pokrokovі dії, yakі nebhіdno for tsgo vikonati:

When installing Windows XP

Incorrect BIOS settings

The most common reason, for which you can get a pardon 0x0000007b when installing Windows XP, is incorrectly setting the robotic hard drive mode. On the right, in that everything is connected via the SATA interface, which ensures the reliability and high security of data transfer, and the current ACHI standard, which allows you to use all the possibilities of SATA. Windows XP itself does not support this standard, so it didn’t happen at that hour. Clearly, through the inconsistency and the pardon 0x0000007b appears when installing Windows XP and a blue screen appears.

To turn the performance in the BIOS setup, set up the IDE mode for locking, which will work in the SATA connectivity mode. Where do you know the point of nalashtuvan? How to install the required parameter?

  1. Wake up computer and go to BIOS. Zalezhno vіd vіrobnik laptop abo maternity pay system unit, Keys or combinations that you need to press to go to the BIOS, may be different. Most often F2, Del, Esc.
  2. In the fallow type of the BIOS type, the layout of the menu can be slightly modified. An axis that you may need to press:
    • Smut menu - Advanced - OnChip SATA Type - Native IDE - F10 to save money.
    • Menu smut - Advanced - IDE Configuration - Compatible - F10 for savings on configuration.
    • Golovne menu - Main - SATA Mode - IDE Mode - F10 to save money.
    • After activating the mode, repeat the installation of Windows XP.

Controller Driver Included

Windows XP is known by its own selections of various programmers, which either demonstrate some of the components for an easier way and the ability to work on old and even weaker systems, or to add additional software security. With victorious cuts, it’s often possible to shut up with them, what’s in them required driver controller, through which the installation of XP is shaved and the blue screen vibrates with a pardon.

The only solution will be to capture a different way of the operating system with an already installed driver. For whom, you can search for the other selection on torrent trackers and carefully read the description.


Now you know how to deal with pardon 0x0000007b when installing abo Windows startup 7 or Windows XP. We have described the most frequently cited causes of the fault, as well as the most devastating methods of failure. If everything didn’t help, the blue screen continues to flash, then I’ll think about buying a new computer or a laptop, or I’ll just reinstall the system, download a clean and original image. In the comments, we ask you to indicate what problems you had with our recommendations.

    Bsod: Stop 0x0000007B - starting to show up on the same computer more often, hit next reinstall Windows from scratch, better for everything here you can suspect that the reasons can be like this:

    1) Through downloading content, especially when the button is beautiful, the download button is great, as a rule, it’s not a fact, everything is masked beautifully under viruses, viruses or remote control Look at the BackDoor - it can take advantage of the HDD / SSD sectors. IN manual mode, In the case of automatic or automatic without the participation of people according to the script. Before the speech, Windows 7 x64 SP1 suffers this time - not like Windows 10, there would be the same, yakbi bula pardon is the same. Even with Windows 7, they didn’t send a lot of modifications, but rather a lot of processes and other services. As a rule, the system for consoles i mobile outbuildings created, but for the computer. The only thing that people can peck at on DirectX 12 is some kind of, which in fact can’t support more igor, to inspire for them no sense of work, it’s normal for a company to work on DirectX Versions launch igor, like for example Resident Evil 5 - launch DirectX 9 and DirectX 10, 11 type for VR. And don't mix victorious only strictly one DirectX Such and such a version, richly fateful for that buv vibir on a rather small gri, bring to the speech of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - and then it was possible to change DirectX to version 11, if it's Poklik Pryp'yati - it seems to be the fault of the upgrade until this day.

    2) Necessary software with video card, audio driver, especially Realtek AC 97 - for example, there may be some advantages old version, Abo downloads from the official site, such was only on Windows XP SP2 / 3 - I remember well and richly rokiv that.

    3) Often a different driver for a video card, you can use it like that, but rarely, 1k100, so everything will be practical. But the driver for the video card or may remain the version for older models of cards only, which can be inconsistent with the cores of Windows systems and can serve as a BSod. I know for sure which is the most ATI Radeon NOT HD versions - suffer even worse in the remaining versions of the driver, Catalyst is recommended for that - do not install the rest of the version. And in HD series - as soon as the driver is installed, the image is shown, but then, after a while, Windows restarts - then it must be checked, or the video card itself is defective already, the microcircuits do not see the images of the data, otherwise the microcircuits cannot be processed do what you are guilty of , vіdbuvaєtsya not up to obrobka. It is most common to cause the image to NOT display, but rarely to Bsod 0x0000007B.

    Naygolovnishe. For locking license Windows versions XP / Vista / 7 / - turn on the parameter - automatically reset the computer when the system is running, so that BSod will become normal, but it will be permanently reset, and you can not turn on the blue screen, so you need to turn on the language after installing Windows to follow the symptom technical pardon, Behind the pardon code you can know the cause. Axis is the main problem, what are the faults of the inclusions, few people know about it, so they can be less able to take requests for pardons Bsod - it's all the fault of the creators of Windows - so there is no function when installing Windows - show the pardon code when the system is Windows Yes / No. Axis z th base zapovnyuєtsya Bsod - іlki tіlki tіlki і write pardons z svіdu, yakі є єіlki іtіlki obraі. Selected repair systems are no less than twice as expensive (as a matter of fact, they are guilty, so as stinks can be pardoned, they can be improved significantly more quickly, lower noob saіbot / NOOB) NUB. Kettle and more.

    Before speech, everything that is written here is 100% true, especially my opinion.