Yaki blast domains? See domain_v. Рівні domainіv. Tlumachny Vocabulary

Privit, shanovnі reading blog site. On tsyomu blozi є lecture. After an hour or so of reading the publication, the Raj became aware of this article, and the picture was perfect. Also, the Rajah will be familiar with my publications on the topic of what it means.

This year we have an order of the day food - scho take domain abo domain im'ya(By the way, tse synonyms). Well, for the most part, everything is simple. Tse im'ya for the site, Yake is assigned to replace the IP address of the server, which is collapsible for storage, on which site the site is located (div.). Enter the price in the address row of the browser and the site is displayed.

It is difficult to find out in details itself. Yak the stench is booming, yak everything is tense, so take domain zones Because of the intelligence of a domain of a level, and because of them it is possible to resist, it is possible to create a zone of vibration. The food is rich and I will try to do everything possible in the "small change".

So also a domain?

Yak I have already guessed the eye, domain - tse im'ya for the site..162.192.0. You must be aware of the situation before. We have placed the site on the server hosting (it’s also amazing to see it) and we have removed the IP addresses. Ale, having moved to the first hosting of the IP, will change, as a result of a catastrophe. And the y-axis will not be like domain names. For what?

On the right, in the Internet, there are thousands of DNS servers (domain name systems), in which it will be spelled out that the domain site is available for the IP address As soon as I move to the other hosting, then I will go to the domain name administrator panel (there, de yogo kupuvav), change everybody DNS servers The Internet will be registered, but the site needs to be shown at the same IP address. Do you know aje?

Quickly, ale, melodiously, leave quietly. Smolder, you need some kind of intelligence - IM'ya for the site ric is even more important and for all life (as a rule, if you want and can transfer the site to the other domain, it is not easy). Yak vie choven name, so won and popliva. True, it is important not only for the domain, but also for the zone to be established. I know nezumіlo? Well, let's go in order.

Yak vlastovano domain name

For some reason, from aziv. The domain record (іm'ya site) is guilty of including all equal contributions to the domain (all zones, which are included in the list), but they won’t be unique and didn’t have any kind of plutanin.

Є two main rules for writing domain names:

  1. Zone, which includes the Danish domain, pererahoyutsya right to left.
  2. Yak razdilnik vikoristovytsya points.

You can see it, for example, like this:


Otrimuєmo domain of the fourth level net, scho to enter the warehouse of the domain zone of the third level “blog”, as to enter the zone of another level “ktonanovenkogo” to establish the zone of the first level.ru. Nisenitnytsya, right? (My squad, as they have revised the pardons in the statute, and should be approved).

Yaki rіvnі domainіv rozrіznyayut

  1. root domain(Zero rіvnem) embed an empty record, which is simply denoted by a dot (.). For id, re-registration of the domain name is always guilty, but in most cases I omit (like bi mayuchi on uvazi) and substitute I will write: site.

    Vikoristovuyt has already taken root in the usual record of domains (without a speck in kint):

  2. Dal yde first rіven - tse zzvychay regional(National) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) thematic(.Com, .edu, .org, .net etc.). Ale also buys the domain name of the first rivnya, which includes national alphabets(For example, .рф).
  3. other rіven- all the same domains that are with you kupuєmo(Restruєmo at special restrators). The prices for them are not only due to the presence of the first time domain (for example, buy xxxxxxx.ru cheaper, as a rule, chim xxxxxxx.com), rather than in the presence of the reseller.
  4. Third, fourth, etc. - It is not required to be copied (as a rule), but it can be set up independently (nowhere can be re-structured) on the basis of the purchased domain of another level. For example, I can set the same name for a new site - forum..forum ..

Let me explain everything again. on the butt:

  1. ... (Dot) - domain of zero (root) rіvnya
  2. ru - the first rivnya, titles also domain of the upper rivnya abo zone
  3. site - domain name of another rivnya
  4. blog.site - domain of the third rivnya
  5. net.blog.site - fourth ryvnya

Domains of the upper (first) rivnya

If you don’t take zero rivn (root domain) to respect, it’s more empty, then serve as a base so called zoni abo domain of the upper rivnya(It is from them that I would like to be repaired, if I would like to build a site with them, but that’s not the point). Oh, you can’t buy special people, but you will not be able to choose from the same zones when you buy a domain of another name (for your site).

This is how it stinks:

  1. Domains of the first (big) rivnya, secured outside the country, Yaki call the middle of very smart people to call the abbreviation Cctld, which means country code top-level domain. Russia has two of them:
    1. su - a rudiment that has lost sight of the Radiansky Union and represents at once the vastness of resources in the Russian language
    2. ru - a copy of it is locked for Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, Yaki call me the abbreviation Idn (internationalized domain name). Russia has a tse zone. As a matter of fact, name all one thing to be written in English symbols (see the overflowing), ale tse yak bi is prikhovanno from the eyes. However, if you enter the address in the browser, enter the address: http: //ktonanovenkogo.rf/

    and if you go to the whole site, you copied this address from the address row, then neglect the same non-equal ahіney:

    Http: //xn-80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ And in such a view it happens that you can add it to a service (type), and not at a viewer who is new. Price is required vrahovuvati. Those are some of the problems that are possible, if at first and not obvious.

  3. upper the domain of the zalny koristuvannya, Name the upholstery Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, restroyuyutsya (for sale) in independent from the country, where the webmaster lives. Naybilsh vjivanі from them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-commercial sites in industrial organizations
    3. .net - for projects connected to the Internet
    4. .edu - for lighting installations and projects
    5. .biz - only commercial organization
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for special sites
    8. .gov - for US state structures

Yak and de you can register (buy) a domain in the zones of vishkoy rivnya

The domain name of another rivnya just like that, as a rule, do not reject it (and it’s more beautiful, because it’s important for the site, but it’s easy to re-structure it from anyone). Stink a penny. whereby payment is made for pik, A domain lease is required to prodovzhuvati.

Once again, I will respect your beast - buy domain names of another name And everything is fine - you can build it yourself on its basis. Call the price in the panel of your hoster in the separate piddomain - the domain of the third and the most upper level, the blog..blog.site type.

Such companies are not so much the same (with bright butts you can serve RegRuі WebNames), Alas, there may be a lot of resellers (partners) who will be engaged in the selection and sale of domains for all of them. If you are not satisfied with the current reseller, or if you have become strained with him, then, having turned to the reseller, you can vibrate from the reseller, or go ahead without the reseller's cry.

zovsim without crap You can add domains in the overseas zones ..com, .net, .org, .info, .biz і.name. In the .edu, .gov and.mil zones, such a possibility is provided only for the installation, as well as for the initial and operational state provisions. Є There are also a number of specialized domains of the first level, for example, .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Domain names of another rivnya in cich remotely accessible zones can be bought from any clerk(Not only the national one), niz, vasne, і reprobate deyakі resources, for which there can be conflicts with legal scholars. The same torrents will be transferred to the org zone, more to the national domain zone ru th resource will be blocked.

Domains of other rivnya - conversion to occupancy and Whois

In the Internet, it is already registered close to the domain names in the new zones; not easy zavdannya(So ​​it is, yak is important). A third of the registered names did not vykoristovuyutsya, more bought for resale (in the distance, the domain can be dearly costly to the secondary market - there are more than one million dollars).

Domain name change for occupancy

To that end, it’s possible to make a difference when considering a domain for a site - tse. The price can be revived from the old re-strators (the result will be the same and the same, because it smells like a backbone base).

To that, when you look at the information about the domain in the so called whois records You can find your own specialties there, as it should be required during the restoration. At my glance, it is more beautiful to get information about you, more dashing people and on the open spaces of the Internet you can see it (if you want problems in a simple way ...).

Domain history and domain purchase

The history of the domain can be quilted in the so-called. There it is possible to randomly poke, for the site there will be if there are any changes on the whole domain name, but the stench of imagination cannot be found on the cob generated sound systems to your site.

Crumbs below target play in Daniy moment domains(For a detailed look, click on the price):

Good luck to you! Before quick sights on the sides of the blog site

You can be tsikavo

A site-free domain for a site - you can register and register a domain-free domain on Freenom WHOIS service - information about the domain (what kind of win and history, if you can use it) or IP address TOP 3 best koshtovnyh hosting for the site Zvіlnitsya domains (drop) and PBN - for a robot and money with the MyDrop.io service Perevirka domain for occupancy or how to add a domain name for the site
Perevirk for borrowing and buying a domain name, which is used to view the resellers and resellers of domains and whois
MegaIndex Cloud and Bar - hosted hosting and SEO-extensions for browsers, as well as services from MegaIndex itself
Buy a domain (domain name) on the application of the administrator Reghouse
Bezkostovny online service according to the selection of beautiful and vilny ones for the renewal of domains (Frishki.ru) Yak zareєstruvati domain (buy domain name from a registrar)
cPanel - a robot with data bases, additional subdomains and MultiDomains, as well as the parking itself

The last one:
Look around hosting AdminVPS
Bagato web master has been known by hosting provider AdminVPS since 2012. For a whole hour, the company reached the significant
Yak prosuvati your group on VKontakte
If you have the best and the most active group, then all one needs to be promoted.
Seo browsing - well tse?
pid seo optimization creep on respect for all the projects, meta polish to the robot site as a whole, pushing the site into a blast

Also domain, domain, zone and domain.

For the domain name, it is possible to know that the site belongs to: .ru - Russian sites, .ua - Ukrainian sites, .by - Bilorussian sites, .com - commercial sites (as the word COMmerce). If you want, without going to the site only by domain, it is often absolutely unrealistic to do so. Often, when buying a domain, the web-majesty doesn’t need to go to one of the zones. In Russia, for example, the crim ru zone is even more popular com (moreover, it is not obligatory for a commercial site), the zone is info, net, org.

You can convert the validity of your domain name here:

domain RU - 99 rubles
RF domain - 99 rubles

Until the speech, you should buy hosting from HTS.ru, Then we will deny domain in a gift!

Domains will buy decilkoh rivniv.

Domains of the first rivnya (upper rivnya) do not be vicious for the names of the sites on their own - the ones that are put in the end of all domains for a point. All domains of the first rivny can be cleverly divided into two large parts: the price of the domain of the zalny koristuvannya (out-of-the-box and interconnected accessibility) and national domains. The domains of the first rivnya are called so by themselves domain zone.

List of domain zones of the zahalny koristuvannya

  • com - commercial (commercial)
  • edu - educational (educational)
  • net - network
  • aero -
  • gov - goverment (uryadovі)
  • int - International Organizations
  • coop - (victorious organizing, giving cooperative services)
  • museum - (domain available for restoration only for museums)
  • mil - military (install the USA)
  • name - (for domain names in the form name.familya.name)
  • org - organization (non-commercial organization)
  • pro - professional (domain for certified professionals: likar, lawyer, etc.)
  • mobi - mobile
  • info - information services
  • biz - businesses, firms
  • tv - television
  • arpa - ArpaNet

List of geographic domains of the first rivnya

AD - Andorra AE - United Arab Emirates AF - Afghanistan
AG - Antigua & Barbuda AI - Anguilla AL - Albania
AM - Armenia AN - Netherlands Antilles AO - Angola
AQ - Antarctica AR - Argentina AS - American Samoa
AT - Austria AU - Australia AW - Aruba
AZ - Azerbaijan BA - Bosnia & Herzegovina BB - Barbados
BD - Bangladesh BE - Belgium BF - Burkina Faso
BG - Bulgaria BH - Bahrain BI - Burundi
BJ - Benin BM - Bermuda BN - Brunei Darussalam
BO - Bolivia BR - Brazil BS - The Bahamas
BT - Bhutan BV - Bouvet Island BW - Botswana
BY - Belarus BZ - Belize CA - Canada
CC - Cocos Islands CF - Central Africa CG - Congo
CH - Switzerland CI - Cote d "Ivoire CK - Cook Islands
CL - Chile CM - Cameroon CN - China
CO - Colombia CR - Costa Rica CU - Cuba
CV - Cape Verde CX - Christmas Island CY - Cyprus
CZ - Czech Rep. DE - Germany DJ - Djibouti
DK - Denmark DM - Dominica DO - Dominican Rep.
DZ - Algeria EC - Ecuador EE - Estonia
EG - Egypt EH - Western Sahara ER - Eritrea
ES - Spain ET - Ethiopia FI - Finland
FJ - Fiji FK - Falkland Islands FM - Micronesia
FO - Faroe Islands FR - France FX - France Mеtr.
GA - Gabon GD - Grenada GE - Georgia
GF - French Guyana GG - Guernsey GH - Ghana
GI - Gibraltar GL - Greenland GM - Gambia
GN - Guinea GP - Guadeloupe GQ - Equatorial Guinea
GR - Greece GS - South Georgia GT - Guatemala
GU - Guam GW - Guinea Bissau GY - Guyana
HK - Hong Kong HM - Heard HN - Honduras
HR - Croatia HT - Haiti HU - Hungary
ID - Indonesia IE - Ireland IL - Israel
IM - Isle of Man IN - India IO - British Indian Ocean
IQ - Iraq IR - Iran IS - Iceland
IT - Italy JE - Jersey JM - Jamaica
JO - Jordan JP - Japan KE - Kenya
KG - Kyrgyzstan KH - Cambodia KI - Kiribati
KM - Comoros KN - St. Kitts and nevis KP - Korea, North
KR - Korea, South KW - Kuwait KY - Cayman Islands
KZ - Kazakhstan LA - Laos LB - Lebanon
LC - St. Lucia LI - Liechtenstein LK - Sri Lanka
LR - Liberia LS - Lesotho LT - Lithuania
LU - Luxembourg LV - Latvia LY - Libya
MA - Morocco MC - Monaco MD - Moldova
MG - Madagascar MH - Marshall Isl. MK - Macedonia
ML - Mali MM - Myanmar MN - Mongolia
MO - Macao MP - North Mariana I. MQ - Martinique
MR - Mauritania MS - Montserrat MT - Malta
MU - Mauritius MV - Maldives MW - Malawi
MX - Mexico MY - Malaysia MZ - Mozambique
NA - Namibia NC - New Caledonia NE - Niger
NF - Norfolk Island NG - Nigeria NI - Nicaragua
NL - Netherlands NO - Norway NO - St. Pierre-miquelon
NP - Nepal NR - Nauru NU - Niue
NZ - New Zealand OM - Oman PA - Panama
PE - Peru PF - French Polynesia PG - Papua New Guinea
PH - Philippines PK - Pakistan PL - Poland
PN - Pitcairn PR - Puerto Rico PT - Portugal
PW - Palau PY - Paraguay QA - Qatar
RE - Reunion RO - Romania RU - Russia
RW - Rwanda SA - Saudi Arabia SB - Solomon Islands
SC - Seychelles SD - Sudan SE - Sweden
SG - Singapore SH - St. Helena SI - Slovenia
SJ - Svalbard SK - Slovakia SL - Sierra Leone
SM - San Marino SN - Senegal SO - Somalia
SR - Suriname ST - Sao Tome-Principe SV - El Salvador
SY - Syria SZ - Swaziland TC - Turk-Caicos I.
TD - Chad TF - French South T. TG - Togo
TH - Thailand TJ - Tajikistan TK - Tokelau
TM - Turkmenistan TN - Tunisia TO - Tonga
TP - East Timor TR - Turkey TT - Trinidad-Tobago
TV - Tuvalu TW - Taiwan TZ - Tanzania
UA - Ukraine UG - Uganda UK - United Kingdom
UM - Minor Outlying I. US - United States UY - Uruguay
UZ - Uzbekistan VA - Vatican VC - St. Vincent-Grenadines
VE - Venezeula VG - Virgin Islands (BR) VI - Virgin Islands (US)
VN - Vietnam VU - Vanuatu WF - Wallis and Futuna I.
WS - Samoa YE - Yemen YT - Mayotte
YU - Yugoslavia ZA - South Africa ZM - Zambia
ZR - Zaire

Yak is visible, middle domain names There are those, which are available for re-structuring, be it any koristuvachev (COM, NET, ORG, INFO, BIZ, NAME, etc.), and those, which are available for only organizations that are displayed by the status of the domain zone (such as the domains of INT for international organizations, EDU - for other chief pledges USA, GOV - for US government agencies, etc.).

National (geographic) domains- the price of international domains of the first rivny, which are recognized by the international organization of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority for weather conditions with the Internet spirits of the countries, as long as the codes of the cities of the country. In a given hour in the world there are close to 243 national domains, middle RU, SU, UA, DE, US, UK, JP and інші.

Domain.RU - tse national domain Russian Federation... If your site will be viewed mainly by people in Russia, or if your company is doing business in Russia, then a domain in the .RU zone is ideal for addressing your site (before that, only one of those found). So, as a matter of fact, sites on .RU domains are more willing to be indexed by Yandex.

When added words before the domain of the first rivnya otrimєmo domain of another rivnya(For example, website). If you add one key word, then you see domain of the third rivnya(For example, news.yandex.ru), which is so called sub-domain... Piddomains are often vikoristyuyut, so that they are separated from one site, or, for the publication of the site on the latest move. Poshukov systems vvazhayut piddomains with new sites (as the stench is not є mirrors of the main site). So the very subdomains are victorious as bezkoshtovny donor domains on hosting. For the same principle to mold domains of the fourth rivnya, Ale, in the Internet the stench starts to grow in the edge, it’s okay, in the zaglichny that, right, even if you name it, it’s important to remember it.

All domains are re-structured in physical, or legal person. Information about the domain owner appear from whois (from who is - "hto?"). Whois service nadaє, for example, the website www.networksolutions.com/whois/. The information displays the name of the owner, his contact details, hosting, on which the site is secured, the date of restoration. For bazhannyam, at the deyakie restratorіv it is possible to obtain the restratsіynu information about the owner, having deprived the contact e-mail and the address of the hosting. Tse zd_ysnyuєtsya by the service of a private person.

Give a domain for your site, for the site of the company on the right is not so simple as to build on the first glance. The domain is guilty of revenge the word (or words), representations or the name of the company, or directly її agency. Guilty is easily guilty of listening to you (by phone), remembering and associating with your company. So bazhano itself, well, I don’t know the address of the site, but don’t use your own intuition, I’m sure to enter the domain correctly (butt - classmates).

All the complexity is in the fact that the registration of a million domains is already established, and it is easy to know every hour in the region. At the same time, not all domains are re-structured for direct registration, a lot of re-stocking, for resale (cybersquoting), or for earning money on parking domains.

For serious projects, it is recommended to re-structure the 2nd level domain immediately in all popular international zones and in all variants of writing. There are two reasons to be scared for two reasons: it is possible to sputa the zone, or to make a pardon in the name of, ala, all one thing to drink on your site, and to prevent the possibility of blackmail by cybersquatters.

Yak is not marvelous, but to those who have found the most popular domain.ru. But you can buy everything for 99 rubles per pik!

Zagalom, the domain is not a part of the Internet, the earning and first stage in the main site was growing.

Buying and vibrating the correct domain name is the first crocus when starting and developing any site. we took detailed information We could have gone to food without any problems.

Domain names: indications of fallowness from the country or galusi

Domains to be divided into groups:

  • National domains
  • Domeni zalalny koristuvannya
  • Bagatom Domains (IDN)
  • galuzev domains
  • Geographic domains
  • territorial domains

The skin groups have their own specialties, which can be seen in detail at a time.

National domains visions for large countries by the ICANN corporation. The Іm'ya domain obov'yazkovo strictly conforms to the international code of the country from the ISO 3166 standard (for example, domain.RU).

The creation of a stench is specially for the convenience of the inhabitants of the lands, for that most often the registries allow the registration of those only to live in the singing state. Ale buvayut i viklyuchennya.

At the moment, 252 national domains of the first rivnya have been denuded.

Domeni zalalny koristuvannya- domains of the upper rivnya without obmezhen, so that you can be physical or a legal person for any goals. New Homes: .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, .PRO, .MOBI, .NAME.

Before the whole group, there should be domains for organizing or establishing .EDU, .GOV, .INT and.MIL.

large domains vikoristovuyt the national alphabet of the country for the formulation of the name of the domain. For the additional conversion through the PUNYCODE algorithm, such names are converted into a set of Latin characters and are used by DNS and other systems.

Since 2010, the possibility of restructuring domains in the zones of the Russian Federation has appeared. only resident of the Russian Federation. Prior to that, there were 2 to 63 characters and included only letters of the Russian alphabet, numbers and deyaki symbols. By reaching out to the rock for the purchase of such a domain, the administrator’s change is taken away.

For example, the site noviygodblizko.rf appears as xn-90abdeqfdngoldg6o.xn-p1ai. At the moment, absolutely all browsers can cope with such redevelopment without any problems.

Galuzev domains. The main feature is the linking to the organization of singing halls and households. The domains of the 3rd level are applied to them: .net.ru, .org.ru, .com.ru.

Geographic domains Abo geodomains - domains, similar to the name of the country, or the city of regions. Type butt: .msk.ru, .irk.ru.

territorial domains to enter the warehouse of domains of the out-of-the-box store and to browse only the Internet spirits. Prior to the domains of the upper rivnya are.eu, the folds specially for the European Union і.su, which is a collection of bindings to the CPCP, and at once є the space of the Russian language in the Internet.

Domain renewal in Latin

Basic rules:

  • The first and last symbol in the name of a domain cannot be a hyphen.
  • The ear and the end of the ear can be only the letter of the Latin alphabet or a number.
  • You can’t be present in words that override the interests of the suspension or moral principles (swearing words, images of religious sentiments).
  • Domain renewal is possible for terms from 1 year to 10 years.

Domain renewal on Kirillitsa.RF

Basic rules:

  • The minimum value for such a domain is 2 characters, the maximum is 63.
  • The ear and the end of the blame for the crime only the letters of the Cyrillic or numbers.
  • Accepted definition of characters and letters from UTF-8 code.

Global feed on robots with domains

Is it possible to transfer domain purchases to another hosting?

If you buy a domain in one registrar, you can transfer it to the other registrar. For the whole it is necessary to take two minds: it is guilty to pass at least 60 days from the moment of restoration, and the domain is not guilty of being the subject of a ship's call.

How can you try to restore a new domain?

As a rule, the process of restructuring a domain of a loan is no more than 10-15 khvili. Іnsha on the right - the term of renewal of the restoration data and NS domain. Win up to 48 years old: all deposit from the base of the data of the administrator.

How can I use a domain?

You can take a domain name for yourself and you can not be interconnected for an hour, not forgetting when you continue your term. It is possible to add the domain to the zdalegіd, and the distribution to the new site pіznіshe, for example, through rіk or two.

What are you doing, when the term ends with the domain restructuring?

As soon as the term of the domain restoration is over, and you missed the moment, there is nothing terrible about the site. All re-strators for such a vidadok have a special "stub", as it will be shown instead of the site.

We also added a lot to the domain control panel to pay for it. You can also tick the box "Automatically upgrade to domain", so that such a situation did not happen, and the website didn’t stand idle.

Having made a pardon in the name of the domain, how can you?

Even during the re-structuring of the domain, we allowed a pardon in its name, but it’s not worth turning a penny. In this context, you should respectfully read the rules of the administrator, tied to the problem.

Yak delegate domain?

If you want to delegate the domain, you need to set the NS address of the new administrator in your settings. for renewal DNS records(The process of borrowing from 30 khvili up to 72 years), the site will go under the control of the registrar, whose data you have indicated.

Domain of purchases, what is the upcoming croc?

To buy a domain name, you need to vibrate hosting, on any account you will find a website and CMS for new. On web hosting, the engine for the site is installed directly from the control panel.

And if you have already rebuilt your first site, you don’t know how to bring it to an ideal form, it is recommended to return to our fahivts by versts. Smell to help you become familiar with the design and functionality of a resource.

RU-CENTER is one of the largest reєstrators on the Russian market since 2001. We must serve the restoration, the continuation and transmission of the news about domain names most notably in: national, international and thematic.

Shcheb, enter a joke in a row to power you up and force you to "Revision". In the list of results, there are only names in domain zones with a price for the first time - all available, from the very first time. Our pidbir will allow you to change the specific domain, if you enter it in a row just jokingly.

Choose a suitable option from the results of a request for categories, or for the entire list, issue and pay a replacement. Assigned for the first time of restoration and may be displayed as a domain for renewal.

For a proper penny, the domain name is reorganized in the central database (Register) - the administrator is supposed to be a physical person, or organization, as they sent the agreement from RU-CENTER.

All information about the domain will be available in the "For customers" section for the re-structure of management.

A domain is a whole area for the vastness of the Internet, as it is known as a unique domain name, served by a set of domain name servers (DNS) and centrally administered by the Domain Administrator. For a skin registered domain name of values, the Single Administrator.

National domains

National domains (Country code Top Level Domains - ccTLDs) - domains of the upper level, recognized by the international organization IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) for weather conditions from international standard ISO 3166-1.

  • Through the .masterhost company, it is possible to register the offensive domains in the national zones: .ru, .рф, .fo, etc.
  • Domains of the Verkhniy Rivnya .ru .рфє the domain of the Russian Federation.
  • Domain names in zones .ru .рф .su restroyuyutsya term for 1 pik.
  • Domains in zones .cc, .tv .fo etc. You can register for terms from 1 rock to 10 rock.

Domeni zalalny koristuvannya

All domains of the upper level can be cleverly divided into two large parts. Persha - domains of the zalny koristuvannya ( generic TLD abo gTLD) І new domains of the upper level (New gTLD) - thematic domain zones, which marked the launch of the new Internet.

Domains .COM, .NET, .ORG, .rus, etc.

New domains presented by ICANN corporation under the New gTLD programs include, for example, such domain zones as SITE, .ONLINE, .OOO, .FUN, .LTD and a lot of others. On the basis of the outlying domains of the Upper Rivne, there are many more options here that are not yet taken and available for re-structuring!

  • Through the company.masterhost you can register the domain of the zalny koristuvannya
    in more than 260 domain zones: .com, .net, .org, .site, .online, .email, .cam that іnshі.
  • Domains in international zones You can register for terms from 1 rock to 10 rock.

premial domains

Domains of the premium segment are in different domain zones (.COM, .NET, .rus, .OOO and інші).
Premial domains are known to sound and be remembered. For example, there are a lot of one-row domain resumes - prime. In addition, premium domains are not often composed of living, sweet and sweet words.

Domain transfer, which may have the premium status, is initiated by the register of the domain zone independently. Part of the re-establishment and renewal of premium domains can be rendered according to the standard domain. Special prices and promotions for the restoration and continuation of domain names, following the general rule, are not extended to the primary domain names.

Bagatom Domains (IDN)

Bagatom Domain Names - Names, represented by symbols of national alphabets in the same domain with a domain zone in Latin.

The DNS system is only used with Latin characters, so the direct restoration of such names in the Registry is unwise.

However, it’s the simplest way: website addresses from symbols of national alphabets, introductions to the address row of the browser, to transform for resources in the programs themselves in a set of Latin symbols, which are accepted for re-staging in the Register.

All modern browsers are welcome as well. by the way, mydomain.su not є domain names yak like that. Price IDN or submission for a traditional domain in Latin xn--d1acklchcc.su, Yake go through the path of re-airing on the special PUNYCODE algorithm.

    Regeneration of large domains is available in local and international zones
    (For example, in zones, COM, .NET, .LTD, .SPACE, etc.).

    The .SU domain can be used to restore domain names, not only Cyrillic domain names, but it is stored in the symbols of the Greek, Cyrillic, Vermen, Arabic, Georgian and Hebrew alphabets.

  • In zones.RUS і.РФ В and you can register the domain only Cyrillic domain.

galuzev domains

Galuzev domains are designated for the restoration of domain names of the third level from the urahuvannya of galuzev, vidomchio and other specific specifics. The restoration of galuse domains is carried out by the masterhost through the re-strator partners.

To galuse domains, the following should be applied:

  • .net.ru - for organizing, to go to the implementation of projects, connected with the development of an Internet hedge;
  • .org.ru - for non-commercial organizations;
  • .pp.ru - for physical persons;
  • .com.ru - for commercial organizations.

Geographic domains

Geographic domain names are used to refer to the designated sub-units of the Russian Federation.

  • The restoration of galuse domains is carried out by the masterhost through the re-strator partners.
  • The reconstruction is done in one line at a time.

territorial domains

Within the framework of the domains of the foreign domain zone, there are so called sponsored domain zones (STLD).

Smells to be seen for a rakhunok of catches, as seen by representatives of the Internet-spirits, the most intriguing in their history.

With all the middle gTLDі ccTLD Domains can be seen in a number of zones, such as delegated territories or regions. I’ll look at their specifics, we can sense that they are included in a special group of so-called "territorial domains".

Prior to the main territorial domains, the following applies:

.eu - national domain of the upper rivnya for the European Union. In order to register a domain in the .EU zone, you need to be a resident of the European Union or a permanent representative on your territory.

.su- a collection of buv delegations for the CPCP. However, the geopolitical space has been saved, in some economical and political terms, as it was earlier, it was very strong. To that, the decision was taken to position the .SU domain as the sleeping space of the Russian language on the Internet.

Domains in zones .euі .su restroyuyutsya term for 1 pik.

Domain renewal rules in the .RU zone

  • Outside the domain, іm'ya can end with the characters ".RU";
  • the front part of the domain name is guilty of a crime from 2 to 63 characters, fixing and ending with a letter of the Latin alphabet or a number;
  • in the domain name there can be letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or a hyphen;
  • domain name cannot revenge a definition at once in 3 positions;

Regulations for re-structuring domains in the .RF zone

  • outside the domain іm'ya can end with the symbols "RF";
  • the front part of the domain name is to blame for such a number of symbols, which is shown in the Punycode code, from 2 to 63 symbols, to fix and end up with a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet or a number;
  • Cyrillic domain name can be added from the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, numbers from zero (0) to nine (9) and the symbol "dash" (-);
  • acceptable letters є letters of the Russian alphabet, including the letter "e"; great and small letters do not grow;
  • To delegate a domain name, you need to go through a mobile authorization by entering the SMS code in the control panel. Without additional comments, the domain will be registered, but it will become not delegated.


  • Outside the domain, іm'ya can end with symbols that represent the zones of the domain.
  • The front part of the domain name is guilty of revenge:
    1. in .PW, .rus domains - from 3 to 63 characters;
    2. in the largest international domains - from 2 to 63 characters;
  • The leading characters in the domain name can be letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or a hyphen.
  • Іm'ya domain can not get started, or end up with a hyphen.

Regulations for the restoration of domains

  • The Іm'ya domain can be composed of letters of the national alphabet, numbers and dashes.
  • The leading symbols can be the letters of the national alphabet, numbers or dashes.
  • The maximum domain name in Punycode cannot be overridden by 63 characters.
  • ICANN website: https://www.icann.org/
  • Single Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP): https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/udrp-2012-02-25-ru
  • Operator reєstrіv:

    • ANO "Coordination Center for Domains.RU / RF": https://cctld.ru/
    • Foundation Rosvitku Internet: www.fid.su
    • VeriSign Inc: .COM domains, .NET https://www.verisign.com/
    • Public Interest Registry: .ORG domain: https://pir.org/policies/
    • TOV "Rossijski Іmena": domain.RUS: http://rusnames.ru/rules.pl
    • Donuts Inc. https://donuts.domains/about/policies/
    • CentralNic Ltd. https://www.centralnic.com/support/terms
    • Radix TLDs. https://radix.website/policies/