How to install Android 8.0 on any smartphone. What's new briefly. About: color, channels and interactive icons

Android 8.0 was named after Oreo. Google has preserved its “confectionery” tradition when choosing names for operating system. The presentation of the new OS was also timed to coincide with the blackout in the USA. If you remember, you can see the similarity between a baked Oreo and a sunny disk, close with the Month.

The Android 8.0 update is now available for Pixel phones and tablets, as well as Nexus devices including the player. also on Android based 8.0 will be released for another generation of Pixel smartphones in early 2017.

The release plan is on track, however, the feature update has been completed. It is clear that older smartphones from the manufacturer have been updated, unfortunately, it is still unknown and difficult to evaluate.

For these devices, updates are available and planned. I, primarily, for me. The list is constantly updated as we receive new information from publishers!

The list is only factually updated, confirmed by the publishers. Regardless of how the devices are built, there are prospects for a new software security? This is a lot of work and it takes time, and there are a lot of manufacturers who are investing in their remaining flagships.

I'm planning on checking out the new Oreo. As before, it will take the developers an hour to adapt the Google OS to their firmware.

What new is Google introducing in Android 8.0 Oreo?

Android 8 - what's new?

The innovation in the current version of Android is not as rich as we would like. Everything that is needed has already been invented and implemented. Prote, let's go through the main list.

The result for wealthy clients: long recovery, often cost-free. There are no specific statements at this time, but there will most likely be updates to the upcoming models. Also, the stench can be eliminated from the Swedish update in new versions. Vlasniks of the rich structures from the third group are still checking, richly.

The list is constantly updated. Updated for this program, the device also removed the residual version. The firmware has previously been released by various network operators around the world. For example, the company does not disclose which devices are being updated and which manufacturers will bring new devices to the market.

quick update

The most important change in Android 8.0 is the release of Treble, a new system update. This is not particularly significant for corporate developers, but it may be of serious importance for the entire Google system.

Apparently, one of the main problems of Android is the segmentation of the OS, as well as the increased promotion of new versions of the system. Most manufacturers do not update the phones they release, but if they do update, then new versions of Android are released according to the deadline. In the bag, until the release of Android 8.0, previous version Android 7.0 still does not dominate the market.

My device no longer requires updates. We have only reviewed here in the first place only models for which there is already official information from the manufacturer. There is no exact confirmation of this. It is not our fault to solve serious problems. Unfortunately, the schedule has not been released yet.

The company has not yet officially taken a position. It’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that we don’t know what devices can be updated. The most important innovations e. Notification points - information about the program will be displayed in the near future not only through the front panel, but for each program there will also be a small dot in the additional icon, which indicates the presence of notification. Then you can always display notifications on the screen for long presses on this program. For this additional function, it is possible to perform two additional functions one by one, in which one additional function appears above the other. Baby in the picture. . Prote, no definitive proof can be given.

Treble changes the structure of the OS. It is now modular. The plan of Google engineers is to speed up the release of updates to smartphones, as well as increase the life cycle of smartphones. The stinks will be seen more than once.

Other changes in Oreo just lie on the surface and mark the crust.

The design has changed little

The design of the system has changed little. Google continues to finalize the scope of the task. Oreo has the same flat, minimalist design with clean quotients as the previous three generations of the system.

Automatic activation of “no-nonsense” add-ons

At the same time, the operating system is not fully adapted, but instead requires a powerful user interface. However, depending on the model, region and smartphone, updates may be added. Many old devices cannot accept the new operating system. Koristuvachs look like this once in a tube. However, renovations for the middle class building may be included.

This was officially confirmed. Vaughn is on the side of the Japanese winemaker. Nutrition about those who are in need. Thus, the plan is to complete the expansion of everyday life. The firmware of the Bula is presented overnight with dark blackouts on Monday.

Retailers “repacked” the notification panel and shvidkikh nalashtuvan, It appears when you swipe the top of the screen. It turned light gray.

Also, the date and the settings icon have moved to the lower part of the panel.

grouped up

In Android 8.0, Google changed the design of the settings. Now the stinks are all grouped together. Free access Before Wi-Fi or mobile data transfer, you will lose only the settings on the Wi-Fi panel. In basic training, you will have to go to a special group.

Other living protests were extinguished, however, live on air. After just 40 seconds, the performance, including the trailer, ended again. That's the name of the drops, in a laugh-out-loud manner, they didn't tell people anything, but they miraculously formed a cola. The new skins now have a more rounded shape and more detailed information, as well as increasing the consistency of the color of their predecessors.

Among them, for example, is magician, pretzel and kots-emoji. For example, if you press and release the program icon, you will see not only the photos, but also other notifications. In general, the system speeds up, and the system starts up sooner rather than earlier. It is important to ensure that the operating system also operates smoothly and quickly on these systems, which are even inexpensive for development.

Google engineers believed that Wi-Fi mobile internet, The transfer of data is carried out to the point “Internet and Internet”, and other droneless interfaces Bluetooth and NFC icon - until "Connecting devices".

The skin group is now, by name, revenge and a short description of what is in it.

To participate in the beta program, you only need one authorized device. If you register for the beta version of the program, the update is imported using the additional update function. At this time, the distributors will show how this is guilty buti is painted in the future.

This is due to the modular design of the system. As only your personal data will be saved and released, you will need your fingertip to enter the system. This is especially important when dartless transmission music through headphones or speakers. However, the compression of data leads to a decrease in the sweetness of the sound.

About: color, channels and interactive icons

Google tried to update the robot with updates. Now the messages are divided into channels, for example, likes and propositions about friendship in social networks are seen as different messages. It’s a good idea to get rid of the stench as well. It seems that you will have to spend more than an hour watching annoying callers, or you will learn to ignore them.

Control control, intelligent clipboard and much more

New feature, Called “Copy less”, automatically copies the information that is displayed in addition to the clipboard, if the messenger is accessed in parallel, and entered into it keyword. In addition, in new versions so called “notification points”, so the notification points indicate what is in the supplement even before notification, but. It’s also practical: the “picture-in-picture” function and intelligent recognition of text, for example, it’s easier to enter a phone number.

A good product means it is possible for consumers to see their products in different colors. The idea is to help you find your way through the chaos of disconnections.

Icons have become interactive. They have long been displaying a great deal of information about this proposition. Now you can click on the preview for those who have clicked on the point for a long time.

Will my mobile version be the new version?

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the winegrowers to handle things with care. And in the past, flagships are also responsible for updating. This article will be continued for another hour. The updated history can be found at the end of the article. And with other producers?

The messages are divided into categories called English and can be controlled individually. For example, users can activate sound and vibration for more important categories, such as lists or calendar entries, and can turn on advertising for games or newspaper supplements.

Picture in picture

Android 8.0 Oreo introduced the ability to burn a video and display it on top of another program using the picture-in-picture principle.

Previously, this possibility was already realized in the middle YouTube add-ons. The video can be burned, and at this time you can continue watching other videos. This feature is now available for YouTube and Chrome system-wide.

However, the program distributor believes that if the advertiser wants to advertise his advertisements, he is not obliged to advertise his power category. There will be no storage of accessories, there will be no channels, the floor will be surrounded by an additional supplement and, therefore, will be foldable.

For example, videos or videos can be viewed in a different area while the user is using another program. In this way, you can simultaneously display and view a number of windows and a number of screens with different content. Options may instruct the operating system that it wants to expand the color palette, and then display images with custom color profiles so that the display supports them.

You can launch the video in Chrome, and then click on Home. The picture will change in size and move to the next screen. Koristuvach can launch another program with anyone.

The function will probably require support from third-party add-ons, which can be done manually when working with video chat.

Fill out the supplement form

Update status bar

This is now the same as an add-on that allows you to scan add-ons from other devices. Longer battery life, clearer notifications, picture-in-picture mode and enhanced security features. In addition, work and the possibility of updating also mean time and money, so the doctor evaluates it in order to see how efficiently it costs.

Picture in picture

For this reason and for other reasons, skin renewal does not occur overnight. In addition, we understand that the company will update such telephones. Sometimes it’s even faster, and in other cases it’s even more intense. These will be candidates for renewal. Recently, a list of devices planned for updating has been leaked, which, by the way, also includes mid and low ranges. And it’s the most malty, the exact name of the stove.

The function of auto-renewing passwords has become available in all applications. Android can remember the password and automatically enter it when you log in to the app, just like it does in Chrome. It's not just the power of Android passwords that's under threat, it's third party add-ons Dashlane, 1Password and Enpass.

View of the text

But everything is in order, since our device is not updated. Right now we have devices that are already being updated. For this reason, please pay attention to the fact that the update has appeared on your device in the settings. The only thing that does not appear is that the skin cells are trying to harden the new structure.

If you own one of the devices, you just need to check whether the update is available. The list of lucky additions looks like an upcoming order. The notice states that updates for these devices will be completed “until the end of the day.” Then such keywords will attract actions from their devices, but it is unknown what specific devices or if the stinks will definitely be timid.

Android 8.0 has mastered the ability to see text more intelligently. Now, if a user sees a fragment of text, the system itself suggests possible actions with it. For example, dialing numbers similar to a telephone number will be prompted to dial.

crazy beast

A smart move to improve the efficiency of managing the disk space of your smartphone. The function can be activated in settings. If your device uses Google's dark photos for photos, the function will automatically be deleted from the local storage synchronized with a dark photo older than 90 days.

Let's face it, such voybniks have populated their lives before upgrading the devices. It is also clear what will happen stay updated, I'm trying to get rid of the stench. The Chinese brand announced its plans for innovation. They did not tell the device and commented that their engineers would begin work on updates in the chest rock.

8, continuity symbol, integration and smooth transition between computer and mobile

will more phones companies that will be updated, but have not voted anymore. They also did not publish the pre-graduate date. I want to be the one who shows the head among others. Moreover, if we specifically target retailers. For merchants and retailers. Is the system optimized after continuous analysis of customers? Andromeda sounds strong, wanting integration into a single operating system, it seems, will not appear soon.

energy saving

Doze mode in Android 8.0 is active. It combines the functionality of add-ons that run in the background with the method of optimizing energy consumption. For example, the stinks will not be interested in the information about the museum.

The company also confirms that the time for the acquisition of the OS has passed. For Pixel, the speed has doubled.

Adaptive icons and other goodies for retailers

Google has made life easier for retailers. Starting with Android 8.0, add-on icons have become adaptive. They will change shape depending on the design of the shells of smartphone manufacturers. Previously, supplement developers had to work with icons for the skin around the skin.

Tse will be garniy method Boost your productivity on a device you can take anywhere. Over the last years, this kerivnitstvo has significantly improved. And, having added to the memory of the devices to a greater extent, it was decided not to study what the evidence supports. How good are you?

Shortcuts to add-ons on lockscreen

The interface and security have been improved and partially updated. With models that do not show great sales on the market, comparable to other companies. Some of them will have a great update first, and others will have a different one, as the main updates for the other part of the list will be completed, the most secure. For most of the coming period there would be a great renewal, but it is not clear what will arrive.

The add-on also no longer needs to install all the fonts. The stinks can attract them dynamically.

Android 8.0 now fully supports C/C++ languages ​​for software development.

Add-on widgets

Once you click on the program icon, you will now click on the widgets menu, which you can then drag to your home screen or to a folder. Adding widgets just got easier.

Google Play Protect

Google in Android 8.0 introduced a powerful tool to protect the system from external threats. Play Protect works like an antivirus and in a sense repeats what Microsoft has built with Windows Defender in Windows 10.

Also, in Android 8.0, the rights of add-ons installed from third-party devices are limited. They cannot cancel actions or cancel songs. Settings can be turned on.

In addition, this add-on can eliminate the user's explicit permission to download the APK installation file.


Google has changed the design of emoticons and emoji. The stench is now closer to the rest of the fashion. The company also added 60 new emoji.

Android 8 release date

Google officially introduced Android 8.0 on September 23, 2017. Updates are now available for branded Google Pixel and Nexus devices.

Owners of smartphones of other brands will have to check. The main update will be released in 2018. Virologists are still vague about the terms of the update.

HTC can update the U11 before the end of 2017, but most likely, the smartphone will launch a new OS in 2018. In addition, according to the latest information, the company also wants to update HTC U Ultra, HTC U Play, HTC Desire 10 Pro, HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle, HTC 10 Evo, HTC 10.

ASUS ZenFone 3 and 4 pick up new system the other half of 2018 has a fate.

Huawei can install Android 8.0 Oreo on the Mate 10 phablet, which will be announced in the fall of 2017, but such information has not yet been confirmed. Smartphones will receive Android 8.0 in 2018, including Samsung smartphones.

Lenovo has not yet named the exact terms, but it is clear that Moto will be updated earlier, even in 2017, below the control of Lenovo devices.


In general, Android 8.0 Oreo did not become a revolutionary system. The company has made an important effort to speed up the development process, especially updating smartphone manufacturers. Perhaps this will help the next Google speed up segmentation in the Android ecosystem.

It is clear that such Android devices will be subject to a great number of changes. Still, the precise style in Android design is already being championed by the fourth generation.

Persh for everything goes into the updated “Customization” menu. It is now decorated in black and white and looks even more stylish. The manual navigation menu that appeared in Android Nougat has disappeared. In addition, some adjustment points were changed in places.

2. Displace processes in the background to save battery

Increased autonomy became one of the main tasks that developers set for themselves when working on. For this purpose, the Doze function was completely reworked, and now appeared in Marshmallow. There is also a list of actions that can be added to background mode. New, tighter connections can significantly extend the battery life of gadgets.

3. Quiet mode for special notices

In the rest Android versions You can turn on silent mode, as a result of which you will not be able to receive notifications, calls or notifications at all times. In Android O, you can activate this mode for certain add-ons. To do this, you need to move the notification to the side and click on the icon from the images of the year.

4. New capabilities of the bitmap scanner

Smartphones now have the ability to perform actions using gestures on the fingerprint scanner. However, in the new version of Android this function is further developed. The most important thing is that the new API allows you to use vertical and horizontal swipes, long and short taps on the scanner of third-party generation programs.

5. Customizing the navigation panel

Android Marshmallow now has a menu called System UI Tuner, which allows you to configure external look elements of the operating system. The new version of its capabilities has been significantly expanded. The best thing is that you can now change the appearance and functionality of the buttons on the bottom navigation panel.

6. Shortcuts to add-ons on lockscreen

In Android O, you can place on the left and right sides of the lock screen not only buttons for launching the caller and camera, but also some other add-ons.

7. “Picture in Picture” mode

The multi-window mode with Nougat has eliminated further development. Now you can display a floating video window and watch it on top of all other add-ons. This function will be especially useful on tablets.

8. Improved battery statistics

The section on adjusting energy efficiency took away not only visual changes. You will find out which tasks are best to drain the battery of the device. With variable names of processes and additives.

9. New auto-fill function

Everyone knows approximately how the auto-fill function works in the browser. Enter your data once, and then with one click the mouse can be entered into the required fields. Now it is also possible to appear in Android O. Retailers promise that all important personal data will be securely protected on the same operating system, so there will be no problems.

10. Dark theme

After all the fate of Android, a dark design theme appeared.

11. Channels information

The notification system in every new version of Android is becoming more and more thorough. In Android O, add-ons can create channels in which notifications related to the same topic will be published. For the skin channel, you can set your own image parameters.

12. Adaptive icons

Older versions of Android used free-form icons, Nougat recommended round icons, and many third-party firmwares had square icons. In this way, so that the program icon looks organically in any system based on Android, developers have to install icons in them for all aspects of life. Android O has had this problem. Now the operating system itself takes care of things so that the icon of any program looks beautiful.

13. Hi-Fi Bluetooth codecs

Bluetooth has long been criticized for its low sound quality in the world with shaky headphones. Recently, Google has added new codecs to Android O for transmitting and processing sound via Bluetooth, including LDAC from Sony. It is important to reduce the quality of the sound on fancy Bluetooth devices.

14. Improvement in the presentation of quotients in supplements

To make image editing easier, in Android O you can use the AdobeRGB and Pro Photo RGB color profile options. This means that what you view in the photo editor on your smartphone screen will look the same on any other displays.

15. Wi-Fi Aware

The price is a new promising technology that allows two devices to Android controls About communicating one with one, there is a problem, because the stench is found in different Wi-Fi networks. It’s not yet clear how you will be victorious in practice. Possibly for transferring files or streaming multimedia.

16. Display the number of unread messages on the icons

Many third-party launchers have been working for a long time. Now support for the function of displaying the number of unread notifications has appeared on the same operating system. If the sight of a three-digit number of unread sheets at the end bothers you, you can enable this function in settings.

It’s clear that this is not an exhaustive list, because we didn’t know about the minor visual changes and those functions that are hidden deep within the operating system.

In addition, do not forget that we still have only a development collection before us, which will be further processed and changed. But now Android O looks even more attractive, so check it out.

Final release of Android About plans for the fourth quarter of 2017.