Floppy disk capacity is 3-5 inches. The evolution of changeable media: from floppy disks to magneto-optics. Knownness of disk drives

About forty years ago, the first computer floppy disks appeared, and thirty years ago, 3.5-inch floppy disks appeared. And the stinks are released until now! Nowadays, to transfer information, we use flash drives and external hard drives, and all previous developments are almost forgotten. IT. TUT.BY has seen how different noses have lost a significant trace in computer history, and how they could become a standard for many years to come.

Here we will look at only floppy disks and cartridges with magneto optical discs, which were inserted into the reading device, and original disks And we won’t accept streamers with a magnetic strip.

8" floppy disk

Retailer: IBM

Rik Vikonanny: 1971

Dimensions: 200x200x1 mm

Volume: up to 80 KB per release up to 1.2 MB

Width: everywhere

In 1967, IBM, under the leadership of Alan Shugart, organized a group to develop new disk drives. In 1971, the first eight-inch floppy disk was released to the market: a round flat flexible disk in a plastic envelope measuring 20x20 cm. Through its flexible nature, the new product took the name Floppy Disc - “flexible disk”. Initially, the capacity was only 80 kilobytes, but later the capacity of the recording was increased, and after five years, floppy disks could already hold more than a megabyte of information.

5.25" floppy disk (Mini Floppy Disk)

Retailer: Shugart Associates

Rik Vikonanny: 1976

Dimensions: 133x133x1 mm

Volume: up to 110 KB per release up to 1.2 MB

Data transfer speed: up to 63 Kb/s

Width: everywhere

Two years after the release of the first eight-inch floppy disks, Alan Shugart regained control of the company Shugart Associates, and in three years introduced a new product - a five-inch floppy disk and disk drive. The company also developed the SASI standard, which was later renamed to SCSI. Diskettes were either single-sided or double-sided, and many computer vendors used their own proprietary formatting methods and writing algorithms, which meant that disks recorded in one drive might not be readable in another. Schoolchildren from the end of the Soviet Socialist Republic and the early years of independence of the Union republics grabbed computers from such floppy disks and played the simplest games. Until the mid-eighties, the capacity of floppy disks increased tenfold. And the company Shugart Associates, before speaking, has changed its name throughout the year to Seagate.

3.5" floppy disk (Micro Floppy Disk)

Retailer: Sony

Rik Vikonannya: 1981

Dimensions: 93x89x3 mm

Volume: up to 720 KB per ear, up to 1.44 MB (standard), up to 2.88 MB (Extended Density)

Data transfer speed: up to 63 Kb/s

Width: everywhere

In 1981, the Sony company absolutely new look floppy disks: three inches. The stench no longer smelled like a wild beast, but it lost its name. Now the magnetic collar is placed in plastic with a thickness of three millimeters, and the opening for the heads is covered with a curtain on a spring. These curtains, especially the metal ones, were damaged and pulled out during use, and were often torn in the middle of the drive and lost there. Diskettes have become even more popular, Raznі virobniki computers equipped their machines with them. Sony released a number of models digital cameras, the recording of which was carried out on floppy disks. The standard capacity of floppy disks had already grown to 1.44 MB before 1987, and a little later the recording capacity could be increased up to 2.88 MB. High school students in small towns (including Belarusian ones) for a pittance “rotated” floppies up to 1.7-1.8 MB, at which point the stinks could be read in the most common disk drives. However, three-inch floppy disks are still being produced. The floppy disks may have come out of Vikoristannya, but in many programs the “Save” command icon is visible in the vicinity of the floppy disk.

Amstrad Disc 3" (Compact Floppy Disc, CF2)

Retailer: Hitachi, Maxell, Matsushita

Rik Vikonannya: 1982

Dimensions: 100x80x5 mm

Volume: from 125 KB per ear to 720 KB

Widerness: to cover a wide range - it is important to use computers Amstrad CPC and Amstrad PCW, also Tatung Einstein, ZX Spectrum +3, Sega SF-7000, Gavilan SC

Amstrad, a leading manufacturer of computers, wove its way around and pushed three-inch floppy disks into another Hitachi format. It looks even more surprising that the company was put to sleep by the same Alan Shugart who dismantled the first floppy disks. The magnetic disk itself is in the middle of the body, taking up less than half Have a good time– the solution fell on the nose protection mechanisms, through which the compatibility of these disks would remain high. Regardless of the fact that these diskettes were more expensive, lower standard 3.5-inch flops with less memory, the company kept them running for a long time and achieved little success: only a few Amstrad CPC computers were released more than 3 million pieces .

Bernoulli Box

Retailer: Iomega

Rik Vikonannya: 1983

Dimensions: Bernoulli Box: 27.5 x21 cm, Bernoulli Box II: 14x13.6x0.9 cm

Volume: up to 5 MB per ear and up to 230 MB per issue

Data transfer speed: up to 1.95 Mb/s

Width: small

The Iomega company, one of the main “whales” of the replacement wear market, released the original Bernoulli Box disc in 1983. In this case, the flexible disk is wrapped with great fluidity (3000 revolutions per spindle), as a result of which the surface of the disk is directly below the head, which is considered to bend and does not contact it: read/write operations are completed through darling. The attempt to describe these wind currents dates back to the 18th century, having propagated the famous Swiss teachings of Danilo Bernoulli. Once again, this development company gained popularity, although the first products did not compromise on space or portability: the first cartridges were 27.5 x 21 cm in size and contained only 5 megabytes of information . The next generation changed in size approximately fourfold, and the memory capacity until 1994 was up to 230 megabytes. At that time, the magneto-optical disks began to actively protrude.

Magneto-optical drive (MO)

Retailer: Sony

Rik Vikonannya: 1985

Dimensions: 133x133x6 mm, 93x89x6 mm, 72x68x5 mm for MiniDisc

Volume: from 650 MB to 9.2 GB for 5-inch, from 128 MB to 2.3 GB for 3.5-inch, 980 MB for minidiscs

Data exchange speed: up to 10 Mb/s

Rose of all things: meaning

Magneto-optical disks look like the original CDs of standard and modified sizes placed in the box. However, there is an important point to note: the recording is carried out in a magnetic way, so that the laser initially heats the surface to a high temperature, and then an electromagnetic pulse changes the magnetization of the plots. The system is highly reliable and resistant to mechanical damage and magnetic disturbance, and ensures low recording fluidity and low energy consumption. Both disks and drives were expensive, so magneto-optics did not become even wider than CDs. Streaming has become wider and for a long time such discs allowed data to be recorded more than once. But in everyday problems (for example, medicine), where it is necessary to save a great deal of information for a long time (and MO-disks “live” up to 50 years), technology has robbed of knowledge. Sony still produces magneto-optical disks in both small and large sizes. MiniDisc music discs, introduced by the same company Sony in 1992, are the next generation of magneto-optical discs. Since it was only possible to record music, modifications MD Data (1993) and Hi-MD (2004) ensure recording of any data, of course, 650 MB and 980 MB. "Minidiski" are still being released.

SyQuest drives

Rozrobnik: SyQuest

Date of issue: around 1990

Dimensions: format 5.25" (approx. 13x13 cm) and 3.5" (approx. 9x9 cm)

Volume: 5.25": 44.88 and 200 MB; 3.5": 105 and 270 MB

Rose overall: medium (important with MacIntosh computers)

QyQuest, founded in 1982 by Seagate executive Syed Iftikar, entered the market with prominent hard drives for IBM XT computers. The later company broke up the splinter different systems disc cartridges. The most popular are the 5.25-inch cartridges SQ400/SQ800/SQ2000 (44, 88 and 200 MB in volume), as well as the 3.5-inch SQ310/SQ327 (105 and 270 MB in volume). Their main drawback, besides the size, was that the later systems were completely different from the earlier ones. Thus, drives for 200-megabyte disks could no longer read 88-megabyte disks, but could not write to them. It was impossible for younger systems to read or write to older ones. Upon release, 44-megabyte disks cost about 100 dollars. The variety of low-grade standards and the absence of a normal trade name for this and other technologies did not allow the disks to gain wide popularity. Magneto-optical drives provided better service, and Zip drives from Iomega also appeared.


Rozrobnik: Insite Peripherals

Production history: 1991 (Insite Floptical), 1998 (Caleb UHD144, Sony HiFD)

Dimensions: 93x89x3 mm

Volume: 21 MB (Insite Floptical), 144 MB (Caleb UHD144), 150-200 MB (Sony HiFD)

Data exchange speed: up to 125 Kb/s

Width: very small

Another magneto-optical technology, but of a different kind. The information is read by magnetic heads, and the optical subsystem (infrared LEDs) ensures the accuracy of the head positioning. Thus, replacing the initial 135 tracks per inch, like floppy disks, a recording capacity of 1250 tracks per inch was achieved. Floptical drives are crazy with 3.5-inch floppy disks, and initially Floptical disks were positioned as a successor to floppy disks, but that didn’t happen. Through this fate, Caleb Technology developed its similar system - Caleb UHD144, and Sony released Sony HiFD discs. These systems were also crazy about floppy disks and were also called diskette exchangers, the market for them was a huge failure, since at that time the market for replacement disks for 100-250 MB was hoarded by the company's Zip disks Iomega.

Zip Drive (Iomega Zip)

Retailer: Iomega

Rik Vikonannya: 1994

Dimensions: 98x98x6 mm

Volume: up to 100 MB per ear and up to 750 MB per issue

Data exchange speed: close to 1 Mb/s

Width: even wider

Compact discs were still expensive and did not allow direct recording (CD-RWs only appeared in 1997), magneto-optical discs were expensive and wasteful, and the capacity of basic floppy disks was no longer enough. Iomega further developed magnetic recording technology and introduced Zip disks: three times larger than floppy disks, and a capacity of up to 100 megabytes. The head was brought to the disk not from the front, but from the side, and the speed of data exchange was approximately 15 times faster than that of standard floppy disks. The drives were produced in a number of formats - both external and internal, in a sophisticated shape and blue color that could be placed flat on a table or vertically. The technology quickly gained popularity. Regardless of the “clink of death”, which was a sign of the release of discs in good order, “Zips” were successfully sold. At the exit, disk drives cost 100 dollars, and disks - 20 dollars; Later, 250-megabyte disks (round-shaped, or the same dimensions) and 750-megabyte (voice-shaped) appeared. Since the beginning of two thousand years, the popularity of Zip disks has declined, but Iomega still sells 100-megabyte disks for 9 dollars apiece, and “seven hundred and fifty” for 12.5 dollars. Plenty of enthusiasts of old technology still swear by these epic devices.

<Продолжение следует>

On others, special external media (floppy disks and disks) are being used. It is important that technology does not stand still and new devices are being invented, and old ones are being updated in terms of speed of data transfer and memory capacity.

In this article we will look at how the first disks, floppy disks and their main characteristics and features appeared.

Floppy disk 8” (inches)– In 1971, an 8-inch floppy disk and a disk drive for it were first introduced. This floppy disk was released by IBM. The disc itself is made of polymer material with magnetic coating in a plastic package. Depending on the number of sectors, such floppy disks are small and divided into 80 kb, 256 kb and 800 kb.

5.25" floppy disk - In 1976, Shugart Associates developed and released a 5.25-inch floppy disk drive. 5-inch floppy disks quickly gained popularity and outdid their predecessors. This floppy disk was little different from the 8-inch drives, although it was smaller in size, the plastic cover was hard, and the edges of the drive opening were reinforced with a plastic ring. Such disks (depending on the format) contained 110, 360, 720 or 1200 kilobytes of data.

3.5" floppy disk – In 1981, Sony introduced a 3.5-inch floppy disk for the first time. This floppy disk was already clearly visible from the front ones. The floppy disk was covered with a rigid body, and at the center of the floppy disk there was a metal sleeve, which allowed it to be positioned correctly in the disk drive. The floppy disks were mainly 1.44 MB, but they were larger - 720 KB, and 2.88 MB. This type of floppy disk is the most popular on the market and is often used in many structures and installations.

Iomega ZIP - In the mid-90s, ZIP disks replaced 3.5-inch floppy disks. The stench of the stench predicted 3.5” floppy disks, but there were little bits of it. When replacing the front generation, the remaining 1.44 MB was not enough to save data. ZIP disks were produced in volumes of 100 MB and 250 MB (At the end of the year, 750 MB were added). But the disks never gained popularity, the fragments of the disk drives and the disks themselves were very expensive, so people lost their trusty 3.5” comrades.


The compact disc was first released by Sony in 1979, and mass production of these discs began in 1982. At first they wanted to use CDs only for audio recordings, but later they began to save all digital data on them. The vice-president of Sony insisted that the disc could contain Beethoven’s ninth symphony, which took 74 hours (under the supervision of Wilhelm Furtwängler), so that such a disc could accommodate any classical TV . As we all know, this floppy disk held 650 MB. Starting around 2000, discs with a capacity of 700 MB (80 units) began to be produced.

The disk itself is made of polycarbonate, coated with a thin ball of metal (aluminum, wood), which is then coated with a thin ball of varnish.

1988 rock appears format CD-R(Recordable - Records). This is the same CD, but empty, in other words, “Blank”. It was possible to record any information on it, but then it could not be deleted from the disk.

1997 rock appears format CD-RW(ReWritable - Rewritten). This is the same CD-R, but now the data from it can be transferred and recorded differently.

DVD(Digital Video Disk – Digital Video Disk) – the disc is the same size as the original CD and other things without being disrupted in any way, but has a stronger structure. The first discs appeared in Japan in 1996, becoming 1.46 GB (DVD-1), which was larger than the original CD double. The 4.7 GB DVD (DVD-5) became the most popular. The maximum DVD storage capacity is 17.08 GB (DVD-18).

DVD-R– the first DVD-R was released in 1997 and the price was 50 dollars, and the storage capacity was 3.95 GB. Many people ask: what is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R? Everything is very simple. It is not possible to transfer information from both of them, except for “+” you can write, but not for “-”.

DVD-RAM– Discs that can be rewritable or edited as DVD-RWs can be rewritable up to 100,000 times (originally rated at 1000). Also, the information is read more and more and an entry for the new one is made as if Znimny Zhort disk, then. without additional software security. Of course, such a disc is more expensive and cannot be read in all programs.

BD (BlueRay Disc)– a disc with high strength, lower than DVD. It is important to pay for insurance to record high-definition films there. The disc is the first to represent a wide variety of people in 2006. We decided to set it to 25 GB (single-share) and 50 GB (double-share). Also mini BD 7.8 GB.

And the controller of such an extension is usually designated by the abbreviation KMD.

Diskettes have a write lock function, which allows you to access the data in read mode. Diskettes grew in popularity from the 1970s until the late 1990s, giving up larger and more portable DVDs and flash drives.

An intermediate option between them and traditional floppy disks is the more common HDD, such as cartridges - Iomega Zip, Iomega Jaz; as well as magneto-optical devices (MO), LS-120 and others, which combine a laser (for heating the surface of the disk) and a magnetic head (for recording and reading information from the surface of the disk).


  • - Alan Shugart shocked the team that was dismantling disk drives in the IBM laboratory, where they created accumulations on disk drives. David Noble (English) David Noble), one of the senior engineers who work under his care, covering a flexible disk (a prototype of an 8″ diameter floppy disk) and a dry casing with a fabric lining.
  • - IBM presented the first floppy disk with a diameter of 8″ (200 mm) with an external floppy drive.
  • - Alan Shugart is founding the powerhouse Shugart Associates.
  • - Finn Conner Finis Conner) asking Alan Shugart to take part in the production of disk drives with disks with a diameter of 5?, as a result of which Shugart Associates, having developed the controller and the original Shugart Associates SA-400 interface, released a disk drive for mini-floppy disks ів on 5? such a fast-moving disk drive for 8″ disks, becoming popular among personal computers. Shugart Associates also created the Shugart Associates System Interface (SASI), which was formally praised by the ANSI committee in 1986 for the renaming process to Small Computer System Interface (SCSI).
  • - Sony to introduce a floppy disk with a diameter of 3 to the market? (90 mm). The first version (DD) has 720 kilobytes (9 sectors). In 1984, the Hewlett-Packard company first took advantage of this accumulation on its HP-150 computer. The latest version (HD) has a volume of 1440 kilobytes or 1.44 megabytes (18 sectors).
  • 1984 - Apple began to manufacture 3½" storage units in Macintosh computers
  • 1987 r_k - 3½″ HD accumulator appeared at computer systems IBM's PS/2 is becoming the standard for mass PCs.
  • 1987 - official presentation of the development of high-thickness disk drives by Toshiba Corporation in the 1980s. Extra High Density, ED) The carrier for these was a floppy disk with a capacity of 2880 kilobytes or 2.88 megabytes (36 sectors).
  • 2011 - Sony in 2011 put a cap on the history of floppy disks by officially marking the growth and sales of 3½” floppy disks.

Format depending on the disc diameter


Structurally, an 8″ floppy disk is a disk made of polymer materials with magnetic coating, housed in a flexible plastic case. The case had openings: a large round one in the center - for the spindle, a small round one - the index opening, which allows you to identify the edge of the sector and the straight ends with rounded ends - for the magnetic heads of the drive. There was also a notch at the bottom; if you removed the sticker from it, you could steal the disc from being recorded.

Floppy disk formats were divided into a number of sectors on the road. Depending on the format, 8″ floppy disks contained the following amounts of information: 80, 256 and 800 KB.


Floppy 5?

The design of the five-inch floppy disk was slightly different from the eight-inch one: the index door was opened right-handed, not the other way, and there was a slot for recording protection - the same on the right side of the floppy disk. For better protection of the disc, we will make the case rigid and reinforce it around the perimeter. To prevent premature wear, an anti-friction gasket was placed between the case and the disk, and the edges of the drive opening were reinforced with a plastic or metal ring (for high-thickness floppy disks, the ring was not damaged, Any re-installation on a floppy disk can lead to problems that arise when positioning.

Floppy disks were created with a strict division into sectors: the smell was evident in the presence of many index doors for many sectors. They were inspired by such schemes.

Like floppy disks, five-inch disk drives were single- and double-sided. When a single-sided drive was removed, it was not possible to insert the other side by simply turning the floppy disk over through the opening of the index window - which requires the presence of a similar window, expanded symmetrically to the original one. The locking mechanism was also changed - the right-hander was constantly rotating, and the sealed opening meant theft of the disk. The whole thing was divided to protect against incorrect installation.

Formatting a record on a five-inch floppy disk made it possible to save 110, 360, 720 or 1200 kilobytes of data on it.


The fundamental strength of the 3½ floppy disk is a rigid plastic body. Instead of the index opening in floppy disks with a diameter of 3½″, there is a metal sleeve with an opening located in the center of the floppy disk. The drive mechanism fits the metal sleeve, and the opening in it allows for the correct positioning of the floppy disk, which eliminates the need to work with the opening of the magnetic disk. To accommodate 8″ and 5¼″ floppy disks, the window for 3½″ floppy heads is closed with an integral metal flap that opens when inserted into the drive. Protect yourself by recording your writings with a curtain that fits into the lower left pocket. At the bottom right is the end that allows the drive circuit to determine the recording capacity of the floppy disk by the number of openings:

  • nі - 720 KB,
  • one - 1.44 MB,
  • two – 2.88 MB.

Unrespectful of many shortcomings - sensitivity to magnetic fields And lacking capacity even until the mid-90s, the 3½″ format had been on the market for over a quarter of a century, becoming more and more popular after flash memory-based storage devices became available at a price.

Floppy drive 3½

1 - at the end, which indicates the strength of the recording (on the other hand - switching the protection to the recording); 2 - the base of the disk with openings for the mechanism that drives it; 3 – shutter for the open area of ​​the body; 4 – plastic floppy body; 5 – antifriction gasket; 6 – magnetic disk; 7 - recording area (one sector of one track is mentally visible).

Iomega Zip

Floppy disk Zip-250

Until the mid-90s, the floppy disk capacity of 2.88 MB was already too small. A number of formats competed to replace the 3.5″ floppy disk, among which the most popular was the Iomega Zip floppy disk. Just like a 3.5″ floppy disk, the Iomega Zip is a soft polymer disk, coated with a ferromagnetic ball and placed in a rigid body with a dry shutter. For a 3.5″ floppy disk, the opening for the magnetic heads was located at the end of the case, and not on the side surface. Zip floppy disks were created with 100, 250 MB, and until the end of the format – 750 MB. In addition to the greater benefits, Zip disks provide more security Safely Saving data and I find it easy to read and write, less than 3.5″. However, they were unable to overcome three-inch floppy disks due to the high price of both floppy drives and floppy disks, as well as due to the unacceptable nature of the drives, if a floppy disk with mechanical defects of the disk would drive out of order and inserted into the new drive. After this floppy disk.


Chronology of floppy disk formats
Format Rick wine Volume in kilobytes
8" 80
8" 256
8" 800
8″ sub-thickness 1000
5¼″ 110
5¼″ sub-thickness 360
5¼″ x 3 times thickness 720
5¼″ high thickness 1200
3″ 360
3″ sub-layer thickness 720
3½″ sub-waisted thickness 720
2″ 720
3½″ high thickness 1440
3½" expanded thickness 2880

Please note that the actual capacity of the floppy disks was left behind when they were formatted. Since the early models, almost all floppy disks did not accommodate hard-formed tracks, the road for experimentation in the field of more effective wiki The floppy disks were open to system programs. The result was the emergence of a lack of mutually incompatible floppy disk formats running under these very operating systems.

Format floppy disks using IBM hardware

“Standard” IBM PC floppy disk formats were differentiated by the size of the disk, the number of sectors on the road, the number of sides (SS means a single-sided floppy disk, DS means a double-sided diskette), as well as the type (recording capacity) of the drive - the drive type is labeled :

  • SD (English) Single Density, single thickness, first appearing in the IBM System 3740),
  • DD (English) Double Density, additional power, first appearing in the IBM System 34),
  • QD (English) Quadruple Density, quadruple thickness, vicorized from ham clones Robotron-1910 - 5¼" floppy disk 720 K, Amstrad PC, PC Neuron - 5¼" floppy disk 640 K),
  • HD High Density, high thickness, growing in QD with a shifted number of sectors),
  • ED (English) Extra High Density, supratemporal thickness).

Additional (non-standard) tracks and sectors contained protection data for copying proprietary floppy disks. Standard programs, just like that diskcopy, did not transfer these sectors under the hour of copying.

Operating capacity of disk drives and capacity of floppy disks in kilobytes
Magnetic coating parameter 5¼″ 3½″
Decreased thickness (DD) Quadruple thickness (QD) High thickness (HD) Decreased thickness (DD) High thickness (HD) Over-temperature thickness (ED)
Magnetic ball base Fe Co Co
Coercive force 300 300 600 600 720 750
Thickness of magnetic ball, microinch 100 100 50 70 40 100
Track width, mm 0,300 0,155 0,115 0,115 0,115
Thickness of tracks 48 96 96 135 135 135
Linear thickness 5876 5876 9646 8717 17434 34868
(after formatting)
360 720 1200
720 1440
The table has been created floppy disk formats that can be used on IBM PCs and modern PCs
Disk diameter, ″ 5¼″ 3½″
Disk capacity, KB 1200 360 320 180 160 2 880 1 440 720
Byte description of the device in MS-DOS F9 16 FD 16 FF 16 FC 16 FE 16 F0 16 F0 16 F9 16
Number of sides (heads) 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2
Number of tracks on the skin side 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 80
Number of sectors on the road 15 9 8 9 8 36 18 9
Sector size, bytes 512
Number of sectors in a cluster 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2
Dovzhina FAT (for sectors) 2 2 1 2 1 9 9 3
Quantity FAT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Dovzhina root directory in sectors 14 7 7 4 4 15 14 7
The maximum number of elements in root catalosis 224 112 112 64 64 240 224 112
Maximum number of sectors on the disk 2400 720 640 360 320 5 760 2 880 1 440
Number of available sectors 2371 708 630 351 313 5 726 2 847 1 426
Number of available clusters 2371 354 315 351 313 2 863 2 847 713

Format floppy disks in other foreign languages

Adding to the confusion was the fact that the Apple company used floppy drives on its Macintosh computers, which introduced a different principle of coding for magnetic recording than on the IBM PC - as a result, the transfer of information did not affect the storage of identical floppy disks. ї between platforms on floppy disks was not possible until Apple introduced high-density SuperDrive drives that worked in both modes.

Add frequent modifications to the format of 3½ floppy disks and format them by 1.2 MB (by reducing the number of sectors). This feature can be enabled before BIOS current computers. This 3½″ vikoristan is typical for Japan and PAR. As a side effect, activating this BIOS parameter makes it possible to read floppy disks formatted with 800-type drivers.

Peculiarities of virtual floppy disks in modern technology

In addition to the changes in formats, a number of improvements and enhancements to the standard floppy disk format have been created:

  • For example, for the RT-11 and versions adapted in the USSR, the number of non-crazy floppy disk formats that are used in use exceeded a dozen. The most important thing is to get involved in DVK MX, MY;
  • Also, 320/360 KB floppy disks Iskra-1030/Iskra-1031 were actually SS/QD floppy disks, and their most popular sector was labeled as DS/DD. As a result, the standard IBM PC disk drive could read them without the need for special drivers (such as 800.com), and the Iskra-1030/Iskra-1031 disk drive, apparently, could read standard DS/DD floppy disks on the IBM PC.

The pu_1700 driver also made it possible to secure formatting with the transfer and interleaving of sectors - this speeded up the sequential read-write operations, so the head appeared before the first sector when moving to the advancing cylinder. When the primary format is changed, if the first sector is always located behind the Indian door (5?) or behind the passage zone above the reed switch or the Hall magnet sensor mounted on the motor (3?), in an hour, the head of the first sector begins to slip through, and the drive has to throw . cool obig.

Special drivers-extending BIOS (800, pu_1700, vformat and a number of others) allowed formatting floppy disks with a sufficient number of tracks and sectors. The disk fragments were usually supported by one up to 4 additional tracks, and also allowed, depending on design features, to be formatted into 1-4 sectors per track more, but not to comply with the standard, including drivers were unaware of the appearance of such non-standard formats as 800 KB (80 tracks, 10 sectors) 840 KB (84 tracks, 10 sectors), etc. The maximum capacity that could be consistently achieved using this method on 3½ HD drives was 1700 KB. This technique was adopted by Microsoft's DMF floppy disk formats, expanding the capacity of floppy disks to 1.68 MB for formatting floppy disks into 21 sectors (for example, in Windows 95 distributions), similar to the IBM XDF format, which was used in OS/2 distributions.

Saving information

One of the main problems associated with victorious floppy disks was their unresponsiveness. A magnetic disk can easily demagnetize due to the influx of metal magnetized surfaces, natural magnets, and electromagnetic fields near high-frequency devices, which makes it impossible to save information on floppy disks yim.

The most vulnerable element of the floppy disk design is the plaque or plastic casing that covers the wet-filled disk: its edges could have bulged, which led to the floppy disk getting stuck in the drive, the spring that rotated the casing in the release position could have moved As a result, the floppy disk casing was attached to the body and no longer turning around in the weekend position. The plastic body of the floppy disk itself is not a sufficient protection CD from mechanical failures (for example, when a floppy disk falls on the frame), which causes the magnetic nose to go out of order. At the gap between the body of the floppy disk and the casing, saws could penetrate.

The widespread use of floppy disks began with the advent of CDs, which can be rewritten, and especially flash-memory drives, which have orders of magnitude greater capacity, greater transfer speed, and higher actual number of rewriting cycles and durability.

Suchasne encampment

External drive with USB interface

Currently, the vikoristan of floppy disks is practically pinned. Since 2010, a large number of motherboards for desktops have been released. personal computers, which is why you need to use connectors to connect the drive. Laptops have been equipped with hard drives many years ago.

Electronic keys are now working with the Bank-Client systems to ensure the electronic digital signature of a document, which were previously distributed on floppy disks, and are increasingly being released in the form of flash drives with the function of biometric security.

When installing drivers for storage (for example, a RAID array) during the installation of current operating systems of the MS Windows family (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7), flash drives may also be corrupted.

Depending on the number of drives that are connected to the same “classic” interface connector on the motherboard, you can experience speed external device, so you can connect a USB or SCSI interface.


The English name for a floppy disk is called a floppy disk, which refers to the informal term “floppy disk”, which means a removable media for transferring files And between computers. The prefix “not” in an ironic form equals this method of transmitting information in a similar way computer network at that time, if the use of a “reference” computer network is impossible for any reason. The term “floppy diskettes” is also used differently.


The image of a three-inch floppy disk is still used in programs with a graphical interface as an icon for buttons and menu items Save.



  • Voroisky F.Z. Computer science. New systematization of the Tlumachny dictionary-dovidnik. - 3 types. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2003. – 760 p. - (Introduction of current information and telecommunication technologies in terms and facts). - ISBN 5-9221-0426-8


February 26, 2010 to fate, having lived its rest, 3.5-inch 24-year life. Although it does not store memory, floppy disks are black square storage devices that can be called flat, with 1.44 MB. Just enough to fit a third of an mp3 song or a bunch of documents that had previously been archived. The most active purchaser of them in Russia is the Ministry of Defense: one of the experienced counterfeiters told Life that “the archaic nature of floppy disks does not affect the trajectory of missiles.” The American government, before speaking, also purchases floppy disks, having told us the owner of the floppy disk store Floppydisk.com Tom Persky.

"I don't know about the same company, but present moment vibrates floppy disks. It looks like the remaining floppy disk has already been released.

The majority of people in the world passed unnoticed by Sony's announcement about the release of floppy disks. Until then, manufacturers gradually stopped producing equipment with floppy drives, and drives in Windows were designated by the letter “A” (below “B” were 5-inch floppies, so they lost the traditional “C” - not the system one) hard drive). Since you knew so much and were ready to clarify the previous proposition, you and I feel like we are old.

In 2015, departments purchased floppy disks in the amount of 300 thousand. rubles, from 2010 to last year - by 2.3 million rubles. “Adopt” - because on the portal of the state purchase three rocks the search function for attached files does not work ( technical department), and representatives of the Lanit group expressed their gratitude. U new versions to the portal, which earned whose fate, the function is always daily.

The Ministry of Defense needed the most floppies - from today 2010 to early 2016, the Ministry of Defense spent 563 thousand on floppy disks. rubles, of which 80 thousand. rubles - for the purchase of military computers.

Diskettes are purchased from the security market to transfer information to the security service sovereign dungeon[a structure of the Ministry of Defense], - a representative of one of the military committees told Life. - Basically, floppy disks are used for recording secret cards.

Why do you need to use these cards, the spivozmovnik did not explain, having sent to the holder. It is clear that floppy disks, for example, are used to control missiles. The US Chamber of Commerce has informed that the American military uses 8-inch floppy disks for navigating rockets. The US nuclear forces are still in storage, they are planned to be withdrawn from service in 2017.

According to the words of Dzherel, close to the Ministry of Defense, “the archaic nature of floppy disks does not flow into the trajectory of missiles.” The department officially decided not to comment on this topic.

The security of the floppy disks is purchased by another law enforcement agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the distribution of one of the military personnel of the following department.

Of course, many police officers do not have free access to the Internet due to ancient secrecy. From us we bring our criminal reports to our bosses for verification, putting them on floppy disks, and they order us to write the files back on them and give them back, - like Oleksiy, adding that he wants to leave his office for a whole working day.

He noted that MBC still has a lot of computers that use 3.5-inch floppy disks. And the inconsistency of low-level structures with optical disks and flash drives is due not only to secrecy - there is nothing to talk about saving.

Good thing, you can buy an original floppy disk from the 21st century. But we don’t see pennies for flash drives, it seems so expensive. They cost 150 rubles each, but you can buy a floppy disk on the wholesale market for 25-30 rubles. Well, if there aren’t any in the markets, then you have to go to the great stationery and computer stores. There, a box of ten floppy disks from Hong Kong costs 400 rubles. The check can be submitted to the accounting department, and the money can be turned around for a few pennies. They’re just about to go out for a modest lunch, at the cafe across the street from the next one,” the policeman said.

Ale MVS did not consume up to tens of the largest buyers - because the police, judging by Oleksiya’s words, are stocking up on floppy disks themselves. True, it’s possible that soon there will be a need for stinks - the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), which purchased these products, will enter the ministry’s warehouse. The Federal Mitigation Service of the Russian Federation told us that floppy disks are an essential part of the operational activities of the ministries:

"The 3.5-inch floppy disk, of course, looks strange on the aphid of iPhones and the mobile Internet, but also because of the large number of loopholes through which it can enter confidential information, those necessary diskettes that allow you to save and transfer information in your computer, and not through a sieve called the Internet"

Director of information security of the system integrator Softline Oleg Shaburov (previously worked at the anti-virus company Symantec) noted that floppy disks and archiving tools cannot be used to obtain the same benefits - due to a spill in front of the magnet In this case, the middle term does not outweigh the savings on them 3- 5 rocks. At the same time, Shaburov guessed that the first ones from the most widespread viruses were transferred to the flops themselves.

“Well, only the police and militiamen are trying to make sure that the criminals don’t have a floppy drive - or those that the virus can’t fit on a floppy disk.”

In addition to law enforcement agencies, the largest buyers of floppy disks are also state universities, medicines and clinics. From today 2010 to last year, 247 thousand were spent on stench. rubles and 243 thousand. rubles definitely. In the main university and medical sciences, they are victorious about using floppy disks through outdated technology. The fate of the birch was told through the fact that the Russian Academy of Sciences asked young scholars to submit applications for grants on floppy disks, otherwise they were stunned by the unnecessary decision. The middle age of RAS academicians exceeds 70 years.

The Pension Fund of Russia and local administrations also increased their purchases of floppy disks to five leaders. Over the last six years, the stinks spent 235 thousand on floppy disks. rubles and 90 thousand. rubles definitely. According to Oleksandr Burtsev, director of the Internet Partner company, government agencies have become custodians of their infrastructure, and the Pension Fund is still not helped by the millions of robots with the modernization of their equipment and software that is regularly paid for.

Post-owners of floppy disks in Russia are anonymous. Among them is the Samara company "Spetsbudpostach" Olenya Cheprasova, which produces computer and printing supplies.

These are regional branches of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the militia, and the judges. Most of the time, there are thousands of contracts worth 30 rubles, fragments of the state service, navti silov, do not mean a lot of pennies: a crisis, - said the representative of Spetsbudpostach.

The company purchases floppy disks from large wholesalers as it gradually clears Asian warehouses. Tom Persky (sells over 200,000 floppy disks per market) although he has infrequent deals with Russia, he doesn’t sell much to American agencies - it’s important that floppy disks go to companies whose possessions only work “on flops.” These are embroidery machines, stamping machines and other special printing machines.

The diskettes will run out - their reserves will be exhausted by five more. Tom Persky now makes more money not on the flop, but on the service associated with them - they ask him Shvidke transferred data from great batches of floppy disks on the present day.

(MO), which was a hard polymer disk, reading from which was carried out with a laser, and writing was carried out using an additional combined laser injection (for heating the surface) and an indestructible magnet (for remagnetizing the information ball). They are not completely magnetic, although the cartridges are shaped like floppy disks.


Floppy drive 3½

Iomega Zip

Until the mid-90s, the floppy disk capacity of 2.88 MB was insufficient. A number of formats competed to replace the 3.5″ floppy disk, among which the most popular was the Iomega Zip floppy disk. Just like a 3.5″ floppy disk, the Iomega Zip is a soft polymer disk, coated with a ferromagnetic ball and placed in a rigid body with a dry shutter. When replacing a 3.5″ floppy disk, the opening for the magnetic heads was located at the end of the case, and not on the side surface. Zip floppy disks were created with 100, 250 MB, and until the end of the format – 750 MB. In addition to the larger volume, Zip drives provide more reliable data storage and greater read and write speed, less than 3.5″. However, they were not able to overcome three-inch floppy disks due to the high price of both floppy drives and floppy disks, as well as due to the unacceptable features of the drives, if a floppy disk with mechanical damage to the disk was out of tune with the disk drive, which, in its turn, Please note inserted at this post floppy disk


Chronology of floppy disk formats
Format Rick wine Volume in kilobytes
8" 80
8" 256
8" 800
8″ sub-thickness 1000
5¼″ 110
5¼″ sub-thickness 360
5¼″ x 3 times thickness 720
5¼″ high thickness 1200
3″ 360
3″ sub-layer thickness 720
3½″ sub-waisted thickness 720
2″ 720
3½″ high thickness 1440
3½" expanded thickness 2880

Please note that the actual capacity of floppy disks depends on the formatting method. The fragments, in addition to the current models, almost all floppy disks do not accommodate hard-formed tracks, the road for experiments in the field of an effective virtual diskette was open for system programs. The result was the emergence of a lack of mutually incompatible floppy disk formats running under these very operating systems.

Format floppy disks using IBM hardware

“Standard” IBM PC floppy disk formats were differentiated by the size of the disk, the number of sectors on the road, the number of sides (SS means a single-sided floppy disk, DS means a double-sided diskette), as well as the type (recording capacity) of the drive - the drive type is labeled :

  • SD (Single Density, first appearing in the IBM System 3740),
  • DD (English: Double Density, double density, first appearing in IBM System 34),
  • QD (English: Quadruple Density, quadruple density, derived from ham clones Robotron-1910 - 5¼" floppy disk 720 K, Amstrad PC, Neuron I9.66 - 5¼" floppy disk 640 K),
  • HD (English: High Density, high thickness, varying from QD to a shifted number of sectors),
  • ED (English: Extra High Density).

Additional (non-standard) tracks and sectors contained protection data for copying proprietary floppy disks. Standard programs such as diskcopy, did not transfer these sectors under the hour of copying.

Operating capacity of disk drives and capacity of floppy disks in kilobytes
Magnetic coating parameter 5¼″ 3½″
Decreased thickness (DD) Quadruple thickness (QD) High thickness (HD) Decreased thickness (DD) High thickness (HD) Over-temperature thickness (ED)
Magnetic ball base Fe Co Co
Coercive force, 300 300 600 600 720 750
Thickness of magnetic ball, microinch. 100 100 50 70 40 100
Track width, mm 0,300 0,155 0,115 0,115 0,115
Track thickness per inch 48 96 96 135 135 135
Linear thickness 5876 5876 9646 8717 17434 34868
(after formatting)
360 720 1200
720 1440
A table of floppy disk formats that can be used in IBM PCs and other PCs has been compiled.
Disk diameter, ″ 5¼″ 3½″
Disk capacity, KB 1200 360 320 180 160 2 880 1 440 720
Byte description of the device in MS-DOS F9 16 FD 16 FF 16 FC 16 FE 16 F0 16 F0 16 F9 16
Number of sides (heads) 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2
Number of tracks on the skin side 80 40 40 40 40 80 80 80
Number of sectors on the road 15 9 8 9 8 36 18 9
Sector size, bytes 512
Number of sectors in a cluster 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2
Dovzhina FAT (for sectors) 7 2 1 2 1 9 9 3
Quantity FAT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Dovzhina root directory in sectors 14 7 7 4 4 15 14 7
The maximum number of elements in root catalosis 224 112 112 64 64 240 224 112
Maximum number of sectors on the disk 2400 720 640 360 320 5 760 2 880 1 440
Number of available sectors 2371 708 630 351 313 5 726 2 847 1 426
Number of available clusters 2371 354 315 351 313 2 863 2 847 713

The first (more precisely, the 0th) is the lower head. In single-sided drives, the bottom head is actually removed, and the top head is replaced with a permanent gasket. In this case, on single-sided drives, you can use double-sided floppy disks, formatting the skin side side by side and turning them over if necessary, in order to avoid speed, a plastic envelope of an 8-inch floppy disk is required it was necessary to cut through another index window, symmetrically to the first one.

All drives for flexible disks have a flexible spindle wrap of 300 revolutions per spindle, behind the disk drive for flexible disks with a diameter of 5? high strength, the spindle of which wraps with a speed of 360 xv -1.

Format floppy disks in other foreign languages

Adding to the confusion was the fact that the Apple company used floppy drives on its Macintosh computers, which introduced a different principle of coding for magnetic recording than on the IBM PC - as a result, the transfer of information did not affect the storage of identical floppy disks. ї between platforms on floppy disks it was not possible to until Apple introduced high-density SuperDrive drives that worked in both modes.

Add frequent modifications to the format of 3½ floppy disks and format them by 1.2 MB (by reducing the number of sectors). This feature can be enabled before the BIOS of current computers. This 3½″ vikoristan is typical for Japan and PAR. As a side effect, activating this BIOS parameter makes it possible to read floppy disks formatted with selected drivers such as 800.com.

Peculiarities of virtual floppy disks in modern technology

In addition to the changes in formats, a number of improvements and enhancements to the standard floppy disk format have been created:

  • For example, for the RT-11 and versions adapted in the USSR, the number of non-crazy floppy disk formats that are used in use exceeded a dozen. The most important thing is to get involved in DVK MX, MY;
  • There are also 320/360 KB floppy disks Iskra-1030/Iskra-1031 - in fact, they were SS/QD floppy disks, and their most important sector was marked as DS/DD. As a result, the standard IBM PC drive could not read them without special drivers (such as 800.com), and the Iskra-1030/Iskra-1031 drive, apparently, could not read standard DS/DD floppy disks on the IBM PC;
  • In computers of the ZX-Spectrum platform, 5.25" and 3.5" floppy disks were stuck, but their powerful unique TR-DOS format was stuck - 16 sectors per road, each sector of 256 bytes (instead of 512 bytes, standard for the IBM PC). Both double-sided and single-sided floppy disks and floppy drives were supported. As a result, the data became 640 and 320 KB in total. The format supports only the root directory, which occupies only the first 8 sectors of the 0th track; the 9th sector contains system information about the floppy disk - type (TR-DOS or others), one or a double-sided disk, a limited number of files Many free sectors ( not bytes, just sectors). Sectors from 10 to 16 to 0 roads are not subject to vicorization. All files are processed sequentially - the TR-DOS format shows no fragmentation, and the maximum file size is 64 KB. After deleting a file, there are empty sectors in the middle of the occupied space that can no longer be occupied until the command to expand the drive Move is issued. On IBM-PC modern computers, such floppy disks can be read and written only with help special programs, for example, ZX Spectrum Navigator v.1.14 or ZXDStudio.

In addition to the TR-DOS format, ZX-Spectrum large computers often have additional disk formats. Several electronic magazines and games on the entire floppy disk have used their old format, which is not crazy at all. They could select sectors of 512 bytes, and transfer 1024 bytes, and often combined Different sizes sectors on one track, for example, 256 and 1024 bytes each, and they were simply stacked for different tracks Different formats. For example, they were so shy about the electronic magazine ZX-Format. Moreover, from issue number to issue number, this magazine gradually changed the disk format. There were two goals: Firstly, to increase the availability of data on a floppy disk, and secondly, to protect floppy disks from pirated copying. Such floppy disks on ZX-Spectrum computers of personal computers could only be read, run a magazine or game, but could not be copied in any way. To copy such floppy disks, for each side issue of the ZX-Format magazine or graphic, it was necessary to write your own individual formatter and copy editor in assembly language, first breaking the security stages. Obviously, such floppy disks cannot be read or copied on IBM PC computers. Having used the unique format once - in addition to the non-standard size of sectors on the road (5 sectors of 1024 bytes each), the numbers of all 5 sectors were the same. To run software from such a floppy disk, a special device is used to place the first directory in the standard TR-DOS format for the ZX-Spectrum. ZX-Spectrum large computers, however, have both 5.25" and 3.5" floppy disks, a format that does not fit either the size of the floppy disk or the thickness that it supports. If you want to use high-density HD 3.5″ floppy disks, you need to seal them with duct tape at the end of the thickness. 5.25″ high-density HD floppy disks can be installed in the ZX-Spectrum only if there is a suitable drive that also supports HD high-density, otherwise the drive must first be switched to SD format (720 KB).

The pu_1700 driver also made it possible to secure formatting with the transfer and interleaving of sectors - but this speeded up the sequential read-write operations, because the head was kicked in front of the first sector when moving to the next cylinder. If the primary format is selected, the first sector is always located behind the index door (5¼″) or behind the passage area above the reed switch or sensor. cool obig.

Special drivers-extending BIOS (800, pu_1700, vformat and a number of others) allowed formatting floppy disks with a sufficient number of tracks and sectors. Some disk drives were designed with one to four additional tracks, and also allowed, depending on design features, to be formatted into 1-4 sectors on a larger track, without following the standard, and drivers ensured the appearance of such non-standard formats as 800 KB (80 tracks), 10 sectors), 840 KB (84 tracks, 10 sectors), etc. The maximum capacity that could be consistently achieved using this method on 3½″ HD drives was 1700 KB. This technique was widely used in DMF floppy disk formats