Windows 7 update

Navitchki, yakі help koristuvachevі to carry out renewal zavantazhucha windows 7 necessary in that case, as the operating system does not start up due to a number of problems in the startup process.

zavantazhuvach operating system- ce system program, Yaka is recognized to run the OS. Speaking in simple terms, this is a utility that turns on the computer for help.

With the advent of new versions of operating systems, there are a lot of innovations. For example, Windows XP is zavantazhuetsya for help UEFI. The newest versions of the OS (starting with the system) are in the process of taking over the vicorous system utility BOOTMGR.

See the problems with the zavantazhuvachem

The most common cause for anxiety and blame for coming pardons:

  • When you try to start the system, you will be prompted by the name "Bootmgr is missing" and / or "Non system disk". The stench is blamed, like the last of the poshkodzhennya zavantazhuvacha, or the head record of the zavantazhennya;
  • Also, the operating system may be blocked by a virus.
    In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out an announcement of a zavantazhuvach, as if to remind the hacker to spend pennies for the destruction of the virus, it is immediately after pressing the button to start a personal computer or a laptop;

Remember! As the operating system has already begun the process of launching and pardons have begun to appear only later, so do not tell about the problem with the zavantazhuvach. Try turning the OS on safe mode and troubleshoot vinyl problems (for example, virus software).

First, try to set up the robot of the trapper, go to the BIOS and change the settings, that in the installation system the correct order of tampering with all hard drives.

If you have two different disks installed on your computer, the order of their launch is not correct, you can blame problems with the vanity.

The first one to blame is the disk on which the operating system is installed.

Automatic notification for help USB storage device

Fixing the problem is necessary, fixing it in the easiest way. If you don't see how to fix the robot zavantazhuvach for help of the lower-value method, try the next representations in the article version of the problem.

To start the process of resolving the problem, take a disk from which the OS was installed. If you don’t have yoga, you can hold a wedding even without a disk - in such a state it is necessary to create an exciting sound portable usb.

The version of the operating system, as shown on the nose, is due to the fact that it is installed on the computer.

to hold automatic renewal from a flash drive or a disk, get the following diy:

  • Insert the disk into the drive or flash drive in roses. Start the computer and in the first few seconds press the F button on the keyboard. In this way, you can immediately launch the BIOS menu before the problem is fixed.
    In BIOS, change the order in which the components of the OS are taken - the disk or the flash drive is the fault of the first place (in the fallacy, depending on which attachment with the OS image you connected to the computer).
    After that, as the devil was set up, save all the changes and see the improvement of the BIOS. The process of launching the OS will start again, however, now you will not be zavantazhuvatisya without intermediary wearing an image. To appear on the vіkno;
  • At the bottom of the window (Figure 2) find the OS update point and click on it. Now it is necessary to select the OS, as it will require renewal (in times, as a sprat of systems is installed on the computer at once);
  • After that, as you have chosen the name of the OS, the robot that you want to correct, will appear with the available parameters for updating the operating system. For the cob, choose automatically fix problems.
    Whatever way you can help, but not in all situations. If the system still does not turn on after such an automatic override, repeat steps 1-3 more times and now select another item (I will turn on before saving the OS).
    Wait until all necessary actions are carried out by the program automatically. Once the system has been successful, the problem has been eliminated. There is no way - I should carry out the renewal manually.

Updating data configurations of the OS

Information about the configuration of the launch of the OS to collect reports about those, in which order, as given, it is necessary to doventazhuvatisya pіd the hour of inclusion of the operating system of the computer.

Often, the starter OS cannot complete the work through the missing elements in the Boot Configuration Data. To fix the problem, it is necessary to add new configuration data to the OS starter:

Outside of updating the configuration, you can run the rebuildbcd command lines. For її vykonanny it is necessary to open the command line in the parameters of the system update (like a little more).

In the row, enter the text "bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd" (without paws) and press the Enter button to type the command. The renewal process can take up a sprat of whilin. After it is completed, the next utility will show a row about the result of the command.

After updating these data, turn off the computer, boot up the new disk with the OS image, adjust the standard order in BIOS and turn on the attachment again. If everything was booted up correctly, the system will start in standard mode.

Since then, the commands have removed the system notifications about those who did not get the configuration, it is necessary to get involved in the safe mode.

For this, enter the bootrec.exe / safeboot command in the command line - it allows you to launch the operating system, using the minimum number of drivers and third-party utilities, which can call for a pardon to start the OS.

To view and edit the configuration parameters, you need to run the BCDEdit.exe command:

Inspiration for help with Bootrec utility

In order to find out how to update the OS did not work, it is necessary to try to fix the robot for an additional system utility called bootrec. Go to the command line (another article instruction) and enter the following command into it:

bootrec/fixmbr- the command is given to allow mitteva to rewrite the data of the zavantazhuvach from a separate distribution on a hard disk.

Now enter the bootrec /fixboot command to write the new partition for a bit of fun. The window of the command row after the successful introduction and victory of the teams may look like an upcoming rank:

Close the command line, see z-smooth revival, turn the lock on the BIOS and turn on the OS in the way that is most convenient for you, everything is supposed to work normally.

Rotate Windows 7 after installing XP

As if on your PC at the same time two versions of Windows OS were installed at once: XP and sema version, in most cases you will be blamed for the failure when you try to run more new version systems.

Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those scho zavantazhuvach XP can't on vazі nіstі іnіvіnі іnіvnіst yakih bootloader in іstoі, іn't іn іn іn іn іn іn іn іn іt іn nоt brаєє є і run one more іn installed оn the computer OS.

Renovation of zavantazhuvach windows.

At this video, you know about the windows update. If you have installed windows 7 on your computer, if windows xp is already installed, then xp will no longer be taken advantage of.

The Windows protector may be affected as a result of system failures, viruses, and other unsafe ones. However, yoga can be tried out to turn the operating system into a practical state.

How to renovate Windows 7 from a disk or a flash drive

In some vipadkas, varto go up to given method? The installation disk or another portable laptop can fix the “Bootmgr is missing” \ “Non system disk or disk error” pardons, virus blocking of access, and possibly redeem pennies, other problems that occur before the desktop appears. In pershu cherga we need to get ready Windows distribution 7 on any affordable nose. dali:

  • connect a flash drive to a PC or insert a disk into the cd-rom tray;
  • zavantazhuєmosya from them (by setting in the BIOS, or by hotkeys Esc, F8, F9);
  • after choosing a movie, it is consumed in the menu with the “Install” button;
  • at the bottom, there is an attack on the paragraph “Innovation of the system”;
  • if we need to call on the connection of the ropes of opportunity - let’s skip this crock, we don’t need the stink;
  • for the choice of nalashtovuєmo movu and reassign the letters of the disks, or leave them without change;
  • vkazuєmo operating system, whose zavantazhuvach need to be updated - press on our Windows 7;
  • if a list of operations appears, click on the item "Automatic startup notification";
  • pass a deaky hour, the system will either start up, or you will see a pardon;
  • yakscho method is not spratsyuvav - go to the offensive.

How to restore Windows 7 via command line

Viroblyaemo all ti f dії, scho and in the front paragraph of the article - vantagemos from nose, we can reach the menu with options for dіy. Here we select the command line, in it:

  • We type the bootrec / fixmbr command - there is a call to overwrite the MBR capture in windows 7.
  • If something is missing (for example, the computer is infected with special mbr-viruses), we can add bootrec / fixboot to it - creating a new exciting sector.
  • If the offended teams said that the victors were successful, the computer was rebooted and vantaged in normal mode, from the hard drive.

Yak vіdnoviti zavantazhuvach Windows 7 - variant z vikoristannym console

also on exciting disk Otherwise, there is a utility called bootsect.exe, which can help you fix the problem, so bootrec doesn't work. For whom:

  • in command line typing bootsect / NT60 SYS - overwriting the conquered sector;
  • as a file of the zavantazhuvacha poshkodzheniya or physically in the daytime, vikoristovuёmo program bcdboot.exe, as well as enter the distribution warehouse;
  • to update the victorious command bcdboot.exe e: \ windows, de e: \ windows - way to your OS on a hard drive;
  • To report more about understanding the meaning of commands, run them with the -help parameter.

Describing more manipulations, as if the stench is broken virno, it can be used to fix any problems with the bootloader. How pardon is given after the fact that a worker has appeared Windows style 7 - injustice is poking into something else.

When you go to the computer Windows management 7 in sleep mode or deep sleep mode, a sign of a streaming state is created. When switching to sleep mode, the image is stored in memory, and when switching to hibernation mode, it is written to disk. Recording and reading the sign are marked Getting Started with Windows Update.

Іnuє unknown reasons for viniknennya problems z vіdnovlennyam robotic computer, inclusive pardons znіmka, pardons in memory and pardons on the disk. As soon as the hour of waking up the computer is broken, you take into account the wake-up time of Windows, approximately the following change:

Windows Update Starter

The previous test of re-advancement of the system did not go too far. Do you want to try some more?

Prodovzhennya restarting the system. View notification data and go to the system capture menu

Enter = Select

To repeat the test of renewal, I will become a system, choose an option Continue with system restart. To remove the savings of the computer and start the computer again, select the option View notification data and go to the system capture menu. The option with a full restart, as a rule, is a success, but it can lead to a waste of data, as it was saved on the computer before going to sleep or deep sleep of the robot.

Correction pardons start

To start the computer under Windows 7 passwords, access to the first system files is required. If the computer does not start after a shutdown or during the day system file, Speed ​​up the tool launch announcement. Repairing a random or daily file does not fix the problem, and you may need more in-depth diagnostics to fix a more serious problem.

As a rule, other startup problems are caused by changes made to the system, for example, by incorrect installation of the add-on or through incorrect updating of the system configuration or registry, which caused a conflict. Often, in order to troubleshoot problems at the time of launch, a safe mode is used, if only the main files, services and drivers of the mouse, monitor, keyboard, memory attachments and video are taken into the system. The monitor driver ensures the operation of the monitor with basic parameters and modes; The base video driver sets the main parameters for the graphics card. Some services and drivers do not start up, so if the computer is affected, the Safe mode option is not explicitly selected because of the required drivers. In the safe mode, there is a need to gather information about the configuration, which helps in the search and troubleshooting.

schob robiti start system in safe mode Follow the below links:

2. At the start of the advance, press the F8 key to open the Advanced Entry Options screen. If the computer has a copy of the OS installed, or if the Revision Console is installed, the dispatcher window will appear on the screen Windows takeover As an option, choose Windows 7 and press F8.

3. Use the arrow buttons to select the type of safe mode and press Enter. standard type bezpechnogo regime lie down in the type of failure. The main options are:

  • System upgrade Concern for the tool for launching, about how it will be described further in the article.
  • Safe Mode During the initialization of the system, only the main files, services and drivers are captured: mice, monitors, keyboards, storage devices and the base video. Merezhev services and drivers are not zavantazhuyutsya.
  • Safe mode mesh drivers Capturing the main files, services and drivers, as well as services and drivers needed to work in the enterprise.
  • Bezpechny mode with support of the command line Capturing the main files, services and drivers. deputy graphic Windows interface 7 the command row is opened. Merezhev services and drivers do not start.

Please! In the safe mode, with the help of the command line, you can also launch the explorer shell. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc. From the File menu, select the New Job command. At the next task, enter explorer.exe and press OK.

  • Introduction to the magazine Recording of all upcoming launches in the promotion log.
  • Enable video mode low clearance Starting the system in the mode of low monitor size (640 x 480). This is not correct, as the system display of settings on the robot is in a mode that is not supported by a streaming monitor.
  • Stay away configuration Starting the computer in a safe mode with the registry information saved while the rest of the work is completed. Only a few parts of HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (HKCC) are available. We save information about the configuration of the possession, for which the computer is earlier successfully launched.
  • Vimknennya of automatic revantaging at vіdmovі system Fence to restart Windows after a crash. Bagatorase rebooting Windows can lead to problems with firmware configuration and startup.
  • Inclusion of obov'yazykovoї reverification to the signature of drivers Starting the computer in safe mode without setting the digital signature driver policy. As the cause of the failure, becoming a driver with an incorrect or unknown digital signature, You can troubleshoot the problem immediately, you can start the computer and fix the problem by installing a new driver or changing the parameters for rechecking the signature of the drivers.

4. If you run it in safe mode, the error is often revealed, you can turn it off from the list possible reasons standard parameters and drivers of the main devices. Like the problem of a viklikana recently installed an add-on or an updated driver, working in safe mode, remove attachments, perform an update, or install a different version of the driver.
5. Even before the start of the system, as soon as problems are blamed and if you suspect that there are problems with the software or parameters, restart in safe mode again and try to check the changes in the system update program, as described in the article.

A zavantazhuvach in the Windows operating system is like a starter in a car, nothing and nothing, but you won’t start it without it. For those who are in the past with the problem of the unproductive nature of Windows, the problem may come up unexpectedly: a black screen and that's it, you don't want the operating system to start up.

The first time I got stuck with a similar problem, if I installed an activator on Windows: I don’t get drunk at the same time, and I’m zavantazhuvach welling up. A similar problem may also appear if you try to install the operating system Windows system XP parallel to Simci. Simka will not start anymore, it will be installed and will be more practical, but it will not be possible to start.

Therefore, in this article, I have written about those how to renovate Windows 7. For whom do we need an installation Windows disk 7.

First of all, you need to work, change the order of zawantage for locking a hard drive on a CD-ROM, since someone does not know what it is like to work, then I wrote about the axis in

Now we insert the disk into the drive, restart the computer, we have an upcoming write, which means that it is necessary to press a key to download from the CD. Robimo tse:

Starts at the end, we need an item "Innovation of the system" in the lower left fold:

We marvel at the list of operating systems, which we have to offer. If ours is dumb, then embossed "Get Drivers", If so, then just emboss the "Dalі" button.

We choose the first item "Launch Commendation":

The utility will automatically try to solve all our problems, as they cause the system to start up. If it did not help, then we select the remaining item, and "Command Row".

We need the Bootrec utility to update the starter. Therefore, we enter Bootrec into the command line and press the Enter key, so that we could fine-tune how this utility was given:

We enter the pershu command, sob vikonati entry is the main exciting record, We write Bootrec.exe / FixMbr.

Next to it, a new exciting sector is written: Bootrec.exe / FixBoot.

Apparently, by writing exit.

Verify, everything is to blame, if not, then there is one more way. We write in the same command line bootsect / NT60 SYS . tysnemo Enter

Apparently, pressing Exit.

If it did not help, then we scan our hard drive for the presence of operating systems using the additional Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd command.

The utility knows the operating system and feeds, add it to the list of interests. Mi tisnemo y, Tim himself adding її.

Apparently, having pressed exit and it is checked that our operating system appeared in the list of zavantazhuvach.

Beginners, yakі dopomozhut koristuvachevі to carry out the renewal of windows 7 zavantazhuvacha in that case, as the operating system does not start up, or because of a number of problems in the process of switching on.

Startup operating system - a system program, as it is recognized to start the OS. Speaking in simple terms, this is a utility that turns on the computer for help.

With the advent of new versions of operating systems, there are a lot of innovations. For example, Windows XP is zavantazhuetsya for help UEFI. The newest versions of the OS (starting with the system) are in the process of taking over the vicorous system utility BOOTMGR.

See the problems with the zavantazhuvachem

The most common cause for anxiety and blame for coming pardons:

  • When you try to start the system, you will be prompted by the name "Bootmgr is missing" and / or "Non system disk". The stench is blamed, like the last of the poshkodzhennya zavantazhuvacha, or the head record of the zavantazhennya;
  • .
    In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out an announcement of a zavantazhuvach, as if to remind the hacker to spend pennies for the destruction of the virus, it is immediately after pressing the button to start a personal computer or a laptop;

Remember! As the operating system has already begun the process of launching and pardons have begun to appear only later, so do not tell about the problem with the zavantazhuvach. Try to turn on the OS in safe mode and fix vinyl problems (for example, virus software).

First of all, try to set up the robot of the driver, go to the BIOS and check, that in the installation system the correct order of the capture of all hard disks is correct.

If you have two different disks installed on your computer, the order of their launch is not correct, you can blame problems with the vanity.

The first one to blame is the disk on which the operating system is installed.

Automatic notification for help USB storage device

Fixing the problem is necessary, fixing it in the easiest way. If you don't see how to fix the robot zavantazhuvach for help of the lower-value method, try the next representations in the article version of the problem.

To start the process of resolving the problem, take a disk from which the OS was installed. If you don't have it, you can hold a wedding even without a disk - in such a situation it is necessary to create an exciting usb sound.

The version of the operating system, as shown on the nose, is due to the fact that it is installed on the computer.

In order to automatically update from a flash drive or a disk, do the following:

  • Insert the disk into the drive or flash drive in roses. Start the computer and in the first few seconds press the F button on the keyboard. In this way, you can immediately launch the BIOS menu before the problem is fixed.
    In BIOS, change the order in which the components of the OS are taken - the disk or the flash drive is the fault of the first place (in the fallacy, depending on which attachment with the OS image you connected to the computer).
    After that, as the devil was set up, save all the changes and see the improvement of the BIOS. The process of launching the OS will start again, however, now you will not be zavantazhuvatisya without intermediary wearing an image. To appear on the vіkno;

  • At the bottom of the window (Figure 2) find the OS update point and click on it. Now it is necessary to select the OS, as it will require renewal (in times, as a sprat of systems is installed on the computer at once);

  • After that, as you have chosen the name of the OS, the robot that you want to correct, will appear with the available parameters for updating the operating system. For the cob, choose automatically fix problems.
    Whatever way you can help, but not in all situations. If the system still does not turn on after such an automatic override, repeat steps 1-3 more times and now select another item (I will turn on before saving the OS).
    Wait until all necessary actions are carried out by the program automatically. Once the system has been successful, the problem has been eliminated. There is no way - I should carry out the renewal manually.

Updating data configurations of the OS

Information about the configuration of the launch of the OS to collect reports about those, in which order, as given, it is necessary to doventazhuvatisya pіd the hour of inclusion of the operating system of the computer.

Often, the starter OS cannot complete the work through the missing elements in the Boot Configuration Data. To fix the problem, it is necessary to add new configuration data to the OS starter:

Outside of updating the configuration, you can run the rebuildbcd command lines. For її vykonanny it is necessary to open the command line in the parameters of the system update (like a little more).

In the row, enter the text "bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd" (without paws) and press the Enter button to type the command. The renewal process can take up a sprat of whilin. After it is completed, the next utility will show a row about the result of the command.

After updating these data, turn off the computer, boot up the new disk with the OS image, adjust the standard order in BIOS and turn on the attachment again. If everything was booted up correctly, the system will start in standard mode.

Since then, the commands have removed the system notifications about those who did not get the configuration, it is necessary to get involved in the safe mode.

For this, enter the bootrec.exe / safeboot command in the command line - it allows you to launch the operating system, using the minimum number of drivers and third-party utilities, which can call for a pardon to start the OS.

To view and edit the configuration parameters, you need to run the BCDEdit.exe command:

Command for editing the configuration of the driver