The attribute rel = "canonical" is a new source from the vikoristanny of canonical messages. The link rel="canonical" attribute is another effective way to combat duplicates and not only the Rel canonical link tag

In this article we look at the canonical messages in html (attribute rel="canonical"). Let's talk about why the stench was introduced and why vikorystuvat. Let me tell you right away that the stinks appeared in 2009 at Google.

What is the canonical message?

Duplicates on the site - pages that may replace new content, but may different addresses URL.

Most often, duplicates are due to the shortcomings of the site engine. These are the same problems as a website on a CMS. There is nothing terrible about it, as long as they are handled correctly. It is necessary for us to deal with duplicates first in order to take a good place in the search engine. Apparently, duplicates have a negative impact on the trust of the site as a whole, and therefore on its position.

There are a number of ways to combat duplicates:

  • robots.txt (all about robots.txt)
  • 301 redirect (yak zrobiti 301 redirect)
  • 404 side-by-side (404 fix - how to set it up correctly)

However, the fourth way to solve this problem is to use the rel="canonical" attribute.

The rel="canonical" attribute - how to use it

Syntax rel="canonical"
... ...

This attribute is written in the headers . On all new pages (duplicates), you must indicate the address of the head page (main). Sent to href="" and is canonical.

For example, there are new pages on the site

site/catalog/tovar site/catalog/tovar?sort=abc site/catalog/tovar?sort=price

To clarify which side is the head side, just write on the skin side:

Tim himself shows the search system that the main page address is site/catalog/tovar.

Types of power supply that should be installed often

1. Why do you want to speed up the canonical messages?

Yes, varto. The above example can be used only by canonical messages or robots.txt. You can do it in two ways.

If you are victorious, you need to be careful not to give the robot sweet recommendations on these pages, where there is no need to work.

2. What will happen, since it is canonically sent, super-read one to another

It’s bad, but the search robot will figure it out on its own, which will deprive the side of the head. It would be better to avoid such rubbing.

3. Failures if the robot can ignore your recommendations

Yandex tips:

  • Document canonical address not available for indexing
  • As a canonical address, enter a URL in another domain or subdomain
  • You indicated a number of canonical addresses
4. You can vikorize a few canonical URLs

For example, /stranica/123 works on /stranica/12, but it has its own word on /stranica/. A sound robot can ignore this design.

5. How to choose the canonical URL correctly

It’s difficult to say and look at all the options in pairs of propositions. Damo great recommendations. In my opinion, you need to be amazed at the popularity of the URL (or more precisely, the CNC). For example, there is a page /cat/2323fdfds34.html and a page /cat/rel-canonical. Obviously, my friend's addresses are richly beautiful.

If everything is not so obvious, you should choose fewer entries in directories and fewer short URLs. For example, it would be better to replace /cat/podcat/podpodcat/str.html with /cat/str.html

And it remains: if any side has already been in action for a long time and is ranked well, then all the new “doubles” are best placed on it. Changing the address with a rel canonical way, of course, is not necessary to stick to the position, or rather not to risk it, since the stench is so high behind this question.

6. You can apply for a different domain to canonical messages

In the rel canonical attribute, you can vikorize messages sent either in the middle of a domain or subdomains. You cannot access external sites.

7. You can robiti rel canonical on yourself

It's possible. There’s no sense in this, but there’s nothing bad about it.

The rel=canonical attribute allows you to fight against duplicate pages. If the same one is available at different URLs, the canonical messages indicate head side. This page (priority) is immediately visible in the index of sound systems and all the pages of duplicates are transferred to the main page.

The canonical attribute is written on the pages of duplicates from the designated highest priority page in the page section like this:

This tag miraculously understands all major search engines and canonical messages for certain types of pages invisible from the point of view of SEO optimization. We'll talk about this with you today.

Rel canonical: what is it

If the same content can be accessed through different URLs, a number of pages begin to take part in the search engine index. As a result, each side does not slip through properly, leaving internal messages to go first to one side, then to the other.

You're the one who's fussing external messages. It is impossible to concentrate as much as possible on the exposed one side, and this does not reveal the full potential of the side. Or, for example, they buy messages on one side, but in reality there is a completely different side in the index.

As a result, the site occupies a lower, lower position. The rel=canonical attribute allows us to remove only the priority page from the index. So all the power is transferred to her.

If there is more than one page in the index, you need to write on the duplicate pages in the canonical post section on priority:

Stars can show up, what are they duplicated?

Since you can quickly get rid of duplicates, I recommend that you first increase your respect for the new one. Since the 301 redirect does not help, or this wiki is inappropriate, then you can call the canonical messages for help, just be careful.

Articles on the site are included in many categories

Affiliate program

When you implement affiliate program, often a lot of people with “tails” start to attack you. Please go see this: For such pages, it is also necessary to specify the canonical attribute so that they are not lost to the index.

Yak correctly vikorystuvati rel=canonical

As you have already realized, if there is only 1 page option in the index, you need to put the canonical attribute on all pages that are duplicated. Axle as it may look

This tag is located in the middle.

How to choose the canonical URL correctly?

The canonical side is the side that is recommended to listeners for indexing the middle of all takes. Yaku is better than vibrati?

  • Since the page is previously small, only 1 url, then it is better to make it canonical, since most of it has already been indexed, which also may be of great importance. Tobto z new stories set rel=canonical to old.
  • Since the pages were created in approximately one hour, it is better to create the one that is in the index using the canonical URL.
  • Since there are a number of duplicate pages in the index of sound systems, it is better to choose the one that is available. Most often, the URL that has the least amount of contribution, or can also be sent.
  • Since all minds are identical on the pages of duplicates, you should take on the priority page that fits any product/statistic template on the site and ensures uniformity.

Parts of the treat with the rel=canonical attribute

  1. The rel tag = "canonical" is not a directive. It just shows the main side for sound systems, so it’s easy to hear.
  2. You cannot select another domain from this attribute. Postings are only allowed in the middle of a domain or subdomains.
  3. To put canonical messages, it is not necessary to have 100% duplicate content, since there is a small difference - this is normal. This can happen if the products are arranged in a different order or the sound robot has moved the sides to different hour for example.
  4. If the document behind the canonical address is inaccessible (it gives a 404 strike, acceptable), search engines can ignore it.
  5. Also search robots can ignore this attribute, if a number of canonical URLs are indicated on the page.
  6. To insert a canonical message, it is allowed to use the correct way, not the URL address:

    But be careful, you can “mix firewood”, rather than vikorize the new URL assigned to your domain.

  7. The canonical side may be indexed.

Remember: rel=canonical conveys the meaning of the input message.

Read this article ( official care from Yandex and Google):

Parts of the Wikipedia rel=canonical

Canonical on itself

I have been told more than once, how can you put canonical messages on yourself? So expect automatic generation using various plugins or CMS. The answer is, it is possible, there is nothing rotten about it.

Canonical for pagination pages

Many web masters want to create rel=canonical from the pages of the page ( to the first page ( This is wrong, as I believe. Still, there are some duplicates here, so it’s best to close these pagination pages for help:

Most SEO plugins for WordPress are best equipped with the rel=canonical attribute. My movement and, in my opinion, nothing matters. You just have to activate it and the necessary canonical URLs will be registered themselves.

For some other SEO plugins, you just need to check the box next to “Canonical pages” (or something similar).

As a matter of fact, if an article on my blog is assigned to up to several categories, then the canonical page is automatically registered.

According to the Yoast SEO plugin, the post is distributed in several categories at once, but the index only consumes one option.


I'm sure it's quite clear that I can explain what the rel=canonical attribute is and what it does. I strongly recommend that you take another lesson: . All this with rel=canonical, 301 redirect, meta name robots, robots.txt file allows you to “clean” the view of your site.

I am for a “clean” index without duplicates, service pages, etc. unnecessary speeches. Cleanliness standards SEO promotion the site will be simpler and more correct.

And also: to avoid such problems, I recommend creating your new sites without inserting categories in the URLs of articles/products. So let me go to school:

  • (for blogs);
  • (for online stores).

Thank you very much for your retweets and reposts, my friends. I definitely check out your thoughts in the comments.

Link rel = canonical - tag attribute which wiki is used to designate canonical pages on the site. What are these stories? A canonical page is a page of a website whose addresses are canonical (most important) in a group of similar pages. Simply put, the seemingly canonical URL of a page is the address that will be indexed for the presence of duplicate pages.

Example of canonical page URLs

A typical butt - the side of the site is available at a number of addresses:

It is acceptable that we give (canonical) URL addressє /blog/seo/yandex. This means that the code has sides:

it is necessary to display the address of the canonical page:

What are the canonical messages?

Canonical side - this is the original side or the original side. Canonical posting (with the rel = canonical attribute of the link tag) is not a directive. This means that the inclusion of a story as canonical can be accepted as such and ignored by search robots. Sound systems place a negative emphasis on duplicate content, such as theft of content from another site or duplicate pages on one site.

Often, duplicate content is provided through an incorrect or poorly configured CMS. The organization of canonical pages as a significant part allows for the unique indexing of duplicate pages. In addition, although it may reduce traffic to the site, removing unnecessary pages optimizes the amount of resources that search engines spend on indexing. Search robots will be more likely to find new pages and other changes on the site.

How to perform canonical messages

Rules that are not correctly applied to rel=canonical sound systems:

  • The canonical page must be available for indexing;
  • the addresses of the canonical message are not to be entered on another website (and a subdomain for Yandex);
  • One page cannot have more than one canonical URL of the page;
  • It is not wrong to ignore the Lancian canonical messages, since on the side of the canonical one there is a canonical message on the other side (1=>2=>3).

Canonical posts (the link rel canonical tag attribute) allows you to specify which page in a group of similar or similar pages needs to be indexed. The harshness of this instrument is difficult to overestimate and should be safely ignored. Even before the correct tampering of the site’s pages with search engines is of significant importance to the SEO of the site. Moreover, the canonical messages are supported by almost any current CMS for Joomla or WordPress.

Write in the comments about vikoryst and canonical messages on your site.
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Do not duplicate content and put the correct message!

Good afternoon readers. For most people, canonical URLs are extremely mysterious, and can often be a problem for operations such as 301 redirects. Victims know that such messages are a problem for SEO, but not quite the same as how they can be vikorized. Speaking about WordPress (as opposed to an HTML site), it’s not so easy to manually write the canonical messages for the entire side of your site, without a wiki plugin, which is in contrast to how the management system template works on the site.

This article will help clarify the actions that can be taken from WordPress users through the use of canonical URLs. Not WordPress koristuvachi You will also find this article interesting so that you can learn about the basic principles and then apply these rules to the official content management system and enrich your knowledge as a reader. Even if it wasn’t there, this article may seem difficult for you to master because you don’t have technical knowledge about WordPress or basic information about HTML and sound optimization(SEO). We have highlighted all the terms so that you can get to know them beforehand. Anyway, in any case, from this publication you can glean the necessary basis from which you can start Googling to find out more information to draw a new picture.

What is a canonical URL?

The canonical URL (also known as rel=canonical, the canonical tag, and by other names) is what search engines look for when they want to create duplicate versions of a page on your website or on the Internet. The infection is being used to increase complex problems associated with duplicate content, which is often the cause the best decisions nizh vikoristannya 301 redirect.

You may be aware that there is no duplicate content on your site. It’s great that you take care to ensure that your content is not repeated on many pages. Otherwise, this can lead to a decrease in the rank of your site in search results.

If there is a text on your site that is repeated, try to seriously think about this problem: if you were a search system, which would send a message to a correspondent, you would see whose correspondent has two identical pages results of the sound search? Of course not! It's absolutely pointless. You should see them so many different results (in a search engine) so that those who need to know what they need can find out.

Thus, as the content on your site is repeated over and over again, it turns out that Google simply does not rank such pages. And it is not good if you want to occupy any position in the search market.

Message for duplicate content, about the origin of which you do not suspect

Okay, now let's go back and assume that you did it right and appreciate that all your pages are absolutely unique. Or, perhaps, there are still some “snatched” duplicate URLs on your site that you don’t know anything about (actually they’re not spun, I’m just calling them that). Do you know if you knew that search engines accept such URLs as completely independent, without paying any attention to those that are the same for you and display new content? (did you mention www?) (did you mention https?) (did you remember the forward slash?)

Why do you need the canonical URL of the title? HTML code of all your pages. It is necessary to inform search engines about which version of the URL types they are hovering over, or else they will lose respect.

This means that you must always be sure to use www in all communications to your web project. This is your strategy of linking to the site both in the middle and beyond. It is your responsibility to know everyone who is using your URLs: freelancers who work for you, your partners, sponsors, and also these addresses may be listed in all directories where your site is. In addition, you need to indicate whether you want a slash at the end or https (if specific information is entered on your site, such as credit cards). Choose one option and finish it first. If I had to choose, I would prefer the option that is most often used in order to reduce the number of headaches when it comes to putting the URLs in order.

Luckily, if you work with WordPress, most of these problems can be easily resolved. We will inform you about the necessary plugins and activities that you will need to develop later in this article.

But I will repeat again that for the canonical messages there is much more stagnation.

Duplicate content, taxonomy creations

Let's say you wrote an article and included it in various blog categories and tags in WordPress (all this is called a taxonomy). People are constantly shaking. Or, for example, you have an online store, where products are listed in different categories. Therefore, in order to make it easier for contributors to move around the site, the same content appears at different URLs, thereby causing problems to arise. For example:

You want your readers to know what “chocolate truffles” are in both categories: “malt” and “iron”. Nasty waste. What URL is responsible for destroying the respect of the search machine? You remember that the stench will not rank the offense sent. So you need to vibrate. And here you will need canonical messages. Don't tell the search engines, "Hey, there's the same content on this side as on that side, please rank this side, not that one."

Remember, what a waste - every joke system is not obliged to reproach your canonization, and they can ignore it if they respect it incorrectly.

Cross-domain canonical URL wiki for duplicate content

The only reason why you need a canonical URL element that will be described in this article (it’s different, but it’s complicated, and the same principle doesn’t change): if you publish content on your site that also appears on ours sites. The most obvious instances of such duplication are press releases. So your company publishes a press release and posts it on your website. It's entirely legal. Well, traditionally, a press release is something that you can publish on your own. Stinks are created in order to be shared and copied. This is based on the principle of working together with distributors, such as PRWeb. This is an old marketing technique.

This will create a conflict of SEO interests. For a search robot, the content of the press release on your site is the same as on the sites that you posted. So what is the original copy? How can you rank the search engine? Remember that you need to choose just one.

Ask the sound machines to choose for you if you do not assign them your option. And you can use the vikory and canonical URL. In the event of press releases, it is unlikely that the news site will publish your article with the canonical URL to your resource. Remember that for the rich this element is not very sensible. I also doubt that you would spend an hour trying to find a resource with an output article and code your HTML correctly. They publish a number of articles per day, so only you can ensure that the correct messages are posted on your site. In your place, I would put the canonical URL on the side, as a place for the press release, and go back to the copy, on the page of great success, where you will now post the article for posting. For example, let’s upload a copy of the article to the website (as you are a vikorist Denmark service). Just my two cents.

Butt axis real life, Not related to the situation of press releases, the canonical URL will be even more literal: look at the article I wrote about KISSmetrics close to that time:

Nezabar after this posted this article on their site, due to the stink of KISSmetrics.

The URL axis is the same:

Now we have new content that will lead to two massacres. Technically, there is no duplicate content, but duplicate content is not good, remember? There's no need to be afraid! You'll be amazed output code, then see

This is to tell search engines that there is original content, which is the right way out of the situation.

This eliminates the suspicion of content theft in the eyes of search engines (as they cannot otherwise determine who has the legal rights to publish the content).

Of course, you wouldn’t want a website that only publishes other people’s materials. There is a canonical URL element here, which is unlikely to help you improve your site’s ranking. Also, don’t mislead the Wikoristans’ tactics.

If you can't vikorize the canonical URL for duplicate content from another site

I would like to highlight one point, because I have been on the lookout for such a situation many times. If you are planning to write a company description or personal biography on your website, I would not recommend that you use the same set of words on your social media profiles or on any other sites. If you write the same news and updates on your company page on LinkedIn, business page on Google Plus, etc., you are simply duplicating your content. You will not be able to vikorize the canonical URL on a page dedicated to a company or person, and create a link to a profile in social measures: You don’t want such a page to rank itself on its own. So, please, just write a new unique description right away.

How to vikorize canonical URLs in WordPress

You can earn money in different ways, before I tell you about shortest option What I know: vikorist the plugin from Joost De Valk. Once you install this extension on your site, you'll need to start thinking more about your SEO, including managing canonical URLs for what I call "honeymoon" URLs (maroon). But still, it’s important to gain respect for the deeds of adjustment. On the screen below, you can see the customization screen for a single post or page (this is the same for the types of posts you create), and the WordPress SEO box contains a lot of fields and customization. To set up canonical URLs that will become useful for items such as press releases and content duplicated on other sites, click the “Advanced” tab:

This plugin will provide you with the canonical URL element. All you need to do is enter the original URL of your content that is published on this page. In other words, the URL that copies the content is the same as the canonical URL in the HTML header. Copied content now alerts listeners to those who are not copied. Chi ma sens, right?

Dobre, ale tse lishche principle. Coming from this example, you may sometimes want to indicate that you are not copying content, although this is not the case at all, since it is simply important for you to control the extent of content. You can publish the press release on your company's website and, if necessary, you can assign an attribute to the original content for syndication as you are victorizing. Whose sense do you have, as one of the syndicators. (Besides, this is just my idea. This point may not be praised by other SEO experts. So, defy him at your own peril. Google “swears” that it is even worse in identifying the original content, and the canon chnі pokazchiki – tse lishe additional assistance (sound systems can ignore them).

Otherwise, the canonical URLs you enter will be internal messages to your site to prevent duplicate content. Let's say, for example, you publish a description of your product on a static website of wholesale buyers. Ale you vikoristuite this description in the section of your site, where people buy goods in bulk.

With the help of the canonical URL field in WordPress SEO settings, you can tell the search engines what you would like them to rank.

Respect: You need to select the version of the message with www or without www for the skin page for additional adjustments. Plugin WordPress SEO do it automatically. These parameters may only be needed if the URLs are different or the content is on a different domain.

Setting up https global canonical URL for additional WordPress SEO

What else can you earn with the canonical instructions, vikoryst WordPress plugin SEO. If you are purchasing SSL certificates (for sale on the Internet), you can set up your canonical tag to match the https version of your messages since your pages can be located on both http and https. To do this, go to SEO > Permalinks and scroll to “Canonical Settings” in your WordPress console.

Click on the menu that lights up, where you can select the type of URL you want to use with the canonical URL element in the title all your pages: