Scho robiti the folder button is gone.

The context menu of the provider is a set of menus that appear when the RMB is pressed ( Right Buttons Misha) by any object (file or papa) or just on an empty copy in papa or on a working table. If you have recently installed the system, then the context menu will be completely empty. Hiba scho only additions from drivers for video cards, for example, like this:

If the system was installed already a long time ago, then there will be more such items. For example:

Yak bachite, in an hour, beyond the standard menu items the establishment of programs... From one side it is easy. It is not even necessary to launch a jarlik or a shukati program, but it is possible without a context menu... Alle the axis from the side with an hour of such items, well, even more richly, and the context menu of the decal can be brought up to scroll up the hill or down at the jokes of the necessary items.
That one and only wants to see the points didn’t screw up. Aje Vi does not often reprimand all the points.

Otzhe, yak tidy up the item from the context menu.

In order to see the program item from the context menu (KM is fast), you can use the standard methods to do it yourself. operating system So, for the help of the programs themselves, there are special features.

The easiest thing for visualization is the tse of poshukati in nalashtuvannyah programs (if you want to clean it up) is a necessary item. Name the wine you are here in integration abo closed / added. For example, in order to see the item of the famous WinRAR from KM, you need to clean up the checkbox. Integration with the shell:

In other programs, so it can be adjusted.

Іnsha on the right if V did not know the necessary adjustments for visualization or їх vzagalі nemaє (buvaє i take). Todi can be quick in a standard way the very systems, but the very rule.
Immediately ahead of you, before the ear of the robot is more beautiful backup copy reєstru.
From the same, launching the register and switching to the window
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / * / shellexe / ContextMenuHandlers

and there are also some points from the context menu.
Now the onslaught of the PKM on the required item (point from the CM that you want to see) і vibraєmo seenlity:

Weatherєmose with advances:

re-invoicing and re-engagement. The point is guilty of the abyss.

If not missing, then marvel at the gilka
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ AllFileSystemObjects \ ShellEx \ ContextMenuHandlers
and vikonayte the same.

On a note:
Yaksho Vi want to see the item specifically from KM -> Create

then you need to know the type of the file () as it collapses. but for Microsoft Office Access extension to the .accdb file, which means it is required to be shukati in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT register, and also there you can see ShellNew

If you want to see the KM on the points, which are shown with the RMB on the folders, then you will need to see the tags:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shell HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers

For the item "Look for help ..."
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ OpenWithList

for KM logical drives gilki:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shell HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers
An update in the context menu of the provider and the speedy team, which is described there.

Well, if you please, hurry up with this utility - Ultimate Windows Context Menu Customizer() Yaka has a lot of possibilities, ale English. And there we need to deprive you to vibrate the item and see it:

If you don't know how to make a report or not, write in the comments and I will help you. There, in the left column, you need to vibrate the item (computer, folder, files, etc.), de-click the context menu, and right-click the Remove Item button at the bottom. If you are friends with English, then you will figure it out.

Yak to add your program to the CM -> You can do it if you read the whole article respectfully, but also about seeing one point. It is necessary that you do not need to open the packages and write for the required extension.

In the whole article, there were three chaotic and more on the part of the context menu, which I think is still more relevant, the same article is produced є. To that, it’s not smart - to write in the comments. I’m getting rid of it.