Skype update for login, phone, email, after leaving. How to turn around old Skype.

How can I update Skype if I don’t know my login? What to do, where did your contacts and lists go? For these other current nutritional needs, check out the options below.

Update by mail

How to update Skype, more precisely forgotten login the password? Quite simply:

1. Log in to the program on your computer (laptop) or go to the website in your browser, click “Log out...” - “My account”.

2. In the main program window that has opened, you will find an active message at the bottom: “Can’t log into Skype?” Press on it.

3.In the field that appears, enter your email address.

Important: the e-mail address must be indicated as the one to which you were “linked” oblikovy record Skype is under construction.

4.Tap “Continue.”

Alternatively, you can enter the withdrawal code in a special field. This field can be found by clicking “Do you already have a renewal code?” next to the password renewal window.

Update by number

If you want to update your account record with a phone number, enter the same steps as in the previous paragraph, only in the field where your email may be entered, enter your number (you may also receive it in the future) 'languages ​​to Skype). If come SMS, carefully read and follow the instructions described in the notice.

Additional assistance from support services

If the previous classic methods of updating access are not suitable for you, and you want to update your cloud account without e-mail, go to the support service (at no cost):

  1. Go to the official Skype website:
  2. Click the “Leave” button.
  3. In the menu that appears, click “My cloud record.”
  4. Go to the message “Can’t connect to Skype?”
  5. Click “Return to support service.”
  6. Read it carefully - what have you missed? Find in the text of the message “Stop with some support” and go to the new one.
  7. You're welcome new side under the name “Select a problem”. In the section “Select a document”, change your choice to “Account record and login data”.
  8. Once you select a section, another field will appear below “Select a problem”. Here you can select “Nutrition about resetting and updating your password.”
  9. Press "Distance".
  10. You will find two options further actions: turn on Skype support or turn off email support. Choose a friend.
  11. Fill out the form again and press “Add”. The specialists will give evidence by extending the achievement.

To contact Skype support managers, you can contact the Skype support manager by sending this message to

I have contacts...

To update your contacts in Skype, you need to:

  1. Log in to the program using your login.
  2. Open the “Contacts” menu in the main window of the account entry.
  3. Vibrate the "Lists" menu item.
  4. Press "All".

As after canceling four actions, nothing has changed in the contact list:

  1. download the “SQLite” program (preferably the portable version) from the worldwide network,
  2. launch it,
  3. find from prick row“Start” your computer (laptop) file “main.db”,
  4. go to the SQLite program window and click the Open Database button,
  5. indicate the path to the file "main.db", which you know well,
  6. click on the "Browse Data" tab,
  7. In the "Table" row, select "Contacts".

You will see a list of your contacts. Now you can add them to Skype by copying them one at a time, as you did before. This way you can update your contact list.

If the program is visible or marked as a shortcut.

Updating Skype remote settings is much simpler, lower I forgot my password:

1.Connect to the Internet, so Skype can be seen effectively. To do this, look for it in the list of programs (go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs" - "View remote programs"). What is the middle of the installations Skype program No – you need to update your Skype deletes again.

If the program was found in the list, and the shortcut was visible, it means that you could simply remove the shortcut from the desktop or otherwise, the alarms would beep to launch the messenger, or this would happen after the failure. Click on a known program right button Please select “Add to...” – “To desktop”.

2. To download the remaining version of the program, go to the official Skype website and click “Download”.

3.Select the type of your device (for computers and laptops - the first tab).

4.Press Vantage or Vantage.

5.After downloading is completed installation file, open its double click to signify the installation.

6. Launch the program you were running (via the icon on the desktop, through the “Start” menu...) and enter your login and password to again deny access to your account.

If you have reconnected, the program is not visible from your computer, and you want to access the messenger through the “Start” menu, you can pin it there:

  1. Go to “Start”.
  2. Enter the search field “Skype”.
  3. Find the blue program logo among the results found and press the right button on it.
  4. Select the item “Lock in the Start menu”.

Once you have found the program, you have created a new shortcut, launched it, entered your login and password, but it still doesn’t work, you need to install it again (follow the instructions below, steps 2-5), or delete it later surplus of the wrong version. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs” - “Remote Programs”, find the row with the program, see it and click “View.”

The program is not working...

If Skype does not work for reasons unknown to you, try updating your Internet browser to remaining version.

Skype connections with adjustments and camp of “Ridny” for OS Windows browser Internet Explorer, so you can’t get yogo’s version to update and throw off yogo’s adjustment.

Doesn't that help? Then proceed like this:

1 way

Check to make sure the program doesn't freeze on startup. For whom:

1.Go to the “Watch Manager” by pressing “Ctrl”, “Alt”, “Del”, then - “Launch the Manager” or by right-clicking on the bottom row on your screen (where it appears open programs files) and selecting the “Start task manager” command.

2.Look in another “Processes” tab for the “Skype...” row.

3. As far as we know, the program has been launched, and there are no benefits. You need to complete this incorrect process by seeing it and clicking “Finish...”.

4.In the new window, click “End process” again to confirm the action.

Method 2

1. Exit Skype if you haven’t logged out yet: at the bottom of the tray, find the Skype icon (as not all icons are displayed, click on the arrow so that the list opens), press the right button Whichever way, select “Exit”.

The minimized Skype can be displayed in the tray green checkmark or it looks like a black symbol with the letter “S”.

2. Go to “Start”.

3.In the search bar, enter %AppData%\Skype to find the folder with your special data.

4.Go to the found folder by clicking on the search result.

5. Once you have found a folder, click on the “Tools” menu (“Organize”) and select “Folder Options...” (“Folder Powers”). Names may vary from person to person operating systems Oh.

6.Go to the “View” tab of the window.

7. Find the “Show” row in the list received files, folders...” and put a tick there.

8.Press “Stand”, then “Ok”.

9. Find the “shared.xml” file in your open folder and delete it.

10. Try launching the program again. If you didn’t ask for anything, you will need to delete Skype. It’s better to copy it instead of the folder where you deleted the file in another place. This is necessary in order to update notifications in Skype (listening) after updating the functionality of the messenger.

11.Delete a program: go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs” - “Remote Programs”, find the row with the program, see it and click “View”.

12. Reinstall Skype after downloading new version From the site.

13. Transfer the previously copied data to the folder created by the program (you can find it in the same way as described in paragraphs No. 2-3 of this instruction).

14. Now everything can be done!

Third party assistant programs

As bad luck has befallen you again, we are pleased to announce:
1.Download the Revo Uninstaller program from a reliable device and install it on your computer.

2. Open the program.

3. Find the Skype icon in the main window “Revo...” that opens, see it.

4.Press the “View” button.

5.Select extensions mode.

7. After the end of the editing process, the program will delete the search for fragments of the messenger that were lost in the registries. Carefully opening all the “pluses”, find the names “Skype” and “callto” in the registry and check the boxes next to them.

8.Press the delete button.

9.Repeat steps No. 2-3 from the previous instructions and delete all known folders.

10. Transfer back old copied files, as indicated in point No. 13 of the previous instructions.

Under the guise of the latest utility, Password Recoveryє paid. By registering and paying for it, you can detect lost passwords, and also protect your identity from scammers and hackers. After starting the miracle program, enter your Skype login in the first field and click “Start...”

Once the work is completed, you will see the result. If the utility finds a forgotten password, you will not be prompted in the program window, but you will have to find another way to update the messenger.

Renewal through another medium

If you previously linked your Skype account to your Facebook or Microsoft account, you can log in through one of them. For whom:

Have you lost your contact list on your favorite instant messenger? You can do it right! If you have forgotten your Skype password, please contact us using our telephone number or additional email. reporting instructions.

Skype occupies a leading position among instant messengers, which confirms the millions of popularity of programs from the Add-on Store. Homeowners, businessmen, mandrivniks and simply lovers of sputtering will also be victorious. With Skype you can send free messages to friends who are located almost anywhere on the planet, and make audio or video calls.

Registration in messenger It won’t take too much time. Required number for her mobile phone or email address. There are a lot of koristuvachs to talk about how to go to Skype, my page, which has already been created.

When the program is launched first, a window will appear where you can install audio and video settings, as well as an avatar. You can skip this step by clicking on the cross at the top corner.

There is another way go to skype account For which data is required from a Microsoft cloud account. You register on the website If a cloud account has been created on your account, enter your login and password in the Skype launch window. After this, click the “Next” button and continue until you are done special office messenger. In some situations, you will need to additionally enter names and nicknames in the following rows. The names will appear in the cloud record and are marked for other contacts.

Retailers have made it possible to log in to Skype through the profile account of the popular social network Facebook. To do this, you need to click on the messenger icon to open the program window. Next, at the bottom you need to press the command “Log out via Facebook”.
In the window you need to enter your login and password for your social media account and click “Login”.
Let’s start with the action that goes like “Continue to live like ... (names on Facebook).” After this, you should appear in front of the koristuvach, where the programs are written down. To continue your work, you need to take care of them. At the next stage, you will be prompted to request your friends from the social network through the messenger.

No one likes to waste their speeches in silence. In the world, information power is more popularized and valued, as power has no cordons.

Objects have different types of knowledge and development, and features of the page, profiles in social measures. I, as before, all important information was passed on “by word of mouth” or by mail in sheets, now everything is included in the list (stories of information) with other koristuvachs of the specific skin area. That's why everyone really appreciates the power of confidentiality in the open spaces of the world's pavutina Internet.

There are different platforms that provide sputtering services and implement safety parameters in their own way. But in one sense: in order to enter the regional register, you need to confirm your identity and rights as a ruler (which is difficult to do, as if you are a criminal who wants to steal the side of another profiteer). In other words, you need to log in.

And you still encounter unpleasant situations when, for various reasons, you cannot enter the correct login parameters (login and password). For example, you haven’t logged into your account account for a long time and you forgot your login and a necessary combination of symbols, which can have different actions depending on the additional information you provided in your profile: email, telephone number. Or maybe you have a problem of a different nature: the program just left the desktop. Let's take a look at all the situations and figure out how to update Skype on a laptop, computer or smartphone.

Automatic update (by mail)

When you created your Skype account, you couldn’t miss the “Enter email address” button. So, before your regional record of specific connections Postal screenshot. So axis, renew the appearance Skype recording In the simplest way, I’ll help you myself. Know your login required cloud record, you can gain access to the new one without a password, as a result of installations. For this you will need to complete a few simple steps:

  1. Vidkriti Skype program on your own (problematically on someone else’s) device.
  2. In the entry field, indicate the specific details of the current record before which you want to revoke access.

  3. Press "Distance".
  4. Click “Forgot your password” (or enter it if you guessed it).

  5. Select your particular problem from the given ones.
  6. Enter the correct Microsoft cloud account information.
  7. Mark the “Sheet” field with a marker.
  8. In the registered field, enter the daily characters of the postal address and click “Add code”.
  9. If **********@******.*** contacts you with the email address of your account, we will send you a code. Check your mail screen for any incoming notifications (if there are none, look in the “Spam” folder, as this is where important messages get wasted).

  10. Enter the cancellation code in the provided field and click “Next”.
  11. After you show up, you can reset your password. Come up with new combination and repeat in the field below.
  12. Now write it down to long-line memory and don’t forget! Log in with a new password to your Skype account and follow the instructions.

For the phone number

Not everyone wants to link their mobile device number to the account record, but this will greatly increase security against evil, and it will also help to speed up and make it easier for you to return to the help page. Lassnik from the hands of evil mischief-makers. Ale, if you put yourself in front of such amusing people, then here is an instruction for you:

For more help login

In fact, the easiest way (and the fastest way) is to automatically log in to the system. And don’t you immediately think that you would singly note the proposition to enter your savings before the password, otherwise you’ll turn it over again (well, it’s a miracle).

Since, after all, I am a magician and a charmer, then the following algorithm is for you:

  1. Log in to your cloud account using the login and password previously saved on your device.

  2. Add your avatar.
  3. In the window that appears, select the item “Keruvannya oblikovym record”.
  4. Click and go to the browser.

  5. Go down the page and select “Edit special data”.

  6. Add another postal screenshot.

  7. Update your password, password and new email address, as described in the first topic of our article “Renewal from email addresses”.
  8. Enjoy life together via Skype!

For additional support services

Not the most handy Swedish way, or to be more precise, this is an extreme option.

If your information is so bad that you have no access to email or phone, and you have amnesia, and you still remember your nickname on Skype and the price is 100% yours (the word of the pioneer), then sign away crocs algorithm one by one, so that the desired result can be achieved as soon as possible and technical support to give you a special account that you spent:

  1. Return to the previous instructions, where we forgot our password and updated it via email and phone. Get to the point where we choose where to send the code.
  2. We say that “I don’t pay any money.”
  3. Here they will force us with something (in the browser, first of all). Go to the page

  4. We focus on the form of waste we know, and choose “amnesia.”

  5. We appreciate everything you ask for and enter the necessary information.
  6. After selecting the item “I don’t have any data”, we will go to another page in the browser, where we need to enter a new email address (alternative) where we will send the instructions.

  7. Please contact Microsoft at the address provided.

  8. Enter the information in the code sheet in the confirmation box on the update page.

  9. Everything is indicated as accurately and in detail (I’m not speaking truthfully) as possible. The more quickly you interact with it, the greater the chance of turning around your financial record.

  10. You will no longer need to check, but we wish you good luck and never waste your special money again!

For help with another cloud record

If you do not remember your cloud data (e-mail address or mobile phone number, before your cloud account is linked), use the following algorithm:

  1. Create new account Skype or ask people you know.
  2. Find your personal profile by searching for your login or account name.
  3. Look at the specific data.
  4. Renew access using one of the more reliable methods.

On phones and tablets

If you use your phone or PC more often, then you need to know: how you can update Skype on your smartphone is even less relevant. The differences between the update algorithm and personal computer i h mobile extension There is absolutely nothing other than the size of the work area.

So, feel free to explore the methods of updating your cloud storage, both on your phone, tablet, and on your computer.

I have a Skype shortcut on my desktop

The problem that arises for the most part in every ordinary employee is the lack of a label at the work table. It was so easy... Don’t get embarrassed, it’s easy to update the Skype icon.

This problem is easy to solve, just follow the instructions (all photos were taken on the Windows 10 platform, for more earlier versions lower hover text sequence algorithm top problem):

For older versions of operating systems, type this:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu.
  2. Find the “All Programs” section.
  3. Find Skype there.
  4. Drag the program to the desktop.
  5. Rejoice!

And sophisticated methods, but you won’t need them at all (so, go ahead, and we’ll look at this report).

After I see you, I’ll install it

If you have lost Skype from the Start menu and there is no method described above, you have uninstalled the program from the device. The update algorithm couldn’t be simpler:

  1. Get him back from the official website.
  2. Install your computer and log in.
  3. Speak up, don’t make a fool of yourself.

In addition to many Internet services, Skype is not possible without registration. You definitely need to create an account account and log in. Then dialogues and calls will become available. Between the rusty programs, the stench is absolutely catty. Shchob Login to Skype using login and password, hurry up with our helper.


PC version

In fact, there is nothing special at the entrance to the official building. To get started, you need to run the program, then a valid form will appear. In the first field, enter the correct login (the registry has no value) and click "Dali". On the next page you need to enter your password and click on the confirm button. If everything went well, open the contact window.

Mobile add-on

As soon as the program starts, a window will appear with the message “We kindly ask...”. There is a button at the bottom of the screen "Leave", stamp on them. Now enter your registration details and go to your profile.

Official website

To access your page on the official Skype website using your login and password, do the following:

The profile page will open. To go to the web program, click on the customer's name and select “Vikoristuvati...”.

How many people are wondering how to automatically update Skype using your login and password? To “reanimate” the displays that require logging in to the system. There is no need to enter authorization data when starting every time, otherwise there may be some failure, and it is simply impossible to leave. This may be due to the fact that the customer does not have a number of accounts and logins to guess. Why bother in such situations? See detailed instructions below.

Skype update for login for additional email

If you have previously entered your email address, the problem of forgotten records will be easy to solve. For whom:

  • There are two fields for the password and login: “I can’t log into Skype”;
  • At the window that appears, enter your email;
  • An activation special code must be sent to the assigned address. Go to the specified address and enter the code in the field. Don’t forget that it only lasts for three years;
  • write new data for authorization.

How to update Skype with login and password automatically via phone number

If you wanted to update the account record with the number, type in the same words that were described above, and enter your phone number in the mail field. There is only one mind here - behind the scenes there was a need to connect to Skype. An SMS will be sent to you, you must read it carefully and follow the instructions described there.

This option is simple, everything will be updated automatically.

Return to special support service

If the traditional options are not suitable, you can try writing to the resource administrator. There is no need to pay for it. Before speaking, this option will work if you did not enter the email address and did not link the number. You need:

  • go to the service website;
  • tap on the “Leave” button;
  • From the menu that has opened, click “My cloud record”;
  • follow the message “Can’t get to Skype?”;

  • press the button on the support to update Skype;
  • turn over those that you filled in, find the message sent to the side with the title and go through them;
  • show up side s different problems. Look there in the section for selecting the reporting status, select the form and data for entering;
  • A field will appear to select a related problem, here you will click on the option to reset and update your password;
  • tap “Far”;
  • After that you can put a request on the forum with programs or send a reply to your email. Do you need another option;

  • Fill out the form and stamp “Add”.

Please tell me that you need to reach out and reach for it.

There are no programs on the computer

However, it’s easier to delete Skype because your login and password are impossible to guess. It’s best to check to see if the program was successfully deleted. For this, go to:

Start/Control Panel/Programs/Remote programs

If you don't know Skype, you need an update. Get the latest version better on the official website:

  • press “Enchant”;
  • choose the look of your device (for PCs and laptops the first tab is required);
  • tap “Zavantazhiti” or “Zavantazhiti”;
  • When you check that the installation is complete, double-click on the installation file;
  • launch the program, enter the password and login to gain access to the account.

If you haven’t downloaded the software, but if you just find a shortcut, you can re-install it in the Start menu. Try it like this:

  • go to “Start”;
  • write “Skype” to the search row;
  • look for the black logo in the program and right-click on it with the bear;
  • select pins from the menu.

If you have deleted everything, but Skype does not work, it is better to uninstall it and re-install the remaining version.

It’s so easy and quick that you can renew Skype with your login and password automatically. This procedure takes quite a bit of time. We hope this article will turn out like a berry for you.