Gra mini is standard. Yak Grati in Minesweeper: fun that has become a legend

How to play Minesweeper?

At the first glance at the gro-puzzle, it looks unreasonable, like a lot of other games of this genre, with like numbers on the playing field, but not much more than at first glance. Really - it's not so foldable. Let's figure out at once why the Minesweeper's sens gris is so hot.

Let's take into account the fact that on our website three equal foldings are implemented: , . The stench winds up among themselves less at the edges of the playing field and the number of min. Minesweeper vvazhaetsya guessing at that moment, if all "mini" are found on the playing field. The back of the game field looks like this (the game field is shown with the lightest level of folding):
The brown squares are the same playing field. The figure in the left upper kut is the number of min, which is necessary to know. Hour - vlasne hour, stained on the top of the gri-puzzle.

With the pressure of the left button of the mouse on the playing field, the chosen clitina turns up and at the time of luck, a figure appears, what to say about those, how many minutes to know the order of the clitina, because we did not have mercy and we ran into on a mine, then the Minesweeper puzzle is considered completed and not solved, in this case all the minis that are on the field will be shown:
On the little one, near the square marked with red lines (9 clitin), there are numbers and already indicated mini, this square is marked for the number "3". How can you work in sharpened numbers, actually there are 3 mini. Now give respect to the little ones below:
The figure "2" is marked with a blue frame on the little one, the order of it is just 2 minutes and therefore we can easily identify the nearest cells (crossed with blue lines), when they appear, new numbers appear, as if to tell us, de still know mini.

In order to mark a mine on the playing field, it is necessary to right-click the mouse on the selected tiles, these tiles will be marked with the following proportions:
Minesweeper's graph is considered to be completed, if all the clitins are opened, so do not avenge mines, if in the online implementation of the graphs, the flags will be placed on the mines, it doesn’t matter, the banners carry the information function only for you.


Launch Minesweeper from the menu "Start" - "All programs" - "Games". Start the game for the rules, which you can look at in the section for updating the programs (the item “Dovіdka” at the left part of the window).

The best way is to rozhukuvati mini z kuta. If there are no kutiv, on the right to reach straight rows from the vіdkritikh clitin. Forget about it possible options, not varto "tikat" in the kіtini navmannya. The city of good develops logical ideas, shards in deyaky vipadkah prorahuvat mozhliva variant dosit smoothly and respect, shards of skin pardon become the rest and the round of gris is completed.

Try to find out all the mini as quickly as possible. If you know for sure that I am in a singing place, mark it once. Otherwise, until the end of the gri vie, you will simply forget about it.

Sometimes the computer generates additional cells, so as not to make bombs. In this way, the momentum will show up more, the shards will immediately become clear, like the cells are empty, and in those it will be.

Make sure to open the closed parts of the field. It’s as if it’s unreasonable, it’s necessary to grow, to move to the other part of the field. More often than not, it is better to find the unfinished middle, to lower the number of places, where there are minis.

To win forever, you can speed up with your own cheat for Gri. Light up all the programs, as if closing the working style, and install it darkly or as a screensaver. Bazhano zrobity screen one-color. In the next program, type the combination of keyboard buttons xyzzy and press the left Shift key. Press "Start the game". Now, after hovering the cursor on the room, the upper left pixel of the screen will become white (as a rule, there is no mini) or black (as a rule, it is a bomb) color, which is more than a handy hint.

Minesweeper is a hooting puzzle that allows you to expand your logical thoughts and spend your free time in a trance. Tim, who doesn’t know about this thunder, can give up that it’s practically impossible to play in it. Really, it's not like that. Having respectfully twisted the rules, having worked out a little and having worked out the sing tactics of the gri, you will learn how to remagate without special zusil and you can brag about it in front of your friends.


Run the group and select the most convenient parameters. Gras proponuє on your choice chotiri equal folding. The first (novice) - to expand the fields to establish 9x9 middle ones, the middle of which was captured 10 min. Another (amator) - the field is folded from 256 pieces and 40 min. Third (professional) - mid 480 mid you need to know 99 min. The fourth (special) - you can install the number of minutes and the number of playing boards on your own. The boundary parameter is 720 average out of 668 mines.

Go to the distribution of the programs and read the rules of the grit before it, after which start the grati, vodkrivayuchi komіrki, which you have been honored with. If you are sure you are sure that there is a mine in front of you, then obov'yazkovo designate a clerk as an ensign, otherwise you can forget about її misteznahodzhennya. The skin value indicates the number of bombs that were planted at eight lying centers.

Do not hurry up and carefully consider the possible options for walking. Virahuvavshi empty cell, boldly її vіdkrivayte, do not be afraid to prograte. As if from the middle of you to bente, you are not convinced that there is a bomb there, it means її food sign and continue the game.

Trohi to cheat and hurry up with a special cheat code for Gri. Install a single-color trellis of dark color on the working table, turn all sides of the window and start the group. Reconsider that the focus of the introduction is in the window, at the time you need to go to English language then enter the combination xyzzy, after which press the left Shift. Start moving the bear across the playing field and look at the top left pixel of the screen. As if the middle is empty, the ice will shine more often, remembering the white color, and if there is a bomb there, it will be left dark without change. Tsey method good vikoristovuvat, as if you were in trouble with the people, as if you don’t know about this cunning. Just try to enter the code without remembering, otherwise you may be unsecured.

Minesweeper - one of the products that are delivered at the warehouse operating system Windows. It was far from skin-like to go into the rose for the first time, even if it’s a miracle of training in logical thought and respect, that and just a good idea. Ale, not all the first time will understand, like a sapper.

  1. To start getting into Minesweeper, run the game (menu Start - All Programs - Games - Minesweeper).

  2. Repair new group. It means that the gra began to follow the indicator at the right time. Zavdannya gri - vіdkriti all mini for vіdvedeniya hour, at the same time not vibuhnuvshi on them.

  3. Shchob robit hіd, klatsnіt on be-yakіy kіttsі playing field. As a result of the move, you can spend on a mine (you swelled in the first turn, and the group was next to the cob), open a cell with a number from 1 to 8, or open an empty cell. At the time, they instructed her to produce more sprats (and richly) klіtin.

  4. It’s necessary to get better at the sapper in the first place, but otherwise, go and try to get it right. Now, if you can see the numbers, you can figure out where the minis are, and how the numbers are in them. In some areas of the playing field, it is possible to calculate with hundred percent accuracy, in other information there is still little, and it is possible to guess less about the difference in min.

  5. Indicators of rotashuvannya min є digits that appeared on the vіlnyh vіd kіtiny min. The number indicates the number of mins on clitins, suicidal ones from the clitin. For example, as if on the diagonal in the apex of the klіtini koshtuє figure 1, those other kutovih closed klіtin instructed іz tsієyu with no number, it means that the mine of obov'yazkovo is located at the tsіy kutovіy kіtinі.

  6. Yakshcho vy razrahuvali, where the mine is known, tsyu kіtinku can be commemorated ensign. To install an ensign, to press right button mice. Be respectful and do not confuse the buttons: if you have opened them correctly, then the pardon will be fatal and the group will be robbed from the cob. Your task is not to tremble in the sapper.

  7. Grass vvazhaetsya ended successfully, like all the clitins, free in the min, it was clear. The number of installed ensigns and those, as far as correctly installed ensigns, do not play the same role. Ensigns are more important for the engraver himself, don’t forget to help him, de buli were counted mini.

Like a bachite, it’s awkward to become a sapper, but when it’s in a hateful form, it develops and logical thoughts (even in some situations it’s not so easy to sort out the sapper), and respect (skin pardon of a sapper becomes a stop - in this round gri).

Launch Minesweeper. For this select "Start" -> "All programs" -> "Games" -> "Sapper". At the upper vіknі gri near the lіvіy part, a number of bombs are displayed, as it is necessary to open it, at the right part there is a timer. For the cob, click the bear on one of the cells of the playing field. Like in the klitz, they pressed on the yak you, only one digit appeared, click on the other middle. As a result, you can find the whole group of clitin. Now it’s not necessary to push navmannya - follow the rules.

The numbers in the clitin show the number of mines, as well as the number of stitches around the radius of one clitin. Vyhodyachi s tsієї іnformatsії nebhіdya shukati inserted mini. For example, although the number 1 appears in the phrase, it means that there is one mine in the middle of it. If there is a digit 2 in the opening of the letter, it means that two minis are rolled near the radius. Porivnyuyuchi іnformatsiyu, otrimana z kіlkoh kіtin, try to reveal, yakіy vіdkritіy kіtinі have a mine. Having shown її, click on them with the right mouse button to set a special ensign.

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Korisna porada

Establish an online casino that allows you to earn money from a sapper. Register for one of these, and then popovnіt virtual account for additional Webmoney. Rob the bet and start playing. If you successfully change the entire field, then the amount of money for your account will be increased (the amount of pennies to deposit according to the rules of the game on the server and the amount of the bet).

Lipen 28th, 2012 Natalia Zaitseva

Shame, comrades! Soromno stylki rokіv mother kom'yuter і not vmіti grati in the sapper - a group of all hours and narodіv. Ale! So you came to ask “How to become a sapper”, or “How to learn to become a sapper”, well, or to the last resort “How to become a sapper correctly”, then it’s not until the end spent for this world. =)

I am happy to tell you, how to play sapper. Notice the group and let's sort it out.

1. Press on whether you are a commissar (the smut from the first time does not run into a mine);

2. If there was only one clitin in front of you, then varto squeeze another one more in order to make it easier to understand.

If a whole group of middle-class people was seen in front of you, then it’s garazd - we think about the coming crop.

3. The number in the clitin shows how many minutes are in the number of the same middle. The circle is all the cells that adjoin to the middle with the number, like in the picture. Let's take a look at the butt of the commissary with the number 1. Tse means that in the amount of tsієї komіrki there is only one mine. Kolo circled with chervonim.

4. Now it’s taken for the butt of the closing of the middle, sharpening by singles. So, as for the first time, there is only one unrecognizable middle, then in the new and є mine. Pressing on the qiu close the closet with the right button of the mouse, the red ensign appears, which signifies the closet with mine.

6. Give respect to the commissar with numbers 2 . One of the mins, which adjoin, is already zneshkodzhen, but in the quantity there are two unrecognized middles and only one min.

Press with the right mouse button 2 times - a sign of food will appear on the comirts, put it on comirts, in which they are not sung in Narazi. This sign is known by one more pressing of the right mouse button on the commissary. Whose sign is victorious in such situations, like ours, for example, if you don’t know for sure, there is a mine in itself in two middles.

7. Otzhe, it is required to start a rozminuvannya from the other side. For example, from the right ensign. So, as if there were only a few alone, it means that a single mine in the kolі was already marked, and also, closing the center under the empty ensign. Pressing її and signifying by the signs of the obvious mini, I will come to the picture.

8. So, logically rozmirkovuyuchi, we can rozminuvaty the entire field.

For accuracy, the picture was taken from different games.

The upper Libyan dial shows the number of min. The upper right dial shows the hour of the gry. Smiley at the center launches a new game.

What do you want change the folding ratio You need to press “gra” on the window and choose one of the equal folding: novice, amateur, professional.

Zaitseva Nataliya

Sapper- this is a puzzle, degraving it is necessary to delineate the mine field, indicating the ensigns in the middle, on which they can be mini, for them to be shown on the empty courts, and hints at the sight of numbers.

For those who don’t know how to play in Minesweeper, the stench rushes into the middle of the navmanny, and they figure out the numbers, what the stink means and why the stink is needed, few people guess from them. Having read to the end, qiu is small Pokrokov instructions how to become a sapper, you will understand how it is necessary to correctly grow into a sapper and you may fall in love with this game.

Gris rules in Minesweeper

How to run the game
For all OS Windows gra Minesweeper is already installed, wine is standard. In order to enter the group, click on Start - Usі programs - Games - Minesweeper.

Nalashtuvannya Minesweeper

Open the sapper, press F5 or go through the menu to the "Parameters" gry, there you will find 3 folding:

  • newcomer- A small field 9x9 cells with 10 mines. Kutah has no min.
  • amateur- Middle field 16x16 tiles out of 40 mines.
  • Professional- a large mine field 16x30 in the middle and 99 mines.
  • Special- you can adjust the size of the playing field and the number of min.

What's wrong with not a standard sapper, what should Windows have, but in mobile version otherwise, you can find it in the main menu “finishing”, there you can also choose the foldability of the gr.

Vіdkrivaєmo first middle

Grab it if you see the first middle. Richly someone is eating on the cob, hitting the kіlka kіltin, clattering vipadkovo on the minefield. As if there was a sprig of the middle, then you can assess the situation.

What do the numbers mean in Saperi

The numbers in Saper are our clues, stink to tell us, skilki and de-stashed min. For example, a closet with the number 1 tells us that it’s near it, uphill, down, angry, right-handed and diagonally, there is only 1 min. In the middle with the number 2, it seems to us that there are two minis, the number 3 means that it is about 3 minis.

We mark mini

If they have shown a mine, the last lieutenant, for whom it is necessary to press RMB (the right mouse button) on the dressing room, it is possible to put a mine. If we have appointed a roztashuvannya min, we press on those commissaries, it’s not their fault.

Vіdkrivaєmo all the middle

To marvel at all the numbers that have been revealed to us, and it is obvious that we can expand our minis. Like a two means just about two minis, a triyka means three minis and so on, until we remember all the minis and see all the good clitins.

  • Start building from the lightest equal "Novichok", on this folding there are no min.
  • Be respectful! One friendly click and you played.

The logical game "Sapper" is suitable for the development of a rosy thought. Fans of the city of Grim among themselves are moving, roaming my field for the next hour.

If you were unreasonable about the food, write in the comments. And those who have mastered the rules of Minesweeper, write your own records 🙂