How to take away the underbelly. How can we take away the sub-general enormity in Russia, and why should we look at other enormity? How to take away social clutter in Russia - all stages of the procedure

Bagatioh to call food, as if to take away cashback on Aliexpress. The simplest and widest option is to take a gift certificate. Obviously, I don’t understand, what causes led the company to such diy, shards of analogous propositions have long been miraculously victorious on other foreign maidanchiks. Alece is not so important.

On today's day, the gift certificates of "Aliexpress" can be stuck only in the boundaries of one account, so it is impossible to transfer the gift to new relatives. Behind the great rahunka, wine is an analogue of a far-off gamantsy, ruffled in the middle of your account, which you can popovnyuvat in front of the bells and whistles.

How to get a certificate

Gift cards are issued in five different options - from 10 to 150 dollars. The receipt of a gift certificate is not subject to any other transactions, as it is carried out on this trade maidanchik. After paying, go to the tab "My pledge", roztashovanu special office, and after pressing the My AliExpress Pocket button, you will receive all the available benefits from Aliexpress. Immediately, if necessary, you can buy one of the gift certificates, which you can see from the AliExpress Pocket Balance depositors.

Vіn can be used for picking up a number of goods from various sellers. Ale, exchange the gift certificate, or turn it back, don’t go.

Positive and negative sides of certificates

The main advantage of such a certificate is in instant payment in one click, as it is necessary for the vicariance of the fast favors and the merchandise that burns. During the operation, the pennies should turn to the certificate account, so it will not be necessary to check for up to 5 days, transfer the money to your bank card. At Narazi the new one has less than one small child - all the functions that give it the ability to pass it on to friends and relatives.

The introduction of gift cards - validated and duzhe core function that allows you to give to your relatives those that are necessary for them.

Sustained cashback

The principle of withdrawing cashback from two girls is simple. You will need to get one of the gift certificates with the function of increased cashback. Having become the owner of this certificate, you can withdraw pennies after 5 credits after the first purchase. Further, it is necessary to know the amount of money to be paid to "Aliexpress" because of the cashback, and when choosing a payment method, it is necessary to select a gift certificate. Come out on the offensive: the first time you get cashback, if you buy yoga, and suddenly - for the purchase of the speech you need, as if it were the cost of death through a certificate.

Recently, a cicavi life hack appeared. The axis of what is the secret:

1. Register in any cashback service de є Aliexpress ()
2. Go from the cashback service to the Aliekpres website
3. Buy a gift card (gift certificate) Aliexpress in advance and get cashback
4. And then, when a new application is issued, you will receive an Aliexpress certificate to pay for purchases, and you will again receive cashback!

Axis of a report about gift certificates from Aliexpress and you can also find them there buy:

Well, the best and best cashback service, you can choose in the rating of cashback services on

How to see your certificates in the Aliexpress public record: go to the "My Coupons" section

The button "My gift certificates" will be angry, click on it and the page for your certificates will appear and the button "Buy certificates"

At the moment, the current nominal values ​​of Aliexpress certificates (sumi) are available:

- 20$
- 50$
- 100$
- 150$

It is important to pay, there are no additional commissions for the purchase of the best gift certificates from Aliexpress.

After the purchase, the certificate is declared in the My Certificates section in the "My Promise" section. When paying for any kind of confirmation, you will be asked to pay for the goods for an additional certificate (On the side of the payment for the confirmation, check the box "Victory certificate").
You can get a cashback, first you can take cashback when you buy a certificate and suddenly pay an hour for any product for an additional certificate.

When buying a certificate on Aliexpress through cashback serv_s Let_shops and EPN Cashback - cashback narahovuєtsya mittєvo і yogo you can immediately show, and when you pay for the goods for an additional certificate, you will need to confirm the confirmation of the confirmation.

Pardons and problems when buying certificates on Aliexpress

Calling on those who need to obtain new functional certificates, they can be blamed for any inconsistencies in the purchase. Great certificates may "end" and become unavailable for purchase. Sound the problem is settled by stretching the doby. Blocking the ability to pay for certificates (if you don’t go to buy an Aliexpress certificate), this problem can be caused by paying with a plastic card (Visa, MasterCard). AliExpress system at this time to ask for dodatkovі vіdomosti about the map.

With whom you can try to pay through any kind of electronic gadget available in Aliexpress (Webmoney, Yandex.Groshi and іn). The problem can also be extended to the purchase of certificates with a great denomination.

IMPORTANT RADA: In order to avoid problems, for the sake of you, you can buy certificates with a nominal value of $10 and regulate the necessary amount of the amount of these certificates.

Also, it’s best for your respect - through those that the certificate is actually not a product, Aliexpress at any time can turn on a new cashback. Therefore, for the sake of you, you need to stock up on certification ahead of time. Before buying a large batch of certificates, if possible, test cashback cashback on cheap goods or certificates with a face value of $10. You can’t tell the purchase of the certificate itself, because you bought the certificate and for some reason the cashback didn’t work out, then you don’t see the “purchase of the certificate”, so don’t forget to activate your cashback and turn on all third-party plugins before buying!

What is the reliability, why can't you buy an Aliexpress certificate?

When buying certificates, you can also download the mobile addendum and fork it, write, more precisely in the end:
"You're worth a better shopping experience.Download the APP"and the "OK" and "Skip" buttons, after pressing the "OK" button, simply transfer to head side mobile version Aliexpress:

The solution to the problem with the purchase of Aliexpress certificates: For any reason not to go and buy a certificate, please copy your $10 certificate entitlement: direct enrollment for the certificate
(You must check the party once you pay for the certificate, you can indicate your number of certificates of this denomination for whatever amount you can buy certificates without any problems)

UVAGA: from 9 February 2017, cashback for certificates was withdrawn, and from 21 February 2019, it became possible to withdraw cashback on Aliexpress again:
If you're in ePN, you can get cashback on Aliexpress gift certificates. Even though I still don’t understand what it means, it’s explainable:
1. You buy a certificate for Ali
2. Receive new cashback
3. Robish purchase for a certificate

Well, how do you like this layout, ha?! If you still haven’t seen the coolness of these propositions, come here:

Koristuvachі іnternet-shopіv chuli about turning part of the sumi for purchases, this process is called cashback and they wrote about it in their articles on this site. On a special day, for a big purchase on the Aliexpress website, you can get 4.5% cashback from a skin deal.

Recently, a chip appeared with a cashback and in this article we will try to get it, so you can take it off, so you can save even more on Aliexpress. In fact, the lower cashback transfers the lower rate of the return of a part of the stained coins.

How to get real cashback on Aliexpress?

We recommend to your respect the instructions on how you can take the cashback:
1. Activate cashback for help:
- cashback service
- plugin
- mobile supplement ePN Cashback

On the ePN cashback website, one is entered and one is activated with promotional codes:
✔ epnbest2018 - this promo code after activation for 7 days
✔ chinatown1217 - after activation dіє 1 day

2. After activating cashback on the ePN cashback website, it will be like this:
- We give the goods that you want to click, in the box on the Aliekpres website.
- Let's go to Koshik.
- Let's proceed to the registration of the application by pressing the button "Issue the application" on the Aliexpress website.
- At the branch "Formation of the application" at the item "Payment method" change to the one that included the setting of "Victory certificate".
Buy a gift certificate for Aliexpress and get cashback for your purchase.

To see your gift certificates and the balance of certificates on Aliexpress, log in to Aliexpress, go to the section "My promise" and then - to "My gift certificates":

You can buy certificates from these contributors, for which you can press the button "Buy certificates" at the top right corner:

Let's choose the required nominal value of the certificate:

Certificates may have different denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $150.
After choosing the denomination of the certificate, click on the new one, confirm the operation of the payment and the amount needed to be deposited on the account (certificate balance).

After you press the "Buy" button on the Aliexpress website, you will be able to pay for the "Victory Certificate":

In essence, a gift certificate is an AliExpress internal gamble, which comes to AliPay change, an internal balance, for which you can pay for purchases on the AliExpress website.
You can buy a certificate on the official website of Aliexpress for the help:

3. If you buy goods on Aliexpress, having paid for an additional certificate, you will receive cashback from the purchase price. Cashback from leather goods on Aliexpress warehouse 4,5% add up to another 10% for the purchase of a certificate - the choice is obvious, if you enter one of our ePN promotional codes, you can vіd 18 to 20.5% cashback. All relevant and most recent promo codes in the VK group

Cashback for the purchase of a certificate becomes immediately available for viewing.
You can pay with a gift certificate and get cashback through a mobile addon.

What is the work, how is the cashback not secured?

There were fluctuations, if a person made a purchase for a certificate, but with that, the cashback didn’t secure, it’s worth it to the one who received the certificates recently.
Certificates of great denominations may run out of time and become unavailable for purchase.
Ale, literally in 24 years, the number of certificates will be updated, so follow the updates.

If, when buying, you got stuck with blocking the ability to pay for a certificate, then most of the time you get stuck, if you pay for a plastic card (Visa, MasterCard). The AliExpress system at this time can ask you to give additional information about the card.
Try to pay with some kind of raja through some kind of electronic gadget available in Aliexpress (Webmoney, Yandex.Groshi and іn.). The problem can also be extended to the purchase of certificates with a great denomination.

Korisnі oradi
– Raju to buy a sprat of certificates of a smaller denomination.
- Before buying a large batch of certificates, if possible, test cashback cashback on the cheapest product or certificate with a face value of $10.
- It is not possible to buy a certificate, so do not forget to activate your cashback through the site or the ePN cashback plugin.

Updated information on how to submit cashback to the raj on the official website

On March 9, 2017, Aliexpress officially paid cashback for gift certificates, and cashback does not get better at once.

How can I withdraw cashback promotions on Aliexpress?
Shards in Birch 2017, Aliexpress introduced a stable cashback, we believe that it is possible to reward as much as possible on all purchases.
TOP shortest cashback services - to help you choose the most profitable cashback service for Aliexpress.
Tinkoff Aliexpress card - ePN cashback service and Tinkoff bank will give 54.5% cashback on the first purchase and 9.5% on all next orders on AliExpress.
Promocode ePN Cashback - increase the rate of cashback on a bank of dollars.

Run out of food? ask your nutrition in the online chat tech support or write yoga below in the comments

Cashback services - these sites, like spivpratsiyut іz online stores. The stench takes away pennies, as if on їhnє they sent virushiti for shopping. The service shares its commission with the buyer - turns part of the sumi into the account. Rosemary cashback ranges from 1-10% for leather purchases, but sometimes it can reach 30%.

When requesting "cashback service" Yandex sees dozens of sites, for example:

  • (companying 1105 stores)
  • (960 stores)
  • (932 stores)
  • (750 stores)
  • (709 stores).

How do you work?

For testing, we chose the Letyshops service. The algorithm for withdrawing cashback is as follows:

  1. Registration.
  2. Choose the store and go for help.
  3. Purchase of goods and services.
  4. Cashback withdrawal for the account service (it takes 30-45 days).
  5. Vivedennya pennies. designer Liza Grachova was going to buy a manicure lamp on the KrasotkaPro website. Yakby won without a hitch, then having paid 6145 rubles for the settlement, using the card and the bank of benefits, buv b standard cashback at the rozmiri 1% - 61 rubles. Liza made a request for an additional cashback service, which promised to return 6.5% of the sum of the purchase. A week later, 399 rubles went to the її rahunok in the special cabinet of At once їy vdastsya turn 460 rubles. deputy 61 rub.

Important details

The return of pennies can be done for 6 tyzhniv. It is important to the service that there were no fictitious purchases. Until then, until a month, you can actually borrow pennies from the bank account for the purchase, and then we will transfer the cashback.

The minimum amount to return cashback to the warehouse service is 500 rubles. Liza needs to buy more, so that the sum of її rahunka outweighed the minimum. Є services, de minimum amount to become 10 rubles. (, 100 rubles. (, 300 rubles. ( Also є obezhennya shkodo vyvedennya sumi vіd 10 yew. rub., for which Lіzі needs to go to the turboti service about clients

You can withdraw money in one of the following ways: to a bank card, to electronic money or to a bank account mobile phone. Translation takes 1-3 days.

Before buying, it is important to pay the price to the store for the service of cashback and passing without interruption. Sometimes the price can be higher if you choose cashback service. The number of air tickets to Cologne on the site when going from added 16624 rubles, and when going directly from another browser - less by 460 rubles. - 16,164 rubles. The warning about this was posted on the site

Sometimes you can’t get enough cashback. Tse to lay in the store, from which the goods are bought, - it seems from The support service of the service was told that a reliable cashback with a variety of bank cards with such an option can be obtained without difficulties.


Standard cashback bank cards become 1%, and in special categories you can turn up to 30%. A cashback service provider can give an additional 1-10%. It's obvious. Before choosing a cashback service, it is important to reconsider that the price is not higher than the purchase without them.

Chi can you take away the subvinced enormity? what is necessary for which growth? Do yaky instances turn around? Be-yak a person, like a dream of becoming a hulk of two or more countries, ask yourself such food. Nasampered, it is necessary to understand the essence of the “underwhelming enormity”.

Podvіyne gromadyanstvo - possibility, as if one hopes to be a gromadyan in one of the lands at once be a gromadyan in another. The adoption of another passport, no doubt, gives a low number of advantages, the legacy of which is rich in many others. Ale, krіm perevag, another passport is imposed on the hulk of the civilized bands of the state. Individuals, yakі otrimali subvіyne bulkiness, are called "bipatrides".

As if a person has already risen in the ranks of bipatrides, be it a power, a hulk like a won є, we can see it in the context of only its own hulk (in other words, one power does not chime in physical individualsє obov'yazki before others and navpaki).

The manifestations of such conflict situations were those that a civil person, as if permanently living on the territory of one state, goiter vykonuvat civilized obov'yazki tsієї power. Leaving one country and moving to another country, the priority for him is the civilian clothes of the country, where the wines are moving.

A person, as if living on the territory of one state, defends herself with her rights all over the world, bearing responsibility for the social behavior.

How to take away the subversive enormity?

It is possible to become a Volodar of a plurality of dependent enormity if you go through the necessary procedures of all powers, a hulk of such a person, if you want to become a hulk. Underwhelming enormity can only be taken away from that vipadka, if a special favor has been signed between the countries.

  • Perevagi

Mayuchi underwhelming enormity, people can:

  • freely cross the cordon, be it from the country, a bulky man like wine;
  • take part in the political life of both countries;
  • rob the sovereignty of the child;
  • plunder the country, pay tributes more efficiently, take away state social payments.
  • Nedoliki

A number of pluses, the Volodar of the underworld bulkiness can close with the minuses:

  • be it a power, a hulk of some won є, you can call її on the passage of obov'yazkovoї military service without the right to vidmova;
  • regardless of the arrangements between the lands of the agreement on the subsistence of taxes, people get stuck with the difficulties of paying taxes;
  • mozhlivi obezhennya professional sphere (bіlshіst powers, for example, zaboronyat rebuvat in the state service, pratsyuvati in the prosecutor's office, the court, engage in advocacy to persons, yakі mаyut podvіyne hromadaism).

How can you take away the subversive enormity of Russia?

The Russian Federation is aware of subvinced agility among the states, if between the powers there is a special favor for subvincible agility, signed by both parties. Only two countries can boast of the presence of such a document - tse:

  • Tajikistan;
  • Turkmenistan.

If the subject of the Federation wants to take away the enormity of the other country (so as not to be included in the list, more points), you may happen to take away not the subordinate, but the "friend" enormity, with whom the Russian Federation considers the ruler of such enormity, like a sub' єkt including his own power. "Another enormity" is a clever term (just a legislative act does not mean anything). Foreign hulks have been fenced off from other hulks from Russian Federation.

How to take away the subversive enormity of Russia?

It is possible to become a citizen of one more country (Crimea of ​​Russia) in case of obligatory punishment to the instance, where it is necessary to take a statement about the presence of a criminal record, a criminal chi administrative re-investigation (Ministry of Internal Affairs rights) and other documents that testify to the subject's credit and social history.

  • turn to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the tієї kraїni, the enormity of what is the subject of the namir otrimati, s murmurings about the troubles of enormity;
  • pay fast;
  • checks for resolution;
  • conquer another enormity;
  • inform the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation about the elimination of other hu- manism