How to start earning pennies on YouTube How to earn money on YouTube from scratch - a new help. How to get respect when making money on YouTube

Really, there are a few ways, like making money on YouTube. Mustaches of feasibility may have the right to speed up, be it a bad one.

So today, right now, you can try your hand. Let's talk about how to earn a penny on youtube from scratch and what you need to work for yourself.

I don’t want to jump ahead a lot, I want to tell you, I don’t want you to obov’yazkovo mother of your channel (want to earn money on the channel). It is not necessary to know the video and post it on the Internet. It also appears that you can get pennies for watching someone else's video on YouTube. Yakshcho zatsіkavilis, propony rozіbratisya zі ways to earn money on video in YouTube and choose an option for yourself.

Abo get to know this article. In yak_y, the income option for beginners is described. Gold coins and millions of dollars of newcomers do not shine brightly. I realized that I would be modest if I made such an income on the Internet, don’t check a lot of pennies. Natomist does not require annual contributions, additional payments and additional remuneration.

While you are still chattering about how you make money on YouTube, hundreds of people are already making money. The time has come and you come to the company and try to earn the first pennies on youtube. Tim is bigger, there is nothing more natural and super foldable here.

How to earn real pennies on YouTube - looking around the possibilities!

As always, I will propagate the most common and the least variant. It will not be rich, but more precisely, then only two. So axis, ways to slander and stench are strongly perturbed one by one. I so axis stink:

  • Earn on your channel on youtube.
  • Earn money on youtube for watching someone else's video.

Like a bachete, you need to know the difference between you. Dokhіd also vіdіznyatimetsya, moreover, in times. Well, let me tell you about it in detail, so that you can understand what option is right for you.

Earnings on someone else's video on YouTube

The Danish option is the same for a beginner, which only a few people try to earn money on youtube. You won't be able to promote your channel, get videos and checks for acceptance from an affiliate program. You can start earning money already today, or rather at once. But the income will be smaller, no one will pay a lot of money for watching video clips.

What is work?

  • You will be more likely to review other people's videos and subscribe to required channels.
  • Also write good comments and put likes. This is necessary for those who want to promote the channel. The stinks are happy to pay you for qi dii. Ale de їx know?

Establish special sites, on which stench you can pay the task of paying the dermatologist, who knows correctly. Your task is simply to register on the necessary site, to know the task, the viconate and take the well-deserved pennies. The best project for this kind of work is already a lot of rock SEOSprint.

Recently, the launch of the Birds Money project has managed to steal the market of economical gambling, but you are already tired long hour lead 2-3 in all projects. The retailers gave the graves wide opportunities for the plan earnings - like with deposits, so without them, as well as generously distributed bonuses for registration, before the increase of the fair and the activity was revealed. Only the creation of a visual record allows take off the boneless bird with a basic surplus and a surplus.

As we say about the varity, the price of one such order starts from 0.01 dollars and can reach 0.05. Sumi is not great, for example, you can spend 30-50 dollars per month for 20-30 such days.

How to make money on your channel on youtube, especially

Price most by-product method. Bring you a good and stable income yourself. Yakiy, before speech, will be passive. Earn great money on YouTube.

Everything is good, you can only take pennies away for a single hour. I'll explain why. You can really create a channel for a couple of quills, a little bit of an ear. Aje schob vin, having begun to give a gift to the sighting of pennies, it will be possible to get some money.

Axis, what you need to earn money on your youtube channel:

  • Take advantage of new video clips, the more beautiful. Well, at least 20-30 pieces of video materials. All videos may be author's, to be taken by you yourself, the shards of others' victories are fenced. You can know if you want to use a camera, but it’s more beautiful than a bagan. Today, people love to marvel not just a good video, which makes the record even better.
  • Reach, schob at the skin video bula pevna kіlkіst pereglyadіv. Your videos are guilty of buti cіkavim and brown. Mother positive assessments that good advice.
  • Mothers need a lot of payers on their channel.
  • Become a youtube partner, doing it for your own good. And the axis here is already folded. Oscilki from Russia and Belarus cannot simply connect to affiliate program for income. You have to submit an application, I can praise the administration. Ale, not everything is so bad, there is another option. You can lay down the favor of the intermediary. Youtube has official partners who will show their services to everyone who wants to.
  • If you were accepted and praised, then you earn money. And the wines are found in the placement of advertisements in your video materials. Vaughn can be on the cob of the video, or splinter in the process of revisiting. Also, there is an option to place an advertising banner right-handed in the video. Ide payment for skin clicks of people from advertising. The cost of one onslaught starts at $0.01 or more. Buy clicks and 0.5 each and call 1 dollar each. The youtube site will pay you 50% of their income.

Axis vzagalі briefly and all. Yak bachite, happen to be vitratiti song hour the strength to start earning some money on youtube. How much money can you earn on youtube? If you think that advertising hype doesn't come on, you're welcome.

I realized that it’s easy to start from scratch, even if you need a channel to create and promote yoga. Not to mention the video clips. In addition, even if this year, video bloggers earn $ 1,000 and more for a month. However, you can spend more than one day on the Internet, reading all the details.

Well, now the choice is only yours. What way to choose what to start virishuvati dermal. Today successful youtube channels earn more than one thousand dollars a month, come join us!

The famous video hosting YouTube belongs to Google, created on February 15, 2005, and in 2013 there may be more than one billion active coristuvachivs. The success of the floor is great, that more and more people will start to work on creating their own video clips and blogs in video format.

For some, it’s just a waste, and for others, it’s a way to earn money, even if it’s for your needs, YouTube can satisfy your financial needs.

Earnings on YouTube

Blame the law of nutrition: how to make money on YouTube? Vidpovіd dosit banal - ubiquitous, all disliked advertising. Every time you greeted this service at least once, then sing-songly started re-watching the video from a 15-second commercial and stuck with ads that “screamed”.

The very placement of third-party advertising allows the authors of the video to take profits. One more logical reason to blame: how can you earn money on YouTube in this way? Average earnings range from $5 to $20 per thousand watching a video clip, it's important to calculate the exact figure.

Obviously, the more you invest videos on your channel and the more people you care for, the more money you earn.

In order to start taking pennies from your video, you need to vikonate a kіlka diy:

  1. Register for YouTube service. Registration is absolutely cost-free;
  2. Collection of author's videos - the most convenient and most important crop. Earnings are transferred to a large number of prepayers, reviewers, positive and negative assessments. Video material may be original. It is allowed to publish more than a good video, or quiet people, as if to hit on it allowed. Zyomka can work on a camera, video camera or a monitor screen, showing and showing. The clarity of the image and the sound can be on high equal, do not hesitate to change the noise, whatever the format of your video blog;
  3. Monetization of your public record on YouTube. It will be impossible to make money on YouTube video hosting without the praise of singing entries. Without a large number of pre-payers, it is not possible to enter into a special partnership program, it is not obov'yazkovo. In order to monetize your channel on YouTube, you need to go to the “Video Manager” section and select the monetization parameter. If this option is not available in your country, you must change your country of residence in the United States.

    For monetization you need:

    • Pass the free registration at the Google AdSense advertising system, how to place ads on video clips, that we pay a lot of wine to the city for the same amount of time;
    • Vіdpovіdnіst vіkovіm obmezhennâ: if you are less than 18 years old, the father's fortune is necessary.
  4. That systematic capture of video clips is regular. Knowing that publishing on the cob stage 1-2 times a day, you can already get thousands of pre-payers on your channel. The channel on which new videos are posted periodically 1 time per river, do not squawk people and it is necessary to protect them. All the material that is presented needs to be optimized for key applications, you can find out about them in the Yandex.Wordstat service. Same by key needs Poshukova system sets the position of your video.
  5. Without dotrimannya tsikh basic rules of earning on YouTube do not go.

How much can you earn for YouTube help?

Millions of audiences to bring riches to YouTube creators. Prote skilki can be earned by reviewing author's videos? The YouTube site pays the authors of the videos 50% (or more) of the income from advertising.

For example, like 10,000 people watched the video, 10 people went through the advertising message, a click for a cost was $ 0.6, and a net income was $ 6. 3$ take your site, and 3$ give you. In this rank, for 100,000 views you can take $ 330, and for a million - $ 3300.

However, the cost of $0.6 is far from skinny: the minimum rate is $0.01, and the maximum is not covered. If you want to earn over 75% of your ad revenue, you need to join a special affiliate program.

Obviously, the creators of the videos get the most income from millions of views. The average wine gets close to $500-1000 from one video.

Such koristuvachiv, the income of some pragne up to millions of dollars, on the site is already worth a lot. We shoot with the butt of Ray William Johnson, which may at the time of writing the article 10684442 of the payer.

The heart of the videos of a respectful nature, the total number of glances on the Ray William Johnson channel is 2625166374.

Mayuchi 854 videos on the channel, more 1-2 more. Approximate income for the channel for the whole hour is $0.6 x 2,625,166,374: 1000 = $1,575,099, monthly income - $262,516. In this way, after 6 years of activity on YouTube, the author of the channel is a millionaire, taking care of her beloved right.

Crime of great income, є іlka dodatkovy pluses: in the first place, the publishing of Ray William Johnson commercials is an additional PR for his comedic talent, in a different way - passive income. The videos are picked up by more and more reviews, bringing new subscribers to the channel without any special introduction of the author.

The most important advantage of earning money on YouTube is those that a business that, having started from a new innovative idea, can develop and bring a lot of income without a permanent job.

The biggest drink is to make videos of a respectful character, prote ce є obov'yazykovoy mental popularity. For whatever topic, there is an audience: popular "let's play", videos, instructions, videos, etc.

Orienting on the trends of the YouTube site, as well as analyzing your ideas and possibilities, be-yak-koristuvach can create a successful video channel without cost.

  • 5. Visnovok
  • In the age of computer technologies, the Internet is rapidly developing. The great popularity among simple coristuvachivs has become the most popular video hosting. І rich people to cackle food - like making money on YouTube. Aje is one of the largest video hosting sites in the whole world. YouTube has a great number of video clips and video clips, on which authors earn pennies for additional advertising.

    How to improve earnings on YouTube social measures, then here the policy is richly simple. With the advent of this video hosting, a lot of people began to think: “How can you earn a penny in YouTube?”. Adzhe is richly eager to know videos and for the same money.

    Today, YouTube is considered the third most important resource after Google and Facebook. Tse majestic video hosting, where millions of different videos have been accumulated. All clips, films, trailers and just home videos. One of the outposts of this popularity has become those who can easily spread their own video here. And far from everyone who knows Youtube knows how to earn money.

    1. How to make money on YouTube on your channel

    Possibility of earning money on YouTube channels is rich. You will need to go through registration with the video hosting service. The registration itself is simple and the problems are not your fault. (Recommended reading - )

    So, you have successfully passed the registration. And now let's learn how to earn money on YouTube. There are a lot of options for earning money at the service. Reportedly, we look at the skin of them in our article site site

    What makes up earnings on YouTube

    Without a doubt, you have been mentioned more than once in YouTube, when you look at any video, it is like an advertisement that promotes a service or a product. Sometimes it's not just one advertisement that runs through a video clip, but a sprat.

    How do you practice?

    We can direct the butt of earning a way of advertising. It is acceptable that the company, for example, prepares kava chi tea. These companies need customers for their products. For whom is advertised by the world-famous company Google. Google is the master of YouTube videohsting, but as we understand you, customers are guilty of buti koristuvachs, like tsіkavlyatsya tea chi kavoi.

    How to know the whole coristuvachi?

    On YouTube, there are anonymous small videos about chi kava tea. For example, a video about how our wounds start with a cup of aromatic caviar, how to choose the right kind of tea. The axis of such videos can be inserted advertising. ? For such advertising, you take a penny. Google pays for skin clicks (pressed with a "bear") on ads, singing video.

    The type of advertising, which we have described, is called a purposeful one, that is for people who like to sip tea or kava. Crimea targeted advertising, іsnuє also brand іn. If there hadn’t been advertising, we think that you have caught the essence of the income and have understood how you can earn pennies through YouTube.

    Now let's talk about the video clip itself, which you know, and upload to the channel. Vіn is guilty of buti cіkavim, high vigor, clean and without third-party noise, sound.

    Obov'yazkovo, the video can only be yours or other people, if they give you permission to place this video in the border. Be kind, if you constantly know the cіkavі video and vikladatimete їх at the border. Tse allow you to know the current forward payers.

    Also, you can earn money on YouTube for the help of advertising on your own video. So, for some, such an advertisement is a big deal for a annoying fly, and for others, it’s a profit.

    Best way to sell for help Youtube

    But you knew that by showing a product you can not only earn likes, comments and earn money on the channel, but also effectively sell the product. How do you like this option, 2-1. Is it possible to find cheap goods in the vastness of Runet and do it all the time? . Aje sama sells a lot of different speeches there. You can just finish talking about the price. Let's work together garnet video looking at which product, viklasti tse on YouTube, and the product on Avіto, pіdkrіpivshi ce vіdeo. We share the course with you, there are enough ideas that you can sell.

    Grow your YouTube channel smartly:

    Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn $10,000 on a new channel

    1. Promotional video on the video itself. A small commercial can be both on the cob of the video and in the middle. One advertisement can be viewed for about 5 seconds and skipped її, and the other can be marveled to the end. Vlasnik video otrimu pennies only for advertising, looking like a koristuvach to the end. I don’t take anything else.
    2. Advertising on the side of the video. This advertising block is placed instructed by a video clip at the upper right corner. The Vlasnik of the video takes less than a penny in that case, as if a person clicks on an advertisement. It’s worth doing “cunning” advertising, even if it’s on the very same place that you were joking in the search system, stop it. For example, you wanted to buy a bike and searched Google for suitable options. Ale potim, having closed all the messages, you go to YouTube to look at the cicave video. And here you see an advertisement about bicycle sales on the side. To that very way, it’s even more dangerous, and you can earn good pennies on it.
    3. Viplivayuchi vikna. At the bottom of the video, banners and other advertisements are often shown. As if looking at someone else, the Vlasnik of the video takes pennies from the advertiser. At the end, you can close it by pressing on the cross at the kutka. Ale, it doesn’t curl up, but sighs, so that the peeping be-yakoy mіg vіg vіdkrit yogo anew.

    Earning on advertising is the easiest way, like earning pennies in YouTube. But for whom it is necessary to create an authoritative channel and bring your own videos there. So, it is necessary to take care of their optimization, so that they are looked over by as many observers as possible (Read also -). And Youtube itself inserts its own commercials into your video. It's better if you connect advertising like Google Adsense.

    To enable this advertising service, you need to enable the monetization function in the setup of your YouTube channel. Zrobiti tse duzhe simply. Then the ad will automatically appear on your video. It’s more convenient, even if it’s not necessary to understand how to put that other type of advertising. And you can get money from Google Adsense either by sending it to WebMoney, which can be done manually and is available to everyone.

    2. You can earn skis on YouTube

    You already knew how you can earn money on YouTube for watching, and now it’s necessary to grow out of the sum of possible earnings. For whom we speed up with a stepping butt. We all know that the clip of the Korean song PSY for the song Gangnam style was looked over by 2.2 million viewers.

    Let's celebrate all-world glory, having taken 2 million dollars from Google Adsense advertising for the whole video.

    If you talk about the average earnings on YouTube, then for 1000 per-watch videos you can get close to 1 dollar. Ale, the whole thing is less than a good number, but you can get a job at a rozmіrі earnings like this. Vіn lie with those videos and show the clickability of advertising - CTR.

    In addition, the price per 1 click of advertising plays an important role. Vaughn to lay on the subject of the video and your entire channel. For example, in the sector of finance, there is a lot of competition. Tse means that there will be more people to put ads on the video, so the price per click is higher.

    Schobblyat approximately 3000 dollars per month, your channel is due to look at dobu do 100 thousand coristuvachiv. So, it is not necessary to achieve a small number, and in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to make good efforts. Golovnya - to create cikavi videos.

    Since you don’t have such skills, you can ask your friends, or you know them all at once. Tse can be videos of different plans: dubbing of different jokes of films, recording of comedy clips too.

    I realized that you won’t earn a big sum in the first months. You need a commitment, patience, that attitude is more than better. Even if you are stale - you will be unique, you will have videos, you will have how many prepayers you will be able to pay them. There are channels on YouTube, it’s easy to bring millions of dollars to your masters of the channel for a river (we have already put a better example).

    The smut rule is to work, like this, and in the future, be-like - you need to take more pennies, you need more pracciuvate. Popular Russian vіdome vіdоbloggers stverdzhuyut, scho in YouTube to do just earn vіd 40 thousand before 150 thousand rubles at the month. Obviously, it’s not a million dollars, but wait a minute, it’s not bad to do it.

    Please note that these video bloggers generate important content. Vin, obviously, is gaining a lot of glances, what is better in his line. Ale wine is badly converted into pennies, otherwise, as it seems at once, it is monetized.

    Can you take a look popular channels on YouTube, to understand the secret of popularity. If you know this foreign channel, which has no analogues in Runet, you can try to reshape yoga in your own way. It’s not easy for any kind of vipadka, but that varte. Do not think that you will receive 3,000 dollars already through the payment. Until such a level, people go rock. Buvayut, zvichayno, blames, if the videos gain hundreds of thousands of views over the course of a few days, but still there are blames from the rules. To make money on YouTube, you need to stock up on strength and patience.

    Read 5 more articles on the topic:

    3. What contributes to earnings from YouTube

    You can see a few of the main warehouse parameters, like a singing world, contribute to the growth of your earnings on YouTube:

    1. Topics and number of videos. We can say at once that this is a commercial advertisement. She can give disgrace to her income, but, unfortunately, she doesn’t look so richly. Therefore, you need to take more videos. The more you watch your videos, the more you earn. In addition, your new video clip will give you additional income after reviewing it by your pre-payers. Is it really bad?
    2. Pushing. This way gives you the opportunity to increase the number of times by looking at your video for a while on the Internet, a way of advertising in various services. Your income is more than yours.
    3. Vykoristovuvat different monetization tools. You give us Google. Monetization tools may be different. As soon as they start winning, then the income from advertising can grow in size.
    4. MOV content. In other words, we can say that if your video is astonishing and English-speaking, then the profit is even bigger. The number of one click they have is an order of magnitude greater. Crimea, you can gain popularity not only in your own country, which is, without a doubt, a plus.
    5. Affiliate programs. Google is the official partner of YouTube video hosting. Ale crim tsієї kompanії, you can also spіvpratsyuvat with other private companies, which only contribute to your earnings in a positive bіk.

    4. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - instruction manual

    To start making money on YouTube from scratch, you need to successively follow the next steps:

    • Register on YouTube. With registration on YouTube, it’s not your fault to blame the problems - you indicate your login and e-mail. І You are registered, as if inadvertently read the instructions for the service.
    • Choose the topic of your video. Earlier we discussed with you that commercial topics can bring you a lot more pennies, less.

    An example of a channel on YouTube on the topic of earning pennies

    Ale vona maє suttevy minus - richer less revisited, lower in popular videos.

    To that, do the next thing for creativity. You can look at your product in a fun and hoarse way. It is possible to get richer than koristuvachiv. So you can hit two rabbits - advertise the product and get potential buyers, which will bring you some money from advertisers.

    Watch the video on the topic:

    Take off the jet plan? launching your penny machine on YouTube on your own and other people's videos!

    Wait, if the theme of your video will not suit you, then sing-song, dana robot bring you no joy. Therefore, start to work those who are like you.

    How to get a video on your YouTube channel to make money?

    We will give some examples on the topic of which you can submit your video for making money:

    1. de vie (or care yourself) maistrom, or just a video about your hoarding (home repair, playing on the guitar, the price of a brand, recipes, etc.)
    2. Video-look at the topic, as you like (movies, games, music, different gadgets, shopping too)
    3. Video gameplay of lovers of igor (passage of igor)
    4. Your personal video (on an intellectual, political, humorous topic)
    • Decorate the channel by doing yoga in front . In order to get a great number of koristuvachiv (pre-payers), it is necessary to create your own channel on YouTube. On this day, the service is offering you a lot of opportunities in order to independently improve and beautifully design your channel. If it's better, you'll have the courage to work with the company for a long time and then change the design of your channel from the fahivtsya. You can create a channel without any cost - for the richest information you can create. Ale schob the channel of the creations is fast and yakіsno, you have to invest a trio of pennies, yakі it’s easy to pay off. There is nothing collapsible in the design of your YouTube channel. For yoga creation, it is enough to go for power. Your task is only to follow the instructions. And you can change the design of the channel by changing the channel.
    • Take a video and learn yoga . In order to understand the video you are guilty of understanding, that the video clip itself is guilty of high quality, sound garniture and proper lighting. Like a record, it can also be on a high level. So don't forget about the rear end. Don't be afraid to experiment. Look at the shots, if you didn’t see them, or they looked bad.

    Good to make a YouTube channel. Yakshcho people bachat, scho canal maє garniy ta original design, then smilivishe subscribe to new

    How to name a channel on Youtube

    Do not hesitate to recap the moments of the video, add respect to the digital processing. Do not think that the coristuvachi can not be appeased and appreciated. Believe me, you should always marvel at the edge of the video.

    • Engage in promoting your channel . So, you need to optimize the video itself poke request. Zrobiti tse zovsіm not important. You will need to go to the site from the selection of key words. Vibirati keywords it is possible in the service - tse service for the selection of words, how you can determine the number of words poshuk system Yandex. Wait, those who click people on Yandex, as a rule, click on YouTube. Naturally, inspiration can buti, for which they develop other services, like punching the keys themselves in Youtube.

    An example of choosing a keyword for your video. Follow the key phrase and it is necessary to pass and record the video, so it will be asked in Yandex 734 times

    Having chosen the keyword that suits you, you can tag it in a different way: in the video itself, in the comments, in the title and description of the video. You can also advertise the video in social networks, which will increase the chances of your video being reviewed.

    • Start practicing with the partnership program . Becoming a Google partner is not easy. For whom your video can have a lot of looking back. You can read all the reports on the official site. You can do it otherwise. You can change the country of the video channel. For example, tse will be the USA. After you mic the monetization of the video. Sob tse robiti, it is necessary to choose the dollar icon.

    See monetization on Youtube videos, tick the boxes

    The income will be greater, so you will put all kinds of monetization.

    Read more 5 articles

    You know how many bloggers earn on YouTube, how to make money on YouTube relevant in 2019 and how to earn newbies their first pennies

    Vitayu, dear friends! Oleksandr Berezhnov, the contributor to the business magazine, is on the alert.

    Today I will tell you about one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet - making money on YouTube (YouTube)

    If you take away the instructions, if you remember how, you can start earning your first pennies from YouTube.

    Sit better, let's go!

    1. Earn money on YouTube - how much money can you really earn

    Today YouTube is one of the most available ways making money on the Internet, even practical skin people can have a computer and other gadgets with video cameras, which allow you to easily create videos and upload them to your YouTube channel.

    It's no secret that every day more and more people have the opportunity to transform their knowledge into the gallery of video creation on a supplementary basis, or to make a major source of income, as you can create your own without investment.

    To the point, the expansion of whose income can be irreplaceable! Everyone can earn money on YouTube: from students to pensioners, service workers to businessmen.

    According to the statistics, the majority of video bloggers - the masters of the government channels on youtube, earn no more than $ 500 per month on popular video hosting.

    If your income here exceeds $ 1000, then you can already be called a professional moneymaker.

    In order to make such a profit, one needs more than one month of hard work and knowledge.

    Dear reader, singly, you know the work of Max +100500, we played clips of “Opa Gangnam Style” and other good videos.

    Virusne video- a video clip, which, for the sake of its originality, is rapidly expanding on the Internet and gaining a large number of views.

    The axis is so quick and easy, practical without investment, people earn good money.

    Nasampered, you need to be aware of how much money you can earn here from a few initial moments.

    2. Why earn money from YouTube - 7 main factors

    If you want to earn good money for Youtube help, then you need to respect these factors.

    Do not be fooled by them, otherwise you will be stupid for a long time in the field in the wake of great incomes.

    The official of the niche.

    The most important basic factor, which is to blame for backing up your channel on YouTube or recording the first videos.

    Win means that you are responsible for choosing a "penny" topic, on which you will conduct your video blog.

    For example, traditionally cheap niches on the Internet are business, finance, earnings, life, and medicine.

    First of all, if you keep a channel on the topic of culinary arts, embroidering with a cross or growing roomy growths, then, more for everything, you will earn daily symbolic pennies, which we won’t get any more for freezing.

    Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

    On the right, the main income on YouTube comes to us in the form of advertising, as it is placed on our videos.

    Obviously, what is more expensive, then we can earn more. For expensive themes, advertising is expensive, because here the revenue of advertisers is much larger, lower for cheap themes.

    And there are too many people to think that I like knitting scarves, choosing stamps, or going fishing, then God himself commanded me to record a video on this topic, even if I know it well.

    Tse Hibna thought.

    Really, the market is wrong, what is needed at a time, and what is not. The very same way to create content on demand and dear to those.

    Chinnik 2. The quality of videos

    Everyone wants to take it better and never give up respect for "hack work", as there is an alternative.

    Therefore, the quality of your videos and, in general, professional work on your YouTube channel is a guarantee of the long-term demand for your videos and, like legacy, an increase in income.

    Don't make your videos on the air.

    It seems like “more beautiful less, that more beautiful!”

    If you want to choose 10 "rare" videos or 3-5 good ones, then choose a choice for the brilliance of the quality.

    Write down these videos with your soul, correct them, so that the stench has a competent structure, add titles and effects if necessary.

    The principle of working on the quality of the video is the same, like in the work on the article - it can be thought out, structured and maximally recommended to the scoring of the coristuvach.

    Look at the videos on the channel in which direction they will be maximum.

    The statistics show that the quality is constantly changing the quantity, especially if there is a video on the right.

    Chinnik 3. Competent selection of SEO keywords

    Here varto guess such a term as relevant, so that you can see the video and description.

    As if you have a video about those, how to grow tomatoes, and in the title it says Putin in the palm of your hand, naturally, coristuvachi swidko go out of your channel and don’t turn around any more.

    Therefore, correctly select keywords for the titles and descriptions of your videos. So it will be easier for koristuvachs to know them and become regular watchers of your channel.

    I’m sorry your task is to turn your views into regular payers and watchers of your channel.

    To get additional traffic, Youtube can be integrated from social networks these days. merezha.

    Chinnik 4. Channel update frequency

    Є garniy visliv: "Stability of the result is a sign of mastery."

    Our task is not just to “bomb” 10 or 20 videos on the first day after creating your channel and forget about the new one for a month or two, but publish your video content regularly!

    It will be the best, as you will place the same videos in a small amount, for example, 2-3 for a week, but work hard, load a clip of rollers at once, and throw your project over for a long time.

    The most regular posting of videos will help you make more money on YouTube, even if it means that you are talking about koristuvachiv.

    Video hosting "intelligence" ce.

    You and your channel are often surprised by the date of publication of the video and the priority of these projects, de facto fresh content.

    Chinnik 5

    The most obvious and sensible clerk, who is easily disguised.

    Knowing its popularity, you can predict how your channel develops exponentially with regular publication of high quality video content.

    Chinnik 6. Methods of monetization

    At the same time, it’s worth talking about earning money on YouTube.

    It should be noted that you already have a YouTube channel, for example, from 30 video clips and a large number of videos you have watched more than 10,000 videos for production.

    Dosit disgraceful result.

    Ale, if you didn’t monetize your video content, if you didn’t rob your video, if you would steal the earnings on your channel, then the price is wrong for you from the point of view of commercial efficiency.

    A report about those ways of monetization of the YouTube channel is known, and why it is special, you will know below.

    Chinnik 7. The quality of monetization

    Let's say that you have appointed yourself, in the same ways, you will earn money on your videos, but it's only the first crotch.

    Another crochet will be the correct placement of monetization tools on the channel.

    For example, if you believe that you earn money on YouTube for additional affiliate programs, then you should think about how you yourself will create affiliate products, so that they will be bought more in your channel.

    3. Make money on YouTube - TOP-7 best ideas

    Let's move on to the next one.

    At a glance, it’s possible to make money on your own YouTube channel and what you need to work to get the maximum income for streaming.

    So, the same channel can bring, with the same input, like 1000 rubles per month, so і thousand rubles per day!

    Method 1. Direct advertising in video clips

    This is a picture, a video on the cob, a watermark, a text, or be-yaka іnsha zgadka kompanії, the product or the service of an advertiser, which has turned to you.

    For example, you are running a video blog on the topic of making Europe more expensive.

    Then, on the cob of skin video, you can place a picture for 3-5 seconds with an advertisement for a travel company that specializes in selling tours to Europe and providing additional services.

    Method 2. Google Adsense contextual advertising

    Tse splivayuchi goloshennya, yakі vіdpіdat the themes of the video. YouTube itself picks up your video content.

    If so, you will deduct payment for a skin crossing for such omissions.

    This way is the simplest and the widest.

    However, most of the vipadkiv vіn nіn nіnpribіtkіvі, whіch hаd dоkhіd, whо hаvе to go іn transitions koristuvаchіv fоr contextual voicings, є іє sаbіlnіshіm.

    Method 3. Selling your goods and services

    For example, at the expense of income for contextual advertising, You take away only a small part of the pennies, you are an advertiser and sell your comrade chi services, and it’s obvious to you.

    By selling your products, you will take back all the pennies, as you can earn for additional advertising.

    I think it made sense.

    Just look at the earnings for the help of Youtube with the glance of an advertiser, sometimes you can advertise your ads on other people's channels (vicory playing other people's videos), or earn money on third-party advertising and take small pennies per click.

    Method 4. Affiliate programs

    Affiliate programs - a profitable income for high-tech YouTube channels with garnoy vіdvіvanіstyu.

    For whatever reason you don't want to sell your goods or services, you can advertise on your channel the products of third-party authors, as they support the topics of your video blog.

    For whom you can also place partnerships and riddles from your videos and from your skin affiliate sale, take off the commissions for the growth of such a year to become 40% to 100%!

    Method 5. Making money on other people's videos

    You can make money on YouTube without watching your own videos. For whom you happen to know the needs of videos and place them on your channel, and then in the same way, monetize them with affiliate programs, contextual or other advertising.

    Tsej sposіb maє one clear advantage - speed of creation of the content, and to be more precise - the necessity of the need in recording your videos, which can save an hour.

    The shortcomings of this income are also obvious:

    • you do not develop your own "brand", but you mean you are spending permanent investments;
    • you can be sued for copyright infringement;
    • at some point, YouTube itself can see your videos and block the channel;
    • You can't control the subject matter of your videos and you're free to someone who isn't the author.

    Method 6. Combining earnings - your blog + YouTube channel

    Such a connection allows you to increase the amount of traffic and create supplementary ability for income.

    How do you work?

    For example, if you have your own blog on WordPress, then you can direct the traffic from the new one to your YouTube channel and in other ways.

    As you have perfected the integration of your blogs from social networks, you allow your blogs to be exchanged with others.

    So you create more marketing pastes and traffic from two types of blogs is more quickly converted into pennies.

    4. How to start making money on YouTube - instructions for beginners

    Tse clumsy dії, yakі include 3 simple cuts.

    Krok 1. Create your own YouTube channel

    It is your responsibility to register your Google account (because you don't have much else), and YouTube video hosting is due to Google.

    Click on all the standard registration crocs and see to your Google public record.

    Krok 2

    I repeat, if you don’t varto zavantazhuvat other people’s videos on your YouTube channel, then you will quickly spend the YouTube ban and all your work will be covered with the middle pelvis.

    Now you have your own channel on YouTube and the very hour to design yoga and get a video, so you can monetize it later.

    Without registration, your channel looks like this:

    Now press the channel design button and select the image you want so that your channel header looks barvy.

    You can just get a thematic picture, so you can get a professional design for your channel with a logo and corporate identity from a designer.

    Tse vimagatime deyakah contribution of pennies to that hour, ale and dovira to your channel will be your best. About the statistics of successful video bloggers.

    Krok 3. Monetize your channel

    At the same time, it’s important to talk about the monetization of your channel without intermediary for the help of one-dimensional internal functions of YouTube itself.

    For whom we go to the site of YouTube, go to the distribution "My channel"

    At the stompchik, which I noticed, click on the “channel”, then on “status and functions”, at the top of the page we will click on the “monetization” function, but until we click on “submit an application”.

    Again, turn to the “channel” and select “USA” in the “country” menu. So it’s easier for us to go through moderation at YouTube for approving an application for monetization.

    Turn back at the "status and function". Now, in front of the "monetization" item, the "upload" button can appear.

    Tick ​​on it and confirm the inclusion of monetization on your channel, following the further instructions.

    Everything went well, after one hour you submitted an application that passed moderation and you will receive confirmation of confirmation.

    Now you can earn money on YouTube.

    Now you know how to monetize your channel. I agree that given instruction help you to create a stable income on youtube.

    marvel report instruction from Stas Bikov, how to earn on YouTube by video format:

    5. Visnovok

    Today, we looked in detail at the topic of earning money on YouTube.

    For wealthy people, this video hosting offers wide opportunities for creating a powerful business or supplementary traffic.

    However, this method of earning income from the Internet will require a song hour.

    Then, later on, look at the video and their recordings will become for you not only a hobby, but, perhaps, to transform into the right of all life.

    As practice shows, on the cob work over your channel until the first surplus is taken, sound mine from many days to many months.

    Also, your YouTube channel is a wonderful addition to a text blog and can be an additional PR tool for your author when selling your goods and services.

    At the article, you can earn money, you can earn vikoristovuyuchi YouTube and navіv real applications of bloggers, how to keep your own video blogs.

    To the point, starting to take income from the Internet for helping your channel, you immediately become a video blogger.

    I wish you good luck and great earnings on YouTube!

    If you like the article and how to make money, described in it, then put likes and share your thoughts on the topic in the comments.

    Detailed instruction rozpovist, how to make money on youtube from scratch newbies. Regular readers and vivacious guests will receive the same information from the Vlasnik on the Zrozumile TV channel. At the end of 2016, the channel has two fates. At once there were over 5,000 prepayers and 600,000 revisits. For otrimannya tsikh pokaznikіv cheating was not vikoristovuvaetsya.

    Don't talk about those that the dollar exchange rate is steadily rising. We can’t discuss without work what the minimum pensions are - we don’t care about anything. Came to youtube to pile up a penny? To create an article and then understand - how to earn on YouTube from scratch in 2016. Get out of your thoughts and fix it, find it, work hard!

    A little postposterigaemo for the trend. The graph clearly shows that the question: “how to earn money on YouTube” is becoming more and more popular.

    Approximately this is the very curve of the question: “how to make money on youtube from scratch”. It’s not worth talking about those who are rich enough to want to be able to find additional opportunities for earning money for themselves, prote, I don’t know why.

    How to start earning from scratch on youtube Instructions from "A" to "Z"

    1) Start your channel on Youtube

    How to make money on YouTube without a channel? Niyak (if you earn money, then it’s not rich). The first thing that needs to be done is to create your own channel on youtube. It sounds too loud, but it really takes everything to Google registration. If you register your post with Google, you can create your own channel after switching to YouTube.

    2) Choose a topic for the channel

    Earn on YouTube from scratch in 2016 roci, without the right choice The topic will be even more problematic. Why are we timidly advancing visnovok: we need to choose a theme, as if it were not only for the payers, but also for you. As a whole, you can really get a piece of topics on your channel (I don’t talk about anything nasty in it).

    3) Designing a YouTube channel

    If 2014 has created its first channel - Understand TB , giving more respect to the folding of the hat (a picture that looks like the next time you enter the channel). Vaughn dosi є oblichchiam (title page) of my maidanchik on youtube. It is good to understand that it is necessary to select informative intros for skin video.

    4) Recording that exciting video on the youtube channel

    Without recording, that video capture on the channel is not known in any way, as it is from 0 earning on YouTube. Just don’t think it’s okay to see everything go smoothly, and the videos are marvelous millions of koristuvachiv youtube. So it’s less than 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000 hits.

    Let me give you a couple brown colors on the topic of recording and capturing a video:

    - Before you add a video to the channel - take a look at it, see the noise, add additional information over the video (name of your channel, other data required);

    — content (audio and video) may be copyrighted. The video is not stolen, but if you need songs, then youtube has its own library bezshtovnyh pisen, if you can win in your videos, do not violate your rights. Don't listen to me - reject the "strike" or advance on Youtube. The channel accumulate three "strike" and block it (farewell to the hour);

    - it is important to add short videos to the channel, in which such a problem is shown, those that are written about in the name of the video are shown. Before the speech, I will name the description of the video as necessary to work correctly (select key words);

    - To start making money on YouTube from scratch, you need to choose the frequency of adding new videos. More often, more often. Optimally 1-5 videos per day, fallow on the subject. There is no one to talk about the importance of adding a large number of videos for the first month to the channel. I dare not wait for the cym. I recommend adding a video for this scheme:

    1 month - 5-30 videos;

    2 months - 5-30 videos;

    3 that coming month - no less than 5-10 videos per month.

    Templates are not needed here, the numbers are smart.

    - For example, you can ask the viewer to subscribe and rate the video. If the content is “bullshit”, then don’t say it more briefly (safety dislikes). Ledve not forgetting - don’t get too far with such scum - you don’t love a zhebrak.

    5) Recruitment of forward payers to the youtube channel

    How to make money on YouTube from scratch, without looming overpayers? Unrealistically well, even if the pre-payers are the same people, they are one of the first to look at new, added videos. The stench itself gives the videos first likes and comments, which are so important for the development of the channel.

    In order, schob, you can win a sprat of ways:

    - we ask all friends, relatives, susidiv, classmates and colleagues to subscribe to your miracle channel;

    - Buy for 0.25 - 0.5 rubles in front of payers on the wrong site (you can earn and spend pennies on the development of the channel, or you can show them);

    - vykoristovuєmo all possibilities, yakі proponuє youtube (button-subscription right subscribe button and more);

    - subscribe (there are groups in social networks, some of them are also newcomers, as you can win a mutual overpayment). How do you work? You subscribe to their channel, and stink - to yours.

    6) Gaining views on the youtube channel

    How everything started on my channel (look back for the first 90 days):

    Do you think that you can’t make money on YouTube without looking back? That n_yak. Without revisiting, there will be no advertising, there will be no earnings. It is important to tell everything about what was written on the mountains - that's right, to rozrakhovuvaty, even if you look at it. Come on, dial, look around, help:

    - Vlasny site (for $ 100 I can help with cym);

    - bazhannya that pragnennya to the point.

    6) Affiliate program (media-merezha)

    Now it's an hour to ask for food: how to make money on YouTube from scratch. Have you robbed the nefarious robot and look at the channel most of the day? Already є 100 forward payers and 3,000 revisits (the same style is required in order to start making money)? You can do it boldly to the affiliate program. After all, the world knows how to make money on YouTube from scratch in 2016.

    7) The presence of one's own ideas and ideas

    In the course of time you will understand why I myself emphasized my respect on these six points. Through tizhnі, mіsyatsі those rocks vіdkriete for yourself new. Victory for the sake of it, do not fight to prove your own, new.

    To analyze statistical data, tweet the Youtube Analytics program. Put together your puzzle, which clearly supports the supply: how to make money on YouTube from scratch for beginners.

    Tell your friends about the article, maybe they would like to know how to start earning money on YouTube from scratch. Thank you!