Pardons when updating Windows - Corrected most often

At Windows update up to ten rich koristuvachs get a pardon C1900101. Microsoft retailers are working on solutions to complex problems, but before the release of a major update, you will have to deal with the problem for additional guidance from these articles and recommendations.

What is it

Let's figure out what the C1900101 pardon is, what appears when Windows 10 is installed. We are right, it's not a pardon alone, but a whole complex. Tsey code signifies only the visibility of the problem to the singing group. For example, the window with notes 0×C1900101-0×40017 symbolizes the problem USB driver or old drivers, for example, a video adapter.

The problem with the code 20017 can be blamed through the activity of the antivirus during the next hour Windows installation 10, inconsistency of the driver for hard drive SCSI or connected peripherals.

Vyhodyachi z vysheskazannogo, it's easy to ask for whiskers: pardons with the code C1900101 evoke the greatness of the factors and for the skin rash, the ways of their virishennia will be different. We will talk about them below, stating that the problem is to blame, as the hour of updating Windows to ten, so in the forward stage.

In case of fault C1900101, during the pre-upgrade phase, it is necessary to lower the recommendations below.

  • Obov'yazkovo perevіryaєmo vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіnіnі іdpovіdnіnі hardware іnіnіmіlіmіmіm sistemnym vomogy (rubіvі vіgі vіgі vіlnogo voskа na disk).
  • Navigate to the Software\Distribution directory on system partition And you can see it in the "Download" folder, as if you were in a new one.
  • Let's erase the folder "$Windows. ~ BT", stashed in the root of the system disk.
  • Vіdklyuchaemo (more shortly vzagalі deіnstalyuvati) antivirus program for an hour of updating Widnows 10.
  • Vyimaёmo all flash-accumulative Windows distribution), as Windows updates are taken from a flash drive, and all non-essential peripheral devices are turned on at the same time.
  • We will update the drivers of the used hardware components, having taken them from the official website of the maker or the support side.
  • To simplify the task, you can speed up the program, for example, Snappy Driver with a driver package or Driver Booster, as you can find new drivers on the Internet and install them on the system.
  • Selectable BIOS takeover in UEFI mode (such as motherboard yoga support).
  • Restart the system and go to UEFI by pressing Del or F2 after initialization. Go to Boot and behind the help of the keyboard, set the value of the Boot List Option parameter as in the screenshot.

Set the default value of these parameters for the update hour manually, or disable the reset that is charged for overclocking (no value for overclocking) vikonuvavsya through the BIOS or third party addendum that Windows is functioning before the upgrade).

After seeing all the above recommendations, you can start the upgrade process. At this time, the Windows 10 retailers recommend the option of installing a larger storage device with the enabled global mesh The use of Wi-Fi is especially worthwhile.

Private options for solving the problem

We report on the most serious problems with the vindicated pardon number 40017. Vykhodyachi s danih corporation Microsoft, out blaming through the drivers. As from the installed programs for managing the functioning of hardware security, it cannot digital signature, which is acquired from a third-party resource. Take it with the help of unofficial drivers, for example, installed for the help of such programs, like SDI, DPS.

For more hovering more vipadkiv, the driver does not avenge the digital signature and it does not accept Windows installer 10 pm update. To fix the problem with pardon 40017, it is necessary to increase the number of reverification of digital signatures of drivers.

  • Enter "verifier" in poshukovy row or the text form "Vikonati" and embossed "Enter".

  • At the window "Dispatcher for rechecking drivers" select the first option and click "Dal".

  • On the other side, it’s stamped “Dali”, without changing anything, and check, while the program scans the system for the presence of unsigned drivers.

  • We wonder if the programs of any hardware components do not have a digital signature;

At the bagatioh vipadkah after leaving Windows drivers automatically install or request a koristuvachevі vykonati tsiu procedure. For the victors of such a child, a pardon is granted 40017.

Even though nothing helped, even retailers recommend turning back to the center of support detailed information about the system hardware security This additional information for explaining the reasons for the appearance of a problem 40017. The remaining option is to install Windows 10 again from the format of the system volume to replace the update.

Another for the frequency of vindication is a pardon with the code 20017. There are impersonal factors that call for it, and for a skin condition, it is a clear method of solving the problem. Crimium of the above-named inclusion of anti-virus, attachments that are not vikoristovuyutsya, updating drivers for the most part of the reasons for the appearance of problems with the code 0 × C1900101-0 × 20017:

  • A dash or a hyphen at the name of the computer - the next character to be taken from the name of the PC.
  • If you choose a SCSI hard disk, you will have to install the driver for the new one manually before updating Windows or switch to a HDD with a SATA interface.

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Pardon 0x80070002 can be detected when updating Windows 10 and 8, under the hour of installation or fixed Windows 7 (as well as when upgrading Windows 7 to 10) or the installation time Add-ons for Windows 10 and 8. Possible other options, but they are listed more often for others.

At this instruction - in detail about possible ways fix pardon 0x80070002 for all other versions of Windows, one of which, I agree, depends on your situation.

Pardon 0x80070002 pіd hour of updating Windows or installing Windows 10 on top of Windows 7 (8)

The first of the possible relapses is a reminder about the pardon when upgrading Windows 10 (8), as well as in the relapses, if you upgrade already installed Windows 7 to 10 (so you run the tens installation in the middle of Windows 7).

First of all, reverse, that the Windows Update service (Windows Update), the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) and the Windows log are running.

For whom, read the following:

If the specified services were disabled, then after they were started, they were reversed, and pardon 0x80070002 was corrected. If the stench was already on, then try these things:

Perevirte, the problem has been fixed.

Additional possibilities for problems with system upgrades:

Other possible pardon options 0x80070002

Pardon 0x80070002 can also be blamed in other situations, for example, in case of malfunctions, at the start of the launch or the installation (updating) of the Windows 10 program store, at the same time - at the start of the launch and try automatic renewal systems (often Windows 7).

Possible options for diy:

  1. . As a pardon for vinicating at startup that automatic failures, try to go into the safe mode with support for the measure and viconate the same.
  2. If you have programs for “turning on the power” of Windows 10, try turning them off and changing them hosts files and Windows Firewall.
  3. For programs, please check in (for the store, that program is OK, so change it, so that services are included, listed in the first distribution of instructions).
  4. If the problem of Winickle is not so long ago, try vikoristovuvaty (instruction for Windows 10, but in older systems it's the same).
  5. As a pardon when installing Windows 8 or Windows 10 from a flash drive or a disk, if the Internet is connected at the installation stage, try vikonat and install without the Internet.
  6. Just like in the previous section, change the settings, so that the proxy servers are not turned on, and the date, hour and time zone are correctly set.

Maybe, is there any way to fix the pardon 0x80070002, so I can request present moment hour. As you have a situation, I report it in the comments, as for myself and after that a pardon appeared, I will try to help.

Too many updates to Windows 10 something went wrong. Chi bula tse filthy example, otherwise Microsoft screwed up not the floors much, like when Windows 8 came out, we know it's worse. At once, we will try to solve this problem in the old way, for the help of a bet militia.

If the 29th day is coming to an end, otherwise it has long passed, and your reserved update has not yet come, then there can be two reasons: systemic help. It's easy to misunderstand that vіknі, de vie reserved their update. Another reason is that the renovation tried to be entangled, but for unreasonable reasons, the entanglement ended in failure and a pardon 80240020.

Submit the magazine to the center for updates and rewrite it, which was a test of interest. My mind has two of them. Obov'yazykovo install all stop updating to your operating system, including "neobov'yazkovі" patches. My mind has nine of them.

Rezavantage the PC and reverse the presence of the update again. As the system writes, it doesn’t matter, or you see a pardon, you need to work like this:

Open the folder at C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete it instead. Fill the folder itself on the mist.

After that, start the command line with the name of the administrator. Next, enter the next command: wuauclt.exe /updatenow (without paws), after which open the update center again. If you have a pardon again, then repeat the procedure;

So what else, the news center may have a notification about zavantazhenny Windows 10 (three more than five gigabytes in Windows 10 Pro x64). After the advancement, the process of preparing the upgrade before installation will be revealed. Depending on the speed of the computer, the process can take up to an hour. If you please, please proceed with the proposition before installation.

Even though Windows 10 hasn't shown up yet, you can download the installer from the Microsoft website and upgrade through it.

Choose the capacity you need and hire an installer. Then run the installer. Here are two types of setup. The first transfer is direct capture and update, the other type is to allow capture of the image (capture ISO for burning to disk or burn the image to a USB flash drive) and update from nose. If you can see if there is another way and a further "clean" installation (not updating, but formatting the disk and installing the OS on a blank disk), then you need a product key. When upgrading from Windows 7, 8, 8.1 (first type of installation), the key is not needed.

on Narazi relevant Windows version OS - 1703. I can call my friend - "Creators Update" (Renewal for designers). Before that, there was a version of Yuvilein - 1607.

The first update was a little codename - 1511.

Obviously, if you have Windows 10, then it's already small enough.

In fact, the retailers of the same time did not forcefully zmusili all koristuvachiv regularly upgrade software. To turn off auto-updating, to be kind enough to rummage around all the adjustments.

Need to upgrade?

Updates are needed to improve the productivity of the robotic operating system.

So, for example, in the rest of the Creators Update they added game mode for optimization of robots and resource-intensive programs.

The priority of whichever way is given to games, but also the efficient Game Mode, because on a permanent basis there are a lot of programs that work with background mode.

I, in fact, only one part of the renovation.

In addition, in this version, retailers implemented a new unified Unified Update Platform.

Z її help rozmir interesting files changed. It became possible to start the mechanism, which zavantazhu only rest change, but not all.

In addition, you can specify your Ethernet connection as a limitation.

So auto-renewal is not needed, as your tariff plan a few gigabytes are connected to the Internet.

However, scho robiti, yakscho it is not against it, but the axis of the computer is not traction?

Upgrade process

The rest of the Windows 10 Creators Update arrived a few months ago.

Narazі won is available to almost everyone who wins a licensed OS.

Most of the update process is brought to automatism, you don't need to do anything.

If your computer still doesn't want to take the update on its own, you can do it manually. For whom to launch a special Windows program 10 update assistant. If you don't know, you can get it from an official resource.

Zavdyaki tsomu PZ on the cob pochnetsya zavantazhennya necessary installation files. Be prepared that the song hour may be needed.

It shows the security of your Internet connection and the security code of the operating system. Tim is no less, be prepared, next year you will have to do something else.

Sometimes the procedure is limited to a few years. So you don't need to change as much as you need to work with your computer.

You can't go wrong with the renewal process. If you turn your PC off the living system, you can seriously damage the operating system.

In addition, you can install a clean system on your Creators Update computer. It works for the help of special software Media Creation Tool. Vaughn does help to upgrade the OS from scratch.

Before the speech given program also create an advanced disk/flash drive to install the operating system on other computers.

Usunennya pardon 0x800705b4

Tim is not less, all the same pardons are announced at the hour of the installation.

Moreover, do not forget to lie, chi correctly upgraded the operating system. Decals on the right side of the internal failures of the robot. Dosit often koristuvachі stikayutsya s pardon 0x800705b4.

Causes її appear to sound like incorrect robotic networks or DNS servers. Obviously, the computer cannot acquire the required files from all over the world.

In addition, the appearance may be swindled by the presence of old drivers in the system. Well, stink, with your blackness, cry out for trouble.

You can fix the problem like this:

  • Navigate to install and find Windows 10 there.
  • There will be written “Additional parameters”. Її it is necessary to choose.
  • You may be given a new window with an expanded set of upgrades. Find the option “When updating Windows, push updates for other Microsoft products”. This krok solves the problem with the driver conflict and the update itself.
  • Dali Well for Malim - zdіysnіt re-advancement.
  • With your right foot, I will manually launch the update. Like tse zrobiti, we looked at more. After the interest required files you can turn to the update menu and again allow the system to update other utilities software security Windows.

However, be sure to update the drivers for graphics devices and other devices on your own. You can easily find it by going to the official site.

Most of the conflict is caused by video cards. It is necessary to update us in front.

Tsey way Guilty of piditi, as the problem was with drivers and other software solutions. If the pardon of a trio of another kind is connected with the Internet, then they will be others.

Nasampered, reverse the Internet-z'ednannya. Moreover, it’s like it’s obvious, and it’s practical.

So for an hour at the time of non-payment of the Internet connection, the provider does not allow you to enter the site, obviously, it is impossible to get updated in the whole world. Since everything is good for my plan, let's go to the DNS server.

For the cob, try yoga on the cob. Perevirte, chi є access to public servers.

Most often, the role is played by and Well, it’s not in order, it’s possible to tinker with lashings.

However, it will be necessary, if you don't know how to download the Creators Update, but you can speed up the process.

In this rank, pardon 0x800705b4 is not so scary anymore. To fix the problem, you need to check the versions of the drivers more than once, and also install the Internet correctly.

One zakovik - all I need to do by hand. So there is nothing like that, PZ, what a zdіysniv bi tse everything is for you.

You can blame it on what you can call special programs, as they are engaged in updating your drivers on your computer.


However, 0x800705b4 is not the only problem, as it is due to the hour of the update. Zocrema, through NET.Framework's inconsistency. maybe pardon 0x80070643.

The problem is being solved by the way of the NET.Framework platform innovation. For whom do you have a special software from Microsoft.

If you are interested in that installation, your task will be to carry out, in fact, the reinstallation of the platform. In addition, pozbavtesya side files, yakі vynikli after the ruined work.

It is best for these purposes to use programs from the official site. Dodatkovo you can speed up the software for cleaning up incorrect files in the registry and other changes.


What does it mean given a pardon so to the end and unreasonably, prote methods її usunennya already created.

Zocrema, fix the inclusion of additional gadgets in the computer. You need only a bear and a keyboard. They gave you a chance to see the antivirus.

Reverse it, the hour is correct on the computer, the date is correct with today's day.

Let's try to update drivers for all components. Moreover, for these purposes, the warto go to their official sites.

In addition, the problem may lie in the fact that you do not have enough space on your hard drive. Minimum - tse 25 GB.

Until then, go to BIOS. Marvel at the fact that everyone is safe because of the improved security.

Carry out the installation with the help of the Internet. For the completion of all visits, everything can go smoothly.


Tsya pardon viskakuє with incorrect date parameters and hour.

Cream of that possible reasonє zbіy pіd hour zavantazhennya. Apparently, the folder is corrupted and does not allow the update to be carried out correctly.

Fix the problem from the elementary - move on to adjusting the hour of that date.

Your task is simple - set the real hour, change the date. Also varto turn respect for the time zone. After that, restart the computer.

An alternative solution to the problem is to rename the Software Distribution folder behind the C:\Windows directory. Then repeat the installation process again.


Tsya pardon to say about the poshkodzhennya zavantazhuvalnyh files. Otzhe, for її correcting it is necessary to re-carry out the zavantazhennya.

You can create it independently for any kind of help for official utilities.


Alert about the pardon 0x80070070 talk about those who are too few on the computer free space. However, the last option is to use virus software on the OS.

Do not turn off the option and with a large number of downloaded files at the register.

In order to solve the problem under the name 0x80070070, it is possible, having dealt with the possible skin cause, okay.

You need to call the place on system drive. Try to remove the timchasov files and programs, yakі not vikoristovuyutsya.

Obov'yazkovo to carry out external scanning of the system for viruses.

So hurry up special programs s cleansing at the register.


Typical OS problem with 64-bit architecture. Under the hour of the update, there is a conflict between the architecture and the software environment.

A pardon is given by the following commands:

  1. Open the command line under the rights to run the administrator.
  2. Run DISM with new keys:

DISM.exe /Online/Cleanup-image/Scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Check while the computer completes the task. Let's repeat the installation process.


It's a pardon in the aftermath of failure backup files through the archiving program in Windows 10

Most often, the problem lies in the incorrect prescription of parameters in regional settings. A point is inserted as the value of the tenth branch.

Go to Additional parameters. For them, on the contrary, put the icon “.” If you decide to re-install it, it will be re-installed further away.


Most of the problems, which are blamed on the hour of installation of Windows 10 updates, are successfully eliminated. For an hour, it takes a deaky hour, but for that one varte.

For example, at the rest of the version it is implemented to complete the game functions, including the new game mode.

In addition, the mechanisms of swedcode and productivity can be gradually improved.

The only thing is that it is necessary to finish some of the visits, so that the installation was successful.

Often conflict and troubles come through incorrect work drivers, virus activity of the system and pardons at the registry. However, in some cases, the role of a dot plays a role in the formations.

The update can be configured as an auto-update, or manually as an available option.

Must-haves for this utility can be found on the official site. It is written there reporting instructions how well the update was carried out.

Koristuvacha protees receive a pardon. The most common trap is 0x800705b4. Vaughn is closely tied to computer access to the Internet.

It is necessary to reconsider as a z'ednannya, and th DNS. Zokrema may be the cause of a driver conflict. In this rank, upgrade them more quickly until the very upgrade of the system.

Ring out to pass without steps, but in a circle of koristuvachivs, they blame pardons on their own.

The widest of them is a pardon with the code 0x80240020, as it appears either on the cob itself, or closer to the middle of the process.

With the appearance of a pardon, the installation of renewal is attached and it is impossible to renew. Let's figure out who the viklikana is and how to go after her.

Reason for vindication pardon 0x80240020

According to Microsoft, the pardon 0x80240020 when upgrading to Windows 10 is due to the failure of the "dozens" installation files, as well as the impossibility of identifying the root that has been upgraded to the system.

Remaining obov'yazkovo for the completion of the venture and the installation of any Windows updates.

After backing up a copy of "dozens" for a few days or a few days, files will be downloaded to the computer for installation.

All data is stored in the $windows.~BT folder on the system disk partition.

Bagato Koristuvachiv, who got stuck with pardon 80240020, wrote on the forums that they tried to install Windows 10 without checking the request.

And here the reason came to mind - the system did not catch up with all the necessities.

How to reach out, if it happens, the problem will escalate by itself.

How to ask for a pardon?

Although Microsoft did not publish a method for resolving pardon 80240020 when upgrading to Windows 10, it has been found.

І vіn vyyavivsya dosit forgive.

In the event of a failure, the system will display one of the following messages on the screen:

"Windows cannot know the required file." This is how it appears, if the renewal process is interrupted on the back.

Alert "Something happened" (it was trapilos) ring out closer to the middle of the process.

To do this after the appearance of one of the reminders:

  • Rezavantazhte computer and go to Windows pid face record administrator. Don't worry, you can't do it old version Windows for such a pardon zavantazhuєtsya that pratsyuє.
    If it happens again when restarting, set the computer to safe mode.
  • Open the folder %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete it instead. Part of the objects in this directory are Windows 10 installation files.
  • Start command line.
    • For Windows 7: press the keys Windows + R and in the "Enter" field of the "Vikonati" program, enter cmd. Press the OK button or Enter.

    • For Windows 8: open context menu Start buttons and click "Command row".

  • Vikonate in command line"wuauclt /updatenow" instruction, where wuauclt starts the WSUS update refactoring agent, and the /updatenow parameter means "wuauclt recheck is negligent".
  • Check it out when Windows files 10 will be interested in a new one, and repeat the installation through Windows Update.
    • Uviyshovshi to the center Windows update 7 or 8, press the button "Reserve no cost updates».
    • At the confirmation of the request, as soon as it is confirmed, press again “Reserve a no-cost update”, enter your address email and click “Send confirmation”.
    • Close the window.

As soon as you know the devil, you take into account the information about the possibility of continuing the installation of the “tens”.

You can check the downloaded files at the Windows Update Center.

If you want to start getting Windows 10 again, you can proceed to install it or put it on later.

Please! If you don’t want to check, while the system itself takes over the update, you can take Windows 10 from the official Microsoft website, convert it to an ISO image (you can use the Media Creation Tool for 64- and 32-bit systems, available there), transfer it to old accumulator - DVD or USB flash drive, and spend clean installation.

When installing Windows 10 from a newer environment, the update pardon 80240020 does not appear.