Signs behind the help of the keyboard. How to type characters on the keyboard. How to type special characters on the keyboard in Windows

When typing the text, it is necessary to type the steps of the number. Ale, there are no such symbols on the keyboard, he has been given the task of confounding rich coristuvachiv. If you are also stuck with a similar problem, then this article is guilty of helping you. Here you know how to write steps on the keyboard.

If you only win the keyboard, then you can only write to a friend and the third step, so that the number is squared or the cube. For which vicory the key combinations are Alt + 0178 (square) and Alt + 0179 (cube).

In order to show that it is impossible to change the algorithm for some reason, you will have to use Polish letters in the names of the collections. Understandably, the flexibility and versatility of accepting a proponated standard will depend on the obviousness of the support program, which will implement the standard on a widely available possession. Here you are to blame here, zokrema.

Press the plus sign for a new look. So just choose Standard. One example of a propaganda web site. Tse already to avenge the collection of texts, we become “blind”. Already rozcharovuє vsіh, scho stench pardon. You can enter qi characters. For a long time, the rule was those that the keys on the keyboard were assigned in song order, which can be described in this order. The key of division into chotiri parts; qi parts are assigned to the offensive symbols: the lower left kut is the symbol of the first equal, the upper left is the symbol of another equal, the lower right kut is the symbol of the third equal and the upper right kut is the symbol of the fourth equal; Just one and the same letter is entered on the first and the other equals, and only the register is changed, upper case only the keys on the keyboard are displayed. What is the third river and how to turn it on?

It's easy to use these combinations of keys. need to squeeze Alt key and utrimuyu її press dial on the numeric keypad 0178 or 0179.

The key combinations Alt + 0178 and Alt + 0179 are used in most text editors, including all versions of Word and the great Notepad.

Steps in Word text editor

If you work in a Word text editor and you need to write a number step, then it’s easier to speed up with a special button, as it is called “Supervision sign”. In modern versions of Word (for example, in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016), this button is located on the "Head" tab. See the sign, which is guilty of the step of the number and press on the button.

The secret here is simple, only a few of them, so what else, do not know or do not forget. Until the rest of the pressing, the keyboard is picked up by the characters of another equal. The higher-order marking rule can be called in a different way. Please note that at the same time the keyboard is not visible, but just a symbol that you enter by clicking on a specific key. It is acceptable that the wine was covered with black paper, as if opening square boxes on open windows. At the highest position, the symbols are in the left lower fold.

Which symbol will be displayed, there will be introductions. And now match the standard and digital keyboards. How many characters do you see on the first picture, which is not in another? Click here to get the installation of this changed layout. Now, how often do you need two characters? In this way, the "digital" keyboard is not so far-fetched.

As a result, you subtract the number and steps. It is necessary to note that in the quality of the world it is possible to win not only numbers, but also letters.

You seem to be rooting for old versions text editor Word, for example, Word 2003, then in order to work the steps you need to see the number, click on it right button bears and select "Font".

Numbers in the most popular keyboard layout in Lithuania are on the third level. Theoretically, everything is the same, as in the picture, it can also be displayed on the physical keyboard. In practice, with the Lithuanian physical keyboard, there is one “cell” - the kuti and the upper ridges “get lost” - the third and fourth equals are shown, de fault but the first and the other, and the friend is shown de fault but the third. In addition, there is often no symbol €, which we may need soon. The radium is left out, so that the text you enter is left as water, and not as a vibrating symbol.

As a result, the "Font" window will appear. Here it is necessary to turn on the superscript font and save the pressure on the “Ok” button.

In such a rite, the number was seen to transform into steps.

You singly had to type the text, de presence special characters. Part of їх є on the keyboard, for example @,$,%,& .

In Word and similar programs, it is possible inserts from the table of special characters. However, you can take a look in it good time otherwise, the required special characters may not appear there.

In which tab you can enter їх for an additional input code on the keyboard.

General information

For help, tsієї keys rіven altі numbers on the right keyboard ( numpad) You can display different special symbols on the screen. What else to call Alt characters.

It is necessary if you are typing text, where there are signs of different currencies and other rare symbols.

Special characters table

Code for the introduction of special characters represented by the great number. To that it is easy to marvel at looking at the tables. You don't have to save or rozdrukuvat them, so that you can easily enter the required code.

For example, to insert a smiley face icon, you should press the key alt and on the right (digital) keypad, press a number 1 . After you release the keys, a special symbol ☺ will appear on the screen (in some types of wines, it can be black and white).

Symbol table (independent of keyboard layout)

Crimea tsikh symbols, є th іnshі. at different layouts keyboard, you can view the results on the screen.

Character table (English keyboard layout)

Symbol table (Russian keyboard layout)

Deyakі symbols are repeated, and deyakі will be revitalized, when introduced in different language. So with the "English" introduction Alt+0193 viide symbol Á , And with the "Russian" already B. The axis is so good, that when writing one and the same, you can enter either A or B ☺.

ruble special symbol

symbol Russian ruble confirmations were recently confirmed and in the global table of wines in the daytime. However, Microsoft has already released a release of Office. If you need to enter the symbol of the Russian currency, then on Russian layout press on right Alt i number 8 , Ale not on the digital keyboard, but on the main ( above the letters).

I support this article to help you recall the text with original characters and work it out.

It is possible for you to also be cіkavo like abo lashtuvati automatically.