Ekranuvati single legs in php. PHP lessons: types of changes, ekranuvannya, special characters and heredoc syntax in PHP. Special characters in PHP

I’ll give you a good idea, for the cob I’ll aim a small butt of a bare row. Practically, in any kind of programming, the victorious offensive is the principle of destructing the string of messages:

Var text = "Name of the company blog - Name";

Everything that takes revenge between the legs is to be understood as an interpreter like a row.
We need to transfer the text to a string change to avenge the paws and we will try to break it down with the following rank:

Swing legs in PHP

You cannot write a row of text, which includes sub-legs without a scythe rice. Oskilki are responsible for picking up your row from the sub-paw, if you cannot write the straight sub-paw in the middle of the row; before closing the action rows. An ordinary way for the inclusion of the active slant legs in the middle of the rows slider paws Polyagaє in vikoristanni oblique rice. In such a rank, the correct way to write the butt butt, vikoristovuchi paws, if we step: now the moon-rows will appear correctly, without mercy. This may be insignificant for small sites with short rows; If you need a great website with great traffic and great rows for analysis, your server resources can be significantly faster. In addition, you can write sub paws in the middle of the text without the need for diagonal rice. Now, yak, you can take a row in a row, vikoristovuchi single legs?

  • Butt.
  • Zminny boules are automatically revealed and combined with the text.
  • Let me explain.
  • It’s easy to ignore, and the paws to catch!
The statistic will explain how it is correct to vikoristovuvati moon-druk, single and sub-legs, specks and Komi, explaining the ideas and nadayuchi butt.

Var text = "The name of the blog is:" The name is "";

then there will be a pity, the fragments will replace one row; the interpreter will beat the two:

"The name of the blog is:" "" and between them there is no other operator - Name.

If this is not possible, it is necessary to remove the paws. For javascript, for example, it will look like this:

Var text = "Blog name: \" Name \ "";

In a number of distributions, there are more options and differences between them. Smell є with different designs, that їkh can be victorious without round bows: їkh can be victorious for inserting decal rows: you can concatenate spaghetti rows from additional points. As a matter of fact, there are not many surrenders to cross over the moon. Yak mi bachili, vіdlunnya can rob all, but drukuє, moreover, tse allow you to vikoristovuvati Komi to replace points.

Vіdlunnya is also a bit shorter and shorter, less a friend, but it’s not worth it. If you need to add a simple row, single paws, you can use it to shorten the idea. It is possible to produce a syntactic analysis of one row with the paws of the trocha shvidshe, lower paws, and you do not need to use the lower paws, as you can bachit in the back of the butt. As soon as you pick a row with the lower legs, the symbols will be expanded and expanded.

For a practical buttstock, it is possible to give a clear view of the legs.

screening of paws- the process of going over the string changes in the course of the robot script. Diya tse allows vikoristovuvati paws in a row. In a private way, it is expanded by the screening method є the placement of a verbal slash \ in front of the internal paws.

If it is worthwhile, it is more beautiful than the victorious single paws and the uniqueness of the inclusion of the winter in the middle of the rows. In some cases - if you have a lot of minions, if you are guilty of being included in the row, the subordinate paws can be readable to the code and, moreover, you can be victorious.

Yak, they bachili in the preceding paragraphs, you can choose the points, so the Komi for the vivod of the rows and the winter for the extra loonie. Replace the whole, vicoristovuchi friend, you can vicoristovuvati only points. Why is there a difference between them? With victorious points, all the parts will be united, then form one row, as it will be handled, and when all parts are fed, all parts will be handled one by one without any concatenation.

Php foot screening

In php, paws can be screened in a number of ways, the first of which is analogous to the look.
For example, there is a row of author's and straight lines, like to revenge paws:

"Yak is your health?" - Katerina Ivanivna energized. "Nichogo, little by little alive", - say Startsev (Chekhov)

Vikoristannya lump of trocha shvidshe, nіzh vikorystannya points, and vykhіd will be exactly the same, there is no real reason for vikoristovuvati points from the moon. Beast to respect: Oskil Komi can be victorious only in the moonlight, you can’t be victorious to add rows, for example.

The problem is failure

We were given the visibility between the moon and the seal, single and slave paws, dots and comas. On the offensive list, everything that was said in the statistic was overruled. Become a victorious person for a day to replace a friend; Do not pick up nikoli parentheses from the moon; Give me a single paw, if you don’t need to expand the changing or screened symbols.

Loonie function, brew and slave paws

  • Unique inclusions of all the middle rows.
  • For the help of the loonie, pick the Komi to win points.
  • Victory point for concatenation, if you do not vikoristovate vіdlunnya.
The function of the loonie is the vicorist paw for the design of the ear and the end of the row.

As a matter of fact, PHP is one of such methods.

Screenshot with a ringing slash:

echo "\" Yak is your health? \ "- Katerina Ivanivna energized. \" Nichogo, little by little alive, \ "- Startsev (Chekhov) revised";

Screening with single paws

echo "" Yak is your health? "- Katerina Ivanivna energized." Nichogo, a little bit alive ", - Vidpov Startsev (Chekhov)";

At times, if the inner paws in a row are rather simpler with a bare row, single paws are victorious, but in the middle of them there are loose paws. Abo, navpaki, in the absence of evidence in the text of quiet paws.

Have 3-5 Butt. Mi virishuєmo problem, add a bit of viraz in the harrier. Yogo robots are wonderful, but the code is now “hard”, less readable and easy to get lost in the processes. Quotation є with a special symbol. Combine one or more of the winter and text rows. Concatenation. Save the powerless viraz of the loonie for clean and readable code.

Croc 1: Pick single feet in the middle of your row. ... We can be victorious for other slave legs on the screen. For an hour at a time, the deyak was guilty of changing the rows with the slave paws in the comic tables. The axis is the code for displaying the identifier to the session in the middle of the table compiler.

Now you can see the paws screening in PHP

The size of a stocked stock with a set of rows, a screening of paws and other special symbols is often necessary for robots with a database.
Do not allow any kind of problems with the robot with the databank, before saving the dues in the table, you can use the addslashes function

$ Str = "Is your name O" reilly? "; // vivodit: Is your name O \" reilly? echo addslashes ($ str); for mysql_real_escape_string

As soon as the field is to revenge the symbol of the zorotnoy oblique border, in front of it there are insertions of the pre-datkovy symbol of the zvorotnoy oblique border. Meta citation in the text - give a short information about dzherelo, enough for the readers to know more information about dzherelo in the alphabetical list as they appear in the document.

Harvard style vikoryстов method of author's date in text. Insert the author's excuse for the message of the publication in the general message in the text. Inserting text into text can be presented in two formats. The whole format is victorious for the presentation of the dzherel of the information cited by you, invite the changes in the message. At that time, as an activist image of the protagonists, they often appear as the protagonists of the factory managers.

Offensive functions є standard in php and screen special characters in rows. If and yaku vikoristovuvati, lay down from specific buildings. For example, addslashes is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati for the serialized rows when writing її to the database, and mysql_real_escape_string for all the features for the corystuvach danikh came from the form on the site.
For small web-extensions, you can not manually screen the addlashes or mysql_real_escape_string if you enable "Magic paws" - magic_quotes_gpc

Have fun with paraphrases or a summary

The author is a whole format of the author's address, having made the author's name in the proposition, and then at once in the arches. If they are zealous to the zest of creation, if they help the information in their own words, or if they are rephrased, they will be guilty of bringing the original author or the date of publication.

Quick change and folding problems can be embedded in the organization. The number of the side can be inclusions, if you paraphrase the passage, add an idea from the side or you want to send the reader to the side. Side numbers are also included, if you see about trivial robots, and the side number can be brown for the reader. The number of sides is not required, as long as the whole robot as a whole is based on respect.

If (! Get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) (ini_set ('magic_quotes_gpc', 'on');)

Most of the magic paws are included for suggestions on the server, it is possible to learn from the information on the basis of the selected function.

Echo phpinfo ();

javascript paw screen

Even more often, especially in javascript, it is done in rows, so that the HTML layout is changed.
In javascript, the paws are displayed with an analogous rank, or a ringing slash, or a victorian different type paws.

Macro-negative economic inheritance for non-investment sectors of the economy is widely seen as Dutch ailment. The author's name is included in the proposition, in the bows are included only the ric of the publication and, perhaps, the number of the page. Brewer transmission is the primary process fundamental to individual vision and well-being.

How to choose a paraphrase in your list? Change paraphrases to your list how to value and value a concept in your list. Victory single paws and short quotes. Use quotes in your propositions, having crossed over, so the propositions are grammatically correct.

The butt with a ringing slash:

var html = "
Block with green text

Stock with internal legs:

var html = "
Block with green text

If there is a row with HTML formatted back and forth, I’ll be able to cut rows, I know that there is a need for screening, it’s not the paws, but the symbol for cutting the rows.

If Ladkin has passed on, I am aware of tourism and the hotel business "to clearly make their own contributions to the normal debate," I think, they are discussing the phenomenon of hospitality. Direct quotation by the end of the day 30 sliv invoke the text to appear in the field in the format of the block and the vicorist font small size one size in one-row intervals. Quote not required.

Novi іnstitutsіonalіzm in teorії organіzatsії i sotsіologії vklyuchaє vіdmovu od ratsіonalno-aktorskih models i іnteres to іnstitutіv yak to Square zmіnnih, turn to kognіtivnih i cultural Explanations i іnteres to vlastivostey over okremih odinits analіzu, SSMSC not mozhna zvesti to agregatsії abo directly naslіdkіv okremih osіb atributіv abo motive.

Var html = "

\ Block with green text \

If the given application does not vikoristovuvati zorotny slash in front of the transferred row, then the script will not be successful.
You can get a little bit, or you can get out of the way of sending the HTML layout in a serialized JSON format. If the row is to avenge the characters transferred, then the JSON format will be broken.
To uncover these problems, you need to run the text with the transferred rows through the function

Butt with a ringing slash

If you need to omit the word or the words from the quotation, to add three specks for the additional help, with the pass to and the three specks. The direct quote is not guilty, but it ends with an ellipse. The words are guilty but viklyucheni only from the quotation, as if the stench was given for the reason, through the yak vikoristovu quote, and the sentiment of the quotation does not change.

Forward. Modernist glance at the individual voice being discussed. Words can be added only to a quote for explanatory reasons. The church is not just one place, it is possible to wiggle the soul, so as "the soul can also be found in the greater minds of the home, for example, in the family booth."

JSON.stringify () text = JSON.stringify (text);

JSON.stringify () - only available when the jquery library is connected.

Sql paws screening

In sql, the screening of the paws is cut by us in php and js methods - a vocal slash and inner paws, more than one solution.

SELECT "Is your name O" "reilly?";

For the screening of the paws in sql, it is necessary to duplicate them.
substitute "writing" "
substitute "writing" "

Take advantage of dzherel from two or three by authors

There are also schwydky curricula for academic skills. If there are 2 or 3 participants in the robot, put all the names in the order in which the stench is indicated on the sent ones. If you enter the names of the authors in the proposition, pick and replace the ampersand. Navchannya to the old way of living in a funky suspension.

Quote robin with 4 or more authors

Hogg and Raid to understand the number of social cognitive processes, which can explain the dynamics of leadership. The obvious changes and the scale of the galusies are the problems for the analysis.

Please, please

You can use two or more details in one point of the text, put them in alphabetical order after the names of the authors, where a speck is placed with a coma.

Arrange the screening of the paws

You can get the screening of the legs in php using the standard function stripslashes ();
Javascript has no analogue of stripslashes, but we can speed it up with a regular viraz, as you can help us clean up the legs in javascript

Str.replace (/ \ 0 / g, "0"). Replace (/\\(.)/ g, "$ 1")

In this article, I tried to open up the topic of screening paws in php, js, mysql and showing in some cases it is necessary to store screening. I am happy, the article appeared cinnamon.

The pace of life is imperative, which allows visualization. The decision is made to impose an emphasis on political and educational cleansing, to navigate in the presence of a singing number of unpretentiousness. As the number of the side of inclusions in the quotation in the text, pick out the speck from the coma, then display the number of the side from the date that follows it.

Deal with the authors with the same nickname

The instructions, published in the same author by the same author, were re-insured in alphabetical order, according to the name of the robot, and the small letter is available immediately after the date, as in the list of requests, so in the texts of the requests. When quoting the words written by the authors with the same nickname, include the authors' references in the text in the text.

Author's type: regular season - tse "kalamutna" theme! There, a dot can appear not as a speck, but as a metacharacter. That and with іnshim signs are all in the fog. The first step is "zazirnut" for qiu serpanok, it is required in PHP regular virazi ekranuvannya zastosuvati.

Why is everything "dull"?

For syntax templates, followed by additional regulars, pick the metacharacters. The axis, for example, is a point. Tse sign, which is placed in the end of the word. Nachebto is not an ordinary person! Ale tse to quiet feast, as long as you don’t consider storing it in regular viraz. Calling? Well, todi I will explain why PHP screening and how to “fight” with it on the butt:

In recent years I have seen about the quiet efekti themselves, not far from the one that buzzed in the lakes or rivers. If the author's name or the author's body does not appear, it should be assumed that the author's name is the same. Pick the first few words, as the title is back to back.

The date of publication is to blame for the date of dzherela, as you read. The date of publication of the dzherela, as you read it, is the price of the date, as you see it, when you see it again in your list. Note: as quotes dzherelo є bolsh piznim vidannyam, obov'yazkovo add the number of vidannya.

Oholosimo zavdannya, yake is guilty of the visonati of pointing out the butt. Є row, in which case it is necessary to replace all the points with the sign of the hail, so that you can make the sound of all phrases.

To know and replace the pattern for the vicarist "traditional" for regulars function - preg_replace (). "Nakatati" regular viraz can be done in a couple of seconds. At the same time (at first glance), you can do without the PHP symbols screening. Ale tilki for the first.

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Get to know the subtle bitchy web boxes for the help of the YII2 framework

Wow! And what about a lot in the middle of the field? And who is it that has got to be "piled up"? We were happy. And all that, they didn’t vrahuvat special features of the syntax. We are surprised at the pattern near: /./

Nachebto everything is correct: it is necessary to shukati in the text point. In PHP, a dot is not just a sign, ale is a metacharacter. If you read the template correctly, then it means that you need to shukati be a character and replace it with the one that preg_replace () is passed in as another argument.

The axis is here and now in the present day. With the help of the help of an interpreter, move to the point itself. The same rank is required for the ekranuvati slash in PHP, the odd stink like є special symbols... The axis is the correct version of the template:

Іnshi options for storing

The yak can be seen from the front butt, for the screening of the victor is the scythe of risk. It’s not just stuck in regular season. For example, in PHP the screening of the legs can be requested. Especially with the victorian functions for transferring the text to the screen:

And the yak axis in PHP is screened for change:

For the additional concatenation of rows, for which the point is vikorist:

The result will be the same (prior sign). Before the speech, PHP screening rows are being built in the butts. For a lot of vikoristovuyutsya sub-or single paws.

The axis of the butt is from the center of the "opera":

"; Echo stripcslashes ($ str);?>

Here from PHP we clean up the screen for the additional function stripcslashes (). Now I can't just add slashes, but I see them. I think the fog has gone up three times, and we can go ahead. Until the coming event in the light!