Dial buttons for symbols. How to put a square meter in Word

Often, when you first get to know your personal computer, you will find out about the power, like the characters on the keyboard є і like їх enter. Within the framework of this article, the skin group of keys from the assigned functions will be described in detail. It will also include a method for introducing non-standard characters from a variety of ASCII codes. This material is of the greatest interest for those who work with a text editor, for example Microsoft Word or another similar add-on (OpenOffice Writer).

Functional dial

Let's look at 12 of them on the keyboard. Roztashovuyutsya stench at the top row. Appointment їх to fall in vіd vіdkritої programs at the current hour. Sound at the bottom of the screen, there is a hint, and these operations, which are most often used in this program (for example, the creation of directories in Norton Commander- ce "F7").

Keys and register

A special group of keys - all the keys. The stench keruyut robot mode and іnshої parts of the keyboard. The first one is "Caps Lock". Vin change case letter. Small signs are introduced behind the locks. If we press the key once, then when the keys are pressed, they will appear. manual way how to put characters on the keyboard with a different register. The other key is "Num Lock". Vіn vikoristovuєtsya for perekannya numeric keypad. With a broken line її you can twist for navigation. And the axis when turned on won't work like a great calculator. The remaining button in the group is “Scroll Lock”. Vaughn vikoristovuєtsya at tabular processors. When the position is inactive, it moves through the middle, and when it is on, the sheet scrolls.


Okremo varto look at the keys of keruvannya. There are arrows in front of us. Move the cursor one position to the left, to the right, up and down. More post-navigation: PgUp (side up) and PgDn (side down). For the cob of a row, “Home” is victorious, for example, “End”. Prior to the key keys lie Shift, Alt and Ctrl. Їхнє podёdnannya remikkaє keyboard layout operating system).

When the Shift is pressed, the register of characters to be entered is changed, and the possibility of entering additional characters is declared. For example, for example, how to type characters on the keyboard of this set. Enter "%". For this pressing Shift і 5. Dial symbols in the active keyboard layout at the given moment. That is, in the English layout, only one signs are available, and in the Russian one - others.

Zvertaemo respect for the sign that is on the keyboard. The view of the evil symbol is "Backspace", and the right-hander is "Del". "Enter" - transition to a new row. Another special key is “Tab”. At the table, it will be safe to move to the next room, and in the cinema, a new row will be added. For the text of the її onslaught, produce until the appearance of a larger opening between characters. And in file managerїї press on to the transition to the next panel.

Main dial

The main set to lay down in the active layout in a given hour. You can either be Russian or English. Switching between them is possible for additional combinations "Alt" + "Shift" or "Ctrl" + "Shift". Vibrane is shown in the settings of the operating system. Z'yasuvati active combination can be a way to dobor. So we press on against them and marvel at the camp movable panels(Roztashovana in the lower right corner of the screen). Yakshcho vydbulasya zmina movi, tse we need poednannya (for example, from "En" to "Ru" or navpak). The first of them is installed behind the locks.

Letters on the keyboard are arranged in the її central part and divided into three rows. The more often the symbol wins, the closer it is to the center, the closer it is - the closer it is to the other. So the letters are divided not after the alphabet, but backwards to such a principle of organization, the signs are importantly called, and the more you practice, the more you sound and understand, that it’s really handy. One more nuance, which is the need to vrakhovuvati. For a short-hour chat between the great ones great letters it’s better to use Shift, and for a simple set - Caps Lock.

Numeric keyboard

Another obov'yazkovy component of such attachments - tse digital keyboard. Vaughn raztashovana at the right yogo part. There are two modes of operation: introduction and navigation. At the first type, characters are typed on the keyboard (these numbers and basic mathematical operations). Tse handily for an hour of work with a great number of numbers. And in another option, the keys are duplicated to move the cursor and post-store navigation. These arrows for moving the marker, PgUp, PgDn, Home and End are all present here.

Peremikannya between them zdijsnyuetsya for the help of the Num Lock key. When switched off (light inactive) navigation works, and when switched on - digital dialing. For consumption, you can install the required mode of work after the interest personal computer at the BIOS (it’s more likely to be robbed of coristuvachas, shards for newcomers from this operation can cause problems).

Rozdіlovі signs

Separate signs on the keyboard are more important than the right Shift key. Tse mottling and coma. Also in the English version of the layout there is food. Other symbols (double, dash, hyphen, power and are on the main numeric keypad, as it is stashed under the function keys. For their introduction, briefly press Shift and at the same time press the button with it.

About those that are unknown

And how are the signs that are not on the keyboard? Can you get them by some rank? The feedback on the food chain is positive. There are two ways to set such symbols. The first may on the uvazi text word editor. After the launch, go to the "Insert" toolbar and select the "Symbol" item there. From the list, select "Inshi". We'll show up at a special vіkno introduction. Here, for the help of the navigation keys, we need a symbol and press "Enter".

Added characters on the keyboard can be typed in one more way - using different ASCII codes. Tse pratsyuє in all Windows add-ons is the main plus. Minus yogo - vikoristannya great code, which is necessary to remember. For the first time, the digital code of the sign we need is on the official website of the Microsoft corporation, or else, be it another, de є vidpovіdna table, that will be remembered. Let's move on to the addendum we need.

Turn on "Num Lock", press "Alt" and on the digital keyboard, right-handed, sequentially dial the code, knowledge on the forward stage. In kіntsі it is necessary to let "Alt" and then the necessary character is guilty of obov'yazkovo z'appear. For example, for the introduction of " ", the combination "Alt" + "9829" is chosen. Tse manually vikoristovuvati for non-standard the design of text messages in the chat or on the sides of the social measures. Aje richly remember the non-standard record, lower sound. I take the decision to whom I need to spray.


U framework given material bouli described all the signs on the keyboard, like for today. It is indicated that all keys are recognized and practical applications are made. It also shows the method of work, which allows you to go beyond the usual set of characters from the ASCII codes. All the same, in the sum, help to understand the basics of the functioning of the personal computer.

Often times when writing a text in Microsoft Word, the writers are stuck with the need to put a symbol or a sign, which is not on the keyboard. Same effective solution in this way - choose the best symbol from the set of the Word, we already wrote about the choice of the robot.

However, if you need to write a meter for a square or a cubic meter for the Word, the choice of symbols is not the best solution. So it doesn’t want to b z tієї reasons, but in a different way, about the world rozpovimo lower, work better richer, that one is just smarter.

Put a sign of a cubic or square meter in Word to help us with one of the tools of the group "Font", names "Surcharge sign".

1. After the numbers that indicate the number of square or cubic meters, put a space and write "m2" or "m3", stalely in addition, as you need to add the knowledge - I will oblige the area.

2. See the number that goes to the letter after the letter "m".

3. At the depositor "Head" in a group "Font" Click on the button " Supervision sign” (x with a number 2 on the right up).

4. The number you saw ( 2 or 3 ) to move at the upper part of the row, having become such a rank for the designation of square or cubic meters.

    Porada: As if after the sign of square or cubic meters there is no text, click the left button of the bear of the first sign (in the next step), to say the vision, and press the button again "Surcharge sign", put a full stop, to whom you have already asked, so that you can continue to type the original text.

Cream buttons on the control panel, to increase the mode "Surcharge sign", which and the necessary writing of square meters and cubic meters, you can also write a special combination of keys.

1. See the number that I’m looking for "m".

2. Press "CTRL" + "SHIFT" + “+” .

3. The designation of square or cubic meters in the future will look correct. Click at the mіstsі, after the signification of meters, to say the vision and continue the splendid typing of the text.

4. If necessary (as if “meters” still do not fit the text), turn off the mode "Surcharge sign".

Before the speech, so you yourself can add the first degree to the document, as well as adjust the degree of Celsius. You can read reports about the goals in our articles.

As necessary, you can always change the size of the font of the symbols, as if they are stitched over the row. Just see this sign and choose the required size for this/or font. Zagalom, the symbol above the row can be changed in the same way, as if there were any other text in the document.

Like a bachite, it’s not easy to put square and cubic meters near the Word. All that is needed is to press one button on the program's keypad or to play only three keys on the keyboard. Now you know a little more about the possibility of a given program.

Modern computers exploit the capabilities of the Word text editor. I absolutely right to roar, aje given program universal and even more practical! With help, you can create different documents, yakі vodraznyatimutsya for the filling and execution. The secret lies in the handy and well-thought-out interface, in the numerical quantity, in the diversity of symbols and styles.

At Vorda, it’s possible to work even if not everyone, then maybe everyone, and if you read my previous articles, then you sang into it already. Today's material, I want to dedicate to one more food, how to chirp with riches: how to put a square meter near the word? I will try to respond to the new one as accessible as possible and fired up.

First way

Word is not so richly functional, yakby not allowing a sprinkling of scenarios in vikonannya tієї chi іnshої dії. A square meter like і, zrozumіlo, it is not often said, but the specifics of such documents do not include the use of such a symbol. Otzhe, if you want to learn how to put a clear pictogram in a few seconds, I will teach you a few ways, how to work. The first way to use vikonan offensive actions:

  1. Write the abbreviation for the single meter "meter" - m, and put the number 2 in the order.
  2. Now, after the help of the bear, you can see the two and click on it with the right mouse button.
  3. At context menu Select the "Font" row.
  4. In the window, find the “Vidozmina” block and check the box next to “Supervisory”. Done, the duo has become a trifle more than a short “m”.

Before the speech, there are still some ways, how to grow those yourself. At the branch "Head" there is a block "Font", at the lower right corner of which you can see a small arrow. Having pressed її, you will spend at the window, de also choose the option “Supervision”. Otherwise, you can use the combination of keys Ctrl + D, і, independently from the installed movable layout, you will spend it until the end.

Other way

One more way to put square meter in documents, and wines are simpler than the front. Well, I’m starting to write the number “2” manually, after which in the “Font” block of the “Head” tab, press the button with the painted “x” symbol, above it - a small two. Zvichayno, before tsim varto see I will need a number bear. This way you can write "square meter" in just 2 clicks!

Axis in such simple ways you can correct in order to correctly display in Word documents square meter. Like bachite, insulting the methods and even simpler, and go be it, inspire the most unseen coristuvachev.

Video for help


How to write number V squares according to the editor's choice, which does not support the formatting of the text, it is better to cheat the programmers inventing a way to recognize the degree of the number - "circumflex". Tsei badge is placed between number m that yoga step and first appeared at the move BASIC. Before the new boule and іnshі options, but the stench did not get wide enough. And now the sign is now often victorious and for the recognition of the step of the posture by the computer. From the circumflex keyboard, press the SHIFT and 6 keys, with which the English keyboard layout is enabled. Looking number V squares with vikoristannyam circumflex, for example, like this: 1586 ^ 2

The second way is to get to the editors, so that you can change the base line of the numeral letters and numbers down, or uphill along the way to the significant signs. Tse gives the possibility of victorizing the zvichne Cartesian step. Call letters with such usages to be called “upper (or lower) index”, and in other words “supercharge (or subscript) sign”. For example, in text editor Microsoft Word to write it yourself number 1586 squares, on the cob dial 15862, then see the remaining two and click on the icon from the images x squares. It is placed in the "Font" section of the "Head" section of the editor's menu.

How to write number at the step in exit code web document, then type a command that tells the browser that the letter, which designates the steps, is guilty of being destroyed uphill according to the base line to solve the text. Such commands for move HTML(HyperText Markup Language - "moving hypertext markup") are called "tags". The tag you need is added up with the confirmation ( ) and close () parts, between yakim and a figure, which indicates the step of the number. For example, this fragment of the HTML code of the side could look like this: 1586 2

The method of seeing the square of a binomial zastosovuetsya when bulky verses are simplified, and look at the top of the square equals. In practice, yogo sound combined with other methods, including layout into multiples, grouping and other.


The method of seeing the absolute square of a binomial is based on the substitution of two formulas of the short multiplication of rich terms. Qi formulas є with Binom Newton's short steps for another step і allow you to forgive the viraz that you joke in such a way that it is possible to carry out fast or spread out into multipliers:
(m + n)² = m² + 2 m n + n²;
(m - n)² \u003d m² - 2 m n + n².