Select and change coding in Microsoft Word

Text documents are no more than other formats. Most often, the text is taken no less than the standard Windows coding, and y have rich others. How do you know text document non-standard coding, rich attachments and programs simply cannot read it. You can change this parameter using additional programs, for example, the simplest way is to speed up MS Office Word.


  • Please install the MS Office software.

    There may be a trial term, so I urge you not to obov'yazkovo buy a license for a vikoristannya non-bagatorazovo.

  • click right button click on the file, to delete the text from the code, if you want to change it, and then select the item “Call for help Microsoft Word". This point may be, if the program was installed recently and the procedure for associating file types was carried out with it. So you can just open Word, and through the "File" menu, just select the document you need. Just like before the savings in the standard Windows coding, the program will ask you the options for the yogo input mode, select the average required and press the “OK” button.
  • Press the menu item "File" in the program. Select “Save as…”, select the directory of the new document already in the new coding, enter its name and press the “Save” button. Show up at file attribute window, put the required coding value. The most handy and "readable" coding "Unicode" is respected.
  • Please, remember that the document, which is being saved in the place of the entry code with the same name, replace the first version without the possibility of renewal. If you need text files in different encodings and in one folder, just change its name.
  • Be respectful, do not confuse the extensions - put only.doc, as it is necessary to save the document for further reading for the help of older versions of Word, docx - for the 2007 version of the year and the newer ones. If you save the file in docx format, then you will not be able to open it with MS Office programs released earlier than 2007, but doc files be read by Word programs of all versions. Also, new versions of the programs can support coding, which are not available in the previous ones.
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    Files and documents created on a computer must always be coded. Often trapleyaєєєєєє so that when exchanging files or zavantazhennі їх зін інтернета coding, in a stench of creation, is not readable by our computer. The reasons can be different - like the presence of the necessary coding in the program, which we want to open the file, so it's just the presence of some components of the program (additional font package, for example).

    Let's take a look below, how to change the coding of the document file, which is not readable, in other programs.

    Change coding on browser side

    For Google Chrome

    1. Select the menu "Parameters" → "Tools".
    2. Row "Koduvannya" - guided by the mouse, and a list of possible koduvanya is displayed in the browser.
    3. Selected for Russian sites "Windows 1251". If it doesn't help, try "Automatically".

    For Opera

    1. Click "Opera" → "Nalashtuvannya"
    2. Zlіva menu "Websites" → field 2 "Improvement" → "Adjust the font"
    3. In the "Coding" field, select "Cyrillic (Windows 1251)".

    For Firefox

    1. Firefox → Preferences → Vm_st.
    2. On the opposite side of the row “For locking the font” we press the “Dodatkovo” button.
    3. At the bottom of the window, select "Coding" &rarr "Cyrillic (Windows 1251)".

    Word coding change

    Let's take a look at the procedure for changing coding on Word 2010 applications

    1. Open document.
    2. Tab "File" → "Parameters".
    3. We choose the row "Dodatkovo". At the "Zagalni" branch, next to the row "Pidverzhuvat reworking the file format when you open it" put a tick. Press OK.
    4. Dali vykryetsya in the window "Reworking file". Select "Coding text", press OK.
    5. Give the vyknі in the form of "Inshe" and select it from the list of coding, so as to display the required text. You can look at the “Zrazok” window to see how the text appears in the same coding, as you have chosen.

    If the procedure has not helped to display the document, you can try to change the font. Sometimes the document can be displayed in the form of "squares" or other signs, as the program does not have the same font.

    Change coding in Excel

    Let's look at the procedure for changing coding for Excel 93-2004 and 2007:

    1. Open a document that is not readable with the help of the Notepad++ program.
    2. Select the Encoding menu → Convert to UTF-8.
    3. Symbols do not change, change only the coding at the bottom of the screen. Next, choose a set of characters. Like a Russian language: Encoding → Character sets → Cyrillic → Windows-1251.
    4. Press "Save". Open the file from Excel. If the text is not readable, try repeating blocks 3-4.

    Text coding change

    1. Open the file in the standard text processor Notebook.
    2. Pressing "Save the yak."
    3. In the vіknі zberezhennya, scho vіdkrylos, vybiraєmo place, where you want to save the file, document type - text, and also put another type of coding.
    4. Save.
    5. We try to open the document.

    Dodatkovo read the article

    Problems with character encoding can be seen in different versions operating room Windows systems. The principle of overcoming the problem with incorrect coding one and the same for different versions of the operating system, but in different versions there can be three different names for tabs in the interface.

    For the cob we rozpovimo How to change coding through the Movie and Regional Standards element in the coding panel. If you want to viklokati vikno change the language, you can vikoristi two main ways. First - click on the Start button, select the Control Panel item in the menu, and in the new one - Movie and Regional Standards. Another - click on the Start button, select the Vikonati item in the menu, in the row that pops up, type the command intl.cpl and press the Enter key.

    Vіdkriєtsya Vіkno change movi. To change the coding of symbols, you need to select Russia on the Rooting tab (in Windows 7, this tab can be called just Rooting). Let's go to the Dodatkovo tab and choose Russian language as language, how to win in programs that do not support Unicode. Save the changes by pressing the OK button.

    Also, problems with coding can be solved by editing the registry, as the forward method did not help. Ale once I want to get ahead - Unless editing the registry can lead to computer problems.. If you are editing the wrong ones, you may have to reinstall the operating system. So if you are not convinced of the result - turn to fahivtsya.

    You can change the encoding in Windows through the registry in two ways. First way - tsya change coding through registry editor. To do this, you need to click on the Start button, at the menu that flared up, select the Vikonati item, at the row that opened, type the regedit command and press the Enter key. Have a tree near the left part of the window to show the structure of the registry.

    Choose from a new head and call it HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and press an instruction from it on the arrow - the head will flare up. For the list, select the SYSTEM button, for it - CurrentControlSet, then in sequence - Control, Nls, CodePage. In the list of parameters displayed in the right panel, find parameter 1252, click on it with the right mouse button and select the Change item in the context menu. In the Value field, enter c_1252.nls and press the OK button. You can exit the Registry Editor - you have changed the parameters code sides Windows. Rezavantage the computer to change the nabula chivalry.

    You can rob those yourself, ale in automatic mode. For whom to run text editor Notepad (sound at the warehouse of the Windows operating system) and copy the code below into a new hover:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    Let's choose Save as... (or simply Save) from the File menu and then save the file in the folder with whatever name. Golovne - for the sake of saving, bring youma .reg. Potim run the registry file you created and power system and give feedback So. If it is necessary to reconfigure the computer, problems with coding may arise.

    It's too early for Windows to have a problem with coding text. "Krakozyabliki" nazdoganyayut usіh, hto often koristuetsya computer'yut. Especially warmly tse zavdannya post in front of them, who do not just corrode the computer, but create some sort of comprehension context, for example, on their website. The site can be revisited remote server, de coding can be changed depending on how Windows is promoted.

    More briefly:

    1. C:\Windows\ShellNew - create an empty text file that is saved as UTF-8, renamed to UTF-8.txt. Vin will be a template.
    2. We go to the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / .txt / ShellNew / - create " Ordinal parameter": name - FileName / value - UTF-8.txt

    Not a lot of lyrics about those, why everything is so, and not otherwise:

    Ale and for the koristuvachiv, who are overwhelmed by the loud “koristuvachs of the PC”, the problem of coding the Cyrillic characters in one and the same post is to be done sharply. "Krakozyablyki" - the fall of the front doby, if the skin programmer wrote the coding table in the right hand. For example, after downloading and wanting to read a book, and here it is >=O

    -- ...‚Ґa®pv®, at іЁ¬ ЇҐavl¬ bҐamҐ§l¬ ®vЄalvЁҐ¬, ¤®Єв®а ПЭ"m¬, b"Ґ¤гҐв бзів вм уЄ §лв Ґ¬л© a Am I in PEM? - Љ o, sv® Ґv. ђ ¤Ё in Џe "m¬ - nv® Ґ Ґav®Ґ, Ґ bҐamҐ§®Ґ Ё, b®ЎbvvҐ®, Ґ ®vЄalvЁҐ. € Ґ b®vbҐ¬ ¬®Ґ. — Vl, uGa®pv®, іgvіvҐ, ¤®Єв®а. ђ ¤Ё in Џe "m¬ - Ї®pvЁҐ, ЁҐҐbv®Ґ ubpЄ®¬г іЄ®"мёЄг. -- ќv® ¬Ґp Ґ g¤Ёv “pҐv. ђ ¤Ё in PEMI ІЁ Ul« ®vealv uЇҐavlҐ Ё¬Ґ® іЄ®«mЁЄ®¬. Љ b'¦ “ҐЁo, p Ґ Ї®¬о, Є Є ҐЈ® §в “Ё. Sb¬®vaЁvҐg 'vҐvb® u ҐЈ® "Іbv®аЕЇ ЏҐйҐЁп" - в ¬ UBҐ нв® Ї®¤а®Ў® а бЄ § ®. Ovial «a ¤Ё in уЇҐavlҐ іЄ®«мєє, ®ІгУ«ЕЄ®в «Є®®а¤Е vl uЇҐavlҐ bvg¤Ґв, §в «Еа ¤Ё in Ї®зҐ¬г-в® ¬®Ё ¬ Ё¬ҐҐ¬. - D, b 'Vialvіp¬E Їa®Ebe®¤pv Ё®Ј¤ g¤ЁvЁvҐ«mlҐ uҐyЁ. ЌҐ ¬®Ј"Yo Ul ul ®UkpbEVm iЁ¬ b"gi vҐ"p¬, ¤®Єv®a PE"m¬ ...

    I was so worried about doty, the docks did not begin to introduce standards. But there were already few standards for today. For example, є Unicode encoding, є UTF-8, є UTF-16 and so on.


    I still don’t know how to change the coding for locking at the hour of opening the Notepad and creating a new document already in the opening session of the Notepad.

    Then you know how to change the coding for the abbreviations, if the text document is created on the back (from context menu) and this is indicated by Notepad. Then the coding of the file will be the same as it will be registered for the lock. About tse y timetsya lower mov.

    Also, in order to change the coding of text documents for locking, we will have to make changes to the Windows Registry.

    In this article, an example for files with extensions .txt is considered, and since V Windows program, how to enter files for locking in Notepad, people know what to change the coding for locking in Notepad itself. But not so. Changing the coding for promotion of the created file. Notepad no longer opens the document, reading it already registered in the new code. Flash the ANSI encoding from Notepad itself. I, it seems, should not be replaced by the Windows Registry.

    As if Windows did not try to impose its own standards, most of today's servers run on *nix operating systems to the fact that the system can read the code and not "corporate secrets on this signet". So you can grow up in them independently: what does it work like. I think that this trend will continue. The larger-smallest "put in the wired PCs" will include software security with the open code for robots, and programs "from the packages" for the data processing (so that you don't find the bikes). On *nix operating systems, the default encoding is UTF-8 encoding. Is it possible to install another one without any particular problems, but then again, like it is on more servers and it's normal one with one * nix "to communicate"? On my server You can also use UTF-8 manually. So I had a task, how to change the encoding in Notepad for locking for Windows from ANSI to the generally accepted UTF-8.

    Ta th stachit lyrics. Do it!

    We start to think about what is in Notepad for the abbreviations for ANSI coding, for which it’s enough to “Save like ...” any document and use this coding:

    How to work, to change the coding in Notepad for locking from ANSI to another:

    1. Vidkrivaemo Notepad or create a new text document and sweat yoga in Notebook
    2. Take this document(I named my after-naming UTF-8.txt encoding)
      1. Yakscho file extension is not visible, then you can make it visible
      2. It's possible, it's possible save the file and rename it
    3. Moving creations document to folder C:\Windows\ShellNew (immediately create a text document in my folder, I can't see it - Windows hijack to change to system folders)
      1. If there are no folders (which is hardly possible), then її necessary to create and also move to the location: C:\Windows\ShellNew
    4. Now open registry editor
    5. We know the folder HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.txt/ShellNew/
    6. Create a row parameter :
      1. 3 values UTF-8.txt (the file that we created in step 3 was moved to the C:\Windows\ShellNew folder in step 4)
    7. Radiemo! Bo tse everything =)

    Now, when you create a text file for the help of the context menu, the new one will have the coding, as we have installed it in the file extension, which is in the C:\Windows\ShellNew folder. Verify:

    Everything works! =)

    Before speech!

    If you type some text in the file-name, it will be in all new files created with the help of the context menu.

    I don’t know where you can get stuck, because I don't have a lot of routines with text files, but I might be able to help someone who works with template files. Or, for example, to create a text template file for HTML documents, which can be created in the same way. Then it will not be necessary to write the structure , , <meta> , <body>and so on.</p> </blockquote> <p>VKontakte Facebook Odnoklassniki</p> <p>With the transition to new versions of Windows, the severity of the problem is based on the impersonal coding of the Russian language, and may have begun</p> <p>Radically <a href="">problem</a> clicks virishiti transition to Unicode, which for Windows is no longer the first generation of the system, but does not end. And, as often happens, solving the same problems, Unicode gives birth to a lot of others.</p> <p>Vtіm, for іnternet-resources that listіv tse mayzhe zavzhdі easily vyrіshuєєtsya browsers that <a href="">postal customers</a> automatically. If you have a web page or a list that still appears to be “crazy” (sometimes it is trapped by standard retailers), then it is necessary from the main menu to select the item “Coding” and there use the method of trial and pardon to install it. This item in most browsers is located in the "View" menu (guessing that it is visible in modern versions of web browsers, the main menu can always be clicked by the key).</p> <p><b>Problems of the “singular text”</b><br>One of these problems is associated with files in the "custom text" format, but I wondered if it could be simpler? Take the sequence <a href="">text characters</a> and write to the file. But through this simplicity, if the problem is already blamed on them, then for a new program. <br>If you try to save the Russian text through Word (be it a version of Office 97 later, including the rest of 2010) as a "singular text", then you select a number of single-byte Russian codes for selection. Behind the abbreviations (Fig. 1), the standard "Windows Cyrillic" is used (also known as 1251, or ANSI), known for DOS.</p> <p><img src='' height="253" width="370" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Try it yourself through the standard "Notepad" in Windows 7 - you will already be prompted to choose between the ANSI and even three Unicode variants (Fig. 2). There is a catch here: a text file in the “Unicode” format is guilty of being accompanied by a special header BOM (Byte Order Mark), which indicates the order of passage of bytes (that is, which byte in a 2-byte character is the first - older or younger). Well, it’s clear that BOM is not a language attribute of a Unicode file, and, on the one hand, it can be used in texts that are removed from the original dzherel (let’s say, the s-pіd of some Linux programs), and on the other hand, viklikati zboї in programs like the heading "do not understand."</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>There is only one recipe here: if possible, unify “unicode” in “pure texts” and focus on the ANSI name. To allow avoiding most of the problems associated with Russian text files, wanting to improve their portability in English or European versions of the OS.</p> <p>Otherwise, the task, connected with text files, is to put a sound in a deaf cut of missing data, while virishing whether it is Microsoft Word, starting with the version of Office XP - the same thing with texts in a non-standard one-byte encoding (for example, old-fashioned DOS, also in OEM, or 866) . You will need to change the settings in the beginning, so that the option "Confirm conversion of the file format when you open it" is checked (out of the box!). In older versions of Word, this setting can be found in the "Tools / Options" menu on the "Start" tab. In Word 2007, press the button with the Office logo, select "Word Options" at the bottom of the window. Word 2010 has "Options" available through the "File" menu. At "Parameters" go to "Dodatkovo" on the beach panel, and then find the section "Zagalni" (small 3).</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When this function is enabled, open a text file that is not readable, follow it through the “Open” menu (and not click on the Explorer, when it starts, it’s better for everything, “Notepad”). Then, next to the list of file types, select the item “Adjusting the text of any file”. The file can be, of course, in any format (so it's not in the language of the TXT extension), but it's text, not double characters.</p> <p>Before speech, you can simply read the document yourself in DOS-coding, and for the help of Notepad, it’s all right if you change the font - it’s enough through the menu to select the font (for Notepad, select “Format / Font”), replace the current one with Terminal. Don't forget to just turn the font back, otherwise you won't read normal documents.</p><p><b>Unicode on Exchange Buffer</b><br>However, such conflicts with text files can be dealt with in a rare manner. An ordinary koristuvach often blames problems with Unicode in the Exchange Buffer. It is a significant situation if, when transferring the text from old programs, it does not support the designated coding, but some PDF-documents are replaced by the Russian when inserted, they are blamed on the Auaia iayedai sign. For most correctly folded programs, it helps to simply switch to Russian language (in the same program, the stars are copied, and not in the recognition point), but sometimes the additions and PDF-documents, the links to the information about those that are Russian language, are not vdaёtsya vityagti zhodnymi forces.</p> <p>Microsoft Word in the old <a href="">versions of Office</a> XP and 2003 solved the problem, but no one knows about it, - the new one has the function “Correct erroneous text” (in the “Service” menu). The newer versions 2007/2010 do not have this feature. The documents on the Microsoft website didn’t say anything about it - it’s completely imaginative, Microsoft was praised that the products that can be like power, have not been lost in nature, which, unfortunately, does not show activity.</p> <p>Maybe you don't want to waste an hour on the jokes of an official decision. Then use my ClipWin program (Fig. 4), you can download it at the address: The interface of the program is broken into a rozrahunka at the maximum speed of the operation, but without losing control over the її vykonanny: as the text in the system "intestine" is already enough to run the program and try to click on it. After the first push, the text (already corrected) is inserted from the Clipboard at the window for control, after another, the text is corrected, replace it with the one on the back, and after the third, the program closes, but the text itself will be corrected and you can insert it wherever you want .</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>How to correctly lay out the keyboard?</b><br>It is absolutely impossible for me to change the keyboard layout comfortably and effectively in the middle of Windows without using additional jumpers in the keyboard layout - the need for constant touching with crooked fingers in two keys at once in my case is a probable number of fingers. More precisely, it was absolutely impossible before the advent of Vista, when the traditional combinations of keys appeared to be able to switch between the introduction of one key<Ё>. Ale and such a solution, admittedly, for the sake of purity of the Russian language, it is unpleasant - do not enter the letter E right through a special insert or a table of symbols.</p> <p>Virishennya tsієї problems zagalnovіdome and polagaє vono at zastosuvanni popular remikannya Punto Switcher, scho allows nalashtuvati for vykonannya operation in principle be-like a key (sound tse right abo). The program is promoted by "Yandex", you can get it from the "Programs" by joking (at the address or without intermediary at the address About qiu and other analogous programs, Oleksandr Yevdokimov recently published the article “Correctors of Letters”.</p> <p>Rich program <a href="">this type</a> zdatnі vykonuvat y іnshu іnshі funktіbіu: remikannya already typed in the wrong layout of the text. Zalezhno vіd nalashtuvan, tse mozhe zdіysnyuvatisya navit automatically, if I want to especially volіyu tsyu automation vіdlyuchati.</p> <p>One more incomprehensible, tied with a moving layout, trapleyaetsya more, or you can add a sprat of unacceptable moments. After switching to English, you can be spanked by one feature of the introduction of these symbols. There are worth such signs, like paws, apostrophes (there are two - straight and frail), tilde "~" and circumflex ("kryshechka") "^". After pressing the double key, do not enter anything - you need to press it, or try it, to enter a sign in the “clean” look, or else I’ll write a letter or a number, then the same sign will be entered in front of it. You can press your paw or a double apostrophe - a couple of signs will appear at the same time (stinks and often get used in pairs, the text can also be entered between them).</p> <p>So, don’t forget the peculiarity of the English-language computer introduction, you can blame it, for whatever reasons <a href="">english movie</a> the “USA-International” layout has been installed (otherwise, it is possible, as from European ones, which are not in use with us). Uncertainty is easy to understand, so change the layout for the English movie back to the standard "USA". In Windows 7, you can reach this setting in the Care Panel through “Movie and Regional Standards / Move and Keyboard / Change Keyboard / Start / Add” (Fig. 5).</p> <p><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Pidsumkova porada</b><br>If you are blamed for other problems with coding, which are not described in this article, then, nayimovirnishe, the stench is called by the installation “not yours” <a href="">Windows versions</a>- for example, an American or a European one with an additional modern package. To avoid such problems, follow the Russian version as soon as possible. Ale, life has already developed among the Russians <a href="">koristuvachіv Windows</a>, What is the problem of koduvan bula, є i will be. Її hospitality is declining in the world of innovation <a href="">software</a> Ale, ymovirno, the problem does not arise again.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tm_sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_home"> <div class="gsense"> <div id="mymaju1" style="height:500px;width:300px;" align="center"></div> </div> <div class="sidebarwidget"> <ul> <li id="text-3" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="sidebar-orange">Categories</div> </div> </li> <li id="nav_menu-3" class="widget widget_nav_menu"> <div class="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee-container"> <ul id="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Android</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Programs</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">iOS</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Printers</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Editors</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Games</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">SmartTV</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Internet</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Gadgets</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Zalizo</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebarwidget"> <ul> <li id="text-3" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"> <div class="sidebar-orange">more popular</div> </div> </li> <li id="nav_menu-3" class="widget widget_nav_menu"> <div class="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee-container"> <ul id="menu-pravoe-menyu-nizhnee" class="menu"> <li id="menu-item-240349" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-240349"><a href="">Launching the keyboard on a PC from Windows</a></li> <li id="menu-item-240348" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-240348"><a href="">How to please the laptop keyboard after flooding The computer keyboard does not work after cleaning</a></li> <li id="menu-item-240345" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-240345"><a href="">What are the options for buying abo sp</a></li> <li id="menu-item-240344" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-240344"><a href="">Why is working memory growing? 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