Omron muscle stimulator instructions from the application. Electronic muscle stimulator Omron E4. Electronic pacemaker Omron E4 - Description

Electric Massager Omron E4є a universal model of the middle line of myostimulators in the OMRON company and prescriptions for relieving stress and pain in m'yazakh.

The handy design allows you to comfortably add attachments to your hands. Small display informing about:

  • Trivality of the session;
  • At some frequencies, massage is carried out;
  • Uvіmk./Vimk _indicators of point injection and a wide area.

The electrode plates, which are included before the Omron E4 kit, are large, which positively signifies on the handiness in their long-standing victoria. The additional advantage of the plates is those that, when they become entangled, they can be washed out with water.

Features of Omron E4:

  • 12 stimulation programs;
Symptoms Program Diya
Tension m'yazіv, Nameminnya Low frequencies Various combinations low frequency vibration. The program is effective in case of thrive influx
Gostriy bіl High frequencies Vibrations of high frequency
Tension of shoulder pads Shoulder pads See the different vibrations that absorb the best blood circulation and know that
Gostriy bіl u kolіnі chi lіktі Likot/Kolino Vibrations of high frequency
Look out your hands Arms Vibrations of different species that improve blood circulation
Tucks and volumes of feet Feet Vibrations of different species to improve blood circulation and tissue in the feet
Nabryaki that vtom in faces Іkri Vibrations of different species to improve blood circulation and tissue in the legs
Bіl at the back, tension of the part of the back Back Low-frequency vibrations improve blood circulation and increase pain (Neurology)
Various symptoms tapping Massage method
post office
  • stimulation with low-frequency impulses;
  • stimulation with high-frequency impulses;
  • 6 areas of injection (Back, shoulders, arms, elbow/knee, calves);
  • Possibility of self-regulation of massage intensity on a scale of 1 to 10.

Complete set:

  • Set of batteries;
  • Electronic block;
  • Warranty card;
  • Case for saving;
  • Electrode plates;
  • Operating instructions;
  • Electric cord with plug;
  • Trimach of electrode plates.

Myostimulator (Electric massage)

apparatus, for the help of which you can relax, know that, even that name is m'yazіv tіla, and also revitalize the natural work of the internal organs of the zavdyaka infusion of directing the impulses of the snake struma.

The effect can be reached for the vibration stimulation of nerve endings with low or high frequencies for the help of electrode plates, spread on the body’s sections, which are turbulent:

  • Vibration of low frequencies helps to relieve stress from m'yaziv and to reduce the perception of the name of the term;
  • Vibration of high frequencies helps to forget about acute pain in the back and swamps.

Vicorista electric massager in home minds, traces of memory, that in this type of massage cream of impersonal positive qualities, it is also a contraindication, as it does not bring satisfaction and it is a kind of inspiration, but rather infuse it on the body.

Indication Contraindication
Pіdtyaguє m'yazi disguise Grizha
Slow down the mud Sepsis
Pick up another pickup Epilepsy
Likuvannya zahvoryuvan suglobiv Vagity
Smoothing the bears under the eye Thrombophlebitis
Treatment of the peripheral nervous system Tuberculosis niroc/lung
Celebrating Enurez / Scoliosis / Osteochondrosis Mental discord
Damaged blood circulation
Growing masi atrophovannyh m'yaziv Oncological disease
Likuvannya zahvoryuvan organіv etching Zhovchno/Mochekam'yana khvoroba
Increased psychoemotional stamina Burning/Visip on the shkіrі
Abbreviated terms of the introductory period Porіzi/Dryapini/Fresh rani
Prevention of contractions in clogged muscles/stretch marks/fractures Cardiovascular disease
Normalization of the functional state of the musculoskeletal apparatus Rotten ignition processes
Normalization of mucosal tone/muscular blood circulation/exchange processes nirkova / liver failure
As soon as possible, the introduction of the neuromuscular apparatus after intensive advancement Illness of the intestinal tract
Virus infection(flu, cold, etc.)
Narcotic and Alcoholic
Increased sensitivity to impulse strum
It is not possible to stop attachments in the area of ​​intimate areas
Surgical operation (should be carried out no more than 9 months ago)
Presence in the body of a bioceramic pacemaker

Important! Before using a muscle stimulator, it is recommended to consult a highly qualified doctor.

Sklav: Stop. The head doctor of the rehabilitation center "Childhood" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Shashnikov D. A.

Electronic myomasazhor Omron E-4 Tens of appointments for carrying out likuvalno-prophylactic procedures at home and outpatient minds with low illnesses.

Efficient for the relief of mucosal pains, for rehabilitation in case of neuro-muscular pathology, past injuries, indications for constipation in sports medicine and in the process of training.

The signs of the presence of special functions of the veins can be injected pointwise, reflexively to the acupuncture points, domagyuchis likuvalnoy infusion on the other internal organ.

Attachment of equipment with an additional function and can be used as an attachment of CHENS. electrical neurostimulation) allowing you to reach a greater pronounced and more pronounced analgesic effect.

Celebration Omron E4 highly effective and can be carried out as monotherapy. It is good to go with other necessary special and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Indication before zastosuvannya:

  • Transverse-crown radiculitis.
  • Shiny osteochondrosis.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Hypertensive illness.
  • Arterial hypotension.
  • Headache - sudine, m'yazovy tension, in the aftermath of cervical osteochondrosis, change in the weather (meteosensitivity), stress.
  • Chronic recurrent bronchitis.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Chronic gastroduodenitis.
  • Chronic atonic constipation.
  • Dyskenesia of zhovchovividnyh ways.
  • Impotence.
  • Enuresis.
  • Sports injuries - stretching and clogging (without great hematomas) - pain in the m'yazakh after training, sports injuries, knee injury, change in the meniscus, stretching in the homilk-foot hummocks, ulnar and shoulder humerus, "tenisist" hand, writing spasm, tunnel syndromes .

Transverse-crown radiculitis. Pain, motor and vegetative disorders, brain damage to the roots of the spinal cord, due to osteochondrosis of the ridge. Osteochondrosis of the ridge- degenerative-dystrophic process, which is to blame for the tissue of the interspinal disc. In the affected segment, we blame the ear ligaments, intervertebral ligaments, tendons and m'yazyv. It is localized in the transverse ridge of the ridge, going along the sciatic nerve from the middle to the great toe, or the anterior surface of the quilt in the knee. The pain is based on a mechanical, compression factor.

1-3 days - 3 ten days, one session at a time, program L (15 minutes), then program Q-8 (15 min.).
Day 4 - 7 - 2nd day of program L and Q-8.
Day 8 - 20 - 1 time a day, no program Q-8.
Localization. Place the electrode parallel to the ridge, at a distance of 2 centimeters from the center (spinous ridges) in the area of ​​pain or the lower transverse ridge.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, place the electrode on point E-36 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


Depending on the trivality and intensity of the pain syndrome, you can first stage infusion in 3 to 5 - 7 days. Obov'yazkovo zastosovyte at the complex of treatment of anti-sample preparations. Preventive treatment course for 20 days - 3-4 times per day.

Shiny osteochondrosis

Infusion of physiotherapy:

1-5 days - 2 times a day at once in one session according to the following program Q-3 on the shoulders and Q-8 on the back, rіven 7 - 8 of the thoracic spine.
6 - 12 days Q-3 on the shoulders.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, place the electrode on IG-5.6 once a day on both sides. Program Q-6 W4.


Thoracic osteochondrosis (thoracic sciatica) - operative pain on the chest or abdomen, as well as motor autonomic disorders, damage to the roots of the spinal cord, due to osteochondrosis of the ridge.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

Days 1-3 - 3 days, one session at a time, program L, then program Q-3.
Day 4 - 7 - 2nd day of program L and Q-3.
Day 8 - 20 - 1 time a day, no program Q-8. Localization. Place the electrode parallel to the ridge, at a distance of 2 centimeters from the center (spinous ridges) in the area of ​​pain.

Infusion of reflex:


The course of likuvannya can be increased to 3 tizhniv. Preventive treatment course for 20 days - 3-4 times per day.

Tripartite neuralgia - Severe illness of the nervous system, which is manifested by attacks of pain, localization, which is a kind of rotting of the hilar nerve on the face.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 10 - 30 days (as required), put one electrode on the area of ​​localization of pain on the face, the other on the arm (from the same side) the area of ​​the GI-4 point. Program L.

Infusion of reflex:


The course of likuvannya can be increased to 3 tizhniv. Preventive treatment course for 20 days - 3-4 times per day.

Neuritis of the facial nerve - Paresis or paralysis of mimic m'yazyv on the opposite side of the disguise. Neuritis of an infectious-allergic nature or idiopathic Bell's palsy is most likely to be feared.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 10-15 days, put one electrode on the area of ​​localization of pain on the face, the other on the arm (from the same side) the area of ​​the GI-4 point. Program Q-3 draw Q-4.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, put the electrode on the GI-4 points on both sides once a day. Q-6 W2.


The course of healing is carried out 4-5 times per river. Break between courses 3 - 4 days.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - (neurocirculatory dystonia) - manifested by instability of the arterial pressure, emotional lability, restless sleep, lack of restlessness, frequent pulse lability, thirsty. 90% of women suffer.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, put an electrode on points C-7 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


Hypertensive illness - promotion of the arterial pressure according to age and individual norms.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 15 days, put the electrode on your shoulders once a day, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, put the electrode on points E-36 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river. Monitor the AT level until the next session. If the level of AT rises, skip the session before the session.

Arterial hypotension - characterized by a decrease in the systolic vice (upper) - below 100 mm Hg, and in the diastolic (lower) - below 60 mm Hg.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 15 days, put the electrode on your shoulders once a day, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, place the electrode on points C-7, F-3 on both sides, drawing. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river.

head bіl- Vessel, m'yazova tension, due to cervical osteochondrosis, change the weather (meteosensitivity), stress.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 15 days, put the electrode on your shoulders once a day, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, put the electrode on the GI-4 points on both sides once a day. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 20 days, 2 times a day, put the electrode on the line 7 of the cervical, 1-2 chest ridges, on the top of 1 cm in the center, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, put the electrode on the GI-4 points on both sides once a day. Q-6 W2.


Chronic, recurrent bronchitis - diffusely progressive inflammation of the bronchi, which is manifested by a cough, which lasts at least 3 months.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 20 days, 2 times a day, put the electrode on the line 2-4 of the pectoral spines, on the line 1 cm in the center, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, put the electrode on the GI-4 points on both sides once a day. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river. Start the prophylactic course of healing 1 month before the flowering of spring grasses.

Obov'yazkovo conduct a course of healing after colds of illness. Cupping massage is recommended.

Chronic gastroduodenitis - chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mucus membrane and the twelve-fingered intestine. 90% of people suffer.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, put the electrode on points E-36 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


Chronic atonic constipation - Syndrome, which is characterized by a trival obstruction of defecation. With atonic constipation - fecal masses are washed, decorated, with spastic constipation - at the look of "sheep feces". People of a frail age often suffer.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 20 days, once a day, put the electrode on the width of the valley in front of the navel, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, put the electrode on points E-36 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river.

Dyskenesia of zhovchovividnyh ways – functional impairment of the tone and motility of the zhovchny mіkhur and zhovchovivіdnyh tracts. Appears in seemingly dull and transverse pains near the left hypochondrium.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 20 days, once a day, put the electrode on the line of 7-8 pectoral ridges, on the line 1 cm from the center, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, put the electrode on points E-36 from both sides. Q-6 W2.


The course of healing is carried out 3-4 times per river. Break between courses 1.5 - 2 months.

impotence- weakened erection, which disrupts the normal violation of the state act.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

Infusion of reflex:

For 10 days, once a day, place the electrode on the RP-6 points on both sides. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river.

enuresis- Nіchne netrimannya sechі, mimovilne sechovipkannya at the hour of sleep.

Infusion of physiotherapy:

For 20 days, place an electrode once a day: one in the middle across, the other 3 cm below the navel, program Q-3.

Infusion of reflex:

For 20 days, once a day, at night, put the electrode on the RP-6 points on both sides. Q-6 W2.


The repeated course can be carried out for 2 days. If necessary, you can conduct 5-6 courses per river.

Sports injuries

Infusion of physiotherapy:

Placed on two sides of the damaged loam (inside - outer surface, top - bottom). From two sides of the m'yazi (upper and lower head of the m'yaz, the place of fastening of the m'yaz head). In case of local pain, the electrode should be placed higher and lower than the pain at a distance of 3-4 cm.


Program: for local pain - program - L; in case of malignant spasm program – Q-3; when stretching - program - Q-8; for pain in the globules - program - Q-4; with spasm, including m'yazіv hands, nіg - programs - Q-5.7.

Preparing for sports events

Infusion of physiotherapy

For 1-2 cycles (15-30 quills), put the electrode on the m'yazi, which is being kneaded, before training, zmaganny. Program - Before.


Vykoristovyte groups of m'yazіv, yakі most pіddayutsya vantazhennu in this kind of sport. For example: bіgun -litkovі m'yazi

Program clarification

Attachment may 12 programs. Skin program is covered for 15 quilin.

Program/button Diya Zastosuvannya
L Painless dia. For any pain. Zastosovuєtsya locally, at home bіl.
K Low frequency button. During the procedures of zі znyattyam, the tension in the m'yazah.
Q-3 Relaxing day. When znyatti tension m'yaziv, stress, headache.
Q-4 Tonіzuyucha dia. Tonіzuє m'yazi and zv'yazki suglobіv.
Q-5 Harmonizing diya.
Q-6 Reflex with different frequencies. Infusion and acupuncture points, reflex zones.
Q-7 Harmonizing, sudinna dia. Injected into the m'yazi kіntsіvok.
Q-8 Tonіzuyucha, rosemary diya. Diya on m'yazi back.
S-9 Tapping, I'm scared. Zyattya spasm of various groups of m'yaziv.
S-10 Rozminannya. Relaxing, improving blood flow, microcirculation.
S-11 Gliboke razminannya. Tonize the m'yazi, improve blood flow, tissue traffic.
S-12 Roztyrannya. Tonіzuyucha diya on m'yazi.
T(H) Posilyuyucha, zrostayucha diya modes. To increase the trim function pressed 5-7 seconds.
U(S) Button for a smooth infusion. For a sensitive skin.
V Repetition of the in-line mode in the injection. Yakshcho vouchsafed the singing regime to the infusion and you want, sob vin repeating.
W-1 (W-3) It is important to use the right (chervoniy), leviy electrode. Stop when observing asymmetries in the injection
W-2 Point injection. Zastosovuєtsya for acupuncture points. Rotate the center of the button for attaching the electrode above the dot dії.
W-4 Injection beyond the width of the entire electrode. Vykoristovuєtsya in all types of diї, krіm dotted.
M Uvіmknennya - changing the fit, adjusting the intensity. The attachment will automatically wake up after 15 minutes after the end of the program. Increase the intensity of the infusion with electric impulses step by step: remember - the higher the frequency, the thinner and lower the skin - the more noticeable.
Contraindications before congestion є:

1. Good and evil new creations.

2. Vagity.

3. Acute infectious disease and febrile fever of unclear etiology.

4. Chronic infectious disease.

6. Myocardial infarction, brain.

7. Active rheumatism.

8. Venous thrombosis, embolism in the acute period.

9. The presence of a piece (ECS), manifestations of arrhythmia, extrasystoles.

Roztashuvannya elektrodіv on tili.

Respect! Vickory with less clean plates.

Don't bend the plates.

Unique turning plates to metal objects, such as a belt buckle, a lancet.

Do not damage the adhesive surface of the electrode plates!

Lay the plates on the shoulders so that the ridge leans in the center between the plates.

Roll out the plates on both sides of the loam, where you can see the white.

Put the plates on your hand, de Vidchuvaete bіl.

Put one plate up to the soles of your feet, de Vie feels the cold, and the other plate up to the calf.

Respect! Do not put hurt plates on the soles of both feet at the same time!

Put insulting plates on the caviar, de Vidchuvaet bіl.

Lay the plates on the lower part of the back, so that the ridge leans at the center.

Rostashuvannya acupuncture point on the body

How often do people lead a sedentary way of life, which provokes masses to improve their health. Crim with small-armedness of gloomy spleen, most people suffer in the appearance of a supra-mundane vag and I will become healthy. For gymnastics in the gyms for an hour and financial ability not for the skin, but for the axis of the exercise, change the fat deposits that have accumulated, beware of everyone without blame. Tim, who wants to be in good shape, today more and more often doctors give vicor and muscle stimulants.

What is the secret of myostimulation?

Feedback about the "Omron" muscle stimulator, as well as yoga efficiency - positive. But for a simple inhabitant, varto analyze what a muscle stimulator is, how to identify the features of this stasis and who should not experiment on themselves.

Attached is a non-traditional manual massager-simulator, which allows you to tone up the massage of the body.

In case of any training, the m'yaziv will be trained without any kind of physical activity, smut - pick up the necessary level of intensity.

The secret of the injection is that at the supply, I will add electric impulses to the soft tissues of the body in the form of special plates, as if the mud is squeezing. In other words, without depending on the work done, you can correct the m'yazi, imitating busyness at the gym.

Advantages of the devices

Surprisingly, but the result of micropulses is noticeably shorter, lower in physical rights, because the muscle stimulator:

  • Shvidko zbіshuє tone m'azovoї tissue;
  • actively burns superficial fat;
  • commemoratively smoothing and increasing the springiness of the shkir in the area of ​​stimulation;
  • spryaє quick exchange of speeches in the organism, which pours into the burning camp.

Myostimulation is a procedure that has a healthy character for the body.

From low reasons, more simply do not spend an hour to go to specialized salons. Lack of time - tse privіd vіdmovlyatsya in the form of myostimulation. Today you can get a device for vikoristannya at home.

In this hour, judging by the opinions of medical practitioners, muscle stimulants are needed in the earthly world.

Insanely, so that the result of the stimulation of the myostimulator is the greatest, it is necessary to take it without mercy for a skin-reversed depression, rather than work for the help of fahivtsya. Everything should be deposited in the problem area, as it will require weight loss and tightness of the muscle stimulation device itself.

From history

On the back, a muscle stimulator used to find faults for improving the tone of the astronauts, to the fact that their bodies spent a good hour at the bridge. After a certain hour, the simulators were found to be victorious in medicine, helping all the same to save the tone of the mind, but we’ll tie up our little ones with illness. Such devices were victorious in the era of the SRSR and were called electrical stimulators.

Those who, without intermission, on the basis of their work, with the participation of professionals, who worked in the SRSR, were organized trademark"Esma". On this day, the collection of high-class muscle stimulants "ESMA" is known, which is widely used in medical centers.

A few hours later, the Chinese brewers copied the technology of preparation, and now the stimulants in the simplified version are widely represented on the market and may be drunk.

Myostimulator "Omron E4"

The device is made by the company in Japan, by Omron Healthcare. Myostimulator of specializations for zastosuvannya in the butt minds of people without special training in the medical profession.

Myostimulator "Omron" primitive in control and may miraculous characteristics. Myostimulation is not only a cosmetic, but a medical procedure.

Advantages of this type of model

The "Omron E4" muscle stimulator is actively occupied by people who, as a rule, lead a sedentary way of life, and also by people, yakі, navpak, intensively indulge in sports.

Tsey myostimulator of insurance for vikoristannya in the areas:

  • abdomen
  • back;
  • stegon;
  • waist;
  • day;
  • litok, as well as feet.

Nastіlki bugatozilyovim robіtії myostimulyator "Omron E4" advancing power:

  • small-sized volume of the apparatus;
  • two plates with the recognition of a sharp and dotted line;
  • twelve modes of work strength, which are ideal for a person with physical training, and for a trained body;
  • great screen, which asks the process of robotic and adjustment of the muscle stimulator;
  • the possibility of renewal of programs that were worthy;
  • transportation for a robot and a type of batteries.

Similar powers may be the "Omron E2" simulator, the difference is less in the presence of a smaller number of programs and at a significantly reduced price.

To the characteristic rice of the same models of the muscle stimulator, there is a minimum amount of weight, which does not exceed 160 grams, as well as the option of pain relief.

Due to the choice of programs with strong electrical stimulation, the anesthetic effect comes quickly and proceeds sufficiently long hour.

Instructions for the installation of the muscle stimulator

This model was designed specifically for home use, so the instructions for the Omron muscle stimulator are simple and understandable. At to the steadfast curator vin to bring high efficiency and yogo varto exploit people with ailments:

  • chronic arthritis;
  • chronic osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diskenzija zhovchnyh ways;
  • chronic migraine;
  • impotence;
  • enuresis.

And also to people from a low-gross way of life and with an overworld zayva vaga. The muscle stimulator can serve as an alternative to zvichaynіy zagryaztsі and silovym right at the gym, moreover, the device propraciuє all m'yazovі balls in tіlі, scho not zdatne zrobiti zhodnu right.

The basis of the robotic muscle stimulator "Omron E4" is not compatible with any other muscle stimulator:

  1. On the recognized area of ​​the body, special plates are installed from the set of myostimulator.
  2. Vibirayutsya power mikrostrumovogo infusion is one of the necessary programs.
  3. The skin program is three times equal to 15 minutes. It is especially important - the trivality of the procedure for pouring into the body of the body is not responsible for the trivatation of more than 30 quills.

In the process, the robots and microfibres make their way through the mustache balls of the skin to the epidermis.

Vikoristovuvaty myostimulator near the heart, shii, head of that company is fenced.

To finish the great range of the injection to rob the zocrema of the Danes myostimulator with a nameless purchase. Zgidno s іnstruktsiєyu, myostimulator "Omron E4" of recommendations to people with іntensive physical work as deviy zasіb, scho playing.

"Omron" draws fabrics, stretches, can help you recover from the consequences after injury.

Contraindication before victoria

"Omron E4" was fenced off to vikoristovuvaty people, yakim diagnostuvali swells of good-natured and evil character.

The following are also contraindications:

  • vagіtnіst on any terminі;
  • transferring heart attack and others chronic illness the hearts of that vascular system;
  • thrombosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • infectious disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • ailments of the dichal system

How many koshtuє myostimulator?

Nutrition vartostі often є one of the key when cooking chogos. І myostimulator is not a fault. Healthy advice on the Omron E4 muscle stimulator is a budgetary item that can be bought for no more than a few pennies among the versatility of other devices. The range of prices varies close to 5550 rubles.

In order to comply with the rules of hygiene, it is recommended that the skin of a person be cured with a wet set of plates. Oskіlki in a set with a myostimulator є less than two plates; The variability of the plates is also variable, one-time purchases cost 1150 rubles per pair, and the bagatatorium cost is more expensive for 2200 rubles.

The kit includes a soft case, which allows you to easily store and carry the pacemaker.

Myostimulator Omron E4 Professional appointments for relief of pain and the use of spasms in the m'yazіv way infusion of electric impulses on the nerves of the end of the body. The intensity of the work and the trivality of the massage are regulated in a similar way to a coristuvach. The device is powered by two AAA batteries, which guarantees the possibility of functioning without connecting up to electric lines. 12 programs are developed to improve the peculiarities of the skin part of the body and are irrigated by zones and intensity of infusion, as well as by massage methods: “Tapping”, “Rolling”, “Rozminannya”, “Poshtovhi”.

The Omron E4 Professional muscle stimulator is built to generate low frequencies to relieve stress in the mind and temples, so that you can take care of the pain. For automatic switch-on outbuilding transferred special function to be activated after the session is completed. The display will inform you about the current adjustment of the battery charge, which allows you to stay behind the stimulator camp and, if necessary, adjust the modes.

Injection into the selected region for the help of high frequencies

Having poured into the selected area for the help of a high frequency of 1200 Hz, which allows you to negainly relieve the coristuvacha from severe pain.

Injection into the selected region for the help of low frequencies

To relieve tension in m'yazakh

12 stimulation programs

8 special automatic programs, yakі dopomagayut at the onset of symptoms: 1. Tension m'yazyv, names; 2. Gostriy bіl; 3. Tension of shoulder pads; 4. Gostriy bіl u lіktі chi kolіnі; 5. Be careful with your hands; 6. Tucks and volumes of feet; 7. Nabryaki that vtom in faces; 8. Bіl at the back, tension of the part of the back. And also 4 methods of massage: 1. Tapping; 2. Rozminannya; 3. Posts; 4. Ruining.

Adjusted intensity

Possibility to choose the most comfortable massage intensity on a scale of 1 to 10.

6 splice areas

Shoulders, back, arms, legs, feet, snow

pain relief effect

The effect of pain relief with additional electrical stimulation of nerve endings.

Improved efficiency

Shvidka znyattya acute pain and spasm m'yaziv (A.A. Ushakov. "Practical physiotherapy" Medichne іnformatsiyne agency. Moscow; 2009, page 608)


Electronic pacemaker Omron E4 - Description

The OMRON E4 electronic massager is a unique and superb accessory that allows you to vibrate myostimulation in your home minds, you can improve the tone of your muscles, increase them, improve the tone of the vessels, blood circulation and improve the shape of the body.

The OMRON E4 muscle stimulator is needed for improving the internal and external physical form of the body. Vin allows you to improve the figure, the tone of the muscles and the vessels, pump up the relief of the skin, clean up the fat by centimeters with a spalling fat, and all without the need for exercising at the gym.


  • If the OMRON E4 accessory is damaged, it is necessary to damage the foot: it is not possible to use muscle stimulators, as well as pacemakers or other medical implants, which will avenge electronics. You can cause trouble in their robots.
  • The electric massager OMRON E4 may not be properly installed, the stench must be firmly attached. The strength of the strum is not to blame for being too great, it is not to blame for the painful minds.
  • The Japanese Omron Corporation supplies the E4 pacemaker with a 50% warranty. For five years, in order to blame the faults in the application, which appeared to be the fault of the virobnik, you may be able to safely repair yoga in one of the authorized company service centers.

Production: Japan
Warranty: 5 years

Product benefits:

Main positive aspects of the product
  • At the heart of the work of the OMRON E4 muscle stimulator lies a long-standing fact, which is a special rank of tax electric strum then m'yazi skorochuyutsya. The device provides electric impulses of the necessary form, frequency and intensity, in the form of programs, as it is known in robots. For the help of flat electrodes, connected to the attachment by wires, the impulses pass across the skin to the active points of the skin and flutter and collapse in the required rhythm and with the required intensity. M'yazi train and pump, spall muscle fat, circulate blood circulation.
  • The main functions of the OMRON E4 massager are the training of m'yaziv and the spalling of fat. Also, an attachment may have the function of a swedish pain reliever, the generation mode, which is behind, 1200 Hertz. Appliance may 12 programs, regulated intensity of air.
  • The OMRON E4 muscle stimulator is a representative of the middle class of these devices. Vin may be more handy, ergonomic case, large handy display. Zavdyaks of ability to instill not only on wide areas, but also on small points, the attachment allows you to repair acupuncture.
  • One of the applications of the OMRON E4 electronic massager is sports medicine, allowing you to recover from the aftermath of sports injuries, increase the tone of the muscles, and conduct rehabilitation. Also, this muscle stimulator will help you, who wants to clean up the fat, pump up the m'yazi, and not only the biceps, but the press, but the m'yazi is the appearance of the breasts. For the help of a muscle stimulator, you can pump m'yazi, for example, for the greatest minds, swing smoothly, for example, the inner surface of the quilt.


Technical characteristics:

Head parameters: