Minecraft has been closed due to an unknown threat. Minecraft is being prepared for launch with mods - what to do. Problems with mods

On the page you point everything yourself parts of the meal with launching the launcher and minecraft. If you didn’t find any answers to your nutrition here, don’t get embarrassed. Describe your request to our group on VK http://vk.com/mlauncher, and we will help you figure it out. All the most common favors are added here

How to find the minecraft folder

On Windows: Start/Windows enter %APPDAT%\.mienecraft On Linux: ~/.minecraft

How to install Java?

Zavantazhuemo Java remains versions (Java 8) from https://www.java.com/ru/download/ . Before you begin, turn over the processor on your computer. In OS Windows capacity can be identified via Start / My Computer / Power - System Type. It's 64-bit operating system, then import the file with the 64x version of Java.

My launcher won't launch

Possible milking options:
  1. Turn it around that you are vikorist I'll keep the version mlauncher. If not, then download it http://site/downloading
  2. https://www.java.com/ru/download/
  3. Delete the folder with launcher settings. %APPDATA%\.mlauncher is uninstalled in Windows OS
  4. If your antivirus has blocked the launcher, which happens very rarely. Try immediately turning on the protection in your antivirus. I will tell you about this deal to the retailer mlauncher
  5. If a black screen appears when you first launch it, try running the launcher as Administrator. When you run mlauncher for the first time, add two keys to the registry and gain administrator rights.

I can't launch Minecraft

Possible milking options:
  1. Download the remaining version of Java (Java 8) https://www.java.com/ua/download/
  2. Delete the minecraft folder. On Windows - %APPDATA%\.minecraft. Before you go, don't forget to save the world of minecraft in the vicinity of your dad
  3. Update the video card driver. Intel (including Intel HD Graphics, Intel Iris and Intel Iris Pro):

Confirmation from Yergey Serov[active]
Vidality Forge.what is lib?

Confirmation Koman Berkut[Newbie]

Confirmation Nastya Bulgakova[Newbie]
I don't know what to do

Confirmation Kirilo Gutnikov[Newbie]
you're all wrong

Confirmation Oleksandr Alekseev[Newbie]

Confirmation WhiteSiDe[Newbie]

Confirmation Illya Volgin[Newbie]
Guys, the problem is that in dad.minecraft mods folder, you must delete this folder or delete everything from it because the current version does not support such mods and you cannot run them, if you added a like

Confirmation Edward Khasaniv[Newbie]

Confirmation Oleksiy Antonov[Newbie]

Confirmation Streamez rus[Newbie]

Confirmation Sandra Cretu[Newbie]

Confirmation Arturchik[Newbie]

What is it timid? Help!

Confirmation Lyudmila Tevosova[Newbie]

Confirmation Artem Boyariv[Newbie]
Vidali forg

Confirmation Liza Urazova[Newbie]

Confirmation Dmitro Khitriy[active]
and I want to play with mods

Confirmation Tolya Yuryev[Newbie]
I have the same mercy

Confirmation Evgen Baranov[Newbie]

Confirmation Mikita Zadorin[Newbie]

Confirmation Tolya Yuryev[Newbie]
I have the same mercy

Confirmation Evgen Baranov[Newbie]
I can't play Minecraft without Forge

Confirmation Mikita Zadorin[Newbie]
and what about vidality tsey forge???!

Confirmation Dmitro Khitriy[active]
and I want to play with mods

Confirmation Lyudmila Tevosova[Newbie]
pіzd... your suggestions helped...

Confirmation Artem Boyariv[Newbie]
Vidali forg

Confirmation Liza Urazova[Newbie]
To be honest, you won’t find the answer. This may be true, since the phone is poorly supporting the game.

Confirmation Arturchik[Newbie]
Minecraft crash crashed after unknown mercy. To determine the reasons for the settlement, bulo viklikano Rozrobnik Console.
What is it timid? Help!

Confirmation Sandra Cretu[Newbie]
Just remove from the mods folder the mods that are intended for another version of Minecraft and then it will start

Confirmation Streamez rus[Newbie]
I just reinstalled the launcher and stopped lag.

Confirmation Edward Khasaniv[Newbie]
You just need to copy the folder, delete it and put it back, it worked for me

Confirmation Oleksiy Antonov[Newbie]
But you are just geniuses... You don’t read the comments, they all write “Delete forge, I’ll help!”, it was clearly already said that it didn’t help.
I have already reinstalled Minecraft and Java, and the emergency shutdown of Minecraft still persists, and until then, when I play on the servers.

Confirmation Oleksandr Alekseev[Newbie]
Try changing the version if you play without mods, did it help?

Confirmation WhiteSiDe[Newbie]
reinstall main, java, download java offline

Confirmation Nastya Bulgakova[Newbie]
I don't know what to do
I started to feel better when I flew to the edge
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know, but keepInventory is also messed up, so I can’t write kill

Confirmation Kirilo Gutnikov[Newbie]
you're all wrong

Confirmation Koman Berkut[Newbie]
Guys, the problem is that in the folder.minecraft there is a mods folder, you have to delete this folder or delete everything from it because the current version does not support such mods and you can’t run them, if you add a like

Confirmation Illya Volgin[Newbie]
Guys, the problem is that in the folder.minecraft there is a mods folder, you have to delete this folder or delete everything from it because the current version does not support such mods and you can’t run them, if you add a like

The Minecraft sandbox is seen around the world. Despite the simplicity of the graphics, the gameplay is much less serious. What can they say, because after the projects created by the people, parks, squares and entire settlements are created! The game will continue to be fully developed, unless mods come out and updates will not be possible without compromises and villiots. How can it work, since the game is loaded at startup, or through mods, clicking on the type “Minecraft has crashed”?

The game was created by my Java program, which is good by itself. Violation from games can provoke mods: there is a conflict, or incorrect installation. Don’t just forget about the broken files and libraries that were lost. However, the reasons are impersonal. Most often, these improvements appear in versions 1.5.2 and 1.7.10. Let's move straight to the top of the problem.

Crash-meat gri “Minecraft has crashed!”

We can correct the crash of milks in gri

The simplest and most effective method is uninstallation Play with mods at once reinstalled. If you are not looking for easy ways, then let’s try to recreate those that are.

Worked with the system
  • Let's start with reinstalling Java. Visible through "Programs and components" After which it is obligatory to re-invent. We download it and install it from the official website. I am re-inventing myself again.
  • We install the remaining version of the video card driver from the official website of the driver. You should never run out of these utilities correctly; it is recommended that you perform the operation manually.
  • Now let's move on to memory. First of all, cream, power, RAM, the necessary download file. If you have at least 4 GB installed on your computer RAM, then there is no special need for it. However, if this parameter is lower, increase the swap file by 1024-3072 MB. Important, please manual adjustment, the minimum and maximum size parameters have been saved. Alternatively, before launching the launcher, you can change the amount of visible memory. You can set this parameter using the sample method.

Things have gone wrong. Payment did not go through technical grinding- what's robiti

Black screen is displayed

If there is a black screen when starting Minecraft, the problem lies directly in the launcher.

  1. Let's go to the directory AppData -> Roaming -> .minecraft->bin. The end folder can be called something else, but it itself - "versions".
  2. We delete all files from this folder. You can drag the folder into the folder, since the procedure will not help.
  3. We launch the load from a shortcut on the desktop.

At this point, the game detects all kinds of files and downloads them from the Internet. Obviously, you will need to connect before the cutoff.

The black screen is due to the incorrect version of the game mod. Most often it is installed when the new version of Minecraft is installed. Obviously, you need to clear the code.

Problems with mods

Everything was fine before installing the mods? Don’t rush to start the game; they may need to be properly trained.

Well, in case of a fashion conflict, a sign of mercy appears in front of the kristuvach. Click on the bottom part, after the row "BEGIN ERROR REPORT...". In case of mod conflicts, find a row "...IllegalArgumentException Slot..."– after "Slot" indications of the block that 2 modi are claiming at the same time. The row may look different: "...ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException...", and after it the slot numbers are indicated. If there are no such clarifications, then the pardon itself Forge, or it does not correspond to the version of game/mod.

To change the slot, you need to go to the folder with the game and click on the next steps.

  1. Go to the directory "config".
  2. We know the file and folder called mod. Please note that you need to correct the installation of mods without stopping before. Otherwise, some items from the game will be replaced.
  3. Click on the file with the right key and select "Call for help..." install Notepad.
  4. We know in the notepad a slot with a serial number, so click us, and replace it with something more suitable. Important! The new number must be combined with many numbers, so a three-digit id is changed to a three-digit one, and a four-digit ID is changed to a four-digit one.

Before speaking, read this article also: A crash has been detected by BugTrap - how to fix the problem


These methods describe the most common problems in people. Of course, it is impossible to list all the benefits in one article, even though they are very large. In any case, if your Minecraft is working with a black screen, or “Minecraft has crashed” - let’s check these points first. If it doesn’t help anything, then we’ll just go through the forums and video instructions. If you have lost your respect, please write something lower in the comments.

If you have problems with power supply when using our TLauncher, then in this new product we have collected the most common problems and their most common ones.


- Is it paid?
No, it’s not costly.

What does TLauncher and Minecraft seem to work like?
1) Reinstall Java from the site http://java.com
2) Download the remaining version of TLauncher:
3) Vidality file configured ~/.tlauncher/ru-minecraft.properties
4) Visibility folder ~/.minecraft/ (div. point 5)
5) Directions to required folders:
- For Windows: ...\%Koristuvach folder%\AppData\Roaming\
- For Linux: /home/%Im'ya koristuvach%/
- For MacOS: /home/%Im'ya koristuvach%/Library/Application Support/
(!) What do you have? important files From your Minecraft daddy, make a backup copy of it.

The game does not start in the console in the remaining rows:
Error caused by initalization of VM
Could no reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap
Java HotSpot(TM) VM warning: using incremental CMS

The problem is related to the memory of the launcher. For the highest level, press “Adjustment” -> “Additional”, find the entry “Memory Vision”, try to change the values ​​until the game starts, especially after changing the skin, saving and trying to start.

* in the screenshot, the amount of memory that appears to be used for the butt, you may only run on other values.

What's wrong if TLauncher doesn't start?
1) Re-enable the launcher, any remaining parts may be related to the compromise when downloading/updating the file that is being saved.
2) Move vikonuvany file TLauncher to a folder, in which case there is no special. characters (!, ?, @...) and characters that are not supported by the ASCII standard (such as Cyrillic, hieroglyphs and other non-Latin letters).
3) Uninstall Java and download more new version. Since there is no such thing, just rearrange it explicitly.

How to install 32-bit/64-bit Java on Windows?
1) Open the attraction page:
Java 7: .
Java 8: .
2) Click “Accept License Agreement”
3) Select and download the required version
For Java 7: Windows xAA jre-7uNN-windows-xAA.exe
For Java 8: Windows xAA jre-8uNN-windows-xAA.exe
...where AA is the capacity (32 or 64, select the one you need), NN is the update number (the higher the number, the better and the newer).
4) Install as a default program.
5) Done!

How to install the skin?
Buy the game and install it from your profile on the official website.

Why does my skin appear crooked?
Starting with version 1.8, a different skin format is introduced that is not supported in previous versions.

Why is my skin – Baba Alex?
The skin is credited to your nickname ID. Skin type can be changed depending on special office on, so for whom do you need to buy gr.

I put the skin on nothing, why doesn’t it show up?
From the introductions new systems skins (from version 1.7.5+), skins are no longer displayed by pirates.

Where to take fashion?
On our website, in the section.

How to install the fashion?
Read the instructions for the new mod.

Where is the "bin" folder, the "minecraft.jar" file?
After the release of Minecraft 1.6 (as it came out more fatefully, slow), the "bin" folder was replaced with the "versions/Version_Number/" folder, and "minecraft.jar" with "versions/Version_Number/Version_Number.jar" obviously.

Versions with Forge (before 1.7.10) do not launch at all. Otherwise, when launched, the launcher restarts (closes and opens again).
Perhaps you have one of the Java 8 updates installed, which may be a known software bug.

Patching Forge
1) Download one of the recovered files:
- For Forge 1.6.4 #965: .
- For Forge 1.7.2 #1121 / #1147: .
- For Forge 1.7.10 #1208: .

(!) For new versions of Forge 1.7.10 the patch is not required.
2) Open the Minecraft folder by clicking on the folder icon in the TLauncher main menu.
3) Go to the folder libraries/net/minecraftforge/minecraftforge/
4) Find the folder whose name ends with the patch number.
For example, after downloading the patch for Forge 1.7.2 #1121 / #1147: you need to open the folder 1.7.2- (or 1.7.2-, as it will be there; if it offends the folders, close the patch to both )
5) Open the JAR file that is in this folder as an archiver. Visible folder META-INF/. Open the folder cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/ and copy the file you downloaded from it. Wait until you replace it and close the archiver.
6) Done :)

Java 7 installed.
1) Have seen Java 8:
- Control Panel -> Programs and Components -> Java 8 Update xx -> Vidality
2) Install Java 7 if it is not installed:
– Go to the simulator: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloa.

– Click “Accept License Agreement”
- If you have a 64-bit system, select "Windows x64 (jre-7uXX-windows-x64.exe)". Otherwise, select "Windows x86 Offline (jre-7uXX-windows-i586.exe)".
* At the place XX is a double-digit number ranging from 51 to 99.
– Run the enchantment file

– I can’t play on the server!
1) If you see that the error is “related to java”, try turning on your antivirus and/or firewall and switching your connection to the Internet.
2) If the error “Bad Login” or “Invalid session” comes out, then the error is due to the fact that the Vikorist server has a premium authorization model, like pirates (or just people with other launchers), on which don't let the server in. Try to go to this server, the vikoryst launcher, which is advertised on the website/page of this server, or try the official vikoryst one.

I can't play local measures: write “Unacceptable session”
Only premium members can open the server for monitoring. Create a new server (We have an article) and write online-mode=false in your settings

Antivirus avast! blocks traffic TLauncher What to do?
Setup -> Active protection -> Web screen -> Scan traffic only through external browsers

Kaspersky Antivirus blocks resource consumption. What is it timid?
Add the Anti-banner address to the white list: http://resources.download.minecraft.net/ad/ad*

What is the problem with "Minecraft closed with exit code: -805306369"?
The launcher itself advises you on your nutrition

This pardon has no strictly logical reason.
I know what's going on there:
- Important on versions >1.6.4
- If you try, the gold will break down
- After installing the texture pack (from the server)
- Technical reason: through the memory view (PermGen, check everything)

Possible solutions:
- Check the "New client" checkbox and click "Reinstall". In this way, you give the launcher a chance to detect corrupted files and re-enable them.
- View mods and resource packs. So, they can also lay their paws on the situation that has developed
- You can turn on the sound from the settings of Minecraft itself. You play without sound, you play without villots.

– How can I install Forge on my own?
1. Go to this site:

2. Find the required version of Forge
3. Select "Installer" for the selected version
4. Launch it, click "OK"
5. ???
6. Profit! Forge versions installed this way will appear at the end of the list of versions.

How can I install OptiFine myself?
1. Go to this site:

2. Find the required version of OptiFine and install it. Recommended edition: "Ultra"
3. Launch the file, click “Install”
4. ???
5. Profit!

How to install LiteLoader on your own?
1. Follow these steps:

2. Find the version you need and download it
3. Launch the downloaded file and select the version you would like to install LiteLoader. Note: If you installed Forge the other way, the installer will automatically detect it. So, if you want to combine Forge and LiteLoader, then select Forge from the list of versions, or click on the “Chain to Minecraft Forge” checkbox.

How can I install ForgeOptiFine (or OptiForgeLiteLoader) on my own?
1. Download Forge, OptiFine and LiteLoader (for each) the versions you need (wonderful)
2. Install and launch Forge (obviously), LiteLoader (behind the rules)
3. Place OptiFine in the mods/ folder
4. ???
5. Profit! When launching Forge, OptiFine and LiteLoader (including) enable mutual content mode (either)

I updated the launcher, and all the cloud records/savings/servers/buns were in me. What is it timid?
The bottom line is that nothing was missing. Just the launcher and just a few of your configuration files have been updated.
Better yet, place the Minecraft folder not in the standard directory, but in some other place. Guess where all this was on the right, and in the settings of the launcher in the “Directory” field, point to him. Nothing complicated. The launcher is starting to work again in the old way.

How to report a problem:

0) Read the FAQ first and try all the options to solve the most common problems. If it didn’t help, read further.

1) Launch TLauncher.

1. Download the remaining version and save it to your desktop.
2. Open notepad and enter:
java -jar TLauncher.jar

3. Save the file on your desktop under the name “TLauncher.bat”. First of all, don’t forget to enter “File type → All files (.*)”
4. Try running the saving file. If the launcher does not start, copy (or, at the extreme end, take a screenshot) the entire command row instead.

2) Collect information about the problem.

1. Open the settings:

2. Open the "Addatkovo" tab.

3. Go to the “TLauncher Customization” tab.

4. Vibery zagalnu console of the retailer.

5. Save your money.


Often under the hour Minecraft sees a mess, The gravel doesn’t know what kind of solution. Let's take a look at everything now Possible options pardons and their correction.

The proposals themselves can be divided into a number of points:

  1. Pomilki u gri (servers, mods, cards, lights);
  2. Pardons are tied to the game itself;
  3. Requests are made through mod conflicts;
  4. Loading your PC (memory, video card, etc.).

This is how we divided all the usual Minecraft benefits into 4 points. To the best of our ability, we will report and describe a series of actions that will help you solve practically any problem related to Minecraft. If you ever have a problem, if you don’t find your way, you can write in the comments, and we will definitely help you.

Pomilka Bad Video Card Drivers- This is due to the fact that you do not have any Video Card drivers, or they are already outdated. To solve this problem, go to the official website of your graphics processor (GPU) manufacturer and install the latest version of the video card driver.

Out of Memorypardon given Blames through defective RAM of your PC. This time you need to close everything open programs for free RAM. If the problem doesn’t know that you have closed all programs, then you have no choice but to expand the RAM.

Pomilk Could no create the Java Virtual Machine- if such a pardon appears at the hour of launching Minecraft and at the hour of play, then the PC cannot create the middle of Viconn Java. Reinstall JAVA or update it to the latest current version.

Minecraft won't start, Black screen when starting Minecraft- The black screen only appears in one window if you have installed the mod. Either you installed the mod incorrectly or it conflicts with another mod, through which you cannot pass the check for compatibility. Solution - select the META-INF folder in minecraft.jar.

Pomilka Bad Login, User not Premium— To enter this server you need a Minecraft License Account. As an administrator of this server Yes, then change the parameters online-mode=true to online-mode=false in the server.properties file. Don't have a Minecraft license account yet? No problem, we are committed to the distribution of licensed cloud records on the forum, come in and you will also receive a license!

The server respond with an invalid server key- To solve this problem, you need to replace the minecraft.jar file with a clean one and delete the META-INF folder (as it is there).

Outdated Client- This is due to the fact that your version of Minecraft and the server version do not match. For example, you have a Minecraft 1.7.2 client, and you are accessing a 1.12.2 server. The solution is to update the Minecraft client to the required version.

Disconnected by Server. Outdated Server- Your Minecraft client is great, lower on the server. For example, you go to a Minecraft server with version 1.7.10, and you have a client with version 1.9.4. Please update to the required version of Minecraft to resolve this issue.

Pomilka Logged in from another location- Any other login to the server under your login. This kind of compromise often occurs when you vikorist's records from distribution.

Pomilka Connection reset — the notice appears when the server is unavailable or there are problems with connections. The server will immediately turn off or immediately disconnect your connection.

Pomilka Connection refused the server has connected your connection. There is no server behind this address, otherwise you have connection problems. Change your Internet connection.

Pardon Read time out- It’s time for the inhabitants to recover. Often this kind of mercy comes at an hour's notice online games, Minecraft and the Server on which you play, connect for additional packages. The server or your client can respond to the request, and after the hour the connection is disconnected so as not to create supernatural attraction. In this situation, you need to check your Internet connection and try to go to the server again.

Pomilka Can't reach server- such a pardon occurs during the hour of online play on the server through your IP address. To solve this problem you need to install the Hamachi program.

Fix Internal Server Error— you can show up at the hour to play on the server, or at the hour to log into the server. The peace comes through correct work Mod or plugin on the server.

Minecraft has been crashed!- Minecraft is a malware client, most often this malfunction occurs through incorrect installation of mods. There is only one solution - reinstall Minecraft. Or remove all mods and try to launch the game.

There may be some people who run their own servers. As the server is being created, there may be a lot of damage, let's take a look at them in the same way:

Pardon NOT ENOUGH RAM!— when starting the server, it means that there is very little RAM available for the server or Java. The solution is to expand (see) the RAM.

Pardon FAILED TO BIND TO PORT— the port is closed, it needs to be opened. To top it all off, you can change the default port 25565, or something else, for example, to 25555.

If you don’t know the reason why Minecraft won’t start, please leave a description of the problem in the comments. Also on the forum you can delete Minecraft LOG files so that we can help you identify problems with Minecraft.