Methodology for opening cases. Introduction to the case method: what is a case and why do you need stench. Vіdminnі risi case-method

Good afternoon, could you help me to open the case?
Case "Footwear International"
John Carlson frowned at the world of that, as if reading the editorial of the day's issue of Meillat,
fundamentalist newspaper, which may have strong links from the opposition political party.
The article, under the title "Unprobably impudent Footwear", pulled on those that the company
I was informed that I formed Islam Tim, that I victorious in the name of Allah, spreading Yogo Yak
design on the soles of sandals. To supplement everything, the newspaper published a photograph of the evil
sandals on the front page. Newspaper called students to anti-Footwear demonstration at
coming day. Chief Director of Footwear Bangladesh - John Carlson cіlkom
ascertaining that it is necessary to work very hard in order to avoid a serious conflict in
vibuhonot safe situation.
Footwear International
Footwear International is an international company that manufactures and sells clothing.
The selection was distributed all over the world and included 83 companies in 70 countries. And to herself:
in the factories
industry, past laboratories, knitwear factories, laboratories
quality control, as well as approximately 6,300 retail stores and 50,000 independent
retail sellers
Services - 67 thousand. chol. - they vibrated and sold over 270 million pairs of vodka
shoroku. The head office of the company has functioned as a service center and
staffing fakhіvtsami z uxogo svіtu. Numbers of fahivts in the gallery of marketing,
retail trade, design, communications, processing of information and business
administration was repeatedly carried out at the time of delivery, schob
consult various companies. Trainings and technical training to be carried out
tsimi traveling travelers, as well as probation at the head office, allowed to take care of
servicemen of the company have the rest of the world's achievements in their business.
Regardless of those that the company wanted to standardize in technology and design, won
supported high rіven decentralization and autonomy for pickers. Companies
in fact, they were rebuffed under self-ordering and were quite loyal to the minds
tієї kraїni, de perebuvali. The leather company was supported by directors,
which includes representatives of the social business. The concept of partnership on a miserable level
allowed the company to be a guest in the whole world and to turn products around
in such countries, where other transnational companies had no chance of survival.
Bangladesh has about 110 million people. on the territory of 143,998 sq. km by itself
a heavily populated country near the world. Vaughn is also known among the largest lands - s
a high degree of fallowness in the form of foreign assistance. Over 40% of the gross national
the product is created in the sphere of the agricultural state and over 60% of the economically active
the population is occupied by the sector of the agricultural state. If the land in Bangladesh is wholesome,
the country is roztashovana in the zone of tropical monsoon climate and suffering from periodic
ruin cyclones. In 1988 The country has gone through the most terrible time in history.
The main population of the region (85%) are Muslims, and in 1988. Islam became official
religion of Bangladesh. Approximately 95% of the population of Bengal speak
- In tribal dialects.
At the XX century. Bangladesh is small for its turbulent history. Bіlshіst kraїni bula
English colony. In 1947 it came from Assam and became the Transitional Pakistan.
province of the newly created land - Pakistan. Skhіdniy Pakistan
1600 km of Indian territory
National Capital At the next fate it became
cause of great dissatisfaction among the shidniy part, oskolki people realized that the stench
took a disproportionately small part of the capital and were insufficiently represented in
The coming period of dissatisfaction started in 1969, if the Awami League is leading
political party - won a reconciliation in the elections in the 1970s. Awami
League 26 March 1971 voted for the independence of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, after which
the mass war broke out. Hundreds of thousands of refugees crossed the cordon over the conflict
India has security concerns. In the chest of India, yak pіdtrimala the independence of Bangladesh,
declared war, and in 12 days Pakistan capitulated. Bangladesh standing up for its
independence, Dhaka became the new capital of the country. Nezabarom buv zanepad u
industry, as a result of the observation of financiers and enterprises, more
such as not buli bengali trip.
At the approaching fate in Bangladesh, there was more less political support
stability. Irrespective of those who were selected, stability changed under the threat
terrorist acts from the side of both left-wing and right-wing radical groups.
Terrorist activities civil rights have become prominent here.
Z 1983 Bangladesh has a self-voting president, General H.M. Ershad.
Undaunted by the demonstration in 1987, the yak brought to the denudation of the superhuman camp
in the country, Yershad, wiping out power on the choice of offensive rock, prote political
instability was preserved. Awami League is an alliance of eight political parties
became opposition. The impersonal political parties were tied up with the opposition
newspapers, as if they portrayed their political position. Strikes and demonstrations
a part of the phenomenon, as a legacy of the united oppositional political parties,
student groups and different splits.
Footwear Bangladesh
Footwear began its activity with Hidden Bengal in the 1930s. In 1962 mali
place of the first day of investment in the life of the factory
Possessions for the growing industry in the industrial town of Tonga, 30 km from Dhaka.
At the onset of fate, the company expanded in all possible and impossible ways.
Have 1971 r. keruuchy director becoming the only foreigner in the order for the badge
merit of yogo special company for the contribution to the independence of Bangladesh.
In 1985 the company went on sale and after two years it quickly went crazy
largest private sector foreign investments in the country, as well as a shkiryan factory
from virobnitstv vzuttya in Dhamari. Nova shkiryana factory vibrated shkira
for the needs of local factories of the company, for export, as well as a wide range of products for
local market
In 1988 Footwear Bangladesh hired 1,800 employees and sold its products through
81 department stores and 54 agencies. The company introduced to the market about 300 new
the models are very scrupulous, vicorist and artistic design. Company managers have already written
the potential of its staff, presented exclusively to local populations.
The short sales volume exceeded 10 million pairs, which was 15% of the 1988 market.
Income reached 30 million dollars, and net income - 1 million dollars. In the financial aspect
within the Footwear International holding, the company became a medium-sized structural
pidrozdil. With a population of 110 million people. and with a potency drink from a rozrahunka 1 pair per
dermal bag stretching for 2 years Bangladesh announced the company's great growth potential.
The chief director of the company, John Carlson, was one of the few foreigners,
working for the company. The other three were managers of virobnitstva, marketing and
sales. We have made a great contribution to the work in the holding.
March 22, 1989 John Carlson was shown a copy of the current issue of Meillat.
the leading opposition newspaper. Article under the heading "Footwear impertinent impudence"
denounced that the design of the sole of the sandal, to the company, was written
Arabic word "Allah". Dali statya stverdzhuval, scho the company is rebuying the power
The Jewish homeland is accountable until the Palestinians are beaten into Israel. The article conveyed the fact
that the word "Allah" was victorious at the design of the soles as a sign of deep disdain for
Carlson negainally contacted the head of the design department and asked for us
information about sandal design. Vin already knew that the sandals lay down to the middle price.
to the range of the line of the female vzuttya, the design of which changes with the improvement of the features of the female
market. The head of the design added additional steps, that the design is grounded on the Chinese images.
twinkles, like the designer bought at the local market (Fig. 1).
Fig.1. Chinese little stars are the design that wins for the sandal
(Baby from a fax sent by Carlson to the company's headquarters)
The stench of the flooring was worthy of їy, scho won victorious їх as the basis for
design, what kind of ideas to look at and discussed with the chief
Mustache spіvrobіtniki vіddіlі marketing and design buli muslims. Chief of Design
also told that the woman-designer, yak rozrobila qiu model, bula more godly
a Muslim woman from Bangladesh, but she did not speak and did not write Arabic, the same
it was set to Mayzha until the decision of spіvrobіtnikіv vіddіlu. Vin also confirmed that the great
a large number of spivrobitniks at the viddili bachili new design, Before that, praise Yogo, and they don’t have
Viniclo and thoughts about possible problems.
Carlson changed the design of the sandals and the writing of the word "Allah" in Arabic (Fig. 2).
Rice. 2. Arabic writing of the word "Allah" (little facsimile sent by Carlson to the headquarters
company apartment)
Carlson buv zdivaniy zmіst statti and hour її output. Sandals not
were a new product on the market, and there were no daily scargs on them. per
in the world of that, having re-read the article, I was more and more amazed at why the emphasis was on
those that the company had nothing to do with the Jewish family, wanting the truth of the family, yak Volodya
company, bula christian. Vin is also wondering why the article about sandals
given such importance to students.
In the course of the day, the situation worsened. Carlson was shown a translation of leaflets, yaki
two youth groups were squatting, and they called out to a demonstration against
companies of the coming day. Leaflets po'yazuval in one tsіle pіdpriєmstvo, Salman Rushdi -
the Jewish community and wickedly threatened to “inspire at the cost of your life to protest
against the Jewish scourge."
They inherited other bad news. At Carlson's telephone rings there are those
some foreigners threatened to call for an article of the criminal code for malicious mischief
navmisnі dії z rasplyuvannya natsіonalі vorozhnechі і image pochutіv
After one hour, Carlson, having taken a copy of the call statement in the form of a mission
lawyer, who also did not do anything good. The call statement stated that
the company was in charge of a non-corrosive image for all the people of Bangladesh and their religion - Islam.
At that hour, like Carlson, having clouded the situation, the voice of the secretary stormed
after telling you that he called the prime minister and called the incident a non-problem
wickedness. The situation became more and more serious with skin quivering, and Carlson thought
what is the next step in order to minimize the beats.
Problem Structure
Vipadok є difficult crisis situation in the minds of the unstable,
aggressive ovnіshny middle. The company's management is out of the situation, if you
it is necessary to develop the strategy and tactics of minimization
possible economic failure in the face of a political scandal that is being started. With whom
it is necessary to protect the impersonal factors of the economic, political and social
1. Conduct an analysis of the marketing medium of Footwear Bangladesh, fold the matrix
SWOT analysis.
2. Prompted come in to resolve the situation, apply to
forms of mental cards (cards of ideas). At the sight of the hawk next picture come in for all
contact audiences (order, bones mass information, clients, students,
lawyers and advocates of the company).
3. Spread on the temporal axis of the proponated come in, spreading them on
short lines, middle lines and long lines.

Groups have the right, as they call business cases on assessments, recognized for imitation of realistic sounds and group work situations.

The stench allows recruiting organizations to keep track of them, as candidates behave, work at the warehouse of the team, and are recognized for the assessment of low competencies, as they are considered important for the position of the role (reporter div. competency matrix at the article). Organizations beat them, stinks of stink to give an uninterrupted demonstration of how the candidate works with other people. The stench allows estimating the behavior of candidates in a standardized environment, as it is more fair and ob'ektivnishoy, less vipadkovy for it, as the stench interacts with others.

Apply cases

Groups have the right to look at business cases in the assessments and include tasks for teams that consist of 4-8 candidates, and part of the largest assessment. Candidates sit at the table, and experts spread out around the room. The skin expert is assigned 1-2 candidates for vigilance, and they write down the details of the relationship that should be taken at the right time.

Business cases can be filled with different forms, but before the group is given some information for analysis (business case), and then, on the basis of this information, it is necessary to propagate the ending of the song factory.

Thematic area of ​​case scenarios, with which candidates can get stuck, can be widely changed. Active business cases showcase scenarios that are suitable for a particular robot vendor. For example, a technology company can ask candidates to swipe, how to turn a problematic technology project in the right direction. Other organizations can choose a broader scenario, for example, a broadly discussed task for launching a new business product.

In most cases, the factual change of the discussion is not even relevant; it is important that the candidates interact one by one in the context of competencies that are evaluated in the course of the case solution.

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Preparing for completion of business cases

Vivchennia robots

Before the assessment of the warto, add an hour to the final meeting of the future roboticist. Tse give you a razuminnya, yakі approximately on you can check the zavdannya that casey, and yak come to the top of the case tsy robot.

View the company's website. Find out, until some recent initiatives, it was learned, what are the key individuals, about which warto is known more. Yaki її plans for expansion. Who are the main competitors and how they stink to dilyat the market.

What information about the company's values? What is more important for її spіvrobіtnikіv? For example, what is more important - the commercial vigoda of the servant of the supporter and the welfare?

Victory information on the company's website for staff recruitment. Often you can clearly show that the competences in the company are important for the success of the promotion. Think about how the stink is put up to your style of behavior and try to win the match, so that you can confirm the company's announcement about the ideal candidate.

Work with information for the case scenario

Information that you take into account in the scenario of the case, can be strongly disturbed - as in real life. Business data can be presented in rich forms that reflect the consistency of business. Efficient businesses make decisions based on information from different people and women. Such dzherela can be:

  • Speak about pributki and zbitki: tse financial calls, in which cases there are incomes and expenses incurred by the protyag of the singing period for an hour - ring out for the quarter chi r_k. These records give information, as a way to show the company's ability to take profits for the salary of increased income and short-term expenses.
  • balance sheet– this call is given as a notice, as the company works on the same date.
  • Organizational diagrams- The stench is to give an explicit statement about those who have the power of the company and who are the key people.
  • Data about sales– call for current information about trade, including prices and charges, as well as other information related to trade.
  • Data about clients– this information can be submitted from looking at demographic data about clients, such as ever, to become that income; or else, you can have data from customers, such as suggestions, skargi chi following the market.
  • Organizational structure- organization and business diagrams to show you how a company is run by looking at how people occupy positions, what they do with their work and where they work geographically.
  • Thanks to the staff- These data are one of the most important for the analysis of the company's work and can include data on staff experience, analysis of mutual relations, analysis of the market of practice, etc.
  • Listing of spivrobitnikiv. Knowing the smart people victorious “intuitively feels” and can remember the information in order to give them hints about the mood of the company in the company. In business cases, you can also find fragments of unofficial information about the staff, included in other data, in the middle of this information. Small fragments of information can add to an important topic, so go back to it in the discussion, so you know what is there.

One case is unlikely to include all the information, I’m more rehabilitated, and if there is an hour for reading, ring out the surroundings - the main respect is attached to the discussion. At the end of the case, you need to read and analyze the entire this information first of all, discuss it with the group.

Read all the information given to you about the case scenario

You will be given a detailed description of the work and the necessary skills and skills, perhaps a list of key competencies for this role. Victory tse, to think about what you can evaluate in a group right. The company's website also often gives information about the specifics of the assessment and the right. It is also possible that the company gave you more information about them before the very beginning of the assessment. It's really important to read.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Understanding your own experiences and shortcomings can even help with the discussion of group cases. Take care of yourself: ask for guidance from someone who knows you best. You can be a reader, a robot giver, a friend of yours. Ask them what they think about your style of group talk. How stink to think, what are your strengths and your needs for development in the future? Hurry up with your strengths under the hour of discussing the case and think over the ways of possible improvement. For example, as it seems to you that you are somehow able to dominate in a group environment, try to twist your behavior, if you hang out with friends and colleagues. You can ask a close friend to help you, if you win, you will again start dominating other spys.

Take part in group discussions and debates. You can either clubs or groups, for example, discussion camaraderie, clubs with case studies, case championships, literary groups, or simply take part in serious discussions with friends and colleagues. As you are a modest person for a date, such discussions will help you to call to the atmosphere of the discussion, as if they will be at the assessments.

Try to know the ability to poserigat other people, the style of opportunism that suits you. For example, know the hour to take a part in the gatherings for the hour of group work and marvel at what you see. How natural, do these other participants take the lead roles? What to rob the head, to secure the fate of us at the collections? If there is no recognized head of the mediator, how can the group go to practice it? How can you paint a groupie robot?

You can also talk to friends you know, who have already taken part in the assessments and won group rights. However, you need to understand that your opinion may be different from yours, so criticize your thoughts more critically and work on the authority of the whiskers.

Once again, it is significant that participation in case championships and clubs for business case decisions can be even more significant. A lot of companies accept winners of competitions for solving cases as the main selection - only for the result of the interview.

Tasks for a group can be widely changed, but there are also different models and methods, about how to know about varto. Knowing about them, you can give the group a structure for discussing the case.

  • Food about the staff
  • Nutrition about finance
  • Inquiry with clients
  • Opportunity and resources

Importance and terminology. How important are those terms and key nutrition, how do they appear in the information? Tse Korisny pіdkhіd, if it is necessary to plan and rozpodіl gave priority to the task. The ranking of terminology and importance will help to give a robotic group structure. Like asking you to plan a project or develop a plan for launching a product, evaluate the evidence that you correctly set priorities and put together a plan for action. You can propagate the victorious headlines, as often vikoristovuyut undertakings to prioritize the task - negain, short, middle and long lines.

SWOT-analysis (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats). If you are asking your group to commend the solution, you can cite the SWOT analysis framework for data analysis:

  • Strengths: what is the strength of the company and business? What are the special features of successful speeches already to work?
  • Weak sides: what problems do water stones have in business? De іsnuyut current chi potential problems?
  • Possibilities: how possibilites can be blamed on the tech market, how can business grow up with them?
  • Threaten: how to identify risks and goiter? What kind of negative speeches can rank and injure a company, a product, a reputation of people?

PESTLE-Analysis. PESTLE promotes another way of evaluating data. Vіn bolsh zastosovny, yakscho vy took away the rich context of how to organize and climate, in which it won't work. PESTLE is deciphered in terms of aspects influencing the company like:

  • Political (Political): the political landscape, which includes both the politics in the middle of the company, and the politics of the organization in the broadest sense.
  • Economic (Economic): can include the financial situation in the middle of the company, as well as in the wider market.
  • Social (Social): you can include an internal point of view, as it is meaningful to look at the staff and people in the middle of the company, or beyond the borders, and in the broader social context.
  • Technological (Technological): a look at how the change of technology is invested in the company and its success.
  • Legal (Legal): why change the legislation on the company, its products, services and customers?
  • Ecological (Environmental): how can change dovkіlla affect the company?

SMART- analysis (Ciles and indications of success). As a group it is necessary to develop a plan, then it is possible to signify the goals and signs of success in order to structure the plan. Tse helps the group to find out about those that they want to reach, and they seem to be successful. SMART is the only way to set goals and goals.

  • Simple (Simple): formulate the goal in one row, or else describe exactly what you need to achieve, which will be the result.
  • Measurable: how to win success? What will be in trading units, reduced costs, increased number of customers, happy staff and better income for your shareholders? Whatever it was, we’ll appreciate it, what you can do to kill and frighten. Be as specific as possible and say exactly how you want to feel.
  • Achievable: there is no sense to put unrealistic goals, like to enchant people. Good goals are not easy, but still they can be reached.
  • Realistically: Regardless of your end of the world, think about what you yourself can do and what you are guilty of working to reach it.
  • Designated for terms (Timebound): clearly and specifically, if you want to improve the results of your work.

What varto and not varto work with a group solution case

  • Think, first speak. Do not varto insert inappropriate chi marne respect, but say and remember a pause in the discussion - not to give you eyepieces in the eyes of assessments.
  • Be at the calm chosen place. It is important to show yourself as a professional, but to be left behind by yourself and not to pretend to be, Kim you are not.
  • Follow the language of the body. Think about how you sit, how you sit, how you communicate with other people non-verbally. A smirk may be of great importance for the improvement of stature with other people. Varto nod, as if you are good with others, if it’s better.
  • Take an active part in the discussion. As if you were sitting on the movchka and left a long time ago, it would be more important for you to go to the rozmov. Try to stay active, but don't say obscene phrases more than just pauses.
  • Check your behavior. As you see, you start dominating, create a way to lead yourself to the discussion, energizing another member of the group yogo thought.
  • Let's talk to others and hear what they say. You can’t wait for it, to say the stink yourself, but I’m credited for those who thought that Bula was honored. Often times the thoughts can help the group to come up with a more balanced solution. If you look at someone else in the discussion, show what you have heard - you will always be assessed positively.
  • Roll up to others on im'ya. Tse mozhe zdatisya dosit forgive, ale, remembering your name and turning to the new one on im'ya, you, better for everything, will win the pretentiousness of the people. Asesori tse so vodstezhuyut.
  • Ask the calm members of the group to express their thoughts, and also ask the wise people to listen to others. Tse do not promote competition; I'm demonstrating the good skills of team work. You don’t have the ability to hang out, but you still want to sit down, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have your own thoughts.
  • A reminder of the hour. It is important to follow the hour and understand what you need to reach for the hour. Guessing the team can help turn the group in the right direction.
  • Focus on what matters not on all the details. If the group spends too much time on the region, if you really can’t get to sleep, be empathetic and diplomatic in that, as you come to this, but don’t try to pronounce the collapse further and turn to it later.
  • Pіdbivati ​​promіzhnі і іnѕtіvі podbags dіskusії. Tse show that you got into the essence of the discussion, and that you can take on the role of leader, so that it is necessary to turn the group in the right direction.
  • Do not forget about the kіntsev meta - success with the group. You can set your own priorities, but it is often more important to know a compromise in order to work for those that are best suited for the whole group, part of it.

  • Take control from the group on yourself and be over that dominating and controlling. Leadership is important, but a strong leader listens to others and follows them, so that all members of the group took the same fate.
  • Rogue understand perekonlivist and vpertist. There is a fine line between two people who understand, and it is important to know the right balance. You can be convinced that your ideas are practical and correct, but other people may not agree with you. As a rule, the truth is popular among the super-echoes.
  • Interrupt others. You can blame the guest of honor to comment on what the other member of the group should say, or correctly let the people finish their thought. Gently write down the ideas that are blamed on you so that you don't forget them in the process of further discussion of the case.
  • Demonstrate disappointment and dissatisfaction with other participants. Your masters of diplomacy can be overestimated as much as possible in the rights of the group and keep it respectful in your hands. Get rid of an eminent and calm person for any furnishing.
  • Promote robiti notatki ta vipadati z romovi yakscho vie as the secretary of the group. Whomever needs to work on notes, but if you work voluntarily, move on, because you are no longer an active participant in the discussion.
  • Reply to rude or figurative behavior in the same rank. Do not fight to stand up for yourself, but to work with tact and professionalism - you will be protected.
  • Soromitysya vyslovlyuvat your thought and protect your point of view. You can opine in sharpened and comradely people, lower you called out, but just to someone who needs to say, it’s not a good idea to go sideways. Submit proof that confirms your point of view, and do not hesitate to ask others what to think.
  • To criticize the thoughts of other people, or to allow stupidity from their opinions. It is possible not to wait for others, but rather to propagate constructive alternatives to the solution of the case. For the occasional situation, you are not guilty of attacking someone especially.
  • Give yourself a head start and start delegating the roles of others in the group. Leadership is the price of quality, and you can also show good news team work. Nav'azlivka vkazіvka іnhim, scho robit, svidshe for everything, plays against you.
  • Relax to the level of unprofessionalism. It’s good to feel relaxed, and you will appreciate people’s jokes, like calm ones, but don’t eat pasture, thinking that you can behave like this yourself, like among close friends. Tim is no less, the native humor and accommodating manners will help you to create the right impression on foreigners.
  • Think that you will overthrow others. Sense business cases for those who create stench equally mind everyone. Do not varto respect yourself as reasonable for others. You see such behavior in your team members and assessors.

Assesmenti, casey, and come up to their cherry on top - how great is that cicava theme.

On reading 9 min. Pereglyadiv 64 Published on 05.11.2017

At English language, for the help of the word "case" are used in different speeches. In most vipadkivs, the word vikoristovuetsya as a sign of singing sumi. You can also have a package of documents, a sum of navichok chi programs. Often, for the help of this word, they mean "together" with various documents and tools. Also, the word "case" denotes a small bag, recognized for the collection of documentation. Similar valises were made popular by the nineties of the last century. On the territory of the krai of the SND, a similar attribute is associated with representatives of the intelligentsia and businessmen.

However, in these articles, it is proponable to take a look at what the case is in business. Here the word is given to victorious as the sum of the knowledge of the sequence of the verses of the songs of the day, which are heard at the subprincipal duties. The next step is to indicate that the wording of the business case has the same meaning. It’s important to understand the same, as the meaning of the vanity carries this term.

Casey is the basis of light business lighting

What is the case for business

For the help of the term “business case”, a practical business is assigned a set of approaches that can be connected with the choice, management and marketing. To most accurately define the meaning of this term, it should be understood by such an understanding as management and technology.

Leather kerіvnik pripriєmstva, kakiy maє nalezhny pіdhіd to dіlovodstva, mother vlasny business case is to blame. To this warehouse enter those managers, which are often heard from the process of business development. Yakshcho undertaking may be rescinded internal structure, then the case includes the solution of various tasks, as in the case of dermal care, essential services.

Such a pidkhid allows you to show up at the same time in the organizational design. Tsey view The case allows you to cooperate with internal partners in such a way that the order was set up as efficiently as possible. For the solution of the accumulated systemic problems, cases are won for the practical business.

Experts in the field of personnel management know the impersonal methods of managing jobs that are associated with an imbalance in the company's staff. However, the effectiveness of such methods in practice does not necessarily bring reliable results. At the link with the cim, more clerks are encouraged to better develop their own staff and add the necessary professional qualities to them.

The ability to analyze the situation and systematize the data collection, as well as innovative solutions for the selection of tasks - that is the quality, which is a kind of sign of a professional. A business case is one of the best ways to improve mutual relations between successful businesses. Such a pidkhid allows you to gradually improve management and reduce the burden of business.

In the rest of the hour in Russia, case culture is going through a raging rozkvit

Permanent structural changes, creations for the improvement of the efficiency of the working process - allow for a significant increase in income. For the very same reason, companies will be able to develop their own staff, putting a difference in front of practitioners in the field of marketing. One of these powers is a business case. The wealthy European countries have developed cases in an invisible part of the school program.

A business case is a package of its own, up to which different problems are included, which are focused on the selection, as well as the methods of their solution.

Let's take a look at what "business case" means within the framework of the technological equipment of the enterprise. Dane does not understand the culture and technological background of manufacturing. In today's world, as if the entrepreneurs of the enterprise are working on the old technical possession, then talking about the business case is simply stupid. Only in that case, if the administration of the enterprise can change the technological equipment and reduce the compatibility of products, such a product will be more direct.

The meta of the technological business case is the rationalization and perfection of the manufacturing process. The storage of such a case is a task for engineers and technologists, as they may have the same level of qualification. Under this term, the next thing is to understand ideas, directing to the development of systemic shortcomings in technology and possession.

Quite often, technological cases to take care of yourself come in, create for the normalization of the balance of production and release of new products. Before such a package, you can come in, direct to reduce the varsity of finished products, as well as the distribution of new technical supervisors.
Considering all the foregoing, you can create an unusual vysnovka, that a technological case is the basis of a post-stage technical process.

Understanding marketing cases

Looking at the meaning of the word case, it is necessary to guess what Danish term means marketing. Before that, let's talk about this term, let's take a look at what to enter before the task of marketers. The main support for professional development is continuous monitoring and analysis of the market. Such a pіdkhіd before the business allows you to gradually correct the actual data. Analysis of the current situation over the zbutu market is the main task of a marketer.

Business case - a description of the specific tasks and problems that the company faces

A business case for marketing is a list of different tasks that are prioritized. Logistics, the situation on the market and in the middle of the enterprise itself are included before the new one. The similar case is responsible for the mother's structure and subdivided into sprigs of distributions:

  • outrageous;
  • internal;
  • logistics.

The marketer is to blame for the good luck between financial and legal advice. A right professional can help you to understand the principle of work and lucid fortune-telling. Marketing, as a strategy for the development of business, will be subject to the improvement of various changes in laws. Irrespective of those that change in financial legislation rarely contribute to the development of business, it is necessary to protect them. Legal changes to current legislation can be long hour freeze the activity of business.

The internal case is the only method of executing pardons due to broken business practices. A variety of similar cases are directly created in the nodes of mutual modality, allow "surviving" for the minds of strong competition. The dimensions of the internal business case of a marketer are constantly changing in the fall due to the number of new tasks and the need for new ones. At the right fakhіvtsya of your own, do a similar case by no means empty.

The old business case is to take revenge on one's own methods of executing the production, due to the introduction of the prepared products to the market. The skin position of this package includes its purpose and methods of its implementation. These include advertising campaigns, analysis of the current situation over the market, segmentation, assessment of the level of product consumption, identification of the needs of a potential audience, and management of the stock market. All listed above, only a small part of the organizational problems, with which the supporters of marketing are struggling today.

Zbіlshennya kіlkostі prodazіv i v prokladne prosuvannya produktіvnja zvdannya zvnіshny business-case. The same things are being added up in a streaming order, as if they are being thoroughly analyzed. Behind the bags of this analysis, a variety of different foods are spread away, which will increase the potential audience.

The creation of a package of system tasks is the main professional ob'yazok of a marketer. The presence of such a plan complicates the analysis of the situation on the market and the development of a further strategy for promoting the organization.

Logistics is one of the most complex structures of a marketer's business case. Qi virobnichi pitanya vyrishyuyutsya vіddelom management. In the course of the dermal application process, problems of a different nature develop, which require a non-gay cherry. To the very same, logistics is an inescapable warehouse, whether it be a manufacturing process. It’s best to lay aside rіven vitrat for virobnitstvo, so put logistics on the first line for the importance of priorities.

In order to improve the system of work and work for management, it is collected and systematized by various types of tasks into a small case. The task of marketing includes a variety of these problems, in order from the most common advertising difficulties.

The most common solution to cases is the team task, the shards repeat the model of real business.

What is an academic business case

It is important to understand the meaning of the word “business case” just before the hour of business. It is important to note that theoretical knowledge about business cases is significantly influenced by realities that are learned in practice. Below, we suggest to take a look at what to enter into an academic business case.

In this way, under this term, you should understand the practical complex of tasks, on the basis of which future marketers begin to analyze and develop the company’s development strategy further. If you come in, you will be able to prepare your studies for psychological stress under an hour of work with a different structure. A person with a long standing record in management activities, as a rule, sees difficulties in accepting decisions, as they can be known for a share. For this reason, academic business cases may be a priority.

Quite often, when setting a standard task, students know non-standard ways of accomplishment, which allow them to win the maximum benefit from the situation. Tse explain to tim that this stage has its own development, the person is trying to find something new for the post-your search. Of course, corporate interests of a third person should not be added to the solution of such problems.

Vyshchevkazaniya butt case allows you to teach students the correct approach to the skin task. Itself here it is possible to build up the situation, analyze the situation and take the important decision.

Business cases are shared by different problems, as well as propositions about their manifestations, which are common among the general public. Similar pidkhid allows you to set the right priorities and achieve more profit. In order for the company to develop, representatives of the marketing department are responsible for conducting an analysis of the market and internal production of the business. Folding a case is a guarantee of a successful and surplus business.

Case - so so “right-folder”, where all the information about the task is “submitted”

Like looking at a business case

Looking at how a business case looks like, apply that version of the general problems, it is necessary to look at the case itself in the most details. At the butt pointing below, a company is seen that is engaged in the implementation of budding materials:

  1. manager- The company, which is engaged in the sale of household materials, has opened a representative office near St. Petersburg. For a stretch of three years, from the moment you see it, it’s at the same place, it’s a representation not to bring a cleared surplus. During the whole period, several attempts were made to reorganize and change the management system. Philanthropists explain the situation that has developed, shortly budgetary expenses that vіdsutnіstyu help from the side of the main office. The management of the company explains the folding situation - the lack of initiative of the spivrobitnik in the family.
  2. Wimogi– to develop a complex of calls, directing and increasing sales commitments.
  3. Diagnostics– on the basis of the order, which was necessary, a diagnostic was carried out to reveal the presence of the dynamics. Carried out work helped to reveal the subjective causes of daily drinking. In the course of the work carried out, the metropolitan market was also analyzed in order to assess the proportionality of the business system.
  4. Result- Carrying out diagnostics made it possible to reveal that given problem Vinyl and the nature of the different manifestations of the methods of obtaining a surplus of ceramics of the city and branch. The presence of shortcomings, the scarg and the difficulty of arguing is one of the main reasons for the presence of a positive trend.
  5. Analysis of the situation over the market– having allowed to show that there is no change to the increase in the supply of goods. Under the hour of the investigation, an assessment of the demand for products, as well as the market itself, was carried out. One of the key difficulties in promoting a company is the wrong positioning of the company. It also revealed the need for advanced training and promotion of qualifications to the personnel of the branch.
  6. In contact with

    In the economy, for a decade now, the methodology of benchmarking has been used. Benchmarking is a practical way of achieving a successful reputation for companies that have achieved the best high performance at the singing gallery. This method helps to introduce an algorithm for success and winning yogo for the promotion of power competitiveness.

    In part, the business case section helps to establish methods for developing various business tasks, promoting processes and services and the capabilities of your company. This column presents materials from a number of directives:

    1. History of success - examples of business cases of companies that occupy leading positions in the market. Based on the evidence of that method and achieving the success of competitors, you can choose dієvi methods increase the profitability of your business;
    2. Ready solutions, strategies, algorithms for managing and optimizing business processes, so that you can win in different areas of activity;
    3. History of business failure - analytical materials that allow you to understand why that other company knew the collapse. Vyvchennya pardons of other entrepreneurs to help you get away with wrong decisions and crooks from the government company.
    4. Working tools for managing, maintaining financial records, pushing, promoting and selling.

    Business case - apply that solution

    The constant growth and promotion of new projects is the key to the success and prosperity of the company. The simplest example is the trade sphere. Let’s start with a mark on the market, then add one more product, then open a store, another, a third ... Successfully come to the seller to expand the scope, increase investment, increase investment, product diversity, increase product turnover. The second seller, starting from the quiet positions themselves, continues to trade in one type of goods on the same market.

    Apply successful business cases from the rubric:

    1. The history of the foundation of the service A box with the creator of business Dmitry Starodubtsev. A start-up, which is based on the power of consumption, is practically based on bare enthusiasm and minimal investments. The way to success, the method of victory, plans for the future and I am glad to accept
    2. The history of the success of the regional event agency Redday, founded in Krasnoyarsk by a group of large KVNshikiv. As a result of an effective strategy, the development, promotion of new direct and innovative technologies, the company entered the federal market and spent it up to the Guinness Book of Records. Our partners Boris Alkhimovich and Ruslan Sergienko share their opinion
    3. A story about those, like a recipe for the Italian frost, creations by the method of trials and pardons, becoming the key to a successful business with FlowerFlavo. The idea to know the master recipe for the dessert Gelato nastіlki was taken up by Artem Proskurin, who cooked yoga at home, and then launched a whole brewery. The author himself and the participants of the yoga team

    We are constantly aware of the projects of that company, popovnyuyemo a collection of successful stories.

    History of business failure - learn from other people's pardons

    Dosvіdcheni pіdpriєmtsі to know that the collapse of one project is still not a tragedy, it's like a big rumble. One of the quotes from Harold Jenin (American billionaire) characterizes this fact even more precisely: Take a head start, pennies will be good.

    Nevdachi can help in the analysis of pardons. We do help to learn from someone else's knowledge. For example:

    • the history of the failure of the dumpling business in the wake of the chiefs and the kerrivnits for the expiation of the power pardons;
    • tell about those, like i