I will set the price for postal envelopes. Delivery of postal payment signs (envelopes, stamps). Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Amur Region

Reference number: 04-30/117-2013

at reference No. 04-30/117-2013






Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:



at reference No. 04-30/117-2013

November 14, 2013


Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

without the participation of representatives of the notifications in a proper manner, looked at the scum of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury special pledge of social support "Magadan Social Center" ( registration number 0347200001713000008).

Skarga was served before the inserted part 2 of Art. 57 Federal law dated 21 June 2005 No. 94-FZ “On the placement of agreements for the supply of goods, trade, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the placement of agreements) term. At the time of review, the sovereign contract was not finalized.

At the same time, the applicant indicates that the agent has unlawfully included before the description of the characteristics of the product, the right to sell it in one organization without inserting the words “or equivalent”, which leads to a reduction in the number of participants, which violates the Law on placement of contracts.

The submitted documents and materials were subject to scheduled verification, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 17 of the Law on Placement of Agreements, Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Federal Anti monopoly service from the crowned sovereign function from the perspective of skarg on action (lack of interest), authorized body, specialized organization, competition, auction or quotation commission, operator electronic Maidan when a contract is placed for the supply of goods, work, provision of services, including when a contract is placed for energy services, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations), Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia ї


1. October 25, 2013 deputy - Magadan regional government institution for social support of the population "Magadan Social Center" on the official website www.zakupki.gov.ru posted a notice about the quotation "Position of stamped envelopes from Iters “A” and “D” for the Magadan Sovereign Treasury Mortgage social support "Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008). Pochatkova (maximum) value of the contract is 477,443.00 rubles.

According to the protocol of review and evaluation of quotation applications dated November 8, 2013, 2 quotation applications were submitted for participation in the quotation: FestSystemGroup LLC, LINK-WEST LLC. The results of the review and evaluation of the quotation applications of LINK-WEST LLC were determined by the reviewer of the quotation.

2. Subject to clause 8 of Article 43 of the Law on the placement of contracts, the quotation is guilty of vengeance, including setting the maximum price for the contract, consistent with the provisions of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 19.1 of the Law on Placement, an agreement to establish a total (maximum) price for a contract (price of a lot) may be given state statistical information, official website, register contracts, information about the prices of producers, secretly available results of the market research, market investigation, carried out on the initiative of a representative, an authorized body, including a contract and a civil law agreement, etc. ate information. The deputy, the upholding authority has the right to change its limits on the total (maximum) price of the contract (lot price).

Subject to Part 2 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts, tender documentation, auction documentation (including documentation about the auction in electronic form), information about the quotation request There is a circumference of the cob (maximum) price of the contract (lot price ) in order to remove information from the deputy, authorized authority, and information about the prices of goods, jobs, services, including the way to insert on other sites in the area of ​​"Internet" or other expressions.

Addendum No. 2, prior to the notification of the quotation, states that the maximum price of the sovereign contract for the procedure for placing an agreement for the supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” is installed on the data base submitted by the Federal Post Office of the Magadan Region - branch of FSUE "Poshta" Russia" (sheet dated 05/08/2013 No. 35.13.1-16/302), and also in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated 03/22/2013. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards.”

Part 3 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of agreements stipulates that the posting on the official website of the quotation, which indicates the determination of the maximum price for the contract and which is transferred in part 2 hundred This information is available to the general authorities for this purpose.

At the hour of carrying out the scheduled verification, the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia established that the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated March 22, 2013, is to be victorious in order to establish the maximum price for the contract. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards” at the warehouse for storing documents on a daily basis.

Thus, through the availability of information about the structure of the maximum price, as well as the availability of information about the prices of goods, the broker violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of goods.

3. Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Trademarks stipulates that notification of the quotation may result in an insertion on trademarks. Unfortunately, if the information about the quotation contains an indication of trademarks, they are accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, due to the inconsistency of the goods on which other trademarks are placed and, the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with goods that vikoristavuyutsya zamovnik, as well as the location of the order for the supply of spare parts and expensive materials To the machines, the equipment that is verified by the deputy is consistent with the technical documentation for the purpose of the machine and equipment. The equivalence of goods is determined according to the requirements established under paragraph 4 of Article 43 of the law. Information about the quotation cannot be placed on service marks, company names, patents, models, trade names, names of goods and manufacturers, as well as goods, their distributors, information, work, services, such benefits draw upon the number of participants in the placement of agreements.

The Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia does not accept the Applicant’s argument that the Approved trademark insert (letter “A”, “D”) is not accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, since the letter “A” and letter “D” are not trademark, and, therefore, signifies the accompanying words “and equivalent”.

Extended to clause 1.2 of the Regulations on postal payment marks and special postal stamps of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Communications Russian Federation dated 26.05.1994 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) the organization of the issuance and distribution of postal payment marks is carried out by the Federal Postal Administration (FUPS) under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation ii.

The daily planning, distribution and distribution of postal payment marks, export and import of philatelic goods is carried out by the Marka Trade Center of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation (clause 1.5 of the Regulations).

Also, the Vidavnicho-trade center “Marka” of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Postal Communications of the Russian Federation may be of renewed importance due to the introduction and expansion of stamped postal envelopes.

Subject to clause 5.7 Physical status legal entities It is not prohibited to purchase stamped envelopes for further sale to other individuals and legal entities.

Thus, the deputy’s actions daily violated Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Contracts.

On the basis of the deposited, in accordance with Article 17, 60 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, procurement, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, paragraph 3.3 5-3.40 Administrative Regulations, Magadansky Commission OFAS Russia


  1. Find out the money of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury Bond of the social support "Magadan Social ialny center" (registration number 034720000011)
  2. Know that the actions of the deputy have violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.
  3. Look, the deputy has issued an order about the removal of the manifestations of the destruction by way of annulment and quotation.

The decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia may be discredited in court within three months from the day of its praise.




Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

on the basis of the decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia dated November 14, 2013. No. 04-30/117-2013, submitted to the results of the examination of the skarga of LLC "Retail Service" on the action of the deputy, the quotation commission during the quotation "Provision of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan sovereign treasury bond with general support " Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008), consistent with Article 17 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of contracts for the supply of goods, contracting, provision of services for sovereign and municipal needs" (further promise), by Order FAS Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On the approval of the administrative regulations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service from the new sovereign function from the perspective of skarg on the actions (lack of activity) of the deputy, an authorized body, established organization, competitive, auction or quotation commission, operator of the electronic square when placing the contract on delivery of goods, execution of work, provision of services, including when placing a contract for energy service, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations)


1. The Deputy - Magadan Regional State Treasury Establishment for Social Support of the Population “Magadan Social Center” will cancel the quotation “Supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” for the Magadan State Treasury Bond at the social support “Magadan Social Center” (registration number 000000000 .

2. The attribution must be written in lines no later than November 22, 2013.

3. Taxes to the Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia are later than November 25, 2013. written confirmation of this order.

The attribution may be discredited in accordance with the procedure established by law within three months from the day of the praise.

Note: the unused term in the provisions is attributed to the imposition of an administrative fine, which is consistent with Part 7 of Article 19.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Full version of statistics

stdClass Object ( => 7566 => 5 => Decision and order of goods LLC "Retail Service" => => 1 => 1 => 0 => 0 => 7566 => solution => ru => 1384382497 => 138439474 => 0 => 0 => 1384394745 => 5 => Array ( => Array ( => Array ( =>

at reference No. 04-30/117-2013


Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

without the participation of representatives of the notifications in a proper manner, looked at the scum of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury special pledge of social support "Magadan Social Center" ( registration number 0347200001713000008).

Skarga was served before the inserted part 2 of Art. 57 of the Federal Law dated 21 June 2005. No. 94-FZ “On the placement of agreements for the supply of goods, military operations, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the placement of agreements) term. At the time of review, the sovereign contract was not finalized.

At the same time, the applicant indicates that the agent has unlawfully included before the description of the characteristics of the product, the right to sell it in one organization without inserting the words “or equivalent”, which leads to a reduction in the number of participants, which violates the Law on placement of contracts.

Submitted documents and materials were subject to scheduled verification, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 17 of the Law on Placement of Agreements, Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Federal Anti monopoly service from the crowned sovereign function from the perspective of skarg on action (lack of interest), an authorized body, a specialized organization, a competitive, auction or quotation commission, an operator of an electronic platform when placing an order for the supply of goods, a contract, the provision of services, including when Puppy applications for energy service, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Administrative Regulations) , Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia


1. October 25, 2013 deputy - Magadan regional government institution for social support of the population "Magadan Social Center" on the official website www.zakupki.gov.ru posted a notice about the quotation "Position of stamped envelopes from Iters “A” and “D” for the Magadan Sovereign Treasury Mortgage social support "Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008). Pochatkova (maximum) value of the contract is 477,443.00 rubles.

According to the protocol of review and evaluation of quotation applications dated November 8, 2013, 2 quotation applications were submitted for participation in the quotation: FestSystemGroup LLC, LINK-WEST LLC. The results of the review and evaluation of the quotation applications of LINK-WEST LLC were determined by the reviewer of the quotation.

2. Subject to clause 8 of Article 43 of the Law on the placement of contracts, the quotation is guilty of vengeance, including setting the maximum price for the contract, consistent with the provisions of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 19.1 of the Law on Placement, an agreement to establish a total (maximum) price for a contract (price of a lot) may be given state statistical information, official website, register contracts, information about the prices of producers, secretly available results of the market research, market investigation, carried out on the initiative of a representative, an authorized body, including a contract and a civil law agreement, etc. ate information. The deputy, the upholding authority has the right to change its limits on the total (maximum) price of the contract (lot price).

Subject to Part 2 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts, tender documentation, auction documentation (including documentation about the auction in electronic form), information about the quotation request There is a circumference of the cob (maximum) price of the contract (lot price ) in order to remove information from the deputy, authorized authority, and information about the prices of goods, jobs, services, including the way to insert on other sites in the area of ​​"Internet" or other expressions.

Addendum No. 2, prior to the notification of the quotation, states that the maximum price of the sovereign contract for the procedure for placing an agreement for the supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” is installed on the data base submitted by the Federal Post Office of the Magadan Region - branch of FSUE "Poshta" Russia" (sheet dated 05/08/2013 No. 35.13.1-16/302), and also in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated 03/22/2013. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards.”

Part 3 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of agreements stipulates that the posting on the official website of the quotation, which indicates the determination of the maximum price for the contract and which is transferred in part 2 hundred This information is available to the general authorities for this purpose.

At the hour of carrying out the scheduled verification, the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia established that the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated March 22, 2013, is to be victorious in order to establish the maximum price for the contract. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards” at the warehouse for storing documents on a daily basis.

Thus, through the availability of information about the structure of the maximum price, as well as the availability of information about the prices of goods, the broker violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of goods.

3. Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Trademarks stipulates that notification of the quotation may result in an insertion on trademarks. Unfortunately, if the information about the quotation contains an indication of trademarks, they are accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, due to the inconsistency of the goods on which other trademarks are placed and, the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with goods that be obtained by the replacement agent, as well as the placement of orders for the supply of spare parts and consumable materials to the machines and equipment that is obtained by the replacement agent, including technical documentation for the purpose of the machine and equipment. The equivalence of goods is determined according to the requirements established in paragraph 4 of Article 43 of the law. Information about the quotation cannot be placed on service marks, company names, patents, models, trade names, names of goods and manufacturers, as well as goods, their distributors, information, work, services, such benefits draw upon the number of participants in the placement of agreements.

The Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia does not accept the Applicant’s argument that the Approved trademark insert (letter “A”, “D”) is not accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, since the letter “A” and letter “D” are not a trademark, And, therefore, it conveys the words “chi equivalent.”

Extended to clause 1.2 of the Regulations on postal payment marks and special postal stamps of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) The universalization of postal payment marks is subject to the Federal Postal Administration ( FUPS) for the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

The daily planning, distribution and distribution of postal payment marks, export and import of philatelic goods is carried out by the Marka Trade Center of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation (clause 1.5 of the Regulations).

Also, the Vidavnicho-trade center “Marka” of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Postal Communications of the Russian Federation may be of renewed importance due to the introduction and expansion of stamped postal envelopes.

Subject to clause 5.7 The Regulations do not prohibit individuals or legal entities from purchasing marked envelopes for further sale to other individuals or legal entities.

Thus, the deputy’s actions daily violated Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Contracts.

On the basis of the deposited, in accordance with Article 17, 60 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, procurement, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, paragraph 3.3 5-3.40 Administrative Regulations, Magadansky Commission OFAS Russia

  1. Find out the money of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury Bond of the social support "Magadan Social ialny center" (registration number 034720000011)
  2. Know that the actions of the deputy have violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.
  3. Look, the deputy has issued an order about the removal of the manifestations of the destruction by way of annulment and quotation.

The decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia may be discredited in court within three months from the day of its praise.



Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

on the basis of the decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia dated November 14, 2013. No. 04-30/117-2013, submitted to the results of the examination of the skarga of LLC "Retail Service" on the action of the deputy, the quotation commission during the quotation "Provision of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan sovereign treasury bond with general support " Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008), consistent with Article 17 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of contracts for the supply of goods, contracting, provision of services for sovereign and municipal needs" (further promise), by Order FAS Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On the approval of the administrative regulations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service from the new sovereign function from the perspective of skarg on the actions (lack of activity) of the deputy, an authorized body, established organization, competitive, auction or quotation commission, operator of the electronic square when placing the contract on delivery of goods, execution of work, provision of services, including when placing a contract for energy service, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations)


1. The Deputy - Magadan Regional State Treasury Establishment for Social Support of the Population “Magadan Social Center” will cancel the quotation “Supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” for the Magadan State Treasury Bond at the social support “Magadan Social Center” (registration number 000000000 .

2. The attribution must be written in lines no later than November 22, 2013.

3. Taxes to the Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia are later than November 25, 2013. written confirmation of this order.

The attribution may be discredited in accordance with the procedure established by law within three months from the day of the praise.

Note: the unused term in the provisions is attributed to the imposition of an administrative fine, which is consistent with Part 7 of Article 19.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

=> => full_html =>

at reference No. 04-30/117-2013


Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

without the participation of representatives of the notifications in a proper manner, looked at the scum of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury special pledge of social support "Magadan Social Center" ( registration number 0347200001713000008).

Skarga was served before the inserted part 2 of Art. 57 of the Federal Law dated 21 June 2005. No. 94-FZ “On the placement of agreements for the supply of goods, military operations, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the placement of agreements) term. At the time of review, the sovereign contract was not finalized.

At the same time, the applicant indicates that the agent has unlawfully included before the description of the characteristics of the product, the right to sell it in one organization without inserting the words “or equivalent”, which leads to a reduction in the number of participants, which violates the Law on placement of contracts.

The submitted documents and materials were subject to scheduled verification, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 17 of the Law on Placement of Agreements, Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Federal Anti monopoly service from the crowned sovereign function from the perspective of skarg on action (lack of interest), an authorized body, a specialized organization, a competitive, auction or quotation commission, an operator of an electronic platform when placing an order for the supply of goods, a contract, the provision of services, including Puppy applications for energy service, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Administrative Regulations) , Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia


1. October 25, 2013 deputy - Magadan regional government institution for social support of the population "Magadan Social Center" on the official website www.zakupki.gov.ru posted a notice about the quotation "Position of stamped envelopes from Iters “A” and “D” for the Magadan Sovereign Treasury Mortgage social support "Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008). Pochatkova (maximum) value of the contract is 477,443.00 rubles.

According to the protocol of review and evaluation of quotation applications dated November 8, 2013, 2 quotation applications were submitted for participation in the quotation: FestSystemGroup LLC, LINK-WEST LLC. The results of the review and evaluation of the quotation applications of LINK-WEST LLC were determined by the reviewer of the quotation.

2. Subject to clause 8 of Article 43 of the Law on the placement of contracts, the quotation is guilty of vengeance, including setting the maximum price for the contract, consistent with the provisions of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 19.1 of the Law on Placement, an agreement to establish a total (maximum) price for a contract (price of a lot) may be given state statistical information, official website, register contracts, information about the prices of producers, secretly available results of the market research, market investigation, carried out on the initiative of a representative, an authorized body, including a contract and a civil law agreement, etc. ate information. The deputy, the upholding authority has the right to change its limits on the total (maximum) price of the contract (lot price).

Subject to Part 2 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts, tender documentation, auction documentation (including documentation about the auction in electronic form), information about the quotation request There is a circumference of the cob (maximum) price of the contract (lot price ) in order to remove information from the deputy, authorized authority, and information about the prices of goods, jobs, services, including the way to insert on other sites in the area of ​​"Internet" or other expressions.

Addendum No. 2, prior to the notification of the quotation, states that the maximum price of the sovereign contract for the procedure for placing an agreement for the supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” is installed on the data base submitted by the Federal Post Office of the Magadan Region - branch of FSUE "Poshta" Russia" (sheet dated 05/08/2013 No. 35.13.1-16/302), and also in accordance with the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated 03/22/2013. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards.”

Part 3 of Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of agreements stipulates that the posting on the official website of the quotation, which indicates the determination of the maximum price for the contract and which is transferred in part 2 hundred This information is available to the general authorities for this purpose.

At the hour of carrying out the scheduled verification, the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia established that the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated March 22, 2013, is to be victorious in order to establish the maximum price for the contract. No. 95-p “On setting prices for the sale of stamped envelopes and stamped postal cards” at the warehouse for storing documents on a daily basis.

Thus, through the availability of information about the structure of the maximum price, as well as the availability of information about the prices of goods, the broker violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of goods.

3. Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Trademarks stipulates that notification of the quotation may result in an insertion on trademarks. Unfortunately, if the information about the quotation contains an indication of trademarks, they are accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, due to the inconsistency of the goods on which other trademarks are placed and, the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with goods that be obtained by the replacement agent, as well as the placement of orders for the supply of spare parts and consumable materials to the machines and equipment that is obtained by the replacement agent, including technical documentation for the purpose of the machine and equipment. The equivalence of goods is determined according to the requirements established in paragraph 4 of Article 43 of the law. Information about the quotation cannot be placed on service marks, company names, patents, models, trade names, names of goods and manufacturers, as well as goods, their distributors, information, work, services, such benefits draw upon the number of participants in the placement of agreements.

The Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia does not accept the Applicant’s argument that the Approved trademark insert (letter “A”, “D”) is not accompanied by the words “or equivalent”, since the letter “A” and letter “D” are not a trademark, And, therefore, it conveys the words “chi equivalent.”

Extended to clause 1.2 of the Regulations on postal payment marks and special postal stamps of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) The universalization of postal payment marks is subject to the Federal Postal Administration ( FUPS) under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

The daily planning, distribution and distribution of postal payment marks, export and import of philatelic goods is carried out by the Marka Trade Center of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation (clause 1.5 of the Regulations).

Also, the Vidavnicho-trade center “Marka” of the Federal Postal Administration under the Ministry of Postal Communications of the Russian Federation may be of renewed importance due to the introduction and expansion of stamped postal envelopes.

Subject to clause 5.7 The Regulations do not prohibit individuals or legal entities from purchasing marked envelopes for further sale to other individuals or legal entities.

Thus, the deputy’s actions daily violated Part 2 of Article 45 of the Law on the Placement of Contracts.

On the basis of the deposited, in accordance with Article 17, 60 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, procurement, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, paragraph 3.3 5-3.40 Administrative Regulations, Magadansky Commission OFAS Russia

  1. Find out the money of LLC "Retail Service" on the account of the quotation commission during the quotation "Supply of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan State Treasury Bond of the social support "Magadan Social ialny center" (registration number 034720000011)
  2. Know that the actions of the deputy have violated Article 19.1 of the Law on the placement of contracts.
  3. Look, the deputy has issued an order about the removal of the manifestations of the destruction by way of annulment and quotation.

The decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia may be discredited in court within three months from the day of its praise.



Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Magadan Region with control over the sphere of warehouse placement: head of the commission:

on the basis of the decision of the Commission of the Magadan OFAS Russia dated November 14, 2013. No. 04-30/117-2013, submitted to the results of the examination of the skarga of LLC "Retail Service" on the action of the deputy, the quotation commission during the quotation "Provision of stamped envelopes with letters "A" and "D" for the Magadan sovereign treasury bond with general support " Magadan Social Center" (registration number 0347200001713000008), consistent with Article 17 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of contracts for the supply of goods, contracting, provision of services for sovereign and municipal needs" (further agreement), by Order of the FAS Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 498 “On the confirmation of the administrative regulations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service with the reinstatement of sovereign functions in view of the skarg on the actions (lack of activity) of the deputy, appointed to the special authority, called organization, competitive, auction or quotation commission, operator of the electronic square when placing a contract for delivery goods, their work, the provision of services, including when placing a contract for energy service, for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations)


1. The Deputy - Magadan Regional State Treasury Establishment for Social Support of the Population “Magadan Social Center” will cancel the quotation “Supply of stamped envelopes with letters “A” and “D” for the Magadan State Treasury Bond at the social support “Magadan Social Center” (registration number 000000000 .

2. The attribution must be written in lines no later than November 22, 2013.

3. Taxes to the Magadan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia are later than November 25, 2013. written confirmation of this order.

The attribution may be discredited in accordance with the procedure established by law within three months from the day of the praise.

Note: the unused term in the provisions is attributed to the imposition of an administrative fine, which is consistent with Part 7 of Article 19.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

=>))) => Array () => Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => 04-30/117-2013 => => 04-30/117-2013))) => Array () => Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => 11 => stdClass Object ( => 11 => 3 => Decisions on the right => => full_html => 2 => category_solutions => Array ( => Array ( => skos:Concept) => Array ( => Array ( => rdfs:label => skos:prefLabel)) => Array ( => Array ( => skos:definition)) => Array ( => Array ( = > skos:inScheme) => rel) => Array ( => Array ( => skos:broader) => rel)))))) => Array () => Array ( => Array ( => Array ( = ) > 4 => stdClass Object ( => 4 => 6 => Purchase control => => full_html => 13 => practice_areas => Array ( => Array ( => skos:Concept) => Array ( => Array ( => rdfs:label => skos:prefLabel)) => Array ( => Array ( => skos:definition)) => Array ( => Array ( => skos:inScheme) => rel) => Array ( => Array ( => skos:broader) => rel)))))) => Array () => Array ( => A rray ( => Array ( => 2013-11-13 22:38:00 = > Asia/Magadan => UTC => datetime)) => Array () => Array ( => Array ( => Array ( = > 2013-11-13 22:38:00 => Asia/Magadan => UTC = > datetime))) => Array () => Array ( => Array ( => sioc:Item => foaf:Document) => Array ( => Array ( => dc:title)) => Array ( => Array ( => dc:date => dc:created) => xsd:dateTime => date_iso8601) => Array ( => Array ( => dc:modified) => xsd:dateTime => date_iso8601) => Array ( = > Array ( => content:encoded)) => Array ( => Array ( => sioc:has_creator) => rel) => Array ( => Array ( => foaf:name)) => Array ( => Array ( => sioc:num_replies) => xsd:integer) => Array ( => Array ( => sioc:last_activity_date) => xsd :dateTime => date_iso8601)) => 0 => 1384382497 => => 5 => 0 => moder => 0 => a:2:(s:7:"contact";i:0;s:7: "overlay";i:1;) => => 1 =>)

Having come out of this food, having learned the laws and various thoughts of colleagues who acted in such philosophies.

On the forums, everyone is trying to make purchases within the framework of clause 1 of Part 1 of Law 44-FZ of the current purchase of goods, work or services that fall within the scope of activity of natural monopoly entities in accordance with the Federal Law September 17, 1995 No. 147-FZ "About natural monopolies."

Prote is not suitable, because Postage stamps do not apply to the Federal Law “On Natural Monopolies”.

Further, I considered the purchase option within the framework of clause 6 of Part 1 of Law 44-FZ, the purchase of work or services, vacancy or assignments of which can only be carried out by the viconic authority, depending on its replacement or subordination this sovereign institution, the sovereign unitary enterprise, the main functions of which are established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Order of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of a subordinate entity of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, at the same point, only work or services are indicated, and the necessary supply, which is a completely different type of contract.

Due to the below-conducted analysis of the situation, it has been determined that actual sales for the nominal value of state marks of postal payment have the right to includeFSUE "Post of Russia".

Looking at Article 2 of the Federal Law dated 17 June 1999. N 176-FZ
"About postage" state postal payment marks - postage stamps and other signs that are applied to postal items and confirm payment for postage services.

Subject to Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Postal Communications”, the federal authorities of the last century are granted the right to organize the expansion of state marks of postal payment, the assignment of postal codes Postal services on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the preparation and selection of personal speeches for the organization of federal postal communication, the formation of the State collection of postal payment marks, the issuance of permission to stock franking machines and the procedure for their use.

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Minkomzvyazok of Russia) is a federal body of the Supreme Government, which is engaged in the development and implementation of government policy and legal regulation offensive spheres:

  • spheres information technologies(including the use of information technologies for the formation of state information resources and ensuring access to them);
  • spheres of electrical communication (including vicinity and conversion of the radio frequency spectrum) and postal call;
  • the sphere of mass communications and media, including electronic (including the development of the Internet, television systems (including digital), radio communications and new technologies in these areas);
  • spheres of other types and printing activities;
  • sphere of processing of personal data.

The Ministry coordinates and monitors the activities of the Federal Service with the supervision of the field of communications and mass communications, the Federal Agency for Communications, the Federal Agency for Communications and Mass Communications, which is in its possession.

Subordinate to the organization of the Ministry of Communications of Russia and the Federal Agency for Communications (Roszvyazok) and the federal body of the Supreme Government, which performs functions related to the management of the state mine and the provision of state services to the spheres and electrical contact postal call.

In this regard, the main changes in the establishment of the sphere of activity are organizing, locating, issuing and distributing state marks of postal payment.

The subordinate organization of Rossvyaz is the Vidavnica-trade center “Marku” - the only enterprise of Russia, as it is currently known and the variety of state marks of postal payment.

FSUE "Post of Russia" is a federal postal service department, an enterprise and a national postal service operator that provides postal services, transport, logistics and financial services to individuals and legal entities persons throughout the territory of the region.

FSUE "Post of Russia" is a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

At the boundaries of clause 5.1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 N 115
"On the approval of the Regulations on postal payment marks and special postal stamps of the Russian Federation" the Federal Postal Service Department is forming applications for the collection of postal payment marks of the Russian Federation from the Vidavnichy Center "Mark" to ensure the greatest satisfaction with the needs of the federal postal system and the population .

Looking at clause 5.3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 N 115 sales of postal payment marks of the Russian Federation are subject to the regulations of the Federal Postal Service strictly according to the nominal value and before the term established in the postal order (clause 1.8).

Subject to clause 5.3.1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 N 115 standard postal stamps, stamped envelopes and cards, including those with original stamps, are sold in the federal postal system and are collected in the postal system until povnogo vikoristannya Their stocks and receipts from the postal furnace.

Derived from clause 1.1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 N 115, postage payment marks of the Russian Federation (postage stamps and blocks, stamped envelopes and cards) are intended for payment of postal services, which are required by postage installations, Available at current rates and confirmed by domestic and international correspondence.

Subject to clause 5.7. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1994 N 115 Vidavnicho-trade center "Marka", in addition to securing applications for postal payment marks, the Federal Postal Communications Department, promotes sales of ZPO from its exit to postal distribution (as philatelic material) to other legal entities physical persons. In this case, once the Trade Book is issued by the Marka Vidavnica Center to legal entities and individuals, which is not due to the federal postal connection, the size of the book must ensure the level of separate prices for postal payment marks, which exceeds I have no nominal varity.

There was clarification behind the previous Law 94-FZ, I respect that this clarification cannot be ignored.

List of the Federal Antimonopoly Service dated 12 June 2013. N CA/27149/13
"About the clarification of legislation"

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (hereinafter - FAS Russia) reviewed the clarification of the provisions of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, trade, provision of services for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - the Law on placement of the order) and informs about the upcoming.

1. In accordance with paragraph 1 of part 2 of Article 55 of the Law on the placement of agreements, the placement of agreements with a single postal owner (contractor, contractor) is carried out by a contractor at the time of delivery of goods, delivery of goods, This service falls within the sphere of activity of subjects of natural monopolies.

The Decree of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2005 N 637 approved the transfer of services of illegally accessible electric communication and illegally accessible postal communication, to the state regulation of tariffs on the domestic market of the Russian Federation This is the current Federal Service for Tariffs, including postal payment marks (postage stamps, stamped envelopes, postal cards) do not belong to the services of illegally accessible postal communication, and also not to the types of activities that fall within the scope of activity of subjects of natural monopolies.

This requirement requires the deputy to place orders for the supply of stamped envelopes, postal cards and postage stamps in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the placement of contracts, documents, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 42 of the Law on the placement of contracts laziness, the deputy has the right to place the agreement with the way, ask the quotation, at times Since the sovereign or sovereign contract does not exceed five hundred thousand rubles, except for the losses transferred by parts 5 and 6 of the designated statute and Chapter 5 of the Law on the placement of contracts.

However, since the price of a sovereign or municipal contract exceeds five hundred thousand rubles, the solicitor will place agreements, including the way of conducting tenders, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the placement of agreements.

2. Clause 5 of Part 2 of Article 55 of the Law on the placement of agreements establishes that the placement of agreements with a single postal owner (contractor, contractor) is carried out by the contractor at times when there is a need for work or servants, or data that can be processed, including by the authorities of the Vikonavich government, Their important and subordinate state regulations, state unitary enterprises, the most important of which are established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation which Federation.

At the same time, the guilt of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia", including the fact that the delivery of postal payment marks is not established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation, It is difficult to establish government contracts for the supply of stamped envelopes , postal cards and postage stamps from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" on the basis of paragraph 5 of part 2 of Article 55 of the Law on placement of the agreement is illegal.

However, after all the deposited things, we must go back to the provisions of Law 44-FZ.

In force part 2 tbsp. 59 of Law 44-FZ, the Deputy Duty to conduct an electronic auction in cases involving the purchase of goods, work, services included before transfer, regulations of the Russian Federation, or additional transfer, the supreme final body of the sovereign power of the subject of the Russian Federation at the hour current purchase of goods, work, services to meet the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation, due to the fallout, purchase of goods, work, services in the course of quotation, supply with proposition, current purchase Owned by a single contractor (contractor, Vikonavian) in accordance with the law.

According to the Regulations of the Russian Federation dated June 31, 2013. N 2019-r before the transfer of goods, work, services, which are carried out in the electronic auction, enter the code Uncanceled postage stamps.

Well, it’s impossible to buy postage stamps through one outlet.

Postage stamps can be purchased from paragraphs 4, 5, part 1, art. 93 Law 44-ФЗ at the framework of LIMITIV up to 100 I to 400 Tysyach Rublev (with stasts, cladding in the law), up to 500 Tysyach Rublevs through the recording of Kotiruvan (with stergens in the law), to be a bag at the framework of an electron auctzin.

Looking at those that were not included in the auction from FSUE “Post of Russia”, then they had to be laid out as a single postal owner at the boundaries of Part 2 of Art. 93 Law 44-FZ.

The provisions of the NMCC will be based on the tariff method in accordance with Art. 22 Law 44-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Measures of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2013 N 567.

Respect! The information provided in the article is current at the time of publication.

To confirm the payment of postal services through idle time and recommended letter correspondence, Russian Post uses state postal payment marks.

Signs of postal payment (postage stamps and blocks, stamped envelopes and cards) are stamped with the current tariffs, and are themselves stuck on domestic and international letter correspondence or applied in the Drukhar way.

Types of labeled products

Postage stamps are worth a penny unit, which represents a penny sum for which postal services will be provided upon presentation of the price of the stamp. Most often, the stamps are made of paper, preferably rectangular in shape, with teeth and glue applied to the collar. The denomination (rubles or letters) is placed on the skin. With a set of stamps of different denominations you can collect the necessary amount (subject to the tariff) to pay for shipping postal delivery.

Artistic stamps that are issued in limited editions may have different denominations, substituting for the main ones.