How to vibrate a portable hard drive? How to update files from an external hard drive How to transfer files

Hello friends, my name is Volodymyr and in the previous articles we created a USB hard drive and installed Windows 10 from it, in this article I want to continue this topic. Today I will show you how to create a USB hard drive and install Windows 7, 8.1, 10 from it. Vikoristovatimem programs AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition 5.6 and WinSetupFromUSB 1.5.

It must be said that having such a disk at your fingertips is very easy, even if there is a need for a fancy flash drive. For example, I took a portable hard drive (size 1TB) and created a 32 GB partition on a new partition, on which partition, using the additional program WinSetupFromUSB 1.5, hosted the operating systems Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (various editions , including Single Language) and more Live CD (Live CD is an operating system that does not require installation and can be used from a flash drive or portable USB hard drive). As a result, I use a portable USB hard drive with my files, and can also install operating systems from a new set.

Let's get started.

We connect a portable hard USB drive to our computer; in my case, its size is 1 TB. If your USB hard drive has a USB 3.0 interface and your computer or laptop has USB 3.0 ports, then connect the storage to them, all processes will be much faster.

  • Note: Friends, in the process of working with your data, nothing will happen to your portable USB hard drive (nothing will be deleted), but in any case, I recommend that you copy the most important files to a safe place.

Carrying out the disks of my computer.

My portable hard drive USB 3.0, Western Digital My Passport model, size 1TB, divided into two sections, both sections contain important files and nothing will happen to them during the process.

Can be created on a portable hard drive USB partition 32 GB FAT32

We launch a cost-free program.

Use your left mouse to see the section (I:) and click on Change in size.

Place it on the right side of the right place (32 GB, the size of a large flash drive, before speaking, you can choose more, for example 64 GB) on the very core of the USB portable hard drive and press OK.

Visible with the left mouse button for creating non-dividing spaces and embossed on the button Creation of division.

Select the FAT32 file system and press OK

AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition operates in sub-operation mode.

Press Zastosuvati and the program will continue to consistently define the tasks of the operations.

The process may take a long time; once everything takes 5 minutes.

We were able to create a 32 GB partition (F:) formatted in the FAT32 file system on a portable hard drive.

The first part of the article is completed.

Note: In the process of running programs on a portable hard drive, a small unpartitioned space was created right in the middle and I put it in the managed disks, expanding the size of its partition (I:)

Robimo portable hard drive USB multi-functional for additional programs WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 and placed in new ISO images of operating systems Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and other LiveCDs

The first operating system is added to our multi-functional USB drive, Windows 10 PRO.

It’s easy to read why we don’t immediately start working in the WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 program, but simply copy the Windows 10 files to a flash drive, on which I’ll confirm the statistics!

Connecting an ISO image of Windows 10 to a virtual drive

We see all the files of the operating system and copy them to our creations partition (F:) 32 GB FAT32portable USB hard drive.

Windows 10 files copied to partition (F:)

Windows 10 has been added to the multi-functional USB hard drive.

To add other operating systems, as well as the Live CD you need, use the WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 program.

Another Windows is added to our multi-disk – Windows 8.1 PRO

In the top field, select the first partition (F:) with a size of 32 GB, formatted in the FAT32 file system.

The item is indicated by a tickand press the button with the right hand, which opens the explorer window

The ISO image of Windows 8.1 PRO is visible with the left mouse and press Open

So. The program can’t get anything else!

The process of creating a multi-storage USB disk begins, another Win 8.1 operating system is added to the drive

Ready. OK.

The head of a multi-storage USB hard drive is installed and on the new one there are already two operating systems Win 10 and Win 8.1.

Friends, if you are currently using a USB hard drive, you will see an acquisition menu in which you will be able to select two systems that we have added, first Windows Setup (Windows 10) and another Windows 8.1 PRO

We add a few more operations: Windows 8.1 Single Language, Windows7, 8 and other Live CDs.

I'm going to update the system with Windows 8.1 Single Language and often use it for re-installation on laptops.

In the main window WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 in the top field there is The first partition (F:) is 32 GB in size.The item "Vista/7/8/Server 2008/2012 based ISO" is ticked, press the button with the right hand to open the explorer window

We also provide an ISO image of Windows 8.1

The program asks you to name the operating system in the menu, enter the name Windows 8.1 Single Language. OK.

Before speaking, you don’t have to enter anything and the name will be given after 20 seconds automatically - Windows 8.1 64, otherwise in the menu you will have a few new Windows names.

Finally, Windows 8.1 Single Language has been added to the multi-disk.

This is how you get Windows 8 PRO.

It’s all the same as when the advanced systems were added.

Available Windows 7

Can be added to a multi-player USB disc or LiveCD

When added to a USB backup drive, other LiveCDs look a little different.

In the WinSetupFromUSB program, the tick indicates not another (as in the previous options), but the fourth item Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO and embossed on the right-handed button,

In the Explorer window, select any LiveCD, for example AOMEI Backupper Standard, see it with the left mouse button and press Open.

The program displays the name LiveCD in the AOMEI Backupper Standard download menu. OK.

I think there are enough applications, let's now take a look at how the process of downloading from our USB multi-disk drive works.

Our multi-retrofit USB hard drive is connected to a computer or laptop and is re-programmed.

We enter the zavantazhuvalne menu.

If your laptop has UEFI and Secure Boot enabled

This means that you can select a portable USB hard drive from the advanced menu

In the next menu, select Windows to install. Let me guess once again what the top Windows 10 is called Windows Setup.

What's wrong with your laptop? UEFI and Secure Boot

Then also select a portable USB hard drive from the advanced menu

In this menu you can select to download LiveCD.

How to choose the first option 0 Windows NT6 (Vista/7 and above) Setup,

then you will be drawn to the menu for selecting operating systems to install

Axis and everything that will be food, put it on!

Nutrition of readers is absolutely worthy of this article

Friends, the article was written a month ago and basically put this food, it is in another part of the article, where we begin to work with the WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 program.

Food- Why did I first perform the operation of copying Windows 10 to a flash drive without using the WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 program, but simply copying Windows 10 files to a flash drive.

Vіdpovid- First of all, you can only use the remaining version of WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2.

In other words, I’m playing it safe for the safety of your data. Dear readers have noted that I am using WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 without formatting, and there is no mention of the Auto format it with FBinst item.

So, you can install Windows 10 on a flash drive using the program WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2, just because you are still trying for our article We previously formatted the partition (F:) of the portable hard drive to the FAT32 file system in the AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition program.

If you do not format the partition (F:) of a portable hard drive with the FAT32 file system in the AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition program (which we work on the beginning of the statistics), then the programWinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2 removes all partitions on a portable USB hard drive. Before the speech, WinSetupFromUSB get ahead of you about it. How to press So, everything is separated on the portable hard drive.

For which type, please update the sections according to our .

If you all work hard for our work, then everything will be fine:

In the main window of WinSetupFromUSB-1-6-beta2, in the top field, select the partition (F:) of our portable USB hard drive - WD My Password.

We put a tick on Auto format it with FBinst.

Meaningful item FAT32

The item is indicated by a tick Vista/7/8/Server 2008/2012 ISO and press the explorer button with the right hand, find the ISO image of Windows 10 and press GO, you will create a downloadable flash drive with Win 10, and then follow our article to add Windows 8.1 PRO and other systems to the flash drive at once from Live CD.

Updating data from portable (external) hard drives

]>http://www..jpg Updated data- this is a complicated and laborious process.

We first need to figure out who has the main responsibility to understand hard drive repairі Updating data from hard drive.

HDD repair is a complex of tasks aimed at updating the hard drive as a device, including checking the surface of the hard drive, identifying defects, checking the magnetic heads for reading and writing.

Updated information - in this version, all entries are directly used to read data and transfer them to another site.

It is necessary to approach individual tasks for updating information individually, if the tasks are very similar in algorithm. Just as there are no people with new fingertips, there are no accumulators who always go after all the parameters.

]>http://www..gif In principle, updating the data comes down to sector-by-sector copying of data from the faulty storage unit to the reference one. However, in order to correctly capture a sector that cannot be read, it is necessary to select a copying mode that is individual for each particular piece of information.

The main problems that arise when data is lost on hard drives:
(reasons for quitting use of the media are described here)

Lost OS operating system on hard drive

As a result of highly complex factors:
- crashed computer
- voltage stripping
- failure of the hardest disk
- bad contact in the accumulator interface

]>http://www..jpgThe system area of ​​the hard drive may be corrupted. In this option, the accumulation is usually referenced, but the data is not available. In this case, it is necessary to restore the system area of ​​the hdd and restore the data in a secure way (including any overwriting of information on the hard drive).

There may be concerns when you update self-pushing information:

Without knowing the real problem of wasting data and using the simplest OS programs (CHKDSK, SCANDISK), rewriting on the hard drive, you can update the data IMPOSSIBLY.

Since the OS operating system does not allow correct access to the location on the hard drive where the information is stored, it requires a suitable location for recording. І test program (CHKDSK, SCANDISK), scans the surface of the drive, collects “samples” of files and directories that can be downloaded and rewrites it to any available space on the hard drive.

Ruining the magnetic hdd ball (bad sector)

In case of folding cases, in case of significant destruction of the magnetic sphere of the hard disk, when creating a sector-by-sector copy of the hard disk, it is necessary to compile a number of steps.
During the first cycle of reading data, sectors that cannot be read, or blocks of hard disk sectors, are ignored. Be careful so that the hdd doesn't die before the hour. After creating the initial image of the hard disk, the reading mode is already selected.

Getting out of the way of the block of magnetic heads of the hard drive

]>http://www..jpgIn this case, it is necessary to replace the MMG (magnetic head unit).

The need for this operation is indicated by the presence of uncharacteristic sounds (knock of the magnetic head positioner).
After replacing the BMG hard drive, be sure not to use this fluid as you will replace the storage tank. Therefore, it is necessary to install the “sparing” reading mode, using Vikorist technology, described in the section “Ruining the magnetic ball hdd”.

It is impossible to put all the news related to the updates of these data in one row.
They can be divided into groups: medium, folded and even folded.

External hard drives

Volodimir Leonov

]>http://www..jpgUntil recently, hard drives with USB and FireWire interfaces were on the exotic market and small companies were engaged in their production. The infection is rapidly changing, the popularity of such germs is growing, and giant companies are entering this market. Without pretending to have a comprehensive overview of the market, let’s take a look at the reasons for the demand for changes and why there are different models of modern hard drives presented on the market.

There are a number of factors that meet the growing demand for modern hard drives. The popularity of mobile computers and computers assembled in cases of MicroATX, FlexATX format and similar miniature standards is rapidly growing throughout the world. The computing power of such computers is entirely sufficient for processing digital video, and the sheer volume of disk space often does not rise. Increasing the amount of disk space by installing an additional hard drive in which case is impossible due to the lack of space in the case, which means that the existing storage devices will not be frozen.

With the increased volume of information, the ability to update it every time it is used increases sharply and, therefore, the role of backup is advancing, the greatest efficiency of which is achieved when the current one is frozen. x extensions.

]>http://www..jpg With the increasing number of digital photo and video cameras and the advent of digital video recorders with a built-in hard drive, there is a sharp increase in the need to save and recycle information like a corporation active, as well as in the everyday sector. And since the problem of saving money can be caused by installing an additional hard drive, then in order to transfer large amounts of information from one computer to other necessary special devices, there is no way to If you want to transfer large amounts of gigabytes of information, it can be difficult.

In addition, an existing hard drive with an installed operating system and a set of images that is saved on a new one may be useful to the network administrator with the updated efficiency of both the network itself and includes to the warehouse of work stations.

]>http://www..jpgAlso, the most promising areas for the use of external hard disks are increasing the disk space of portable computers and transferring large amounts of information. Of course, the choice of information saving devices should be varied, with the most important ones being the ones that will allow you to save a single piece of information with the least amount of effort. There is a hard drive. In addition, equipped with a USB 2.0 or FireWire interface, the new hard drive becomes a truly universal device, since all modern laptops and personal computers are equipped with a USB 2.0 interface. The FireWire interface, which is practical for digital film cameras and Macintosh computers, is gaining popularity among PCs.

Structurally, all modern hard drives are equipped with external interfaces and a housing where a standard hard drive is placed. They are produced both inside and outside the container (containers), in which users can independently install any hard drive of any size. There is a great selection of different models on the market, many of which are incredibly growing. The technical characteristics of each of them, according to the data from the manufacturers, are presented in the table.

As can be seen from the table, the models that are produced are divided into one type in size, capacity and interfaces for connecting to a computer. What should you consider when choosing a new hard drive?

All external hard disks (and containers) can be divided into two groups according to the hard drive, which is included in their design, and each group has its own advantages. Thus, modern hard drives that fit “laptop” hard drives with platters with a diameter of 2.5 inches have minimal dimensions and mass; for them ]>http://www..jpg robots, as a rule, do not require an additional device for life (life is carried out via the interface bus or through the PS/2 connector), the costs of work are significantly less and little is sacrificed in their productivity bigger brothers. Such external hard drives have a USB 2.0 or FireWire interface, or both interfaces at once; Some models may be able to connect an external power supply. The most prominent area of ​​their stagnation is the transfer of information between computers; They can have a large capacity, take up only a small amount of space during transfer time, and can easily connect to almost any current computer.

It should be noted that in order to transfer a lot of data between computers, you can use other mobile devices that are built on hard drives. This includes models of MP3 players and digital albums. Designed for playing music and saving photographs and other pictures and is suitable for saving any data.

Newer hard drives, made on the basis of desktop hard drives with platters with a diameter of 3.5 inches, are less manually transferred and move their work from the external life cycle, and are therefore more suitable for stationary use. ї robots. They are most suitable for backing up data and increasing the available disk space of small computers. Such drives come with backup software, and on the front panel of the new Maxtor Personal Storage 5000 series hard drives there is a button to activate the backup process. The range of interfaces for new hard drives is wider. In addition to the already basic USB 2.0 and FireWire, models equipped with the FireWire 800 interface appeared, and TEAC released a container with USB 2.0 and SATA interfaces. In terms of productivity, modern hard drives, mounted on hard drives with a rotation frequency of 7200 rpm, do not sacrifice much to internal models and are suitable for work in resource programs. A large selection of available containers to satisfy the needs of your guests. LaCie's latest hard drives currently offer maximum capacity - two LaCie Big Disk models with a capacity of 400 and 500 GB and equipped with the latest high-speed FireWire 800 and USB interfaces. 2.0; Their design uses two disks, and the company does not disclose the method.

updating data from portable hard disks, portable hard disk, updating from hard disk, updating from external hard disk, updating data from portable disk, external hard disk, updating data from external hard disk, portable disk transcend, external disk nrabscend, portable disk 2 , 5, external disk 2.5

As the benefits of expanding the storage space and saving information on computers have increased, external hard drives have become a popular option for saving data. On most computers and operating systems, you can easily transfer data to an external hard drive. By using an external hard drive, the risk of data loss or theft will be reduced. In addition, the data can be archived and saved on an external hard drive, which will not take up space on the main hard drive. In most cases, transferring data from your computer to an external hard drive is as easy as inserting the drive into your computer, selecting the files on your computer that you want to transfer, and copying them to the external drive.
To transfer data to an external hard drive, first select an external hard drive that suits your storage needs. Depending on the type of data, you may need a hard drive with a very large capacity. If you have a lot of images, videos or music files, an external hard drive with a lot of space is a good idea. If you plan to transfer data, such as documents, an external hard drive with a smaller capacity will be sufficient. These new hard drives can be small in size and can fit on a keychain, which is handy for those who need to read small files on the go.

External hard drives are connected to the computer with a cable that often connects to the Universal Serial Bus. External hard drives are also available with other connections such as FireWire. Make sure your computer supports the connection of an external hard drive. USB ports are available on most computer systems.

To transfer data, start by connecting an external hard drive by inserting it into the output port. Most computers will recognize the hard drive as a new device, and then turn it over to see what it is. The computer assigns a letter to the portable hard drive. You can transfer data to someone else in the same way as you move files on your computer.

Select the data you want to move, indicate whether you want to copy it to an external hard drive or whether you want to delete the data from the main hard drive entirely. In many cases, you can look at the folders on your hard drive, which means which files need to be copied or moved, indicating the destination on your hard drive; You can simply drag and drop the files however you want so that they can move from one window to another. You can also verify or copy files from the output file and paste them onto the target disk.

Many USB devices are also hot-swappable, which means they can be plugged in and turned off when the computer is turned off. To remove the device, quickly use the device utility on your computer. This guarantees that the device will not be damaged if you use it. When transferring data, you will want to transfer the data so that it does not disappear anywhere, so be careful and wait until the computer says that the data has been transferred and you can safely connect your external hard drive.

An external hard drive can support data transfer from multiple computers. You can make connections to any computer with a port that recognizes the drive. The data on the disk can be accessed and manipulated according to your personal preferences. This allows several users to use the same external hard drive. In addition, portable data should be even brown when mature.

External hard drives are much less susceptible to virus attacks and spyware programs, which is why they are always associated with the computer. When transferring data, be sure to scan thoroughly so that you do not inadvertently introduce viruses to your existing hard drive.

Portable hard drive purposes for saving data and ensuring mobility while working with information. Portable hard drives of the 2.5-inch form factor have a number of advantages: first of all, ease of connection via the USB interface, which is supported by all modern devices from a computer and laptop to a TV and car radio; in another way - you don’t need an additional device for life, except life from the USB bus; Also, the installation of current USB3 controllers will ensure data transfer speed equal to that of the SATA interface. As the name suggests, a hard drive (HDD or SSHD) is installed in the middle of the box, which is connected via a SATA USB adapter. Main reasons The result of portable hard drives is their design and smart operation: just like hard drives for a laptop, portable drives through advanced recording capacity, which ensures small dimensions, just enough surface defects develop; through mobility and permanent movements, often not in the most receptive minds (in porridge, in suma) microdrapes and displacements of magnetic heads can occur on magnetic surfaces; It is also unpleasant for a portable hard drive to overheat in a plastic case. All this can provoke the immediate failure of the portable disk and the loss of data. Yakshcho Vi Viyavili If the hard disk is no longer recognized by the computer, when it is turned on, you can see third-party sounds (beeping, clicking or crackling), it appears that the disk needs to be formatted, and in the case of hard drives, the message “RAW file system” appears, or simply impossible to copy data from your hard drive, you will need to go to our laboratory.

Fakhіvtsі laboratory "INTER"- certified engineers who have a wealth of practical knowledge about updating data from any media, including portable hard drives. Obladnannya, with which our laboratory is equipped, allows us to safely carry out robotic research high category of foldability(including the safe replacement of mechanics in the cleaning areas of the clean area), and personal responsibility for the adequacy of all aspects of care will allow you to be aware of the fact that it is simply impossible to ensure the best minds.

We guarantee:

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This type of malfunction can include: faulty formatting, reinstallation of the operating system, deletion of files, various corruptions of file systems. The main faults are those of a logical nature and those that the hard drive is in good working order and has no defects lying on the surface. To update the data, use specialized programs and hardware and software systems that operate in the “read only” mode to turn off destructive influx on the data that is being updated. As a rule, the data can be updated completely.

Unreadable sectors on a hard drive can occur for a variety of reasons: degradation of the magnetic surface of the hard drive, impaired reading by magnetic heads, minor physical operations, which result in the loss of microdrapes on the surface of the drive and. Unread sectors on the hard drive indicate that the computer freezes when the hard drive is connected, frequent loss of data, and the inability to copy certain files and folders. Updating the data is done by creating a sector-by-sector copy on the reference hard drive.

Service information is part of the hard disk software, except as part of the electronics firmware, service information modules are recorded on the surfaces of the hard disk platters in a special (service area or SA) area . Corruption of service information occurs for a number of reasons: incompleteness of the program code, unreading of sectors in the service and customer service area, data accumulated during the operation of the hard drive. To update the data, the PC-3000 complex is used: a set of terminal adapters and specialized utilities. To update data from a failed disk, you must analyze and update the service information modules.

If the magnetic head unit (MMG) is damaged, the disk will make clicking sounds and will not appear in the BIOS. To update the data, the hard drive is opened in the laboratory, and the block of magnetic heads is replaced with all parameters. Next, reading (making sector-by-sector copies) is carried out using the additional software and hardware complex PC-3000. Damage to the block of magnetic heads is most often caused by mechanical injection: impacts, falls; or as a result of overheating of the hard drive. The success of the work from updating the data depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist, but on the type of minds in which the data is updated.

Occurs when the block of magnetic heads is torn on the surface of the plates. As a result, the heads stick to the surface of the plates, and the motor cannot turn. Sticking of the magnetic heads immediately appears: when turned on, the hard drive “squeaks”, with the sound characteristic of the engine being turned on, not audible. Stuck magnetic heads most often occur on disks with a 2.5-inch form factor (laptop format). To successfully update the data, it is necessary to install special BMG extractors to prevent damage to the heads and plates. All robots are vibrating in the clean area of ​​the laboratory. When the magnetic heads are stuck, there is a high risk of damage to the surface, so to update the data, a software and hardware complex is installed, which allows you to read the data without installing it into the system. Once specialized equipment is available, advanced technologies can be updated practically without cost.

Electronics malfunctions

Damage to the electronics board of hard drives (PCB HDD) is most often caused by electrical failure, malfunction of the computer's power supply unit, or overheating. If the electronics board is faulty, the hard drive is not recognized by the BIOS (although a computer with a faulty drive does not turn on), does not spin up, and does not make the same sounds; Sometimes you can smell the smell of garou. Quite often, an electronics board that burns out causes a malfunction of the preamplifier-commutator of the magnetic head unit, so it is imperative to check the serviceability of the head unit before it begins. For current hard drives, replacing the circuit board with a similar one, as a rule, does not bring the desired result through the adaptive parameters recorded in the controller's ROM. Wasting the original electronics board may make it impossible to update the data! As a rule, if the hard disk electronics board malfunctions, the data is restored again in a short hour.
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Why should the varto be furious with us?

    Fixed prices. We are not lured into the laboratory by the low price of 1500 rubles, and then say that your type has more skill. The exact price is from afar, as is the upper price limit. The availability of any kind of work can be found on the website under the “prices” section. We do not deceive our clients!
    Work without advance payment. We do not charge an advance payment for spare parts, expendable materials and “additional advanced diagnostics” regardless of the fact that the robot has already been installed. Blame becomes less likely due to someone else’s unqualified handing over (otherwise such incidents are even rare). We value our reputation!
    Free delivery. Our courier will pick up and bring your savings without cost. By sending the courier, we are immediately informed that the delivery works “from” and “to”, but if the price was previously agreed upon and did not inform the deputy after delivery to the laboratory, return delivery will be paid. All accounts and payments made by agreement are delivered catless at the borders of Moscow.