How to recognize a font in Photoshop. Services for online font recognition - by image, text, browser extensions. Programs and extensions for browsers

Here we have collected the most handy services and programs for identifying fonts. Save this article to your bookmarks and you can easily recognize the name of any font!

Designers often struggle with the need to know what type of text is written in what font. Going through all the obvious collection of fonts in search of an escape is far from the most manual way. In addition, the required font may simply not appear. Of course, you can ask for help on thematic forums, where other designers can suggest a name for the font. You'll only have to check the lines these days. Why bother checking? What then should we do?

In fact, everything is simple. Use these resources quickly and you will be able to find out the name of the font in just a couple of minutes, and maybe even faster!

Online services


WhatTheFont - objectively The best service to identify fonts on little ones. Simply place a picture with a butt in the font, indicate that you have correctly recognized the letter service, and press the big green button. You see a number of fonts that are most similar to the images, among which you can find a 100% reduction. If you still haven’t been able to identify the font, then you should submit a request on a special forum on your website. The service is also user-friendly because you can buy the font you find right away.

For those who search for fonts constantly and in whatever minds, mobile app for iPhone and Android. You can simply take a photo of the font and immediately recognize its name. Very handy!


On this service you can search for a font if you don’t have a particular image, but you remember what it looks like, and you can specify its characteristics that indicate low power. Needless to say, what is the most manual method, but that there is no other option - you can generally find what you need! The creators of the service demonstrate different variations of fonts: the name (partial), font families, symbols and the names of the designers who created them.


What Font is - an online service for identifying the font behind images. Much like WhatTheFont, ale varto add to bookmarks, about all sorts of quirks.

Programs and extensions for browsers

In addition to the overhauled online services, there are their analogues in the form of browser extensions. It's a plus because you don't need to open it right away new tab, in order to recognize which font is used in the same writing on the site. It’s easy to activate and expand the extension.


Absolute leader on Narazi. FontFaceNinja gives you the opportunity not only to find out the name of any font on the site (not pictures), but also to try its writing right there on the site, and also (respect) download the font you like! Of course, the authors are ahead of the curve so that they can get involved in the first place for the sake of awareness.

The beauty and simplicity of this expansion is another welcome point. FontFaceNinja has a charming button (mask) that attracts all advertising on this page, allowing you to customize it including fonts. You can expand the expansion without any costs. Works with Chrome and Safari.

Whatfont tool

Extension for Chrome and Safari, which will help you recognize the names of fonts in the browser. Shows to finish the report up-to-date information by font, what to type, including font family, size and row height.


A standalone plugin for identifying fonts on websites. For everything to be completed, the site must be bookmarked and clicked on. The cursor will be shaped like a cross and when clicked on the font, a window will appear with its name, pixel size, style and style. To squeeze, we press again. Works with Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE8+ browsers.

Upgrade of special font recognition skills

Everyone wants to be a cool designer who knows not only all the fonts that go behind the names and families, but also can overtake the distributors and reveal the history of the creator. Of course, such beginners are an incomparable talent. Just a little bit of coloring of your knowledge is completely possible. There are a number of tools and tools that can help you with this.

Font Trainer

Online gra-test: set the parameters and guess what font you want. You can set both the Latin alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet.

The Font Game HD

This program will literally help you learn the names of fonts. There are different modes of play, and the statistics of your reach. On the downside, please note that the program is paid and only available in the AppStore.

Forgive that beautiful test that we wrote about in the blog. Can you name the 10 most popular fonts? Try it for yourself. The results may be unexpected!

Write to us if you know any manual services or programs for identifying fonts. We will be happy to hear your comments! And share messages on this article with your friends. Let her life become a little simpler 🙂

When developing a website (or implementing other digital projects), we may come across a font on the Internet, which, due to its visual brilliance, tends to differentiate itself from other analogues. Bazhanna vikoristuvat this font may be very large, but in this case we may not know what kind of font it is, and what its name is. IN this material I will try to help such writers and help them recognize the font from a picture online, and we will recognize them edge services We need some help.

Recognize a font from a picture online - implementation features

To implement this task, you can quickly use low-margin resources (most importantly, English ones), which I will mention below. The work with them is quite formulaic: you go to such an online resource, click on a new picture with the font you need (or indicate on such an image the message sent in between), if necessary, enter the text required for recognition. Also, certain resources can request the selection of many more parameters (for example, text enhancement), after which the required font is recognized.

After completing the font recognition procedure, the site prompts you to visually determine whether the numbers and letters are correctly recognized (if necessary, you will need to make your own adjustment by entering the correct character). After this site you will see a number of names of visually similar fonts, and you will be able to download the font you are looking for on your PC.

The best services for assigning fonts to images online

Let's take a look at the services that allow you to perform font recognition online. In this case, if you present these services with a picture with a variety of different symbols, even without the exact ones between them, then the service may be able to perform recognition.

The "WhatTheFont" service will help you identify front fonts

The “WhatTheFont” service is one of the most popular English-language font identification services. Working with the service is simple and does not require any special skills (including the registration procedure).

  1. To use the service, go to
  2. Click the “Choose File” button and select a picture with the background you need from your hard drive.
  3. Then click the "Continue" button.

Working time for the “WhatTheFont” service

The service will carry out the recognition procedure and will open a screen on which you will have to confirm that you have correctly recognized the letter service (or enter the necessary adjustments).

Then click on “Continue” and you will see the result from the actual name of the font you need. Fonts called blue-colored fonts can be downloaded to your PC (some of these fonts may be paid).

The “FontSquirrel” service recognizes alphabet letters online

The "Font Squirrel" service is another English-language resource for searching for fonts online. By using “WhatTheFont” you can not only recognize the alphabet we need, but also immediately acquire it from the basis of this resource (both without cost and for pennies).

  1. Go to the website, click the “Upload image” button and upload an image with the font you need to the resource.
  2. Place the text required for font recognition in a special frame (the size of the frame is adjusted, just as the size of the text is adjusted).
  3. And then press the “Matcherate It!” button.

Working with the “FontSquirrel” service

The service will display a list of identical fonts, on the right hand side of which a button will be placed for possible downloading (at the same price if paid).

"IdentiFont" service for searching fonts

A special feature of the “IdentiFont” service is the ability to determine the font from the power supply that will be used to specify what service you want to use. At the same time, the site has an English-language interface, which essentially limits the capabilities of the Russian-language correspondent.

This site has five unique tools:

  • “Fonts by Appearance” (identification of the font for from the outside looking in);
  • "Fonts by Name"
  • "Fonts by Similarity" (for similarity);
  • "Fonts by Picture" (search for handwriting based on a picture);
  • "Fonts by Designer/Publisher" (in the name of the creator or the publisher).

By selecting one of the five designated tools, you can find the required font online.

Working time for the "IdentiFont" service


This service is similar in its functionality to the “WhatTheFont” I have already guessed, allowing you to select the font. However, there are a number of specific features, but on the site there is a photo editor that allows you to edit the text for easy recognition of the font online. In addition, you can add characteristics to the image that you admire for better identification of the font.

  1. To use the resource, go to
  2. І press the “Upload Image” button to upload an image with the required font to the resource.
  3. Place the text you need from the image in the center of the frame and click on the “Matcherate It!” button. below (the procedure is de facto identical to the described resource "FontSquirrel").
  4. You see the result with a list of detected wins.

Working time for the FONTSPRING service

Service "Fontmassive"

The service encourages you to consider the possibilities of the “human factor” and ask other vendors to help you identify the font online. To work with it, you need to go to this resource, write the text in the special window, click the “Insert Image” button to add an image with the required font to the resource, and then click the “Upload” button.

"WhatFont" extension

Expansion for Google browser Chrome (and also for other browsers based on the Chromium core) under the name "WhatFont" allows you to easily select font recognition online. After installing and activating the program in the browser, it is enough to move the cursor over the required font to identify the rest (both Latin and Cyrillic fonts are recognized).

In this case, according to koristuvachs, the accuracy of the font is not always at its best.

Extension of “WhatFont” in the Chrome Store


In this material I have looked at services that will help you significantly garni font according to the picture. There’s a lot of noise in the English-language interface and working behind a similar algorithm. In this case, the recognition of a font on different online resources may vary, and as a result, you can end up submitting dozens of fonts with a similar visual design.

As soon as you caught up with the crowd on the Internet, after marveling at the output HTML/CSS code of the page, you really knew how you were vikorizing there yourself. As a last resort, you can write to the authors/authors of the project and ask about the decisions they have made in the work and where to take them.

However, if you are talking about illustrations, prints, banners and other forms of graphic design, then recognizing the font from a picture online is simply not possible. You can’t do this without additional tools – today’s article will be about them.

For the best results, special extensions for browsers, programs or web services are used to recognize fonts on a small scale.

Search for images

A project of creations by one of the largest font owners (, which is even more popular in our country. You just need to select (or drag) a PNG or JPG image with a font, after which the system will select the most suitable options from a database of 133,000 styles.

The service has a large knowledge base, but not least - there are 550 thousand commercial and cost-free items. In a special form, it is allowed to capture the image, and it is simply intended to be sent by it. To search for escapes, get stuck piece intelligence, as a result, you will be shown close to 60 possible solutions!

Equal to its competitors, it has more advanced functionality - it can recognize OpenType fonts and also place qualifying tags that allow you to select results. The site has an option to purchase materials if necessary, but the chip itself with identification is costless.

Text tools

The service under the name vikoryst is another simple approach to the ultimate task. Instead of depicting here, you are presented with information about the name of the question, which is guided by the chosen font: the visibility of the serifs, the format of the letters “J”, “Q” and the symbol “$”, etc.

The whole process seems to be quite straightforward, but there are two obvious advantages: you must not approach it because you don’t have a cob image with the right side; can lead you to some rather unsatisfactory options that we haven’t thought about before.

The site is needed if you want to recognize a serif font online from the Serif family. Here you set a series of rules for the form of glyphs for certain elements of the font (amazing screenshot above). This resource, due to its specificity, is guessed by the former, but the robot is more advanced, because All tasks are displayed at once on one page without transitions. If you have no idea, you can write to the author of the project by mail. Here you can also find Script, Bauhaus-Style, Sans Serif and Serif, and Lined.

Forums and hospitals

This is not an automated approach, but it also works well. To identify a different font, ask for help from the facists in this niche. The place where they live can be either specialized forums or simply “browsing” on popular web services.

For example:

  • Typeface Identification section on Quora - one of the largest nutritional portals (there are far more than one of them).
  • Group typeid (Flickr Typeface Identification) on the popular photo hosting site Flickr - similarly, you need to add any image and check for tips from contributors. The update has recently started, and the group is active.
  • Typophile – a wealth of experts, so you can use images to get “help from the floor”.

Programs for online font recognition

The solution is available in three implementations - as an extension for Chrome and Safari, and also as a bookmarklet (browser tab). Immediately after installation, click on the program, then when you hover over text elements web pages will display the names of the fonts.

In addition to the main function of online font recognition, there is a bunch of cute chips: you can try to set them for your text, buy fonts that you like, or add them to your bookmarks.


Fount works like a bookmarklet - you add it to your browser's toolbar. Further, on these and other sites, they will show not only the font that is being reviewed, but also its size, style, and type. Sumisny with Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE8+.

Together. In principle, all these methods are good for the task at hand and will depend on your situation: if there is a picture to identify the typography in it, you need to take a quick look to ensure that the designers are on the finished site etc.

As an alternative, you can search for information in various specialized web projects, for example, on special portals for a type or service. Also on the Internet (and in our blog) there are searches on this and other topics, it’s acceptable that you know right away what product you’re looking for, this approach allows you to sound the search area or choose, plus or minus, a similar option.

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Looking at various materials, we can pay attention to the typeface that is used when rendering such texts. We can appreciate this very font for ourselves, with which we will not be able to understand about its name, and about the ways of extracting such information. In this article, I will identify obvious tools for recognizing fonts from pictures online, as well as recognizing how to use them.

Specificity of edge resources for identifying fonts

Let me tell you right now that the absolute majority of online resources presented here have an English-language interface. The Russian segment has a weak representation, so the value of the font must be compared with other English analogues.

І how these tools recognize fonts, fonts Latin writers, be known on good rival, then the identification of Cyrillic fonts from the image is really cool. In the end, you will no longer have to rely either on luck or go to the forums of professional designers, where they can help you find the font you need.

The process of recognition from a photo is carried out in two main ways:

  • Automatic - you will add a picture with a font to the site (or you will include a link to such a picture in the middle). Place the text for recognition on the little one, press the button to start identification, and select the options found based on the results;
  • Text - you inform the site about the font in text mode, and then accept the result.

Let's take a closer look at the edge toolkit for recognizing fonts and describe the features of its operation.

The service is a powerful tool for recognizing fonts

The site can boast not only of the functionality that is standard for such resources, but also of the presence of a forum where local enthusiasts can help you with the specific font you need. To achieve ideal recognition, the resource requires maximum horizontal placement of the text, keeping the text at least 100 pixels in height and not sticking together. The number of letters per image is no more than 50, and the maximum image size is 400,000 pixels (width and height).

To recognize the font, type this: - search for needed fonts online

Another tool that I want to know about is Its capabilities may have similar functionality and benefits to other resources in this plan.

  1. To view the site, go to
  2. Here press the “Upload the image” button to upload the image with the font to the site, or on the “image URL” to provide a link to the required page with the font along the border.
  3. Once your image is located outside the frame, enter the required characters in the text for identification, and click the “Matcherate It!” button. The font recognition procedure will be carried out, and then you can look at the list of detected errors. - text search for fonts

The service offers a text method for learning fonts online. When you go to the site, you will be prompted (by selecting) to a number of foods that will point you to:

  • external appearance of the font (appearance);
  • his name and parts of the name (name);
  • similarity to other fonts (similarity);
  • besides the picture or symbols that appear in the font (picture);
  • Type or publish the font (designer/publisher).

The search itself is carried out on English Therefore, those who are not interested in this will be bored with the current searches on the specified site. - service for recognizing letters on an image is a popular resource on Runet, which is often wasted in look around. Its popularity is due both to the good mechanism of searches and identification of the font, and to the forum on this site, which also provides assistance in finding the searched prototype.

Work with the resource is not affected by other related services: - find a font with countless alternatives

The service is notable because it allows you to search for the required font using a variety of obvious parameters, including associative search. You can search for a font based on its history, design purposes, letter shape and other parameters. In total, there are more than 2.5 thousand fonts on the resource, including Cyrillic ones, so if you find the right font, you may be able to find the font you need.


This article contains the main popular tools that allow you to quickly find and recognize the required font on a picture. There are not many of them, but it is important to work with fonts that use Latin characters, and working with Cyrillic characters is much more difficult for these resources. For Cyrillic fonts, I also recommend joining the forums of local art enthusiasts (, where they can help you with a well-known graphic prototype.

Every designer faces the problem of choosing a suitable font. Sometimes you need to know the font on the picture, meaning the font by letter. This is especially true for web developers when choosing fonts for a new website. Who's in need of help? special services, About what will be reported in this article.

Ok, let's do an experiment. For this reason, I wrote a Photoshop test for a different type of font that is significant in various services, which font I have chosen. With this rank, I mean, what kind of service is the most beautiful.

You can go through the services with me at the same time, and for testing, vikorize my picture. Perhaps you will come before the next summit.

The axis is written:

The first service, for the help of which we signify the font -

Click the “Browse” button to select an image with text. Then you have to select one item and go ahead:

The background color is lighter than the characters color – means that the color of the background is lighter than the color of the characters and characters,
The background color is dark, please invert colors – light text on dark background.

Now press the “Continue” button to continue.

In the new window you will have to identify the letter - enter the skin letter in the corresponding field.

I press the “Continue” button and before us is a list of the most similar fonts. Before speaking, the service has correctly identified the font. The first option is correct.

Service rating – 5 points.

Here you also need to upload a picture with text to the service or insert the message directly into the image. The little diagram shows what the picture is for correct work service. Letters and symbols must be clear, must not be angry, the font size must be at least 100 pixels and the text must be aligned with a horizontal line.

After selecting an image with text, click “Continue”. It’s nice that the service often identifies characters itself and it’s unlikely that you’ll have to enter them manually.

And this service miraculously recovered from the problem, correctly guessing the font. One drawback of the What The Font site is that there are fewer fonts in the WhatFontIs site.

Service rating – 5 points.

These are the services that indicate the font from the picture. However, there are sites that search for fonts behind other prominent elements.

If you know exactly what the font looks like, if you have letters, then you can run a small test on the look of the font and find out its name.

Please include any information you need:

What are the serifs in the font?
name: just enter a name for the font or part,
similar fonts – enter the name of similar fonts, as you are wondering,
font designer. If you are a designer or know the font, then you can include it in the search.

Note: the service is English, but without knowing the language, it’s easy to get started, as long as the food is supported by the little ones with the prescribed ones.

I was unable to find the required font using this service. Test passed.

4. Font Finder Firefox Add-On – an add-on for Firefox, which means which font is selected on the site. Just see the word on the site, and then select the font and CSS style.
Posilannya for addon

A service that is based on your statement about how the font looks requires a detailed analysis of the letters and their elements.

For the help of this service, they also did not bother to specify the font.

I hope that now knowing the required font, recognizing its name will not be a problem for you.