How to put a round bow. All ways, like in the "Word" to put square arches.

Under the square arms, there is a special symbol on the uvaz, which is a symbol for its own individual recognition, and it can be victorious in absolutely different areas. For example, tse mozhe buti, physics, mathematics and literature. Warto know about those that these signs are boys, and apparently, one can say that they add one to one. If you insert one bow, for example, close it or open it, in such a situation a pardon will be allowed, as you can correct the addition of another element. Today we were talking about those, how to write on the keyboard After reading the article, you can insert such symbols into any text.

good luck

As if you were using a standard keyboard adapted for the Cyrillic alphabet, the qi signs will be changed on the positions of the “X” and “ed” buttons. In order to insert a square bow in the text, you should change the layout so that the text is in English language. You can use the hot keys Alt + Shift, or else, here everything is in the first place, like setting up your personal computer, as well as before speech, so you need to know, how to put square temples and, for example, you have the ability to switch not only to English language, Then you should know about those that you can install these symbols in different layout options, Russian Crimea. Fighting is similar.

Control panel

Buvaє i take: just started working with hot keys, but you just don’t like them, in such a state of mind, with great luck, you can change them to your own judgment. In order to change the combinations, you will need to go to the control panel of your operating system. There you can find a special menu, as it is called "Changing the layout and methods of introduction", you should go to the new one yourself. Now you have singly understood how to build a square bow on the keyboard for the help of changing the layout of the keyboard. Ale, there is only one of the options. Zvichayno, nourishment, as if you were working on the keyboard of the square arch, for the sake of knowing the coristuvachiv, we’ll forgive you. At the same time, newcomers need obov'yazkovo dodatkova dopomoga, So as to truly understand the whole installation process is not so simple.

Dodatkova possibility

So you can write food, as if you were working on the keyboard of a square bow, you can use the help of a special table of symbols, like, before speech, present in all operating systems. Few people are capable of calling this tool, and for that we will describe the whole process to you at once. For the beginning, go to "Start", for which you need to know the section "Usі programs", and go to the list on the "Standard" tab, there you can find "Services".

In fact, the perfection of nutrition, as if you were working on the keyboard of a square bow, is not so foldable, but if you show maximum respect, in such a state you are not guilty of blaming difficult people.

Do you know how to put square arms in "Word"? If so, then all the same, you won’t name the chotiri methods, how to rob it, but they will stink. The very about them and pide rozmov in this article. Let's look at the trivial methods themselves, and the most naivetonchenish - those, with which few people will be curvy, but still they stink. As it seems, about every vipadok.

Victory to the standard keyboard

That way, which is to know everything, is the choice of the same keys on the keyboard. At the same time, you can not bring it up, but for coristuvachs, if only you can start mastering the computer, it is necessary to recognize it. To this we immediately rozpovіmo, like in the "Word" put square arches behind the help of the keyboard.

Marveling at her, you can see the pictogram of square arches on the Russian keys "X" and "vidannya". It is clear, pressing these keys at that hour, if language is installed in the system, and nothing is achieved, the letters will be different. Cunning lies in another way. You should change the language of the system. For those who don't know, try to press the keys ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT (in the background of the system itself). If this option is foldable for you, then remember the language and understand it by pressing the bear on the exit button on the task panel. Її roztashuvannya you can look at the image.

After that, as in the English language delivery system, you can boldly press these buttons. The axis of vi and was recognized, as in the "Word" to put square arches behind the help of the great keyboard. Well, at the same time, we were rushing away.

Victory special characters

Now let's figure out how to put square arms in "Word" 2007 rock with help special characters. Obviously, this method can be used on other versions of the program, but the example will be given on the appointment.

Back to you slid vіdkriti vіdpovіdne vіkno in "Wordi". To do this, first go to the "Insert" tab. You will need to know the "Symbol" button. Vaughn roztashovuetsya in the right part of the line. Having pressed on it, you will see the menu, in which it is necessary to select "Symbol".

Otzhe, you need to open it up. You need those places in the list, which you can see, which you can call "Nabir", select "Basic Latin". After that, in the main field of the window, there are symbols of the category category. Scrolling the table down, see what you need and see. Once you press the "Insert" button, and the stench will be instructed in the document.

Now you know another way to put square arms. In "Word" 2010 rock, before speech, given method pratsyuє following a similar principle.

Vikoristovuemo sixteenth code

At once, we’ll tell you, like in the “Word” put square arches for the help of the sixteen code. Danish way, Hurry up, come up to the ranks of the thinners. At once you will understand why.

The hexadecimal axis code for the "[" character is 005B, and the axis for the "]" character is 005D. Yak bachite, remember it's easy to finish them. At once, rozpovіmo, like їх vikoristovuvat.

In order to insert square arches into the text using this method, you need to enter the code into the text itself, and then press the ALT + X keys. You can try it right away, after such an operation your code will turn into the character you need.

vikoristovuemo formula

Before the speech, if you opened a table of special symbols, in the drop-down menu, in the order with the "Symbol" button, there was another pictogram - "Formula". Let's talk now, how to insert square arches for additional introduction of formulas.

This way is unlikely to be tricky with the usual typing in the document, but if you want to enter the formula in a new one, then you will be fine.

Then, as soon as you press this button, a form for entering the level is inserted at the text, and the level constructor is displayed on the toolbar. At the constructor you will find the button "Bow" and press її. At the menu, you need to press on the square arms, between which you can see a square. After the onslaught, the form will appear in the document. Click on that box and enter the text - you will be inserted between the arms

Vikoristovuemo Alt-code

The article has induced methods for remaining versions"Word", now the time has come to talk about those, how to put square arms in "Word" 2003 rock. Wanting to use this method, it’s always possible to navite beyond the borders of the named program.

The method is even simpler: you need to remember everything in sequence. For the "[" shackle, it will look like three keys: ALT, 9 and 1, and for the "]" shackle - ALT, 9, 3. Pressing їх, you take away the wrong result.

You can put paws "yalinki" in Word and other office programs either with a special combination of keys, or without a keyboard shortcut. Let's look at ways to allow you to speed up the typing of the text and to spare the need for copying paws from other places.

Swedish way of paws

We can forgive and save this way, but with some tweaks, the Word can not be practiced. Again, press the "Shift" key and the number "2" at the same time. The two must be pressed onto the upper numeric keypad. The layout is due to Russian buti. We need to enter a phrase and re-press the combination of keys. It is guilty that the paws of the yalinka are curled up.

  • "Shift" + 2 = "
  • "Shift" + 2 = "

Vikoristovuemo kodi "yalyok"

Press the "Alt" key. Without letting it in, on the numeric keypad (right-handed) we type the code to open or the legs close:

  • "Alt" + 0171 = "
  • "Alt" + 0187 = "

After dialing the entry code, "Alt" is allowed. A necessary sign will appear. Enter the code as needed in numbers, as if it were right-handed on the keyboard, and not the beast. When this happens, the “NumLock” indicator is to blame. If not, then turn on yoga by pressing the one-button button.

random option

Another option, which can surprise people who are watching the process from the side. Changes to the English layout and is different in the Word symbol "ab". Let's press the keys "Alt" and "X" at the same time. To put a symbol on the curve - enter "bb" and press again "Alt" and "X".

  • ab>Alt+x="
  • bb>Alt+x="

Insertion of feet without keyboard

For some reason, the keyboard does not work, but if you need to put the symbols of the links, then quickly insert the symbols from the top menu bar.

"Insert" > "Symbols" tab > "Symbols"

In the table appeared є our paws.

Квадратні дужки - це один зі спеціальних символів, який застосовується в різних сферах: математики (для запису координат вектора), фізики і хімії (для запису комплексних хімічних сполук), літератури (для запису транскрипції, вставки в цитату авторського тексту), програмуванні та інших . This symbol is respected by the guys, so you need to open it, and then close it.

How to put square arches on the keyboard.

Let's take a look at how to put the bows on the keyboard. on secondary keyboard square shackles placed on the buttons, like in Russian letters " X»І« b". In order to open a square bow, you need to go to the English layout and click on the "x" key. Vidpovidno, to close the bow, press on the "b" tezh English mine. The simplest way, how to build square arms on the keyboard.

Symbol table.

Now let's look at one more option how to put square arms. Koristuyuchis in this way, you can put not only square arches, but a lot of other symbols. Press “Start”, select “Use programs”, go to the “Standard” folder, give “Services” and open “Symbol table”. Axis of stench, locking square arches. To insert the arches into your text, see the symbol and copy it, and then, using the help of the “Ctrl + V” key, add it in the right place.

Office programs.

If necessary, visualize square arms in office supplements(Word, Excel, Open Office), you need to select the "Insert" menu on the toolbar, then "Symbol", click on the square arms and "Insert".

Simple way.

Well, come on, let's look at the simplest way. IN poshuk system we enter the words "square bow" and copy the proponing symbol.

At the end, I will give you one joy. If you wrote a lot of sheets in the text, and victorious with your other bows, and you need to put square ones, then it’s not necessary to correct everything by hand. It is necessary to enter a row by pressing the keys "Ctrl + F" and write there the symbol that you put, and in the row "Replacement" - the symbol that you need, in our case there are square arches. I press "OK".

Hello readers blog

At this article, I will tell you how to arrange the message in square arms in word 2010.

Otzhe, you need to issue a letter to the dzherelo, for which in the last cited proposal we give a back side opening , For which you open the Insert tab? side opening

The cursor of the bear goes to the next side, de write

We put a rіven 1, as a result

we press the button numbering list.

1 Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the government activity of business / G.V. Savitska. - M .: - Infra-M, 2012. - 268 s

The book is described (as if it were a robiti) for which the text is taken. Let's turn to the end of the proposition, where it is necessary to put down the power, insert square brackets, for which we translate the keyboard layout into English language, press. We put the cursor in the number of square arches.

Insert? Posilannya? cross-sentence

For which paragraph? 1 Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the government activity of business / G.V. Savitska. - M .: - Infra-M, 2012. - 268 p.

Earn Paste

To replace the paragraph number, you can remove the text for the paragraph, click right button by field sent and selected in the context menu« ».

Otzhe, if you, nareshti, violate the entire text of the diploma, step by step forming a listliterature in the literature you only need to learn yoga for the alphabet (how to know, see).

Dali is necessary in the middle of the square arms, where the number of the dzherel is indicated, you can see it with the cursor and press the right button - onit. If you still happen to change the list of victories later, you can update everything that was put earlier.

Everything, the robot is broken.

You also knew how to put the bells in square arms. I support the article in good fortune.

I small entrance to myself.

Honestly, I’ll tell you, it’s not the kind of love that I have, I’ll explain why. If you are writing an essay, or a coursework or a diploma, then the list of literature is compiled in the first line, and it is formed and edited in the rest.

As for the typography of the abstract, we wrote a bunch of books, then their list in the thesis work can reach up to 100. For example, you write the theoretical part of the diploma, you know it is necessary, you put - de 1 No. of the book in the list of vikoristanih dzherel, for example, Savitska G.V. Economical analysis, and S. 45 - take the text on the 45th side of the book, etc., work on it, write the practical part of the drawing up in order 2, 3, 4. i insert a piece of text, numbers in square arms no longer fit the list of literature, If you need to add legal acts to your diploma, then - the Constitution for 1 month, apply , then an early message - already not correct, and you garyachkovo guess what kind of books you took. In short, it's a nightmare, I don't like the use of square arms.

I know, as a result, nothing happened to me, so I took the text from the assistants in the format Word 2010 , And there were their own messages and the stench destroyed everything, but I didn’t want to clear the format and put down the message again. In short, I spent the whole day and everything was empty. It is your fault to see everything so that you work correctly.

My bag came to the visnovka, which is the best way[ Savitska economy. analysis, p.45] , Then, if you form and edit a list of victories, marvel at the number of the book and put the number.

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