The electronic budget does not sign documents. Causes of incorrect work of electronic signature and ways to solve problems. Three of the most widespread problems in the work with electronic signature

Extended pardons when connected to GІІС

« Electronic budget»

If you find problems with connections to the GIS "Electronic Budget", you need to change the settings:

1. entry into special office ask for help http://lk. budget. gov. en/ udu- web center;

2. Check the settings of the "Continent TLSVPNClient".

Enter configurator set up (Start > All Programs > Security Code > Client > Set up TLSClient Continent), "Port" can only be entered 8080 , "Addresses" -lk. Notes “Victory outgoing proxy server” is not guilty, as the organization is not victorious outgoing proxy server, “Vymagaty support RFC 5746” can be removed.

After adding a certificate to the TLS Continent, the "Certificate" field can be set to "<»;

Baby 1. Service maintenance

3. Check your browser settings.

On the MozillaFireFox browser application, launch the lookout, enter the setting parameters (Browser head menu "Tools" > "Settings" > "Additional" tab > "Merezha" tab > "Settings" button). Vibrati " Manual setting proxy service", in the "HTTP proxy" field, enter the value, "Port" - 8080. Set the checkbox "Write proxy server for all protocols".

The value has been entered in the "Don't cheat proxy for" field.

Malyunok 2. Setting parameters

Typical pardons when connected to GІІС

« Electronic budget»

View options: 1) Enable antivirus. If the problem is solved, change the anti-virus settings 2) Check the TLS settings and look carefully.

2. 403 Access fences. The server certificate is updated according to the one specified in the settings. The validity period of certificates is being reviewed.

Solution: Change the values ​​in the TLS certificate settings by name in a row. Guilty booty"<».

3. You can't see the choice of the certificate.

Solution: Uncheck the box "Vymagati podtrimku RFC 5746" to cost. In another way, check other settings.

4. 403 Access fences. I didn't know the root certificate.

Solution: Re-installation of the certificate of the Federal Treasury CA (as if it had already been installed).

For WindowsXP:

Start> Vikonati> mmc> console> add or see equipment> add "certificate" (Fig. 3)> my profile> Done> OK> expand the list> enter the row "trust the root center" - "certificate"> on an empty field of view right-click on the certificates and select (Fig. 4)> all tasks> import>

babes 3

babes 4

For Windows 7:

Start> Vikonati> mmc> file> add or remove the equipment> add the equipment "certificate" (Fig. 5)> add> my profile> Done> OK> open it up and stand on the row "trust the root center" - "certificates" (Fig. 6)> on an empty space with certificates, right-click the mouse and select> all tasks> import> select the required certificate and install.

babes 5

Pardons are often blamed when submitting vouchers in the E-Budget system. The experts of the Oblik in the Installation magazine prepared a great memo with pardons in the Electronic Budget and their minor decisions.

The memo is divided into sprats:

  • Creation and editing of forms of zvіtnostі;
  • import;
  • signature;
  • Introduction and editing.

Creation and editing of forms of zvіtnostі

Most of the problems in the GІІS Electronic budget are blamed on the creation and editing of forms of zvіtnostі. You know what to work, when pardons come:

  • At the entrance to the special office, the list of document forms is not displayed;
  • Button icons are not displayed when entering the special account;
  • After the 1st of the month, the calls in the list form disappeared;
  • The system for displaying a pardon: when creating or importing stars for Instruction No. 33n, the chapter code is not filled;
  • It is impossible to save the sound after the changes have been made;
  • It is impossible to capture the textual part of the explanatory note;
  • Impossible to rename the bells of the form on the basis of other bells;
  • It is necessary to enter a filter to search for the required value;
  • The form with zero indications is folded, the status is assigned to the document
    "Pokazniki vіdsutnі". The call does not change the status to "Submissions";
  • The system sees a pardon: “There is no knowledge of special rahunoks in the light of f. 0503779";
  • The form is in the status “Control of failures”. It is not possible to edit the sound. What's wrong with him?
  • How to turn the star with the status "Scooted"?
  • Control over the sound knows a pardon, if it is acceptable;
  • For form 0503769, do not select the necessary account from the document “Working plan of account”;
  • At the entrance to the special office in the working area, there is no sign “Appearance and Zvіtnіst”;
  • When you enter the menu "Formation and filing" in the list
    renewal of the day of installation (AU or BU);
  • There is no “Wait” button for documents in the status “Created with pardons”, “Created without pardons”.


By importing in memory, you will know what to work, when pardons come:

  • The system sees pardons when importing the sound: "Do not know the transformer of the document",
    "Inconsistency of the number of irrigations in blocks TB = 01, TB = 02";
  • The file is not vantage, and the system displays the message “Chapter code is not valid”;
  • It is not possible to zavantazhit k_lka zvіt_v for the form 0503779 with different KFV -
    make a re-verification for uniqueness. When zavantazhenni new star with other
    KFV old skasovuєtsya.


It is also described in the memory how to work with the signing of documents in different situations:

  • The system gives a pardon when signing the zvіtnoї form “Daniy Koristuvach
    can't validate the document";

  • in yoga Ring until you are created;
  • Koristuvach, call for a signature, go to the entrance. How to sign a call
    in yoga Call already signed by one or the dekilkom coristuvachs.

Introduction and editing

  • The system sees a pardon when making an entry in the “Nalashtuvannya”
    uzgodzhennya svіtnyh forms ". When choosing a narrow F. I. Pro
    koristuvacha vіdsutnє or repeat sprat times;
  • The contractor of the “Counterparty” has no necessary organization.

As in these lists, you have known a pardon, for which the work hours of the GІІС Electronic budget have been discussed

For the first time, it is necessary to restart the Continent TLS service (Start - Control Panel - Administration - Services) - if you do not want to manually work the axis - restart the service, then when you re-enter the special account, you will again have a choice of certificates.

For those who are "afraid" to download this file, I'll add it to yoga instead:

restarting the Continent TLS service

net stop ContinentTLS
net start ContinentTLS

create text document, In the new place 2 rows, and save with expansion.bat

Tsya pardon to talk about those who in Persh Cherga you need to revise, with this certificate you are supposed to enter the Electronic Budget.

For one koristuvach є kіlka EDS, for work in different portals (purchasing, sufd, EB and others) and in the list when authorizing in the electronic budget, there will be a kіlka ryadkіv s odnієyu i tієyu w prizvischem. As you robbed the application for connection to EB, in this case, in the obligatory order, you are to blame serial number certificate. Therefore, telephone to your treasury and call the data. It's quite possible that you simply chose the wrong certificate when entering the special office.

But it’s more like that, you took a new certificate (for example, for work on purchases according to 44 Federal Laws, or for work on the SUFD portal), and you can successfully apply for the same certificate in EB, guess, but you tried to apply for e-Budget? Would the Treasury attach your new certificate. Without an application, a new coupon will not be bound to EB.