Dash character html. Ignored and other HTML special characters. Special characters or mnemonics in Html code

Updated: 17 March 2015

Hello, new readers of the blog site. Troch earlier we already caught up to talk about those, so we knew about the design in the new. Today we have a deep understanding of the probіlu in HTML, and also related to it the formatting of the code when writing (for the sake of clarity of further reading and understanding).

Well, in connection with this, scho mi torknemos by those indistinct gaps and soft transfer, we happen to emphasize our respect for the so-called special characters or mnemonics, sings in the Html mov, as to allow you to add to the code of the web document of the anonymous additional characters, on the vzhe vzhe zgadannogo vishche. Ale about everything in order.

Today, more victorious tables were created to satisfy the needs of a particular movie, and the stench has already become an environment. For example, if you are writing a document containing a table of Chinese characters, you cannot write in Hebrew in that document.

Through this, you can blame impersonal problems, for example, it would be impossible to create an online Hebrew course for the Chinese. This will also be a problem if you need to create a website or a system with support for dekilkoh mov. For example, the blogging system is recognized for the international contest. This is due to the fact that the position of symbols is changed from table to table. Two encoders can win the same number for two different characters or win different digits for the same character.

Gap and gap symbols in Html movie

First, go down to feeding the formatting of the text for additional special features for this tag (paragraph, headings, etc.) text in the window of the browser when changing the yogo rozmіru.

First of all, you need to know

Access to the Internet is available to people all over the world. The presence of the system or a website, any kind of access, and people from other countries - those who are superb to the traditions and ideals of the Internet. Instead, the skin of the region has its own table of symbols, richly sensible mother table for locking with the maximum possible number of symbols. Before you start modifying your site in Unicode, you need to know some guidelines.

There are three main ways in which you can show your site as a table of characters in your winning. In addition, de vi praciuete, yakscho wines are found in the great world with dekilcom sites on the same server, tse can be in the best way Because you will need to work once. Another important point - do not forget to save the document in the format of the table you have assigned. Tse bred up to poshkodzhennya symbols in your document. Therefore, it is important that the table will be featured in the project, it is important that your editor saves your documents.

True, for this kind of visual formatting (which will not be seen on the web site), in most cases the vicorist is not the clearing itself, but the very symbol of tabulation and row opening. This is the rule - if you start writing attachments html tag, That create access for additional tabulation(Tab key on the keyboard), and if you close the tag, then remove the access (alternatively, the Shift + Tab keys on the keyboard).

In this hour, everyone who sees the code can find this parameter, just click on the search. The files will be damaged in a similar way. Tse decision, as I can praise the whole team, so that the overwork and headache can be saved. If the project is already on the air, conduct a thorough analysis, to reconsider, what is the fault of that number, to change the table of the project, which is already running and working. Prote, a good programmer can create a script, which will transform the symbol table of the entire directory. It is important to reconsider that your site is correctly viewed here in other parts of the world.

It is necessary to work in such a way that it will curve and close the tags on one vertical line (on the same number of tabs on the right edge of the side of your Html editor, for example, Notepad ++, about which I wrote). Krіm tsgogo raju without intermediary writing of the element of the growth of the kіlka of the transfer of the row and immediately write the curves on the same level (the number of tabulations), so that later do not forget the tse zrobiti.

Value is important to you and your client. Basic drukarian rules. It is important to say whether it is a craft or a craft. Important are those who, for hundreds of years of their development, have accumulated great wealth in the creation of good books or other hand-crafted products. It's not easy - you need to choose the correct paper size, large margins, appropriate size and font size. In addition, when folding a few letters in words and rows and lines on the center of the side, it is necessary to save a lot of other details.

Actual rules, such as the choice of font, were already introduced in the preceding paragraphs. There is a shortage of food, which is coming, the nursery can stagnate to the web medium. The truth lies in the fact that the merezha is a true difference between the middle, lower paper. So many classic Drukarian rules cannot be beaten up in a flash, the deacons from them can be wound in the reverse order. Prote, I use a lot of simple rules for rich people, which are obvious, without which the text looks marvelous - it appears on the computer screen or just makes friends.

That way, the curve and close the elements are on the same vertical line, and internal tags break down to one tab and can, in their order, close and open again on the same line.

For simple web documents, you can create an overworld, but when folded more or less folding, їх the code will become richer more accurate And we read for the account of the great number of clearings, and also in the new future it will be easier to remember pardons for the account of the symmetrical distribution of tags.

There is nothing special about the majority of speeches, but about broader speeches from the Czech rules of spelling. It is even simpler to write down the rule - the space is written only after the signs of punctuation, not earlier. As before, we wrote an empty space, a rozdilovy sign could be put on the cob of the row, which, obviously, does not look aesthetically pleasing.

The smallest problematic feature is paws. The computer keyboard of Drukar's typewriter took the symbol `` '' as a substitute for paws. Prote, chesku mov vikoristovuє razny character for the skin character. The correct Czech paws look like this, the English vicorist's “form”.

Special characters or mnemonics in Html code

So, now let's talk about so titles special characters. Special characters can also be called mnemonics or substitutions. The stench is recognized in order to finish the vinyl for a long time in the hypertext layout of the problem, connected with vicory coding.

If we write a document in coding, like we swear by symbols, we can write them without intermediary. In addition to the fact that it is important to write symbols without any intermediary and often it is necessary to insert them behind an additional advanced program, such as a map of symbols, this code is not suitable for those who can not correctly convert the code into the symbol.

A more advanced option is to write down these symbols with a variety of symbols. Їх ім'я it's cheaply foldable, but the result is impeccably varto. The browser is guilty of revenge instead of the element in the paws. It is miraculous that the replacement of the correct "drukar" paws was won only by the nobles. This problem can be solved with the help of cascading styles, which allow you to redesign symbols, twisted for paws. The power of the paws, in a way that the symbols are refurbished, victorious for the left and right quotes.

If you type the text from the keyboard, then the coding of the characters in your language will be encoded by the installed algorithm, and then the stench will be displayed on the site for the help of the fonts you have chosen (to know and how to install for the site) for the decoding process.

Encoding is already rich, but for the Html movie for the lock, an expanded version of the encoding was adopted.

As we include sprats of pairs of symbols, paws for the skin line of the nest are beaten sequentially. It is not easy to specify the encoding of a cascade file to a style, it is better to write paws that use the Unicode code. This procedure can also automatically process presser foot inserts. We will show you on a simple example.

The text is in the paws, in what kind of vbudovani іnshі, schob pat, how to go out. Another problematic feature is the dash. It is not enough people today to know how different is between, - i, and more people win first as a hyphen and as a hyphen. Tse to the fact that only this character is available directly on the keyboard. prote hyphen is guilty of victorious only for subdivision of words, or subdivision of phrases like “how mi”, “social and economic”.

For this coding text, it was possible to write down only 256 characters - 128 ASCII characters and 128 more for Russian language letters. As a result, there was a problem with the signs on the sites, which do not enter before ASCII and do not use Russian language letters, which enter before the warehouse Windows coding A thousand two hundred and fifty one (CP1251). Well, you were tempted to win the tilde or the apostrophe, and the possibility of such a cob in my wink Html coding not mortgaged.

The risk is in two variants. Short hyphen `- 'vicory, zokrema, for recording clearings. This symbol can be manually written down for the help of the symbolic essence -. Long hyphen `- 'winning for the purpose of understanding the development of the movie or a meaningful subdivision of parts of the movie.

People from the earthly world - a dear country - do not jump to the world. Text with "correct strokes" looks richer. However, through those that in the rest of the day, the rice is not able to finish it correctly, a long dash can lead to the fact that the readers will be unnaturally long. We can use a short hyphen.

For such vipadkivs, they themselves invented substitutions or, in other words, mnemonics. View of the cob mali special characters digital record view, Ale potim for the widest of them, we added their literal analogues for simplicity of their memorization.

In a wildly familiar, mnemonic is such a sign that starts with an ampersand "&" and ends with a dot with a ";". Behind these signs, the browser, when parsing the Html code, sees new special characters. Next to the ampersand in the digital substitution code, the hash sign “#” is to be followed, which is called a hash. And then we will follow the digital code of the required character in Unicode encoding.

For example, indicators on paper, as a rule, are more readable, which lead the reader's eyes to the line. A typical drukovana drukarnya recommends inserting a narrow space in front of deakim assessments. We don't know the data on the computer screen, so we don't need to look at them right.

Another example of how computers undermine culture. With the advent of computers, documents, magazines and books can be prepared practically without basic typographic knowledge. Unfortunately, the results are often wrong. Whether it be more victorious, including further expansion, copying, vikoristannya in the headings and dictionaries, etc. Directly fenced and will be respected by copyright infringement.

In Unicode, you can write more than 60,000 characters - a slogan, so that the mnemonic symbol you need will be written in the font on your site. Є fonts with a subset of all characters are Unicode coding, and є options are only with a simple set of symbols.

The new list of special characters will be simply majestic, ale the most common mnemonics you can write, for example, from these tables:

Only one and the same row of the browser are corrected, navit as a coristuvach effectively enter the object, do not rob someone rich of something. In order to show the coristuvacha zam_st of the designated symbol, the marvelous row is unprofessional, throw it or interpret all the essence obscenely. To that there is nothing better, lower vikoristovuvaty ciphering, scho to avenge all the infamous symbols.

Tse correction of these problematic symbols by email. Characteristics of virazi and insertion methods. It would be better if you don’t need to know more about how to publish information in a clear, understandable and orderly manner, you can publish the shards without any knowledge - write the text on the largest space of the author’s panel. The writer himself can clarify the meaning of his message, but only on the main chart of the leaves, which is the same for readers on a white day, and also on a starry plot. In addition, the writer can insert images and other files through his local warehouse or in another place on the Internet.

symbol recognition mnemonic code
unexplored gap
¡ upside down hail sign ¡ ¡
¢ cent symbol ¢ ¢
£ pound symbol £ £
¤ currency sign ¤ ¤
¥ yen symbol ¥ ¥
¦ vertically torn rice ¦ ¦
§ paragraph sign § §
¨ umlaut / trioma ¨ ¨
© copyright protection sign ©
ª ordinal indicator (female row) ª ª
« straightened to the left « «
» straightened to the right » »
¬ barred sign (shackle) ¬ ¬
­ transfer option (place of possible transfer) - ­
® legal protection sign trademark
don't stray z ™ - trademark symbol
® ®
¯ Macron ¯ ¯
° degree sign ° °
± plus minus ± ±
² superscript "2" ² ²
³ superscript "3" ³ ³
´ acute ´ ´
µ micro icon µ µ
paragraph sign
· interpunkt · ·
¸ Cedillo ¸ ¸
¹ superscript "1" ¹ ¹
º ordinal indicator (human rank) º º
¼ simple drib "one quarter" ¼ ¼
½ simple drіb "one friend" ½ ½
simple drіb "one third"
¾ simple drіb "three quarters" ¾ ¾
¿ upside down food sign ¿ ¿
list marker (bulit) .
horizontally mottled
underhand stroke
upper boundary
risk braid
cursive capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
capital black I = obvious part
capital black R = speech part
the letter Aleph is a cardinal number
to the left
to the left
bottom right corner = carriage turn
swivel arrow to the left
swivel to the right
swivel down
swivel left-right
[ left square bow [
] right square bow ]
/ podіl /
\ difference of multiples \
for all
private differential
empty set = diameter
Hamilton operator = backward difference
element h
not element s
revenge like a dick
n-ary product = sign create
n-ary sumation
Zirochka operator
square root = radical sign
in proportion to
logical I = wedge
logical ABO = vee
peretin = cap
cup = cup
tilde operator = varies with = similar
mayzhe dorivnyu = asymptotic to
not good
less or more
more equal
includes in itself
does not include
submultiple or equivalent
includes or is equivalent
plus in coli = direct amount
multiplied in count = vector tvir
up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
dot operator
left bow rounded up = apl upstile
right shackle rounded up
left bow rounded down = apl downstile
right shackle rounded down
apex bow to the left = sconce
apex to the right = ket
"Piki" (kartyarska)
"Trefi" = shamrock
"Worms" = valentine
" single foot " "
" paws " "
& ampersand & &
< less <
> more > >
Œ Latin capital ligature OE Œ Œ
œ latin ligature oe œ œ
Š Latin capital S with bird Š Š
š latin s with a birdie š š
Ÿ latin capital letter Y with double caps Ÿ Ÿ
ˆ accent inverted birdie / circumflex accent ˆ ˆ
˜ small tilde ˜ ˜
probіl dozhini N
probіl dozhini M
Vuzky probіl
zero width non-joiner
zero width joiner
left-to-right mark
right-to-left mark
non-breaking (non-breaking) hyphen / non-breaking hyphen
dash dojini N -
- dash dojini M
single left foot
single right foot
single low-9 / lower foot
left foot
underwire right foot
underwire low-9 / lower foot
cross / dagger
subway dagger
single left apex (proponated, not yet standardized by ISO)
single right umbilical shackle (proponated, not yet standardized by ISO)
number sign
́ Sign of baldness ́

Isnuye to milk the cicavii withdrawal method HTML code mnemonic for the sign you need. For whom it will be enough to have an editor Microsoft Word, Create a new document and select "Insert" - "Symbol" from the top menu (I'm using the 2003 version, I don't know how to do the same operation in the older versions).

At the end, you need to choose a font, for example, Times New Roman (otherwise, be it another, which will be present on the larger computer in front of your site - Courier or Arial, for example).

But let's start with simple speeches - the stench is the most wide-ranging and strategically important. Yak and the beginning of the second paragraph. Therefore, when writing, and especially when copying the leaves, turn them over, so that all the paragraphs are separated by empty rows. As important as it is to use such a keyboard, you can write a sub-dash by converting її "Textile" into a single uninterrupted dash.

For long-term words, varto designate them - a sign - one, in the end of the row, part of the word will be beautifully and correctly moved by the warehouse to the next row of leaves. Qi symbols represent singular words or rows in paragraphs, as well as arches - without space in the middle and with a ring gap. As you need some glazing, the replacement of their "Textile" change parts can be marked with square arms.

Add from the list to your word document You will need all the special characters and save your Word document as a web page (choose from the ".html" list when saving). Well, then you don’t have to leave the web page in any Html editor (the same Notepad ++ pidide) and you can use all the digital codes of the mnemonics you need:

Headings and paragraphs are marked otherwise, lower internal cordons of rails - behind the additional sign "Textile" on the head of the paragraph - without a space on the left edge after a gap in the front paragraph, which is a fusion of knowledge with a dot and a gap. It is even more important to start drukuvati from the left edge without gaps - so that the clearance to include "Textile".

To that, the sign of the paragraph is korisny only in order to give it a different look. However, there is no need to write on text graphics, the image will appear at the bottom of the notice, across the entire width - yak, yak. In addition, before the back sign, a call without gaps in the arms of the description of the picture can be added.

The way to three is important, but to shorten the twist on the side of your site, which is a rare special symbol, then it will be simpler, lower shukat in the Internet tables, similarly, three more. You will need to insert the special code of the special character in the appropriate place and replace it on the web side of the browser to display the character you need (for example, an unreadable gap).

Pictures, albeit poshkodzhenі tim chi in a different way, become foggy - beautifully stick to the width of the open window. There is no sense in the great interest, it is only more encouraging, and the bigger picture is sometimes victorious, especially 600 pixels.

Leverman said that he gave the Higgs boson the name "God's Part" because often "the flooring is important for today's physics, which is so important for our state," Lederman said. the structure of matter is still intelligible, but all the same the floorings are intangible, but having added a jarto, another reason was supposed to be that “seemingly not allowing us to call Yogo the Black Part, if we could have a bigger name, looking at Yogo’s evil character and vitrati , yakі vіn viklikає».

Unexpected probіl and variant of transfer in butts

As I already guessed more and as you can bachiti from the above three tables of special characters, deyak mnemonics in Html took away more digital character recognition for more simple memorization. To replace the pound sign "#" (hash) in the character fields, the words will be blocked. For example, all the same inconsistent probіl could be recorded either yak (digital mnemonic), or yak (symbolic).

When writing articles, you will need to insert an ampersand sign (&) into the text of the document, otherwise apex arch (<), то для этого обязательно нужно использовать спецсимволы. Дело в том, что эти знаки в Html означают начало тега и браузер будет рассматривать их именно с этой точки зрения и отображать в тексте не будет.

So, if you are writing an article, in which case you will need to insert, for example, a display tag into the text< body>otherwise you just need to insert a less than sign (<), то сделав это без использования подстановок на веб странице вы ничего не увидите, т.к. браузер, обнаружив «<» , поймет, что это Html тег, а не текст статьи.

Therefore, you will need to insert the following construction to complete such a task:

The same is true of the code of the mnemonics themselves, because the stench starts from the ampersand. You will need to insert a code into the text with the replacement of the ampersand sign for a substitution (special character):

It will be necessary to grow, to take it on the side<, а не отображение левой угловой скобки (<), в которую преобразует браузер мнемонику <, обнаружив при разборе знак амперсанда. Хитро, но вы все поймете попробовав это на практике.

Also, for everything, you will win an indistinct gap, which on the web side will look like a remarkable gap, but if you do so, the browser will not accept it as a symbol of the gap in the gap and not zdіysnyuvatime on new transfer(For example, it should be verbatim for such phrases, like 1400 GB and so on, so it won’t be possible to carry over different lines):

1400 GB.

Sometimes you can blame the bad situation, if there are two words in the text and you want to do so, so that if you find it necessary, the browser instantly bi razbivat tse words transferred. For such purposes of transferring, the special symbol "soft transfer" is

Long and shy word;

If you need to switch to the next row, the browser will replace the mnemonic of the soft hyphenation by putting a hyphen and correcting the word to the next row. If there is a place for placing the entire word on one row, then the browser will not change any of the rows. The axis is so the axis is simple.

Good luck to you! To fast zustrіches on the sides of the blog site





One evening I realized that the hour had come to expand the 97th paragraph of Artemy Lebedev's "Guidance".

On the keyboard one risk, it will sound to the right of zero and more than the letters "Z" and "X". Unknown people call її alternately either a hyphen, a minus, or a dash. Lebedev explains to us what chotiri(Looking back at two different dashes) different symbols. Really їх at least nine, I about tse I і rozpovim you at once.

What is the cost minus(-), everything is known about something richer: minus victorious in mathematical expressions, has the same width, as if it were a number, it is sorted by the height of a great letter, on the other hand, as a dash and a hyphen, and it is written in HTML like -.

On this space, all sound to move to the dash. Ale strite, the world has not yet seen three symbols!

Which symbol is used in the record of telephone numbers (555-41-72)? Hyphen, say you; and axis i ni! For which є okremy symbol: digital risk(Figure dash). Looking out (-) practically like a minus, but a minus when you don’t.

You can ask: why can't you win a minus, since you look exactly the same? That minus is a clear sign, and in the phone number there is nothing to be mistaken. For the same reason, for such a text to be seen, it is necessary to spell em, and not i. You can’t explain, you can only know.

The digital risk code is U+2012 and is written as - in HTML.

Pro transfer symbols, We also call it a soft hyphen, also a rich vіdomo. This character, which is denoted in HTML as -, is placed in words between warehouses in quiet places, where it can be transferred. On the screen, the vines do not appear, for a wink you fall, if you spend it at the end of the row; in some way the browser (it seems, from the third version of Firefox learned to be shy) not to transfer the whole word as a whole, but to put a hyphen and transfer part of the word.

It especially helps in the old words, transferring them to create majestic empty spaces in the right part of the screen. The majestic shortfall of the symbol of the transfer is due to the fact that it is unmanually placed manually (in fact, it can be done by autotyping programs) and that it is difficult to harass and make the text unreadable HTML code is taken from the database text).

Another hyphen-like symbol is risk (⁃), which gets used to the quality of markers in lists ( devil's bullet). In Lebedev's Studio, it is fair to respect that in the Russian Drukarian tradition there is no such thing as bulit (floating on the uvazі traditional gardka with squares), and to pronounce in the quality of a marker to live (dovge) a dash; as you can remember, stink yourself so shy (or robbed) on your site and navit vybukhnuli article that rozpovidaє, like zrobiti.

Actually, for markers in the lists, there is a special character, which can be the code U + 2043 (in fact, Lebedev is standing, which is not known to Russian typography). In HTML, adding such a marker to a list is easy, using CSS:

ul(list-style: none inside;) ul > li:before(content: "\2043"; margin-left: -1ex; margin-right: 1ex;)

(In my mind, the hover code is not ideal, it will be less practical in the right browsers, but I figured out the idea for you, I guess.)

Now we can move to a dash; here everything is already good іz'ezzhena: v_doma raznitsa en dash(-, en dash, a line with a width of the letter "n", -) i long dash(-, em dash, risk with the width of the letter "M", -). It seems that in Russian typography it is possible to get accustomed exclusively to the double dash (want to conduct super-checks for the possibility of using an en dash in numerical ranges), then at Zahodit you should call for better en dash.

Dovge dash also gets used to Russian language in dialogues. On Zahodі for tsієї meti often live an okremy symbol horizontal rice (―):

- Je m'ennuie tellement, dit-elle.

- Cela n'est pas de ma faute, rétorqua-t-il.

Otzhe, nine different risks:

sign HTML Name Appointment and living
- - defisominus replacement of all other risks with the presence of technical feasibility
hyphen for the bottom part of the word: “light Syria”, “in my opinion”, “dehto”, etc.
minus mathematical virazi: 2 - 3 = -1
digital risk phone numbers and other digital codes
­ - transfer symbol in (long) words in quiet places, where it is possible to transfer
devil's bullet list marker
- - en dash fun typography
dovge dash Russian typography
horizontal rice dialogues (in retro typography)

І, for alignment, in one row:
- ‐



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