What is such an oleophobic coating. Oleophobic not covering the screen of that wicked warehouse

In the description of most modern smartphones, one can understand the phrase "oleophobic covering" the screen. Unfortunately, the majority of coristuvachiv weakly reveal what it is and what it is needed for. Let's get it together.

Stick out the coristuvachi, especially those who catch the root in this name, roughly understand why such a cover is necessary - look at the fat on the surface of the display, but few people know what it is.

Let's remember that the word "oleophobic « the truth is composed of two words: from the Latin oleum- oliya that Greek φόβος - fear, fear.

in such a manner, oleophobic coating- The price of nanometer commodities, which is visible on the touch screen.

The oleophobic coating was patented on April 20, 2005 by the German scientists of the Leibniz Research Institute. Recently, Apple filed an application for a patent for a well-detailed oleophobic coating, as they had previously been stuck in the then-new iPhone 3Gs. Nowadays, it is already difficult to know a top-end smartphone without cover, which allows you not to leave fat fingers on the screen.

Ale, unfortunately, the oleophobic coating is erased after an hour. Fallow in the activity of vikoristannya term of the yogo service in 6 months before the date. In addition, oleophobic coatings are erased unevenly on the surface of the screen, and there, where the screen is more often sticking, it is more visible - the lower part of the smartphone screen is ringing. It is also noted that oleophobic coatings can also be worn in jeans when walking.

How to determine what is the oleophobic coating of your smartphone?

Nasampered, how are you Apple iPhone be it the newest 3Gs models, and you didn’t change the display in some suspicious machines - you can have an oleophobic coating, it’s just not erased. It’s easy to check it out: take a small drop of clean water on your finger and carefully drip it on the screen, trying not to waste the dynamics of the button on the device. Like a droplet, it got into a bag, lying on the very same place - the oleophobic coating of your device is in order.

Well, the drip has spread and nabula is flat, which means there is no oleophobic coating on the screen of your smartphone, otherwise it has already been erased.

Oleophobic coverage is one of the reasons why it is important to respectfully approach the choice of a master for replacement. broken screen, and the most independent thing is to scorch masters only for yoga installation.

Luckily, the presence of oleophobic coating on smartphones is not a problem, because more current models can be applied zahisnu plivka with such covers that protect from fat slides from fingers. You can find examples of such applications below:

Oleophobic coating - tse dodatkovy ball on the display mobile annex. In the rest of the hour, in the instructions of expensive smartphones, you can read that the screen is hijacked by oleophobic coatings. It’s not worth talking about those that your phone is not afraid of, be it any kind of confusion.

Why do you need such cover

Oleophobic coating is just a thin layer that covers the screens of modern smartphones. In the Greek translation, the name is interpreted as fear of fat. Seeing whom you can understand about confession given material, What is made up of silicone, alkylsilane and retailer. Cover the security nadiy zahist I saw and saw the phone. Koristuvachchi can easily read the display without being intercepted by bitcoins. To the point, the oleophobic coating does not protect the eyes of the underdogs, and from the light, the visions definitely do not threaten.

History of vintage and development

Vinahid lie with them, as they took away the patent for oleophobic coating in 2005. The swimmers did not know how to stop and only recently the Apple company has been actively preparing material for the protection of the screen. The first to test the IPhon 4S, the next generation of "apple" smartphones were also equipped with an oleophobic swimmer.

On the basis of presentations, the material for the preparation of smartphones in vicorists is not only the company Apple, but also a lot of other manufacturers of modern gadgets. Oleophobic cover the road, so you can’t get it on the best phones.

Oleophobic coverage protects mobile devices, but to finish a non-trivial hour. Step by step, it begins to be erased in quiet places, de coristuvach to work richly dotikiv to the screen. Gamers are especially worthy, as they will be able to play one game, in which case there is one display window. If you fail to erase the cover, it is impossible to wind up with the best protection for the screen. Step by step, the material is familiar from the screen of the phone, recognizing this confusion.

Beyond what has been said above, experts should buy smartphones with oleophobic coatings only for those who are short-tempered, as the phone does not operate much. For example, as if the phone was victorious only for dzvinkiv, to change the way you go to the Internet, when you wear a gadget in a hood, the insole will not be erased strimko. In other situations, you don’t need to pay more for the smelting, so that you can serve no more than three months.

Regardless of those that are today tsyu technology Victory is already a sprat of great brands, yet the phrase “oleophobic coating” is associated with us in front of the Apple brand. And it’s right, even if the “apple” innovators were the first to stop this technology from their iPhone phones 3GS, and from that hour they will victorize at all their wineries.

Also, oleophobic coating (oleum - oliya, fobos - fear) - the same thin spit, which shows fat on the surface of the mobile phone display. It is folded out of silicone, retailer and alkylsilane, and applied in two possible ways: by the method of deposition of steam behind the help of silicon dioxide.

Report about the severity of oleophobic coating.

The melancholy of this cover lies in the fact that it is:

  • Helps prevent screen wear and body
  • The water that I drank on the slope, I take from the drop
  • Helps to improve the term of product service
  • Take care of a presentable zvnishnіy look
  • Helps to keep the screen clean, protecting it from the appearance of fat spots and traces.
  • Sprinkle to the swede that careless wandering from the screen of stones, which they squandered on the new, those other dribbling particles.

Today, there are many top models of smartphones, which can be seen up to the middle and high price categories. For example, mobile Asus phones Samsung, Lenovo.

Wearing and renewing the oleophobic coating.

Ignorance of those who have oleophobic coating may be insoles blue functions, by itself, it is not protected from wear and tear. The average figure for one service per standard victoria station is approximately 2 roki. If you want to get into a bad mood on the Internet, if the first signs of snooshuvannya pokrittya appeared already after the second month after the cob of phone call. Obviously, there was a reason for those, even if the phone went out without a hitch in the swarm of jeans, which could not be robbed. Ale, we’ll talk about the rules for keeping an eye on the oleophobic cover below.

If there are opportunities to renovate the flow, they may not be so rich. Three different methods for such a time can be called:

  • Buying a set of oleophobic coating for self-applying to the screen
  • Adhesion of heat shield or built-in warehouse with oleophobic coating
  • Selection of unverified methods in coristuvachі merezhі, for example, application of car wax type "nano"

Rules for watching behind the screen from oleophobic cover.

In order to be oleophobic on your mobile phone has not been erased, as in a fortune-telling situation, but has served you longer, we advise you to follow these rules:

  1. Do not wink for wiping the screen, to clean up alcohol.
  2. Don't wipe the screen with soft brushes.
  3. Do not wear a phone with an unprotected display near the guts of pants or jeans.
  4. Try to play less in the games that transfer dots to the display in the same place.
  5. Do not trim the phone at the same time with other items, such as keys.
  6. Don't leave your phone on full sun.
  7. Wipe the screen exclusively with soft, lint-free servettes that are folded, for example, with microfibers
  8. In case of strong cloudiness, clean the screen only with special water-based cleaners, which are suitable for touch screens.
  9. Do not put a rare mark on the display;

Dotrimuyuchis tsikh rules, You can not only save your screen for a longer time, but keep your screen clean. Let's be glad that our information has helped you!

Smartphones are becoming thinner and thinner, which positively signifies on the current aesthetic impression, but does not promote the mentality. Screens from a sealed warehouse, if you want to turn over according to their mentality, don’t be so afraid of underwear, and all the same, they are overwhelmed with screams in the okremi vipadki. For even more protection, the pickers of smartphones have long been vicorous, as they protect the device when it is folded and transported. Zapozjatlivivі chinese poachili tse and shvidko made the issue of plіvok, recognized for everyday wear.

Through a sprat of rock, the polymer slicks came to be replaced with a hardened layer, like glued on top of the touchscreen. According to the statements of the virobniks, sticking such a zahistu will insure the screen from the underdogs, making it resistant to shock. However, there are indeed some nuances, as it is necessary to know the hour of victoriousness of such a zahist. How to choose zahisne slo for a smartphone and what you need to know when tsoma, read below.

Zahisne sklo - not tank armor, that's why the simple principle "what is harder and comrade - more better" does not work. Nasampered to the choice of zahisnogo cover, we pour in a sprat of factors.


Zakhisne sloszvychay maє tovshchina less than a millimeter. Zvichayut, buvayut and comrade, ale rarely, to that scho tovste strongly protrudes and can reduce transparency. Naytonshі zakhisnі pokrittya mayut tovshchina close to 100 microns (0.1 mm). As the main meta of the purchase of the warehouse is zahist vіd podryapin, then you should be surprised to the options thinner. The stench is minimally injected into the clarity and clarity of the transmission of the picture.

Tovshchina is bigger than the bazhan, as if you want to raise the stamina before hitting the flat. It’s necessary to sound, as if it’s a hardened touchscreen, blame the sums, so it’s the original slope of the Corning flat strike and so worried to do it steadily. So it’s too hard for the screens with a scratched proshark, the shards are reduced to a deflection of the sensor cover.

The side effect of a thin (close to 1 mm) layer may reduce the sensitivity of the sensor. Optimal tovshchina zahisnoy skla warehouse 03 to 05 mm.

The transparency is broken

Unfortunately, scribes rarely write the exact characteristics of transparency and the coefficient of fracture. Sound, as if they were guessing about it, then at the sight of the proud I will write “100% transparency”. Even if you create a small deficiency of insight, you can see the picture on the screen, and a great coefficient of brokenness can help you. Under such a folded screen, it looks like under a cheap matte plіvkoy. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to visually look around Yogo. Varto look at the light, which does not create the contours of objects, their color, which does not look like a dark picture. The transparency of the warehouse is well known, as if marveling at Yogo butt. If the end face is yellow, then the transparency is not ideal.

Oleophobic cover

For the convenience of forging a finger and simplicity, it is possible to choose a smart phone for a smart phone with an oleophobic coating. Before coming, check with the seller for yoga availability. Obviously, it’s unlikely that you can tell you about the quality, but if you take it in China, the Chinese praise their goods in a lot of ways. Tom it’s important to get to know the opinions of other koristuvachivs about the presence and the brightness of the oleophobic bіla skla.

Fitting accuracy

It is not easy to remove the windows for speakers, buttons, sensors and cameras of smartphones. In view of the accuracy and accuracy of their vikonnanny to fall, as if the apparatus is visible from a pasted zahist, weaving in and out of the victoriousness. According to the photo, or at a glance, assess the quality of the vikonnanny smoothly, so here it is also necessary to speed up the knowledge of others. Learn from vіdgukami, clarify, chi is not characteristic for the selected product krivі or neakuratnі virіzi, naskіlki far away from sіdaє on the screen.


Hardness infuses toughness to the pins. Chim over there - Tim stiykish the surface to other defects. Ideally, the higher the number in the characteristics, the better. However, do not forget that the meanings of the Chinese often guess out of their heads or induce for "spherical minds in a vacuum." Navіt yakіsne slo Gorilla glass, Vikoristovuvane by smartphone makers, in practice, the hardness on the Mohs scale is no more than 7, and it can be shabby with quartz squeak (it doesn’t seem like it’s about topaz or diamonds). So what declare hardness 9H on the Mohs scale - no more, no less marketing.

Materials that are vicorated during the production of a hardwood warehouse

For the harvesting of the stolen warehouse, there is a dekilka of vicorous materials. The stench is repulsed by chemical and physical powers, if the material is deposited, it will be strong enough to sag and hit.

Polymer layers

The material found and the simplest in the analysis is the organic half of the polyvinyl chloride crystal, which makes it clear. Behind the fact, it is more organically dampened in the form of smelting with less hardness and hardness. It will protect the minimum riven from the sting of the pins (with a knife, squeak more), but the springs of the springiness of the plastic will not be badly cushioned by hitting the flat.

Mineral slope

Tse is the correct word for the visually significant word. For yogo melting, vicorous mineral syrovin is used with silicon dioxide (SiO 2) in the base, as well as additive houses (aluminum oxide, potassium, calcium, boron, magnesium, sodium, etc.). The kіntsevy warehouse is marked with syrovina, which is zastosovіtsya for smelting (sound the same minerals on the stone of quartz sand) and processing.

For nadannya mіtsnostі workpieces are subjected to hardening - procedural heating and/or annealing in the melting of minerals. In the process of gargling, the atoms of one speech (for example, sodium) are hung with another, which may have strong atomic bonds, speech (for example, potassium). Behind the rahunok of which, on the surface, a ball is established, a small, lower middle slope. The opening of a sealed warehouse under a microscope looks like a bun: the beast is baked hard, and in the middle it is soft.

The structure of a hardened warehouse. The arrows show the internal stress

Sapphire slope

Synthetic sapphire - crystalline aluminum oxide, one of the varieties of corundum, is used to produce such a layer. Zavdyaki crystalline structure of wines is hard for slope, like amorphous (atoms do not have a clear order of rozashuvannya). This material is expensive, and there is no market for selling synthetic sapphire for 2017.


In order to secure the needs of the spontaneity of power (adhesion and comfort of victory) garne slo subject to special coatings. On the left side, apply a thin (sand of nanometers) ball of speech on the new side, which ensures that it does not stick to the screen. On the front side, you can have a fatty coating (oleophobic coating) of the same kind, but don’t forget about cheap ones. The very sound of the sound on the polymer swimmer, so that it will help the shock after the shock and additionally cushion, ideally spreading the force of the blow to yourself.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out about the exact warehouse. Do not write anything on the packaging, the brewers are less clever with blatant marketing phrases about the quality and the superiority, or choose the names of the patented technologies.


Do not chase after the "golden" prices and follow the seller's statement about the indestructibility of the accessory. Mustaches are b'yutsya, in the event of a fall, there is less of a boundary of minerality. Found (1-2 dollars) slabs of crushing either from polymers, or a superb quartz slab, which will go through the simplest process of hardening. The stench does not make an oleophobic ball, bathe them less for zahistu in the form of frayed pins and rubbish chips. Then, if a smartphone often falls - such a zahist is not a Skoda.

More expensive glass (5-15 dollars) can already be applied with an oleophobic coating, 100% gaps (let more than 99% of light through), and more technologically sealed. The stench is hard, the best eyes to strike with a squeak are not so easy to fray. As you can see, you put yourself up to the outhouse, and you don’t mind sacrificing the comfort of this victorious, varto buy yourself such a zahist.

Naydorochchi glass is a whole lottery: the stench can be even more expensive, or it can appear as a great hardened slope, the seller of such a virishiv profits from light customers. However, remember mіtsnogo skla(like a mіtsnіshe, nіzh cover the screen) there is little sense. Even if the screen is broken under it, then the mass of that mass is not enough to cover the shock impulse. Aje is slouch to bathe, so that when it falls, it hits the blow, and the screen is completely covered, and not navpaki.

Test of various price categories, black iPhone 7 - under the most expensive:


Zahisniy sklom trade kupa Chinese firms, Sometimes they just sell the OEM product of one brewer under different nameplates. One and the same company can work in parallel as an appendage, so it’s not too bad. Inquisitive Chinese often imitate larger products Vіdomih brandіv, that vіdіzniti pіdrobku smoothly. ale companiesNillkin,Drobak,Mocolo.

What else do you need to know about zahisne slope

When buying a warehouse, it’s important not to forget about the nuances of deeds, so you don’t have mercy, don’t have a panacea for hitting that tricky one.

Not all glasses protect the end face from impact

Although it is not easy to reach the edges of the smartphone, it does not protect against a blow to the butt. Ajeyogo zagartovani skla touchscreens fear the most, through the apparent internal stress in the structure of the speech. For that, it cracked when hitting the butt, it’s enough to apply less force, lower when hitting the flat. That's why navit under zahistom sklo smartphone plunders not in the whole world. To change the situation, gum or silicone cases and bumpers are allowed to cover the ends.

For an effective 2.5D flash, you need a "correct" slope

Screens with polished edges are zastosovuyutsya all over the place, in Chinese state employees for 60 dollars. So the solution is to embellish the device, to rob it by accepting it, or you can lower the value of the mentality, so that it doesn’t protect the ends (div. front point).

To further protect the screen with rounded edges (2.5D or 3D), select a special slope that can be used. It’s better to cover the edges and wind it up with an end impact to redirect the impulse to the flat, or else it will crack itself, or deprive the touchscreen of the cylinder.

When choosing a defense warehouse, remember: it’s not enough to break the screen with the indestructible, but only a little more. Tobto, even without folding the screen breaks when falling on a fireplace from a height of 1 meter, then with a fold of wines it is already broken for such a fall of 1.5 meters. So, the main meta of gluing a zahistu is to insure the screen from cracked pins and other chips, and not to a smartphone of inconsistency. Don't forget that it's hard - not a panacea, dbaily stavtes to a smartphone, and you won't be led.

At once it is practical to be a phone equipped with oleophobic coatings. At the best time, it will take a little time, if you happen to either put up with a bunch of beats on the screen, or glue down the spit. Hello, maybe, is there another option?

When buying a phone, few people pay attention to the presence of an oleophobic cover, but do not forget to put a cover on it, or it’s bad (as if you didn’t make a pick). The problem is that most of the koristuvachiv do not fool around and buy the most available Chinese swimwear. After knowing all the oleophobic cover, it will be lost on the swimmer itself, which will turn the call to the phone on the right side.

To be honest, I don’t particularly like whether it’s additional glass or smelting, because for a long time there was a new phone, calling for a drastic element. All at once, from the smelt, it came out and all the “magic” cover. Poshuk virishennya tsієї problems navіv me on the forum, to make victorious car polish to imitate oleophobic.

But I know what to do, even if you prepare stench on the basis of soft abrasives, all the same, build up a shkodi zahisnomu sklo, and їх trivale zastosuvannya can be zovsіm zchesati sklo (it is possible that there may be a death or unevenness on the surface). You don’t want to constantly stick with the shkiroy with car chemicals.

Until the end of the problem, I came for an hour to clean up the booth. For wiping wooden surfaces with a vicorous special polish, which covers the surface with a special protective ball. Plus wine is absolutely unsafe for human skin. I also tried to put yogo on the back of my phone through a sprat of hvilin thinking. The result surprised me.

Otzhe, we need some kind of polish for furniture (but not found), microfiber and "problem" phone.

The phone is cleaned in front of the door, so that the screen is perfectly clean. After that, an insignificant amount of damage is applied to microfiber and rubbed with light hands on the screen of the phone. It’s better not to overdo it with a lot of polish, so that you don’t use the excess during the hour, for example, open the dynamics.

Then we need to pokat about 5-10 quills for a complete hanging of the sour ball and wipe the screen again with a dry part of the microfiber.

In front of us is an ideally clean zahisne slo, like the closest 3-4 days of fat and fingertips.

So, the effect of such a polish is not the same as it would be, but I don’t think that repeating this process once a day will make your life easier. Prote by phone is now richly receiving. It smells good. This option is good for the team, who has already worn out the oleophobic coating, but there is no need to glue the smelt.

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