Brushing the program for fps adjustment in games. Wise Game Booster optimizes the system to improve productivity in games.

FPS - the number of frames per second. The indicator, as a rule, shows a reference to the productivity of your video card and computer as a whole. If the wine is low and I don’t change the marks in 30 frames, it’s possible to talk about the comfort of the face and not the world. With a large FPS, the following areas are even more important for fachivts: graphic design, 3D modeling and multiplayer. When the robotic program freezes and lags for an hour, the results will be far from ideal. Yak zbіlshiti FPS in games?

On one side, it’s good for a wicked koristuvach, but for the larger masters of the group, it’s not even more promising than a novelty, so there’s a space for maneuvering and lowering the chance for good games. So, do not write intro, do not enchant the tributes in advance, and do not show them in the group, as they do not wink a song.

The price is very infused into the quality of the image and, of course, the productivity in the group. Options include static illumination, dynamic illumination of objects and dynamically dynamic illumination. Static illumination - vicious static fires and static types. In tsiogo є is a majestic perevaga, but static tіnі, at least, vimagayut numbered vimogas. The gain in productivity can be up to 50 weights. Ob'єkti Dynamical illumination. Happily, victorious dynamic drives in the whole mode is absolutely minimal.


In the first place, the availability of the CPU is needed to be respected. Skin for us is the sound of a great number of open-critical browser tabs and programs, altogether injecting into the speed of a robot system. Turn around with your computer safely and respectfully: turn it on right away unused add-ons And also close your browser when you start ігор. Dottrimannya cich awkward pleasures can be helped to improve the number of frames a little more than twice!

It should only be brought up to your lichtener, so the light from the lichtary is seen on the object. Tim is not, the deyakі ob'єkti will not be mothers tіnіtіvnі, іnsі will be mothers tіlі static tіnі, as tіlіkі will not pour on dyamіchnі tіnі. There are many wonderful situations to visit. In low-flown households, the price of power is, therefore, they are guilty of pererahovuvatsya in the real hour of development, bruising to respect all the light, as they are on the stage, and everyone is guilty of responding to the objects. The price is injected into productivity.

If the parameters are dimmed, the productivity will decrease rapidly, up to tens of hundreds. Adjust the brightness - adjust the brightness of the image. Minimal, Low, Middle, Visokiy, Maximum. Dozvіl - change permission - another way to get a graphic card. Chim vishche growth, tim more detailed picture, vividly, tim more tyagar.

Chrome browser, I especially respect the merit of such a supplement like Skype. Unimportant to those who are not important to the program, they are not big enough, before the hour grows up, they live a part of the computer's resources. To avoid uncomfortable moments, just turn on Skype for an hour or so, or use the same utility for spilkuvannya voice: RedCall or TeamSpeak.

Expanded Parameters of Detail You can edit access to a single parameter using the additional button "Dodatkovo". See the backyard - see the backyard. The less the scene is visible, the less the less visible it is, and the less is infused with productivity. The problem is that if you are overdoing it, you don’t try it on a great day or with a binocle.

Chim less, less than polygon vicorists to induce objects in scenes and navpaki. However, it should be built, if the details are changed, by one object, on which one appears, є a tree. In the great zones of the world, the change in productivity can be remembered, or in the middle of the transfer it can be achieved superbly. Grass content - grass content, but not in a report explanation.


It’s not enough to be happy, if he drank, it’s the most dreadful enemy of any electronics and technology. It’s not only on the police and books, but also on motherboards computer and, especially, on radiators cooling. Literally in 2-3 months, I drank a lot of time to hammer the radio, to bring the processor temperature up to a sharp increase and to be gratefully recognized on the robot.

Bringing the atmosphere to life is realistic, but it also reduces productivity. Grassyana tin is a covering herb. It has been seen that it is positive to improve productivity. The brightness of the image is not lost. View of illumination - view of light from dzherela of light. This parameter does not affect the quality of the image, but it can be positively inserted into the number of frames per second.

If the stench is seen more on the stage, the price is realistic, but it can be negatively embedded in the number of frames per second. Do not stay away from you, which you will be able to see if you will be able to see it. The whiteness of the shades is the shades of the dynamical flames.

If you saw it on your own, but you can't, then go to a special computer service - for a few hundred rubles a master can easily see the whole saw and a brood system unit, And also carry out diagnostics of the PC.


I would like to pay special respect to the program itself. For a rakhunok of modern technologies, the distributors give the opportunity to koristuvach to self-regulate programs in such a rank, so that the stench lived off less resources.

In some areas, gram can show up to 50% of frames per second. You can view the file in "Notepad" or in the text editor and there can be changes. However, persh nіzh redaguvati shcho-nebud, vi blame zrobiti backup copy tsi file, you didn’t see it, having seen a pardon in the nalashtuvannya. More customization in files identical to the console commands in the group. It is important for the nobility to advance: only the main parameter is injected into the game process, the quality of the image, but it does not mean that it is of great importance, so you pay too much.

Vikoristovyte middle or minimum settings, as to allow gravity with a high FPS indicator. The lightness, the quality of the visualized picture, will be in the lower part of the picture, but the animation will become more smooth and comfortable for the eyes.


The main settings are located in the system, in yakiy pratsyuє gra, and in the vikoristovuvanih options. Skin setting to pay, schob sprobvati from the console, in the most gri. Butt. The blame for the positioning at 0, the first time it collapses right in the middle of 0, the camera will be released and not brought up to the performance improvement, for there is no change in the head blow. If you have selected a parameter, your character will go quieter, more and more. The available values ​​will depend on the selected rendering method.

Dynamic rendering є more realistic, more realistic. The value for the opinions may not be applicable to all computers. Influencing productivity more and less superbly. So it’s light from a lichtarik to light. Oskilki vіn is considered to be a static visualizer, injecting the settings more ineffectively and not pouring into productivity.

The driver is a whole component, between the hardware and software parts of the computer. It is also important for the nobility, that drivers are installed on your PC the last version To ensure maximum efficiency and stability of the robot. Revision the explicitness new versions You can visit the official website of virobniks.

In the first place, it is necessary to update the driver for the next components:

With a change, the flow rate for productivity is low. In the world of improvement, the meaning of the settings for the deyaky texture is yaskravishoy. Forward, on your Stalker's zbroya. The gain is small, pouring into the productivity of even maliy chi ni. More high negative meanings paint textures, more negative ones can be infused at lower frames per second, and also can choose textures. There is a single way of changing the details of distant textures, so the change of anisotropic adjustment in the menu is not practical.

A priceless way of illumination, which is guilty of being even more realistic, some of the illumination of the surface is displayed in the light of the world. As soon as the inclusion of this parameter has a great negative impact on productivity, it is not surprising that you are invited to join. Nalashtuvannya for 3, mabut, є velmy is optimal from the point of view of quality.

  • video card- Display for FPS and quality of the transmitted image;
  • motherboard- a call between small outbuildings;
  • windows- the appearance of new developments.


The operating system may be rich in resources, especially if your version is Windows XP. For such vipads, it is necessary to change the parameters to "Maximal Shvidkodiya" central processor computer. Zovnishny viglyad The work desk can change easily, but if you want to, you can turn the theme back, like the Windows 98 style.

However, the fragments of the value are based on vectors, the maximum setting may not give the best result. Ale, like і in front of the drop, the whole parameter of the frames on the vectors, that is the fault of the experiments. Writing everything is included in the group, it’s clearer. The value is 0 to rob the richly visible growth rate when wrapped, but the value is close to 1 to rob more realistic growth rate, but there is little infusion on productivity. However, when testing in real time, it is possible to change it, because it didn’t fit into those who were looking at it, and it didn’t touch the price of productivity.

Optimize your operating system and your computer before you start the IGOR. The program is given make it sound RAM and turn on the unnecessary components of the system, so that you can play the game in high quality.

The operating system of the computer is tense programmatically secure from the manifestation of versatile functions. Much of the functionality operating system The extravagant koristuvach is not victorious, ale їkhni services and services are launched automatically і work, using the resources of the computer. Game booster additional help for an hour to turn on unnecessary functions in order to increase the amount of resources for igor.

Ale, for a little sensitive, the change of value to 04 is guilty of increasing productivity without the real change of image quality. There is also a single way to change the details of the distant textures, so changing the menu of anisotropic filtering is not right for new ones. Ymovіrno, tse lie in the possession of your vicarious, ale, it seems, it’s not a matter of robbing the real into the load. Ale hope, that the shanuvalniks will come up with a general idea, and that there will be new modifications or new official patches, it is possible to expand the methods of productivity.

Zovnishny viglyad Wise Game Booster

The program interface is stored in 4 tabs. First, there are shortcuts for igor, as well as an indicator and a button for optimizing the system. A friend is a system. Here the system programs are roztashovuyutsya, well, in the next tabs as usual.

At the upper part of the window, there is the "Update" button with the buttons "close" and "close". Vona is required for the reduction of the system and systemic supplements to the cob mill. It is necessary to complete the gratis.

Patch # 3 - Nova zbroya, a point of chervona on pistoles and a lot of things! New is more than enough, for that sit by hand and enjoy reading! The stability of the server was boiled by the team, which was focused on by the remaining decilkokh tizniv, and thanks to the opportunity to learn. However, the tsya of the robot does not end, but it is possible for the robot to complete the game process.

During the day, the game process is in progress, and our team is ready to select a summary of what the gravity wants to do in the future, or if it is necessary to polish it. In the future, we plan to polish and polish the game and improve the efficiency of the grids, adjust the balance of the cooler and polish the system of shooting, which can lead to the shortened satisfaction of the grids.

Fun Game Booster

The Danish system optimizer will help you to improve the productivity of your computer in games, and by yourself, to get rid of slowdowns and lags. At the head office, at the deposit "my igri" you will know more vikonuvaniy file gris to the list. The button "Dodati gru" is used for tsogo. As soon as possible, an analysis of the system and the program will be seen, show you how possible optimize.

As soon as you know about the news, the change, how the changes have been introduced into the system. Tsia zmіna - Persha lastivka, yak will be launched by the path to the collection of tributes without before you - gravtsіv. Ymovіrno, tse do not stop modifying the vidobutku, also check more numbers of changes.

Through the pardons, deyaki elements were found in the most part, or even earlier, they were allowed to go below. We found a problem with the redaction of one of the elements, and at the beginning of the upcoming reversal of grants, we found that the grave was present in some of the elements and that it was corrected, and everything was guilty of the right order.

In case of an onslaught of "Vipraviti" system programs, Services and processes. Zvilnyaє operative memoryі lowering navantazhennya on the processor... The program is reserved for you the right to manually turn on the functions of the system, as long as the stench is needed.

Є forgive and efficiently system optimization... Advantageousness and sophistication. Збільшує fps in games... You have weak computer- speed up with the Game Booster optimizer. blackmail you can absolutely kosteless.

Not all items were inserted into the budget, but they changed the display of other items, and the stench seemed to indicate that the stench was at fault. If I don't want to correct the pardons, we will help you, if you want to fill in the satisfaction with the greetings, so as you are grave, you have led us all the way. Additional corrections and repairs will be carried out on a regular basis based on the analysis and change of gravity.

Now we fixed it and added it before we changed it and added it to our next big patch. Early access - month 3 - revision. We've added a bit of tribute, we can lead from the grid to the grave, so we can polish the productivity of the server. We changed the "marriage" of servers, changed the way of the tribute, which could be transferred to the gravitians and back without interruption.

Technical characteristics:

version: Wise Game Booster 1.39
Mova rosіyska
Status: Bezkoshtovno
System: Windows All
Size: 1.8 Mb