How to make money by publishing audiobooks and search robots. How to record an audiobook at home. Do you need an Apple ID to sell audiobooks in iTunes?

On the Internet, merchants have endless opportunities to earn pennies. You can use all your knowledge, skills and talents. However, if you do not understand the intricacies of the IT sphere, you can look for other options. For example, people with good diction can record audiobooks.

How to make money on audiobooks? It will be necessary to start talking about their creation. Be a respectable professional for whom it is not a burden, you are welcome special programs You buy the necessary equipment and go on the road. Then put your products on sales in the same way as in this statistics.

What is needed to create an audiobook?

Essentially, the required talent. It doesn’t matter whether you choose to voice other people’s books or write your own, the voice must be acceptable, the letter must be clearly pronounced, plus intonation. What is this method of perspective? Well, who is already in the wrong, on the right is even closer to Pributkova. Start with the preparation steps:

1. Program for recording audiobooks

Professionals buy a clear security program for work, but don’t spend money on it. Є richly software products for newbies.

If you've ever wanted to record an audiobook, the ideal tool for you would be Audacity or UV SoundRecorder. The first program allows you to edit recordings, remove noise, and view nearby moments and pauses. Get software only from official sites.

2. Installation for recording an audiobook

The main tool for the creator of an audio book is this bright microphone. I would like to have some professional skills. Plus sound card for audio processing high vigor. To avoid creating barriers for yourself, vikorize everything that is at hand.

If you have a laptop microphone or device, you can also record on headphones. If you have a profit, it’s best to get one Garnim annex, you can admire the excellent options, we looked at them in the statistics.

3. Other moments

Before writing your first book, try reading a few paragraphs out loud. Working is emotional, in all cases with constant transmission of intonation. It’s no good for anyone to listen to a book if the author drones on under his breath. It’s a good idea to practice quite a bit. This way you can figure out your style. This gives you the prospect of becoming popular and gaining the respect of potential buyers.

Don't expect the first audiobooks to sell out with a bang. What is most often needed is some minor promotion. These authors specifically give away their products free of charge in order to gain popularity. This is an excellent option for an information businessman.

Sales of audiobooks through LitRes

You can open this website with audiobooks but it's not so simple. Plus, you might have to unscrew it, but for the beginning this is a serious problem. It’s much easier to publish information about great companies. Online store of original and audio books LitRes ready to sell with authors and publications.

On the official website you will find contact information to contact the editorial department. All propositions are looked at and variants are given in simple terms. It is obligatory to comply with the agreement with the company Litres. For sales, the goods will be displayed on the main website and on the Maidans of partners.

Individual approach for each individual. At any time you can get in touch with the specialists, make inquiries, get a proposal for improving or adding books. This is a serious type of earnings, Litres must follow the rules of copyright. In order to sell goods through their projects, you will need the necessary rights (subject to the laws of the Russian Federation).

It’s not surprising that such a great company is ready for merger. We will then expand the assortment, and the authors’ thoughts will be determined individually. Strengthen your propositions to the company if you plan to sell a really clear product.

Where else can you sell audiobooks?

A number of popular sites have been created for authors to sell their audiobooks. Every agreement and re-verification. You simply admire your product and hope for sales. In these systems you can install a partner in the city. People will make jokes about buyers for you, and you will share the income with them:

  1. Plati is one of the largest electronic goods stores. Not only audiobooks are sold here, but also various downloads, databases, catalogs and much more. It is allowed to install wines in the city for partners, but wine producers are not so active in sales.
  2. GlopArt – if you want your audiobook to be advertised by as many partners as possible, add it to this system. The main part of the products are information products about earnings and business on the Internet. For promotion, you can pass on 90% of the recovery from sales to your partners.
  3. QwertyPay - how to earn audiobooks on the Internet is better than selling them on your website. Take a look at the catalog and see a large assortment of various information products, many of which are associated with long-term earnings. There are a lot of partners and the site is actively advertised, so there are also a lot of referrals.
  4. Multiza – this company operates in many countries. Vaughn helps to distribute music, videos, and also sell audio e-books on the most popular platforms. The system takes only 20% of the sale; you will also have to pay for the placement of goods on various sites.

If you plan to make a lot of money on audiobooks, it’s best to use all the methods. Work in such a way that people come across your information products. At the same time, income will increase due to increasing popularity.

Sales of audiobooks are on the right, and you can also choose your own literature, figure out your own style, recruit people and increase your income.

To record an audiobook at home in a pleasant way, you will need:


I experimented with a lot of options, and present moment The best results were achieved with the help of a Blue Yeti microphone. Yogo extraordinary peculiarity- it selects the sound not from the sound, but from the settings: only in front (when recording a podcast or audiobook), only from both sides (when recording an interview), and then on. In addition, the Yeti microphone can be directly connected to headphones, and then you can hear what you are choosing. You can also adjust the level of sensitivity on the microphone - which is even worse if you are not recording an audiobook in ideal minds.

Pop filter

This thing is needed to prevent the noise and breezes from hitting the microphone. You can buy a pop filter (any choice), or you can make it yourself: take hoops, old tights and figure out how to secure the entire structure in front of the microphone at a distance of 10-15 cm.

An alternative option is to wrap the microphone head with thin foam rubber and secure it with a rubber band. Or you can buy a special foam rubber bag, which is called a “foam rubber windbreaker.”

Sound recording program

Come along anyway. I'm using GarageBand for Mac. To see how your program works, watch the initial videos on Youtube - everything is explained and shown there.


The headphones have almost all the flaws that the recording has.

Recording booth

When recording an audiobook, interruptions constantly appear in the minds of the home: the barking of dogs, the sound of cars passing by, the robot of household appliances, etc. In addition, standing and placing objects near your booth will give a great moon. It’s impossible to completely change these codes, unless you have a purchased or self-made soundproof booth, which may cause the recording to be heavily damaged.

A soundproof audio booth looks like this:

It turns out that the walls and bottom are lined with thick foam rubber, and at the back there is an opening through which you can pass the microphone bits.

If you are unable to buy a portable audio booth, you can make one yourself. My first, “sound-proof” design was crushed from gummed terry bathtub squeegees, which I held together with office clamps. A heavy-duty towel was placed under the microphone so that microvibrations were not transmitted to the table.

The brilliance of the sound immediately shortened the sound, but my booth was only a small one - it had been lying on its side all hour.

The cheapest option “for pennies” is to go like this: buy a large plastic container, glue and thick foam rubber. Line the inner walls of the container with foam rubber - and the booth is ready. It won't be long before the drill will have to lead the call and drill a hole in the back. In addition, it is difficult to correctly select the height and depth of the booth so that the optimal sound is obtained.

How to paint an audiobook recording

1. To record, choose the quietest place and quietest hour possible. Close the doors, turn off household appliances, close the window and place something under the computer (for example, a towel).

2. Test the sensitivity of the microphone so that outside noise is recorded as little as possible.

3. If your microphone is attached to your headphones, find the position if you don’t hit the microphone.

4. The microphone does not have to stand on a bare surface. Place foam rubber or burned fabric into balls.

5. Recording an audiobook will take you many days, or even years. Try to ensure consistency in the process: everything is adjusted and your position with the microphone is to blame.

1. Don’t rush before reading time. The pressure machine beats out the audiobook with a monotonous rhythm.

2. If you don’t have the acting chops and you haven’t practiced much, make sure not to perform the performance. It’s inevitable that the edge will sound much worse than reading.

4. If you read for a long time, your mouth becomes dry, and as a result, writing becomes unnecessary. To get rid of it, grab some sour stuff - like orange juice.

How to record an audiobook

1. Place the soundproof booth on the table or hanging it on the stand, after which you install the microphone secured with a pop filter approximately in the first quarter of the depth of the booth. Your forehead should be on the same level as the top edge of the booth, and your face should be approximately 15 cm in front of it. For the most microphones, the optimal position from the mouth is 30 cm. It is NOT REQUIRED to stick your head into the middle of the booth.

At any time, you need to experiment to find the position that will produce the purest sound. You also need to figure out how to pick up the sound from your microphone - from the side or from the top, and use it in a similar manner.

2. Don’t hesitate while recording. If you hear outside noise, for example, a dog barking, it’s better to check and repeat the phrase again. This will make it easy to edit the audio track, so you can save money on your recording. And if you then put patches on the zipped phrases, you will have to adjust the intensity and other technical parameters - and thus the robot’s application.

3. Press the record button for a moment, then wait a few seconds and then read everything. The completion of the work is still waiting: the remaining phrase is visible, the entry is checked, and the entry is deleted. This is necessary so that the program does not cut off the beginning and end of the phrase - this happens when the computer starts to behave.

4. If you feel a quiet hum in the recording, practically indistinguishable from anything, the problem lies in the fact that all your equipment is connected to one outlet. Try connecting the devices to different sockets with the help of a professional.

5. First listen to what you have learned, immediately after recording, and apply the necessary patches that “do not come off.” The earlier a correction is noted, the easier it is to correct it, so that later there will be different minds - the weather, your self-perception.

6. Name all files and records according to one principle - so that you don’t get confused about what’s what. For example, the files with the “Baraniy rog” audiobook may look like this: 01-1-baraniy-rog, 01-2-baraniy-rog, etc., where “01” is the chapter number, and the other number is the audio file number.

7. Record the first version of the audiobook at maximum volume - this will make it easier to edit later. For PC optimal format- .wav, for Mac - .aif

The final product is best saved in the .mp3 format for mono - stereo sound in audiobooks without consumption.

8. If you don’t understand programs that edit sound, and you don’t know how to use them, call for professional help. The cost of sound engineers is very inexpensive, and the quality of editing is much improved.

A professional sound engineer can:

Remove unnecessary repetitions and pauses

Eliminate clicking, clicking and other changes

Make sound on patches

Work in such a way that the recording of all your work sounds exactly the same - from the first section to the remaining section

Arrange the moon

Obtain from the recording the uniform hum produced by the fan of your computer or other equipment

However, miracles can’t be done: if you’ve written down a bunch of trash, you can just clean it up a little. In case of any emergency, send the uncorrected files to the sound engineer: inexorable editing will not help in any way, but only to put them on the right.

Making money on the Internet is one of the most common requests for sound systems. However, not all methods are as well known as those about making money on article exchanges, video hosting, software providers, etc. Few people think about those who are on sale audiobooks You can make a lot of money. Aje will drink on them with the skin of the rock. It’s a shame for the nobility to write it down correctly.

How to record an audiobook

In order to record an audiobook without having to register with professional studios, a clear audio recording can be created at home, taking into account all the factors that influence the quality of the recording. What kind of officials are they talking about?

1) Garniy voice recorder.

It may be possible to use different recording programs and different phone and tablet voice recorders. Ale records, as a rule, are processed in additional programs, tidy up and make noise outside sounds. For additional programs, you can insert various sound files, which is also a good component that accompanies the speech. It is especially important to note that music is not supposed to drown out voices. However, since it is possible, it is better to add a voice recorder. So, costing stinks is far from cheap. The minimum cost of such equipment is 2000 rubles or more. It’s not wise to skimp, even if you have a valuable voice recorder, because you value the quality of audio recordings that are being prepared for sale.

2) Yakisny solid

The type that the author of the upcoming audiobook chooses may, as a result of the author himself, reach the mass readership, or it can also be used for business books that are in the market for a great drink. Be careful not to violate copyright law. Since there is no possibility of writing a book, it would be better to choose another type, because... There may be copyright issues. Even if it is legal, only seventy years after the death of the author.

3) Secondary placement.

Another important factor that comes into play in the recording is silence. Ideal locations are those where there is a quiet environment and good acoustics. Unfortunately, since a person is not alone in life, then she will have the opportunity to understand with neighbors and relatives, having explained this when necessary. If it doesn’t work out, then it makes sense to know another location.

Diction is the most important functionary; without it it is impossible to write a book. Be sure to prepare your promo before recording. A book written by a good and correct person will sell much better than one written by a card-carrying person, which does not speak to the aesthetic taste of the listeners.

Where should I sell an audiobook?

After the audiobook is recorded, it’s time to think about its sales. There are two ways to sell an audio product: through an additional online store or through special online resources. About the peculiarities of the skin methods of the report.

If you choose an online store, you must carefully read the agreement, which is usually concluded between the store director and the seller. Not many leather stores accept such products for sale, so keep in mind that there are few stores that accept books. In order to sell your book, it is important to contact the administration, since the administrator of the book’s publications, then the commission for the sale of the book will be transferred to the store.

If the choice is made on the basis of audio resources, then the author takes advantage of the price, even if in stores the prices are displayed by the authorities, then on such resources the author himself sets the price, regardless of the great commission.
Books are selling poorly, and this is because the owner runs a website that deals with audiobooks. But sales will be successful only if the site has a great reputation and an attractive design. In this case, the author of audio recordings creates a strong client base, which is one of the main factors of successful trading.

In this way, writing a book is easy, if not to say it’s very easy, even though earning money is not passive, but requires a lot of practice. You can’t rattle through the text and waste money, reading can be smooth, and the design of an audiobook must be done manually. And sales of audiobooks will result in a huge profit.

There are many ways to make money on audiobooks, but to record books yourself, you need to be a well-read person, notice the intonation, pauses and separation of the text so that the ear can hear your voice.

First, demonstrate your work at recording studios, read a few sides of the text and record it on disk. Listen respectfully. Be critical in your assessment. Let me listen to the recording of the uncut side. The text is easy to understand, regardless of the accent, stiffness, or familiar timbre.

Reshta will come with practice: a steady pace of speech, clear speech, and, of course, unacceptable outside sounds, such as breathing, knitting, coughing, etc. Before speaking, there are special courses in public speaking and acting that will help you develop the necessary skills.

This type of business can be done directly:

First of all, you can promote your narrator’s services to audiobook sites. Such sites often look for people for such work, promoting high pay.

Alternatively, you can create a new website and post the book on a new one. Income for this type of form is calculated per unit affiliate programs, which pays the city for the number of purchased books, as well as for advertising posted on the site.

And thirdly, you can open a powerful home recording studio and sell audio books on DVDs through bookstores and music stores.

Don’t try to create a huge library right away—singing specifications alone are enough. Choose books that are useful to you, and therefore will be useful to the people of your generation. You can become the greatest creator new collection Russians folk tales and the myths of ancient Greece. You can take up medical literature, read newspapers and fashion magazines.

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