How to edit voice notifications on Odnoklassniki? How to correct voice notifications in classmates? How to record a voice alert in ok

One of the functions, as the last hour appears in all social networks, is audio notification. Odnoklassniki do not follow the trend, and in them, too, coristuvachi can overpower one voice alone. Tse sruchno, yakshcho vy, for example, pvіlno drukєte or perebuєє karma avtomobilіya, and treba vіdpovisti on voіdomlennya in Odnoklassniki. Within the framework of this article, we will look at how to manage audio messages in Odnoklassniki from a computer and from programs for mobile devices.


How to set up voice notifications in Odnoklassniki through the website

Let's take a look at a few ways to get audio access through the standard web version of the Odnoklassniki website. To start, you need to go to your profile on the Odnoklassniki website and go to the support dialog. You can also press the beast on the "Information" button, or on the side of the coristuvacha, to whom you want to write by pressing "Write".

How do you manage voice prompt for the first time, it’s better to show up for everything ahead of time, in which it is said that it is necessary to install Adobe Flash Player (or onoviti yogo). Click on the player icon to install or activate Flash Player.

Yakshto vzhe vzhe vstanovleny, it will be necessary only to confirm this work with Odnoklassniki. If the player is not installed on the computer, you can install it from the official site of the retailers.

After activating the Flash Player, I click again on the option to edit the audio file. The player settings window will appear. Here you need to select the "Permit" item to give the browser access to the microphone. It is also recommended to check the "Remember" box, after which click "Close".

If you did everything right, show up in the morning informational alert, Yake show that the microphone is correct. Press "Continue" to go to the recording of the voice announcement.

After that, the recording of the voice notification will be cleared and it will appear at the appointed time. For a new one, you can start the recording by clicking on "Stop", edit it already recorded by clicking on "Reset", and also go to the settings, which can be different, for example, as you have a microphone connected to your computer, and the recording is not in that, in whatever bi you wanted.

Important: If you press the "Repair" button, a voice notification will be immediately sent to the speaker in the Odnoklassniki dialogue window. It is impossible to listen to the recorded recitation in advance.

Varto indicates that Odnoklassniki install an exchange for the validity of voice reminders - no more than 3 times.

How to edit voice notifications in Odnoklassniki on the phone

After that, as you press on the microphone in the lower right corner, a note of notification will immediately appear. You can't pause the recording. To record a recording, you need to click again on the microphone icon. On the view of the browser version of the site, in addition, you can listen to the voice prompt before editing. By pressing on the cross in the lower left fold, you can read the recording of the voice message.

In Odnoklassniki, there is a core function - audio pop-up. You can always speed up with her, so that you can always get in touch with friends and relatives.

Since there is no way to abuse text messages, you can always say whatever you want into the microphone of the phone or computer.

It is possible to control the audio recording at any moment, without disturbing the main ones, to take, for example, tidy up the booth, water or other work.

If you want to record an audio message over the phone, then you don't need anything else - just know the option and start talking. Then you will be deprived only of the right messenger.

If you want to record audio from your computer, you will need a microphone. If you don’t have a microphone, then you won’t see anything. Check that you have a microphone connected, and then you can proceed to the instructions.

How to edit audio pop in Odnoklassniki

krok №1

Enter your profile on OK.RU.

krok №2

Let's go to the "Information" section and go to chat with a friend who wants to make an audio notification.

krok №3

krok №4

But remember after updating the player, you can shut up because the function does not work. In such a way, sign in to Odnoklassniki from another browser.

krok №5

Also, at the top right corner of the screen, a notification about access to the microphone will appear. So emboss "Permit".

krok №6

If the microphone is adjusted correctly, it is embossed “Proceed”.

krok №7

Then you will need to choose a microphone, choose the one that connects.

krok №8

Return respect for an hour. Your messenger is guilty of no more than 3 khvilin.

krok №9

You can't listen to the missing audio messages, but you can re-record it. Emboss on the "Replace" button.

If everything is in order, correct the reminder.

krok №10

Listen to those that you have corrected, you can already after the fact. Click on the "play" button of the corrected notification and listen.

The axis is so possible to get out of position, as it is necessary to correct the terminology in Odnoklassniki, but there is no way to change the text.

Hello friends! You have recently registered with social measures Classmates and only begin acquaintance with her, then this article is given for you. At the same time, we will learn how to edit texts and voices to inform other koristuvachs, as well as figure out how to write one for an additional mobile addendum.

How to write a letter to one

It is possible to correct others through Odnoklassniki in many ways, we can look at them.

method 1

If you want to write a person who is in the list of your friends, open your side in Odnoklassniki. Dali click on the button "Information", as you can see at the top menu.

You will see a dialogue in the end, in which left side you will see a list of correspondents, with whom you have already been in correspondence, and in the middle you will see the dialogue itself.

Even if they haven’t corresponded with anyone yet, then in the end all friends will be in touch. Click on the koristuvachev to whom you want to write.

As before, you were already leafing with the necessary people, find it in the list of the left hand and press on it, so that you can find the leafing.

Yakshcho in Stovptsі Zlіva I will need people did not know, click on the button "Create listing". At the drop-down list, select the required and emboss "Add".

After that, how to choose one of the descriptions of the paragraphs, in the middle in the end, there will be a dialogue. Enter the text in the bottom field, where it says “Write”, and click on the button near the view sheet. It was so easy for me to correct the list of others in Odnoklassniki.

method 2

You can open a listing with listings in another way. At your profile, click on the "Friends" button, you will be known right under your names.

A list of all your friends is displayed. Choose what you want and move the mouse cursor over the new one to open the splicing menu. Dali emboss on the item "Write a note".

If you see it, we already know it in dialogue. Write something in the bottom field and write it right.

method 3

If you change on the side of a person, if you want to write, then respect the menu under your avatar. There will be an item “Write a note”. Click on new.

Now enter the desired text and click on the button near the view sheet to correct it to your friend.

Managed voice notifications in Odnoklassniki

In the middle of the century, you are guilty of buti vydkrita listing with those people, with whom you choose to govern.

Now in the field, where you need to enter the text, right-handed find a paper clip and press on it. From the menu, select "audio pop-ups".

To start the recording, you need to allow access to the microphone, press the release button. Let's click close.

So that this was not announced again at the end, and you could immediately start dictating the text, put a tick in the “Remember” field.

Guilty z'yavitisya wrote that the microphone was fixed. Press Continue.

As long as you press on the button, the record will be cleared up, and if the person takes it away, there will be silence on the back of the new one and clicks of a bear. No matter what you say, your voice will not be recorded.

By clicking "Continue", start saying the text that your friend will be guilty of. If you finish, you can yogo “Repair”, or press the “Stop” button.

Choosing another option, you will be able to either "Retreat" from this mode, you will not be saved when you do this, but "Replace" yoga. To correct what has been recorded, it is necessary to click on the edit button.

How to make a notification on the phone

How do you need to write a note in Odnoklassniki one by one for help mobile version, Go to addendum. Dali in the lower menu click on the button "Information".

On the “Listuvannya” depositor, all friends will be displayed, with whom you have already had a dialogue. Find the person you need in the list and click on it.

Just one, to whom you want to write, most of the time you haven’t corrected anything, go to the “Friends” tab, find it in the list and click on it.

You have to see the listings. In the field below, enter the text of the reminder. To edit yoga, press "Enter" on the virtual keyboard.

Like bachite, it’s not easy to tell one in Odnoklassniki. Moreover, you can win as a browser on a computer, as well as a mobile add-on.

If you need it, you can read the report article on this topic, following the instructions.

The social network "Odnoklassniki" has so many blue functions, It's simply unrealistic to know about everyone. You can send different musical compositions to your friends, fight in the same clan, take part in the same country at the same time, watch different videos or watch movies, and then talk about them among yourself. Ale, obviously, nothing can replace the voice of a close person, its sound and intonation ... Ale, it seems, it’s possible here! We will tell you, how to make a voice announcement in Odnoklassniki, be a kind of person, and also about those, how you can listen to yoga, how to send yoga to you in a speech!

How to send a voice message in Odnoklassniki to another koristuvach?

This function has become available for all the correspondents of recently - two thousand and fourteen years ago. Zvichayno, nadzvichayno delighted all coristuvachiv - even more richly some of our virtual friends live together in other places, and deacons - to live in other lands. Before the speech, voice notification in Odnoklassniki mobile phone otherwise, a tablet can only be used in that case, as a one-time addendum is installed on the new one Play market. Also, you can manage and receive audio input from your computer or laptop.

From mobile phone

Ready! Your message has broken on the road and people, if it is addressed to you, you will soon feel it.

3 computers

  • Go to the side of the koristuvach, to whom you want to write an audio message.
  • Click on the button "Write a note" on the photo below.
  • If you were previously leafed out for a crowd of people, then at the beginning, you can sing the whole history of the leafing. At the bottom there will be at the end for the introduction of the text, and in the new one - an icon that represents a violin. Click on new.
  • A list of possible events will appear on the screen. Choose "audio pop".
  • If you choose to first transmit a voice message from your computer, then you will be prompted to install a flash player and perform other tasks, following the instructions of the system. Just click "Permit" on all browser requests. Without which, as you know, it is impossible to make an audiopowder in Odnoklassniki.
  • If everything is set up correctly, the black at the end of the player will appear before you. Allow the flash player to access your microphone and camera.
  • Yakshcho raptomy appeared and wrote “Peace!”, Do not swear. So, you just need to adjust the microphone. For whom to stick to the inscription "Nalashtuvannya", which is located in the lower right corner of this window. There varto try to change vicorists in given moment the microphone to be-yakiy іnshiy i try again.
  • Click on the green “Continue” button to start recording the audio message.
  • Now you can click on the microphone icon and speak I need information. To end the recording, press the "Stop" button.
  • You will sing in the end, in what way you show it, so you can work with the record.

A. "Repair". Having pressed on the button, you will send those that you have recorded, which you need to the addressee. The site will show you confirmation that the file is edited.

B. "Replace". As if you were wondering what went wrong, for example, you chuckled, or they said they didn’t know what they wanted, you can speed up with this button.

V. "Viit". These people should be squeezed into that vipad, as if by rapt you changed your mind about writing down the message. If you select this button, your entry will be lowered.

  • If you pressed on "Vidpraviti", then you should be reminded that it was broken:

How can you listen to the voice announcements in Odnoklassniki, which one did you take?

And the axis how to read the voice mail in Odnoklassniki, which one did you take? Tse zovsіm just і, to the point of speech, methods for the computer and phone zovsіm are not disturbed. Also, such messages can be listened to on smartphones, for example, the Odnoklassniki program is not installed on the new one.

Now you know for sure everything about the voice of the information and, without a doubt, hurry up with your intelligence for help. We suspect that this article was corny for you, but if you still have no food - ask them to us, using the form below for comments.

From the recent feasts on the resource Odnoklassniki can manage other voices and voices, using the Push2Talk technology, successfully sing in other social networks. Forwarding audio files to a subscriber is done directly from your microphone, without processing in sound editors. Audiopovіdlennya can correct whether you are a person who has a side in OK.

Z'yasuёmo, with the same rank of posilati voicemail in Odnoklassniki. The only thing you need is the presence of a right microphone in any configuration connected to the computer. Sound notifications sent by you are stored on the servers, and the addressee can listen to them at any moment.

Method 1: Update the site

Try to send an audio message to your friend on the site of Odnoklassniki. For whom it is necessary to vikonati a sprat of simple diy.

  1. We go to the site, log in, turn on the microphone, on top panel site click on the icon "Information".
  2. Vіknі "Information" in the left column we know a coristuvacha, who needs to send an audio message. You can speed up a row of jokes. Kіlkom LFM on the avatar of the future addressee.
  3. At the lower right part of the window for dialogues, there is a small icon from the image of a violin "Additions". Let's push yoga.
  4. At the menu click on "Audio pop".
  5. The system can be prompted to install or update Adobe version flash player. We'll be sure to wait.
  6. When the player is installed, respect is given to the proponated add-on anti-virus software and checkboxes are taken in the fields, as it is not necessary.
  7. Adobe Flash Player updated. It appears on the screen at the end of the player. Allow the program to access the camera and microphone by checking the boxes "Permit","Memory" and pressing "Close".
  8. The player changes the practicality of the microphone. If everything is in order, then we press "Continue".
  9. Started recording. The trivality of one participant is surrounded by three whilins. To complete, press the button "Stop".
  10. Now you can send a sound sheet to the addressee by selecting the button "Repair".
  11. on deposit "Information" check the result. Audiopovіdlennya succesfuly corrected!

Option 2: Mobile App

AT mobile supplements for gadgets it is also possible to send audio messages to other participants. It's easier to find it, lower on the site.

Also, as we have installed, you can easily correct audio messages to other participants in the Odnoklassniki social network on the site and in add-ons for Android and iOS. Ale, remember that "the word is not a humpbacked dog, to fly - you don’t get it."