Computer presentation file system. Presentation from computer science on the topic "file and file system." File system. Clusters

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

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File and file system A file is an organized collection of data that occupies a named memory area for external information storage. The file is a logical unit of storing information and is processed as a single unit during the processing process. Filename = Ownername. Extension (file type) In the Windows operating system, the file name can be no more than 255 characters (in the file name there can be Latin and Russian letters, spaces, dashes, the symbol of the chair, a dot, a sign and a name other symbols). As a rule, file extensions are not displayed in Windows. File type Extension Wikonian files (programs, programs) exe, com Text files doc, txt, docx Graphic files bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif Sound files wav, mp3 Video files avi, mov, mp4, mpg Code programs in language programming pas, bas , html, js

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Attach the file names on the Windows system: text.txt, sample.doc, document.docx, film.avi, ghfd.exe, index.html, excel.exe, foto.jpg,, video .avi.exe, table.xls, The rules for recording file names in other operating systems may vary depending on the application. File. File extension (type) File type Extension Vikonani files (programs, programs) exe, com Archive files zip, rar, 7z Text files doc, txt, docx PowerPoint files ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx Files Excel xls, xls, gif Sound files wav, mp3, mid Video files avi, mov, mp4, mpg WEB-stories htm, html Program codes pas, bas, js

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File. Name and extension (type) of the file Attach the file names in the Windows system: text.txt, sample.doc, document.docx, film.avi, ghfd.exe, index.html, excel.exe, foto. jpg,, video.avi.exe, table.xls, If your system has file extension display enabled, and the file extension is visible in the file name, then this, more than anything, is a Trojan virus! File type Extension Wikonian files (programs, programs) exe, com Archives zip, rar, 7z Text files doc, txt, docx PowerPoint files ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx Excel files xls, xlsx Graphic files bmp,png,jpg, jpg,mid Video files avi ,mov,mp4, mpg WEB-stories htm, html Kodi programs in MOV programming pas,bas,js

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File. Directories, file attributes Information about files located on external media is stored in directories. In addition to the name of the file (and its type), other information about the file is recorded in the catalog (file size, date and time of creation, location saved on disk, etc.), as well as a set of attributes (authorities) for the file, for example treasure: “more than enough reading” ( read only) – a file available for the OS and add-ons that do not need to be read, then. No one can save corrections. “hidden” - the file is not visible when you first look at the folders; to display the file you need to change the folder display settings. “system” - files are added to the OS system files, which cannot be changed or deleted. "archive" - ​​the attribute indicates to archiving programs the files designated for backup.

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File. Installing file attributes To install (remove) file attributes, you need to right-click on the file to open the context menu. Then select the Power menu item. At the bottom of the Power window, set (unset) file attributes. To install (remove) other attributes, click the Additional button. Windows 7 Windows XP

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File. Operations with files When working on a computer, you most often have to delete the following operations with files: copying - when deleted, this operation physically creates a new file and a new record in the file system; relocation - at the end of this operation, the file is physically lost on the disk to a large amount of space, and is changed to its “address” on the file system; deleted – the file is physically deleted from the disk (moved to the Cat folder), and the record about it is deleted from the file system; renaming - the name of the file in the file system is changed, and the file itself becomes permanent; Creation - most often files are created programmatically: automatically, saving the information entered into that program, or the file can be created in the selected directory. You can perform operations with files directly using the additional graphical interface of the operating system (context menu), as well as using additional specialized add-ons - various file managers: the Explorer program, Total Commander, Far, Windows Commander and many others. others

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File. Search and sort files. Mask. When working on a computer, it is often necessary to know (see) a group of files of the same type (for copying, moving, deleting, rearranging, etc.). When searching for (seeing) files, you can use name masks or wildcards. Searching for masks is also easy because you don’t remember exactly the name of the file you need to know. In masks containing “primary” symbols, you can substitute the symbol “?” (means one symbol) and the symbol “*” (means the number or number of symbols). Also, to search for all documents with extensions.doc, you can enter the following combination in the search row: *.doc. Mask???.jpg - means that there are three symbols in the name of the graphic file. As a result of searching behind such a mask, all graphic files of the jpg type with three or more symbols will be visible. To search for files based on a given parameter (name, type, size, date the file was created, etc.), you can also sort files (by age-change) in any file manager.

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File. Search and sort files. To search for files based on a given parameter (name, type, size, date the file was created, etc.), you can also sort files (by age-change) in any file manager in Table mode. Sorting by date (by age) Sorting by size (by space)

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File system The file system is a functional part of the OS that organizes work with files, saves data on external devices and exchanges data between external devices. The file system device is stored in the operating system installed on the computer. Windows OS can work with FAT and NTFS file systems.

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File system. The hard disk consists of tracks, which are divided into sectors. A cluster is a minimally addressing block of disk memory for writing/reading data on a disk drive (hard drive). A cluster can occupy one or more sectors. The numbers of occupied clusters indicate the “coordinate” of the file for the OS. All files on the disk always have a size that is a multiple of the cluster size. Even the smallest file cannot occupy a disk space smaller than the cluster.

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File system. Clusters The size of the cluster depends on the type of file system being used - 512 bytes - 64 KB. Clusters are numbered in linear order - from the first cluster of the zero track to the last cluster of the remaining track. The file system organizes clusters of files and directories (a directory is a file that contains a list of files in a given directory). The file system supports the clusters: - cluster; bad-cluster, for whatever reason it is no longer possible to vikorist; activity cluster be-what-a-file; remaining cluster file; "reservations" cluster. On an unallocated disk, files are written sequentially to each cluster. After the files are deleted, the clusters are reactivated. Further files are written to several different clusters, which often leads to fragmentation of files and increased reading of them (parts of the file are stored in separate clusters).

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File system. Clusters An example of file fragmentation. Since hundreds of thousands of files can be stored on a disk in millions of clusters, the fragmentation of files that occurs during active work (recording of deleted files), we therefore improve access to files and reduce their wear disk - the magnetic heads have to gradually move from track to track . To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to periodically defragment the disk.

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File system. FAT-16, FAT-32. File system FAT (File Allocation Table - "File Allocation Table"). The simplified structure of the “Root Directory” database can be represented in the form of a table: The “Root Directory” DB is a database that stores information about files and folders on the disk.

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File system. FAT-16, FAT-32. File system FAT (File Allocation Table - "File Allocation Table"). The “FAT Elements” database contains information about disk clusters. In simple terms, the structure of this database can be represented as follows:

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File system. FAT-16. The FAT-16 file system has 16 bits of cluster address storage. 216 = 65536 clusters. Max. The cluster data is 64 KB, the sector data is 512 bytes, and therefore it is impossible to transfer 128 sectors (65,536: 512 = 128). 64 KB × 65,536 clusters = 4194304 KB = 4 GB, so FAT-16 cannot be used for media larger than 4 GB! Disadvantages of the FAT16 file system: disk space and file size; changing the file name; fragmentation of files, which leads to a decrease in speed code and loss of data; waste of disk memory caused by the large size of the cluster.

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File system. FAT-32. The FAT-32 file system has 32 bits for storing the cluster address. 232 = 4294967296 clusters. The default cluster volume is 4 KB. 4 KB × 4294967296 clusters = 16384 GB = 16 TB, a FAT-32 volume can be used for storage media up to 16 TB! Disadvantages of the FAT32 file system: The FAT32 file system has been removed from the size of the name and the size of the root directory, otherwise other boundaries under FAT are no longer subject to the size of the file; fragmentation of files, which leads to a decrease in speed code and loss of data; waste of disk memory caused by the large size of the cluster.

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File system. NTFS. The NTFS (New Technology File System) file system supports cluster sizes ranging from 512 bytes to 64 KB, and also supports a cluster size of 4 KB. The NTFS file system, compared to FAT-32, has greater reliability and efficiency in terms of disk space. To increase reliability, NTFS has a journaling system - before actual changes are made to the file system, a list of these changes is saved in a special part of the file system, which is called the “journal” or “log”. The update system allows you to update the robot operating system after critical errors. In the NTFS file system, all files are divided by size into the following categories:

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Most of the features of NTFS stem from the fact that the file system was designed as a highly reliable system. NTFS, like FAT, distributes the file space in clusters, and the cluster addressing is assigned to the 64th bit, and not 32. All elements of the partition, including services, are considered in NTFS as files with the same set of attributes. Files containing service information are called metadata files or metafiles. Before such a file there is a master file table (MFT, Master File Table). The little one shows the logical structure of a partition of the NTFS file system. Vantage sector Copy of the vantage sector MFT Clusters of data files Copy MFT (not full)

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Other file systems Ext3 and ReiserFs are journal file systems for the Unix operating system. HFS is a journal file system for the Mac OS operating system. CDFS is a file system for optical CDs and DVDs. UDF is a file system for optical CD-RW and DVD-RW discs that can be rewritten.

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File system. Preparing a hard drive for robots. The new hard drive cannot be used to save information or install programs. You need to create partitions (volumes) on the disk and start the process of formatting (partitioning) the disk. You can create one or more partitions (logical drives) on one physical storage device. Logical drives are assigned the type of great letter of the Latin alphabet (C:, D:, E:, etc.). Formatting is the creation of a logical disk structure based on a file system. Partitions on one physical device can be formatted with different file systems, and different operating systems can be installed on one physical device. When the operating system is installed on a new disk, the procedure for creating partitions and formatting the disk follows the same rules as the installation disk. When an additional disk is inserted, the creation of partitions and formatting of the disk is determined by the operating system.

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File system. Hierarchical. In a hierarchical file system, the formatting process creates a root directory. This can be saved as files and other lower-level directories, called subdirectories or subdirectories. In the Windows operating system, subdirectories are usually called folders. Drive C: Directories organized in a rich hierarchical structure are also called a directory tree. The skin catalogue, as well as the root catalogue, is one single “Father’s” catalogue, in the middle of which there is one.

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File system. Hierarchical. To find the required file in the hierarchical structure, you must specify the path to the file. To do this, you need to indicate the logical name of the disk on which the file is saved, and then, using the \ sign, indicate sequentially all the subdirectories, nested one within the other, where the remaining one will be the subdirectory in which the file was transferred. For example, in most hierarchies the path to file 1.txt is written as D:\Doc\, and the path to the tetris.exe file is written as D:\Games\Tetris\. If the path to the file and its name is specified, then this construction is called the next file name. So, outside the file tetris.exe there is D: Games Tetris tetris.exe.

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File system. Hierarchical. For Windows, you can use the root directory to enter the “Desktop” folder, which includes the “My Computer”, “Koshik” and “Merezheve Otchenya” subdirectories. These subdirectories have standard names and serve for other purposes. In the “My Computer” folder, the subdirectories contain all drives that are on your computer. The Merezheve folder specifically contains the folders of all computers that are currently connected to the local network and that can be accessed from the computer. The "Koshik" folder instantly saves all deleted folders and files on your computer.

Lesson topic: File and file system


All programs and data are saved in the long-line memory of the computer in the form of files.

The file is a program or data that is stored in long-line memory.

File name

The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot:

Stock: Tvir. doc

File name

The file name can include up to 255 characters (you can use the Russian alphabet), which requires 3-4 characters to be entered under the extension.

File type: Expansion:

Text files txt, rtf, doc

Graphic files bmp, gif, jpg, png

Sound files wav, mp3, midi, kar

File system

A large number of files can be stored on a storage device (small, hard or laser disk).

The order in which files are saved on the disk is determined by the installed file system.

A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

For disks with a small number of files (up to tens of files), manually create a peer file system if the directory (disk space) has a linear sequence of file names. To search for a file on disk, you only need to enter the file name.

Since hundreds and thousands of files are saved on the disk, then for ease of search, the files are organized into a rich hierarchical file system, which is a system of nested folders (most often, instead of directories, the concept of “folder”) Each folder can save lower-level folders, as well as files.

Way to file

To find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file begins with the logical name of the disk (A, B - hard disks, C, D, E, etc. - hard and optical disks.), Then the sequence of names of attachments is recorded one in one folder, in the remaining ones there are Ibny file. The names of the drive and folders are recorded through the separator « \ »

E: \8 class \ 8 A class \ F.I. \ - let's go to the file

E: \8 class \ 8A class \ F.I. \ Ese. doc - outside the file name

Find the route to the file outside the file name

Games with files

With the help of special programs - file managers - you can perform the following operations on files:

  • copying;
  • displacement;
  • visionary;
  • renamed

For additional help with the programs, win.rar you can work

  • archiving files.


  • Schwidke (cleaning is not enough); Povne
  • Schwidke (cleaning is not enough);
  • Povne (painting paths and distributing them into sectors).

Defragmentation .

Check the correctness of your assumptions!

C:\My Documents\Ivanov\ QBasic . exe

C:\My Documents\Petrov\List. txt

C:\My documents\Petriv\Malyunki \ Sea. bmp

C: Films Tsikavyi film. avi

Zavdannya z DIA - 9

In this case, you will save the work1.doc file. After a new subdirectory was created in this directory and the work1.doc file was moved from the created subdirectory, the name outside the file became C:\

What was the name of the file before it was moved?

  • C:\document\9class\work1.doc work1.doc C:\document\work1.doc document\9class\math\work1.doc
  • C:\document\9class\work1.doc
  • work1.doc
  • C:\document\work1.doc
  • document\9class\math\work1.doc

Home improvement

§ 2.3, ex. 2.3 – 2.6, side. 50 – 58

Slide 1

Files and file system Software [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 2

What is this file? All programs and data are saved in the long-line (external) memory of the computer in the form of files. A file is a chain of information (program or data) that is stored in long-line (external) memory. [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 3

File name The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: the file name and the extension, which means its type (program, etc.). The owner of the file name is given by the user, and the file type is specified automatically by the program at the time of creation. Example: proba.txt Units in the world of information.doc [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 4

Ugoda 8.3 Before the advent of the Windows 95 operating system, most IBM PC computers ran the MS-DOS operating system, which had even the same rules for naming files. These rules are called pleasing 8.3. According to 8.3, the file name can be composed of two parts, separated by a dot. The first part can last up to 8 characters, and the other part (after the dot) can last up to 3 characters. The other part that comes after the mark is called the extended name. When writing a file name, you can select only the English alphabet and numbers. It begins with the letter. Spaces and division marks are not allowed, except for the hail sign (!), tilde (~) and the slash symbol (_). [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 5

Long file names After the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system, file names became significantly softer. This applies to all current versions of Windows operating systems. 1. You are allowed to type up to 255 characters. 2. It is allowed to use symbols of national alphabets, including the Russian one. 3. It is allowed to select spaces and other previously blocked characters, following the next nine: /\:*?"|. 4. You can select a number of dots in the file name. Extended names are respected by all the characters that stand behind the remaining dot. [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 6

Slide 7

File system A large number of files can be stored on a storage device (small, hard or laser disk). The order in which files are saved on the disk is determined by the installed file system. A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories. [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 8

Peer-to-peer file system For disks with a small number of files (up to a few dozen), it is easy to manually create a peer-to-peer file system if the directory (disk space) has a linear sequence of file names. To search for a file on disk, you only need to enter the file name. [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 9

Rich hierarchical file system Since hundreds and thousands of files are saved on the disk, for ease of search, the files are organized into a rich hierarchical file system, which has a “tree-like” structure (it looks like an inverted tree). [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 10

Path to file To find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify path to file. The paths to the file include entries through the "\" separator, the logical name of the disk and the sequence of names of the attachments of one directory, the rest of which contains the necessary file. C:\Abstract\ C:\Abstract\Physics\ C:\Abstract\Informatics\ C:\Malyunki\ [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 11

Above the file name The path to the file at once from the file name is called above the file name. C:\Abstract\Physics\Optical Sciences.doc C:\Abstract\Informatics\Internet.doc C:\Abstract\Informatics\Computer Viruses.doc C:\Malyunki\Zakhid.jpg C:\Malyunki\ Winter.jpg [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 12

Folder In the Windows operating system, instead of directories, the concept of folder is used. Folder is a Windows object for combining files and other folders in a group. There is a broader concept of folders, and a lower concept of “directory”. Windows places the Desktop folder at the top of the folder hierarchy. (The new range of views of the My Computer, Koshyk and Merezheve folders (as the computer is connected to a local network). [email protected] Computer science at school

Slide 13

Slide 14

Standard actions with files Such actions with files, such as “create”, “save”, “close”, can only be entered in application programs (“Notepad”, “Paint”, ...). The actions “open”, “rename”, “move”, “copy”, “view” can be saved in the system middle. [email protected] Computer science at school

GOAU SPO YAO Yaroslavl technical school for hotel and housekeeping services

Files. File system.

Informatics Wikladach:

Grigor'eva E.S.

File - the entire amount of information (program or data) that it contains is stored in long-line (external) memory.

File name


Name the file


File type



Text files

Graphic files

bmp, gif, jpg and in.

Sound files

Video files

Programming movami programming

bas, pas and in.

File types

original files

file directories



special files

  • copy(A copy of the file will be placed in another directory);
  • displacement(the file itself is moved to another directory);
  • vidalnya(The file entry appears in the directory);
  • rename(The file name is changed).

File. Directories, file attributes

3. "system"(system) – files are added to the OS system files, as they cannot be changed or deleted.

4. "archive"(archive) – the attribute indicates to archiving programs the files that are intended for backup.

1. "only for reading"(read only) – the file of available OS and add-ons cannot be read, then. No one can save corrections.

2. "greetings"(hidden) – the file is not visible when you first view the folders; to display the file, you need to change the folder display settings.

Windows 7

Windows XP

File. Installed file attributes

To set (remove) attributes to a file, you need to right-click to open the context menu. Then select the Power menu item. At the bottom of the Power window, set (unset) file attributes. To install (remove) other attributes, click the Additional button.

File. Search and sort files. Mask.

When searching for (seeing) files, you can quickly access name masks, or wildcard characters. For masks with “primary” symbols, you can use the symbol “ ? " (means one symbol) and the symbol " * "(means the number or variety of symbols).

*. doc

To search for all documents from extensions .doc

All graphic files of the type will be found .jpg with three symbols.

This means that the mask matches the file names: ?hel*lo.c?*

  • hello.c
  • hello.cpp
  • hhelolo.cpp
  • hhelolo.c

File system - This is a system for saving files and organizing directories.

Single-level file system

File name

Cob sector number




The path to file 1.txt is written as D:\Doc\

Outside the file name


Go to the tetris.exe file D:\Games\Tetris\

Outside the file name D:\Games\Tetris\tetris.exe .

File system. Clusters

All files on the disk regardless of your obligations The size is a multiple of the cluster size. Even the smallest file cannot occupy a disk space smaller than the cluster.

Cluster– this involves minimally addressing a block of disk memory for writing/reading data on a disk drive (hard drive).

The process of splitting a file into small fragments before writing it to disk is called fragmentation .

If there are a lot of fragmented files on the disk, the readability of the device will be affected.

Since hundreds of thousands of files can be stored on a disk in millions of clusters, the fragmentation of files that occurs during active work (recording of deleted files), we therefore improve access to files and reduce their wear disk - the magnetic heads have to gradually move from track to track .

Defragmentation- the process of updating and optimizing the logical structure of a disk partition to ensure that files are saved in a continuous sequence of clusters.

After defragmentation, the reading and writing of files, and therefore the operation of programs, will speed up.

To eliminate the problem of fragmentation, defragmentation programs are developed, the principle of which is to “collect” the skin file from its fragments.

The downside to such programs is that they work very hard - the defragmentation process usually takes many hours (up to several years).

VIEW THE REQUIRED DISK: click the right mouse button to select the context menu - power;" width="640"

U Windows є utility has been created Disk defragmentation

Click on MY COMPUTER - VIEW the required disk:

Click the right mouse button to select the context menu - power;

  • In the dialog box of power, open the service tab;
  • In the Disk Defragmentation section, press the Disk Defragmentation button...;
  • In the disk defragmentation window, click the defragmentation button;
  • make sure the defragmentation process is complete

Setup – Computer panel – Administration – Computer management – ​​Disk defragmentation – see required disk – Defragmentation." width="640"

You can run defragmentation in another way:

Start – Setup – Computer panel – Administration – Computer management – ​​Disk defragmentation – see required disk - Defragmentation .

4. Depending on the size of the disk, the level of file fragmentation for defragmentation may be needed for up to several years.

5. Although in today's operating systems you don't have to interrupt your work with the computer during the time of defragmentation, still, during the hour of defragmentation, you don't have to do anything else on the PC. Therefore, it is best to manually run defragmentation when the PC is idle for an hour, for example, at night.


1. It is important to defragment the disk at least once a month.

2. Defragmentation not only improves the productivity and speed of the PC, but also allows you to extend the service life of your hard drive.

3. Before defragmentation, you should check the disk.

File system FAT (File Allocation Table- "File allocation table").

File system. FAT-16, FAT-32 .

The “Root Directory” database is a database that stores information about files and folders located on the disk.

File system. FAT-16, FAT-32.

The “FAT Elements” database contains information about disk clusters.

File system. FAT-16 .

On the file system FAT-16 16 bits of cluster address storage are visible.

2 16 = 65536 clusters.

Max. Cluster volume is 64 KB, sector volume is 512 bytes.

The cluster cannot be overridden by 128 sectors 65536: 512 = 128 bytes

64 KB × 65,536 clusters =

4194304 KB = 4 GB,

FAT-16 cannot be modified for devices larger than 4 GB!

Shortcomings of the FAT16 file system:

1. disk size and file size;

2. changing the file name;

fragmentation of files, which leads to a decrease in speed code and loss of data;

File system. FAT-32.

On the file system FAT-32 There are 32 bits for saving the cluster address.

2 32 = 4294967296 clusters.

The default cluster volume is 4 KB.

4 KB × 4294967296 clusters = 16384 GB = 16 TB,

FAT-32 can be used for media storage up to 16 TB!

Shortcomings of the FAT32 file system:

1. For the FAT32 file system, the demarcation of the name and size of the root directory has been removed, otherwise the demarcation power of FAT will no longer be valid

change file size;

2. fragmentation of files, which leads to a decrease in the speed code and loss of ownership;

3. wasting disk memory, resulting in large cluster sizes.

File system. NTFS.

File system NTFS(New Technology File System – “a file system based on new technology”) supports cluster sizes ranging from 512 bytes to 64 KB, and also a 4 KB cluster.

The NTFS file system, compared to FAT-32, has greater reliability and efficiency in terms of disk space.

The file system is NTFS

all files are shared

beyond the size of the advance

NTFS uses a vikoryst system to increase reliability journaling– before actual changes are made to the file system, a list of these changes is saved in a special part of the file system called the “journal” or “log”.

The update system allows you to update the robot operating system after critical errors.

File system. Preparing a hard drive for robots.

The new hard drive cannot be used to save information or install programs.

It is necessary to create a copy on the disk separated (tomy) Start the process of formatting the disk.

You can create one or more partitions (logical drives) on one physical storage device.

Logical drives are assigned the type of great letter of the Latin alphabet (C:, D:, E:, etc.).

Format– creation of a logical disk structure up to a single file system. Partitions on one physical device can be formatted with different file systems, and different operating systems can be installed on one physical device.

When the operating system is installed on a new disk, the procedure for creating partitions and formatting the disk follows the same rules as the installation disk.

When an additional disk is inserted, the creation of partitions and formatting of the disk is determined by the operating system.

What is this file?

  • All programs and data are saved in the long-line (external) memory of the computer in the form of files.
  • File- the entire amount of information (program or data) that it contains is stored in long-line (external) memory.
File name
  • The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: File nameі expansion What does this type mean (program, data, etc.).
  • The owner of the file name is given by the user, and the file type is specified automatically by the program at the time of creation.
  • Butt:
  • proba.txt
  • One world of information.doc
Ugoda 8.3
  • Before the advent of the Windows 95 operating system, most IBM PCs ran the MS-DOS operating system, which had the same rules for naming files. What are the rules? please 8.3
  • After 8.3, file names can be composed of two parts separated by a dot. The first part can last up to 8 characters, and the other part (after the dot) can last up to 3 characters. The other part that comes after the mark is called the extended name.
  • When writing a file name, you can select only the English alphabet and numbers. It begins with the letter. Spaces and division marks are not allowed, except for the hail sign (!), tilde (~) and the slash symbol (_).
Long file names
  • After the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system, file names became significantly softer. This applies to all current versions of Windows operating systems.
  • 1. You are allowed to type up to 255 characters.
  • 2. It is allowed to use symbols of national alphabets, including the Russian one.
  • 3. It is allowed to vikorize spaces and other previously protected characters, behind the culprit of the next nine: /\:*?”<>|.
  • 4. You can add a dot to the file name. Extended names take into account all characters that appear after the remaining dot.
File system
  • A large number of files can be stored on a storage device (small, hard or laser disk). The order in which files are saved on the disk is determined by the installed file system.
  • File system- This is a system for saving files and organizing directories.
Single-level file system
  • For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen), manually seal peer file system, if the directory (disk space) has a linear sequence of file names. To search for a file on disk, you only need to enter the file name.
Bagatory hierarchical file system
  • Since hundreds and thousands of files are saved on the disk, then to make searching easier, the files are organized into rich hierarchical file system, which has a “tree-like” structure (it looks like an inverted tree).
Way to file
  • To find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The paths to the file include entries through the "\" separator, the logical name of the disk and the sequence of names of the attachments of one directory, the rest of which contains the necessary file.
  • C:\Abstract\
  • C:\Abstract\Physics\
  • C:\Abstract\Informatics\
  • C:\Malyunki\
Outside the file name
  • Directions to the file at once from the name of the file Rename the file.
  • C:\Abstract\Physics\Optical fields.doc
  • C:\Abstract\Informatics\Internet.doc
  • C:\Abstract\Informatics\Computer viruses.doc
  • C:\Malyunki\Zakhid.jpg
  • C:\Malyunki\Winter.jpg
  • In Windows, instead of directories, the concept of “folder” is used.
  • Folder– this Windows object is used for combining files and other folders in a group.
  • There is a broader concept of folders, and a lower concept of “directory”. Windows places the Desktop folder at the top of the folder hierarchy. (The new range of views of the My Computer, Koshyk and Merezheve folders (as the computer is connected to a local network).
Windows folder hierarchies Standard file activities
  • Such actions with files, such as “create”, “save”, “close”, can only be accessed in application programs (“Notepad”, “Paint”, ...).
  • The actions “open”, “rename”, “move”, “copy”, “view” can be saved in the system middle.
Operations with files and folders
  • Copy (a copy of the file is placed in another directory);
  • Moving (the file itself is moved to another directory);
  • Vidalennya (the record about the file is visible in the directory);
  • Renaming (the file name is changed).
Write down the new names of all files Write down the new names of all files
  • C:\My Documents\Ivaniv\QBasic.doc
  • C:\My Documents\Petriv\List.txt
  • C:\My Documents\Petriv\Malyunki\More.bmp
  • C:\Movies\Cikavy film.avi
Create a directory tree
  • C:\Malyunki\Nature\Sky.bmp
  • C:\Malyunki\Nature\Snow.bmp
  • C:\My Documents\Dopovid.doc
Create a directory tree
  • C:\Malyunki\Nature\Sky.bmp
  • C:\Malyunki\Nature\Snow.bmp
  • C:\Malyunki\Computer\Monitor.bmp
  • C:\My Documents\Dopovid.doc