Yaki є commodity groups. Commodity classification of goods

Commodity research of goods of the same groups

Lecture notes

Part 2 "Commodity recognition of non-food products"


Stacker: Marchenko I.S. Commodity research of goods of the same groups: lecture notes, part 2. - Murmansk: MSTU, 2016. -

Summary of lectures for direct preparations for direct 38.03.06 (100700.62) “Trading on the right” and 38.03.07 (100800.62) “Commodity science” is valid until the initial plans for _____________ and working programs, approved by ______________ r

Reviewer: Bayukova N.P., Associate Professor, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics, Management and Law

The abstract of the lectures was reviewed at the meetings of the Department of Economics, the Institute of Economics, Management and Law and recommendations before being seen in the initial process.

Minutes of the meeting of the department in the form "___" ___________ 2015

Head Department ______________________ V.M. Kuzmenko

© Murmansk State Technical University, 2016

Entry …………………………………………………………………
Rozdіl 1. Theoretical foundations of commodity knowledge and expertise of non-food products
Lecture 1. Commodity trade classification; specificity of the assortment policy of non-food products
Lecture 2 technological life cycle of non-food products
Lecture 3. Fundamentals of expertise of non-food products
Rozdіl 2. Commodity science and expertise of okremikh groups of non-food products
Lecture 4. Varieties of plastic masses: classification, characteristics of the assortment, increase in strength, packing, marking, transporting and saving. quality expertise
Lecture #5 quality expertise

Partition 1

Theoretical foundations of commodity knowledge and expertise

non-food products

lecture 1

Commodity and trade classification;

Features of assortment policy

non-food products

Non-food products- all products of the manufacturing process, recognized for sale to the masses or subjects of state activity, but not for the purpose of living them in a human being and (or) representatives of the creaturely world. Designated data in GOST R 51121-97 “Non-food products. Information for the helper. Zagalni vimogi".

Non-food products are satisfied with the most varied consumption - in the form of a variety of items in special hygiene to folding industrial equipment, automobiles and other. The stench is recognized for the zahistu of a person in the form of an unfriendly infusion of a navkolishny middle ground on a person, as well as for the creation of prosperity, comfort, security of life and practicality, the development of rozumovyh zdіbnosti, dozvіllya that іn.

Merchandising of non-food products is a discipline, the subject of which is the preservation of the variety of non-food products , so that their building is satisfied with special and social needs. Spozhivcha vartіst goods showє, naskіlki vіn zavdjaki svoїm spozhivchim vlastovistam satisfiedє kontrabі purchase.

meta disciplines- Vivchennya spozhivchih authorities of non-food products and їkh zberezhennya at all stages of the movement of goods in іd mіscya їkh vyrobnitstva to kіntsevogo spozhivacha.

Principles of commodity knowledge of non-food products: security, efficiency, summation, interchangeability and systematization.

Bezpeka- the presence of an unacceptable risk, connected with the possibility of being inflicted by the goods, or by the service of shkodi life, the health of that mass of people. The principle of safety is responsible for the care and attention of the processes of packaging, transportation, storage, pre-sale preparation of goods before sale. Bezpeka є the fundamental principle of commodity knowledge and one hour at a time one of the obov'yazkovyh spozhivchih power goods.

efficiency- the principle, which helps to achieve the optimal result in the process of manufacturing, packaging, saving, selling and saving goods at minimum costs.

madness - attachment of goods, processes, or services to a sleepy victoria, which does not result in unimportant nasledkiv.

interchangeability - attaching one product to the vicariance of replacing another with the satisfaction of one and the same needs. Mutual substitution of goods will create competition between them. Perevaga vіddaєtsya goods, scho maє naykrasche spіvvіdnoshnennia cіni і yakostі.

systematization- the principle that establishes the same sequence of similar and mutually related goods, processes and services. Classification, identification, identification, coding and other methods of commodity knowledge are based on this basis.

Even more often in the literature devoted to the commodity knowledge of goods, non-food goods are called industrial goods. Dane understand є morally old.

The range of non-food products available in Denmark is more than 30 thousand items in stock. Wines include goods of the state's recognition, those goods, recognized for the creation of comfort, the calm of the people, the development of the pink activity. The main assortment of non-food products is constantly expanding under the influence of scientific and technical progress: new products are being introduced, and old and morally outdated ones go to the market.

assortment policy- the purpose of managing the commodity mass and the assortment of goods, as well as the main names, the ability and the main ones directly, formulated by the main core of the organization of trade in the region of the assortment. The leader of the company is in that, in order to increase the commodity resources with market demand, expand and maintain such a policy, as a way of accommodating the introduction of goods to the market and increasing their sales.

Meta organization of trade in the field of assortment management - molding the real and / or the predicted assortment, as close as possible to the rational one, for satisfying various needs and canceling the planned profit margin.

Assortment policy of trade enterprises is driven by the current market dynamics, purchasing power, competition strategy, growth rate and renewal of non-food products, bringing them to a slower pace. Assortment policy is not in violation of the strategy of business, it is out loud, it is considered to be a wild development and goals. This is the responsibility of the enterprise, which depends on its competitive strategy, but the document that establishes its assortment policy. incandescent camp of speeches about the assortment policy - the basis for further work with the assortment.

When expanding the assortment policy of the trade enterprise, it is necessary:

Expand the strategy of entrepreneurship;

Decide on the number and manager of assortment management;

Reveal the factors of the zovn_shny middle ground, which roar influx into the assortment of goods and their sales;

Signify the health market and health care;

Vivchiti analysis drink on goods;

Designate the structure of the assortment with an orientation to drink, proposition and a segment of comfort.

An even more important role in the formation of the assortment of goods, the appearance of their sales in the class of classification and the system of classification adopted in a particular trade enterprise.

Classification- the last rozpodil many objects on the okremi class, group, see and іnshі pіdrozdіli according to the most important signs. In a wide sense, the words under the classification understand the process setting the characteristics of systematized groups. The classification is also called the result of an ordered distribution of objects of a given multiplier on the same category according to the most significant characteristic signs, and classification system rozumіyut sukupnіst rules rozpodіlu ob'ektіv predetermined multiplier by submultiple. Removal at which rozpodіlі pіdmnozhini naming classification groups . For example, dishes - tse bezlіch; steel or aluminum utensils - ce submultiple, and the material from which these utensils are made is one of the classifier signs of this utensil.

Head of classification of non-food products:

Think for the planning of the appearance of goods, the folding of applications and the development in trade;

Spryannya rational organization of trade;

Polіpshennya vyvchennya spozhivchih authorities odnorodnyh grupovіv;

Revealing the group characteristics of the quality of the goods, molding the hard ones before them;

Rozrobka zagalnih methods of testing, as well as organizing control over the quality of goods;

Evaluation of the totality of the skin classification line, assigned directly to the development of the assortment;

Implementation of automated control systems (ACS);

Organization of rational collection of goods.

It seems that the comrades can use singing signs, for the help of some of them it is possible to identify and classify on a stand and clearly differentiate grouping. Zavdyaki komu can work visnovki about the power of the product, without going to the test, estimating the quality and perevіrki їх yakostі in the processes of virobnictva, purchasing and selling, exploitation.

One of the main methods of classification is the hierarchical method. Vivchayuchi comrades, you can see that the stench is a collection of similar loneliness with singing blatant signs. So similar to each other, commodity singles are clearly distinguished from other similar ones and are called species in the classification.

Product typeє the main classificatory unity and is a classificatory unity, which can be recognized as the main one and has a good name. Zgіdno z tsim appointments, the first umovy vіdnesennya goods to the point of completion of virobnitstva, and the other umovy - yogo recognition. Pairing of views among themselves shows that stinks can be combined into groupings of a higher order, ranks of subgroups, groups, subclasses, classes, etc. Thus, roztashuvannya klassifikatsionnykh odiny in vyskhіdniy row, supidryadny mіzh itself, call the ієarkhіchіchіchіchі method ієklаfikatsiї.

Signs of classification are divided into main and specific. The basis of the classification can be based on various basic signs, in the fallowing in the power of the comrades, in the ways of their cultivation, in the minds of the mind / exploitation.

recognition of goodsє nayvazhlivіshoy sign, so yak vіn vyznaє meta zastosuvannya whether it be a product (for example, clothes for recognition pіdrozdіlyaєsya on casual, model, home, sports, virobnichu).

Razrіznyayut goods of general technical recognition and goods of national economy.

At their own discretion, goods of industrial and technical recognition in fallowness and peculiarities of their choice are subdivided into the production of work (layouts, machines, installation and other) and work items (sirovina, basic and additional materials).

Vihіdnі materials for virobnitstvа є zagalnyuyuchim for rich goods (for example, metal utensils).

Manufacturing processes - for example, vzuttya may be mechanical and manual way of preparation; physical and chemical power; construction (for example, frame and shield furniture).

Gender and age recognition - according to the sign, it can be divided into a person and a woman, a girl, school for girls, for boys, a school for a nursery, booties.

The model is one of the design solutions of a variety or an original version of its design (Kodak camera, Polaroid, FED).

The style of a sewing or knitted sweater is distinguished by three ostentatious ones: the shape of a sweatshirt (suvora is either classic, sporty, fantasy); a silhouette of a dress (adjacent, semi-adjacent, free or straight); edge of details.

Ozdoblennya virobi - for example, dishes according to the type of processing are subdivided into the steps of classification: in the fallage, according to the coating material - galvanized, enameling or ludzhena utensils; in staleness in the form of surface finishing - polished or unpolished dishes; in staleness in the form of embellishment - painting, decal, stamp, signet.

Razmіrnі pokazniki - rozpodіl for tsієyu signs vіdbuvaєtsya z urakhuvannyam such parametrіv, like form, obliga and weight. Rozmir dress is defined by the semi-girth of the toe-bag on the chest, as well as the girth of the stegon (for women) and the girth of the waist (for men).

Victory season - this showcase is victorious in the class of garments, crafty ready-made products, upper garment, Vzuttya that hats. So, for example, according to the season, clothes are subdivided into winter, summer and demi-season, and then - into winter, summer, demi-season and all-season.

Kіlkіst specifіchnih znak, yakі vikoristovuyutsya for klasif_kacії tovarіv, lie in vіd skladnostі product, meti і glibini carried out ї klasifіkacії.

For example, music products are classified according to the way they sound on plucked, smoky, percussion keys, and perfumes, toilet water, deodorant and sprays - according to the type of smell on musky, floral, fantasy, skhіdnі, vanilla, fruity, with the smell of freshness and іn.

Іsnuє kіlka rіznіh klаsifіkatsіy nоfood commodіvіv. Zokrema, classification behind the curtains of the people's state divide goods into two groups:

Goods of light industry (fabrics, knitwear, jackets, woolen clothes and leatherettes, farm workers and others);

Goods of cultural-button and state recognition (furniture, tools, electrical goods, utensils, cars, motorcycles, toys, sports equipment and others).

For the assortment living goods serve initial classification, as a transfer of their association in a group, they are characterized by a combination of behavior, recognition, resignation of authority and other signs that make the process of education easier. From the initial classification, all non-food products are subdivided into nine classes, class - into groups, groups - into subgroups, subgroups - into vidi, vidi - into articles. Classes of non-food products from the initial classification:

Materials for clothing and piece textiles;

Clothes and headwear;

Goods of cultural pobutu;

Goods of sports recognition;

Transport zasobi osobisty koristuvannya;

Home furnishing items;

Goods of the state butt confession;

Items of sanitary hygiene.

Trade classification may be practically recognized. Vіdpovіdno up to ї razrіznyayut nastupnі grupi non-food products: products from plastic; goods of by-butovoi chemistries; glass goods; ceramic goods; everyday goods; pobutovі electric machines and fittings; textile goods; sewing goods; knitted goods; vzutєvі goods; fur-farmers and sheepskin-fur coats; haberdashery goods; perfumery and cosmetics; jewelry goods and anniversary; goods of cultural recognition.

Also, in the trading practice, non-food products are divided into complexes:

1. government goods: metal goods (tools, dishes and utensils), glassware and ceramic goods (utensils, budmaterials, mineral goods and materials), assorted plastics, butovі khіmіchnі goods (miyuchі, lakofarbovі materials and іn.), furniture pobutova, budmateriali;

2. naphtha and petroleum products;

3. clothing-vzuttєvі: textiles, sewing and knitwear, woolen-vzuttev, fur-farming;

4. perfumery and cosmetic (Parfumery, hygienic and decorative cosmetics);

5. electrical goods (Droti, lighting fittings, machines for cleaning, cleaning, cooking and saving etc.);

6. culturally-pobutovі: folding electronic goods (TV sets, video recorders, photo and film cameras), yearbook, sports equipment, transport equipment, music goods, audio and video cassettes, books, toys, etc.;

7.jewelry goods;

8. haberdashery goods;

9. types of artistic crafts.

Kіlkіsnі and yаkіsnі zmіni, scho vіdbulis on the slow market for the rest of the years, led to the need for a new approach to molding the trade assortment of non-food products. Zam_st commodity-galuzovy principle shaping trade assortment z'yavlya principle yogo shaping on complexes of needs. The most promising in this hour is the classification of goods based on the principle of their early recognition. Similar to the recognized varieties are combined in such similar complexes, indicated in Table 1.

Following the change in the very principle of forming the assortment, changes are made in the future trade measures, in the technology of trade processes, in the methods of selling goods and servicing purchases.

The organization of trade in non-food products in spozhivchih complexes pred'yavlyaє to komersantіv pіdvischenі vimogi.

Organization of trade on the principle of slower complexes - not just changing the grouping of non-food products, but moving trade to a larger high rіven. Such a transition is only possible in the minds of increasing the market with goods and increasing the number of stores and expanding their trading space.

Table 1 - Classification of non-food commodities

Naming the life of the complex Product groups
"People and yoga comfort" Clothes: - sewing; - knitwear; - sly; - fabrics
Vzuttya: - shkiryan; - gumova; - felted; - sports
haberdashery goods
"Vіdpochinok, robot i rozvagi" Transportation
Shkіlno-letters and stationery accessories
other cars
Cultural goods: - radioelectronic equipment; - photo or cinematography; - musical goods
Goods for sports and vіdpochinku: - goods for sports and tourism; - goods for fishing; - goods for bathing
"Hygiene of people" Perfume and cosmetic products: - perfume products; - cosmetic products
"Living, landscaping, repair and individual life" Commodities for landscaping living: - furniture; - kilims and kilims cover; - butovі lamps; - accessories for scorching and supporting the microclimate
Goods for repair and individual bud_vnitstva: - bud_veln_ goods; - installation products; - conductor goods (systems); - tools; - Procurement of butovoi chemistries for cosmetic repairs and living conditions
Goods for keeping an eye on the life and household items and special vzhitla: - goods for cleaning the life; - linen processing machines and accessories; - dishwashers; - sewing and knitting machines
"Home government" Goods for harvesting and preparing food: - fittings for thermal processing of food; - accessories for mechanical and manual processing of grubs; - kitchen utensils; - gospodarska utensils; - refrigerators and freezers; - thermosy and siphon
Items for serving the table: - tableware and accessories; - tableware, tea, kavova
Take care of butovy chemistry for looking after the life, household items and special corystuvannya: - take care of the use of butovo chemistry for looking after the life; - zasobi pobutovoi chemistries to keep an eye on household goods; - make sure of butovoi chemistries on the lookout for virobs of special coristing from textiles, shkiri, replacement shkiri
"Garden, city, special pіdsobne gospodarstvo" Garden and city tool
Zasobi pobutovoi chemistries for keeping an eye on the garden, city and room roslins

Classification for the supportive complexes allows you to carry out marketing follow-up in trade. Doslіdzhennya spozhivchih kompleksіv transferring, from one side, the development of the development of the needs themselves, from the other side - the development of specific forms and zasobіv satiation of these needs in the singing social and economic minds.

Vivchennya spozhivchih kompleksіv can be one of the necessary minds for the formation of an assortment of commodities in trade enterprises.

Keeping track of the sale of goods for calm complexes, show that in their minds, the implementation of an alternative drink is safe, as well as the stimulation of an impulse drink. As a result, the sales of goods significantly increased.

With such a drink, it is easier to install what a specific group of buyers needs, what kind of interests, relish, and how much opportunity the store can, according to their satisfaction, why the buyers are guided by the purchase of other goods in the store. With great vіrogіdnіstyu it is possible to count, if the consumer is frustrated, the buyers are not satisfied; the number of possibilities of satisfaction of their needs for the sale of products of various industries is expanding, which the goods of the same recognition are turning out.

The molding of the assortment of goods may be put into rozrahunka for the satisfaction of the needs of the various needs.

In their minds, the most important tasks are:

Organization of stable markets

Dotsіlne rozpodіl vyrobnitstva vrobіv on pіdpriєmstvah, and commodities masi - by districts and trading systems with the best overall satisfaction of the populace.

Vіdpovіdno zrostayut іmоgi іnformаtsiї pro pita, іvnja yogo vyvchennya, prognozvannya ta moluvannya.

Rozpodіl non-food products on the same group is not caught and dogmatic. So, deyakі groups of commodities went out of mass consumption, for example, saddlery-saddle, chipped and oboznі; the members of the group changed and expanded; tsіlі pіdgrupi, vidіlenі in the qualifiers like “іnshі”, began to play a more important role, nizh vіdomі і describіnі earlier commodities.

product nomenclature- transfer of similar and different goods of global or similar recognition. The nomenclature of goods in the trade business is a list of goods with their full and exact names, Assigning classifiers groupings, we will remove them as a result of classifications. The names of the goods must be such that they can be named when the documents are drawn up. In a well-spread nomenklatura, comrades with great powers are roamed close to one to one. May well expand the nomenclature of goods at the enterprises, you can save a significant number of pardons in the robots of the enterprises, and not allow you to reduce the level of stocks of goods, rationally increase the inventory.

The global sovereign classification is presented in Product Classification. The global power classification of products is recognized for the processing of information in automated systems with the method of a global power appearance and economic management. Zastosovuєtsya also in the sphere of standardization, statistics and marketing research.

Product classification (OKP)- systematization of star codes and naming the grouping of products, prompted on the basis of a hierarchy classification system. Zgіdno OKP all products of the people's state are divided into 98 classes. Leather class - for 10 subclasses, leather class - for 10 groups, skin group - for 10 subgroups, and subgroup - for 10 species. A six-digit product identification has been accepted. The first two digits indicate the class of varieties; third - subclass; fourth - group; p'yata - subgroup; shosta - view. All at once cі shіst digits establish a higher class of grouping, yak obumovlyuє osoblivostі goods to mind. Products in the new assortment nomenclature are designated by ten signs, so another chotiri mark is added to the new classification grouping. They can designate the registration number or designate the internal characteristics of the product. Volume 2 OKP 005-93, for example, products of the textile industry are listed under the code 90 0000; products of cultural and industrial and state recognition - under code 96 0000; shkiryane vzuttya united under the code 88 0000; hutra, hutryany and sheepskin coats - code 89 0000 etc.

Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activities (TN ZED)є the basis of the system of entry of the sovereign regulation of the state's economic activity in Russia and the establishment of minimum tariffs. Zgіdno TN ZED Comrades may have a nine-digit digital code. Vіn skladєtsya z advancing elements: first shіst digits mean the code of the product for the Harmonized system of description and coding of the goods; soma і eight digits - product code according to the Combіnovanoї nomenclature of the European Union; the ninth digit is recognized for detalization of the positions for balancing the interests of Russia.

goods coding - a technique that allows you to classify an object in a group of signs. The coding system is maximally attached to processing on the EOM and gives the following advantages: to simplify the storage of commercial and commercial documents; easier automated processing; allows you to save money on the classification and appearance of foreign trade interests; ask the choice, form and presentation of data on foreign trade, so that the information becomes available and reliable; ask the exchange of tariffs between countries.

Bar coding of goods is a dark (strokes) and white (clearing) swarms of different comrades. Nayvuzhchiy stroke or tried to be accepted as a unit of the community - a module. The skin digits of the code are given two strokes and two spaces. Widely expanded bar code EAN (European Article Numbering), expanded by the International Coding Association. On the cob and on the code, there are marginal strokes, which indicate on the cob and end of reading the code. In the middle of the code, there are central strokes, which are used for visual verification of the entire code entry. The EAN code can be composed of thirteen (replaced code) or eight (abbreviated code) categories. The 13-bit EAN code is composed of several parts: the first part is the code of the country, in which the data bank about the barcode is known. The country code is assigned centrally by the association EAN. At any given country, the range has been seen. As the code of the country is composed of three characters, then the code of acceptance that follows it is guilty of shortenings to four characters. The other part is the code of acceptance - the selection of goods. Vіn borrowing chotiri or five digits and assigned by the national authority of the country from the coding; the third part is the code of the product itself (n'yat digits), which can be used to obtain information about the yogo registration number, or to save power. Yogo appropriates the acceptance-virobnik independently; the fourth part - great red letters (one digit). Serve for checking the correctness of reading information by a scanner.

An 8-digit EAN code is applied to goods of a small size. This structure includes: the code of the country, the de cey barcode of registration, the code of receipt of the goods, the great chervonі lіteri.

In Russia, barcode identification is powered by the Zovnishnoekonomichna Automated Identification Association UNISCAN (since 1992). Only UNISCAN may have the right to see official registration certificates for Russian corylists of the EAN system. The activity of UNISCAN opposes the offensive direct: the introduction of advanced coding technology on the territory of Russia; assigning to businesses the registration number of the EAN system; saving bank data from bar coding. UNISCAN serves businesses and organizations that operate in various fields.

Buying the goods, singsongly, the skin of a person remembered, what could be the coding at the sight of numbers or letters. The article is called. Without it, it is not possible to sell a good product, which can be used for full-fledged functioning on the market. product article- the element, which designates the type and number of variants, may be special for coding.

For the purpose of identifying the article, numbers are put in, name different names, abbreviated letters and consecutive letters (do not give words), numbers with letters, name with numbers and other combinations. For quite an hour, the mind has been recognized as being associated with the goods, which, naming the article, may mark the goods on the basis of usma yogo with their peculiarities and power. The article is assigned to the product tіlki pіslya togo, yak vyyavleno docіlnіst yogo virobnіstva і on the product zatverdzhenі tehnіchnі umovi. The article is indicated in the price lists, standards, bills, contracts, product labels, and in certain opinions on the product itself.

In practice, the offensive systems of articles are distinguished: order, meaning and combination.

ordinal system I believe in the fact that the first transfer of goods (of the best classification according to groups and subgroups) are given numbers in order (numbering is short). By such a rank, the article-number is assigned to the skin type and type of goods, the number of the item in the list. The station will not change, as the articles instead of numbers will be assigned letters or names in alphabetical order. With such a system, the article should not become difficult, the shards of the article are sorted out sequentially. The order system is recommended for goods with a small, awkward and stable nomenclature. Tsya system is the most expanded.

meaning system It is based on the fact that the numbers and letters in the articles are supposed to have the same meaning, why the article takes the meaning of understanding. Tsya system zastosovuєtsya with article designations shkiryanіy or humovy vzuttya.

The description of the sights is encoded in the following way: the first two digits indicate the type of sight and the particularity of the model, the third digit - a state-age mark, the fourth digit - the method of fastening and the material of the base; the first letter is the number of the upper product, the other is the type of the upper product (lacquer, chevro, chrome і іn.). In this way, for example article 4444 ChSh is deciphered as follows: 44 - shoes with a curly cut on low bottoms, 4 - women, 4 - welts on the heeled soles, black, W - chevro. With the meaning of the system, it is necessary to remember a small number of numbers and letters, from which the article is added, and the meaning of these numbers and letters. Nedolіk tsієї systems - vіdomі difficulties at znakhodzhennі the given article. The system is manual for verification and control.

combined system polagaє in the fact that the first two numbers in the articles may have a meaningful meaning, іnshі show the order of the goods in the group or pіdgroup. Combined system zastosovuєtsya in suture fabrics and jewelry virobs. In seam fabrics, the first number in the article designates a group of fabrics, for example: 1 - fabrics with natural seam, 2 - fabrics with natural seam with added yarn, 3 - fabrics with piece seam, etc. Another number in the article designates a subgroup of fabric, for example. in the group of fabrics with natural seam: 1 - crepe, 2 - linen, 3 - satin, etc. In this rank, article 1114 is deciphered as follows: fabric with natural seam, crepe weave, space in the subgroup 14th. Tsya system, mayuchi all the meanings of the meanings, saves also the ordinal ones, the shards of the article are sorted out sequentially.

In order to competently shape the assortment of goods, competently handle them, it is necessary to put them in a new order, to systematize them. No system - no order, no order - no control, no control - no management. All anonymous commodities in the trade business are duly structured and classified, and not just from the point of care, but come out of the global concept of the trade business and its position on the market.

In the minds of the globalization of the light economy, the process of Russia's accession to SOT (Light Organization trade organization) The growth of the importance of the state regulation of the state trade activities, including the regular regulation as one of the most important elements.

Zovnіshnyotorgovelna dіyalnіst - tse dіyalnіst according to zdіysnennіu pleasing galuzі zvnіshnyої trіvlіvlі commodities, services, information and intellectual authority. The fundamental document is the Federal Law "On the foundations of sovereign regulation of the state's trade activities." The main principle is the defense of the power of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in zovnishneoeconomic activities, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of Russian workers and supporters of goods and services.

A product that crosses the checkpoint cordon of Russia, is the object of checkpoint clearance and checkpoint control. In the course of the militant control, a miliary examination can be recognized with the method of establishing the edge of the march, the syrovine warehouse, the method of preparation, the varost and other. A specialist with a commodity knowledge rich in what can take care of the effective prevention of violations of the world's rules and evils in the world's sphere. Mitna expertise, moreover, is one of the bar'єrіv zahistu spozhivchogo market of the country in the import of unfavorable, shkіdlivih, unsafe, counterfeit and counterfeit goods.

Only highly qualified fahivets in the field of commodity knowledge can develop expert activity. It is practically practicable to the mitnik, it is also important to sort out the goods according to the completeness, the degree of readiness to perfection, to see their estimated displays, to know footwear before them and the criteria for the assessment.

Inspector of the military control service for the security of imported goods. Krіm togo, the inspector is guilty of nobility to the goods under the contract of purchase, sale, transportation, insurance. At these stages, materials and materials show themselves in a different way, and the powers of power for participants in the state-of-the-art economic activity are so very important, like and ty, like appearing at the end of the life.

Є vіdminnіst vіdmіnіst v znachenny termіn "goods" - in merchandise science and practice.

The classification of goods is necessary for the formulation of a marketing strategy for the promotion of goods. Virobnikovi should be able to deal with the necessary classification of goods for terms of assistance, making a decision when buying, etc. I will formulate according to the reference over the system klasifіkatsії tovarіv, at every time, I will give the maximum possible kіlkіst kіlkіst kіlkіst klasifіkaciіya goods. It’s easy to affirm that there are simply no more new classifications on the Internet.

Classification for material visibility, trademark:

  • goods - like an object, goods;
  • goods - like a servant;

Classification of goods on the basis of trivality:

  • comrades of the trival coristuvannya;
  • goods of a short-hour koristuvannya.

Goods- material virobi, sing vitrimuyut bagatorazov vikoristannya. Refrigerators, typesets, clothes can serve as butts for similar goods.
Goods- commodities, povnіstyu spozhivanі for one or more kіlka tsiklіv vikoristannya. Butts of similar goods can be beer, cute, strong.

Classification of goods in the fallow period according to the rhythm purchase order:

  • goods of everyday drink;
  • goods of the front choice;
  • impulse purchase goods;
  • goods for emergency visits;
  • goods of special drink;
  • passive drink goods

Drink Goods- comrades, yakі spozhivach sound spozhivaє povyakdenno, buy often, without hesitation and with minimal susilly on їх pіvnyannya mіzh yourself. Butts of similar goods can serve as tyutyunov's feathers, cute and newspapers;
- commodities, yakі spozhivach in the process of selection and purchase, as a rule, porіvnyuє mіzh themselves for showing signs of appurtenance, quality, price and zovnіshny design. Furniture, clothes, second-hand can serve as butts for similar goods.
no cars and basic electric butt accessories.
Special Drink Goods- goods with unique characteristics and / or other branded goods, for the sake of adding some significant part of the buyers is ready to spend additional money.
Goods for emergency trips bathe at the times of hospitality, use them, for example, parasols for an hour, pour out, chobots and shovel after the first snowy notes, novelty toys;

Classification of goods for recognition:

  • goods for respite (all goods, made by rescuing method);
  • goods for the production process (for the intermediate production process, during the production process);
  • materials and components: syrovina, fabricated products, parts, blanks, which are bought with the method of further processing, polishing, with the method of making goods;
  • capital mine: possession, budіvlі that sporudi;
  • additional goods and services: additional services, additional materials.

Classification of goods for the activity of drinking:

  • Goods for active drinking;
  • Goods passive drink.

Goods for active drinking- those same goods of everyday drink, seasonal goods, goods of special drink, goods of emergency vipadkiv (with singing minds);
Goods of the passive drinker- comrades, who do not know what kind of person they know, but do not think about their purchase. Novelties of the type of indicators and kitchen machines for the processing of grub products are bought from a range of goods for passive drinking, doti, pokie
advertising does not provide information about the reason. Classical butts of all vіdomih and still less yakі call for a drink of goods to serve as life insurance, tombstones and encyclopedia.

For the sign of novelty, goods can be classified:

  • New item;
  • Refinishing the goods;
  • Vidomy, a popular product;
  • Old goods (rare goods);

For the seasonality of the purchase, goods are classified:

  • Goods of peak sales (great sets, new products, sadzhants and nasіnnya to posіvnoї);
  • Seasonal goods (sports goods, clothes for the first season);
  • Goods of a permanent drink (significant part of the goods of a dead cat);

The classification of goods for quantity is satisfied with the help:

  • bulk goods;
  • piece (single) goods;
  • exclusive goods;

Classification of goods for the purpose of selection:

  • export goods;
  • imported goods;
  • mіstseviy (vіtchiznyany) goods;

Classification of goods with special care:

  • special purpose goods;
  • the commodity of the public supply;

Classification of goods for the sign of military / peaceful:

  • goods of national recognition;
  • goods of civil recognition;
  • goods of undersigned recognition.

Classification of goods for ro_descent:

  • comrades of creaturely adventure;
  • comrades of the growing season;
  • processed goods, manufactured goods;
  • mineral resources.

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1. Assortment of goods. See the assortment and displays of yoga rationality

Assortment of goods - set of goods different types and different things, which are formed behind the singing signs to satisfy the needs of buyers.

Commodity nomenclature - a change (collection) of similar and different goods of common or analogous recognition, which are produced on industrial enterprises.

For the local economy, an assortment of handicrafts and trade is divided.

Promislovy (varnishing) assortment - all products (goods) that are produced by the virobnik, depending on the variety of virobnichiy possibilities for satisfying the needs of the slow market.

The trade assortment is the stock of goods that fit into the sphere of general trade. On the vіdmіnu vіd promislovy, including, as a rule, the goods of various manufacturers (for the wine of firm shops).

Fallow in the form of okhoplennya razrіznyayut stupnі vidi assortment:

A simple assortment - a collection of goods, representations of a small number of groups, types and names. Typical for convenience stores.

A foldable assortment combines a large number of types, varieties, as well as satisfies the same type of various needs (fabrics, clothes, garments).

Group assortment - a change of goods, yak_ v_dpov_dat odn_dn_ consumer (goods for children, goods complex "clothes").

The developed assortment includes various types of goods in the range of leather goods group. Such an assortment, as a rule, is included in specialized stores. The number of commodity groups is represented by a great number of species and varieties (the store "Pobutova tekhnіka").

Complementary assortment - a set of goods, such as adding additional functions and not being included in the main ones for this business (objects to be looked after at the right store). Changed assortment - a selection of goods from different groups, types, varieties, which are distinguished by a great diversity of functional recognition.

At the stage of satisfaction of needs, a rational and optimal assortment is distinguished.

According to the nature and type of needs, they are satisfied with the real, forecasting, initial assortment.

Power and showcases assortment

The power of the assortment is its specific feature, which is manifested during yoga molding. An indicator of the assortment is a kіlkіsne manifestation of yogo authority, while vimіryuvannya pіdlаgає kіlkіst vidіv i naming commodities. The sound indicator is indicated, the base and the final coefficient (adjustment of the effective indicator to the base one). The breadth of the assortment - the number of species of similar and (or) different groups that are for sale. For example, in a women's clothing store for sale є 7 types sewing machines(cloth, suits, backs, trousers, jackets, coats, coats), 3 types of knitwear (sweatshirts, jumpers, jackets), 5 types of jackets (shoes, laces, boots, summer shoes, napkins). The breadth of the assortment will be more 15.

The range of assortment is the number of names and different products of the same group, which are for sale. For example, in the assortment of the store there are 2 different types of sweaters, 3 different types of jumpers, 5 different types of jackets. The number of the assortment of the "Outer jersey" group should be 10. Change the number of the real width of the assortment to the minimum of the assortment (with a change). The rest is a document that regulates the minimum allowable number of types and varieties of goods that determine the profile of a trade organization.

Stіykіst range - kіlkіst vidіv, rіznovіdіv і naming commodіvіv, scho koristuyutsya stіykim drink at spozhivach.

The novelty (updating) of the assortment is the number of new goods in the global supply.

The structure of the assortment is characterized by a frequent dermal appearance, or by naming the goods in the general assortment. For example, you can expand the structure of the assortment according to different signs - gender and age indications (the pet of a human, woman and child is indicated), seasonal indications (summer, winter, demi-season, seasonal), species (chobots, chereviki, napivchereviki and others.) signs.

2. Understanding about the quality of goods. Factories that shape the quality of non-food products

Yakіst goods lie in the vіd vіd vіdnostі vіdnosti, yakіmi vіn vіn volієє, and also vіd yogo zdatnostі zadovnіnyati pevnі consume zavdyaki cim vіlіvіvіstі.

Evaluation of the quality of products is rated in terms of power, and also in accordance with their powers, which are presented.

Vіdpovіdno to the ISO standard pіd іkіstyu produktsії razumіyut sukupnії vlastіvnostiі characteristics і produktsії, yakі nadatnistі їzdatnі satisfaction razumovlenі аbo perebachuvanі consumption.

Yakіst goods otsіnyuєtsya for additional pokaznik_v yakostі, yakі yavlyayut kіlkіsnі characteristics of one or dekіlkoh naybіsh important produktsії power.

Leather goods can have the same nomenclature of indications of quality, as they are classified according to such signs: for the quantity they are characterized by power, for the method of expression, for the method of assignment, for the stage of assignment, in the fallow in the area of ​​assignment, for the evaluation of the level of production.

Fallow in terms of quantity are characterized by power, indicators of quality are subdivided into: single and complex.

Indicators of capacity for functional recognition are subdivided into: recognition, term di, transportability, safety, aesthetic, environmental.

3. Factors that help to save the quality of goods in the sphere of goods and services

Nadіynіst - ce vlastіvіst goods, scho characterizes yogo zdatnіst zberіgati its spozhivcha vartіst at chasі. Hope is divided into more simple groups.

Bezvіdmovnіst - ce power in the goods without fail zberіgati praceszdatny camp stretching out the song hour of respite without interruption to pershoї vіdmovi. Pokaznik - napratsyuvannya on vіdmova.

Dovgovіchnіst - the power of the goods zberіgati their spozhivchu vartіst to the present borderline state of urakhuvannyam installed system sightseeing, maintenance and repair during transportation, saving and saving.

Indicators of durability are the resource and the term of service.

Remontopridatnіst - ce power in the product, scho field in yogo pristosovanostі to the front and revealing the reasons for vіdmov і poshkodzhen і їх usunennya, so that zdatnіst the product in vіdnovlyuvati its spozhivchu vartіst at the resultі repair, for the mind, sho spend on repairs vіdnosno malі. Pokazniki - the validity of repairs, the hour of renewal.

Savings - ce zdatnіst goods without fail zberіgati your spozhivch vartіst when zberіgannі і transportuvanny. Pokaznik is a term of saving.

4. Understanding about polymers and plastics. Plastic warehouse

All piece materials on the basis of polymers, built for singing minds, are molded into the mix and take the shape.

V'azhucha speech. Move all warehouse parts of plastic. Synthetic resins, natural modified polymers, white speech and in. Sometimes plastic is made up only from one successful speech, for example, polyethylene, polystyrene.

Reminders. To give virobs great mechanical power, to promote their warmth, chemical industry. St_yk_st, improve electrical insulation power, reduce shrinkage, as well as vart_st. The village is borosno, bavovnyanі ochosi, textiles, papier, kreyda, kaolin.

Plasticizers. Give flexibility, elasticity, reduce hardness and frizziness, increase light and frost resistance, facilitate the molding process. Oil-like high-boiling rіdini.

Barvniki. Finely crafted mineral pigments or organic barvniki.

Stabilizers. Speech, which encourages old plastics, to step-by-step downgrading of their powers under the infusion of sour air, light, water and other factors. The process of old polymerization of binding to the accumulation of free radicals, which are dissolved in p-ty decomposition of macromolecular lances. Zahisna diya stabilizatorіv zasnovan on zdatnosti zv'yazuvat vіlnі radicals or transfer їх in inactive camp. Amini, soot, phenols.

Resin, oil, flame retardants.

The spectrum of authority is wide. The stench can be: loud and shocking; translucent and calamous, soft (foam plastics, foam plastics, PVC), soft (kapron, polypropylene, polyethylene) and hard (polystyrene, polymethacrylate), phenolic plastics, amino plastics); combustible and fireproof, electrically conductive and electrical insulators and in. The savage power is low schіlnіst, mіtsnіst.

5. Classification of polymers and plastics. Characteristics of the main types of reverse (thermoplastic) polymers

Thermoplastics soften when heated, and harden again when cooled. Razm'yakshennya and hardening can be repeated bagatorarazovo, under which the power of plastics and їх chemical storage may not be changed. Polyethylene, polystyrene, PVC.

6. Classification of polymers and plastics. Characteristics of the main types of non-reversible (thermosetting) polymers

Thermoplastics are plastics, which, when heated, build up a structure, irreversibly losing the building, melt and separate. The stench rozm'yakshuyusya leash on def.

Stages of withdrawal and with further heating, it remains to harden. Phenoplasts, aminoplasts, efiroplasts.

7. Characteristics of the main methods for the production of molds from plastics and their decoration: distinctive signs, influencing the quality and breadth of the assortment

According to the method of manufacturing fibers from plastics, they are subdivided into fibers, prepared by methods (selecting the method of laying in the power of the material to be processed, the design of the fibers):

Littyami on a vice - the most wide-ranging way for the processing of thermoplastic plastics. The characteristic features of the virobs are the presence of traces of the sprue, smooth or embossed with a small one in the shape of the surface, the diversity of the forms of the virobs, incl. and folded (in which case you can wear seams in different shapes).

Extrusion is used to cut profiles from thermoplastic polymers (strings, tubes, strings, fibers, threads). Extrusion can be moved from blowing, with which empty slabs from billets come out of the pipe molds, on the surface and days of such mills, commemorate the seams in the place of production of different parts of the mold (funnel, puffs, etc.).

Calendered sheets, sheets, slabs from thermoplastic polymers, from which in the future can be prepared in other forms.

For stampings, molds are made from thermoplastics of small sizes, thin-walled, without sharp edges and edges, inconsistent shapes (plates, mills, cases).

Hot pressings are made from thermosetting plastics (pheno-, aminoplastics). Virobi are characterized by a clumsy shape, a number of technological sticks with a shape, a significant torso of walls.

Molding is carried out from sheets or plaid thermoplastic materials - bathtubs, basins, puffs, disposable tableware. The stench can be different rozmіrіv, forms.

By the look of the wrap. Aesthetic powers of vibrations promote the fabrication of plastics applied on embossed surfaces or small ones.

Farbuvannya vrobіv can be monophonic, with razluchennyami, with dark tsatochki, izosuvannyam mother-of-pearl.

Two-coloured littya - may vary in coloring of the inner and outer surfaces. The embossed surface (grainy, merzhivna, with visible edges, specks, opaque cuts) settles upon contact of the plastic with the mold of the mold in the process of molding.

The decals are a one-coloured or rich little thing on a lining of a transparent material, pasted on the surface of the veil, as a result of which the embossment becomes visible on the veil.

The stencil is a little farboy applied through the holes in the template.

Pressed decorative slabs - slabs with a variety of small, color and surface texture in the process of molding can be fastened onto the slats.

8. Classification of the range of gospodar's types of plastics and their characteristics according to the classification signs

The range of varieties is constantly expanding as new species appear. To the classic views of the state's virobivs one can see:

for free-flowing grub products, state-owned jars are recognized for the storage and dosing of cereals, boroshna, salt, spices; vases for serving at the table (for zucerok, oven, fruit), containers for vegetables, gurtka, pepper, zucchini, glasses of peace, silnichki, teapots.

for cold food products, one-piece and complete dishes are installed:

for picking up and serving on the table with a rich consistency - cans, bottles, buckets, glaciers, ladles, milk jugs, creamers, gravy boats, flasks;

for drinking and drinking - vases for jam, cream, cups with saucers, gurtka, bowls, coasters, cups, glasses, deep plates;

for serving, storing and transferring of uncommon consistency - strains, vases for table serving, sandwich makers, containers for eggs and bread, vacuum containers, picnic kits, travel kits, trays, trays, tray tables, syringes, herrings, other plates;

kitchen-government speeches - funnels, cutting boards, crushers, lids for cans, rocking chairs, spoons, forks, lattices for a miyka, fruit washer, forms for ice, a strainer, separators, juicers, dumplings, whisks for dough and іn.

products for hot food products - broths, gurtkas, bowls, glasses, plates, cups with saucers, tea and coffee services.

wirobi, scho contact s not food products- bags for smіtty, winds, hangers for clothes, canisters, gospodar's cats, cats for papers, containers for smіttya, mіshki for smіttya, p_dstav for hot objects, pilevibivalkі, shovels for smіttya, basins, flasks, shields, mops, boxes for smіttya .

bathroom and toilet products - paper trims, bath tubs, towel hangers, toothbrush holders, yogurts, toilet paper towels, kilimkas, white cats, bath tubs, bathroom sets, shelves, basins.

products for the garden and the city - windmills, fruit harvesters, berry pickers, hoses, watering cans, zroshuvachs, obraskuvachs, hand washers, boxes, barrels.

items for interiors and furniture - vases for tickets, stands for tickets, cache-pots, cornices, armchairs, policemen, stylers, tables, bookcases.

9. Understanding about ceramics, syrovina for її virobnitstva. Characteristics of the main types of ceramics

According to the type of ceramics, they are made from porcelain, napіvporcelani, faience, majolica, pottery ceramics.

Porcelain is breathed in by a special thinness, lightness and mіtsnіstyu, maybe a three-time hour to save heat. Maє a shard of white with a bright shade of color, translucent in thin balls (up to 2.5 mm zavtovki). Porcelain slabs are covered with barless glaze, on the edge of the bottom (place of installation on a horizontal surface) or on the upper edge of the glazing is a sphere of daily. With a light blow on the edge of the porcelain stoneware, you can see a high trival sound. The range of chinaware is the widest, and you can only make dishes from new ones (mainly teapots, kavniks, cups). V_domy is also made of brushed porcelain, a shard of some kind of Volodya with a small mass, tovshchina, translucent, milky-white color, high-quality elite dishes are made from it.

Napіvportselyanа maє shard of white color, not translucent, covered with barless translucent or translucent glazes similar to porcelain. Zastosovuєtsya obmezheno (for the preparation of dizhok for sipuchnyh produktіv, utensils for public eating utensils).

Faience on vіdmіnu vіd porcellany mіє less mekhanіchnu mіtsnіst i termіchnu stіykіst. A crock of a white color with a yellowish tint, with sweating non-translucent walls. With a light blow on the edge of the faience bowl, you can see a deaf non-trivial sound. Glazed with barless glaze on all surfaces. The assortment includes stravi, saucers, vases for serving the table, plates, bowls, herring. For the rest of the hour not to know the wide breadth, in Belarus it is not allowed.

Majolica of faience (a shard of white color) and pottery (a shard of all shades of brown color). Chi does not shine through, the shard is porous, the torso of the walls is cut. It is covered with colored apertures and mostly opaque colored glaze, the nature of glazing is like that of porcelain. Virobi can mother lower or ugvіgnutu surface of the bottom. From majolica, cups, saucers, gurtkas, flasks, bowls, glechiki, butter bowls, zucornices, bread bowls, fruit vases, cake plates, wall plates, bowls and other pieces, as well as sets for salad, liquor, utensils for kvass .

Pottery ceramics has a shard of red-brown color. Vyrobi covered with barless transparent glazes, moreover, it is possible to zastosovuvatsya chastkovy pokrittya vnutrishnyo chi outside surface. Day of death. The assortment includes kitchen utensils (potters, milk chalices, bowls), table utensils (bowls, mugs and glaciers, butter bowls, containers for storing bulky products), as well as potters, vases.

10. Characteristics of the main types of embellishment (decoration) of ceramic by-butovy goods

In terms of decoration. Deyakі see embellishment similar to the decor on glass virobs - decal, painting, vousik, encircling, stitching (on faience virobs it can reach 13-16 mm and is called pantry). Moreover, it can be applied:

The stencil is a little farboy in 1-3 colors, the contour of some clear expressions, and the details are pink.

The stamp is a small outline graphic little piece of gold or farboi.

Shovkografiya - embossed baby with a weaving weave, squeezing farbi through a pattern.

Kriti - one-color spraying with an airbrush. Buvaє sutsilnym (plates have a side cover, empty virobs have a side surface, do not open a saucer for placing a cup on a saucer), chastkovy - semi-critical (a part of the body of the plate with a width of over 20 mm is covered), with cleaning (for example, little ones in "peas") , low or high (weakening of the intensity of the zabarvlennya in the singing direction).

Druk is a monochromatic small scale of great scale with indistinct spreading lines, which is most often applied to porcelain faience.

Dodatkovі embellish - homemade by hand with preparations of gold or farboi; lubrication of the relief or okremy parts (handles, spout); a fragmentation of a medallion (rozmalovuvannya cordon in an oval or a stake, in the middle of which there are the main little ones).

Embellish can be decorated with a bouquet (1-3 small-leopards), spreading (5 and more Lepkoy), side (permanently stitched along the edge of the board), succulent (spread on all sides or on the inner surface).

11. Classification of the range of ceramic by-butovy goods. Characteristics of the assortment of ceramic dishes

Tea and coffee utensils

To take a drink:

Cups are produced in different shapes to the body, prepared with saucers. stink different recognition- kavovі (60-130 cm 3), tea (200-500 cm 3), tea-kavovі (150-250 cm 3), gifts (650-1100 cm 3), children.

Gurtkas on the top of the cups have a larger simple shape, the upper diameter is less than the height of the body, which are not equipped with saucers. Capacity 90-500 cm 3.

Kelikhs - gift bowls in the form of a high cup, with a saucer or without it, with a handle, a lid or without them. Capacity 375-600 cm 3.

Flasks - virobi without a handle єmnistyu 100-250 cm 3.

Saucers are kavovimi (diameter 110-120 mm), tea (135-180 mm). Mayut pit to install the cup.

Vase for brewing, making honey with a diameter of 90-100 mm, without burying for a cup.

Piali - judges for drinking at the sight of a cup or mugs without a handle єmnistyu 140-400 cm 3.

For giving їzhi ta napoїv:

Kettles are refilled for indications for brewing (minimum 250 800) and topping up (minimum over 1000 cm 3). Teapots can have a perforation (sieve) in the spout attached

Kavniki v_dryznyayutsya in the form of teapots in a large height of the body, shape, sieve. The lid is often with a lock. Capacity 500-1400 cm 3.

Glechiki wash the handle and drain. Capacity 750 -2000 cm 3.

Countess may have a capacity of 250-1000 cm 3, indicated for alcoholic drinks.

Dairymen - harvest at the sight of a fleck, єmnіstyu up to 500 cm 3.

Creamer similar to a milk jug in design, capacity 150-400 cm 3.

Butter bottles - bowls with a lid, capacity 200-250 cm 3.

Zukornits - with handles or without handles, with a lid, capacity 170-600 cm 3.

Vases for fruit, baking and cooking - on the bottom, without the bottom. Diameter 240-270 mm, for jam - 120 mm.


For accepting zhі:

Plates (Figure 1) for recognition of stench are divided into

deep portions (diameter 240 mm), half portions (diameter 200 mm) and children (178 mm); deep dessert plates (diameter 200 mm) for licorice soups;

drіbni - for other countries. Buy pizhkovimi (diameter up to 150 mm) - for bread, toast, baked bread; snack bars (diameter 175) for cold snacks; dessert (with a diameter of 200 mm, they are drunk in snack bars with a large barvisty little one), zastosovuyutsya for casseroles, licorice herbs, fresh fruits; supports for deep plates (240 mm).

Bowls - deep bowls with a narrow side, 150-180 mm in diameter.

One-portion salad bowls are produced in different forms and rosemary, zastosovuyutsya for serving salads, pickles, mushrooms.

Broth cups (350-400 cm3) with saucers for bouillons, puree-like soups.

Cups (stands) for eggs - empty bowls on the bottom with a stand.

For submission and withdrawal

Stravi - round (for meat and vegetable appetizers, canapes), oval (snacks with fish and meat herbs, for filling ribi). Stop for serving fruits, pizza (flat), side dishes.

Vases for soup - virobi with a lid, in a yakіy ¾ opening for a pouring spoon (3000 -3500 cm 3); vazi for broth - 600-1800 cm 3; vazi for compote -2000 cm 3.

Vase for the sauce - virobi with a wicked oval shape for cold sauces and sour cream, capacity 800 cm 3.

Salt shakers - capacity up to 50 cm 3, can be closed and opened.

Peppers - empty bins with openings. Capacity up to 50 cm3.

Girchichnitsa - capacity up to 50 cm 3. Make a lid with a spoon for a spoon.

Herring - oval-shaped fish or 135-300 mm long fish

Salad bowls - a variety of different shapes, mix up to 6 servings of salads, pickles, marinades and other.

Sukharnitsa - a burnt dish with a diameter of 230-350 mm.

Menazhnitsy - bowls of round shape, divided into sectors, designated for serving side dishes, salads.

Other varieties are known: servettes for paper servettes, kiltsya for servettes, podnos, podstavki for a spoon.

Up to the kitchen utensils, there are containers for cereals, boroshn, baril, potters for extinguishing.

Artistic and decorative vіrobam include vases for tickets - plinth, floor, decorative and wall plates, dishes, panels, sculptures, caskets, souvenirs, stands for candles, flowerpots for tickets, potters, flower pots.

12. Warehouse sklomas i yogo vpliv on the power of the finished warehouse. Characteristics of the main types of glass (dominance, vіdminnі signs, recognition)

Krishtal's slope on vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynymіvіvіnіv glisten, masu, vysoku refrоkljatelnost through oksіvnіv PBO, ВаО. It may have less hardness, lower sound and less heat resistant. Use different varieties: lead semi-crystal (up to 13% lead oxide), light lead crystal (up to 25%), large lead crystal (more than 30%); barium crystal (more than 20% barium oxide). Not so long ago, a new type of crystal was developed, which avenges titanium oxide, which excites lightness and durability. Danish cookware is shock-resistant. Zastosovuєtsya at the virobnitstvі utensils of Christmastide recognition and artistic and decorative virobіv.

Sіtallovimi sklo - a price new type of skla (shortly called scloceramic), taking away the straight crystallization of glasses of special warehouses. It has a high thermal stability (visiting up to 900C and more), mechanical strength and chemical resistance, more important than milky-white color. It is one of the main materials used in the production of dishes for micro-oven ovens.

13. Ways to prepare virobiv zі skla: їх vіdminnі signs, vpliv on authority

14. Decorating (embellishment) of glassy hand-made goods: vіdmіtnі signs, influencing power

To the mechanical ones one can see:

Descriptions of embellishment increase the aesthetic value of the teeth, but also reduce their longevity and the level of ergonomic authority.

15. Classification of glass by-butovy goods. Characteristics of the range of glassware

According to the recognition, glassware is classified as tableware (ware, which are used for cooking food, drinking, serving the table) and artistic and decorative items (ware, used to satisfy the aesthetic needs of people - sculptures, vases for apartments, etc.) , іnshі varobi (pіlnichki, servvetnitsі, p_dstav p_d hot and іn.).

For the purpose of recognition, the dishes are divided into the distant, gospodarska and kitchen.

For the functional variety of tableware, it is subdivided into dishes for serving and drinking on the table and short-time savings (decanter, glacier, oiler, zucchini and others), for drinking and drinking (cup, kelih, glass, vase for cream and in.); gospodarska utensils - for conservation and thriving storage of grub products (jar, plyashka, barrel and іn.); kitchen utensils - for preparing food and short-time cooking (casserole, frying pan, form for brewing and in.).

According to the type of glassware, the goods are made of superb, crystal, borosilicate and glass-ceramic glass.

Zvichayne slo (sodium-silicate, sodium-potassium-silicate, potassium-silicate) - a bright prozorium material without elevated glare, high chemical resistance, heat resistant and hard. When tapped with a wooden stick, a dull sound is heard on the vibe. Zastosovuєtsya when making distant, gospodarsky dishes, artistic and decorative wares.

Krishtal's slope on vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynymіvіvіnіv glisten, masu, vysoku refrоkljatelnost through oksіvnіv PBO, ВаО. It may have less hardness, lower sound and less heat resistant. Use different varieties: lead semi-crystal (up to 13% lead oxide), light lead crystal (up to 25%), large lead crystal (more than 30%); barium crystal (more than 20% barium oxide). Not so long ago, a new type of crystal was developed, which avenges titanium oxide, which excites lightness and durability. Danish cookware is shock-resistant. Zastosovuєtsya at the virobnitstvі utensils of Christmastide recognition and artistic and decorative virobіv.

Borosilicate is resistant to mechanical, thermal and chemical resistance. May you create a greenish tint, less glare and transparency. Zastosovuєtsya at the maker of utensils for cooking їzhі, cream for micro-furnaces.

Sіtallovimi sklo - a price new type of skla (shortly called scloceramic), taking away the straight crystallization of glasses of special warehouses. It has a high thermal stability (visiting up to 900C and more), mechanical strength and chemical resistance, more important than milky-white color. One of the main materials used in the production of dishes for micro-oven ovens

According to the method of virobnitstva, glass virobi is divided into vibro, pressed, pressed, molinated and in.

Viduvanya is the most widely used way of making glass vials. It is made by hand and mechanized. Virobi otrimuyut raznomanіtnyh forms, without seams, with the obvious sounding of the mіsts, like thin-walled, and thick-walled; they zastosovuyut different addendums and decorations. Virobi is beautiful old look, Promote purity, equivalence, bliss. Carry out wine glasses, glechiki, countesses, flasks and other. A variation of manual widowing is free widdling (Gutenian robot). Carry out tovstіnnі shirobi foldable forms, with prіlepnіmі details. For example, sculptures of birds, creatures, etc.

Pressings are made in molds, which are made up of dies and punches. Rarely, glass mass is fed into the matrix and under the die of the punch, filling the gap between the matrix and the punch. The pressing of the mold may often be of the final form with expanded burns, thickening of the wall, it may be a mother seam, as the inner surface of the matrix is ​​embossed, then the babies will appear on the mold in the mold. Data tends to be more high mechanical strength, more aesthetically pleasing, less visually.

Pressing the cob sprouts is molded in the press-form, and then in the form, the inner empty sprout is molded. The stinks of washing the side seams, folding the shape (often with the neck), maybe there are little ones in the form. Carry out a wide range of assortment: countesses for water, wine, oil bottles, spices, sklotara, bottles for perfumes and colognes.

The milling process produces a wide range of very important flat varieties: vases for fruits, strawberries, popilnichki. Razm'yakshennya flat billet in the form of bending under the dew of the vlasnoy vaga or a small zovnіshny susilla. The upper edge is forcibly frozen. Virobi tovstіnnі, mіtsnі, may be present little ones in form.

Membership - ce combinations of ways. The details of the batch are molded together, and then articulated in a hot mill. The areas have articulated seams that enhance their aesthetic appearance and reduce longevity. Carry out virobi on the bottom: cups, vases, etc.

By the type of decorating, the products are smooth (without decor) and decorated (painting, decal, etc.)

According to the method of decorating the decor, the fallow embellishment is divided into two groups: embellishment, which is applied during the manufacturing process; embellish, which is applied to the finished product.

Embellish what is applied in the brewing process:

kolorovі sklovirobi - tse vyrobi, pofarbovanі in masі, іnоdі farbuyut іlki korpus i rіdshe іlki nіzhku;

in bloom (bagatosharov sklo) - two or three balls of skla are zastosovuetsya (bezbarvne and color);

colored patches, threads, smugs, cords - d_lyanki with a different color, different configuration;

"Pid marmur" - the price of the presence of colored patches on the milky slope;

crackle (ice slope) - the presence of small cracks in the middle of the walls of the chip;

decorative plyashechki - in tovshchі stanok ¾ gas bulbs, yakі reduce mechanical and thermal stability;

"Pid roller" (corrugated) is a weakly similar surface on the surface, taken away from the view in a relief form;

irrіzаtsіya - tse applied to the surface of the viroba of rainbow smelting, taken off on the basis of vapors of tin salts, bismuth, titanium and other. important metals.

All kinds of decor reduce the mechanical strength.

Before the other group, paint should be applied, which is applied mechanically and chemically.

To the mechanical ones one can see:

numbered grinding - on the surface of the top of the upper ball, the slab looked like ovals, pits, swarthy, behind the help of abrasive circles; the little one is small for the area and often dull;

engraving - more foldable little ones, more thematic endings; zastosovuєtsya on virobs with inflorescence;

a diamond facet - a greater depth of the upper ball at the visible furrows of a knitted peretina (Zirchasta), pits, ovals, folds (pitted), between polished;

washer face - tovstіnі virobi mаyut 4, 8, 12, 16 wide polished planes (straight, serrated);

piskostruminna obrobka (matuvannya) - polished in a rubble jet of sharp-grained sand on the surface of the viroba. The baby is matte with a short surface.

Descriptions of embellishment increase the aesthetic value of the teeth, but also reduce their longevity and the level of ergonomic authority. \

Decorate with a chemical path like this:

decal - tse application of a one-color or rich-colored little one, cut off according to the principle of cross-cutting pictures. The little one is embossed;

painting - tse applied to the surface of the viroba little baby behind the help of the hand in the hand (farboy or gold); commemorate brush strokes;

wusik, encirclement, line - the same applied to the surface of the swirls of circular smugs of different widths with gold or farboi. Up to 1 mm - vusik, 1-3 mm - layering, 4-10 mm - stitch;

original varieties of painting - grisaille and craquelage. Grisaille - if the little ones are vibrated with a dozen tones of one color, often brown or black. Craquelage - the best way to decorate with silicate farbs, if the little ones can fill cracks;

lustrіrovanіe - tse deposited on the surface of a variety of thin plіvok, razchinenih in organic retailers of metal production. The stinks give the viroba a mother-of-pearl gleam.

irrіzаtsіya - tse applied to the surface of the viroba of rainbow smelting, taken off on the basis of vapors of tin salts, bismuth, titanium and other. important metals;

a stamp - a small contour one-colored little ones with gold or farbs, often supplemented to other types of decor;

etching (satin bathing) - polishing the surface ball with hydrofluoric acid according to a given little bit. The surface of the little one is matte;

decorating with expensive metals (gold, silver). Riznovid - carbovane gold - the preparation of gold is applied to the matte surface of the steel and undergoes thermal treatment.

This group of embellishments significantly enhances their aesthetic appearance, and etching reduces mechanical strength.

Fallow in terms of folding, the little one can be divided into groups of folding:

utensils from an excellent barless warehouse - from 1st to 7th;

from color and bagatospheric - from 3rd to 8th;

krishtaleva - from 4th to 10th.

Variobi can also have an extra-group type of cutting (more folded embellishment). With the movement of the group of folding, the price will probably increase.

Behind the color, the virobi are divided into bezbarvnі, kolorovі (in the fallow type of the barvnika, the colors are cobalt (dark blue), sapphire (blakytny), ruby ​​(black), topaz (golden-yellow), greens, lemon and etc.) and bagatosharov.

For styles. Vіn is determined by the shape of the bowl (flat - round, oval, etc.; empty - cylindrical, conical, spherical, folding, etc.), design (with a lid or without it, with an evil one, on a pallet or without, with handle or without it, etc.), features of the bottom (smooth, polished, figured), edge (smooth, carved, embossed), bottom (magnificent, thickened, on the bottom).

Behind the rims, the glass is divided into pieces (height, depth and diameter - up to 100 mm, thickness - up to 100 cm 3), middle (height - over 100 to 200 mm; diameter, depth - over 100 to 150 mm; thickness - over 100 up to 500 cm 3), large (height - over 200 to 300 mm; diameter, dozhina - over 150 to 250 mm; volume - over 500 to 1000 cm 3), especially large (height - over 300 mm; diameter, dozhina - over 250 mm; mist - over 1000 cm 3).

For completeness, they are divided into pieces (single), couples, sets (set - 2 and more choices of the same type (set of wine glasses, kelichs, etc.); accessory - 2 and more varieties of different species, which may have one indication (attachment for water , for wine; a service - a set of different types of different designs, which can be one recognized and repaid per number of persons in multiples of six (tea, cava, tea and cava).

For the names of the stench, they will be divided by the coming rank.

To distant dishes for serving and drinking on the table, put straws, plates, saucers, vases for serving the table, salad bowls, butter bowls, tsukornits, glaciers, countesses, milk jars, shtofi, menazhnitsy, etc.

Stravi - flat, non-delicate slabs, round or oval in shape, diameter 275-420 mm, smooth edge or carvings.

Vases for table serving: fruit vase - on the bottom, top or bottom, diameter up to 350 mm; a vase for baking - a vase for fruit, on a higher lower, or smaller diameter; a vase for tsukerok - on a high lower or lower base with a diameter of 110-180 mm; vase for brewing - maє diameter 120-160 mm, maybe with a lid; vase for cake - may flat body.

Salad bowls rich in portions - round, chovnik (bottom), diameter 130-300 mm.

Oilers - bowls with a lid, with a side, on a pallet or without, on a plate, capacity 200, 250, 500 cm 3.

Tsukornitsі - virobi with a lid, on the bottom or without, on the bottom.

Glechiki - empty virib with a handle and (or) angry; can be finished, sacked, shaped; with a lid or without; capacity over 1000 cm 3.

Dairymen on vіdmіnu vіd glechikіv do not wash the lids and may have less capacity - up to 600 cm 3.

Countess - often without a handle, wash the cork (with rubbing for alcoholic drinks)

Shtof - a vessel for collecting and serving drinks in the form of a parallelepiped with a narrow throat; capacity up to 1000 cm3.

The bowl is a flat plate with sections (3-5), designed for serving cold appetizers and folding side dishes on the table.

Bonboniers - round boxes with a lid for dragees.

Herring - oval shape, or look like a fish.

Girchichnitsa - with a lid on a pallet, in a lid there is a viriz for a spoon.

Distant dishes for drinking and drinking can be seen: cups, wine glasses, kelikhs, glasses, saucers, bowls, cups, etc.

Wine glasses can be placed with a bottom:

Kelishok - for white wines, cognac, rum; capacity up to 25 cm3.

Charki - for mіtsnih drinks, burners; capacity 30-100 cm3, call the diameter of the tallest heights of Tulov.

Kelikhs - for low-alcohol drinks, wines, capacity 110-175 cm 3, tulub їx more often narrow, more wide, diameter 2 times less than height.

Wine glasses - for sparkling wines, champagne; capacity greater than 175 cm 3; the corps is expanded burn down.

Flasks - ce virobi without a bottom and a stand of a different purpose (for tea, beer, wine, water) and a capacity of 35 to 300 cm 3.

Saucers for cooking - diameter 80-90 mm; saucers for tea - diameter 130 mm.

One-portion salad bowls - round, chovnik (bottom), diameter up to 100 mm.

Kremanki - a vase for cream, jelly, frost - virib on the bottom; diameter up to 140 mm; without a cap.

The cup is empty with a handle.

One can see the gospodar's utensils: jars for jam, pickles, milk; dances; baryl for salt and in.

Jars for jam - without throat, with a door around the edge; capacity 1-6 liters.

Banks for pickles - with a high, wide neck up to 6 liters.

Milk jars (glechiki) - vuzka throat, up to 3 liters.

Barila for pickles - with a lid, bulging form, without a throat.

You can see the kitchen utensils: pots, frying pans, casserole dishes, braziers, etc.

Pots - with a lid, two handles, capacity 500-1500 cm 3.

Frying pan - round without handles or with handles, diameter 165, 180, 200, 210 mm.

Forms for baking - round, oval, rectangular; without handles or with handles; capacity 500-2000 cm3.

Braziers - oval in shape with two small handles and with a flat lid; capacity 500 cm3.

16. Characteristics of the main metals and alloys, which should be used for the production of metal goods

For the material of preparation, the viroba is made from alloys based on black metals (chavun, steel); from alloys based on color metals - based on aluminum (duralumin, silumin), based on midi (brass, bronze, cupronickel, nickel silver).

Chavun is an alloy of saline with coal, which can be found in the boundaries between 2.14-6.67%. Behind the recognitions, one can see a sprinkling of various types of chavuniv, the most wide-ranging varieties (bіlі), which vicarious are found in the varieties of steel and livar (sіrі), which are vicorous in the varieties of virobivs. Livarny chavun may be in evil dark gray color, great mass, short coat. Zastosovuєtsya for the manufacture of dishes, tools, food fittings, machine parts. The advantages of chavunny utensils are non-shkidlivist, good heat resistance, and do not burn in them. Tovstostinnu chavunny utensils are stoked and zastosuvannya - for the preparation of lubricated and stewed herbs. May have low corrosion resistance.

Steel - an alloy of cast iron with carbon (remainder of the remainder - up to 2.14%). Behind the recognition, steel structures (for the manufacture of sheet, profiled rolled products, crimping frames, utensils, fittings for windows and doors, housekeeping structures, which do not have high hardness) are instrumental (tools for the processing of metal, wood, knives, knives), special. The stench is in the mist of gloom and dominance - for the increase of yoga, firmness and trepidation move in place. Behind the chemical warehouse, steel is used in coal and alloy steel. In alloyed steels on top of carbon steel, in addition, color metals (chromium, nickel, cobalt, tungsten and in.) are removed, and they give resistance to corrosion. From alloyed steels, they make dishes, cutlery and knives, kitchen-government speeches, stinks are marked with the designation "stainless steel".

Duralumin - thermally deformed aluminum alloy with middling, manganese or magnesium. Lightweight, malleable, ductile, resistant to corrosion, an alloy with a bright gray color. Attachment for obrobki vise. We prepare dishes, cutlery, as a construction material.

Silumin is a liquid alloy of aluminum and silicon. Build from the new one with a small mass, wanting the walls to build a raised tovshchina, brightly gray in color, resistant to corrosion. You can see low mechanical power, coarse-grained bud and advanced porosity to a few. Zastosovuyut utensils (for extinguishing, greasing), meat grinders, locks, handles, tools and details.

Brass is an alloy of midi with zinc, and sometimes with small additions of other components (tin, silicon, manganese and other) For the improvement of mechanical and chemical powers. Fallen waters are deformed and flooded. Alloys with 18-20% zinc give a yellow-red color, with 20-30% - brown-yellow, with 30-45% - light-yellow. With the increase in the concentration of zinc up to 45%, the increase in the strength and ductility of brass, and then the value of these indicators drops sharply. Vykoristovuyut at virobnitstvі utensils, wind musical instruments, haberdashery and jewelry virobіv.

Bronze is an alloy of midi with other metals, followed by zinc. The most common vicorist are tin, beryllium, aluminium, lead bronze. There is a yellow-golden color, similar to the color of gold. Mineral, plastic, good to resist corrosion. Volodiyut toxicity, that of them is shown by artistic items - candlesticks, figurines, busts, cases of anniversaries.

Melchior - copper alloy with nickel (up to 20%). May a bright color, high brilliance, zastosovuetsya like a substitute for noble metals. Marking "mn" or "Melch" is applied to the virobi. Vikoristovuetsya for the preparation of high-quality tableware, tableware, artistic and decorative items.

Nickel silver is an alloy of midi, nickel (15%), zinc (20%). Power and recognition similar to cupronickel. Virobs are marked with the designation "MNTs".

17. Methods for the production of metal-working wares, their distinctive signs, influencing the spontaneity of power

According to the method of manufacturing, the mills can be buti-lithium, stamped, prepared by the method of powder metallurgy and in ..

Littya is the most economical way to produce blanks of various forms and whether or not they are cut from chavun and silumin. The melting of the metal is poured into the mold, in the yak_y v_n it catches and sets the given parameters. Walls of virobiv can promote tovshchina and shortness.

Rolling. I prepare to pass between two systems of smooth or profiled rolls of the rolling mill, which are wrapped in the opposite sides, with which it changes according to the tovshchina and increases according to the length. Take off leaves, shaped steel rods - trumpets, coils and in.

Sheet stamping - molding of steel, duralumin, cupronickel, brass, nickel silver in a cold mill from thin-sheet rolled products on presses for an additional punch and matrix. For stamping it is possible to make a cutter (flat molds), a drawstring (empty molds without seams), bending, punching. The advantages of stamping are added up in the wide possibilities of automation of the process, the sufficient accuracy of the dimensions and the good cleanliness of the surface of the mills.


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Non-food goods are the most valuable items, zavdyaks like a person can satisfy that chi of their needs, for a little hunger and help. In other words, goods of a similar kind are not admissible before living in the quality of zhzh, but also in the quality of additions to it. The transfer of non-food products is great and varied, here you can see it like clothes, so the products of a metallurgical plant, or be it a factory, a lot of others.

Classification of types of non-food products

For now, the whole system has been developed for the classification of various non-food products. The key to such a system is the possibility of discriminating and dividing into different subcategories of objects and types of the discussed type.

All non-food products are divided into groups, which can be added to the next list:

In addition, non-food products are also of different categories of drink: seasonal, fashionable, impulse, special and everyday.

For the help of such a classification in retail outlets, they are approved by the authorities, which make jokes easier consumer goods, With the method of satisfaction of the living, consume.

Features characteristics of manufactured goods

The head-country rices of non-harvesting varieties are the following criteria:

  • vіdsutnіst nebhіdnostі in specіalnih umovah utrimannya, transportuvannya, zberіgannya goods;
  • increased folding, and in case of insecurity, object of trade;
  • the need for special training or special training for the correct or safe choice of this subject.

Through the folding sheets, the specifics of a group of goods are discussed, the special norms for the sale and the rules for the process of assessing the quality of similar types and objects.

The main ways to reconsider the quality of the product

All non-food products in the obov'yazkovym order can be rebuvat on the form of re-verification for compliance with the main standards of GOST.

Іsnuє kіlka variatsіy podіbnih reverіchnyh robіt.
  1. Rosrakhunkov, registration or instrumental methods.
  2. Organoleptic methods.
  3. Heuristic methods.

Now there are more reports about the skin with a variety of options for evaluation work.

Registration, rozrahunkovі or іnstrumentalnі methods otsіnochnyh robіt, as a rule, zastosovyatsya for the calculation of physical and chemical parameters of non-food object sale. In the evaluation process in a similar way, the subject will go through anonymous trial stages. The foldability of this procedure depends on the subtype of the re-verification object itself. As practice shows, most of the work on this method is carried out within the walls of the laboratory.

In addition, for the help of instrumental, rozrachunk and registration methods of assessment, an examination is carried out for the designation of hygienic, toxicological, physical-chemical, sanitary-chemical and microbiological indications. Basically, these indications are necessary for confirming the safety of products, as they are in direct contact with the body of a person, or with food products (toothpaste, perfumery, cosmetics, etc.).

Organoleptic methods for assessing goods are stored from dekіlkoh etapіv.

  1. The process of examining the object with the method of revealing an old marriage or a breakage of the object.
  2. Retelne vivchennya vsієї dokumentatsії, scho dodaєtsya to the goods, z metoyu povnoї vіdpovіdnostі nebhіdnim GOST norms yakostі. Krіm of that, at this stage, revіryaєtsya nayavnіst all skladovih parts, yakі are included in the kit to the product (if necessary).

In this rank, the methods of evaluative work are designated to include a control re-verification of absolutely all technical features and characteristics of the subject, so as not to require special minds for its implementation.

For the help of heuristic methods of the Crimean esthetic authorities, the authors offer assessments and other qualities of non-food products. Similar revisions are made without intermediary by a person who is a highly qualified tradesman in this room.

All revisions and follow-ups are carried out only in specialized laboratories.

Soft features when choosing manufactured goods

When zdіysnennі choice of goods, with a farther method of yogo vikup, spozhivach keruєtsya seldom samostіynoї ocіnkoy yakostey, power to that chi іnshoy subject torgovіvlі. Leather subtype of non-harvesting goods may have its own peculiarities, characteristic only of one alone. However, for the sake of longevity, fakhіvtsі saw some sort of rice, as the authorities in all categories of goods, yakі do not fall under the type of "food".

These should be seen:
  • neshkidlivist (the goods are not guilty of revenge in their own shkіdlivih speeches, for a wine of a higher category);
  • dovgotrival_st (buyer rozrakhovuє on the sevny termіn service of the goods, scho kupuєtsya);
  • esthetics (zovnіshnіy viglyad і design for spozhivach є far from unimportant factor when choosing a product);
  • physical and technical correctness (purchased item is to blame but correct, not the mother of breakdowns and defects);
  • ergonomics (ensure a little comfort and calmness);
  • repairability (buyer is to be repaired on the basis of the possibility of carrying out repair work, in the event of a breakdown, the item is purchased);
  • the popularity of the picker (more buyers to choose a picker for the bark of the gum, call it any other company of the picker).

Selecting manufactured goods, pay attention to all available estimates of special features.

Legislator regulating trade in manufactured goods

It is important to know that the process of selling non-food products is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation. The Crimea of ​​the Federal Law "On the defense of the rights of contributors", the power has established the Rules for the sale of the type of goods discussed, as laid down in the Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation No. 55 dated 19.01.1998. In this Regulation, vregulovanі not only all the thinness of the very process of buying and selling, but th rose is cleared, what is the mechanism for assessing the yakіsnostі goods, and also the whole procedure for the exchange or the return of a non-yakіsny (defective) product is written.

It is impossible not to notice that according to the Rules of skin purchase in any trading floor, in a binding order, a competent sales assistant is to blame, who is responsible for all food purchases, which is to say the purchase of food. Crimea technical characteristics The purchaser is responsible for the delivery of the goods to the buyer, but about all the specifics of the operation of the item.

The rules govern the main legislators to the correct transportation, packaging of products, as well as to the completion of all the rules for the collection of the same kind of goods.

Algorithm dіy when exchanging or returning goods

Zgіdno z dіyuchimi norms of the Russian Federation, zdіysniti obmіn or the return of non-food goods є mozhlivim. However, the very same norms introduced a different term for the implementation of such a procedure.

It is important to know that no matter what product you can turn. So, turn pіdlyagaє: vzuttya, accessories and clothes. The reason for the return for the re-insurance of categories of goods can be nevіdpovіdniy rozmіr, і navіt kolіr. Please note that in order to make the return of the purchase, the given item is guilty of being in a non-damaged packing box and not to be worn. The presence of a cash receipt, which confirms the purchase and sale of the item, which makes the return, help speed up the process.

In cases, if there is a defect in the manifestations of a calming object already in the process of coring, it is also the transfer of the legislative base of Russia, but for whom it is necessary to conduct an examination, as it is in your own capacity to confirm that the school is not being approved for an hour of operation.

Non-food products are a great collection of commodity groups, which are combined for different signs: for recognition that satisfies consumers, for the composition of materials, or according to their functions.

Іsnuє kіlka rіznіh klаsifіkatsіy nоfood commodіvіv. Zakrema, klassifikatsiya behind the curtains of the people's state to divide goods into two groups: goods of light industry (fabrics, knitwear, jackets, clothes made of clothes and leatherettes, hutryans and clothes, etc.) , crockery, cars, motorcycles, toys, sports equipment and others). These goods are viroblyayutsya practically by all laces of industry, krіm lung. The classification of goods according to the Galuz principle was saved with the encouragement of Russian classifiers. Classifiers are official documents.

The classifykatsya is forefront to the non -food commodity to the cue principle, one -in -law of Maj Vіdstuu, the good -time Zruchnistya і Logiko explained the foremost mother, and this is the non -Chistoye of the vessel, and the vicorized Mathers, the vicopur.

Non-food products to be stored in a warehouse complex:

  • state goods: metal goods (tools, dishes and other items), glassware and ceramic goods (tableware, budmaterials, mineral goods and other materials), plastics products, chemical goods (lakofarbov_ materials and other things), pobutov furniture, budmaterials;
  • naphtha and petroleum products;
  • clothing-vzuttєvі: textiles, sewing and knitwear, woolen-vzuttev, fur-farming;
  • (Perfumery, hygienic and i);
  • electrical goods(Droti, lighting fittings, machines for cleaning, cleaning, cooking and saving etc.);
  • culturally-pobutovі: folding electronic goods (TV sets, video recorders, photo and film cameras), yearbook, sports equipment, transport equipment, music goods, audio and video cassettes, books, toys, etc.;
  • jewelry;
  • haberdashery goods;
  • works of art.

Rozpodіl non-food products on the same group is not caught and dogmatic. So, deyakі groups of commodities went out of mass consumption, for example, saddlery-saddle, chipped and oboznі; the members of the group changed and expanded; tsіlі pіdgrupi, vidіlenі in classifiers like "іnshі", began to play a more important role, nizh vіdomі і describіnі earlier commodities.

Non-food products are satisfied with the most varied consumption - in the form of a variety of items in special hygiene to folding industrial equipment, automobiles and other. Spozhivchі power and їх klasifіkatsіya for non-food products are described in topics 1 and 2.

The range of non-food products on the floor is wide, so to give a short description of all assortment groups does not seem to be possible within the framework of this initial and methodological guide, we can only look at a few groups of goods briefly or more in a report. The students are guilty of independent study of specific similar groups of non-food products for the recommended literary references.

Evaluation of quality and expertise (in case of conflicts, lack of aboriginality) of non-food products is carried out according to the most important regulatory documents with the most advanced methods.

Organoleptic methods are carried out in the visual inspection of the goods, the document, the detection of visible defects, the complete set, the praceszdatnost the goods, the marking of the packaging against the requirements of GOST (as a rule, for 3% in the part of the presented goods).

Physical and chemical indications are evaluated by objective methods - instrumental (for additional technical aids of vimiryuvannya), registration (number of inspections) and rozrahunkov. For example, the designation of concentration, pH, temperature of softening or dropping, color, electrical conductivity, electrical conductivity, equal to noise and other. Follow-ups are carried out in chemical, physical, physical-chemical and other testing laboratories. A representative selection for the designation of physical and chemical indications is indicated in the Guest for these goods.

Sanitary-chemical and gіgієnіchnі pokazniki vikoristovuyut as a characteristic of the safety of goods that contact with water, hedgehog, the body of a person (voice, clothes, utensils, cosmetic products thinly.).

Microbiological and toxicological indications are assessed for perfumery and cosmetic products, for the hygiene of an empty company.

To determine the aesthetic values ​​of other authorities, which cannot be assessed by objective methods, vicorist heuristic methods, zocrema, experts or sociological ones. In order to conduct an examination, an expert way acquires the qualifications of fahivtsiv, so that they know the whole group of goods and possess special knowledge.

packaging of goods be carried out according to the duly DSTU. Packing manager - protection of non-food products from zovn_shnіkh vplivіv - mechanical (hit, vice), water (wet, curd, corrosion), light (witzvіtannya) and іn. Prior to packing in a fresh container, we can supply goods of bututy chemicals (adhesives, varnishes and farby, dobriva that іn.), perfumery and cosmetic products. Tissues, merzhiva, polymer and other materials are respected for peace. Pieces of clothing - plaids, scarves, hoodies, fur coats, suits, etc. Completeness - services, sets of dishes, furniture, etc.

Wimogi before packaging - specific. For various kinds of construction of partitions (for example, bottles, mirrors), for electronic goods - shock-absorbing pads and inserts in containers, for expensive clothing - plates, etc. etc.

The most widely used materials for packing goods are cardboard boxes, paper, plastic bags and plaid, bandaging materials. Group packaging in a heat-shrinkable sleeve (dishes) is sealed.

Marking of non-food products is introduced in topic 3 (section 3.2).

Wash away the savings for most non-food products of the same type - moisture content between 65-70%, air temperature +5 to + 25 ° C (average 10-18 ° C). Placement of non-food goods must be no closer than 0.5-1 m from heating appliances with the use of pink sony light and piece lighting (more goods should be protected from direct sony light). When packing goods, it is necessary to take their shape. Follow the rules of commodity sus_dstva (do not take goods at once, as they can lead to mutual sale).

For tricky products, the recommended temperature for storing water is - 4 ° С to + 5 ° С. Metal goods are cooled down to low temperatures, like heating without wasting energy. Easily occupied, combustible or toxic (otruynі) goods (including those in aerosol packaging) require special minds to save in other places.

Hygroscopic goods (fabrics, shkir, vzuttya, furniture) are responsible for saving in dry environments, de-protection of povіtroobmіn і protection from microbiological ears (mushrooms, plіsnyava and іn.).