What will not show the basic tricolor TV. Rozvazhalny and educational channels. Confirmation of subscriber rights

It’s well known that the services of satellite TV viewing from Tricolor TV, in order to end the period for which the subscriber has paid, is responsible for the transmission of paid TV channels, but don’t be bothered by the channelless (federal) channels. Why not show the non-kostevny channels? How can you correct the situation independently, not to be bothered by faults, or just need to call the Tricolor TV and Victory Maistra support service at once?

Slide to diagnose malfunctions from the right point: from the companion to your TV viewer. Find out from the ear and re-examine the skin options for the cause of the situation. If you try to work the last time and, if you can, do not miss anything, then you can know what the problem is, and put your problem on your own, do not go to hell for the maister's help, but, in your own room, often do not wait for the expensive food.

Algorithm for converting the information of the prime annex

  • Stage number 1. If you want to clarify, why not start the channels, then for a cob, rewrite your very own possession. Recognize it from the hem, and then check out a sprinkle of hiline and wrap it up a new one. It’s true that when the winnickle was connected, the settings for the changes might not have been right. Tse and іve0lo before the inadequacy of the broadcast of Tricolor TV.
  • Stage No. 2. When we hit it off, it’s not right to navigate the information channel, and on the TV screen there was a sign “No signal”, then it was put in place automatic nalashtuvan... Zvertaєmo your respect for those who prodovzhuє pratsyuvati channel will be able to navigate to that vipad, if a smart card from the Tricolor is not inserted into the reception.

In order to correct the settings, you need to skip all the settings of the correct attachment to the factory settings. It’s just the reason why the Tricolor, having switched on the translation of the channel-free channels, is stored in the factory, then, if it turns to automatic, it’s the fault of the update.

Skidannya to factory nalashtuvan

According to the established rules, the provider recommends that the factory settings are reset to zero if there are any problematic situations, or they do not show free TV channels.

In order to re-install the necessary settings, you will need a new setting.

  • Open the menu and select options under the name "Settings".
  • Enter your special PIN-code by selecting the "Factory settings" column and confirm the transition to this point.
  • On the screen, hang up about those you want to throw off all the settings at the moment of setup. You need to know to confirm your vibration.
  • In a few seconds, your priymach will re-enlist.
  • In order to bring your region to your area and to conduct a broadcast of TV channels from Tricolor. If you know everything is included in your broadcast package, you need to save the installation.

At the same time, if at that moment before the payments the period of broadcasting of the channels from the Tricolor ended, and the paid TV channels were not shown, then the federal one would be moved to the short list of available broadcasts. Do not worry, because you can’t be aware of why the bezel-less channels weren’t on the beastly mischief-making list. You are going to see the shukati in the region on channel 101.

additional information

If you have dropped the settings to the factory ones, the protest translation has not been updated, then you will need to reconsider the data between your companion package and receiver. It is possible, not to show the canal bezoschtovnі through the shaved wires. At the same time, if the cable was not used, then it could change the antenna settings or the position of your tarilka. You can fix it on your own, focusing on the installation instructions for the tare, and if you don’t believe in what you can do with your own hands, you have the opportunity to test the trials of the previous service of the TV channel.

What are the robots, how are the non-connected channels connected, and the information channel will be shown?

There are many reasons why the federal channels are not working, but the information channel is not connected and is still showing:

  • You could simply not confirm your subscriber data, if you connected recently.
  • Prymach cannot recognize the Tricolor TV smart card.
  • Vee inserted the access card incorrectly.

If you have not confirmed your Tricolor TV client's details, then the broadcasting of paid coded TV channels can be interrupted and switched on, as all the rest of your payments earlier than the period.

Confirmation of subscriber rights

Create calls to the service line 78005000123 and contact the operator with the confirmation of your special donations.

Anyway, you can tse zrobiti in such a way. Go to the official website of the Tricolor TV provider. Go to " Special Cabinet»Koristuvach of the company, which you can know on headstrong... In addition, when you go in, you can confirm the subscriber's data.

In order to correct the operator's password for entering the "Special Cabinet" Tricolor TV, enter the identification code of your receiver or specify the number to the contract about the connection. Please change the password to enter. You є have the opportunity to edit the password for the correct setting, as well as for specifying the number earlier mobile phone for special messages at the sight of SMS-messages. Krym, you can reset the password in the sheets to your e-mail.

receiver Tricolor

Perevirt - what is your advantageous setting from the Tricolor to the smart card. Would you like to reconcile, open the menu and know the item under the name “ smart access", In order to go to the DRE module. Change the number of the smart-card identification number indicated on the access card, which is inserted into your receiver. At the same time, if the number is not visible, then the receiver cannot show your card to Tricolor TV access.

Often the provider's clients are stuck with it, but the stench is simply through its inaccuracy, for lack of importance, you can insert a smart card not sideways, which, perhaps, including, interrupt the transmission of the cable-free channels. We are guilty of reconsideration and the option. As soon as you installed the card correctly, then, if possible, change the comparison to the same analogous possession. For that matter, if the broadcast is updated on the annex, then blame the reason in the receiver. Please, who doesn’t get it right, in the most beautiful situation, having turned up to the fahivtsya in the service center.

Інші reasons, through which are not correct translation

You can also, when Tricolor TV has turned on the broadcast, and do not show the channel-free channels through those that are yours. programmatically secure out of date or unable to receive the signal correctly. If it’s working like that, then koristuvachevі finish onoviti yogo. You can update the price on your own: know the item in the menu and turn on the update. I respect you for those who, for the most part, the process is categorically impossible to make a proper adjustment, so as the file adjustment will be overwritten, and if it doesn’t seem to happen, then it’s possible to fix your possession in the future. With this rank, you can make your receiver malfunction!

Channel-free channels can also be connected through planned prevention. Just check out for an hour or find out from their Tricolor TV customers - show the broadcast from them. You can also check the information on the official website of the company.

Your tactic can be so old that you can't beat him with the incredible technology of broadcasting a satellite TV. In such a way, you should be more pristine.

As soon as there is no reason for your situation and the options for resolving the problem and they couldn’t help you, then you should write a sheet on the mail of the service technical support subscribers or by phone hot line customer service

1. Absolutely all streams will be valid only on computers with Windows OS

Yaksho Vi go to the site z mobile annex(Android, iOS), practically nothing will be done. When using a Mac OS computer, Windows Media streams cannot be supported.

2. Low speed and / or stability to the Internet

If you do not practically work with all channels and streams, it is often a problem that the Internet is shitty or the robot is unstable. The handler with the flow is written with the speed (kbit / s) - the price is minimal speed, it is necessary for more and more tolerant robotic flow. For everything, change your internet connection, you can go to the speedtest.net website, a server for converting the internet to Europe. You can also wonder in the html-code of the ip-address link to the stream, on which one is connected and the network is routed in the WinMTR program - by this rank you can see the stability of the connection with the cym server and at the universities which are the providers of the problems.

Remember that there can be a number of additional flows by the canal, as you can change between yourself. The list of streams is located strictly above the player.

3. Problems on main threads (DE / NL servers)

Yaksho View the main streams on popular channels(DE / NL servers), then periodically translations can be re-privatized. Call for 1-2 chilini, some more. Have a lot of vipadku, be weasel, gain patience. In the future, we will try to speed up the hour of renewing the streams until the very minimum.

4. Problems on our streams

Ts streams, as a rule, are less stable, less basic. On them, there can often be short-term interruptions in the broadcast, for example, outside the connection. Most of the time, the player will see a pardon, or simply do not connect to the dzherel. In general, it is also necessary to check it out, it is possible to talk about the irresistible dzherel in the comments - that is, it’s been reconstructed for a long time. In any case, it’s early enough to get to the whole broadcasting dzherel that is correct, or even inclusive. Inodi, the channel will be removed from the symbol "Channel with interruptions" - it means that we know about the problem and will come before you.

5. Plugin or codec not installed

On your computer you can have all the necessary plugins for the update. About those who stand up, read in the statistics. Also, on your computer you can have all the necessary codecs for the production of video streams (for example, there is no image or no sound or no sound). On webcams, in principle, there may not be sound, so the problem of codecs is more common to TV channels. Install the K-Lite Codec Pack codec set.

6. Channel of meanings of yak connections

As well as on the side there is the sign "Connection channel" (in the center of the player) - that means, but, unfortunately, we did not know the flow given to the channel and it was brought to the connection. In general, the channel is known from the publications on our site. If the site itself is uploaded, you should see it later. The page is filled with vipadok, as soon as I know it, I can see it. In general, the channel will be available again for viewing on the site.

Otzhe, dear friends. Tsei material of assignments to those who do not have a supportive TV channel. Suputnikov TB rich is even broader in the territories of the SND, and in addition, for people it is possible to become in a different way by discarding information. If you have a rapt channel on the satellite TB, if you don’t know how zmusiti pratsyuvati TB, then you are here.

Supputnikov TB - richer tendency in its own way and to find the correct alignment of the receiver with the antenna can be easily zipsuvati "not tudi" pushing or breaking out like non-standard projects.

Well, in the statistics, it is possible for you to launch your satellite TV and try to turn your channels on the place.

Suputnikov TV is not pratsyuє

As long as you have a lot of channels on your companion TV set and it’s wonderfully exciting, you’ve consumed that’s kudi is needed. Read below and follow the instructions in the statistics.

Previously, it was not successful - the first launch

Whenever they bought their own tarilka, a receiver, and you don’t know how to launch a satellite TB, we’ll try to get you on the path of true.

1. Screw the antenna on the street in the same place, so you won't get overwhelmed by the sky. Attach the darts correctly, as well as pushing the dart to the catch and stuck it in the nest of the figuru "IN".

2. Insert the card included in the kit. If you need a card, you need to activate it by calling the provider's phone number, so it is difficult to find out which one is on the packaging.

3. Naygolovnіshe now set up correctly. Remember, the supporter's tarilka is guilty of accuracy up to a millimeter, but the vivirene is straightened to the right side to ensure the correct signal. It’s not very busy and it’s necessary to go to it.

For this purpose, bachiti is like a signal in Daniy moment, Turn on the TV set and put it in AV mode, before the receiver connects to your TV set. Then, if you shake the region, keep pace with the scale "Riven to signal", which is more beautiful.

Nalashtovuvati directly to the antenna itself - it’s even more busy, for every mother needs to know about the robot system, as well as 2 people (one to twist the antenna, and the one who marvels at the TV signal is equal to the signal).

If you didn’t succeed - call the master, ask for a special request, and you can quickly and clearly set up a direct support package for your companion TB.

4. Now we have shukaєmo channels to your receiver. Remember to use only the remote control from the receiver for any manipulation of the TV (change to the channel, noise, etc.). The remote control from the TV will be required only to turn on the TV or to display everything.

5. If you have paid a subscription fee for TV channels, then the channels in a line list will be listed in your menu, if you have not paid and the extended package of channels is not connected, then there will be only a few standard channels and everything.

You can pay for it either on the website of your TV provider or through the terminal. Moreover, on the website, you can also vibrate the package with consumer channelsі pay for it. For this purpose, the channels have appeared, it may be necessary to carry out a new survey of the channels.

Earlier it was trickling, ale stopped

As far as you have it, the supputnikov TB has been praying, the canals are bully, everything is good, but now Suputnikov TV has ceased to be pratsyuvati, then the tsey has been distributed specially for you. Infect me trying to see everything any reason through your supporters TB has ceased to work and actually help to correct the situation.

Problems through which, by the way, the problem of TB can be divided into 2 categories: breakdowns in the program and problems in possession. Problems with possession will be seen lower, and if a robot with a programmed TV set and a receiver can be lost, the situation will be lost.

1. Change how you switch channels on the receiver's remote control. The TV console CANNOT change the channels of the satellite TV. In order to use the so-called software for the receiver shell, de menus, channels, satellite TV settings, you will need to transfer it to the AV millimeter mode on the TV remote control to the socket of any connections your receiver to the TV set.

2. Channels could be killed due to different reasons. Try again viconati poshuk kanaliv. For the whole, it is possible to create skidding, adjusting the yak through the remote control, so that through the receiver itself, if you have fallen asleep back the card. The visowuvati card is very specific in the very extreme cases, it is impossible to tell about some negative inheritance of the process that can be brought to other local providers. More on the receiver, press down the Vimicance button, then turn it on and then turn it on.

Choose your region correctly, so don't put it in the right place.

3. If you have written "Coding channel" for the sake of it, but before that there was no such thing, then it means that there are no inclusions in the stream packet of channels. To enable it, you need to add it through the control panel on the website of your satellite TB provider. Expect the packages to be paid for at the rate, for which the term of the paid package will end. The freshly paid channel is switched on at the end of the moment of payment. Mostly 1-8 years.

Is the indicator lamp on the receiver lit?

If your receiver sleeps when the light is on, change it to burn at once. As soon as the light doesn’t burn, then it’s better for all the wrong receiver or problems with 220 (no struma in podovjuvachi, provid wrongs, etc.).

Stuck in a card?

The card is guilty of bout nadiynim i the correct rank stuck into a special opening. Children vipadkovo vyinyavshi, could put in a way. To be surprised at the instructions as it is itself there is guilty of standing as it was, I was beaten by it.

Provid під'єднані?

Change the dart from the receiver to go to the satellite tarilka and to the TV set. Conduct the confessions with the help of the check and once and for all.

Is Tarilka good?

Oftentimes, thunderstorms and uncomfortable weather minds pose the possibility of a problem from a companion's tarilka right up to fatal. Even in the day before, there was a thunderstorm or hail, it could be a mechanical problem, as it became the cause of death. As soon as the right side is charged, then the icing of the metal sheet of the tarilka can be brought up to the display of the TV channels.

On a skin day, the popularity of concomitant TB is growing and growing. Tse through those who viewers, who didn’t have a stench, there’s a chance to marvel at your beloved channels in the skin’s hour, and also in good quality

We know it and see it as a leader from our most successful operators, who send their signals through their partners or telecomunications attachments, without question, “Tricolor TV”. Subscribers can be satisfied with finding their way in any point of the land and a colossal number of favorite channels.

To connect, you need an original set of possessions. Tse obov'yazkova umova for plug-in. Do not be afraid for this year's day absolutely for any koristuvach who is affordable and inexpensive.

If you still have a lot of plug-in channelless channels on "Tricolor TV", then our faqs help you vibrate possession, guarantee I take the installation, See the information in the same message after the connection. Go to the site, submit an application online and set up our property. Also, there is no koshtovnі consultation on all meals, how to guide you.

Chudova proposition on "Tricolor TV" - channelless channels. You won't get paid for what you pay. The package is called "Bazovim" and is primarily a federal channel. To connect, reach the end of the song of singers in the same sequence, in the instructions. Pislya plugged in on the screen is a picture. The price is awkward, because everything is written out point by point, and it is easy to fit in the set of items.

You can also connect a huge number of channels for payment and registration of the package.

List of non-koshtovnyh channels Tricolor TV

The baseless package "Basic" from "Tricolor TV" includes 10 federal channels. At the same time, the skin is getting bigger and bigger. Among them are the main, development and educational channels.

Main channels

  • Russia 1;
  • Russia 2;
  • Russia K;
  • Russia 24;
  • Petersburg 5;
  • pepper;

Rozvazhalnі and pіznavalny channels

  • Union;
  • Carousel.

Yak already bulo it is written vishche pereglazi cikh canals available only for writing the original installation and correct connection... Another important point is the tune of the antenna mirrors to the operator's companions.

The next step is to restore the receiver. It is necessary to memorize the proponated form on the operator's website, or call our spy proponent by phone. If you have checked yourself, then enter the number of the receiver "DRE ID", which is on the packaging or on the TV screen in the father's menu. Perekonumosya, scho everything is fine, by introducing the required signal from the companion and sending it to the activation of "Basic", the package.

Improvement and activation of Tricolor TV channels

Including everything is posting, but itself: a receiver and a TV set, on the screen you will be written about the channel coding. We take the remote control and turn on one of the channels. The price can be changed for the additional buttons "CH" - "+", "-", or press the digital buttons. Do not lyakaytesya, all at once will not be successful, so it will be guilty. We will turn on the receiver for a few years. When the receiver is turned on, a signal is needed to the operator, and at the same second he can turn it on to his attachment and transfer the code to your attachment. All of these days can drag on for a couple of years or a bit of hilin. If you want to remove the necessary codes, the picture will appear on the TV screen.

All the work without being too high-handed, and seeing as badly as I look at non-kostevnyh channels on Tricolor TV. Also in the package "Basic" add additional channels and channels. If the stench has appeared, then you can get up with ease through the "Poshuk Kanaliv".