The fault of the technical error when placing data in the EIS. Typical EIS problems and terms and their versatility Applications in the EIS procurement plan

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions when working in the Unified Information System, about system corrections when submitting, making or forming changes, as well as explanations and explanations for them.

Pardon “The organization *** has no connections with the control authority. It is impossible to publish information.

It is recommended to contact the organization (control body under Part 5 of Article 99) to establish a connection and correctly post the information.

Vidomosti are directed to control, but in the LC Authority, the requirements for this control are consistent with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ, vidomosti are not displayed, but “Respect for the thoroughness of controlled information” is formed " or "Protocol on the inconsistency of controlled information."

To provide you with qualified assistance, the necessary screenshots from a special account of the control body, which can be seen in the name of the IPN to the control body, screenshots of the transfer of control subjects are subject to Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and the screenshots show that a notification about the appearance or a protocol about the absence / or the reports are not displayed in the Personal Account. Also necessary are screenshots from the Deputy’s personal account, as you can see that the records are under control, a log of the records and screenshots of the “Documents” tab.

For taking off full access to the portal PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU, be kind, register. This loan is no more than a hvilini. Oberit social measure for Swedish authorization on the portal:

When the project was formulated to change the procurement plan, the statement “The first river of the planning period is guilty of one more than the financial fate of the procurement plan” was written.

With the release of site version 7.0.9, the problem has been fixed.

When forming statements, the message “The requested page is temporarily unavailable” appears. Try again later."

Start - Control Panel - Browser Power (look) - Add-ons - Skidannya - View specific settings.

  1. Service - Authority - Safety - Reliable universities - universities - Add to the list of reliable universities the site http: //*, https: //*
  2. Service - Powerful overview - Safety - Other - “Block drain windows” set the value “Turn on”
  3. Service - Power overview - Security - Other - “Access to data files outside domain boundaries”, set the value to “Enable”
  4. Service - Authority - Security - Other - “Do not ask for a client certificate if there is only one every day”, set the value to “Enable”
  5. Service - Powerful overview - Security - Other - “Active scenarios” set the value to “Enable”
  6. Service - Authorities - Security - Other - “Enable XSS filter”, set the value to “Enable”
  7. Service - Power overview - Security - Other - “Enable Java add-on scripts”, set the value to “Enable”
  8. Service - Powerful overview - Safety - Other - « ActiveX elements and connection modules, set the value “Enable” (for all items in the block)
  9. Service - Powerful overview - Security - Other - “Allow scripts”, set the value to “Enable”
  10. Service - Powerful review - Confidentiality - Dodatkovo - “Add automatic file processing” - First and Third party cookies “Accept”
  11. Service - Authority - Privacy - “Enable blocking of leaking windows”, set the value to “Enable” (uncheck)
  12. Service - Powerful review - Dodatkovo - Enable SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0
  13. Service - Power of viewing - Hidden - History of viewing - Vidality - Time-sensitive Internet files and cookies

After downloading, you need to restart your browser.

It is also recommended to delete the project statements and formulate them again. In cases where the recommendations do not help you, the necessary screenshots of the action with the date and time will be taken until the screenshot of the designated server is removed.

For the purpose of the server in Internet Explorer(9, 10 versions) required:

  1. Press F12. show up at the window
  2. Menu item cache -> view information about cookies.
  3. The browser will display a list table. It is necessary to take screenshots of all tables.

To display the EIS server views in Internet Explorer 11 you need:

  1. Clear your browser history or open a new browser window in private mode (Press: Ctrl + Shift + P).
  2. Go to the browser's Software Toolbox, you can press F12.
  3. Go to the “Metering” section, enable the collection of diagnostic information (press the Play button).
  4. Make peace.
  5. Press the Stop button and go to the “Details” page.
  6. Click on the "Cookie" field.

A screenshot of the time zone is also necessary.

If information about the server is not available on the current work station, you need to reproduce the problem and assign the server to a different work place.

Once upon a time special office It does not appear in the paragraph “Register of plans and schedules for the purchase of goods, goods, services, starting from 2017”.

To edit the access rights of the Senior Accountant of the Zamovnik organization, select authorization on the site as the administrator of the Zamovnik organization, click the “Correspondent Access Rights” button in context menu a valid merchant (order with login) to the list of merchants (Correspondent organizations in the Administration section). A page for editing access rights for the account manager will appear on the screen.

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The Unified Information System (IIS), due to its simplicity and relevance, has brought great success in the field of legal affairs in the world. However, the installed corrosive inodes are subject to problems, software glitches, and technical problems, which appear to be apparent from the star.

This material informs you that it is necessary to work when the message “Arrears at the time of placement, try again: “signCadesBES” is not assigned” appears on the website You should immediately be concerned about the technical support of the purchasing resource, or you can fix everything yourself.

Notice on the State Purchases website: "signCadesBES" is not specified

What's this?

For most people, there is a peace of mind when trying to place a contract before the register, for some people this will be the first time. The "signCadesBES" option can be entered with the "Undefined" parameter. Let's take a look at a number of development scenarios and describe their development.

The side is not interested

The mercenaries are stuck with the ever-present system - they are blamed white screen, A promise has been made and a written note is written: “Don’t try to seduce the side”.

In this situation, try to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Please double check that the address you entered is correct - the following must be written in the subline: "Https://"(Can be copied and verified, without paws).
  • Try to find the site through poshukova system, Go to new search results.
  • Check a couple of hints, and then try updating the page via CTRL + F5 (an option for technical work on the resource, we’ll talk about them later).

The site is accessible, the contract is not posted

If the site is working, if it is impossible to place a contract, or carry out other basic activities, we do it like this:

  1. We are updating the IE browser to version 11 and higher.
  2. I know myself I'll keep the version CryptoPro, install it (most often the problem arises in itself, a little later we will explain why).
  3. The existing plugin is being reinstalled/updated for correct operation of the system.
  4. We check the relevance of your operating system on the purchasing website.

There was a notice at the time of posting: “signcadesbes” is not significant - why do you need to update the software?

About everything in order - since the 2nd of June 2018, in the hairy profile of the skin care manager, you may receive an unintelligible message: “Application when placed, try again: “signcadesbes” is not intended.” This is due to the fact that the signing of documents and information in the EIS will be linked to the additional CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in.

This is connected with similar global changes in the area of ​​housing accommodation. The main reason is the incorrect setting of the working place, the “light” forms of which follow the instructions above. True, this is less suitable for those who have become familiar with new instructions to configure from the official resource.

A sprat of heads:

  • IE below version 11 is no longer vikorized, but in general properly tuned Other aspects of the system’s functioning.
  • The variety of versions available for correct robots operating systems prescriptions in new versions Instructions (you can find out everything below).
  • Following the analogy with the OS, the version framework is introduced directly for CryptoPro - expanded there.

Similar plans were implemented in the past, although not to this extent globally. Such “limitation” in the theory of guilty acceptance of correct robots Unified System at the skin peeler, and it is also important to forgive the insertions until the adjustment is complete, the right food to excrete.

Important - the changes are not introduced immediately, there will be actions in a special office under Law No. 44-FZ until the next changes are announced.

How to correct and instructions?

To understand the notification about the amend, you need to adjust your work place, vicorista p. 6 Instructions for installing and configuring the “CryptoPro UDS Browser plug-in” component. It is available for downloading or viewing in the browser for the next steps -

It is also recommended to install the Russian Sputnik browser there, with the support of advanced cryptography. They might as well try to find out if they want to be stagnant.

Give up technical support on topics with stormy, unreasonable details - instructions that have been suspended for a long time have been hanging in the pinned area of ​​the site, with private access.

We hope that our material will help you solve a serious problem with the website of the Unified Information System in the field of purchasing - be respectful, take more than an hour to understand, thereby ensuring a comfortable work over the government.

It also happens that when publishing or signing a contract, unacceptable provisions are made in the contract card, or in the submitted document itself. confirms that any changes are formalized with additional consent and require placement into a single information system within one business day.

In addition to the functionality of the site, it is possible to correct the actions of the view. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of establishing this function.

Then, in the register of contracts, we select the registry entry we need, and select “make changes”.

The contract card appears so you can edit it. At the top left corner there is a choice to select “change of contract” or “correction of records”. We need to indicate on a friend.

There is a window where it is necessary to indicate changes in detail and make corrections.

After all necessary corrections and updating with correct information, the card will be published to the contract.

This method of correction is not regulated by law, and the ability is transferred only to the functionality of a single information system It is not recommended for him to vikorize him for any purpose that would lead to the violation of the legislation on the contract system.

It is likely that the changes in the minds of the contract are enshrined and opened in 44-FZ.

UVAGA! To automatically generate all reviews and check existing creations in EIS, please contact our software security. Also, the program will costlessly check your purchases for purchases, open the NMCC and SKP, help you find what you need and much more!

Thank you very much, Mikhailo, everything was done promptly and the problem was clear to me... So, you and I knew a good word. I would like to continue the relationship with you just like that. I hope for a good job.

Olesya Mikhailivna - General Director TOV "VKS"

In the name of the enterprise, the State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopol Aviation Enterprise" stands for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company continued prosperity!

Lilia Ivanivna Guskova - manager. State Unitary Enterprise "SAP"

Thank you, Mikhailo, very much for your help with the decoration. Already qualified sportsman +5!

Nadiya Shamilyevna - entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the company "AKB-Auto" and on my own behalf, I especially thank you and all the employees of your company for the productivity I'll tell the robot, Sensitivity to the client's advantage and efficiency in the business of the company.

Nasibullin Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I would like to thank consultant Mikhail for his excellent work, current and future consultations. Although respectful of the client’s problems and nutrition, operational excellence would be best suited for less difficult situations. It’s so nice to work with Mikhail!!! Now I will recommend your company to my clients and friends. Those consultants in technical support were also very attentive, respectful, and helped with the folding installation of the key. Thank you!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Applying the key turned out to be even easier and, apparently, acceptable. A big thank you to manager Mikhail. Explains complex and massive for understanding speech succinctly, but even more clearly. Before that, I got on the phone in the heat of the moment catless line and online, together with Mikhail, submitting the application. The key was issued to me within 2 business days. Zagalom, I recommend if you are saving your time, but at the same time you want to be more reasonable - what you buy and what you pay for. Thank you.

Levitsky Oleksandr Kostyantinovich m Samara

Special thanks to consultant Mikhail Volodimirovich for prompt consultation and work with the speedy issuance of the EP certificate. During the initial consultation, the optimal range of individual services is selected. The final result has been taken carelessly.

Stoyanova N.L. - chief accountant TOV "SITEKRIM"

thank you for operational robot and I will help you competently! The consultation left me completely unsatisfied!

Dmitro Fomin

LLC "Expert System" thanks for the operational work of consultant Mikhail! We hope your company grows and prospers!

Sukhanova M.S. - OtsinyuvachLLC "Expert System", m Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant, who introduced herself as Mikhail, for her efficiency in working with clients.

Ponomariov Stepan Gennadiyovich

Many thanks to consultant Mikhail, for giving me additional assistance in obtaining the EDS. For operational work and consultation with food, the responsibility is paid during the registration process.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company in the person of consultant Mikhail cannot be timid! Accelerated accreditation in less than 1 year! Payment after the fact of service. I thought, this doesn’t happen. For further information, please contact the Electronic Signatures Center.