New interface “Taxi. New interface “Taxi Change to interface 1s 8.3 taxi

To do this, set up the "Business Accounting 3.0" configuration and enable the "Taxi" interface in business mode:

Krok 1. Open parameters in 1C mode: Entrepreneurship

Croc 2 Switch the interface to the "Taxi" mode

Croc 3 After restarting, the interface changes to the default one. Ale, however, it is not easy to practice, because You can’t see the window open and you can’t normally move from one window to another, which, insanely, is a big minus for customers.

Krok 4. The inconvenience of changing open windows can be corrected. Let's go to the menu "View > Panel settings":

Krok 5. Arrange the panels as you see fit. I do it manually like this:

If you move them up the mountain, the results will be much the same as with the old interface.

Krok 6 The axis is what can be determined as a result. Open the window below. It's even better! Anyway, let’s try to paint the interface and move on.

Krok 7. The scale of the image can be changed. Marvel at the way it looks open document From a larger scale, which is installed behind the mind:

As for me, it’s too big and insignificant for working in the same old interface.
If you want, of course, you can deprive it this way, as it is for those for whom it would be normal.
In order to change the scale, go to the instructions and download the editing:

After entering this in the menu “File > Open...” it will be opened in production mode. Then click the “Set compact forms mode” button and restart the configuration.
The axis that can be deduced as a result:

Check the remaining screenshot from the previous ones and make your choice.
Everything came together beautifully, manually, neatly and compactly.
Like me, it’s much easier to practise.

Welcome, colleagues!

What is the taxi interface in 1s

Speaking about the “Taxi” interface, I would like to look at two main points that are often not understood by customers: “why did they need a new interface and why did they need to create one?”

In this case, we would like to point out that, of course, the developers do not differentiate between the application solutions and the platform. For them it is all one thing. In truth, it’s not entirely like that. If we decided to make changes before this “whole”, then, as a rule, changes need to be made not only in the configuration, but also to change the platform.

The same situation exists with the Taxi interface. What kind of global development was conceived by the distributors, what was it that was so sophisticated?

The main reason lies in the fact that from the moment the web interface appeared and “1C: Enterprises” entered the Internet (including access through 1cfresh), and with the development of the Internet itself, the audience of the developer began to expand rapidly.

The first applied solutions were directed only at these core workers, who were developed and prepared to work with them. The stench passed ahead of the training and mastered the subject area. Of course, not everyone has high rhubarb preparations, otherwise the stink could grow even further to the top IT service.

Nowadays, the situation has significantly changed among business owners, as they become more experienced in working with the Internet, as well as mobile devices and programs that do not have economic specificity. It is more important for current hobbyists to learn new things “from the screen”, where ease of use and ease of use are important to them. Now, until the start of working with the program, almost no one will finish the course or read books and documentation. The mastered program is learned directly in the process of working with it, during which you understand how it works and what you need to do in it.

In addition, in great companies, specialized software solutions are starting to be sold not only by those who are actively using the computer, but also by those who have not previously required work with it, for example, a master who previously worked Yuvav na vyrobnitstvi. Thus, the job of retail workers is reduced to such a level that the “entry threshold” is as low as possible for cashiers, and there is no need for them to get started in principle with robotic programs. Moreover, such easy-to-learn software solutions are beneficial for small companies, as well as for large-scale installations, as they do not require wasting time and money on starting a new laptop. However, it is important not to forget about active developers, for whom the effectiveness of the work is important, and not the simplicity of the process.

Such minds already have a lot of configuration left in them. It is necessary to do this manually for an unprepared operator and thereby ensure productivity. In practice, problems during operation can also be caused by the platform itself and the interface, which simply cannot be achieved with a “good” configuration.

What's included in the new interface?

During the course of numerical testing and monitoring of the work of the operators with typical applied solutions, the engineers were able to identify the main problems that they tried to solve in the new “Taxi” interface. Why did they have problems? Below is a list of situations that caused difficulties for business owners while working with programs:

  • It is important to know the required object: a menu item, a command on a panel, a row in a list. The more tools are displayed in the list or panel, the more time it takes to search. In some cases, the required items could not be found, although the stench was present. In this way, the koristuvach is obliged to use other methods of searching, as soon as they were available.
  • It is important to know the necessary data: the invoice of a specific purchaser and the date of purchase. The system is working unsatisfactorily, history is working badly. Before “Vibrany”, koristuvachs rarely go wild.
  • Problem with selection in the input field. Koristuvach rarely fight when a joke is introduced, and when working with a form, respect is required and the situation often arises when the koristuvach loses the context of the work. When adding a new data element form, the context of the work is almost completely lost.
  • Problems with the form of choice. Most often, the correspondent searches for the need clearly, and not through a series of searches, which causes the problem described in paragraph 1. The rich have difficulties with hierarchical lists, especially in newcomers who are still familiar with the that hierarchy of data in the form.
  • The interface elements are even different. Sometimes it is important to recognize them and target them. As a rule, there are buttons without text that look like pictures, as well as navigation buttons in the calendar.

As a result of the decision, in which all the descriptions of the main problem were addressed, the new “Taxi” interface was released, exceptional specialness what and not so thoroughly external look, how many:

  • Improved navigation capabilities in the app
  • Possibility of customizing the work environment
  • Improved functionality for the use of other interface elements

Navigation for additional information

Well, one of the main goals in the development of “Taxi” was to improve the navigation for the app. In this case, the secret lies in the fact that:

  • The commands and tributes of the commands were expanded as close as possible to the koristuvach
  • You can easily find the required data in a timely manner

In order to implement this task, you need to change your approach before navigating the page in a number of directions. What happened as a result?

The role was promoted "stories" as a tool for searching for data. For which, instead of the history of changes, the history of the letters appeared, the number of elements that are saved in the history, and the reworking of the dialogue and images, has also increased - records under They follow the dates, and the joke becomes more direct:

A dynamic history panel is also included - it can be placed mainly in windows, so access to recent entries is always denied “at hand”. In addition, you can select the history panel to switch between open forms.

The role of “Selected” has been expanded - now it is a tool for accessing the main functions and data:

It became possible to add not only data, but also commands to the selected

Added elements from the selected system can be removed from the function, form, history dialog menu - in one click

The dialogue between the selected ones also recognized the processing and has now been implemented new search

The ability to change the names of selected elements has been implemented

The vibrated panel has been created. Now all elements can be “fixed”, and the selected panel can be used as a panel for basic commands

New possibilities have emerged for more frequent search of full-text search data. For this purpose, a standard form has been created for full-text search in all applied solutions.

The mechanism itself has been improved for faster and more successful results.

Implemented automatic robot Regulatory tasks in the file mode work without the need to start an adjacent service connection. Thus, in the file mode, the relevance of the full-text index is maintained as simply as in the client-server mode.

In addition: The toolbar has been expanded to allow you to expand to the main methods of navigating the program: selection, search for data, function menu, history

The function menu has also received a new design, allowing for a greater number of commands to be processed

The connection between the cob side and the “main” section is now independent. The new interface has two related and unrelated objects.

The sections are assigned the role of a “logical group of commands.” As a result, the partition ceased to serve as a working place, but became a way to deny access to the menu of commands that are shared by the application space

More fragmented quick access before home page

An alternative navigation has appeared in the Forward/Backward paradigm for hidden forms

Koristuvach's working space

During the course of monitoring the work of koristuvachs, it was revealed that their skin is subject to different tasks and the skin needs a different monitor size. Since it is unrealistic to make such a solution that could meet the needs of all business owners, the investigators believed that this situation could be changed shortest b_k for the possibility of "designing" the work place.

For example, we have a small monitor and a small screen space. In such a situation, the panel near the window takes up a lot of space within the entire work area. In connection with this, it was possible to increase the working area by connecting panels, in addition to the toolbar.

Navigation capabilities are no longer available in the toolbar. Actions from the elements will become “distant” through the application clicks when working with a mouse, or even a fraction, in line with what capabilities are now available to the user for the manual operation of his robot.

Or let's point to a different butt. We, by the way, have a wide-format monitor. Here, obviously, we don’t care about saving space. In this case, it is possible to organize the workspace in a way that is most comfortable for the operator: you can display all panels at once - sections, history, etc. If you need to frequently switch between closed forms when working, then for ease of use you can select the open form panel. In smaller configurations, the flow section command bar may require more manual decisions than the function menu.

The panels can be keruvati yak koristuvach, and the rozrobnik himself. Depending on the specifics of the applied solution, they can be assigned to the retreading and storage of panels for washing. For example, the flow partition command panel is not available for small configurations.

Before installation, you can clarify the configuration of the panels for the singing koristuvach. These adjustments can be set independently by the teacher himself.

Vikoristannya fields

The usability of the input fields when selecting a value has been improved. Previously there were problems like this:

  • Irrational placement of the button for selecting instructions from the input field. Richly koristuvachiv, bachachi qiu button, they pressed on without beginning to enter the field. As practice has shown, the most effective way is to choose an additional form of choice.
  • Not all users realized that in which fields you can add input for selection
  • The field is divided into two buttons - a button to select and a button to select from the list that appears. This often confused the koristuvach, because it was unwise to use the button to quickly

Due to the over-insurance “inconsistencies”, retailers changed the behavior of the entry field. Now the value selection is completed through the drop-down list, which contains the history of the selection, the value selection and the selection list (similar to the power of the form element).

To see the list, what is dropped is transferred new button, also appears when the mouse is inserted into the input and selection field.

The list that appears allows users to understand that the field is intended for selecting a value, and not just for entering text. In addition, even at the first click it becomes clear that you can also enter text for searching in the field. For the sake of historical clarity, the values ​​that were most recently entered are saved. If necessary, you can add a new element without changing the selection form. You can also choose to use the form of selection, as you don’t need anything else. It is also important that the list that drops down does not open behind the keyboard, so as not to interfere with the entry of data.

Previously, there were also problems with the selection of values ​​- either the search did not give the desired results, or the value was too rich. Now, when you select the values, they are displayed immediately. It is also worth adding that information about the result of the selected values, which were previously displayed in the dialog box view or when trying to exit the field, are now displayed in the list when entering.

The select button is now located in the list of items that appear. Of course, for the sake of usability, the process of opening the selection form has been delayed, and a few “clicks” are required on the field to select the list that appears, and to press the hyper-power in the list itself. This decision was carried out in such a way that students can quickly search for the set and use the form of selection more quickly.

  • The history saves the remaining selected values
  • The search can be made not only on the beginning of the row but also on the row, but also by entering the full text
  • The entry of a new value can be deleted without opening the form to the list

It is important that the selection button can be turned to the right place. Also, the drop-down list has the ability to select formatted rows as a means of indicating the value of the selection and selection list. This allows you to visually see the rows behind each color of text and font.

New design

After the clear changes that have occurred in the classroom, you can make changes to the interface design. From this drive, developers had a variety of ideas, ranging from simple to complex concepts. The main complexity of the interface is due to the rapid development of the Internet. As we have already been told before by the Koristuvachs computer technology There were only those who were needed for the execution of business tasks, the connection with which the interfaces were essential for them - their tasks were built to ensure the ability to install these and other functions ій. The aesthetic side and handiness of the vikoristan were not the main aspects at that time. The main thing is to ensure that the interface supports the necessary set of functional capabilities without causing obvious objection - just being “normal”.

The active development of the Internet and mobile devices has impacted the koristuvalny audience and now the majority are active koristuvachki, such as computer technologies requirements for completing other tasks - blogs, conferences, social measures ta in. Such additions combine a number of important factors - the ability of work in one program for a large number of clients, regardless of the level of their training, and competitive resources, so that today's clients have a wide range of ideas choosing social networks, search portals, etc. Among them, the choice is based on the benefit of these resources, which is not only functional abilities, as well as usability and modern design.

Thus, for current add-ons, what is important is not so much functionality (for all of them it is approximately the same), but rather aesthetic appeal, and then user-friendliness of the interface. This trend has led to the emergence of a whole new trend in interface design. further development These ideas are based on sophistication, graphics, simplicity and usability. The result was the emergence of computer devices that are accessible to computer users and adapted to new interfaces that are appreciated by both manual and intelligent people.

Another complexity in the development of the interface was due to the fact that for Internet users it is not typical to use only one resource, they can use several similar ones that suit them best - browser, email, etc. social media and other Otherwise, it seems, in this situation it is important that the program is not just good, but “receptive”. Now the concept of “sharp on the wrist” has become very relevant for software solutions. Whatever the koristuvach’s acquaintance with the program has not ended, it is important that she attracts attention with her appearance.

Other developments in the “Taxi” interface were aimed at eliminating other “shortcomings” - the complexity of the “look for the eyes” of the required elements of the program, the inhumanity of the robot with the target, the complexity of the “hit” part in action elements and in. As a result, it was possible to create a design that had new design elements, and also larger sizes of elements and a larger font. There was also more space between elements, which allowed the interface to be more fluid. Color gama also recognized the change - now the form and fields are drawn alone white background, the active field is highlighted, group headings are displayed by color, you can also see the entire group by color, etc. The dimensions of the form elements were also changed, and new elements were added, for example, “Tumbler”.

We would like to point out that when creating a new interface, we take into account the fact that a robot with an add-on can be connected to a device with a touch screen, which is even more relevant today. Therefore, all decisions in the interface were viewed in the same way as they are used and displayed on touch devices - tablets and others.

What's missing?

U present moment Developers will have to rush to make the transition to new version platforms are the simplest. However, not everything can be done automatically; in fact, it is still necessary to adjust it “manually”. Simple forms with “taxi” enabled do not cause common problems, but even simple forms that were created under the old interface, they are not yet well represented. This is due to the fact that the size of the fonts has become larger, so users can use a “different” monitor. Given the form, it is natural to require further processing - this can be done without any special problems, but significant changes are required here.

People are trying to get victorious Qiu problem So that it doesn’t become a “stumbling block” when switching to the new version 8.3. Even though a decision is approaching to allow a smooth transition to Taxi, there are no significant problems with the program adaptation process. It is important to allow the use of old folding forms without reworking. Of course, in the new interface, this form no longer looks like the old one, but at the same time it won’t be completely thorough, but it will be possible to use it and all the capabilities of the interface will be available.

How to get the "Taxi" interface and return to the previous view 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)


Unfortunately, starting with release, it is no longer possible to navigate to any accounting interface. Now there are no taxis.

Well, here's the latest update to 1C. Starting with the release of 1C: Accounting 8.3, we found that the “Taxi” interface was removed (read more). And if the ability to work with a different interface is preserved, “Taxi” is turned on after updating in some cases.

Every hour has passed, and soon there will be articles about the work with the new interface. You will also have to wait until the programs adapt their processes, which may not work quite correctly with Taxi.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to immediately go to the “Taxi” page and turn to the other interface. It’s not easy to get started.

  1. Go to the "Administration" section.
  2. Now in the main window you will find the item “Interface”.
  3. Select "Yak u" previous versions 1C: Accounting 8".
  4. I couldn't press the "Restart" button.
  5. The program asks for permission to restart, select “Yes”.
  6. Wait for the restart. Ready!

Same in pictures:

Z povagoyu, (vikladach ta rozrobnik).

The article continues the cycle “The first steps in the development of 1C”. We will look at the new “Taxi” interface from both the customer’s side and the programmer’s side.


The statistic shows the “Taxi” interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform. The information is relevant for streaming platform releases.

New Taxi interface in 1C:Enterprise 8.3

In addition to the basic options for the interface “in around the world“and in the bookmarks of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform a new interface has appeared - Taxi.

With the creation of a new interface for the developer, platform developers set a number of goals for themselves.

Configuration fragments can now be processed via the Internet using a basic web browser, the platform is clearly oriented towards working with mobile devices, and entering information using additional touch screen, which reacts to drugs before.

The new interface has significant visual features - large dimensions of the tile elements, large font, significant gaps (inputs) between the elements, the color scheme has changed, activated tile elements are visible color too.

In addition to the emphasis on friendliness and user-friendliness of the computer interface, great respect was placed on applied directness, which would make it easier to carry out the same operations.

Customers received improved navigation capabilities through the add-on, work space to customize, work with history on the web browser history database, and increased selection capabilities in the entry fields.

Let's take a closer look at the new taxi interface.

When using the Taxi interface, the add-on is basically a window, in the middle of the work area in which all other windows are opened.

The windows are not displayed side by side on the Windows Taskbar, but rather are visually drawn on top of the main window (for example, the browser item selection form).

The work begins from the cob side. This side cannot be closed. It is to blame for the different forms of configuration that are most often abused.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

The ability to customize the forms that are displayed on the front page has been added in the design mode. To do this, select the item from the main menu ViewAdjustment of the cob side.

Basically, the program consists of several panels and areas, each of which has its own functional purpose.

For more help buttons F6 You can switch focus between shapes on the front side.

Basically, the program consists of several panels and areas, each of which has its own functional purpose. The mutual rotation of the panels can be adjusted by the configurator and by working with the configuration while working.

1. Sections panel

The partition panel displays a list of high-level configuration systems.

Skin division of decorations in appearance name buttons(Bookmarks). The section with the Heading header is displayed first left-handed.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

If the screen width is not enough to display all sections, a scroll button appears on the panel (an arrow appears):

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

When you press the target on a specific section on the flow section function panel, the commands for the selected section are applied.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

When you press the target again, a list of all commands for the selected section – the function menu – appears on the screen.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

2. Panel of functions of the flow section

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

It displays the commands of the selected section. When a hyperforce is pressed, the corresponding command is selected (for example, by opening the form to the list of documents “Product Reliability”).

3. System command area

On the left side of the expansion area there is an icon for access to the main menu, which contains the classic items File, Editing, View, etc. From the keyboard, you can activate the main menu by pressing the F10 button.

The right side of the area has expanded commands for saving a file, a friend, I'll look back in advance, robots with instructions, calculator, calendar, etc.

4. Toolbar

On this panel, there are expanded buttons to open the menu of streaming functions, accessing selected items, viewing history, and searching for data.

Using the additional buttons on this panel you can speed up and make navigating the configuration easier.

5. Critical panel

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

This panel displays a list of open windows. The forms of the working area of ​​the front page are not displayed as well as the forms on the side panel.

6. History panel

In the Taxi interface, the history panel is close to the web browser history.

The history panel speeds up access to the most important objects of the day - opened, edited or added documents, documents, etc.

The entries are divided by day, and opposite the skin row the hour of the day is indicated. Within one day, the recording is ordered by hour of access.

Koristuvach saves no more than 400 entries in the history. If the number of saved elements exceeds 400, when new history elements are added, old entries are deleted.

Create a row to search for history. By clicking the history rows, you can also jump between subordinated windows program

7. Display panel

The search bar is also "locked" into the web browser. Navigation messages are saved here, which are specially marked as being used for quick access.

Now the selected one saves not just data, but also commands.

You can add an object to the selection by clicking the mouse on the star icon.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

There is also a search row on the panel. The titles of the elements located in the selected item can be edited.

For this purpose there is a small button with an oval on the right side of the selected row.

The platform has implemented a special form of full-text search. This form is only available if the full-text search is hidden.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

You can click the search form from the keyboard using the additional keys Ctrl + Shift + F.

At the bottom of the main program window you can find an information panel.

This is used to display performance indicators and indicate that the server time delay simulation mode is enabled.

Now productivity indicators are displayed not in the side view of the window, but in the side view of the main program window panel.

The panel is displayed if the “Display productivity indicators” option is set in the system parameters:

The window appears now at the bottom of the form and can only be seen if it is displayed again.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

For form fields that look like “proportion field” and “mix field”, it is possible to display the toggle switch appearance (a number of buttons, shading handles, the color of the exact value is visible).

Another innovation in the Taxi interface is groups that can be lit up, which allow you to save space on the screen, remove most of the dirty information, and just in case you need to clarify it – pop up a group , detailed information.

The larynx is not available for the primary group with a modified title.

There is more vikoryst in the Taxi interface great fonts, The dimensions of the control elements, there are wide openings between the elements.

Forms that have been split up for the basic ceramic interface will not be very user-friendly when switching to Taxi. Therefore, the power of form was realized in the Option of Scale.

The work option that applies to the other option is the Compact scale, and timely solutions that allow you to transfer the configuration to a new interface. Then we will adapt the large folding forms to the new interface.

With this version of the work, a smaller font and indents are used, the form looks as similar as possible to the one divided into the 8.2 platform.

The configuration guide can indicate the configuration of the panels. The editor can be opened by pressing right button targets in the configuration tree by the root element that opens context menu Select the item "Open the client program interface."

On the right side of the window there is a display of all those present in the panel interface. Using the mouse or Add button on the left side of the window, you can determine the mutual arrangement of panels on the screen.

The skin panel can only be used in wood once. The editor does not allow adding two new panels to the tree. The panels that are already located in the interface are indicated in the right corner in the list of standard panels by an icon that looks like a gray square.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

In the Taxi interface in customer mode, you can adjust the layout of panels on the screen. For this purpose, the Panel Editor, which can be opened from the main menu View - Panel Settings.

You can then move the icons that represent the sections that appear in the rows and columns of the panel editor so that the panels are visible in the required parts of the screen.

To prevent each section from being displayed in the interface, you need to move it to the bottom part in a field with a gray background.

If the user has a small monitor, to save time on the screen, you can display all panels.

For this purpose, the main menu item Viglyad – Catch all panels is assigned.

At the top of the forms, navigation buttons are displayed between open windows. The appearance of these buttons is again similar to that of a web browser.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

To turn to the front side, press the Home button. To move between active forms, use the Back-Forward buttons.

In the Taxi interface, the navigation panel for the form is now left-handed, and not left-handed, as was the case before.

To make it larger, press it onto the image.

On platform 8.3, on the admin side of platform 8.2, in the authorities of the root element of the configuration, replace the item “Unlock” command interface desktop" - "Open the command interface of the main section", and instead of the item "Open the working area of ​​the desktop" - "Open the working area of ​​the front page".

The appearance of the calendar has been changed. We have several lists in which you can select the date of the month.

You can also move to the previous and previous months using additional buttons showing left and right arrows, as before.

The root element of the configuration has the power "Interface power mode":

  • Version 8.2 – the client program runs in the 8.2 interface. Switching to the taxi interface is impossible.
  • Version 8.2. Allow Taxi – the interface of version 8.2 is required for promotions. You can switch to the taxi interface for an additional dialog of parameters or command line.
  • Taxi. Allow Version 8.2 – the Taxi interface is used for promotional purposes. You can switch to the interface of version 8.2 for an additional dialog of parameters and command line.
  • Taxi - the client program operates in the Taxi interface. Switching to interface 8.2 mode is impossible.

When using the 8.2 interface, it is permissible to mix between the interface in adjacent windows and the interface in bookmarks.

You are expected to finish smut food about the advantages that the new Taxi interface brings to the table. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that working with the program has become much easier. I remembered the following moments:

  • Current program design
  • Great font
  • Wide range of possibilities for cultivating your work space
  • Ease of navigation when accessing additional panels in Vibran, History, etc.
  • Improved ergonomics of certain interface elements
  • Possibility of creating new elements from the selection list.

For those who want to bury their knowledge in the innovations of cerated forms, the new “Taxi” interface is definitely

With the transition of 1C Accounting to hardened forms, and now with version 8.3, the 1C company is constantly changing the program. Axis and now a new “Taxi” interface has appeared, which calls for a great change to bring rich food to the farmers. Now I’ll briefly explain what the “Taxi” interface is in 1C.

I also recommend reading the article about the features of the interface of version 8.3, aligned with the previous ones. Let's understand what's in the program.

What is the taxi interface in 1C Accounting

Below is a screenshot of the little one that shows the essence of the new Taxi interface (here and beyond, without paws). This example is not from 1C Accounting, but from the demonstration configuration “Addendum that is stored”, designed specifically to demonstrate the capabilities of the new interface. If one image is not enough, go to the 1C website and run the Taxi test configuration directly in the browser.


Did you marvel? Launched? Of course, now let’s get to the bottom of things: “What’s so new in the 1C Taxi interface?”, and also “What are these critical changes for the average business owner?”

What's new in the 1C Taxi interface

I won’t describe the features of what’s new in 1C Accounting; you can read everything on the official 1C website, so there’s nothing to repeat here. Let us first note that these are the same ceramic forms as before. The principle of molding by software has not changed. Only the new appearance has changed, so that the interface is lighter and more energizing for the users (in the future?).

I want to respect that 1C Accounting has the same goal. The program interface does not play a special role here! I just feel like there’s a lot that I don’t want to figure out and continue to scour the Internet in search of food, food, and internet. I’m saying this all to the point that I would like to kindly respond to:

  • a) accounting as such;
  • B) by robot in the operating system;

All you have to do is master the new 1C interface, either a taxi or an entire taxi fleet, not in stock. Same tse naygolovne, resta nestyeva. Therefore, I would like to mention in the title the article about the taxi interface in 1C, but I would like to talk a little about something else.

Taxi - taxi drivers!

Just like that and I want to stick a label on those that are displays the interface, and not the very essence of the program's work! Tim no less, if you want to master the new Taxi interface in 1C in detail, then you should definitely follow:

  1. When working in 1C, use the updated add-on (F1);
  2. Read the official documentation on the 1C website;

Yes, yes! Official documentation from the program distributor will always help. Much better than the following statistics on third-party sites. Only a few people read everything, willingly surf through any forums and rely on hints from the side. This is the wrong approach!

There was an important part of the statistics here, but without JavaScript it’s not visible!

You need to master the ESSENCE of the programs, not the interface!

This is what I tell everyone who signs up for my classes. For others, let me explain - having understood the principles of work in the program, having realized how it is governed, you will stop worrying about such trifles as the interface that has changed after the next update! Once you have mastered the work in 1C, then you will be able to use it calmly and not waste an hour on non-network problems.

Is it still necessary to “learn the new Taxi interface” instead of mastering the 1C PROGRAM? Then read from the official documentation!