Iptv panel keruvannya. Advantages of the IPTV Player program.

I live! In this article, we will again continue the topic of reviewing television channels through All-World's Pawtinnya. And at once the author will tell you about one small, but neimovirno bells and whistles addendum.

Therefore, the essence of our rally can be briefly understood as follows: IP TV Player - IPTV review program on computer pid keruvannyam Windows. Let's talk about those, de її it is possible to zavantazhiti and how to correctly nalashtuvati.

Otzhe, my friends, first for all it is necessary to zavantazhit the program from the її official site the axis for the cim requests. Goodness won't be big, it's more than 6 MB. The next time the installation process is started.

The installation itself is standard, but there is only one little trick in the retailer. We are trying to impose on you another additional software security, which does not in any way correspond to watching TV broadcasts online. So be careful:

As you can understand, it is necessary to install a special add-on on your smartphone, which is called IP-TV Remote. In practice, the work of such a scheme, the author of the article did not change, but you can marvel at it in the video:

So, comrades, well, everything is good. Ale dosi mi marveled at IPTV Player`e only cost-free playlists. And what about robiti, how do we have a sheet? How can you dance yoga? That's true, it's simple.

For which I am reopening the menu of the main programs:

І we select the item "Change the list of providers":

Now, at the end, you need to select the column "Addresses to the list of channels" and enter the URL of your playlist, or grab it from your computer:

And everything is on the same, as it seems, crushed on the right:

And now our local file is proudly displayed in the address of the list of channels:

So, how do you do it yourself, everything is simple and cool. In short, we can say that IP-TV Player is a program for viewing IPTV on a computer, it's really cool and rich in functionality. The one before that is absolutely bezkoshtovna.

And at the end of our fairy tale with a happy ending, I will propagate your respect for one cicada video about the arc of the hand.

One of the popular ways to review the Internet TV station IPTV on Windows add-ons cost-free programmer IPTV Player. IP-TV Player is the shell of the VideoLAN VLC media player, adapted directly to IPTV viewing.

In this article, we will report on the improvement of that ability.

1. Enthusiasm

Actual providers - IPTV postmasters - on their websites can display modifications of the IP-TV Player collection with an integrated playlist of TV channels, in order to simplify the process of setting up the player as much as possible, while doing it to their customers. Why wouldn't you be such a service provider? On the site of the rest of the playlist, you can download the installer of the modified engraver and, in the process of installing the wiki, install the customization.

Even though the provider has not disclosed information about its clients in such a way, the original IP-TV Player can be obtained from the official website of the program borpas.info/iptvplayer.

2. Customizing playlists

The original folded IP-TV Player comes with a choice of playlists. At the final stage of installing the program at the “Select provider” column, you can, without changing anything, delete the “Internet, Russian TV and radio” item. The main playlist for a wide audience of koristuvachivs (independently from their provider) with a selection of federal channels and radio stations. Instead of this playlist, it will be available only to Russians, coristuvants of other regions will not be allowed access to all TV channels on the list. This option can be won, because the provider does not give the service of winning IPTV, or, for example, to fight for additional payment. If the provider is the supplier of IPTV, you can search for it in the list in the "Select provider" column. The creators of IP-TV Player will showcase a selection of playlists from the largest providers in Russia and Ukraine.

If there is no required provider in the list, you need to choose another option to set up and enter either the provider's playlist web address, or for the additional button, look around the end of the row, select the path to the ".m3u" file. The web address or the ".m3u" file of the playlist must first be viewed on the provider's website. This option is victorious and for any IPTV playlists, enticements on the Internet.

After setting up the IP-TV Player playlist, start up. To select the next TV channel for review, it is necessary to display the list of channels at the beginning of the program window. To fight under the control of the quick pressing of the Enter key, or with the one-time pressing of the L key, or with the button on the player's toolbar. The list of channels is collected in two other ways.

How did you change the updated playlist? Press the button on the toolbar of the IP-TV Player (or hot keys Ctrl + P) and in the next window, when it appears, check the box to check all the settings.

The program will restart with an expanded list of settings. Work with playlists is carried out at the "Zahalni" deposit. Here you can select the item “Start pre-installation from the list of providers” and go to the settings from the drop-down list of providers, like when the installation of the program is completed. And you can enter the web address of another playlist in the field, or for the help of the button I will look around to find the way to the new one, so that the wine is saved on the computer from the “.m3u” file. The next time you need to press the "Update" button.

Another option for playlists is “Switching between channel lists”, it allows you to use the “Add” button for help, obviously, add different playlists in black, so that you can manually switch between them for consumption.

3. List of favorite channels

IPTV playlists can contain more than 100 TV channels, so the creators of IP-TV Player have given the opportunity to form lists of koristuvach favorite channels. When you choose a TV channel on a new one, you will see an empty heart. Click on the heart to save yoga, and drag the TV channel to the list of favorite channels. Access to this list is shown in the list of all channels in the small menu.

4. Canal surfing

The channel surfing feature is recognized for automating the search for clique content. To start, you need to click on the context menu in the middle of the program (on the video) and select the appropriate option. A list of TV channels will appear at the IP-TV Player window, and the skin of them will turn on for a couple of seconds. As soon as the TV content is displayed, you can uncheck the “Surfing channels” checkbox in the context menu.

5. TV program

To look through the TV program on the selected TV channel for the next day, you need to press the button near the yearbook on the toolbar of the program or press the hot key G.

7. Setting up TV channels

With the help of different sides, and with smaller parameters of the skin channel, it is possible to experiment in improving the engraver. Turn on the required TV channel, click on the button on the toolbar (or hot keys Ctrl + P), switch to the "Channel" tab. Here you can see contrast, clearness, saturation, image highlights, deinterlacing, audio track (for TV content, which supports rich channel audio tracks) and other parameters.

Select movie audio tracks are available at the contributor "Zahalni".

8. Creation of screenshots

The image that appears on the IP-TV Player window can be photographed by taking a screenshot using the help button on the toolbar of the program or by pressing hot keys F4. For the creation of the screen size, the creators of the player transferred the option "Video window size" at the same time with the required sizes. This option is set to select a choice of screen size options that will be automatically set for the image that the IP-TV Player will display.

If you need to add screenshots, you can specify a specific way of saving from the programmer's settings, and from the “Zahalni” depositor. This way will be victorious and for the conservation of video recordings of television broadcasts. Below the settings є іnsha - “Container Format”, in the list below you can select the format of the media container, in which the video recordings of TV broadcasts will be recorded.

9. Video recording of TV broadcasts

Most of the options for video recording of TV broadcasts have the PS media container format removed. In any case, the output video will be saved in the universal MPEG format.

For video recording of TV broadcasts on the toolbar of the program, there is a red button, which starts recording a TV show on a streaming TV channel and starts recording. And the creators of IP-TV Player have added these functions and transferred the possibility of video recording of a number of TV broadcasts background mode. As soon as an overlay comes out, and favorite TV shows on different TV channels are broadcast at the same hour, one of them can be watched online, and the other one (and watch TV shows) can be recorded in the background mode by IP-TV Player. To record on a TV channel (near the list of channels on the right), you need to click on the context menu, select "Record in the background" and assign an hour to the recording - a specific interval, or manually to the grain. You can switch to another TV channel or close the program. If there is an active process of recording TV broadcasts, IP-TV Player will go to the system tray when closed, de, without showing the usual sign, the background mode will carry out its work. You can record a TV broadcast (or a number of TV broadcasts) by calling at the end of the planner. The rest will appear when you hit the “R” icon on the TV channel that is being recorded. Planuvalnik can also be called for help context menu at the vikni player.

10. Larger cache space

If there is a delay in IPTV broadcasting, you can try to solve the problem by increasing the size of the IP-TV Player cache. The “Zagalni” depositor has a last line, in the remaining column “Cash (milliseconds)” from the list it is necessary to select more value, lower installed - starting from 1000.

A lot of koristuvachіv for revisiting the Internet-television for a rahunka of the most modern technologies is installed on your computer. popular supplement at the software program (receiver) IPTV Player. But sometimes the problem is that the program does not show channels in IP-TV Player. Buvay th so that the sound is є, and the image is in the daytime, or it is accepted by zі creations. What is the reason for such a phenomenon and how to get rid of possible troubles, will be further shown.

IPTV Player not showing: possible causes of failure

Problems іz vikoristannyam software maybe chimalo. And they can be put up, no matter how marvelous, until different situations, in no way related to each other.

Why don't you show IPTV Player? Among the most common reasons, as they grow today, the most common ones can be called the following:

  • the program is blocked by means of protecting the system and anti-virus software;
  • version of the DirectX platform does not match the announcements;
  • the player may not be correctly set to adjust the graphics;
  • the system has incorrectly set the parameters of the networking protocols;
  • support for IGMP traffic is not enabled;
  • problems with throughput spromozhnistyu from the side of the provider.

Why not show IPTV Player: antivirus and firewall

Zahist, installations in the system, as practice shows, can block the software package. Do not show IPTV Player for any reason.

How can I find out if there are problems? For the cob of varto, try again the vimknut zakhist. For the antivirus, you can beat the minimum interval, for example, ten minutes, and turn the firewall off. Then you can wonder why you blame the problem yourself.

If you do not show IPTV Player because of the firewall, in some settings, vicorist administrative templates, you need to create a new rule for the program, and then add the program to the list of faults. For whom, at the final stage, it will be necessary to indicate the place of the distribution of the main victed file EXE format. In the antivirus, you can ask the vinyatka either the provider's resource, or the site of the program itself, or the address from which the broadcast of television programs is being created.

DirectX problems

Well, that IPTV Player is badly showing (the picture is displayed with crosscodes or the image is blank) because of an incorrect installation or it will require an update of the DirectX platform. It's quicker to reinstall again, ahead of time zavantazhivshi from the official Microsoft resource to find the version or the best version for the web installer.

However, it is absolutely remarkable that the rest of the DirectX modification is installed in the new one, additional parameters When you set up the video player, you need to go to the "Dodatkovo" tab, set the flag on the line showing all the settings and select the OpenGL setting item to replace Direct3D.

Editing Merezhi in the player and on the computer

In some cases, there may be one more reason, the IPTV Player does not show through the yaku. Rostelecom is a good example of this. Obviously, the problem lies in the fact that for one of the obvious interfacing interfaces the program's parameters do not have a priority set.

Installing that set up IP-TV Player in such a situation is done before you go to the main parameters menu and select the partition of the network interface there (it will be shown to the IP address lace pattern). If a few adapters (Wi-Fi, Ethernet) are installed in the system, it is necessary to choose the one that Narazi system, and not vikoristuvati automatically assigned.

Even so, the IPTV Player does not show, but the division is divided access next change twill adapter. Zocrema, ce stosuetsya protocol IPv4. Here it is necessary to press the “Dodatkovo” button on the tab of the upper parameters, and in the next window, deactivate the row of automatic recognition of the metric, after which, in the field below, enter one as a more precise value (which means the highest priority for the protocol). Also, varto pay respect to the choice of parameters in the main gateway at the distant border. If the price is more active, tidy up the ensign.

Nalashtuvannya koristuvach in the system registry

On the other hand, IPTV Player does not show up with such parameters, perhaps the reason for this inappropriateness is that the IGMP support is not enabled in the system. For starters, follow the IP address of the VPN client.

Dali for correcting the situation is necessary to call the editor system registry(regedit at the Vikonati console), go to the HKLM directory and the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet directories and go to the Parameters directory, de є interfaces. Next, you need to know the row with the IP address, the value of which should be given to the first one at the first stage, add the REG_DWORD parameter to it with the name TypeOfInterface and add the value 2. Then you just need to reconfigure the VPN router, and the problem may occur.

To be sure, in addition, create Tcpip\Parameters new parameter type DWORD, name it IGMPVersion, after which, in the next edit, insert the exact value 3. Then just press the “OK” button and follow the re-entry to the terminal.

Faults on the provider's side

But everything that has been described above, there are all kinds of problems on the side of the koristuvach. However, sometimes the reason for such a behavior of the player in the case of the system may not lie.

In terms of situations related to the provider, the problem is most often related to the Internet traffic (especially often it is manifested during the hour of ADSL modems). But what if someone doesn't know, for normal work IPTV Player is minimally possible so that the speed of the Internet connection is not to blame, but it is lower than 6 Mb/s (and it costs to navigate without changing channels in HD-quality).

In addition, on the standard setting, the provider does not always prescribe some IGMP traffic, and for the most significant locks, such support is disabled. Therefore, the output may be the transition to a waiver service іz prohannyam about the inclusion of IGMP Multicast. Different ADSL routers will need to add a Bridge connection with PVC parameters to set up.

Dekіlka slіv naostanovok

These were just the main problems that are most often raised. Somehow, as a reminder of the answers of the coristuvachiv, you can help launch the program in the summation mode with the XP version of Windows (it is necessary to use Windows 7, so it is correct to work with the program if you don’t want to).

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    IPTV Player is a program recognized for viewing IP TV broadcasts on your computer. The program supports all popular protocols and technologies. Please respect that the skin channel can be mother of the authorities. The VLC program became the prototype for IPTV.

    Most of the TV player is won by clients of Internet providers. The service of IPTV is promoted by such popular providers as:

    • Rostelecom;
    • Yarnet;
    • Infolad IPTV;
    • Other regional companies.

    The installations should be left unattended depending on which provider provides the service. If this is not the case for Windows XP or a newer version of the system, the program will be taken over.

    Possibility of the program

    • Connecting IP TV to Rostelecom, Yarnet and other providers;
    • Nalashtuvannya okremy channel;
    • Switching between channel lists;
    • Write stream to file;
    • Connecting TV programs from a text file;
    • Broadcast recording planner;
    • Management of hot keys and mouse;
    • Wikoristannya smartphone as a remote control;
    • Program update.


    IPTV Programmer miracle program, which allows you to marvel cable television on the computer. At tsomu the appendage may є kіlka perevag. The video player has an intuitively intelligent interface. To review IPTV, you need to select more required channel. Z keruvannya vporatisya to make a newcomer.

    The program can be downloaded from the Internet for a TV review program. Zavdyaki komu koristuvachі know the layout of their favorite films or TV shows. The next step is to indicate that the program can be connected independently by adding it to a text file.

    Looking over IPTV channels on a computer is not the only possibility of a programmer. Koristuvachs can listen to the radio, as well as record the broadcast. It’s even more convenient, especially since at the time of broadcasting there is no chance to watch the match of the movie. Enough in the planner to indicate an hour for the record.

    There is no limit for IPTV. The player works like Windows 7, so the newer version operating system. When tsimu nalashtuvannya programs vykonuetsya however. It is important that the program does not take up a lot of space and practically does not save PC resources.

    Koristuvachs can speed up such a function, like an IPTV scanner. The stars of similar weather can be found in the available Internet channels.


    Bagato, navit best programs, scho allow, marveling IPTV free of charge mayut small nedolіki. Those same costs and programs IPTV player. Її were tested not only by beginners, but also by professionals. As a result, the stench revealed a small sprat.

    One of the minuses can be those that the program is awarded exclusively by the provider's clients. Oskilki organizations specially launch them IPTV channels. It is impossible for third-party correspondents to connect to such a provider as Rostelecom or Yarnet.

    Yak zavantagity

    Koristuvachi often chirp, as IPTV marvels on a computer without a cost. It's simple, for whom you need to cost-free zavantazhit vodpovidnu program. To get the program, it is recommended to follow the address http://borpas.info/. If you see the side, it is not necessary to press on the program icon.

    Take over the program from the side that you see. For whom it is sufficient to press on the force "Zavantazhiti".

    In order to start watching television from Rostelecom, Yarnet of another provider, it is necessary to install the program.

    Installed and installed

    First of all, you need to run the file "IpTvPlayer-setup.exe". After the distribution kit is launched, the installation master will appear. You can select a folder for installation, and then press the "Next" button.

    The next step allows you to select the type of installation. If you do not want to install download components, it is recommended to enable the checkboxes. After that, you can continue the installation.

    Now it’s clear, in which the Yandex browser will be installed. For the next step, pick up the double daws.

    If the installation is completed, the coristuvach is responsible for fixing the channels. When the program is launched, a list of providers appears, such as:

    • Rostelecom;
    • Leleka;
    • Yarnet;
    • Many others.

    103 postal employees have been added to the list of providers. Specify that you can add channels through the IPTV m3u file, which is located on the official website of the provider.


    Koristuvachі, yakі bazhayut bezkoshtovno marvelous cable television on the computer, can skoristatisya player IPTV. The only thing to remember is that you only need to choose your provider. Obviously, these companies, as they allow us to watch channels, also need to grab a playlist from their site.

    Coristuvachi, like they installed the program, get satisfied, shards, krim TV, stinks can hear the radio. Behind the bazhannyam, you can make a recording of the broadcast, so that we can look at it again. Even if the program is not correct, you can always uninstall it.

    Video Look IPTV Player


    IP TV Player no-cost program for reviewing TV broadcasts at the IPTV standard. This player can be used as a replacement for the standard VideoLAN VLC shell. A specially adapted IP-TV Player will be ready for providers as soon as possible for installation on the computer of the corresponding software.

    Technology IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) digital television at transmission lines for the IP protocol, a new generation of television broadcasting. IPTV is supposed to be better than cable television, only to the point of koristuvach it’s not possible to come via a coaxial cable, but via the same channel as the Internet.

    Basic powers of IP-TV Player:

    - Just that shvidka is slurred in the provider's company.
    - Review of unencrypted udp-multicast streams, http and int., as well as inaccurate streaming of TV tuners through the WDM driver.
    - Recording a stream from a file.
    - Individual adjustment of channels.
    - Information panel OSD. List of channels, record indicator, name the number of the channel.
    — Curation by a stream of video from the keyboard.
    - TV program function in JTV format.
    - Planuvannya record chi review.
    - A record of any number of channels that are being broadcast.


    When installing IP-TV Player, the streaming posh system is changed behind the default Home page, as well as the toolbar and other firmware are installed poke systems. Select "Adjust settings" to turn off any of the options.

    As a rule, the service of IPTV is provided by an Internet provider. If your provider does not provide such a service, then it is not your fault to use the IP-TV Player in the program.

    IP-TV Player no appointments for review Russian channels because of the cordon through the Internet.

    Change in the rest version
