Yak remember channels with samsung mice. Sorting channels on TV Samsung F series

go to SMART HUB and start Web browser:

In the address row, type http://tv.nv-net.ru/tvn and natisnit introduction:

Go to section "TV / Video" Special cabinet:

Vibrate pictogram "Nalashtuvannya prefixes":

Go to buttons "Change the order of channels":

You will see a page with a list of signed channels. here you can acknowledge, Clearі Prikhovati / Vidobraziti the channel is up to number. The presentation of the function of the channel is clearly visible. Press the button " acknowledge»:

On the side, select the icon for the channel:

Call your channel to appear in the list.

To see the channel from any number, press the button " Clear», Todi channel will see the reverse number and move to the end of the list. When pushing the button “ prikhovati»The selected channel will be listed with the same number in the list of channels, albeit with a glance. The row with the prikhovanim channel to change the color, and the button “ prikhovati"Change to" Imagine". The onslaught of the button Imagine»I will now turn the channel to the number of points on your list.

To save money, press the button " vykhid"i potim" take care».

The adjustment of the channel list is completed.

In general, I want to come with respect to the non-purchasing characteristics of TV, stink to finish the report descriptions in those glances, and reports about the problem with which it is often heard the rest of the hour when buying digital television... And about the nutrition of the variety of digital and analogue channels, and about the same price, you can see it in Samsung F series.
It is necessary to transfer the auto-shots of the visitors and know all the channels, now it is necessary to place them on the "correct" numbers on the old TV. For me, for example: 1,2,8,9 vzhe є in digital mobility, A 3,4,5,6,7,10 only analogs. Novy TB does not want їkh kidati in one list, it’s broken so, very close to the figure, close to the analogue. Tse is not easy. I will fight against the tsim.
For the ear, you need to assign a number to the channels. Zvychayno, zruchnіshe tse robiti through the computer. I skimmed through the SamToolBox program (you can download it either from the retail site), or I can do it by hand, through the TV menu.

Vivantage list of channels via USB flash drive in Menu - Broadcast - Channel parameters - Transfer to channel list - Code 0000 - Export to USB.

It is impossible to carry a USB flash drive to a computer, start SamToolBox.

The file is displayed from a flash drive, the name is approximately like this: channel_list_UE32F5300_1201.scm

map-AirA і map-AirD - all lists of analogue and digital channels, shown on subscriber links.
Bachimo is approximately the tse axis.

Analogue channels are clearly not written, ale є yak minimum 3 options, a very clear channel:

1) put the TV set on the order with the computer,

2) take a picture on the phone (camera) of all channels from TV in order,

3) know on the Internet about frequencies and TV channels.

The first option is the simplest, but don't be realistic. Another folding, ale vimagє additional equipment. The third, however, is only for the Internet, for it is not so easy to know the frequency of movement in your region. For example, p for Nizhny Novgorod Yandex on the power supply knows only the numbers of TVK (TV channel), and the change of TVK frequencies will be determined by the very beginning of the article in the wikipedia.

I'm speeding up with another option. Visnachiv all channels, seen in the analogue list of duplicate digital channels. See the channels, before the speech, you can through context not menu on the right keyboard bears:

Enter the required channel numbers. Do not change digital and analogue lists, but there is also a pardon for TV, such a focus is only for D, E series. As a result, having trimmed the axis of such lists

Zberigaєmo i through the USB flash drive back to the TV. Menu - Broadcast - Channel parameters - Transfer to channel list - Code 0000 - Import from USB. The television operator is guilty of the occasion, as the list of acceptances and re-engagement has been renewed.

Now on TB there will be 2 list of channels in ale numbered separately: digital and analogue. Zabdannya їkh zmіshati, schob everything was in order.
Fight through the CH LIST button on the remote control. bacimo unsorted digital channels in the list ALL

Onslaught to the right on the remote control, go to the Mode menu.

Vibiraєmo here is the item Zmin. collected.

Mabut the SamToolBox program is the smallest channel in Vibran, ala in the Chosen 1 won only digital channels, and the axis in the Chosen 2 selects digital and analog. I push the green button on the remote control, go to Vibrano 2. As soon as I see lists of empty ones, I see all the channels and I buy them in whatever Vibran is.

The dreary process of changing the latency of the channel rosetting to the "correct" one behind the additional red button on the remote control is far away. Upon completion of the request, go to the patch, I will go to CH LIST - Mode and vibrate Vibrane 2.

Everything, now the channels will be in the order in which they were numbered.

Diniy minus - it seems like you can't skip when new establishment channels I’m sorry about the other ways to get rid of the bastard.

The provider has two main options for transmitting the signal to the receivers, the first for everything, the GS 8605/06/07/08 models, as well as the GS 210, 510, E501 / 591 series. channels on TV_zorі, set up on Tricolor TV. As a rule, all adjustments need to be made once at. The process is awkward, skin can be independent.

Nalashtuvannya on GS 8605/06/07/08

On such outbuildings in the panel є function organizing TV channels... In addition, you can change the name, look at the parameters of the function of the skin canal. And є a special menu item "Order your vibrana", which allows you to change the program from one position to the one, which is called the smallest groups.

The item "Order vibrana" is displayed in the following way:

  1. Onslaught “MENU”.
  2. Vikoristovuchi buttons "VOLUME" and "CHANNEL", we know the item "CHANNELS".
  3. Onslaught is OK.
  4. Bachimo on the menu screen with 2 items, de vibiraєmo "ORDER FAVORITES".
  5. Onslaught is OK.

The menu is based on the original version of 5 popular groups. You have the ability to change the name and remember the positions of the middle.

For the whole it is necessary to build up the steps.

  1. Using the vibration buttons on the remote control, you know the required list, which will be changed, the onslaught is the F button
  2. For that, as we jumped to the screen version of the keyboard, the keys were used to cycle through the program and to regulate the sound, to select a combination of letters and symbols. As the letter is reversed, it is erased through F1, for the layout of the Vikorist F
  3. Onslaught is OK.
  4. With the same groups, if necessary, all the same are robust.
  5. The form is the list itself. The vibrator buttons are known to the one that will be formulated and stamped OK.
  6. For relocation required programs from the right part of the menu "ALL CHANNELS" to the top list
  7. In addition, since all the necessary channels are given, it is possible to remember one by one at a time. Robimo tse klavіshami busting, obviously required, onslaught mo F
  8. For a vivid vikoristovuєmo F
  9. Embossed on the remote control for the "VIHID" key.
  10. For a glance at news groups, vibrate “OK, but then F We need a menu that allows us to vibrate the required group.

Adjustment on receivers GS E501 / 591, GS U510; GS U210

More lists are already formatted, it is hard to manage them. However, depend on the ability of the stem my own group It is possible to establish the name and the last of the program, as you see it. Zd_ysnyuєtsya all tse through the menu item "Channel editor".

The order is as follows:

  1. I vibrate to the “MENU” key, sending it to “Dodatok” with the arrows “RIGHT” and “left”.
  2. Onslaught “OK”.
  3. We know the item "CHANNEL EDITOR", vikoristovumo for the whole button "UP / DOWN", "right / left" on the remote control;
  4. Through the onslaught of F2 screen keyboard For the help of which I am typing I will name our maybutnyy after-life.
  5. Zberigaєmo chosen name for the additional help F
  6. Having moved the cursor to the formed group, embossed F On the right side, the last of all programs.
  7. Vibrantly necessary and stamped "OK".
  8. When I write again, vibrate F2, jump to the list, obviously, it is stamped "OK" and so far. Zdіysnyuєmo analogous diy styles, as we need.
  9. Move the channels through F1. For the whole, select with the cursor bazaniy ob'єkt and vibrate F With the "VGORU / DOWN" arrows on the remote control, the program will be installed at the required place in the last and the same "OK".
  10. When writing the form to the list, "EDITOR" is required through the pressure of the button "VIHID" on the remote control.
  11. Behind the help of F4, we know the group that they just shot, and the onslaught was “OK”.

All such groups on the receiver models GS E501 / 591, GS U510, GS U210 can be up to 15.

At that vipadku, if you didn’t have the ability to self-adjust on your TV, you can always go to the fahivts of the Tricolor TV company for help. Outsourcing the provider's choice with a large hunting zone will be able to quickly resolve whether there is a problem, but in terms of services, you can get the most out of it, as you will be able to identify such situations. To that, if you have, vinikє abo, most intelligently if you turn for help before the service technical support subscribers.

Food about editing the list of channels, obviously, can be downloaded using the "tick" method. Use trivial attempts to get back to us. Є, obviously, the point is given in the instructions to the very TV. Our Aleksandr’s mentality is that, in the instructions, we look into the left of the devil, but kudi yak is often simply consumed by the memory of the devil. To that one just needs a recommendation for the same rite to change that very setting.

Immediately I will respect that I won’t look at the old TV screens - I’ll adjust my everyday life. Suchasnі Televisions victories without food, but not very obvious. Fortunately to change, but one of the most popular applications from service centersє application for a list of channels. Bagato, my collegiate colleagues rocked on the whole edge, not great, but small, ale business.

Yak robiti tune?

Otzhe, the current TV views are obvious in the setting. Alle the variety of channels on television, the crazy one does not get over the obvious mischief, it’s difficult for the coristas to win. Solve the problem, you can just read the instructions clearly. For analogy, you can set up a Samsung TV set.

In such a rank, it is not easy to see, but the order of channels on Samsung TVs is not easy to fold. To deliver a couple of times to show the procedure for people, and with ease, you can repeat it.

Do you think it’s not for dads and grannies? Ha, for my admission of robots to the provider, the same category, I will write down the order on a sheet of paper the least robbed of repetition. And the axis of young people paid two, and one and three. And with the instructions on the hands, they were quite self-conscious. Special knowledge is not needed here, there is enough nobility, but everything can be known and developed.