The vulnerability of software security. The importance of annoying software security on client computers. Controlling software spills

On startup intelligent scanning Avast scans your PC for existing types of problems, and then suggests options to resolve them.

  • viruses: Files that contain malicious code that can affect the safety and productivity of your PC.
  • bottling software: Programs that require updates that can be used by malware to gain access to your entire system.
  • Browser extensions bad reputation : Browser extensions that can be installed without your permission and impact system productivity.
  • weak passwords: Passwords that are used to access more than one account on the Internet can be easily hacked or compromised.
  • Merezhevi threats: The vulnerability of your measures, which can lead to possible attacks on your edge structures i router.
  • Productivity problems: Objects ( Unnecessary files and additions, problems related to settings) that may affect your PC.
  • conflicting antiviruses: Anti-virus programs installed on the PC along with Avast. the presence of decals antivirus programs improves PC performance and reduces the effectiveness of anti-virus protection.

Note. Solutions to common problems that appear during intelligent scanning may require an appropriate license. Detecting unnecessary types of problems can be enabled.

Solutions to identified problems

The green ensign in charge of the scanning area shows that no problems associated with it have been identified. The red cross means that the scan revealed one or more related problems.

To view specific information about the problem identified, click on the item choose everything. Intelligent scanning shows information about a skin problem and demonstrates the ability to correct it by clicking an element Virishity, Or earn more money later by pressing Skip this whole crock.

Note. Antivirus scan logs can be found in scan history, go to whichever option you can by selecting Zachist Antivirus.

Manage Smart Scan settings

To change the Smart Scan settings, select Customization Zagalni Intellectual scanning And indicate the presence of any types of overinsurance problems you want to eliminate intellectual scan.

  • viruses
  • outdated software
  • nadbudovi browser
  • Merezhevi threats
  • Problems with madness
  • Productivity problems
  • weak passwords

All types of problems are included in the discussion. To check for the presence of a singing problem when checking the Intelligent Scan, click on included order with the type of problem, so that you can change the setting to Included.

click fine-tuning written instructions Scanning on virus, To change the scan settings.

In some cases, the culprit of spills is due to the stagnation of the methods of development of various actions, which increases the risk of sabotage-type defects appearing in the program code.

The differences arise from the addition of third-party software components or widely distributed program code ( open source). Someone else's code is often vikorized “as it is” without proper analysis and security testing.

It is not advisable to turn off the presence in the team of insider programmers, as they would deliberately introduce additional undocumented functions or elements into the creation of the product.

Classification of program releases

Problems arise as a result of errors that occur at the stage of designing or writing program code.

It is important to note that at the stage of emergence of this type of threat, it is divided into the complexity of design, implementation and configuration.

  1. Items allowed during design are more difficult to identify and insert. This means inaccuracies in algorithms, bookmarks, inconveniences in the interface between different modules or in protocols for interaction with hardware, and the use of non-optimal technologies. Their elimination is a difficult process, including the fact that they can appear in non-obvious situations - for example, when the transmitted traffic is transferred or when a large number of additional equipment is connected, which complicates The security of the necessary level of security will lead to the bypass of the firewall.
  2. Implementation difficulties appear at the stage of writing the program or implementing security algorithms in it. This means incorrect organization of the computational process, syntactic and logical defects. In this case, there is a risk that the buffer will be refilled or other problems will appear. Their detection takes many hours, and the elimination transfers the correction of the song to the machine code.
  3. Changes in the configuration of hardware and components, software, and hardware are required frequently. The main reasons for this are the lack of clarity of development and the lack of tests for the correct operation of additional functions. This category can also be added in advance simple passwords and the cloud records are deleted without changes.

According to statistics, problems are especially common in popular and widespread products - desktop and mobile. operating systems, Browsers.

Riziki Wikoristannya in different programs

Programs that have the greatest number of problems are installed on almost all computers. On the side of the cybercriminals there is a direct focus on the search for similar works and written for them.

From the moment the infection is identified until the correction (patch) is published, it takes quite an hour, which means there is little possibility of infection computer systems through gaps in the carelessness of the program code. In this case, you only have to open once, for example, a cheap PDF file with exploits, after which the criminals deny access to the data.

Infection will continue to be controlled by the following algorithm:

  • Koristuvach removes by email The phishing leaflet instills trust in the sender.
  • The sheet contains a file with exploits.
  • If you try to open a file, your computer may become infected with a virus, Trojan (encryptor), or other nasty program.
  • Cybercriminals deny unauthorized access to the system.
  • Theft of valuable data is possible.

Research conducted by various companies (Kaspersky Lab, Positive Technologies) shows that vulnerability is practical in any add-on, including antiviruses. Therefore, establish your confidence software product, To avenge you at a different level of criticality, it is very high.

To minimize the number of gaps in the software, it is necessary to use SDL (Security Development Lifecycle). SDL technology is being developed to reduce the number of bugs in applications at all stages of their development and support. So, when designing software security Internet security agents and programs model cyber threats in search of potential spillovers. During programming, automatic functions are included in the process and immediately notify about potential deficiencies. Rozrobniki will significantly limit the functions available to unverified clients, which will accommodate a changed attack surface.

To minimize the influx of spills and overflows from them, it is necessary to follow these rules:

  • Promptly install and release corrections (patches) for add-ons or (it’s important) turn on the automatic update mode.
  • If possible, do not install dubious programs that are technical support scream food.
  • Use special spill scanners or specialized functions of anti-virus products that allow you to search for security issues and, if necessary, update software.

Currently, a large number of instrumental features have been developed that are used to automate the detection of program errors. This article will look at actions taken from them.


Static code analysis is an analysis of software that is carried out on the output code of a program and is implemented without actually monitoring the program.

Security programs often remove various bugs through modifications in the program code. The restrictions allowed during the development of programs in some situations lead to the program crashing, and then being destroyed normal robot programs: this often involves changing and canceling data, stopping programs or shutting down systems. Most of the spills are associated with incorrect processing of data obtained from calls, or lack of thorough verification of them.

To identify potential spillovers, various instrumental methods are used, for example, static program output code analyzers, which are reviewed in this article.

Classification of zakhistu spills

If a program's ability to operate correctly on all possible input data fails, so-called security vulnerabilities may arise. Vulnerabilities in protection can lead to the point that one program can be used to interfere with the protection of the entire system as a whole.

Classification of zakhistu spills in deposits program pardons:

  • Buffer overflow. This spillover arises through the lack of control over the exit of the inter-array in memory during the execution of programs. If a large packet of data exceeds the buffer of the limited size, the third-party memory elements are overwritten, and crashes and crashes from programs occur. As the buffer is expanded in memory, the process is divided into stack buffer overflow, heap buffer overflow, and bss buffer overflow.
  • Tainted input vulnerability. The dangers of "zipped entry" can arise in cases where the data entered in a foreign language is transferred without sufficient control to the interpreter of any foreign language (for example, the Unix shell or SQL). In this case, you can set the input data in such a way that when you launch the interpreter, it will print a completely different command than the one sent by the authors of the different programs.
  • Format string vulnerability. Danish type Spills of zakhistu are classified as "zipped injection". The fault arises from insufficient control of parameters when using the formatted input-output functions printf, fprintf, scanf, etc. of the standard language library. These functions accept, as one of their parameters, a character string that specifies the format for the input and output of the function's arguments. If the user himself can set the type of formatting, then this confusion may arise as a result of the recent stagnation of the row formatting function.
  • Vulnerabilities are the result of race conditions. Problems associated with multitasking lead to a situation called “race camp”: a program that is not approved for integration into a multitasking environment may mean that, for example, if you use it in a robot, files cannot be changed otherwise grama. As a successor, the evil-doer constantly replaces these working files, you can impose new actions on the program.

Of course, in addition to overinsurance, there are also other classes of hazards.

Review of existing analyzers

To identify spills in the program, use the following instrumental features:

  • Dynamic debuggers. Tools that allow the development of programs during the development process.
  • Static analyzers (static debuggers). Tools that analyze information accumulated during static analysis of programs.

Static analyzers indicate those places in the programs that may contain errors. These suspicious code fragments may, at the same time, appear to be harmless.

This article contains a review of several existing static analyzers. Let's take a look at the report on their skin.

Spill management involves identifying, assessing, classifying and selecting solutions to mitigate spills. The foundation for spill management is a repository of spill information, one of which is the “Prospective Monitoring” spill management system.

Our solution monitors the appearance of information about spills in operating systems (Windows, Linux / Unix-based), office and application software, software, software, and information security features.

Dzherela Danikh

The database of the “Prospective Monitoring” software security management system is automatically updated with the latest resources:

  • Data Bank of Information Security Threats (BDU BI) FSTEC of Russia.
  • National Vulnerability Database (NVD) NIST.
  • Red Hat Bugzilla.
  • Debian Security Bug Tracker.
  • CentOS Mailing List.

We also use the same automation method to update our bottling database. We have developed a web site crawler and an unstructured data parser that every day analyzes more than a hundred different foreign and Russian devices in a row key words- groups in social media, blogs, microblogs, PHI, dedicated information technologies and information security. Once these tools find something that satisfies the minds, the analyst manually checks the information and enters it into the spill database.

Controlling software spills

With the help of Spill Management Systems, retailers can monitor the presence and occurrence of spills in third-party components of their software.

For example, in the Secure Software Developer Life Cycle (SSDLC) model of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, control of third-party libraries occupies one of the central places.

Our system detects spills in parallel versions/builds of the same software product.

It works like this:

1. The retailer provides us with a transfer of third-party libraries and components that are included in the product.

2. We are currently checking:

b. Methods for eliminating the earlier manifestations of spills have appeared.

3. The developer is notified if the status or scoring of the vulnerability has changed, consistent with the specified role model. This means that different groups of distributors of the same company will receive notifications and monitor the status of spills only for the product on which the stench is being worked on.

The notification frequency of the spill control system is sufficiently adjusted, and if a spill is detected with a CVSS-scoring of more than 7.5, the investigators will cancel the notifications.

Integration with ViPNet TIAS

The ViPNet Threat Intelligence Analytics System software and hardware system automatically detects computer attacks and detects incidents on the platform from various sources. information security. The main application for ViPNet TIAS is ViPNet IDS, which analyzes incoming and outgoing network traffic using the AM Rules database of advanced monitoring rules. These signatures are written to detect the exploitation of spills.

If ViPNet TIAS detects an IB incident in which a spill was exploited, then all information related to the spill is automatically entered into the incident card from the control system, including methods for mitigating or compensating for negative spills.

The incident management system also assists in the investigation of information security incidents by providing analysts with information about indicators of compromise and potential breaches of the incident nodes of information infrastructure.

Monitoring the presence of spills in information systems

Another scenario for the destruction of the disaster management system is a reversal of power.

Zamovnik independently forms the transfer installed on nodes (workstation, server, DBMS, PAK SZI, Merezheve obladnannya) System and application software components, transmits this flow to the control system and receives information about spill detection and periodic notifications about their status.

System features for extended spill scanners:

  • Does not require installation of monitoring agents on nodes.
  • This does not create an emphasis on the border, as long as the architecture itself does not transfer agents and scanning servers.
  • Although there is no emphasis on ownership, some of the components are created by system commands or a lightweight script with a clear output code.
  • Enables the flow of information. “Prospective monitoring” cannot reliably determine anything about the physical and logical development of other individuals or the functional significance of a node in an information system. The only information that defines the boundaries of the controlled perimeter of the locker is a txt file with a mix of software components. This file is verified and entered into the SMS by the depositary himself.
  • We don't need any for robotic systems cloud records at control centers. The information is collected by the node administrator under his name.
  • Secure exchange of information via ViPNet VPN, IPsec or https.

Connection to the “Prospective Monitoring” spill management service helps the Vikonati deputy manager to perform ANZ.1 “Spill detection and analysis” information systemі more quickly new spills" instructions of FSTEC of Russia No. 17 and 21. Our company is a licensee of FSTEC of Russia to operate under the technical protection of confidential information.


Minimum price - 25,000 rubles per river for 50 connections to the node system if there is a valid contract for connection to