How to earn more money on captchas. Ways to earn money by entering a captcha. How much can you earn by entering a captcha? Captcha rate

Many of those who come to our site are usually just searching and Swedish earnings on the Internet. Tobto. Earning money is simple - having taken pennies for a price - you've lost pennies. I'm sorry, not everyone can be programmers, copywriters, designers and information businessmen!

So, for example, a lot of our pre-paid employees are tsikavit. Why do you want to pay pennies for entering a captcha and who can benefit from it? What are the honest services that can be used to make money on captchas and how to avoid scams?

If the Detective himself has tested earnings on captchas, he will share his thoughts and evidence with you. We hope that our view will be beautiful for you!

What is a captcha and why do I want to pay pennies to enter a captcha?

Captcha- this is a special protection for the site, a special filter for bots, which is a simple test (most often - entering symbols from a picture with accompanying text, a little later - sending to food or a series of pictures, which requires selecting an image of a given topic). It is important to remember that the test is something that a human being is adequate, but a robot is not.

Unnecessary robots work hard on various sites and perform numerical tasks, thereby maintaining the efficiency of the system. Others simply send spam. Still others try to fix the system using the selection method. So anyway, the introduction of captcha significantly complicates the life of bots, on the one hand, and reduces the attraction to the site - on the other hand.

Do you still want to pay to enter a captcha? Many webmasters use special programs that connect through proxy servers to read statistics to search engines (Yandex, Google), which, in their way, force the entry of captchas. Or, for example, if people use software for automatic distribution through social networks, they will also need to enter a captcha every hour. To further automate the robot, webmasters transfer the captcha requests to special services and pay a pittance to have others enter the captcha while their software is running.

Why pay a lot for solving a captcha? The average cost is 1 to 3 kopecks for entering one captcha. When entering the captcha itself, on average it takes 5 to 10 seconds (if you get tired of your hand, you can achieve better results). So, if you spend time without being satisfied with the payment of 1 captcha for 5 seconds, then you will earn for 12 to 36 copies. Wait, it's not very good.

Don’t be in a hurry to get confused: the more you work and enter the captcha, the higher your rating and, obviously, the higher your rate for entering the captcha. Moreover, all services that solve captchas have a referral program: at the same time, you can ask other people to join the service and take 10% of their earnings from the entered captcha.

Where can I earn money by entering a captcha? Let's talk about this below.

Services for making money on entered captchas, which is fair to pay

As we have already written, there are special services that, on the one hand, accept money from webmasters for solving captchas, and on the other hand, give paid fees for entering captchas to people who want to make money on this certificate i. In this way, on such Maidans you can register as a webmaster and as a victor.

The office for Vikonavians has a simple interface, so you can use a leather kettle to operate it.

We have prepared for you a list of verified Antikatka services where you can earn money by entering captchas. You can try any of them (or all at once).

  1. RuCaptcha. One of ourselves popular services to earn money on entered captcha.

Main features of the Rukapcha service:

  • Russian service;
  • encourages the introduction of Russian captcha English language(and also the ability to enter captcha with other languages, but that’s not enough);
  • fee for captcha: from 0.01 rubles to 0.35 rubles;
  • instant payments to all popular electronic gamuts, cash and all cryptocurrency gamuts;
  • It’s already a long day, the hour for collecting captcha is even shorter;
  • the staleness of the price in the rating;
  • the ability to send messages from your mobile phone.

To be honest, the detective got 2845 captchas to enter. You have spent a lot of nights at a time (even nights, because at night the captcha rate moves up). The work is simple, but monotonous. Some of them can be perceived as loudly and simultaneously heard music. You're still getting tired of it. In this case, having earned a VIN on this ticket... 100 rubles maximum.

Further Detective will receive referrals to the project. Vikorystuvav vіn for whose vlasnu video instructions, as a result of everything without harm. As a result, it was possible to get 104 partners, which for the whole hour (2 days of work) brought the Detective earnings... 339 rubles.

All is worth a penny Detective, easily withdrawing either WebMoney, or QIWI, or a phone number. Therefore, there are no complaints about the service: manually pay pennies for captcha and pay for active referrals and send you to any account without any problems. In other words, these pennies are just pennies.

So, of course, the Detective could spend more than an hour entering the captcha, gain his rating and earn more. Ale, you know, I felt sorry for my time. In a year, when you spend 30-50 captchas to enter (and earn a maximum of 1 ruble), you can write, for example, an article that you will sell for a price of 100 to 1000 rubles. See the difference, as it seems.

Of course, if you can’t write statistics and you have to enter a captcha, then go ahead. Our special thought is: it’s better to spend this hour on mastering more income than your income.

Earnings on entered captcha. Visnovki

So, we have learned what a captcha is, who needs to pay for it, and how many webmasters are willing to pay for entering a captcha. Moreover, we have selected the most popular and most user-friendly services where you can efficiently enter captcha and withdraw money for pennies.

Moreover, the Detective himself tried to make money on the entered captcha and shared his results with you.

Looking at everything that has been said, we are convinced that making money on the entered captcha is a reality. Why pay for it fairly? The one on the right is a poor job and underpaid. Suitable for all newbies who don’t want to read anything and just enter the captcha for fun and get paid for a few cents.

Those who are smart will soon find other ways to make serious money on the Internet. For example, .

Carefully wash your face, which means there are no pseudo-services, and you are expected to pay pennies for entering the captcha. For example, 100 rubles for one captcha. Only the “earnings” axis will not help you: when you try, you will be asked to pay (for example, a VIP account) and, it seems, just to get money.

We don’t pay such a lot of money for a captcha. The approximate rates for entering captchas were announced above. Focus on them when you come across services that expect to pay for captcha.

Have you tried to earn money by entering a captcha? Have you made a lot of money? Share your evidence in the comments!

Making money on captchas on the Internet without a deposit can be a bad option for those who have extra time and those who want to earn a little extra money. If you want to earn money on captchas and everything that is connected with it, then this article may be useful to you.

Singingly, most Internet users have at least once gotten rid of the captcha. The captcha was found in order to be protected from bots. Therefore, most Internet resources also use captcha. It should be noted that you can solve the captcha not only to remove a comment on any site, but also to make money.

What is the essence of earning money?

Making money on captchas lies in the fact that people who want to make money from this type of business simply need to figure out the song symbols or pictures in order to solve the captcha. For the rich, food is always a problem - who is going to pay me for solving the captcha?

Solve the captcha for us before clicking the webmasters, there are a lot of people who are vikors among them special software for running sites, such software connects to search engines and other services and collects the necessary statistics from them. Prote, as you know, search engines and websites have security systems like vikory captcha. You can bypass such systems simply by solving the captcha. In fact, webmasters are ready to pay people to solve the captcha, which allows them to normally run software that is being victorious.

Therefore, earning money on the Internet using captcha in 2019 is becoming one of the simplest and most accessible types of earning money on the Internet without deposits. This type of income is very suitable for beginners and can bring 100 rubles per day.

The process of making money on captcha is very simple, you register in any special service(Written about them below). After this, the captcha will be automatically completed. Your mission is a reorganization of symbols that is being worked on. Please note that completing one captcha takes approximately 5-20 seconds. Services activities pay 1 ruble per captcha, Others are more or less than this amount. Selecting services to earn money on captchas I've given you pennies, You will take away the miraculous ability to earn a few pennies at an opportune time.

A great deal of joy for those who can earn money by solving captchas:

  • It’s not easy to think that earning money on captcha is a serious operation, since income from it requires knowing that it’s small compared to most earnings. However, as long as you can bring in real money, such income may be suitable.
  • The best time to work is during the day and at night. At this time, there is minimal interest in services that offer such power. That's why you get more work and therefore a higher income.
  • Solving captcha is possible background mode What can you do to save time? For example, it’s better to earn money this way in those moments when you get to your place of learning or work. To do this, simply use a special program, which can be found on many services that allow you to earn money by solving captchas.
  • Don’t hesitate on one site, register on many sites that allow you to earn money by solving captchas. This allows you to get more work.
  • Vikorize affiliate programs, get more people and earn extra income this way. Those people who have received a large number of people for their referral messages, always earn much more money, not just by solving the captcha.

Making money on captcha - TOP 6 fastest sites

In order to earn more money from solving captchas, you need to choose a way to earn money. It is possible to bring up to them those sites that always have a lot of work, as well as those that pay quite a lot of money for solving captchas. We should also pay attention to the prevalence of cheating and other illegal actions. Therefore, before registering on any specific site and starting work on a new one, read the guide about this resource.

All sites for solving captchas presented below allow you to withdraw money to electronic cards without any problems. There’s no sign of cheating, so you can safely read their vikorist in order to get money on captchas.

Site No. 1: RuCaptcha

Currently one of the most popular Internet resources for those who want to earn money on captchas on the Internet. This means that there is already a lot of work here, as well as a user-friendly and intelligent interface and a large number of other useful and useful functions.

Recently, RuCapcha allowed you to earn extra money for an additional site. However, a special program has now appeared that allows you to automate the process and spend less than an hour solving a captcha. Cream special programs for a personal computer it is also an add-on for android, which has the same functionality. If you use this add-on, you can solve the captcha while you are in the middle of nowhere. Also, to make solving captcha easier, you can install a special bot for the Telegram messenger.

This is an online resource with mitigation payments that are available in rubles. However, in order to withdraw money from the RuCaptcha site to your account, there may be 15 or 30 rubles, there is a lot of money left over from the chosen person for withdrawing money.

The service also has an affiliate program, which means you will receive a large portion of the income of each earner.

In addition to solving captchas, there are other tasks, including, for example, solving checks. You can deny access to most of them only if you select a number of initial captcha tasks. The task of solving checks is more expensive, so why bother?

The majority of webmasters who can solve captchas, as well as the majority of those who can earn money on captchas, give superiority to this service itself. Therefore, there is always a steady stream of work here, and if you are a newbie, it is better for you to start making money from this resource.

Site No. 2: 2captcha

The 2captcha service is an English version of the RuCaptcha website, except for the foreign Internet. If you solve the captcha here, you can earn money in dollars, and it is not difficult for you to guess the entire captcha for solving it in English.

If you want to earn money, on which site can you earn money? from 100 to 137 rubles per day and more to come. In terms of functionality and interface, 2captcha essentially replicates the RuCaptcha service, since you have already used it, and you won’t have any problems with 2captcha. There is also plenty of information on this site.

Site #3: Socialink

This site specializes not only in solving captchas, but also in various tasks for social media: liking, reposting, writing comments, etc. Therefore, by doing this, you can earn money not only from solved captchas, but also from a large number of other tasks that will help you increase your income.

Here you can always get a lot of puzzles online, but even though you can solve them by solving captchas, there are not so many of them. Tim no less, if you want to make money on solved captchas, you won’t be able to register on your site. You can only withdraw money from this resource on WebMoney, where the commission is 7%, which is required.

Site No. 4: Kolotibablo

Another popular resource among those who want to earn money on captchas. By using this site you can get rid of a large number of tasks associated with solving the captcha. The rate for 1000 solving captchas is within the limits from 0.4 dollars to 1 dollar.

Here you can earn money practically automatically for the reliability of this service. Also note that you will receive dollars for solving the captcha here. The site only works in dollars, which is a big advantage, since when you make money here you won’t depend on the current exchange rate of the ruble.

Site #5: MegaTypers

This foreign site also has a rate for entering captcha that is lower than most other services. However, there is one peculiarity: in order to start entering a captcha for money on your site, you will need a special request. Otherwise it is impossible to register here.

In what manner can a request be rejected? The request can be made by other people who are already users of this resource. By entering your code, you immediately become his referral. If you already use your registration code, you will become your referral. It is simply impossible to create an account record on your website without a code.

In addition to the code you have entered to register in this service, you will also need to enter PIB in Latin, your email address, password, and also select a payment system to withdraw paid cash.

Since there are no payment systems, this resource supports the following: WebMoney, Payza, PayPal, Bitcoin. You can withdraw money from the site only if you have at least 3 dollars in your account, for all electronic funds including Bitcoin, when you withdraw earned money from Bitcoin, the minimum withdrawal amount is 1.5 dollars per equivalents.

The commission is constantly changing depending on the time the service is launched. Money is less available on Mondays.

As has already been said, this is the largest website on Danish moment. Most of your mercenaries earn money here approximately 5 dollars per day. If you spend about 8 years a day working on this Internet resource, you can earn about 250 dollars per month, which at the current rate is a lot of money. If you want to earn money by solving the captcha, you should try this site.

Site No. 6: VipIP

Find a handy and popular Russian site where you can earn money by solving captchas, as well as in a variety of other ways (surfing sites, solving paid tasks, etc.).

There were robots on the site, so he allows you to make money for 2 rubles for 15 rubles and in real situations it is much more. You can increase your income here by not only making money on captchas, but also winning other jobs.

Among other advantages, one can note a very user-friendly and intelligent interface, as well as the visibility of affiliate programs. With the help of an affiliate program, you can deduct hundreds of dollars from the income earned on this site by affiliates.

Earnings on this site can also be automated by installing a special program that you can now earn on VipIP itself.

How to earn more money on captchas?

At first glance, there is no way to make much money by solving the captcha. There is a lot of reason for this, however, in the future it is possible to greatly increase your income.

You can earn money by participating in referral programs . Such programs allow you to collect profits from the earnings of the visitors you receive to the site. Almost all sites have affiliate programs that offer the opportunity to make money on captchas. Just because you treat them kindly, you will be able to move forward in the future. high salary pennies.

How can you get people to use another resource that allows you to earn money by solving a captcha, a vikorist, or a referral program? There are only a few options for how you can earn money:

  • Tell your friends that there is a website for help where you can earn money by solving the captcha. How many of them, sing-song, would cackle with such possibil- ity? Give them your referral message, after which you can start collecting passive income from your earnings.
  • Post your referral message through wherever possible. It’s easy to indicate them on your pages social measures, Post in these groups. Also post them on forums and websites dedicated to making money on the Internet.

Advantages and shortcomings of earning money on captcha

Why start making money on solved captchas? To better understand this, let's carefully consider all the advantages and disadvantages of making money on captchas on the Internet without deposits.

The main advantages of this type of earnings can be called:

  • A very simple robot. Making money on captcha does not require people to have any professional or social skills. Everything is quite simple here, you just need to register with the reinsurance services and just start solving captchas, which will come automatically.
  • Availability. This is also a very accessible type of income. You can start earning money in this way at any given moment. For this you can use various Internet services, programs for a personal computer or smartphone programs.
  • Potential for increased income with additional affiliate programs. The availability of affiliate programs, which are practical for every service to make money on captcha, allows you to significantly increase your income. For example, such resources as RuCaptcha and Kolotibablo pay their partners 10% of the income or expenses of the clients they receive.
  • Massacre methods for removing looted bones. You can withdraw money from solved captchas yourself in different ways. They can also be withdrawn to Bitcoin even more often. If you also want to find out how you can earn bitcoins, then solving the captcha is one of the ways to earn it.
  • Process automation. These sites allow you to automate a lot of activities and thus spend less than an hour on their work. Most often, you can pay for additional special programs that can be used on the site itself, which allows you to earn money by solving captchas.

Wait, there were some advantages, however, since practically all the earnings on captchas have their own shortcomings, which can be added in the future:

  • Small income. To be honest, you won’t be able to earn a lot of money by solving a captcha. On the Internet there are no other ways to earn more money. For example, there is income from boxes, copywriting, paid publications and comments. Such a robot also does not require the same special skills, but can bring much more.
  • The eyes turn dark. If you practice a lot, your eyes will begin to tire when solving the captcha.
  • Pomilkov blocking. Sometimes it is done in such a way that a client’s account record can be blocked for an incorrectly solved captcha. In any case, it is not always the Vikonovets himself who is to blame for such incidents. This is often due to the fact that the assistants have deprived the required captcha for solving.

Having considered all the pros and cons, you can decide for yourself how you can start earning money by solving the captcha.

Porada. One of the main disadvantages of such earnings is a small income. As has already been said above, your income can be increased through additional affiliate programs. Another way is to register on several resources. By registering on 3-5 sites, you can stop the steady stream of work. It’s also important to remember about foreign sites that pay in dollars and cost much more, but to register on them you need a special request.

  • Websites where you can earn money
  • Russian services
  • Foreign services
  • Pros and cons of earnings
  • Little secrets for earning more

Nowadays, there are anonymous programs that hijack the system from hackers, auto-registrations, spam and bots. Such programs are used to decrypt the captcha. As it turned out, the program is no less zahisna, but garniy option for earnings. A simple and easy way to earn additional income in the margins. Let’s take a look at some sites to see how you can earn more money on captchas.

Websites where you can earn money

Let’s first clarify and understand what a captcha is. Of course, every one of us has interacted on the Internet, and most of us have introduced captchas in social networks. These manipulations have to be completed if you want to create a “suspect” action (for example, you want to add more than 30 friends or “like” 40 photos). The program considers your activity as spam. This requires entering a captcha - a picture with an encrypted set of letters and numbers, or images that need to be turned on. So the system will detect that you are not automatic program, And the people.

The introduction of captcha is mostly required by webmasters, who are willing to pay to avoid the security. There are obviously a lot of sites to generate such income. But first of all, you must be aware of the vulgarities of the koristuvachs, so you can’t get out of the money that has been stolen. Before speaking, you can only earn money on captchas in rubles and dollars. In the Ukrainian hryvnia, the site does not pay any money, which is due to the presence of the ruble currency.

Russian services

Let's take a look at sites that pay for entering captchas in rubles.

Reliable and reliable service, payment in rubles. The average salary will be 22 rubles. for 1000 captchas. The bet depends on the complexity of the encrypted symbols, as well as bonuses for introducing collapsible captchas. The opportunity to earn from 1 to 50 rubles. in a day. Support for the mobile version and accessible interface. Having earned 15 rubles. They can be displayed on Yandex Gamanets, WebMoney, the bird payment system, as well as on your mobile phone. With a rating system, the best practitioners have expensive captchas to enter.

On this service you can earn money not only on the entered captcha, but also on other tasks. Payment is made in rubles, cash can also be paid on WebMoney. Earnings become 19 rubles. for 1000 captchas.

Foreign services

There are also foreign services available to decipher the captcha. This foreign payment system may require registration (such as PayPal) in order to clear deposits. Let's take a look at foreign websites for making money.

A great site for respect, a similar interface to the site You need to enter numbers Latin letters. Payments are made in the form of WebMoney (50 cents) in dollars. You can also pay as much as possible PayPal system(withdrawn for 3 dollars), Payza (withdrawn for 1 dollar). Income is 0.35 dollars per 1000 captchas.

Use a good American service to make money on entered captchas. Income becomes 0.49 dollars per 1000 captchas. Costs are paid on Monday to WebMoney accounts (USD dollar account, payment of 3 dollars, commission of 9.6%), PayPal (payment of 3 dollars, commission of 2-10%), Western Union, Payza. On this service you can select Russian language. When you complete your registration, you must enter one of the invitation codes (Invitation Code) - BQHU, B1FL, B1FM, BQI0, B1FN, BQI1.

The oldest Internet resource for making money on captcha. Over the course of the year, the site was repainted and modernized, making it more of an interface. Income becomes 0.34 dollars per 1000 captchas. At the time of registration, it is necessary to enter a mandatory prescription. If you do not indicate this, your IP address and cloud account will be blocked. The cash will be paid immediately and the payment will be 1 dollar. Wi-payments are available on Gamanets: Paypal, Yandex.Money, Payza, Gamanets payment system with a birdie, Okpay USD, Bitcoins, W1 RUR. This project has specialness - an accumulative rating. What is the rating, the income for the correctly entered captcha is greater.

A similar interface to the service has the same power as its parent site. You can log in using the same password and cloud account as on When you complete your registration, you must enter one of the invitation codes (Invitation Code) - BQHU, B1FL, B1FM, BQI0, B1FN, BQI1. Income becomes 0.49 dollars per 1000 captchas.

Don’t forget that, having chosen a foreign site for work, you will have additional expenses, such as hundreds for currency conversion.

Pros and cons of earnings

Golovny plus earning money by deciphering captchas - you don’t need any special skills or knowledge. After completing the registration, you will immediately begin work. This type of income is suitable for professionals who are starting their career on the Internet. Also, the job is ideal for those who are starting out, on maternity leave, retired, or simply want an extra income for their mother. Another advantage is that to make money on captchas, you do not need any investment. Until then, you can immediately withdraw money.

Of course, there is no shortage of income. Singingly, golovna vada is a small income. Ale marvel yak pratsyuvati! For one continuous working year you can withdraw from 15 to 35 rubles. In principle, a negative income, moreover, does not require much effort. If you already know the little secrets of making money, you can make a lot more money by deciphering.

Little secrets for earning more

The skin project has its own specificity. On the site, for example, captcha is cheap, since a large number of Vikonavians work at once. To increase your earnings, you must first choose the right hour at which you will work. The most common captcha is early in the morning, late in the evening and at night. On the site, to increase your income, you need to steadily increase your rating; if you work irregularly, you will decrease. Also, when entering a folding captcha, if it is not written correctly, it is better to skip it. For a large number of benefits, your account record may be banned forever, and the money you have earned will be closed and you will not be able to withdraw it. Improve your income by the time of introduction, which will increase your income. If you have earned money on the entered captcha, then do not waste an hour. Do not just work on your computer at home, but on mobile device at whatever hour.

If you are a beginner who has recently tried to earn more money on captcha, then know that it is very simple and accessible. Withdraw the stolen income in order to pay for a mobile phone, Internet services, or just go to the movies. Sometimes such a small income can be used as food. We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Also read:

  • Earning money from likes and reposts on social networks
  • How to make money watching movies and TV series
  • How to earn money for girls over 9 years old

Foreign sites for making money on entered captcha: top 8

One of the most important minds is that introducing captch for pennies brings good income - high typing speed. If you can easily earn over 30 dollars per drink, you can earn much more than that.


Kolotibablo is a wired international exchange protected by automatic registrations. Here you pay $0.35 to $1 per skin of 1000 images. Remaining statistical data 100 the finest koristuvachs talk about those that cost the average person $100 to $200 per month. Kolotibablo pays pennies via WebMoney. You can start processing immediately after you register and go to your account.


Registration is available to everyone. Most of the certified workers here earn between $100 and $250 per month. Beginners can charge $0.45 per 1,000 captcha entries, and advanced users can charge $1.5 per 1,000 recognized images.

Payments can be made via bank cards, PayPal, WebMoney, Perfect Money and Western Union. You will need a request code to register with this service. You can try the request code "263".


CaptchaTypers is another great resource for those who want to make money by recognizing codes.
To register, you need to write a form and send it by email [email protected]

Here you can cut the price from $0.8 to $1.5 per 1000 images. Rates are $0.8 from 9 pm to 9 pm and the rate of $ 1 is fixed from 9 pm to 9 pm. The minimum withdrawal amount you can request is $2.

If captcha is register sensitive, you will be notified. Robots need to be captivated I'll keep the version CaptchaTypers programs. You can get a payout of up to $1.5 per 1000 on the CAPTCHA images, which are good to read.


ProTypers is a service similar to MegaTypers and offers code solving for dollars. Here you can earn from $0.45 to $1.5 per 1000 captcha images. Money can be withdrawn via PayPal, Western Union, etc.


There are a lot of people who make money on the Captcha2Cash platform. You need to download the latest version of the bot program to enter the captcha after you register on the web resource. After you have reached the system, you can know useful information See the FAQ section, which will help you quickly cover all your options. Pay with Perfect Money. Captcha2Cash will pay you $1 per 1000 codes that you entered from the registered images.


This service is analogous to the Russian service RuChaptcha. Here you can earn up to $1 per thousand captcha solves. Bring additional income as requested by other clients.

You can start trading immediately after registering and logging into your account account. Payment can be made via PayPal, Payza and WebMoney. The minimum payment for WebMoney is $0.5, for PayPal - $5&.


You need to be captivating security software for robots from QLink Group.


VirtualBee is one of the oldest companies, founded in 2001, that encourages freelancers to earn money in various types of jobs. After you register on the Maidan, you must pass the test. Based on the accumulated amount of points (ranging from 0 to 100), you will be assigned to the robot.

Well, we looked at 8 top foreign websites for making money on the Internet using recognized codes. In view of the fact that it is difficult to work on all services at once, you should choose for yourself 2-3 of the most profitable and useful services with similar payments.

Solving the captch will not bring you unexpected income, otherwise you will become a nasty worker at an opportune time.

Have you ever thought about making money on the Internet , And you were 100% interested, otherwise you wouldn’t have started reading this article at once, then you will, singly, be colorful and educational! Adje pIn addition to hundreds of scam sites and scam sites, and entirely real sites, you can, of course, cost not millions, but you will have to pay for your mobile phone or borrow a cup of espresso.

The simplest and most uncomplicated, despite the fact that you do not need any special skills, needs or investments of power: entering captcha for pennies. If you don’t know what a captcha is, then a little proof: Captcha (from CAPTCHA - English: Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), and in Russian, a kind of computer test that is vikorized in order to determine , who is in charge of the system: a person or a computer, then let us remember that the site is viewed not by a robot, but by a specific person. Earn money by entering captcha You can absolutely use the Internet for everyone.

Enter captcha for pennies video:

Why print a captcha for pennies?

First of all, you need to know the sites themselves on the Internet by entering captcha, Google and Yandex or something else will help you Poshukova system. The sites are both Russian and English, and payments are made in dollars. I, for example, am a vikorist for earnings on entered captcha Only Russian website Which, in my opinion, is the highest income for this segment.

Before speaking, ask about those to create your own account with Webmoney , Yandex penny chi Kiwi.

Thirdly, after confirmation of the cloud registration through email, Follow the instructions, comply with the rules of the site and that’s it, you can proceed before entering the captcha for pennies.

What is the essence of introducing captcha for pennies?

A variety of numbers and letters, both Russian and English, appear on the screen; your task is to correctly recognize (solve) them and enter them manually - the axis and the whole essence of entering a captcha for pennies. Be respectful: even letters and numbers are specially created or appear on a pockmarked background. This is how captcha images (reCapcha) appear: here you need to select suitable photos, for example, put them on images of buildings, lakes or store windows.

Who needs to enter a captcha for pennies, or what am I charging pennies for?

There are situations when it is necessary to bypass the captcha (protecting the site from robots), which is necessary for webmasters who work with various SEO software. So similar sites appeared, webmasters are ready to pay pennies to other people to solve the captcha.

The rate for a correctly recognized captcha is due to its complexity plus yours earnings on captcha stay with you, depending on how well you know the keyboard layout and your sitting position. No matter what, after a couple of years spent in front of the monitor, your eyes will become sleepy, your hands will not be able to hear, you can start to make peace. For pardons on certain sites you will be blocked for a certain hour.

As in any project, it is also clear that by asking people for your mission, you can deduct % of the money they earned. A kind of passive income or earnings from referrals .

How to get referrals video

The skin site with the introduction of a captcha for pennies has its own minimum threshold for withdrawing funds, having reached which you can withdraw your credits to your hand electronic gamanets chi card. As a rule, pennies are withdrawn in just a few minutes, sometimes within a year. If this is not the case, you can always go back to the support service on the site.


We pad the pouches. The endless advantages of introducing captcha for pennies:

  • Simplicity appeals to the pensioner;
  • This is yours additional income on the Internet ;
  • The income will lie away from you;
  • Do you know the keyboard layout well?
  • You yourself see how many years a day;
  • It’s easy to withdraw pennies quickly.

Disadvantages of entering captcha for pennies:

  • For pardons on the site, temporary blocking of a regional record;
  • Tired, dark eyes are drooping after so many years like this;
  • The job is underpaid, but there is a need to start something;
  • Entering a captcha cannot replace the main robot.

As an option for making money on the Internet, it’s captcha to live, since everything is fair here, without investment and without deception, but you won’t be able to solve your financial problems anymore. If you want to be a very stubborn and goal-oriented person, then you can try to save up a lot of money in this way for more serious income, earnings on games for example.

If you have nothing to do in the winter evenings, then entering a captcha for a pittance can be seen as a kind of challenge or game, for which in the future you will still have to pay real pennies.

As a competitor in terms of other types of earnings, captcha is extremely weak. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where you are ready to pay for