Home business ideas: online medical consultations. Consulting business: Business consulting service Introduction and installation of programs

Launching an online business in 2019, it is important to achieve profitability and a competent idea. As statistics show, 2018 itself became a turning point for online entrepreneurs for the income they generated. People have begun to open their business projects more often in the online space, but not in the offline space - it’s not surprising, even if you have an audience of 150 million people + SND. Although we prefer to conduct business on the Internet in standard, proven ways, others are planning to create their own unique ideas and implement them on the Internet - the opportunity to make good money is practically everything x.

Our evidence and analysis of the marginal business market suggests that for a beginner, all business on the Internet operates in a number of high-profit directions:

  • Provision of various freelance services with a voluntary income of up to 500,000 rubles per month.
  • Sales of goods through your own or partner platforms are the source of income in which there is practically no difference whatsoever.
  • Sphere of information business.
  • Web development is a valuable tool for the development of your own and partner information projects.
  • Affiliate marketing. Today, with an average income of 350,000 rubles per month, it occupies a dominant position in this area.

Choosing ideas for successfully running a business on the Internet can be considered two main ingredients.

  1. What would you like to devote your life to?
  2. Kim Vee, are you getting yourself through 3 rocks?

Don't rush to confirm! The real challenge lies in understanding what possibilities are appropriate for your need to know and do well.

To help you improve your diet, we would like to present to you a small list of business ideas in the online sphere. This list reflects specific applications for various business lines that are suitable for various beginners, budgets and needs.

Important: The article also contains information about new and unimportant niches for conducting effective business on the Internet. Updated today 2019

Affiliate Marketing

(In the same way as affiliations) - this is a good fit for those people who have the talent to sell effectively. The marketing partner accepts commissions from the sale of other people's products. You will have to make an initial investment to create an advertising campaign for the product you are going to compete with.

If sales are successful, the amount of commission wines in the city will significantly exceed the amount of investments. One of the most popular sites for affiliate marketing is: partnerki-vsem.ruі AffiliateCatalog.ru.

There you can get acquainted with all the propositions and minds of your partners, choose a product that you think can be successfully sold in a big way.

Creation of an online store/group on social media

U online stores You can sell any goods to the authorities. Cost-free website designers can be found on such popular resources: www.setup.ru, www.ucoz.ru.

People are not recommended to get involved with serious, expensive areas for basic equipment, jewelry, etc. It’s best to start simpler and focus on a wide range of products. You can also create a group in social measures, selling unique hand-made products.

This area is gaining popularity especially among the female half of online decorators: jewelry, handmade accessories, soft knitted toys, bouquets of tsukerki, embroidery paintings - everything is instantly fashionable. For people, you can sell accessories for cars: for example, pillows with the brand and number of the car, etc. In a word, this is a promising idea for doing business on the Internet.

There are many ways to make money online, but once again let’s talk about making money on the Internet, which is related to consultations in the medical field.

The main advantage of such earnings are those who Narazi, in our country, Danish species business, there are no excuses yet, but competition is simply minimal.

Medical consultations on the Internet: first step

Of course, to begin with, you need to register as a private entrepreneur, or, as is customary in our region, as an individual. Registration is quite simple, but if you don’t want to get involved with all this paper fuss, then one of the many organizations will come to your aid, ready to carry out the registration in your place, for a fee, saving your dear This is the hour, the more important it is for you both 'need language. On the right is that organizing the Internet is a consultation, regardless of its simplicity, but on the other hand it is labor-intensive, and even requires a lot of work at the stage of preparing a business. For example, one of the main tasks in the preparation of work will be the creation of the site.

Of course, you can join one of the companies and create a good website, but in such companies, the sites are created in a formulaic manner, and then you will have to hire a specialist, whoever needs your time, to create a quick and easy website design, even if people come to your site with a special purpose, and it is necessary that they immediately know what they need.

Now, let’s say, the registration has already been successfully completed, the site has been created, and the time has come to earn money. What are you going to do? What do you pay for from clients? How to organize everything? - You are constantly wondering about these foods, so let’s try to explore them in more detail.

Online consultation: work in detail

In fact, regardless of the importance of all these foods, and regardless of their foldability, everything is easy to finish. There are a number of factors that contribute to this type of business:

You will have to hire qualified doctors who can provide consultations themselves. In truth, there are plenty of fakhivts who are ready to start earning money in this position, also behind the scenes, on the right;

Depending on the type of consultation, on topics and other topics, even for skin problems directly, you will need a doctor, if you want to know that the doctor can truly consult in many areas of medicine;

Select your payment method. In fact, there are two ways to pay for a consultation: payment immediately before the consultation with one or another doctor, or by purchasing a subscription for a month or more. Let's put it this way. The option for a subscription will bring more clients, the income from each of them can be greatly reduced, but on the other hand, who knows how many times per month people will want to consult.

Beyond the great market, there are no more important frontiers for this business. Of course, you are constantly worried about the need for online consultations, and it’s easier to go to the doctor’s office. In reality, everything is not like that. On the right, people are afraid of power, and first of all, they have to go to the doctor, be it a person, with knees, who are trembling in fear, trying to find out any information on the Internet, and having spent hundreds of people on an online consultation It's hard to get stuck. Remember, smut, it’s not good to fall into despair and laziness, even if only with practice and effort, development and good earnings will come sooner.

Good business for you, comrades.

Send it yourself to your email:

Earnings from consultations– it is honest, absolutely white, available for all business schemes, and does not require special technical knowledge or penny investments.

To advertise this business, go to the address www.liveexpert.ru then register on the site. Spend a few hours filling out your profile, follow the instructions described below, and go ahead and earn money.

Remember: just like in any Internet business, it is most important to earn a thousand rubles in online consulting. But there will be the most joyful and the most valuable pennies. If you, having become deprived of power, manage to earn a thousand rubles, then nothing will allow you to reach a thousand-year income in two or three months, which will exceed thirty thousand rubles.

Just don’t rely on this method of earning money: there is no charming “Money” button, which works without any problems. However, there is a real possibility of extracting money from the limits of the power of your mind. Hundreds of traders have been working with the Liveexpert service for a long time - show dedication, ease and self-confidence, and you will do the same!

→ Another earning scheme is here —

For the sake of completing the profile of the customer servicewww.liveexpert.ru

1 . Vickory your photo. That one looks clear. It is advisable that we should appear kind, and open our eyes. Showing that you are reliable, serious and honest, the photo will help you win the favor of your clients. Your photograph is responsible for instilling happiness in those who you can effectively help.

2. How can you complete the “Specializations” section in more detail and information?. The area in which you have the greatest knowledge may be considered the main area. In addition, indicate the additional areas - the most important.

3. Completely complete the “Information” section. Information from this may be important for your potential clients before they make a decision about doing business with you. This section also facilitates the establishment of new business contacts.

4. Obviously write a few words about the hour of consultation. The ideal text looks something like this: “Wonderful! Having rejected the description of the problem, I will advise you as quickly as possible.” Your potential clients may be inclined to think that you will quickly respond to their whining, as long as you are steadily on the hook.

5. Obviously tell us about the worth and triviality of your consultation.. Value your time - since you indicated that one year of your consultation costs a thousand rubles, then be sure not to get discouraged by this figure.

6. How do you get advice in any of the areas? certificate and diploma, please write about this and confirm through the service administration (you will need to send scans of these documents to the moderators). After confirmation, your profile will display a confirmation icon. This will add more authority to your profile.

7. Fill the empty field as completely as possible. It is important to tell someone about your education, the flow of services, the completion of work in the skin (recruitment for consultation) area, the quality of services, the procedure for organizing and conducting consultations, etc. It is important to forgive your relationship with clients.

It is necessary to ensure that the potential deputy does not run out of food after reading the information from this block of your profile and develops the impression that you effectively have expert knowledge in the designated areas. As an example, you can check out the profiles of consultants-leaders of the service - you can learn better from them.

8. Periodically add “Promotion” - it miraculously attracts respect. Promote your “tasty” mind, and you will be steadily provided with a flow of clients. Use your imagination and experiment!

9. Obviously respond to customers’ excessive use of voguka. People love “live” profiles and candid, friendly experts.

10. Create a blog on the service www.liveexpert.ru. Regularly publish new posts, encouragement and recommendations related to the areas in which you act as a consultant. This will help you raise your rating and get new clients.

Post for promoters

Service exit strategyLiveexpert for a stable income of thousands of rubles per day (from scratch)

Select area of ​​consultation. Don’t doubt it, the world is always busy, as you well know! Perhaps you are a professional psychologist or a doctor who is unfavorably oriented towards nutritional style and beauty, and who intend to transfer the future for the help of cards... Please carefully follow the information provided on the website of the areas of consultation. One of them, the one you know best, can be called a headache. Select other areas in which you already have good knowledge as additional ones.

1. Following the scheme described above, fill out your profile with information. In all available places on the Internet (on forums, social networks, on boards, in comments on websites, etc.) place a message (or a special banner) on this profile.

By requesting new clients from the service, you will be killing two birds with one stone:

  • show your profile to additional potential clients
  • you will start earning money from the first day affiliate program to the service (for each skin-induced koristuvach you deduct an increase in the rating by 50 points and up to 500 rubles for the city (for a report about this, read the rules of the affiliate program))

3. To get it done, download http://www.liveexpert.ru/agent special program – Consultant agent. This will allow you to constantly be online in order to attract additional clients (you can remove them again if you are not in charge of the computer).

4. Please mark this item at the same time as the above recommendation by filling in the “Consultation Hour” field. The text can appeal to the client, demonstrate your expertise, and inform about the skill of your service. Please continue with your consultation after your breast cancer has been placed.

5. For a quick and effective set of ratings, the first week you can use not only paid, but also free services from the section http://www.liveexpert.ru/topic. It is necessary to work regularly.

6. In parallel with the work on the rating Try to get more positive word of mouth about your services and gain customer loyalty. Don’t be stingy, spend a week or two “for the fun.” Give a completely clear consultation and ask for a comment on your services. Satisfied clients are eager to “get excited” about an expert of such rank.

7. Shchob earnings from consultations Having turned into a full-time business, make sure that the online client is switched on steadily: evidence shows that more often clients turn into experts who are “online”. You will be able to report later, at a later time.

8. “Fight” for loyal clients. Enhance your consultation, develop a system suitable for clients who have “turned around”, improve your service – and your income will grow without fail.

9. If you don’t consider yourself an expert in anything or don’t even have enough knowledge, choose simple areas of consultation that don’t require special knowledge (for example, sports, home, beauty).

Having taken food from the client, you have an hour left for your obliteration. If your knowledge appears to be insufficient, look for information in sound systems. When you are ready, formulate a clear message and send it to the client. In this way, you will not only help you, but also “put away” your special baggage of knowledge. If you do this, you will quickly become an expert in singing galuzahs. How many hours is necessary for anyone to lie down just because of your commitment and duty.

10. Having identified yourself as a professional in your chosen areas, begin to take advantage of the consultation. Don’t be afraid to lose clients: you will always find buyers for the sake of knowing professional experts. If you are diligent, your skills will grow at a rapid rate.

P.S- Develop gradually, without slackening on what you have achieved. Follow the rules of the service. Increase your base of regular clients. And then your earnings from Liveexpert will turn into a robot, and the robot will turn into a business. I wish you good luck and good luck!

*Article on 8 rocks. Outdated data may be removed

Calculator for the profitability of your business

Ready ideas for your business

At the same time, a handful of great leaders are visible: LUKOIL, YUKOS, Rosneft, Slavneft, Sibneft, TNK, Tatneft. However, the active awakening of the market is currently challenging.

We move on to the stage of a detailed description of the project in your business plan.

Competition in the premium confectionery industry in Russia is almost daily. To open a café-confectionery in this format, you will need 3.14 million rubles, which can be repaid within a period of time.

The amount of starting investments in the warehouse of the tea boutique is 1,497,200 rubles. The payback term becomes 17 months. Reaching the planned sales target for 4 months.

Well, caravanning. The Word was born in Europe fifty years ago, but the manifestation began forever. It’s true, to what extent are “booths on wheels” important to associate with a way of living that is not the most prestigious...

Why do email marketing earn money? Does it stink? What kind of favors do newcomers indulge in? How much does skin lotion cost and how can you get rid of it?

Khinkali is a popular herb in Caucasian cuisine, which has given rise to a whole format of deposits called hikalny. Whose business plan is in good shape, and it will cost a lot for the 70th month.

Dmytro Dementiy

Ideas are more difficult to implement and less easy to generate. Instead of deciding what kind of business to get into, it’s best to spend an hour on a business plan and streamlining the work process. And understand that when you take up the right, this article will help you. Choose a section based on your interests and competencies, find ideas and incorporate them into life!

Just be careful: don’t put the best product on yourself. To get maximum results in terms of website traffic, conversions, leads and sales, you need a comprehensive approach to business.


Behind past river More than 35% of Russians have made purchases online, and these numbers are only growing. Open an online store and sell those products that you know well. You can do this on your website, sell it through a landing page, or advertise it through social media. Or use third-party services - "Avito", Ebay, Amazon and others.

  1. Electronics If you find a way to compete with great margins and minimize the risk of damaged gadgets during delivery, this is a good option.
  2. Odyag. There are a lot of speeches you can pick up without trying, and people actively buy them on the Internet - you can minimize costs by selling through social media and promoting special prices. Read our blog about how to create an online store “VKontakte”.
  3. Books Yes, yes, paperov. It sounds old-fashioned, but on their websites they are now asking for better prices, because prices in offline stores have skyrocketed.

  1. Goods from China. Absolutely: buy clothes, accessories and gadgets in Chinese stores and resell them via the Internet in your region - you will have an advantage over AliExpress for fast delivery rates. It is important to find a reliable delivery person so that the low quality of the goods does not lead to overcrowding.
  2. Expanded coverage and volume of records. They will obviously have to be untwisted. Buy the bots and sell them cheaply and honestly recruit living people and sell them expensively - you will be advised. For “bilim” SMM you can contact us.
  3. Organic hedgehog. You can make contact with local farmers, town workers and mushroom pickers, find buyers at the border and arrange delivery.
  4. Antiques. Come on, only if you know someone or want to get married. In the middle of the population, there will soon be a lot of prices for old people - smut, contact them and sell the relevant product.
  5. Products for critters. It’s not surprising that people can feel bad about themselves, but not about their cats and dogs.
  6. Products for children. Another niche with high margins.
  7. Products for everyday needs. If you can supply people with supplies, razors, cutlery and shampoos once a month, you will find a variety of clients. And for an online store, be sure to choose a suitable CMS.
  8. Affiliation marketing. Sell ​​any products of other companies for a commission to the wine city. Such a business makes at least a minimum contribution to the partner’s minds.
  9. Cybersquatting. Register and resell the domain.
  10. Hobby goods. People who love scrapbooking, embroidery, wood carving, fishing or watering know exactly what they need - it’s easy and quickly ready to make online purchases.
  11. Cosmetics. It’s easy to sell with a small investment, easy to deliver inexpensively, and can be saved for a long time – a great product for online trading. You can open an online store on Instagram.
  12. Goods get along. Buy and sell equipment to Vikoristan, and the items will be used in good condition.


Since you can not only sell other people's products, but also produce your own, you have a competitive advantage. You can sell on your own resources and on third-party sites. Є “Master Fairs” for the search of buyers in Russia, є Etsy, where your handmade products can be sold all over the world.

  1. Individual sewing of the garment. At the lowest prices in the mass market, the drink grows on soft fabrics, sewn with individual measurements. You only need a sewing machine and it will need to be repaired, and all the details of the purchase can be taken and sent to you on the website.
  2. Accessories and jewelry. From polymer clay, wood, metal or fabric - you may have a lot of embellishment, but you just don’t know about it.
  3. Home goods. This could include textiles, frames, stands, candle holders or dishes. Although preparing clear speeches is not a guarantee of success, it is also important to know your buyer.
  4. Interior of the painting. Even though the stench is great and abstract, you can work on making arrangements for a particular buyer. Golovne - to know whose buyer.

  1. Sales of furniture. For ease of delivery, it is more compact or disassembled into parts - like IKEA. You can try to find out about working with interior design studios.
  2. Personalization of special items. You can work on making a promise and living with the old speeches of the deputy ministers.
  3. Confectionery viruses. Cakes and pastry can be made and shipped in your region, gingerbread and tsukki can last a long time and are delivered throughout the country. Select the right content for your online store - this will make it easier for merchants to interact with your website, and you can increase sales.

Online coverage and information products

It’s time for people to begin life. And more and more often people choose to study online, so as not to waste an hour on the road, not to adjust their schedule for courses, and therefore the possibility of professionals starting from anywhere in the world.

  1. Navchannya mov. You can create an online school with your own chips. Among foreigners, people are fastidious, lazy and constantly looking for new techniques - so you can find ways to compete with the giants on the Skyeng platform.
  2. Instructions for practical beginners. Come, be it yours professional activity, as you know well: you can count people focused on design, photography, programming, SEO, management. If you don’t understand it yet, it’s okay - come to Internet marketing courses from TexTerra.
  3. Learning for self-development. These include financial literacy, time management, oratory and much more. You can get not only young people, but older people who have plenty of time and need to learn new things. Before the speech, our blog has material about delivering courses to an audience of 50+.
  4. The beginning of university-specialized speeches. Perhaps you can hire new language programmers or designers to work with the new program.
  5. Behind-the-scenes courses. Monetize people's knowledge: courses in contemporary history, history of religion, and English literature also recruit a lot of people to make them engaging and interactive.
  6. Expert books. Write them and sell them if you have a deep understanding of any area. To create a serious product and think about the skin care: removal, drying, supply of material. You can take inspiration from our book “100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers.”
  7. Chief aides. If you don’t understand it deeply enough, build electronic aids based on less familiar or foreign data - and sell them.
  8. Video lessons. You can tell people something specific by showing your butt. You can read what you take in – from cooking to photo retouching.
  9. Author's courses. Roserobte basic materials from lessons and sell them - just like a helper, without the daily online consultations and verification works.
  10. Tutoring for children Any school subject can be included in the video.

  1. Additional lighting for children. Launch an online school of programming, journalism, or any other subject - teach students what they can benefit from in later life.
  2. Courses for fathers. The rest of the time, the stench is gaining popularity.


Allow people to also spend a lot of time on the Internet - vikoryst.

  1. Dating service. It seems that everything has already been invented, but you can make money with your own chip. For example, there is a program called Haters that selects bets based on what people hate. Come up with your own trick and implement it target audience. And we will help you understand how men and women navigate the Internet.
  2. Social limit. There is absolutely no need to compete with VK. It is necessary to target a larger university audience with similar interests.
  3. Online games. This could be a large-scale project using virtual and augmented reality technologies. Or it’s awkward to play mobile apps. How to earn money, we already wrote.
  4. Content project. Browse the site, write articles and watch videos on various topics - about roads, human stories, scientific pop and other facts.

  1. Aggregator of visits in different places of Russia. Not all topics are published by Kudago, and not all regions are represented on the site. You can find more goodies by manually organizing them and paying pennies for posting advertisements.
  2. Planning of visits. If you are naturally creative, develop and sell scripts to holy gods.
  3. Organization of visits. You can also do this online – you can select presenters, photographers, decorators, animators for the appropriate location and coordinate their work.


One of the most popular types of daily Internet business: you develop an Instagram account, a YouTube channel or a blog with articles - you charge money for advertising.

  1. Blogs with photographs. If you get a lot more expensive or just stay in the world under an unexpected price, you can outsmart prepayers with beautiful pictures and warm signatures. Learn to use Photoshop professionally to take your content to a new level.
  2. Blogs with longreads. You can implement it on social media, on your website, “Zeni” or Medium. Write about things that might be appreciated or appreciated by a wide range of readers. And we’ll show you 7 perfect topics for any blog.

  1. Product testing. Select an area and inform prepayers about the quality of cosmetics of various brands, fishing tackle, equipment and any other goods.
  2. Interviews with experts and special features. If you can run a vlog and know your guests, you will never run out of ideas for content - you will make money on the stories of your heroes. You can repeat the truth about Duda and keep a respectable blog, or choose a sphere and conduct discussions for fakhivts.

Korisny services

On the Internet, any information is in hidden access If only the resource would be successful, it would be possible to manually systematize and systematize taxes for the koristuvachs. And also, in addition to information services, you can coordinate the work of various offline services for additional sites and programs.

  1. Online libraries. RuNet already has Litres and others, but there are not so many of them yet.
  2. Library of application forms to various authorities. You can create a resource that people can quickly find out and enjoy in any form.
  3. Aggregator discount. To reduce competition, you can choose to specialize in these or other products. The structure of such a site can be quite foldable: tell us about those in order to compose the technical specifications for buyers correctly.
  4. Doshka is stunned. Get a handy service for placing any requests: sales, purchases, exchanges, service offers and searches.

  1. Online flea market. This can be easily implemented through additional funds, but on a small budget you can get by with social security.
  2. Service for sale and purchase of hearing loss. Nowadays, people are turning to realtors more often and they are increasingly searching for things on the Internet. To ensure that you are seriously taken into account in the market for hearing loss, ask about the products that are available on the website.
  3. Purchasing tickets and tours online. Travel agencies Suchasna Lyudina You can also give advantage to a manual site, and you can earn hundreds of dollars.
  4. Photobank. Garni photos Needed by everyone - designers, SMM specialists, business leaders, and other private individuals. And they are ready to pay for them.
  5. Delivery service izhi. And it’s not at all necessary to trim your restaurant - organize the work of couriers, create a good website and achieve success in the business. And learn to write delicious texts about hedgehogs, how to get clients.
  6. Courier service. Delivery can be arranged immediately via the Internet.
  7. Exchange services You can create a resource for a wide range of services, using YouDo, or create a specialized exchange for freelancers in one or another area. For example, I am looking for copywriters, programmers, and designers. Consider your competitors: we published a review of popular freelance exchanges.
  8. Platform for tutors and students. Yak Preply or Upstudy.
  9. Service for photo editing. There are a lot of them on the Internet, but it’s important to understand them, and not everyone has Photoshop. You can drink your mother’s editor, focusing on consumer needs – for example, especially for SMM or retouching.

Consulting for private parties

Individual consultations from various nutritionists are gaining popularity on the Internet.

  1. Psychological assistance. If you are a certified psychologist or can hire psychologists for work, online consultations will become a good business project.

  1. Career guidance for children and adults. Nowadays, we all want to know how to reach our souls - those who definitely need help.
  2. Consultations with treatment. Search for robots mriya – okrema is not easy on the right, and there is no visible competitor to HeadHunter. You can find job offers all over the Internet and submit them to candidates on whom you can make money.
  3. Consultations for family issues. And from any kind of wine. Such services can be sold to special agents.
  4. Consultations for proper food. At the same time, you can shop with brands whose products you recommend.
  5. Fashion. When shopping goes online, the services of a virtual stylist may also be needed.
  6. Legal matters for physical persons Of course, it is not possible to practice as a lawyer online, but you can provide advice to people and suggest legal solutions to their problems for pennies. You can ask the servants for additional help koris content– the TexTerra blog has material on how to write good legal texts.
  7. Consultations should be taken outside the border. First of all, it’s important because someone wants to get away richly, but it’s difficult to figure out the intricacies on your own.
  8. Computer assistance. People cannot reset the router on their own, but install a browser and be prepared to pay for help.

B2B services

A great and rich layer of ideas is a great service for business. Outsourcing is gaining popularity: since supplies are needed for a few years per month, they cannot be trimmed by the staff.

  1. Legal assistance. You can choose any kind of business support: from copyright protection to increased separation from partners.
  2. Exchange of hidden buyers. Make sure that such spivorotniks are not kept in the state, they need to be used in a non-trivial term. You can create a website for manual search of Vikonavians and monetize it.
  3. Accounting services. More and more small businesses hire outsourced accountants.
  4. Internet audit. Analyze the performance of websites, networks and cloud accounts in social networks.
  5. Remote call center. You will need emergency responders from all over the world to receive calls for many organizations.
  6. System administration. Please note that the full-time presence of a system administrator in the office is only required in case of serious problems.
  7. Trainings. Large and medium-sized companies are ready to pay for the training of specialists: from upgrading specialized skills to negotiation techniques, management and other soft skills. Such courses can be successfully offered through social networks.
  1. Rozrobka PZ. Business programs require a variety of different ones.
  2. Remote technical assistance. You can help healthcare workers use the programs or get benefits on the websites.
  3. Recruitment agency. It seems that with the Internet the market has become more open, but that is not the case. Representatives of the company do not want to look through a bunch of resumes in search of relevant people - you can help them. Your first conversations will now take place online.
  4. Marketing agency. Why not?
  5. Friendly terms on the site. Businesses will always need advertising flyers, posters, merchandise and much more. And with low-cost delivery, the following scheme is created: the client, having signed up on the website, is contacted and sent by a courier to the address.
  6. Creation of websites, landing pages and add-ons. New businesses and all the necessary sites are opening up today. U e-books You can read TexTerra as you create the site yourself, as you are a humanitarian.

  1. Services of transfer workers. You can deal with the transfer of documents, listings with foreign companies, or searching for synchronous transfers for visits. There is a lot of competition in the translation industry.
  2. Warehouse If you have empty storage, you can organize a saving service via the Internet - this will be relevant for large stores.
  3. Fundraising. Unfortunately or fortunately, you can also make money by collecting pennies for charitable organizations.
  4. Renting a property. Through your website you can rent out property for any area of ​​activity.
  5. Design services. Advertising products are needed by every business on a regular basis, and are always valuable.
  6. Administrative services. Help businessmen with financial planning and business.
  7. Sociological research. Conduct online training so that your business can improve its marketing and boost sales.

Crazy menu of ideas

If you are adventurous and do not like formulaic solutions, you can consider more creative ideas. The average advantage is low competition.

  1. Surprise service. The deputy pays pennies, names the addressee, you buy a surprise gift for your taste and send it. Promote an unexpected business with the help of great content on Instagram.
  2. Raffle service. The deputy pays pennies, names the addressee, and you play with him. Perhaps the game can also be won virtually.
  3. Preparing speeches for little children. The client gives you a baby, and you introduce it into your life - for example, you prepare a toy or household item.
  4. Service for lovers and owners of domestic animals. On such a dating site, the owner of the dog, who does not want to walk the dog with her, can meet the partner who wants to walk the dog with the dog.
  5. Products for the same. More people live alone, and food packaging in stores is often covered by family insurance. If you present the idea correctly, they will be happy to avoid overpayments - and you can sell small portions of it with delivery through the website and social media.
  6. Virtual one for a year. Just as you can buy a real friend for a while, there are people who are ready to pay for a meeting with a virtual friend. It is important to correctly identify the target audience for such a project.
  7. Platne rozsilannya with brown nagaduvannya. There are already programs that will tell the players about the 8th rank, earn 100 squats, or do, you know, the right ones. It’s easier for people to engage in self-development if they are motivated—let’s say virtually.
  8. Online store where you can buy a surprise for yourself. The buyer pays a small sum, and delivers goods in proportion to the price, rather than inconvenience - this is better.
  9. Renting various status speeches: jewelry, cloth, majestic bouquets for photos and people for an escort on arrivals.
  10. Delivery of any goods from stores outside the border. Worldwide delivery is also possible. Therefore, today’s relevant services are organized as follows: you need to easily find Vikonavians there who are ready to send goods that your clients need.

  1. Organization of separations. It’s easy for people to tell their bosses about the development of cramps, and this weakness can be monetized: hire a psychologist who can tell you how to buy a new phone for pennies. Such a service can be promoted entirely through social networks - learn how to correctly select pictures before posting Rate the material:
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