The information system of the integrated dispatch service for housing and communal services has been automated - as an innovative tool for increasing the energy efficiency of municipal lighting. I-DS Dispatcher management system Dispatcher information system creates

The dispatch service intends to implement a centralized form of operational management based on technical communication, information collection, processing and operational control and regulation of agricultural production.

The organization of a dispatch service makes it possible to significantly increase the productivity of work management, expand the standards of inkeration and increase the efficiency of management. It consists of offensive elements: dispatch personnel at the central dispatch center, dispatch posts at brigades and farms; complex of technical control features (internal radio telephone call, technological and documentary connections, methods of scientific presentation of information); stagnation of methods of centralized operational management.

The dispatch service is created to monitor the following types of work:

in the area of ​​information security:

Collection, saving and processing of current operational information about the process of production processes in all subdivisions of the state and submission of relevant data to the farmers, the main specialists of the state and agricultural authorities on the outside the area;

Effective two-way operational communication between the kerivniki and the main fakhivts one by one, as well as with the kerivniki and specialists of the internal Spodarsky virobnichnykh pidrozdil; transfer of all command information that comes out of the core to the first generation subdivision;

Collection of various supplies and applications that come from structural units and addressed to the core workers of the state, as well as to the core workers of other functional units;

Carrying out dispatching meetings according to a specially detailed schedule;

in the field of control:

Control over the extermination of all internal sub-districts of the region and the order of the rulers of the state;

Control over the implementation of work plans, confirmed by the structural units of the state, including such parameters as the lines and obligations of the intended work, the creation of products of the state;

Control over the current monitoring of all functional services and various internal departments of requests and requests transferred to them from the dispatch service;

Monitoring the operation of the machine and tractor fleet;

at the Galusi operational order- Operational management of production, coordination of government activities of all structural subdivisions of the government; sleeplessness that comes from viral activity;

in Galuzia the organization and maintenance of production:

Organizing and carrying out, by means of special teams (teams and tanks of master-adjusters), timely technical maintenance and emergency repairs of agricultural machines and mechanisms;

Collection of applications and control over internal material and technical supplies of all structural parts, including fuel and oil materials, spare parts, etc. by their services together with the kernels of the primary structural substructures;

The organization of centralized internal transport transportation of residents and communities is subject to detailed plans, as well as requests from structural units.

Obsyag works, which is determined by the dispatch service, may be different, especially in terms of operational orders. In the end, due to the increased independence of internal departments, many types of work from operational orders were transferred to the lower level of management - supervisors, foremen, etc. This coordination works for additional operational management of the enterprise sales.

At the same time, the dispatch service and other functional and linear management services face the possibility of problems arising due to the long-term prospects for the development of government, such fundamental problems as technology and production technologies, organization of work, promotion of new achievements of science and advanced research in the production.

For the highest power supply to the operational control unit of the dispatch service, it is necessary to rely on this type of knowledge. The dispatcher’s activity is focused on the correct assessment of the progress of the production process, intelligently transferring the results to the plan and identifying specific approaches that will lead to the identification of deficiencies. For this purpose, the control unit, in addition to the knowledge of the rural Spodar region, is responsible for the creation of forecasts and analysis, constantly quickly orienting itself in a folded, constantly unstable virus situation.

The structure of the dispatch service is determined by the scale of production, its concentration, territorial distribution, remoteness of production subdivisions, and, therefore, the number of recruited robots. In great agricultural enterprises, operational management is carried out through a central control panel and a series of control points under the hour of production units. In medium-sized and small states it operates through a central control point and control posts at brigades and farms.

He is the dispatcher service of the state governments head (senior) dispatcher, removes the functions of the intercessor from operational management. At this time, qualified fakivtsev are appointed, who are involved in the practice of servicing rural agricultural production. The head dispatcher arranges for the operational supply of all the warehousing units of the main and service production plants.

The scope of activity of the head (senior) dispatcher is extremely diverse. The practice of the robotic dispatch service has shown that I have to deal with food that requires highly specialized knowledge.

Direct assistant to the head (senior) dispatcher from operational management dispatcher-operator, This will ensure the timely receipt and processing of operational information about the progress of the manufacturing process, its preparation for the government officials and other organizations.

During busy periods, the plant will be dispatched to the dispatch service staff time-hour dispatcher-operator for Cherguvannya control center. Radio operator technician The current technical maintenance of the connections is carried out and is responsible for their functionality. obov'yazki dispatchers-informants In the state governments, responsibility is placed on the foreman of the Roslynnytsia brigades, the regional dairy farm workers, the farm managers, the regional transport brigades and vehicle fleet, the foreman of the civil service brigade, and the heads of additional workshops.

The most important factor that ensures the efficiency of the dispatch service is that the activities of its employees are clearly regulated on the basis of separate functional rights and obligations. To achieve the highest efficiency of the dispatch service robots, goiter practitioners must adhere to the rules for the exchange of service information, understand the methods of the dispatch communication and ensure that they can protect their It is important to inform the dispatch service about the results of the implementation of the regulations governed by the terms.

In the work of the dispatch service, regulation, the procedure for establishing technical features of dispatch communication and the provision of operational information are of great importance.

The organization and procedure for the work of the dispatch service in a particular state is indicated by the following documents:

1. Regulations on the dispatch service, in whatever form they are assigned to the management structure, staff and planting instructions police officers, the organization of the dispatch area, the procedure for filling out forms, schedules for contacting informants from the department, the procedure for organizing and conducting dispatch meetings, etc.

2. The procedure for the work of the dispatch service, at which time it is scheduled to receive information from data collections, and process and conduct dispatch operations.

The work schedule of the dispatch service depends on the work pressure of the government and develops during the summer and winter periods.

The effectiveness of the dispatch service depends on its organization in many ways. The most important thing is the dispatcher's office and the dispatcher's office. In practice, a regular system has been developed for conducting dispatching meetings and assignments.

Technology of dispatching control. Conducted once a week from 17 to 18. Attendants: government minister, chief dispatcher, and also, on a daily basis, senior specialists.

Narada is carried out according to the upcoming scenario:

1. Report from the head dispatcher about the progress of work plans (plans) of the past year. This indicates that the plan is based on hundreds of shortcomings in the organization of work, technology and secondary equipment (10-12 minutes).

2. Clerical workers in departments, vikonroba and head of ministries about vikonana for a period of work (only about shortcomings, shortcomings and non-vikonannya) (2-3 times per person).

3. Evidence from the leading specialists (5-8 points each), which may consist of three parts: analysis of work flow over the past period with identified shortcomings and their reasons; propositions to eliminate shortcomings; projects of working plans, first folded together from ceramics in the skin department.

4. Respect for good work plans.

5. Visnovok director chi yogo intercessor of the virobnitstva.

Technology of dispatch control selection. Held every day from 18 to 18. 30th century 11 obviously: at the central dispatch point - the government officer, the head dispatcher, the head fakhivtsi; at the control point there are department workers, department specialists, foremen and farm managers.

The dispatch plan is as follows:

1. Roll call of those present.

2. Report from the head dispatcher about the progress of the battle last day. Several hundred reasons for the downtime of people and equipment in departments are identified as culprits (5-6 times).

3. Short speeches (2-3 stories) from the head agronomist, head engineer and head livestock specialist about the breakdown of technology in foreign technology. After the bastards, the word is given to other fakhivs.

4. Managers of departments analyze the reasons for interruptions and downtime, implement the work plan from the next day whenever necessary to adhere to the work plan for the day (2 -3 xv).

5. The head dispatcher distributes the vehicles and other equipment that is in his order, after being previously removed from the separate applications (1-2 times).

6. Visnovok of the director of the state (3-4th century). Conducting dispatching meetings and dispatching orders

allows you to increase the efficiency of operational management, accepts the reality of management and disciplines practitioners.

The comprehensive control of the rural dominion in the region and region is progressing at a rapid pace. Here, to the warehouse of control facilities, in addition to rural government enterprises, all mutual relations with the rural government organization are included. This allows you to quickly obtain a rich supply associated with the sale of agricultural products, supplies and services to agricultural enterprises. In addition, the creation of regional and regional dispatch systems and their connection with computing centers allows for a gradual transition to automated control systems.

UDC 614.8:351.86+519.8

Problems of organizing information interaction between emergency dispatch services and emergency services during the creation of System-112

V. N. Zubkov, S. V. Ageev, O. V. Denisov, V. V. Timinsky, A. S. Akulshin Abstract

The article outlines the main problems in the creation and functioning of information systems of emergency operational services.

Key words: System-112, emergency call, unified emergency dispatch service for municipal lighting, support for the praised decision, automated checks.

Problems of the Organization Information Interaction of Emergency Field services in the Course of Creation of systems-112

V. Zubkov, S. Ageev, O. Denisov, V. Timinsky, A. Akulshin, Abstract Abstract

The material has major problems with the creation and functioning of information systems for the emergence of field services and installation.

Key words: System-112, call emergency services, united dispatch office of municipal entity, decision support, automated tools.

Long before the idea of ​​creating System-112 in Russia, various services appeared and are still in existence to receive calls from the population about various conditions and organize an emergency response to them. In this case, the applicant himself categorizes the problem, for which he is required to reject additional assistance within the competence of the operational service and chooses which emergency service to address his problem to one of the specialized service numbers (01, 02, 03 , 04 Toscho). As a rule, this does not call for the usual folding items. Types of “off-address” marketing are not systemic, and their number does not outweigh the

the number of pardon notifications provided by these services.

In these situations, when there is a need for a comprehensive concentration of forces and personnel of several operational services, various special orders, instructions, regulations and arrangements are made to achieve effective interaction through the line of emergency (dispatcher) services.

By optimizing the work of the dispatch warehouse from receiving, processing, registering and organizing a prompt response to them, departments have developed and effectively established various algorithms and rules. In today's minds

It is possible through the registration of notifications and actions and costs from their response, and the result of the response is carried out in electronic form (from the simplest forms in Word and Excel format to “programs”, separated tea, homemade fahivtsy in the localities). For the development of full-fledged dispatch complexes, facists will be needed in the future high level And there are different directions in the use of information technologies, so there are really not enough such systems today. In this case, within the framework of one department there is no uniform approach, so there are different subdivisions in the areas of equipment different systems different distributors, with different levels of functionality, different levels of automation. It is surprising that the structure of the departments of all departments is highly centralized from the federal to the municipal level, all departments have algorithms and rules for acceptance approved by these departments, processing information, the authority The results and statistics are the same for all departments of this department. in all subjects.

It is necessary to note that the Ministry of Taxation of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reported efforts to create systems and complexes to automate operational dispatch functions, which were centralized and implemented in these departments of the system to be of a more formational-previous and regional-statistical, lower operational-dispatch and care .

Under the Tsomo Slid, to the algorithmi, the rules of the Priyoma, the inconsistent, the register of the react, the organized react on them by the bumps, the regional result of the react (virishini situy) will not be re -expelled by the All -Ekstransky operative services. A reasonable chronology of actions of any services when responding to notifications about the field that falls within their competence can serve as confirmation of this assignment:

a) acceptance, processing and registration notification;

b) organization of response to notifications - dispatching notifications to the services (children, police departments) competent to report them;

c) control (intensification) of the actions of the response, coordination of the actions of various participants, which contribute to the immediate response by forces and other means;

G) Information support accept decisions (for needs) to the participants in the response;

e) registration of intermediate and final results; formation of statistical significance; maintaining the data base.

This allows us to assume that it is possible to develop a single software and hardware complex that would automate this process on the same principles for all emergency operational services or any of them.

Conducting an analysis of systems used in various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation to automate the process of operational dispatch management,

without having revealed to date any kind of automated system that unites more or less different types of worms and dispatcher units of operational services in a single organization and a software and hardware platform based on common management principles. This approach significantly simplifies the organization of interaction between different departments within the department, and moreover, the DDS of other departments.

The emerging idea (concept) of the created system-112 revealed the possibility of creating a software, hardware and information platform that would unite all emergency response services (and, perhaps, not only emergency services) A ​​single information space (or more specifically, -emergency" - electronic emergency services) using the method of manually calling emergency services for the population using the “one-stop” principle and organizing a complex of calls to ensure a faster response and reduced interaction between emergency services when calling nyakh about podia) from the population. The unified software and hardware complex of System-112 Mig becomes a software basis (module) for organizing information interaction between DDS of operational services in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Thus, System-112 can become an information and communication platform of the subject’s integrated operational dispatch control system (OSODU).

However, starting from the specification of the functions that the Concept relies on System-112, it is necessary to know that System-112: information (informative), dispatching system, or all at once, and then mean the role and place of the system among other systems subject that implements similar and complex functions.

The system, which receives and processes notification (information) from the applicant according to GOST, is information and does not require confirmation of this fact. Also, the Concept of the System-112 mid-order is clearly visible to the control rooms - the reception and transfer of information about the operation of the DDS is consistent with their competence for organizing an emergency response; registration and documentation of all input and output notifications, generation of statistical information on notifications. The significance of the Concept is that System-112, based on its designations, is an operational dispatch system.

What is the role and place of the operational dispatch system-112 in the underground structure of the sub-divisions and services of the subject, which implement, in accordance with the competence and position, similar operational dispatch functions ?

The concept defines System-112 as a territorially distributed information system, intended to be integrated on the basis of unified dispatch services (UDS) of municipal authorities, emergency dispatch services

operational services (service fire funeral; response service in emergency situations; police service; Swedish health service; emergency gas service; "Antiterror" service).

In the description of the algorithm of actions of operators “112”, management functions are added, and the management vertical is transferred; It is important to remember that System-112 is an information-control system.

On the ground, when such an approach is prohibited, more super-holes are created.

In our opinion, System-112 operates as an information system in everyday mode, but when switching to the “NS” mode, it is due to the possibility of overloading the control function, which is inherent in the Concept.

It remains to know at once the positions of the beneficiaries of System-112 as informative and consider it as a core one, allow for the development of a regulatory legal act, perhaps the Model Regulations on the OSD of the subject of System-112 itself, where you will find out the development and closure captive role and place EDDS and skin emergency operational service. It has its own reasonable goals, set the function of OSODU with the command of all its elements, especially EDDR, to allow you to prepare technical benefits to a software and hardware complex that automates control processes and interdepartmental interaction between adjacent system elements.

Apparently, prior to the concept praised by the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of System-112 will be based on the UDDS of municipal structures. Therefore, one of the key points during the creation of System-112 is the recognition of the status and legal basis of the UDDS.

An analysis of the creation of EDDS in the subjects of the Russian Federation showed that, as a rule, the stink does not stink to the desired state and, moreover, legal status (independent legal entity, organization), and also to any regular subdivisions under the administrator Istrations. This approach underestimates the role of the EDDS center in the emergency response system, and also does not allow for the proper organization of financial security for the service, and therefore for the emergency response system.

An analysis of the forms and methods of creating ODRS showed that the most rational is the creation of ODRS on a regular basis as if it were independent legal person, for example, a special municipal installation, or at a warehouse for emergency molding, which is also a municipal installation.

Depending on the administrative-territorial division of the region and the size of the population, it is possible for municipal authorities to create such installations in each region and one for the entire subject from the filial border in other areas.

This approach, in our opinion, allows us to resolve problems of both an organizational nature during the creation of System-112, and also to resolve the problem of nutrition from the

Also, one of the key points during the development of System-112 is the assessment of the readiness of the information and communication (IK) infrastructure of the region to the possibility of obtaining modern information technologies (IT) ) the system has a call for emergency services. As shown by the analysis, the communication channels between the DDS of emergency operational services in most subjects of the Russian Federation were created in 60 years and physically worn out, which periodically lead to problems with the operator communicating the call to emergency services, and thus more organization transfer of information (data), the auxiliary and dispatch personnel do not use modern information methods and technologies. Behind the Concept, System-112 is a richly functional information and communication territorially distributed system that transmits integrated and daily telecommunication warehouses, such as fiber optic data transmission channels, to achieve high throughput and reliability, the advancement of WEB technology in the data transfer system and clicks between EDDS that DDS.

Therefore, in order to select regions for the gradual deployment of System-112, it is necessary to develop a methodology for assessing the readiness of regions, including the DDS of emergency services, before the deployment of System-112, which, in our opinion, is one of the warehouses (segment) folded in Russia informational partnership.

Analysis of the development and functioning of System-112 in pilot regions showed that the most important in terms of organizing information interaction between household DDS is the subsystem for receiving and processing in (inform about steps) to go to a single dispatch service. The warehouse of the designated subsystem includes a unit processing center (CPC).

The subsystem receives and processes calls, or so is the name of the dispatching subsystem, the subsystem that controls the automated system (AS) EDDS.

There are a number of software and technical options available for these subsystems depending on the organization of interdepartmental interaction.

Let's look at two options that are most common.

Option 1

DDS emergency services (01, 02, 03 etc.) already have their own dispatch systems.

In this case, a special software program (SPO) can be created to process calls for the CZG based on the UDDS and for the DDS of the emergency operational service, which is geographically similar to the UDDS. In practice, it can be implemented by placing a remote client work place with the DDS from the SPO TsOV EDDS in addition to the account

The automated workplace is welcome to inform you about the procedure or, in short, the development of a special integration software module to ensure information interaction between SPO TsOV EDDS and special software for DDS emergency services.

The positive thing about this solution is that the development of the system and the implementation of the DDS is achieved without fundamentally breaking down the already obvious well-known automated functions that have made the industry efficient through practical operation.

The shortcomings of this approach are indicated by a straightforward method of implementation. So, for example, when an additional client workstation is located in the emergency service department of the SPO TsOV EDDS, the operator will have to receive notification that the System-112 line and the home system have been found. To verify statistics in both systems, the operator will have to manually transfer information from one to the other, which does not speed up the process of processing and responding to them, but rather prevents the operator from responding to “sabotage” new systems, in order to ensure the priority of work, avoid the day-to-day and less functional, or the familiar old system. In addition, one of the tasks that stands before System-112 is “harmonization of the method of calling emergency services from the legislation of the European Union,” and, obviously, in Europe, the operator’s assistance may be automated work place(One keyboard, mouse, etc.). The use of integration modules is problematic for other reasons. A simple comparison of the number of DDS potential objects of integration shows that in practice it will soon be possible to integrate with as many as six AS in the subject – services 01, 02, 03, 04, emergency response service (or TsUKZ), "Anti-terror" service " In this case, in the skin area, it is possible to detect AS, similar to AS in the same service to the vascular region. Then we have over 250 potential integration objects. In addition, an analysis of the availability and development of automated systems in emergency services emergency services shows that most emergency services are not equipped with any kind of dispatching programs, but rather with current information and information systems. statistical systems. Therefore, integration is more important in the software market. For successful integration of systems, vendors need to disclose their developments one by one, and information security officials must report additional efforts to protect their resources and information resources after integration. ї. The position of a large number of core services does not correspond to effective work with integration, and is aimed at choosing isolation. Due to the significant organizational efforts and insanely large expenditures, both financial and financial resources, in the information technology sector, the positive effect of the implemented solution is not obvious.

Option 2

As we guessed, the analysis showed that in most cases, departments have an automated system every day, registration is carried out most often in a log, the organization of response and coordination of forces and special ів by phone.

We also figured out the uniformity of the basic algorithms and principles for receiving, processing, registering notifications about events, organizing the response to them and managing the light forces and methods of response for all DDS operational services lies within the scope of their significance.

In this case, the most rational is the development of a unified automated system that automates the processes of operational dispatch management in the department of the DDS as a whole, and setting it up for all departments x. A single system must ensure the principle of entering data through one program only once, and the data must be available for other programs without copying them. All actions of the operator (dispatcher) in the system are automatically recorded in real time with the saved information in which this action was carried out and in such a way that the same can be followed by emergency personnel Just to update, including for initial purposes .

When implementing this task, it is also inevitable that the folding parts are tied on one side, due to the need to develop a single system for several services, due to the similarity of the principles of operational dispatch management, there is an objective please let me know the specifics. On the other hand, subjectively, the position of custodians and fencing workers in these departments and services does not differ from the position during the development of integration modules.

However, this option has positive aspects that are obvious - the skin department receives a specialized software product, which is developed over time (or according to the participation) “under the orders” of this department; The management system in crisis situations of the subject takes away unity software platform all DDS, UDDS and TSKB, which allows for the implementation of uniform and consistent rules of information exchange in the RSNS system. In addition, with the analysis of the greater role and place of System-112 in the OSODU of the subject, the complete development of the AS within the framework of the project itself is completed.

The skin option may have the right to be discovered and may be implemented in one or another subject.

However, in our opinion, there is another option, which is more complex at the early stage (during the development of a single AS), and then, when the system is replicated in the regions, the pro-vaginal effect will reduce the problems that arose during the development.

Those who are transferred to the Conception are the system-112 larynx on the basis of the municipal EDDS

the creation by the routine management bodies of the territorial subsystem of the subject's RSChS appears to be correct and justified. Today, the UDDS may become legitimately important for the organization and improvement of the daily management of the DSDS, including emergency operational services (as designated by the Regulations of the Russian Federation...), due to the fact of the lack of technology the proper basis for management. On the other hand, System-112 has such a software and technical foundation. The similarity of the task and function also allows us to consider System-112 within the framework of the UDDS of municipal authorities as an invisible part of the operational dispatch control system within the framework of everyday management bodies line of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS, i.e. with the regulation of the UDDS. І centralization of the operational dispatch control system of the DDS of all interconnected services, and not just operational ones based on the UDDS, is another argument for the development of a standard automated system of an integrated system of operational dispatch control for the sub kta.

However, do not forget that System-112 is a complex information and communication system, which is the next segment of the created information service, which allows the population to obtain their own, operational and quality I'll help you if you can. And it is impossible without the preparation of highly qualified dispatch personnel and human capital, which is driven by current information technologies, and without the creation of reliable information and communication infrastructure in regions. Otherwise, all efforts to promote the system-112 may be limited to the purchase of the so-called sale, at which more and more presentations about the system-112 will be shown, otherwise it will not function on the next day no.


1. Regulation of the Order of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2008 No. 1240-r about the praise of the Concept of the creation of System-112.

2. Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated December 15, 2008 No. 779 “On the implementation of the regulations of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2008 No. 1240-r.

3. Order of the Minister dated October 27, 2009 No. 379 “About the working group from the larynx of the security system to the call of emergency operational services through single number"112" with the regulation of the UDDS of municipal authorities of the Russian Federation."

4. Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated April 9, 2009 No. 224 “On the development of the methodology and functioning of the system for ensuring the call of emergency response services through a single number “112” on the basis of the UDDS of municipal authorities in pilot regions ions of the Russian Federation".

5. Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 1. 06.2009 r No. 331 “On the interdepartmental working group for the development of methodology and functioning of the system for ensuring the call of emergency operational services through a single number “112” based on the UDDS municipal works in pilot regions.

6. Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2004. No. 894 “About the confirmation of the flow of emergency operational services, calls of which it is necessary and costless to ensure that the operator is connected, and about the recognition of a single number for the call of emergency operational services.”

7. Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated September 29, 2007 No. 7/1 “On preparation before a fire in the territory of the Russian Federation and the system for calling emergency services through a single number “112.”

9. GOST R22. 7.01-99 EDDS. Basic provisions.

Zubkov Vasil Mikolayovich, Head Directorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for the Kursk region, head. Ageev Sergey Volodimirovich, Ph.D. D., Federal State Institution VNDI GOChS (FC), leading scientific spіvrobitnik. Denisov Oleg V'yacheslavovich, Central Fund of the Federal State Institution VNDI GONS (FC), head.

Timinskiy Volodymyr Valentinovich, State Institution “TsUKS MNS of Russia Kursk Region”, head. Akulshin Sergey Borisovich, State Institution "TsUKS MNS of Russia in the Kursk region", specialist.

Technological monitoring of production processes


Designed for continuous control over all the parameters of technological processes that characterize the production flow mill, as in real time. The objects of monitoring include technological installations, tanks, warehouses, industrial units, production lines, etc. The main task of technological monitoring is to transmit as accurately as possible the state of all technological and manufacturing processes.

Planning and mode of movement of raw materials and beverages


Intended for planning and processing operations for the movement of raw materials, drinks and finished products. As part of the current planning of movement, the following is implemented: integration with planning subsystems, capture of raw materials and diversification of finished products; development of the relocation operations plan; forecasting the development of tank farms and warehouses; analysis of planned and actual operations in the oil and naphtha products industry. Within the framework of the task related to the area of ​​displacement, the following is implemented: the operational area of ​​the search for supplies; operational flow of direct and flows of transfer of syrups, drinks and finished products; operational supply of a number of raw materials, manufactured drinks and finished products in tank farms and enterprise warehouses.

Control over the development of technological regulations


Intended for continuous monitoring of compliance with technological regulations in the conduct of processes at manufacturing facilities. The subsystem has the following functions: assigning a set manually and/or based on archived data of technological modes for the selected technological object; visualization and notification of alarming events; the formation of specialized components and the creation of technological regimes.

Control of technological equipment


Intended for continuous monitoring and forecasting of the actual state of technological ownership. For this purpose, the subsystem allows you to automate processes: control of work/downtime; the appearance and analysis of downtime; appearance of practical equipment; breakdown of key performance indicators; integration with specialized diagnostic systems.

Control of key indicators


Intended for development and real-time control of key indicators of actual production work based on data from food consumption, technology and energy: operational control of the implementation of production plans; developments in the real time of technical and economic indicators of the skin process and object; in-depth analysis of vibration processes

Dispatcher alert level


Designed for the automated generation of a complete set of calls, reports, information to provide information about the production process. The formation of dispatch information is carried out with any discreteness, all signals are updated throughout the designated discreteness. Butts: mode sheet; information about the work of the plant; extras in the parks; exchanging surpluses for cheese, processed drinks, and goods; adherence to the plan; be any specialized sounds of sufficient shape.

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The development of the taxi dispatch service IS can be found in the application of the taxi dispatch service directory. The catalog shows cars, vehicles, clients, dates of purchase, date of purchase, type of purchase, address of purchase.

1. Subject area

The area under review is the activity of taxi service dispatchers, who are responsible for:

Maintain a list of clients whose card number, nickname and name, home address and mobile phone number are entered.

A list of cars for which you must enter the car number, make of the car, license plate number of the car, driver of the car.

List of orders, before entering the order code, date of the order, car number, card number, amount of the order, country of the order.

List of drivers who have the driver's nickname, name, and length of service.

2. Statement of the problem

The development of models for the process is based on the creation of the “Taxi Dispatch Service” database.

Modeling of system elements.

Diagrams IDEF0

DFD diagrams

3. Conceptual benefits

For the design of the data base, the universal design method ER-method (the “substance-links” method) was chosen. With this method, it is necessary, first of all, to create an ER-model that can visualize the connections between the entities of a given subject area. Further, coming from ER-diagrams, there will be a database.

Essentials - conceptual assets that must be acquired before developing the database: catalogs of clients, contracts, cars, drivers.


To create a data base, it is necessary to reveal the essence of conceptual features and normalize them. Normalizing a table involves changing the table structure one by one until you are satisfied with the benefits of the remaining form of normalization.

I normal form

The table is in the first normal form only if the fields do not contain more than one value or key. the field is not empty.

We reveal the essence of conceptual benefits:

Cars (Car number, Car brand, Holding Car number, Driver).

Client (Card number, Name, Home Address, Phone number).

Contract (Promissory Code, Contract Date, Contract Hour, Car Number, Card Number, Contract Amount, Contract State).

Water (Name, Name, Work Experience).

II normal form

The table is located in another normal form, since it contains the benefits of the first normal form and all fields that are not included before the primary key are associated with the same functional location with the primary key:

Table 1 - Car

Table 2 - Agreement

Table 3 - Clients

III normal form

The table is in third normal form because it takes advantage of other normal form and its non-key fields do not lie functionally above any other non-key field:

Malyunok 3 - Car table

Malyunok 4 - Table of Words

Malyunok 5 - Clients table

Malyunok 6 - Table of Waters

4. Block diagram

Using the third normal form, we create a structural diagram of the “Taxi dispatch service” database.

gate block diagram basis data.

Go to data schemas: Robot tab with databases.

On the toolbar, click the “Data Scheme” button.

Malyunok 7

Vikno with overflow table

Double click on the table name to add the table to the fields

Malyunok 8

Insert links between tables

Malyunok 9

5. Order of Vikonannya Roboti

For starters, let’s create the database by clicking “File - Create - Nova base tributes." Set the base name, saving location, click Create.

Malyunok 10

Now we set the structure of the table.

On the tab, select the “Design” mode.

Malyunok 11

We save the table under the selected names.

Malyunok 12

We create a table in the designer window.

Malyunok 13

6. Create a table in design mode

Click “Create a table as a designer.”

Enter field names.

Select data type.

Place the first key by clicking on the “Key” button on the toolbar, first placing the cursor on the field of the required name (the key field may be located in the first place in the list of fields).

Set the table name when closing the table after entering all necessary fields and their types.

The table was created in a similar way:



Create a link between the tables.

Click on the “Data Scheme” icon on the toolbar to open the data scheme.

From the additional window “Add tables”, see the required table names and click on the “Add” button.

Combine the key fields of the table: click on the mouse to see in one of the tables the field that is connected to the same field of another table, and, having pressed the mouse, drag this field onto the field that is connected. Let go of the mouse, which will open the “Change Links” window from the designated fields to be connected, the corresponding table and the type of link of these fields: “one-to-one”, “one-to-many”:

If the link type is one to one, put the proportion in the data integrity field and click the OK button.

When the type of connection is “one-to-many”.

Ensuring the integrity of data.

Cascade renewal of knitted fields.

A cascade of knitted fields.

Press the OK button.

As a result, we create a diagram of connections between the tables of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

7. Creation of forms

Let's go to the Creation tab. Embossed on the “Form” button on the icon panel. A form of waste is created. We save the form under the name “Input Form”. Let's save. Press the right mouse button behind the name of the form and select “Form Mode”. Otherwise, from the “Creation” tab, select “Master of Forms”:

8. Creation of drinks

database given taxi constructor

Query types:

The simplest will be washed down - the creation will be washed down from the singing fields.

Cross-Query - Creates a query that displays data in a compact format, similar to a spreadsheet format.

Records that are repeated - I will search for repeated records in a simple table or records.

Untitled records - search for records that correspond to each record in the ordered table.

I'm sorry, I asked

On the Creation tab of the Request group, click Request Master.

Malyunok 14

In the New Query dialog box, select Simple Query and click OK.

Malyunok 15

Malyunok 16

In the Tables group, select a table to contain the required data. Return respect to those who, as a result of these data, can be vikorized by another question. After selecting a table, the fields are displayed in the Available Fields area.

9. Perekhresnywashed down

On the Creation tab in the Other group, click Query Constructor.

Malyunok 17

In the dialog window Add a table for two, click on each table or enter the entry that you need to select as the record directory.

Scroll down the fields you want to select to the "Selected fields" list, and then click the "Next" button. Now you need to set the grouping criterion that will be set for the division of your rows on the stack

Scroll down the fields you want to select to the "Selected fields" list, and then click the "Next" button. Now you need to set the grouping criterion that will be used for the division of your rows in the column. At this moment you can vibrate the field.

Select the field for grouping items and click the “Next” button. At the end of the day, you will need to select the payment amount if you want to pay for the removal of pouches. Select the field for calculation, and then select the function for updating the data.

10. Creation of the stars

To create a sound, you need to go to the “Creation” tab and select “Sound”

You can call for help:

Designer of sounds.

Maistri zvіtiv.

I will do it manually.

Our database of sounds is created by the Master of Sounds. You need to press "Master of Lights". The window will open.

Malyunok 18

To transfer the available fields one at a time, you need to press the “>” button.

To transfer all fields, you must immediately press the “>>” button

Malyunok 19

In the near future, it is possible to divide the level groups.

At the next step, you can select the type of photo layout, as well as choose the orientation: portrait or landscape.

You can attach stickers before the announcement. You can also create an empty signal.

Finally, the creation of the database is due to the creation of a hidden light, which includes all fields.


Exploration of the model and process of the taxi dispatch service is divided into the application of the folded catalog of the taxi dispatch service

The taxi dispatch service catalog shows vehicles of current drivers, clients, dates of registration, type of registration, type of registration, addresses of registration.


1. Gvozdeva V.A., Lavrentieva I.Yu., fundamentals of automated information systems - Moscow, VD Forum - INFRA - M, 2007. - 320 p.

2. Fufaev D.E., Fufaev D.E. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Academic Center Academy, 2010. - 304 p.

3. Gagarina L.G., Kiselov D.V., E.L. Fedotova. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, VD Forum - INFRA - M, 2009. -384 p.

4. Dimov Yu.V. Metrology, Standardization and Certification – Peter, 2005

5. Pirogov V.Yu. Information systems and databases: organization and design: head. Pos_bnik - SPB.BVH-Petersburg, 2009. -528p.

6. Kharitonova I.A., Mikhieva V.D. MicrosoftAccess 2000 – St. Petersburg. : BVH-Petersburg, 1999. - 1088 p.

7. Maksimov N.V. ta in. Current information technologies. Pidruchnik-M: "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2011.

Posted on

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The I-DS supervisory control system is the basis for the creation of an integrated production management system that integrates data from technological processes, energy resources, energy, and material balances. I-DS is an advanced solution, developed in line with current trends in the development of industrial process control systems.

Current information technologies make it possible to organize interaction between the production and dispatch services of enterprises on a new level. Automation of dispatch control allows you to create operational system notification of specialized services of enterprises, monitoring of dispatcher orders, forming verification of information about the production plant and company for all territorially distributed production facilities.

The IndaSoft company systematically develops and thoroughly develops solutions to automate the processes of manufacturing activity management, focusing as much as possible on the specifics of manufacturing enterprises. Specialized software product I-DS (I-Dispatch System), developed by the company's specialists, and complex solutions for the automation of all warehouse processes, supervisory control and management, including:

  • technological monitoring;
  • formation of dispatch information;
  • manual entry and management of data;
  • keruvannaya podiami;
  • virobnichy appearance.

In late 2016, the software products LIMS I-LDS and the Dispatch Management System I-DS, developed by the IndaSoft company, were included in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computing machines and databases.

The registry was created up to status 12.1 Federal law“About information, information technologies and information security” through the expansion of Russian programs for electronic computing machines and databases, confirming their approach to the Russian Federation , as well as the method of providing law enforcement officials with programs for electronic computing machines or databases of government support. Registry contains information about everything security software, which is officially known to be from the Russian Federation.

Technological monitoring

The main task of automating technological monitoring processes is to provide all enterprise services with operational information of the production plant. For maximum efficiency, I-DS automates the processes of collecting, processing, saving data, providing streaming, historical and aggregated information about technological processes. The interface of the user is adjusted according to the needs of the skin doctor and allows access to both standard forms of display of information and dynamically generated tables, trends, and mnemonic diagrams and diagrams

The I-DS warehouse includes a set of templates for the mnemographic presentation of virtual information developed by IndaSoft representatives:

  • product enterprise schemes;
  • analysis of the plan for the production of objects;
  • reserves, surplus, unfinished production;
  • the acidity of milk, finished products and finished products;
  • energy resource distribution schemes;
  • Efficiency of available energy resources, possessing power and so on.

Dispatcher level

One of the most important processes in controlled production is the formation of genetic material. The answer is the most broadened and formalized features that are used by the representatives of the enterprise for the analysis of the production process. Nowadays, communication is a universal way of exchanging information between workshops, manufacturing plants and production services.

The I-DS security software completely automates the processes of forming production components at the skin level of production management: sectional, workshop and off-site. In this case, the I-DS warehouse already includes ready-made templates for the most extensive information: “Worksheet”, “Work log of the change operator”, “Additional information for the workshop”, “Material balance of the installation”, etc.

Manual introduction and keruvannya danimi

Manual entry of data, adjustment and confirmation of technological process parameters, authorization of state-produced indicators by operators and dispatchers of various levels and basic processes in enterprise dispatch. Software product I-DS contains all the necessary tools for organizing automated workplaces of operators and dispatchers at any level of business, intended for manual entry, correction and confirmation of data.

In the I-DS warehouse, to formalize algorithms for entering and processing data, special visual tools for configuring work processes (so-called workflow or flowcharts) are used. These features allow you to explicitly describe (vibulate) and regulate the processes of automated collection, manual entry, correction, confirmation and publication of cloud data, which are controlled by a large number of operators of technological objects, the dispatcher ів virtual services. A description of standard procedures allows you to quickly carry out designated processes, adapting the system to changes in technology and organization of production.

Field management

The processes of controlling production have a similar character in many ways. Dispatchers and operators of various levels register the following stages: start/start of operation, change of mode, beginning/finishing of the operation of moving materials, stages, emergency situations, transfer of power supply iv, test the mixture or reagents. I-DS now automates the basic functions of detecting, classifying, and responding to them, including generic instructions. In this case, I-DS will provide:

  • automatic identification of steps (transitions between parameters, speed of changing parameters) for previously described algorithms (for example, between parameters that are dynamically redeveloped, etc.).
  • automated formation of dispatch commands from the higher level of management of the lower level and control of their responsibilities;
  • registration of current, routine and emergency situations by the company's front-line workers and the need to notify senior and high-income employees until the regulations and instructions are approved;
  • saving all classes and types of business in a single database;
  • kvituvannya, acknowledgment and maintenance of genealogy.

Notification tools (SMS, e-mail, sound alarms), visualizations on mimic diagrams, analytics with the history of the process allow the managers of the enterprise to be aware that they can not miss the water and can quickly praise decisions about how to react to one or another situation.

Monitoring compliance with technical regulations

Regulations allow growers to guarantee brightness commercial products when obezhenya sobivartosti. On skin contact, it is necessary to posadov's obligations The following were developed: standards for indicators of raw milk, finished products, commercial products, standards for technological regimes, standards for the consumption of raw materials and reagents, standards for the consumption of energy resources. Continuous and large-scale control of all regulations, norms and regimes can only be carried out in an automated way.

Automation of monitoring of process indicators and regulatory standards allows a wide range of industry workers to maintain compliance with technological, environmental standards, regulatory levels of product quality, and vitrat energy standards. resources, materials and reagents. I-DS also allows you to create individual process standards to create patterns of repeating technological processes, after which the system will create group or personal alarms. The accumulated history allows you to quickly analyze the behavior of control processes without wasting hours looking for problems in trends and logs.

Alarms that are generated about the modification of control parameters such as set values ​​and tempo values ​​are distributed through all possible notification channels. To monitor and analyze these alarms, various tools have been developed: lists with the ability to add filters to parameters and set time intervals, an alarm tree, and analytical reports.

Dispatch logs and records

The effectiveness of the dispatch system for large territorially distributed objects depends on the organization of interaction between dispatchers at different levels and operators of technological objects. Automation of dispatch logs and task management reduces time spent on communication between different levels of management and reduces the risk of human factor in the transfer of commands.

Dispatch records and log entries are one of the types of workflows that are processed by powerful algorithms and configured workflows that allow you to individually describe registration processes assigned to task status, grouped in a task tree, bath (journaling). Standard robotic tools allow you to replace the time spent on dispatch services by maintaining logs.

Dealing with routine and emergency situations

Prompt response to abnormal and emergency situations that result from the virus is one of the key tasks of dispatch services. Timely detection of unusual approaches and clear adherence to regulations and instructions is the primary factor in operational localization and prevention further development ordinary and emergency situations that are unsafe for personnel and technological equipment.

Automation of robotic processes in routine and emergency situations:

  • will ensure registration of routine situations;
  • will simplify the classification, assessment and identification of categories of importance;
  • allows you to support the adoption of dispatch decisions in case of routine and emergency situations;
  • will ensure notification of authorized specialists of the enterprise according to the approved regulations;
  • will simplify control over the development of routine and emergency situations;
  • Here we save an archive for “sampling” with the possibility of storing any necessary documentation in *.pdf, *.doc, *.jpg and other formats.

Rozrakhunok mas per GOST

The reliability and legitimacy of cloud data and material and energy flows when dividing the information collection system from various devices indicates the strength of the data collection system. Any enterprise needs to ensure the integrity of the first extinctions, as well as minimizing the influx of the “human factor” into the development of mass reserves, the production of raw materials and energy resources, and the production of manufactured products. and commercial products for skin technology and the production of tanning products. The main approach is to select the first data from the KVP level and centralize the distribution of masses in a single server of the dispatch system - which will ensure the uniformity of data and the possibility of changing the calculation algorithms progress of new regulatory documents.

The representatives of "IndaSoft" have developed and certified the server module for the development of I-DS/CM in the warehouse of a global solution, for the purpose of prompting the implementation of calculation algorithms for GOST, MI and local methods for specific enterprises. In this way, the function of finding a method of decomposition (and moisture decomposition) of the necessary mass and energy values ​​of various external parameters (for example, pressure, pressure difference, product temperature, laboratory thickness, etc.) is realized according to:

  • identification of methods and types of input parameters, in addition to which it is possible to expand the output parameter to be selected for a specific product;
  • a certain number of vimirs, in which there is a development and automatic transformation of the values ​​of the middle of the growths, unique for breeding;
  • checking the layouts and correctness of entering output values;
  • support for mental disorders;
  • checking between acceptable values.

The mass expansion system allows you to connect additional modules with expansion methods, separated by the processes of the enterprise.

The appearance of the materials revolution

To effectively manage material flows and inventories of an enterprise, it is necessary to rapidly develop the flow of raw materials, manufactured drinks and finished products throughout the entire production process - which allows for safe chiti:

  • the dynamic appearance of the search for cheese;
  • the dynamic nature of the direct and flow of transfer of raw materials, drinks and industrial products;
  • dynamic appearance of many syrups, drinks and products in containers;
  • prompt identification of the contamination of products in production plants and surpluses in containers;
  • development of materials transfer operations.

It is essential to the level of automation of tank farms, warehouses, etc. Information about the ongoing operation of the product management (hour of start and completion of the operation, object - dzherelo, object-receiver, mass) can be entered automatically or manually. If there is a sufficient level of automation, information about Rukh operations can be generated automatically.

To automate the operation of a special solution, I-DS/MS provides the operator with a set of dialog boxes for entering the values ​​of parameters that characterize the reservoir tanks, and recording the operations of moving materials in tanks, warehouses, . The vicorist program has a number of algorithms to ensure the optimization of the material transfer operation at the rate of production. The solution has implemented a comprehensive alarm system for operators and business dispatchers.

Robotic equipment monitoring

The task of dispatch control also includes the task of automation of control processes, which is the main and auxiliary equipment that directly influences the production program. Automation of the process of monitoring the work of ownership makes it possible to implement advanced control over the state of objects:

  • publications of indicators will be established for operational control of units/groups of installation (under the heading);
  • vikoristannaya as output data of alarms, respect, instructions, plan/facts of repairs;
  • shaping the skin's signs according to an algorithm;
  • implementation of the possibility of changing the warehouse of indicators (in terms of changing the algorithms of their design).

The values ​​of the indicators of robots and installations are determined according to the structure of the indicator of the technical state - operational readiness. We also implement automation of downtime, which will ensure:

  • diagnosing the cause of elementary downtime associated with increased productivity and associated decreases in productivity;
  • visualization and signaling of elementary downtime on mimic diagrams;
  • registration of downtime with the participation of technological personnel, in order to describe the complex downtime;
  • introduction of the primary causes of guilt;
  • transfer of registered downtime facts for analysis to an ERP system or an EAM class system.

Development of key indicators of the effectiveness of production

The information content and adequacy of information needed in the development of a system for assessing financial and financial indicators directly influence the decisions of management decisions. To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the production activities of the enterprise (technological installations, production) and organizational units involved in the production of various production units, key performance indicators (KPIs) are actively analyzed ).

One of the tasks of an automated production control system is the generation of operational and reliable data for information-based indicators of the efficiency of production from the level of the surrounding technological facility to the production level revenge zagalom.

I-DS software will ensure automation of the data collection process for KPI development, automation of KPI development processes and organization of a single information space with the possibility of online submission of KPIs from the view of business graphics and analysis of factors flowing into indicators.