Sell ​​supplements for Yandex Direct. How to choose the right drink for drying? What is the list of prompts for passing?

Correctly forming a list of sound queries is one of the most important points for running a site. The damages at this stage will lead to the fact that potential loan agents or providers of the site simply will not find it, having turned to the search system. The skin resource pokes its head behind the song words, which form a list of queries, or otherwise, the semantic core of the site. All words that a reader can enter into the search engine field on this topic must be included in this list.

Vzagali, select key queries This first stage of launching the site and up to the final stage must be set as accurately as possible. Vzagali seo ta poshukova prosuvannya tse kopіtka pratsya. This doesn’t happen, so that you give the singer a sum of pennies to send, then remove the top for a specific request. To apply to the Top, you need to select a whole series of layers, and each layer needs to be approached with maximum consistency and diligence.

Folding semantic core- This is the most basic stage that goes into internal website optimization. It is made up of several pieces, which do not represent anything complex, and the fragments in the process take the part of other servants.

To begin with, it is necessary to assess the popularity of words that you need to drink. The skin search system produces its statistics based on the number of most frequent drinks of clients. To review the demand for all the words you need to select, or to select the most suitable ones, take a look at the following services: Yandex -, Google - and others. These servants will show the hidden number of people who introduced those other words into a row in search. In fact, there are potential buyers and substitutes for the site. In addition to these data, services provide data by region and data that characterize “seasonal” queries: by season, month, saint.

If there are doubts and the words themselves are not enough, sound cues can help. Many traders want to use hints, since they clearly display all possible combinations of words. For those who are professionally engaged in browsing sites, sound hints are a useful tool that allows you to assess interest in various topics or select new words for the semantic core.

The selection of key words is a bad video, I recommend watching it again.

When visiting a site, it is customary to divide all data into high frequencies (HF), mid frequencies (MF) and low frequencies (LF). With the drive for passing LF power - I recommend it. There is no clear gradation between high-frequency and low-frequency signals, as far as the concept of competition is concerned. You can understand what kind of request you bring to this or that other group on the following applications: “noviny”, “budivnytstvo”, “vikna” - high-frequency, “documentation”, “tours for children”, “budinki projects” - mid-frequency, and “Japanese” and parasols ", "Vibir apartments", "visi" - low frequencies.
To better understand the topic of assessing the competitiveness of key queries, I recommend watching the video below.

The competitiveness lies in the supply chain, the quantity and quality of resources in the search industry and is directly related to the commercial warehouse. For the sake of comparison: “tours to Turechchini” is a commercial drink with a great drink, and “aspen mood” is a non-commercial drink, but the size of their drink is approximately the same.

In most cases, in order to promote the site, the vikoryst is based on the totality of all types of queries, and in proportions approved by the SEO specialist. The proportions, in turn, should be based on the meaning that is set when visiting this site: an increase in the number of transactions or purchases, an increase in the memory of the resource, etc.

By selecting key phrases from all types of queries, considering their competitiveness and determining the proportions of all groups of queries, you can print the folded form. Adequately compiling a list of parts for a given topic and marking the terms is a guarantee of successful promotion and promotion of the site, so a small word or phrase may be of key importance for the results of the advertising campaign, and therefore for the commercial success of the project.

Once the semantic core has been formed, it’s time to re-watch the upcoming video lesson.

The selection of sound queries is the first and one of the most important stages that must be taken into account at the stage of creating the site itself: this list of requirements will be taken into account when writing information and material on the site. Why do you understand this from a series of upcoming articles about drying, but for now take this for granted. Moreover, the creation of this list is a warehouse stage such as the creation of a semantic core for the site, the creation of which I recognize in the current statistics.

Start with what? And to get started, you need to put yourself in a position of success, which is related to your website (blog, online store, information resource, etc.). Every professional, as a rule, turns to the Internet as a way to describe his problem. Why should you introduce your own nutrition and formulating problems into the sound system? In this case, the instructions can be quite specific: “how to choose a projector”, “how to reinsert windows”, “buy a video card in Novosibirsk”, etc. (that is, it is completely clear what kind of information the koristuvach wants to get rid of), so it is ignorant and unreasonable neither for a robot nor for a person: “computer” (what do you want? Find out what? What are the types? Where to buy ?Look around? ), “plastic windows” (it’s also unclear what the people themselves want). At the same time, the supply chain may be different, and we need to understand what problems we can help you with and what kind of nutrition will be given? You need to earn some money, apparently...

Types of sound drinks

Significant problems

Koristuvach explains his problem and directly formulates it in the search query: “why a flash card doesn’t work”, “how to build a radio-coated helicopter”, etc. - ask for a hidden plan, but not sound specific. If you need to select possible food options, and if there are food options on your site, then include them in the target list.

Note: there is no need to include everything after the topic in the list. Include only those that work on your site or there will be (planned) sufficient power supply. As you yourself understand that the user, of course, does not know the main problem behind the selected command on your site, then you do not need to enable it! It doesn't matter until now this species and then up to all queries that you select for your site.

Select a product or service to resolve the problem

Let’s say that the expert, having posed any problem regarding the nature of the choice of goods or services, first of all said: “how to wake up a powerful home.” After reading about it. Now you can move on to the next step: choosing specific types of materials: “types of purpose”, “how to choose a cover”, “how to choose a used car”, etc.

This type of query is suitable for you if you have any survey materials / statistics, updates, news on the topic of nutrition.

Listening, talking, testing

The customer has chosen any type or number of types of goods/services or specific models. Now you want to check whether your choice is correct or select from the selected list shorter option. For whom are the jokes, thoughts, different views evaluation, testing, discussion. Of course, not all merchants and not all goods/services are looking for instructions and reading the discussions, but still the mass of them is large and it is not possible to ignore this category of consumer needs.

This type of request should be included in the list in the manner in which you carry out such inspections yourself, select inputs and carry out discussions, or if you would like to describe these models/types of services and contact us Where can you get more information/discussions about this product? /services.

Search for a specific model

The selection of goods can be complicated by a set of types of goods you need with different sets of displays and prices. Phrases in kshtalt are included here: “exact services for the creation of the site,” “ cost-free hosting etc. Next, the customer has chosen the type of product or service, read the guide and now wants to read more information about a specific model. etc.

We ask you to include before your list, if you either sell or provide specific types of services and, if possible, describe them, or if you want to look around specific models goods and services.

Search for a commercial proposition

The last step is to look for a specific store or organization that can sell your product or service. Here you can find natural nutrition on the basis: “model haircut in Novosibirsk”, “Canon 1D buy”, etc. You should go if you have a website for a store, a bakery, a service station or something similar, then asking this is your option. However, it is not possible to include them in the list.

Os, vlasne, and all types of sound drinks. If so, lie: Passing for non-purpose drinks will not bring any bark! This is an axiom at the moment. Even 4 years ago it was not so, but at this hour: turn, sound systems There is already enough apology to determine what is on your site in response to the correspondent's request. I’ll write more about algorithms for robotic sound systems.

Sell ​​after asking

After creating a list, you need to filter a few and enter a few entries. Zokrema, you need to evaluate the quality of the queries that you sell, then. It’s important to get the very best distributors you need to your site. If you hire services for creating websites, you don’t need any guides, as the assistants for creating websites ask, but ask on the script: “how to create a website.” You will be tapped by those who write in the search engine on kshtalt: “created sites inexpensively” or “exactly created sites Novosibirsk”. These very key words will bring to you the target distributors who are more willing to buy from you, negotiate or bring other benefits. The situation is similar for blogs on various topics: you will need those who want not to buy a product from this one, and those who want to read about it, learn to work on their own, and so on. From this list, filter the list of queries that are most important.

Another important aspect of choosing what to sell is choosing the ones with the highest frequencies. Fahivtsi never take a drink just like that, “from the head.” To assess the current level of effectiveness, manually use different statistics services such as Yandex.Wordstat: A very handy statistics tool for our department. The butt of the Yogo Robot is pointed at the little one below.

By the way, you can see how many correspondents have typed in your questions in a month, after which you can select the formulas that are introduced most often, and you can also see that you wouldn’t even dream of it. Let us therefore add some color to your shopping list. I wrote a report on the capabilities of the Yandex statistics service under the title “How to improve the semantic core of the site.”

Well, dear readers, you have now realized that putting together a list of sound bites is not an easy task, which requires some respect for the details. It’s a good idea to get to this point, because it’s the basis of all your further work, which often has more to do than decide.

With respect, A.S.

Tell me, dear readers, what word do you want? sell and ask? Well, melodiously, this word has so much sense that it’s just wow.

And, in essence, asking what to sell is one of the foundations of the future site. And if, with the creation of the site, you pay attention to the selection of items that will be sold, then in the future you will only make a lot of money, but there will be no profit.

Zagalom tse so, only peredmova. And today I don’t want to marry anyone. I just want to show my logic how to ask what to sell. Wait a minute, it’s not so easy to earn money. I still want to spend every day on the Internet, but once I started writing this post, I suffered for a little while until I figured out the logical order of all the things I need to do.

Before the speech, the idea of ​​this planting disappeared after I was simply encouraged to terrorize the actions of the readers after they read the article about paid archives - How to make money on paid archives. Mega manual for future advertisers. Development of the site under paid archives. So, do you understand, why is it so strong? In fact, it’s not a good idea to create a site under paid archives if you don’t know how to ruin it. More precisely, you don’t know how to convert.

Or, for example, if you are planning to create a website for Mixmarket, or for any other affiliate program (for you), then the same thing, respect, most importantly, ask what to sell.

The importance of identifying what to sell is primary. The creation and penetration of the site is suddenly. Can you re-read it?

First, what you need to know if you want to make sweet drinks that will be sold throughout the year - these types of drinks.

There are three types:

1. Navigation. Meta koristuvacha - know what site

2. Information. Meta koristuvacha – know the necessary information

3. Transactional. Like the word "transaction". Here the word itself bears respect, so that behind such questions the koristuvachs should be afraid of whatever they do

Let's take a look at what we have learned from Russia in a logical way. And to yourself: We need transactional records – all the time.

Applications of transactional queries:

- buy a little booth from the Moscow region
- Wash your T-shirt
- car repair
- download Skype
— prepay Murzilka magazine

So I logically think so. If I am creating a website for an affiliate program, and I plan to generate traffic in the near future, then I need a list of requests for which clients want to earn money. Since I’m building a site for paid archives, then, obviously, we need to pay attention first keywords with the word "to entice". It is understood that if you buy traffic through the same Google Adwords, then such words should not be missed by the moderators. This, however, is not about Tsemov, but for AdWords traffic, better read the article. I explained everything there with my popular words.

Friend- Menu required commercial questions.

Third– I need to carefully consider the topic in which I plan to delve into, see what kind of competition there is, and how it is possible to push back the market leaders that are in business. The best way is to identify the keywords that your competitors are advertising for in AdWords. Well, the stars are planning to increase traffic. In order to look at your competitors' keywords in AdWords, you can rank SemRush (div.) If you plan to drive traffic from VKontakte, then you can rank AdsDock (div. Are you involved in arbitrage on VKontakte? Use AdsDock to simplify the process. com) To be surprised how advertised competitors - Tse consistently correct result.

Fourth – logic

No matter what you say, the logic behind the right selection of queries to sell is great and even convincing. I used to focus on logic, and didn’t particularly think about all these psychological problems. Tot is like a ram: shukav more or less of the following question and the hand of yogo. At the dawn of its navchannya seo I just bought posts with the anchor “site analyzer” for one of my old blogs. Buy them on the side with a description of each service. And all the money, I remember, the key is on this line. Well, then, behind the help of his head, that hamman is also aware that there is practically no sense in such a leak.

If I choose to drink today, I don’t dig through a fanatical, logical storehouse of drinks. Well, I’m doing a surface analysis, and I’m going to see what might come out of it.

butt. Let’s take the most popular phrase – “ plastic windows" Pull it through immediately, immediately, and it won’t be entirely correct. You need to think about how the buyer thinks if you want to buy plastic windows. Here I would say that a good drink that sells would be “ plastic window" Why? Because people here have already been on websites for a long time, and now they want all sorts of shitty companies that sell shitty windows. They require good characteristics.

It is necessary to teach psychology to this type of people. And it’s perfect here. Here you can’t say what the transactional entry is, because the words in the word are not visible. If you try to understand how people think, you will see that they have learned everything about plastic windows: they have read what they are, they have found out the price, modifications. This type of buyer reads information about the windows on one site, reads prices on another, and buys the windows themselves on a third.

Honestly, I’ll sum it all up to the fact that it’s best to use the low-frequency drivers themselves. The stench itself can give away the maximum return. The axis for this reason is written “ Krauss plastic window"If you're more of a seller, you'll ask for more" plastic windows».


In particular, in my practice, I don’t go into the deep end when it comes to what to sell. The most commonly used three methods are:

    I follow the link of transitions to the site, and then proceed to the affiliate program. For whom in affiliate programs (where it is possible) I wonder about the IP from which buyers come to the site, and then for help (which is possible and I know approximately where to dig) I find out the IP, and I wonder about what queries buyers came for

    It often happens that you have to fight directly with buyers. I just feel bad for them because they found out my site.

Today for dessert: Filigree precision of football players

This is also called the semantic core

These are the reasons why you need to start optimizing your site. A correctly constructed semantic core will allow you to save a lot of pennies and speed up the development of the site, but incorrectly it can ruin the site and not lead to visible success.

What is the semantic core?

This is a list of jokes, for which we check our website. Ideally, we are obliged to take first place in all of them, but in practice this never happens, and the leader of the top is sometimes overwhelmed by other resources.

How to fold the semantic core

For this reason, in RuNet, in the Internet, the statistics of search queries for Yandex (Wordstat) are searched, while Google still does not have any (and AdWords statistics are not the same). But it’s not so scary, because it’s a lie, it’s a great lie, and Yandex statistics, which, of course, are a lie as you write. The manuals are designed to form a semantic core within the sea, and we will simply briefly name the method. For simplicity, let’s take a website that sells brooms.

First of all, we need to know what to sell. You can, of course, ask your competitors for which queries will result in the highest conversion, otherwise you are afraid they will send you to a symbolic directing site.

That's why we don't want this twist, but there's an option to get some treatment open statistics competitors, whichever dossier is available. You can simply read the meta tags from successful competitors, so you understand that in the headers they will write the keys that are converted, so you can easily convert them into the keyword.

Ala, Shurik, this is not our method! I am practically spherical in vacuum. Without looking at competitors. It often happens that they stink of idiocy and push sites through an incorrectly selected semantic core.

To begin with, we will introduce our basic word “vinik”. And there are a number of options available, which will leave many people wondering for a month. Now we’ve got a wet brain, and we can see from them what our potential buyer has done for everything. It’s unlikely that our customers will add the following jokes: “the age” “the age without SMS” “the age of video” “the girls will whip themselves in the palm of the broom”

Well, we are already deprived of everything from +buy, +price +Moscow (or +Uryupinsk, as we trade in Uryupinsk) We deal with them.

Types of sound prompts

This deserves a lot of credit, let’s just say briefly - ask the noise share with:

  1. HF – high frequency

  2. MF – mid-frequency

  3. LF – low frequencies

Frequency is a number in Wordstat.

The mental section is one of the topics of HF, perhaps with a frequency of 1000, and the other - 1000000.

For advance, I can bring the SCO-in the main one-the one-sided, the counterattack, and the worships are trookh il (call up to P'yati) ІС a termin-super їh, we’ll get to the dushness of tiezen, stink, ring out from five and more words.

The bastard does not have stop words, zazvichay - receivers, so that “to buy a broom” is a double-word, and “to buy a mop inexpensively” is a three-word.

Basic grinding for folded kernels

Select questions, what not to sell

The main problem is the selection and release of non-purpose drinks that are not to be sold.

Vlasnik site and African optimizer, as a rule, through formal logic, take into account that since the site sells brooms, then it is optimal to bring it to the top.

Without question, buyers are the same. Ale їх not rich. In this case, optimizers often switch over, and they often try to display “broom” at the top, and then an epic fail occurs - going to the site after this question - once or twice. (And not only for the stated reasons.)

At the dawn of optimization, if the search engines were still bad, the entire top for high-frequency queries, prote, was clogged with commercial sites (even more clogged with ugly monsters like “air conditioners”).

The koristuvach was very embarrassed. He’s probably looking for an article about brooms, so he can write an essay on it for school, and he’ll encourage him to buy this broom.

Therefore, search systems, stimulated by the sale of advertising based on such queries, began to search for information sites, which further complicated the task of the optimizer.

All we can say is that it is expensive to bring a high-frequency signal to the top, all sorts of scholars and dictionaries are wandering under our feet, and there are few clients from it. Therefore, it is simply unattractive, and it is not worth the effort and pennies to engage in such masochism.

Incorrect statistics wiki

If we asked from Wordstat, ours asked the broom and most importantly, that 99,999 people asked for it, this does not mean at all that the “broom” itself was heard by such a large number of people.

This figure shows how many phrases from our favorites were entered by users, and in any mode, change, hour and date. That's why the operators are looking for help. For example, operator

Turn off the drain (as you can do, buy..), and this design

Specify the word form, then the broom itself, and not the broom or the broom.

In this way, it is necessary to refine the entire semantic core in order to avoid bringing it to the top of the queries that would seem to ask a lot of people - but in fact there are very few of them, and none at all.

Vibration of sound prompts that shuffle.

Everything here is simple. The whole thing is not sweet, but even more difficult to dry. It’s no secret that the Russian language has a lot of meanings: for example, faucet and water tap in the kitchen, and the riser tap, mittya and mittya in the kitchen, and the car mittya, and the process itself with a view of the brood, whatever you like. Having applied a lot, overindulge in a dumb way. Complicate the names of literary works, films, and also brand names.

If you named your company Everest, be prepared that in the top, besides the information about grief, there will be other companies “Everest” and it will be difficult for you to get behind the name of your company. And sometimes it’s even more important. Your entire advertising campaign on TV (for a pittance) “Ararat Travel Company - the best tours!” Looks like old Noah's ark about Mount Ararat, and if you don't break about the mountain, you'll drown in the port of the same name.

What about sim robiti? - unikachi chi calm down. I know the real situations when companies on the Internet are under pressure to change their name through such “Ararat”