How to insert a watermark in a MS Word document How to remove all text from a document

Today, no child can use the text editor Word. This is the most popular program for working with text that has dozens of handy functions for creating, editing and formatting documents.

Despite its popularity, Word has a lot of potential, as most people know. Recently we were talking about those, but today we are talking about similar ones - how to get the interesting text. This may be like a watermark, or just fragments of the article that you need to know. Please note that the solution methods may vary. Alright, let's talk about everything in order.

A watermark on a document is a wonderful way to make it unique. So you can emphasize the confidentiality of information, indicate your brand, indicate a black mark or a symbol. The function is silent and simple, but it may happen that the text in the background still needs to be activated.

To get started, open the text document.

Another possible option is to use a WordArt object for the lining. This is the simplest thing. Here you just have to click on the new one and press Delete.

If you put it more complexly, then we will look at other ways of solving the problem. Ozhe, y top panel Find the “Stage Layout” tab.

We can see everything on the version of Word 2010, but the same principle is preserved and more earlier versions programs: 2007 and 2003

In the “Background” section, select “Laying”.

Click on the “Delete lining” button

This method is all about practical demonstrations in video.

The background is responsible for appearances on all sides of your document. If nothing happens, try another method, which we describe below.

Watermarks on the page

Sometimes the lining is adjusted using the headers and footers.

Word's headers and footers are the fields at the bottom of the page that add text to the edges of the document.

To adjust them, double-click on the header.

You activate the robot mode with headers and footers, which allows you to cover all the linings associated with them

Here you can edit the lining - move it, change the size or rotate it. To remove a watermark, click on the new one and click Delete.

Important! Since the document has a number of sections, you can remove the lining through the skin of them.

How to get all the text from a document

You can delete the original text in Word using an additional keyboard - the Delete or Backspace keys. Let's see what the stench is causing.

To get started, click the cursor at the desired location text document. Delete allows the characters that appear after the cursor, without pulling all the text, to move in front. Backspace just like that – erases characters to the cursor, quickly passing a text fragment

You can delete text behind one character or entire lines. To erase a fragment of a task, speed up with the left mouse button.

Use your cursor to highlight all the parts that need to be erased, then press Delete or Backspace

You can manually use the different keys or click a few mouse clicks to speed up your work. For example, you can click on a word twice to see that particular word, or three times to see an entire paragraph. The Ctrl button is pressed when you click on any part of the text document, which will help you see the entire proposition at once.

Please: to see all the text on the side, use the Ctrl + A keys. This will allow you to automatically see all the sides of the document, as there are a lot of them.

If you do not need to delete the text, but move it, you can quickly use the “Copy”, “Virtize” and “Paste” functions. They are available in the “Clipboard” section at the top of the page or in the flyout panel that appears when you see a text fragment. The same functions are activated using additional hot keys:

  • Ctrl + C – copy;
  • Ctrl + X – view;
  • Ctrl+V – paste.

If you need to complete certain operations related to editing a text file, then using the keyboard shortcuts can speed up the work.

We pad the pouches

Well, the original text in the document may appear like this:

  • WordArt object – then you just need to see it and press Delete;
  • primary lining – the section “Layout of the side” is visible;
  • lining, linked to the header and footer - can be picked up through the header and footer editor;
  • simple text can be erased using the Delete or Backspace keys.

This is how you can easily get rid of lots of text fragments. Try all the suggested options to reinforce the operating principle of these basic tools. Follow our Word guides and master the program with us!

Word lining You can select different functions of the document. Word lining You can use words, for example, such as “Secret”, so that the reader knows the level of secrecy of the document, or the lining can be made up of an image, for example, a company logo. However, if you do not require any lining, you can easily remove the lining from Word. Let's take a look at the statistics further, how to get lining from wordi.

How to get lining from Wordi

The descriptions below are in order to get the lining from Wordi however, for versions of Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013 and Word 2016.

  1. In order to remove the lining from Word , now go to the “Design” tab at the top of the window.
How to add a lining in Word - Design Tab
  1. Click on the button " Lining».

How to add a lining in Word - Word lining button
  1. At the bottom of the menu, click the item “ Remove lining", then get the lining from Wordi.

How will you press " Remove lining", the lining of the word will be removed. If this can’t happen, get rid of it in another way, how to get lining from wordi, descriptions below.

Another way to get lining from Word

You can blame the situation if there is a better method of description How to remove the lining I don’t ask. For this purpose remove the lining You need to vikorize the robot with footers.

  1. Click on two in the header area. Enter the robot mode with headers and footers.

How to add a lining in Word - Robot mode with headers and footers
  1. Shchob get the lining from Wordi, select text or images by clicking the mouse and press the Delete key on the keyboard.

How to get a lining from Word - Remove the lining from Word

Axis and all methods, how to get lining from wordi.

In current documents, created by text processor Microsoft Word, watermarks are displayed in a visually obvious way, as they are usually displayed on the page with text instead. In addition to inserting a watermark (lining) to a Word document, a variety of functions are available: copy protection, uniqueness, or validity.

Watermarks are often placed on forms, applications, instructions, and other standard documents. In some cases, the watermark serves as a stamp, or acts as the logo of the organization.

If the user consumes such a document, then he will naturally ask about how to remove watermarks in Word. You need to remove the watermarks from the Word program in order to use a “clean” document.

A document that has a printed lining may be needed for printing on paper, or for completing other necessary actions: filling out a form or carrying out editing. The lining is not required, the watermark must be removed from the sides Word document.

From your guide you will find instructions on how to get a lining from Word in many ways that work with versions of MS Word 2019, MS Word 2016, MS Word 2013, MS Word 2010, MS Word 2007.

How to remove a lining in Word - 1 method

Now we’ll figure out how to get watermarks from Word that are inserted into a document in the original way. U different versions Word menu items are listed by name, I will indicate the correct steps that are suitable for different versions of the program.

In Word 2019 text processor, type in the following:

  1. For a Word document, go to the "Design" menu.
  2. In the “Background” group, click the “Laying” button.

Word 2016 and Word 2013 go through the following steps:

  1. U open document Word go to the “Design” menu.
  2. Click the "Laying" button, located in the "Side Background" group.

In versions Word programs 2010 and Word 2007 will be needed later:

  1. Open the Word document, go to the "Side Layout" menu.
  2. Click the “Laying” button, which is located in the “Background” group.

A menu with standard templates for inserting watermarks into a document will open.

  1. Scroll scroll hidden menu down in context menu Click “Remove lining”.

After this, the watermarks will be removed from all sides of the Word document.

How to remove a watermark from a Word document - 2nd method

In some cases, as a lining, a picture (image, baby, photograph) is inserted as the background of the page. For the little picture inserted on the side of the document through the “Insert” menu, the “wrap around text” – “behind the text” option was selected. This little symbol is used as a watermark and is located behind the text of the document.

In this case, in order to remove the watermark, you need to do it differently:

  1. Click on the two at the top of the Word document page.
  2. After this, the “Header” area will open.
  3. Move the mouse cursor over the watermark image to see the lining (the lining is visible as dots between the images).
  4. Press the Delete (Del) key.

  1. The lining will be visible on the side of the Word document.
  2. Click the “Close Header and Footer Window” button.

Now the client can continue working with a document that does not have watermarks.

Is there a watermark for insertions? Word file, Since there is little text at the same time, it is necessary to create only an image, then it is not possible to remove it using these methods, because the file does not have a lining. If you would like to remove the background watermark from an image, please use vikory graphics editor For example, Paint, in which there are other common tools: a rubber pad, etc.

Visnovki statistics

When working in the text editor MS Word, documents that have a backing have to be processed before you can remove the watermark from Word. To remove the lining (watermark), you can do it in two ways, depending on how it was inserted on the sides of the document.

The watermark for MS Word is tse good ability make the document unique. This function does not only add beauty external look text file, but allows you to show its affiliation with another type of document, category or organization.

You can add a watermark to a Word document in the menu "Lining", and we have already written about how to earn money. This article tells us about the process of watermarking, and how to get a watermark. In many situations, especially when working with someone else’s documents or documents acquired from the Internet, this may be necessary.

1. Open the Word document from which you need to remove the watermark.

2. Open the tab "Design"(since you are a vikorist for more than one remaining versions Word, go to the "Side Layout" tab).

3. Press the button "Lining", roztashovana from the group "Background of the story".

4. From the menu that appears, select "Remove lining".

5. The watermark or, as it is called in the program, the lining on all sides of the document will be removed.

It’s so easy that you can pick up the watermark on the sides of the Word document. Get to know this program, taking into account all its features and functions.

Would you like to mark your document as “confidential” or add a watermark with your company logo? There are no problems text editor MS Word allows you to create two types of data. Shchopravda, yakscho nobility, de shukati.

Place the "watermark" under the "lining" in the "Design" menu.

Inserting standard watermarks in a document

Upon completion, inserting watermarks into a document is not possible from the “Insert” menu. Go to the tab " Design", and in the group" Story background find an inconspicuous tool Lining". Click on it and view the list of installed watermark options. As you know, the standard options do not display diversity (display, black, do not copy), but cover the main needs.

Click on any symbol that matches, and its text will immediately be copied to the open document.

Adjusting watermarks in MS Word

Of course, you will be tsked additional adjustment? Open the “Laying” tool again and select the item “ Lining to customize". In the window that appears, you can change:

  • standard text to your own (field "Text")
  • watermark font ("Font" field)
  • size and color (fields “size” and “color”)
  • The position of the writing on the arches is diagonal or horizontal (changer “Layout”).

Click "OK" to see the result.

It's disgusting, but the text is unnecessarily boring. Why not replace it with an image? Again, open the “lining” that is configured, and click on the “Baby” item. In the window, you can download similar images from your computer, look them up on the Internet, or download them from your computer gloomy bunch tributes

How to add a little one to a watermark? Yes, very simple!

I grab the first little one that came across the computer, and, as there are still others, there is essentially no setup here, I just press the “Ok” button. To reverse the issue, you cannot combine images and text on one watermark.

And the axis is the result. The image automatically appeared behind the size of the arch and became clearly visible, making it difficult to read the text.

Watermark from Malyunka