How to tidy up the design theme (vKontakte). Correction of problems with constant updates of the VKontakte page The VKontakte page has changed, what to do?

Those who voluntarily joined the “ranks of test takers” of the new interface (by clicking on the evil “Join before testing” button) may not receive a request to return until old version.

How to turn it on new design VKontakte in such a way?

Return to your browser's address bar:

Respect for the address row!

Yak bachite, before it was added " new". In fact, this is the other side of the koristuvach’s profile. To turn the original, and at the same time turn to the old version of VKontakte, simply “correct” the addresses: you need to erase " new.". Well, obviously, press Enter (or the confirmation key on the touch device).

Upd. No. 2 - joyful (not so joyful anymore - having lost its relevance...)

It appears that the ideal method for turning old design On VKontakte, write to those who, in the first place, have not been deprived of options, but it is still possible (this method is known as “prompt” in VK more than once). However, let’s get this straight ahead - you will have to conclude all these actions at your own risk, and the risk may be present. The method of turning back the old design of is associated with running scripts, and Netobserver does not guarantee that the body of the script contains any code created for theft of the user's login and password.

Let's look at a really effective method that is suitable for the browser Google Chrome and its “sister brothers”, on the Yandex.browser installation (browsers on the Chromium platform):

Ozhe, attack method: known on Google Playmarket

We install the first plugin in the list:

After installation, the activity of the plugin can be checked using the icon in the upper right corner of the browser:

In the deposit, click on the “Install this script” button:

Further warning from Tampermonkey about those who only run reliable scripts (then you will be warned - you do so at your own risk), and the installation script is displayed:

That's all - the script immediately begins its work. You are no longer able to log in to VKontakte (or update the page, since you are already there), and switch on your own, so that good old has returned!

Moreover, the effect will be saved both when moving between elements of the VKontakte menu and when logging in again.

This method is more powerful than the fact that there are more entries in the comments to this article (I would like to say “Dyakuyu” and for this option the best food “How to turn around the old VKontakte design”).

For other browsers there are also similar extensions to Tampermonkey:

  • For Vognelis: ;
  • for Opera:;
  • at Safari - .

Well, after installing the extension for your browser, turn to the downloaded userscript section - and continue in order 🙂.

Upd. 3 - for the most advanced ones.

Dear readers, you have 2 options: reconcile and start calling for a new design (it’s difficult, but perhaps I’ll firmly confirm it in the light of the day), or fight until the end 🙂. Having lost the way to fight - stagnation purposes for koristuvach styles. The infection is breaking down, and all the stench is still dry. Ale, as it seems, without fish and...

For enthusiasts who don’t give up and are ready to “fool”, we have prepared a recommendation

  1. Zastosuvannya of the script assigned to koristuvach via Tampermonkey;
  2. Installation of the plugin for browsers Stylish with advanced style(The most popular option) .

For those who have already learned to work with Tampermonkey (see the description in Upd.2- more in the text), an alternative script is presented (albeit a very crude one), which is similar to the old version. It’s not enough to stop it yet, perhaps, it’s not enough, but you can make changes to make changes, so that after an hour this koristuvalnik style will ask for much better. % B7% D0% B0% D0% B9% D0% BD% 20% D0% 92% D0% 9A.user.js

The script will need to be edited. Make the following rows yourself (from 7 to 10):

// @include*
// @include*
// @include http: //**
// @include https: //**

You need to delete "new." in rows 7 and 8, “.new” in rows 9 and 10.

The Stylish plugin is the most popular way to turn around the old VKontakte design

In principle, the algorithm of the Stylish robot is similar to the method of the Tampermonkey robot, with the difference that Stylish instead works with styles, rather than scripts.

Respect: Don't start Tampermonkey with Stylish! Although I want the clicking plugin to work, in principle, it’s the same thing, it’s not a fact that using more of them will produce twice as good a result (more than a fact, it won’t 🙂).

So, if you have already tested the first method and want to move on to another, deactivate the Tampermonkey plugin for now.

What is necessary to earn koristuvachev in the first place. First of all, download a plugin that is suitable for your browser. Posilannya lower:

After installing the extension, you will need to reconfigure what is activated. For Chrome, the picture will be like this: an icon with the letter “S” will appear in the upper right corner of the browser:

Judging by the speed of releases, the author is trying very hard to put everything out in the open. Danish moment not enough. Therefore, I recommend that you add this page to your bookmarks, so that in a few days (years) you can download an additional style for VKontakte, which will no longer be on your desktop.

In the meantime, let everything be the same for you, like the lucky one who has lost such a gift:

Shanovny readers, as you have alternative methods The solution to how to turn around the old VKontakte design is to not hesitate to deprive them of the comments! We also acknowledge the contributions of those who were helped by the recommendations.

I wish everyone a great mood!

Stattya How to turn the old VKontakte design - turnable new version bula changed February 4, 2020 by Netobserver

“VKontakte” decided to radically change its design for the first time in 10 years. "DP" found out what really changed and how they reacted to this social crisis.

“Psr, do you want to read about the new design” on VKontakte? “- the grey-faced man, popularly known as a kind of Harold, asks the people, who wants to say to the province of Beal.

Harold redirects everyone to the VKontakte Operations Director Andriya Rogozov. And that one, from his friend, provides details about the changes, having recognized the service. Before the speech, a blog in which spivrobitniks will share new products - one of the innovations. More precisely, the service already had a blog, but at some point in the future it was going to be suspended. Now the blog has turned.

The redesign can safely be called historical. Even in the social sphere, nothing seriously changed for the remaining 10 years. So, some functions were removed, others were added. In these processes, before the speech, the famous “Durov, turn the wall” was born. Ale design has been left unchanged for the entire hour. Before the speech, announce the innovation itself on the 1st quarter, please note the important move. If something is wrong, we can say from the start that it’s hot.

To describe the changes in a nutshell, the social network has become a little more similar to Facebook and its mobile version. Actors, however, have already found similarities with Odnoklassniki and Twitter, and also warned that the VKontakte team will google the new design.

The axis, for example, a tick that confirms the validity of the account, is similar to a similar tool in Inatagram. Before the speech, the design of the checkmark fell to the heart of a large number of members of the VKontakte press service, which they announced on their page.

Mobile unit

The changes have clicked and the main symbol of the social network is the logo of the blue letter “B” in a white square. they changed it Latin letters VK. In addition, there is only one more time until you can join the mobile version. Accessories for Android and IOS new logo I've known VK for a long time.

“The main principle of the new design of VKontakte is that on all devices it looks similar and is recognizable. It’s easy for Koristuvach’s website to find the required section in mobile app“And just like that,” explains Operations Director Andriy Rogoziv.

The “Confession” section has undergone strong changes. Now the evil one can complete all his dialogues, and the right-handed one can actively scroll through a specific spivrozmovnik. As in the mobile version, the items that are in the middle are indicated by green circles. However, such unity is obviously not everyone’s cup of tea.

The “News” section now has a colorful remix with an icon, so you can now select the “show more news” function. Well, if you are logged in to Facebook, this function can be activated at your own discretion. It’s bad that when it’s activated, new items are displayed in the page that have little to do with the issues.

annoyingly Facebook

When people in the world first started using VKontakte in 2006, they were often jealous of Facebook and criticized for literally copying the design of the social network. Since then, Facebook has changed its interface more than once, and at that time VKontakte has lost its immutability. As a result, the similarities became less obvious.